To View Our GDP

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To View Our GDP 99 Birch Mountains NAMUR 98 Wildland 98 RIVER Gardiner McClelland Bu % Namur Lake ffalo LEGEND Lakes Lake B r uffalo Rive r Rive Mik % FORT kwa 97 Rive MCKAY ann r P y River 97 NAMUR Legend Lake LAKE TALBOT LAKE Wolve ri er 96 ne iv % C R 96 ac 88 Notikewin he UV Lié Creek ge River UV692 UV63 e ver 95 otik win Ri 95 N ELLS RIVER Fort BATTLE RIVER Mackay Bison % (! Lake 24 % PANNY 9 8 7 23 M 22 10 e 21 20 12 11 % ik r 19 le 94 17 % 15 14 ive 15 17 16 er A15 R P5 14 13 12 20 19 94 Riv 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 25 24 23 22 21 ls BISON LAKE El Five Year H ot % c h Laf ki s R on s d C iver 741 re r UV ek e 93 v i 93 S15 R n General Development o S14 o S L tee pbank Notikewin R PU92234 i (! ve 92 Sawn Lake 2021-2026 r PU92244 % CHIPEWYAN 92 Plan Manning 2021-2026 LAKES ") Northland aba 691 W s r UV c ve Forest Haig Lake a Ri Mink Lake Grew Lake Products Ltd/ North 91 t[ Star PU91244 91 (! 2021-2026 Operating Period: UV35 PU91234 2021-2026 D u nk irk Riv 2021 - 2026 90 LOON TROUT er PRAIRIE MOUNTAIN 90 iver Deadwood Peace River % MacKay R 690 (! . C UV d R le S2e 2 k a a r L w n 686 a ate 89 y r UV w e Rive Saprae p 89 r dott r OTTER LAKES i Ca e Rive h Little C Creek P4 Quitting Lake (! DEADWOOD % UV69 % RED EARTH 88 % Peerless Lake 88 LOON Grand L LAKE oon Ri Rapids Dixonville ver (! Wildland Red Earth Graham Gregoire 743 87 WOODLAND Creek Lake UV Cad teR (! 87 Gregoire ot iv Lake River er CREE 881 Lake ud UV item Estates Fort Wh 986 A14 (! UV Cadotte S10 McMurray Lake (! S22 ! (! S11 86 Little TEEPEE LAKE LIVOCK 86 Cadotte Lake Buffalo % (! % Tepee Lake S18 Daishowa-Marubeni C ad STONY o % International t te MOUNTAIN GREGOIRE Grande R SWAMPY S17 i v Lubicon Lake LAKE Prairie 85 e er LAKE ! L2 r iv Lubico R 85 n T S20 rou t S24 R i GRANDE CADOTTE ver Horse River Cardinal Lake % % Peace 84 84 r r 688 ive e River UV R rout iv Edmonton rt T R ! ") St. ea Stony H Grimshaw Isidore P3 Mountain So (! u Wildland ") th H 83 e ALGAR Berwyn a WHITEFISH r 83 t R r ive seR Red Deer 684 i r i % v o v UV % M R e ! e us H r Greene r kw a North a R k w Valley rMuskwa oa us Wabasca Rive d M Lake isi Lake Marie Boucher ip 82 N Reine N (! Bros. o 82 t[r th Lumber Ltd. MUSKWA W Calgary a ! b a s 683 % e r c r iv a UV Nampa e R S18-LJ6 ") iv R W tik R o ILLIAM U uma o 2021-2026 a Peace d MCKENZIE S19 c h 81 te River s Reno KIMIWAN a 81 UV740 Wildland (! P S18 % rist Lethbridge h in Wabasca C a ! ATHABASCA R (! i RIVER v e PU80234 r Jean UTIKOOMAK 2021-2026 80 LAKE PU80224 Cote PO1 2021-2026 80 (! S21 Gift GIFT LAKE Lac Magloire Lake South head Cree % Wabasca ar k r e e Lake v B i WABASCA Sandy UV744 Peavine M3 R UV754 o Lake 79 h Forestry Data Utikuma Lake c S r ast e o 79 Tangent e P u Eaglesham iv th Sandy (! DOUCETTE W Pelican Lake Crow R 4 SANDY LAKE Heart a h 5 b Lake t a Lake Offsite Yard Townships 7 s ÜÑ c ! u a ( o % Y % R e ca S o P li a n 63 Girouxville W iver d UV H R L3 Kimiwan w R iv er C Vanderwell Millsite Key Wildlife & Biodiversity Zones ") ol H l ou ! Falher Nipisi i se a Lake 78 Rive tin Rive Watino Lake 78 r is r ! ") Donnelly W hr ( ") C McLennan Winagami !C Forestry Millsites Grizzly Bear Zone (2013) W ") ildland Blue Sky Road S16 % Lookout Tower Trumpeter Swan Buffers 77 SALT PRAIRIE UV750 77 (!t[ Possible Camp Locations Trumpeter Swan Waterbodies Winagami % % L CHRISTINA it tl Lake e Ri BASIN Caribou Ranges Sm y ve 679 Winagami Lake S17 Populated Area o k r UV 49 S L2-L83 % o k Major Watercourse UV 76 u S19 Faw R e MAY TYPE t M cett 2021-2026 e 76 i Guy h v r r e ve (! H r e C i i M R ea KAPAWE'NO r l ay ") r d % t Wappau Lake Large Populated Area COP - Class A Waterbody i e R a ll i Lesser n a v [ r e t Grouard % R C24-P1 a (! r Slave Lake C27-P1/P2 Rock Small Populated Area ÜÑ P (! 2021-2026 MERIDIAN o 2021-2026 Wildland Marten a Island Major Waterbody Hilliard's d C29-P1/P2 75 Beach 2021-2026 Lake Bay (! t[ t[ 75 676 Lesser MARTEN t[ C32-P1/P2/P3 t[ Vanderwell Working Areas UV 2021-2026 Protected Areas (Alberta TPR) High Slave MOUNTAIN Goodwin Lake KAPAWENO !C Prairie SUCKER Lake McMillan Lake Forest Managment Units % C31-P1 Wiau ") CREEK Lesser C39-P1/P2 C34-P1/P2 2021-2026 Planned Working Areas d t[ Lake Enilda [ W 2 Slave 2021-2026 2021-2026 a t a (! t[ o West Fraser UV Lake d C38-P1/P2 n iv Highway 74 R e R e Planned Harvest a yd r Joussard d Otter-Orloff 74 d l a p C ASSINEAU Ro o 2021-2026 e ! o ( ills R C36-P1 H - Lakes r R en C41-P1/P2 in L IVER t o Canyon Mar e 2021-2026 g og Contingency* Harvest c C Wildland a r 2021-2026 R n R Haul Roads i Creek u C37-P1/P2 v i leR ver e v Clyde Lake i i Otter Lake r e p (! Widewater o 2021-2026 Orloff r rift (! s Future Harvest D SWAN (! Wagner e Lake Behan Lake R s Vanderwell Access Roads (DLO) ENILDA DRIFT RIVER Kinuso d or Fawcett Lake C42-P1 ROUND HILL 73 (! o ct Swamp t[ PILE Faust o ra Road 2021-2026 lyw nt 73 Vanderwell Working Areas (! ROCK d 749 % RIVER SAWRIDGE P o iver % a a C JEAN o % Ow Existing Roads UV S16 t R lR Slave l R r l t ISLAND L2 e t e e i lb w e BAPTISTE k v r c a A e e w Cut L Acros LAKE Lake d s Road r [ u n a t ÜÑ GAMBLER a F o Railway V way C46-P1 d PUSKWASKAU h ÜÑ 10 a d ") ig 00 Ro Corrigall CC th H ad i L m a !! m C46-P2 C Tolko Indusdt rSies es 2021-2026 Lyle Lake !C C Ol s d A o ! ! er a Calling Lake C S 2021-2026 o C45 72 R ! L2-L83 % l R av t 2021-2026 Calling Lake Lake 72 Wandering p Slave Lake Pulp e t Riv e 2021-2026 o e c (! Young's - r w River 747 o Fa (! Point UV C t s t a C r VCL E a s l ve ling R *Contingency is described as areas that are scheduled for harvest although not likely due to current mill East u Ri iv L1 a e Grizzly u r production and current operational plans Prairie F a FMA Smith Calling w Breynat Logan Lake 71 M4 Ridge FLAT TOP u d 2021-2026 (! L2-L83 881 Sturgeon ta a Lake 71 (! o [ 2021-2026 UV Snipe Lake E Wildland O t Lake a R Base Data s S16 t % n o P ra r irie d v R a e Valleyview 669 o h iv R - C UV e V Highway Protected Areas (Alberta TPR) ") r C47-P3 HOUSE 70 2021-2026 Heart MOUNTAIN 813 70 STURGEON VCL UV Lake Existing Roads Major Watercourse LAKE % Piché Lake EART FMA Lawrence H t[ 2 LAKE Railway Major Waterbody S20 S17 2021-2026 UV Lake r S20-L8 C La Biche l Rive - Ow Francis Lake 2021-2026 Lawrence Lake R 665 69 o River r UV a Townships Forest Managment Units 44 69 e UV d Wildland iv HEART LAKE k he R ree Bic Square Lake ine C a S24 Poacher's P L % Indian Reserve Metis Settlement SWEATHOUSE CHISHOLM Spotted 858 W DEER MOUNTAIN Landing UV % Horse Lake C e ! s Chisholm t (! % P % ALPAC Inc. 68 r a 33 S23 68 ir UV Charron Lake S21 i Lac la Biche 43 e Plamondon UV R iv (! er ver x Ri Sa eau Grassland Atmore 1:550,000 25 24 23 ult (! (! 55 10 9 22 Waskahig2an1 20 19 UV 14 13 12 11 User: kyle.chisholm River 67 17 16 17 16 15 Kinnaird Lake Seibert Lake Map Version: 1.4 15 14 13 12 21 20 19 67 ! Lac La Little 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 27 26 25 24 23 22 ( n River Biche Touchwood Map Template Version: 1.1 Smoky wa Missawawi (! GOOSE S Baptiste Lake Lake (! MOUNTAIN Donatville Lake Beaver Date: 3/10/2021 N G (! Beaver Lake Lakeland SNUFF o % Swan Lake Coordinate System: NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11 Ios os 855 Pinehurst e e er Athabasca UV MOUNTAIN g Riv Hills Venice 36 Lake u 6 Coutts Rive North UV Path: R:\Planning\GDP\2021-26\Arc Map Projects\GDP_2021_Overview.mxd n 6 % r ") Burnt Lake (! R ") SWAN DIVE 66 Buck Lake Elinor Lake i Hylo ER Dimensions: 36 x 24 inches % ve Meekwap Lake Freeman Lake BEAV r (! r P Flatbush (! e LAKE e v WO3 m i er 0 10 20 40 R iv b W13 R i n Steele Lake w 827 r F a C Flat Caslan 663 Ironwood Lake ros a Kilometres Giroux Lake re T s UV e e 32 i n UV v m R (! i Lake m a Goose gan UV e Lake t hi R an i e 0 10 20 40 65 R u k v Colinton a i Cree a ver iv e er B k er 65 iv Lake e w (! R m k r k s ka 812 Amis (! a ik C UV a A t reek 801 T Boyle Miles W UV Meanook ") (! Hubert Lake Wildland 64 Fawcett (! 64 Ellscott Buffalo ! ( Long Lake Lake (! (! % % (!.
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  • Published Local Histories
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