Ecosystem Classification and Interpretation of the C.3 Sub-Boreal Spruce Zone, Prince Rupert Forest Region, British Columbia
Ecosystem Classification and Interpretation of the c.3 Sub-Boreal Spruce Zone, Prince Rupert Forest Region, British Columbia by J. Pojar', R. Trowbridge', and D. Coates2 'Ministry of Forests 2Ministry of Forests Research Section Silviculture Section Prince Rupert Forest Region Prince Rupert Forest Region Bag 5000 Bag 5000 Smithers. B.C. Smithers, B.C. VOJ 2N0 VOJ 2N0 Province of British Columbia Ministry of Forests ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Numerous individualsassisted in the various phases ofthis report. D.J. Wilford managed theprogram in its first few years. K. Awmack, A. Banner, M. Blouw, W. Chapman, A. Deas, S. Haeussler, D. Holmes, R. Laird, A. Macadam, K. McKeown, M. O'Neill, L. Ricciotti, 6. Robinson, J. Schwab, 0.Wilford, and D. Yolehelped carry out field work. S. Lindeburghand B.M. Geislercontributed tothe Interpretations sections of theguide. J. van Barneveld and 0. Meidingerreviewed the manuscript and provided many usefulsuggestions. G. Bishop, P. Frank, P. Nystedt,and P. Sowden did most ofthe illustrations. F. Boasand J. Godfrey identified some ofthe bryophytes. Final editing and preparationof the report was by W. Taylor and K. McKeown. M. Romeo, and C. Huismanand J. Taekema did the typing andword processing, respectively. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 1 2.0 OBJECTIVES ........................................................... 4 3.0 PRINCIPLES AND PHILOSOPHY ............................................ 5 3.1 Ecosystem ......................................................
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