From River Watch to River Manage Public engagement in Integrated River Basin Management in the Eastern Baltic Project Meeting - Public Advisory River Team Nemunas , , 27-28 October 2017, Venue: Art-Village VITLAND 27 October, 2017 08:30-09:30 Arrival of Belarusian participants, transfer from airport to Kaliningrad (Eco-Center) Meeting of participants (Russia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany). Excursion to landscape 09:00-09:30 park of Eco-Center 09:30-11:00 Transfer to Vitland (bus) Start of the meeting and introduction of participants 11:00-11:30 Mikhail Durkin, Coalition Clean Baltic (Sweden)  Presentation of national cases with public participation in water management in /Nemunas and Luga catchments;  Youth engagement in River Watch monitoring;  Establishment of PARTs (Public Advisory River Teams) – involvement other NGOs and sectors, its challenges and opportunities. Luga river basin 11:30-12:00 Anna Kazina, Olga Senova, Friends of the Baltic (Russia) Updates on joint data management system for public water monitoring 12:00-12:30 Maria Suma, Eugeniy Lobanov, Center for Environmental Solutions (Belarus) Baltic Starts here – experience from River Camp in Baranovichi 12:30-13:00 Eugeniy Kalach, Nerush (Belarus) 13:00-14:30 Lunch, check-in Public water monitoring in Lithuania 14:30-15:00 Edmundas Greimas, Lithuanian Fund for Nature (Lithuania) Threats of flooding in the Neman River delta (within the ) / Barents- 15:00-15:30 Baltic Nature & People Programme Roman Voropaev, Boris Chubarenko, Institute of Oceanology (Russia) Neman and Pregolya river basins / Barents-Baltic Nature & People Programme, Russia 15:30-16:00 Dmitry Filippenko, Svetlana Gutsol, Eco-Center/Green planet (Russia) Gurievka river / Barents-Baltic Nature & People Programme 16:00:16:30 Tatiana Taletskaya, Natural Heritage (Russia) 16:30-17:00 Coffee  Experiences of microplastic monitoring in rivers / work on microplastic Introduction to Marine Litter and Microplastic. Review of the Postkod Project 17:00-17:30 Eugeniy Lobanov, Center for Environmental Solutions (Belarus) Experiences of microplastic monitoring in Belarussian waterbodies 17:30-18.00 Maria Suma, Center for Environmental Solutions (Belarus)

Microplastic contamination in textiles and paints 18:00-18:30 Marijana Toben, Fiends of the Earth Germany (BUND) 18:30-19:00 Conclusion of the first day 19:00-20:00 Dinner 20:00 End of first day

28 October, 2017 08:30-09:30 Breakfast / Transfer of the group from Kaliningrad (environmental teachers) Introduction of participants Experiences of microplastic monitoring in rivers / work on microplastic Review of microplastic studies in the 09:30-10:00 Margarita Bagaeva, Institute of Oceanology (Russia) Experiences of microplastic monitoring in southern part of Gulf of Finland 10:00-10:15 Daria Mytareva, Friends of the Baltic (Russia) Experiences of microplastic monitoring in Neman and Pregolya 10:15-10:30 Svetlana Gutsol, Dmitry Filippenko, Eco-Center/Green planet (Russia) Experiences of microplastic monitoring in Polish rivers ( etc.) 10:30-10:45 Natalia Kozak, Polish Ecological Club (Poland) Experiences of microplastic monitoring in Lithuanian rivers 10:45-11:00 Indrė Čeidait, Lithuanian Fund for Nature (Lithuania) Workshop on marine litter monitoring at the Baltic beach 11:00-12:00 Olga Krylova, Eco-Center/Green planet (Russia) Workshop on microplastic study at the beach 12:00-13:00 Margarita Bagaeva, Institute of Oceanology (Russia) 13:00-14:00 Lunch, check-out Work with marine litter samples, microplastic identification 14:00-14:30 Olga Krylova, Eco-Center/Green planet (Russia) Margarita Bagaeva, Institute of Oceanology (Russia) Microplastic in cosmetic products 14:30-15:00 Daria Mytareva, Friends of the Baltic (Russia) Marijana Toben, Fiends of the Earth Germany (BUND) 15:00-15:30 Discussion, planning the project, deliverables. End of meeting 15:30 Departure of teachers group to Kaliningrad and participants to airport (FoB, CES) 15:30-16:30 Buffet 16:30 Departure of participants to Kaliningrad