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   , SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 , 2021

VOL. 37 | NO.244 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00          Teachers took effective steps to enable uninterrupted , Croatia share common positions on issues like education of students during lockdown: Prez Indo-Pacific, Afghanistan and terrorism: Jaishankar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E6DE65 2D ?682E:G6 A@D:E:G642D6DH:E9 !!!*)+-)(*#! >2E:@?D @7 E96 4@>>2?5 !! +'0)(*#! Glimpses of Future 2 Obituary JAMMU SUNdAy SEPTEMBER 5, 2021 10TH DAY KRIYA CHOUBARSI OBITUARY OBITUARY With profound grief we never Four long years have With profound grief, we inform With profound grief & sorrow, forget our beloved mother Smt. passed since you left for you,that our beloved sister, Dr we regret to informthe sad Pushpa Devi, who have left us eternal journey. The void Kiran Kumari Sharma, demise of our beloved moth - on 27- 08-2021, (Friday). The you had left behind will re - passed away on 30/8/2021. er Late Smt Lalita Shoriee 10th Day shall be performed main forever. We feel your Her last rites would be per - Pandita W/o Lt Sh Radha on 05-09-2021 (Sunday) at our absence everywhere with formed as below: 10th Day on Krishan Pandita R/o Chogul, residence,H.No.- 29, Sector - Smt. Pushpa tearful eyes.Choubarsi of Sh Vinod 8/9/2021 at 10 AM Kriya - on Dr Kiran Distt A/p Smt Lalita 5, Model town Gangyal Jammu Devi our beloved Late Sh Vinod Kumar 9/9/2021 from 11 AM to 1.30 Kumari Sharma Purkhoo Migrant Camp, Shoriee followed by Satsang at 12:00 Kumar Banathia (Viney) S/o Banathia PM Uthala - on 10/9/2021 Block – E (14) on 29 Aug Pandita Noon. Late Sh Om Parkesh from 5 PM to 5:30 PM at our 2021 at 9.00 AM.TENTH Banathia will be performed GRIEF STRICKEN residence at lines DAY will be performed at at our residence Near Sh. Waryam Lal- Husband Udheywala Muthi Jammu Purkhoo (Gumpul Ghat) on 7 Hanuman Danga, Nagrota Sons & Daughters-in-Law (Amar Shanti Niwas) near September -2021 (Tuesday) on Sunday, 5 Sep. 2021. Yoganand Ashram. Sh. Sham Lal & Smt. Neeru Thappa at 8:30 AM. DEEPLY REMEMBERED BY:- GRIEF STRICKEN : Sh. Vinod Kumar & Smt. Neeta Devi GRIEF STRICKEN : Daughter & Son-in-Law Smt Shobha Banathia - Wife Prem Lata (Sister-in-law) Daughters & Sons-in-law Smt. Sushma Kumari & Sh. Darshan Lal ( KAS ) Master Vasu Banathia - Son Lalit Kumar Sharma (Brother) Smt Usha Ji W/o Lt Sh Soom Nath Dhar Grand Sons & Daughters Miss Kajal Banathia - Daughter Anju Sharma (Sister-in-law) Smt Rita Raina W/o Sh Piaray Lal Raina Piyush, Nandeesh, Mahi, Palak, Shaurya, Bhumi Smt Komal & Sh Pamil Sharma - Munal Madhur (Nephew) PH No. 8825012296, 6005548157, 9797633005 Daughter & Son-in-Law Ridhima Sharma (Niece) Smt Veena Pandita W/o Sh Raj Nath Pandita Smt Payal & Sh Pritesh Bakshi - Anadi Sharma (Nephew) Cont : 9796495592, 9596644651, 9622034956 Daughter & Son-in-Law Chehak Sharma (Niece) 10TH DAY/KRIYA/RASAM PAGRI Smt Rekha & Sh Ajay Banathia - Brother & Bhabi BHOG & ANTIM ARDAS With profound grief and sor - Contact No: 9419770001 row, we regret to inform about With Profound grief and sorrow, 10TH DAY we regret to inform the sad demise the sad and untimely demise of With profound grief and sor - of our beloved Sdn. Amrit Kour, our beloved Sh. Kuldip Raj row, we inform that our beloved wife of S. Asa Singh, R/o Chatha Vaid S/o Lt. Sh Karam Chand, BHOG & ANTIM ARDAS Sh. Chaman Lal Koul S/o Lt. Mill, Jammu. Programme: Arambh W No.1, Thalori, Vijaypur on 27 With profound grief and sor - Jia Lal Koul R/o Habbakadal Sri Akhand Paath Sahib on August 2021.Tenth Day will be Sh. Kuldip Raj row, we regretto inform the A/p H.No - 323, Sec - 03/09/2021.Bhog Sri Akhand Sdn. A mrit Kour performed on Sunday 05th Vaid sad demise of my beloved - 1, Vinayak Nagar Muthi, Paath Sahib on 05/09/2021 at Sept 2021 at 11.00 pm at our 9.30 am at our residence. Kirtan & husband Late S. Joginder Jammu who left abode on 28 Sh. Chaman Lal residence W No.1 Thalori, August 2021. We pray to Antim Ardaas at Gurudwara Singh Singh Sudan (Deputy Koul Sabha, Chatha Mill, Jammu from 4 Vijaypur. Kriya will be per - Almighty that hisnoble soul formed on Wednesday Director Retd. Planning and pm to5.30 pm on Sunday, S. Joginder rest in heaven.Tenth Day will 05/09/2021. 08/Sep/2021 at 11.00 am. Statistics Dept.) S/o Late S. Singh Sudan be performed at Muthi Ghat on GRIEF STRICKEN : Rasam Pagri will be performed Hakam SinghJi R/o Nanak 6th September 2021 at 8.30 S. Asa Singh (Husband) on Wednesday 08/Sep/2021at Nagar Jammu.In the loving am. Due to COVID-19 situation N.P Singh & Parveen Kaur (Son & Daughter-in-Law) 5.00 am at our residence W memory of our beloved. condolences and Prayers Gurmeet Kaur & S. Hardeep Singh Tara No.1 Vijaypur (Samba). Arambh Shri Akhand Paath throughphone shall be highly (Daughter & Son-in-law) GRIEF STRICKEN Sahib on3-9-21 at 9 am at appreciated. Jatinder Kaur (Daughter) Smt. Santosh Kumari (Wife) our residence.Bhog Shri GRIEF STRICKEN Jasleen Kaur & S. Paramjeet Singh JE Mr. Neeraj Vaid (Son) Smt. Sarla Koul - Wife (Daughter & Son-in-law) Akhand Paath Sahib on 5- Iqbal Kaur & S. Harcharan Singh Daughter and Son-in-law Sons & Daughter-in-laws Mrs. Mamta and Mr. Kamal Gupta 9-21 at 9:00 am.Kirtan & (Sister-in-law & Brother-in-law) Sh. Sunil Koul & Smt. Manju Koul Arvinder Kaur & S. Harbhajan Singh Mrs. Arti and Mr. Arvind gupta Antim Ardass will be per - formed at Gurudwara Shri Sh. Pankaj Koul & Smt. Anu Koul (Sister-in-law & Brother-in-law) Mrs. Shikha and Mr. Parveen gupta Sh. M.K. Koul & Smt. Sarla -Brother & Bhabhi Sdn. Daljeet Kaur W/o Lt S. Ujjagar Singh (Daughter-in-law) Mobile: 9419233515 and 9419233522 Singh Sabha Nanak Nagar Sisters & Brothers-in-law Chenab Feed Industries Samba. at 10:30 am to 12:00 noon. Smt. Sheela Nagri & Sh. M.L. Nagri Mob: 9419197583 GRIEF STRICKEN Smt. Vijay Bhat & Sh. Kuldeep Bhat - Sdn. Charanjeet Kour - Wife Smt. Asha Dhar & Sh. M.L. Dhar ADH BARKHI S. Jagdeep Singh & Sdn. Gurjeet Kour - Smt. Reeta Miya & Sh. Kuldeep Miya Six months passed since you OBITUARY Son & Daughter-in-law Smt. Kaki & Sh. H.L. Bhat With profound grief and sor - leftus for heavenly abode. S. Sandeep Singh & Sdn. Kamaljeet Kour - Grand Children:- Harshita Koul & Harsh Koul We feel your presence on row, we inform thesad demise Son & Daughter-in-law Cont : 7006447517, 7051066275, 9796662303 of our beloved Sh Motilal Kaul every moment.Adh- Barkhi of Sdn. Mandeep Kour & S. Parveen Singh - S/o Late Sh Srikanth Kaul R/o our beloved Smt Godawari Daughter & Son-in-law Natipura (Originally Sholipura) Devi Anand W/o Sh Sita Ram Smt Godawari BARKHI Srinagar and presently staying Anand R/o nearJ&K Bank at D-321, Sector-47, Noida Devi Anand Barkhi of our beloved Pt. Sh Moti lal Subash Nagar Jammuwill be 201301 UP on 29th Aug 2021 Manohar Lal Magotra (Pujari) Kaul performed on 5th Sept2021 at Noida.The 10th Day Kriya MASWAR/VAHARWAR Bawe Wale will be performed will be performed at Chota (Sunday) at our residenceat One year has passed since at our residence 291, Sec-E, Haridwar (Ghat Ganga) 11.30 AM. you left us. Ourheart still can’t Sainik Colony Jammu on 06- Muradnagar on 7th Sep. 2021 DEEPLY REMEMBERED BY accept that you are not with 09-2021 (Monday). at 8 am. Sh Sita Ram Anand - Husband usanymore. You lived a noble GRIEF STRICKEN : Pt. Manohar Lal GRIEF STRICKEN : Daughter-in-law & Son and honest life, youcontinue Mrs Madhu Magotra (Wife) Magotra Smt Shanta Kaul (Wife) W/o Lt Pt. Manohar Lal Smt Anjali Anand & Dheeraj Anand to be remembered for your Son & Daughter-in - law Sh Dwarika Magotra Deepanjali Anand - Grand Daughter love compassion,care and Sudhir and Dolly Kaul Nath Bhan Mrs Neelam Magotra (Bhabhi) Anand Family & nears kindness for all.Maswar & Sneh Ganhar W/o Lt Sh Ashok Ganhar (Daughter) W/o Late Pt. Narinder Magotra Mob. 9797439912, 9419206620 Waharvar of our beloved fa - Daughters and Sons-in-law Brother & Bhabhi ther Late Sh Dwarika Nath Sunita and Jawahar Kaul Mrs Shivani & Mr Surinder Magotra Suman and Ashok Ganju Bhan S/o Lt Nath Ram Bhan Sisters & Brother-in-laws Lalita and Prof. Hiralal Ganjoo original resident of Khai Pora Mrs Reva Dogra & Mr Girish Dogra ADH-BARKHI (Sister and Brother in law) Distt Mrs Anu & Col. (Retd.) Ashutosh Mathur The void you left in our lives Brothers and Bhabhis will be performed at Flat-14 Sons & Daughters can never befilled. You are Roshan Lal and Sushma Kaul Block-100, Lane-19 Jagti Mrs Manu & Arun Sharma gone from our arms but willal - Dr Tej Nath and Nancy Kaul Nagrota Jammu on 7th & 8th Mrs Priya & Vivek Magotra Sons and Daughters - in- law ways be in our hearts. Adh Daughter & Son-in-law Sep. 2021respectively. Ramesh Chander and Subashini Koul Barkhi ofour beloved Deepak Mrs Bhanu & Col. Deepak Ahuja DEEPLY MISSED BY : Virander and Baby Koul Gupta S/o Sh.Ashok Gupta Nephews & Daughter-in-laws Deepak Gupta Son & Daughter-in-law Praduman and Shibni Kaul will be performed at ourresi - Mrs Shashi & Mr Sanjay Sharma Sh Sanjay Kumar Bhan & Smt Bharti Bhan (Brother in law and Sister in law) dence Ward. No 3 Krishna Mrs Tanya & Mr Amit Dogra Daughter & Son-in-law Chander Lekha and Om Prakash Kalandria Mrs Sareena & Mr Sumit Sharma Colonynear Padotra Medical (Sister in law and Brother -in-law) Smt Sweety & Lt Martyr Deepu Thusoo Nieces & Son-in-laws Hall on 05.09.2021 at 12 Rajinder Krishan and Veena Kaul Bhabi & Brother Mrs Shefali & Mr Shashi Dubey Noon . (Brother in law and Sister in law) Smt Santosh Bhan & Lt Chaman Lal Bhan Mrs Shilpa & Mr Aseem Tandon DEEPLY MISSED BY: Remembered by Grand Children : Mohit, All Children : Neha, Rahul, Preeti, Ansh, Aman, Mrs Sangeeta & Mr Vikram Doriaswami Ashok Kumar Gupta (Father) 9419151851 Akshay, Megha, Aditya, Akanksha, Arnimal Aryan, Palak, Diya Daksh, Shouriya etc. Mrs Shachi & Mr Munish Sharma Sunita Gupta (Mother) 9469820951 Vitasta, Shanaya (Great Grand Child) SAMAST BHAN, THUSOO, PADROO, KOUL Mrs Shyamli & Mr Nipun Padha Sahil Gupta (Brother) PARIVAR Mrs Charu & Mr Navang Chowdhary Mobile No. 8899211311 Contact Nos : 8493017111, 7889755341 Grand Children: Punya, Vasu, Arjun, Nandit, Yashvi, Devika, Nitika. 10TH DAY KRIYA Mb. 9419193376, 9419192072 With profound grief & sorrow, 10TH DAY 10TH DAY we regret toinform the sad With profound grief and sorrow, and untimely demise of we inform the sad and untimely With profound grief and sor - OBITUARY ourbeloved Smt. Shama demise of our beloved Sh. row, we regret to informthe With profound grief and sorrow Pandita W/o Sh.Omkar Nath Motilal Wali S/o Late Sh. sad and ultimately demise of we inform the sad demise of our Pandita R/o Koil, Amarchand Wali originaly resi - our beloved father Mr. Avtar beloved mother Girja Raina W/o A/p H.No. JMC-385, General Smt. Shama dent of Badiyar Bala,Srinagar, Krishan Krandu S/o Triloki Sh Omkar Nath Raina of Khiram Lane,Saraswati Vihar, Bohri, Pandita Kashmir, at present Swami Sh. Motilal Wali Nath Krandu originally R/o presently at Plot No 78 Flat No 8 Jammu, on 27-08- Mr. Avtar Colony, Chinore, Opposite (Kralyar Rainawari, Sgr, , Shalimar Garden Extension 1, 2021.Tenth Day will be per - Krishan Krandu Galaxy Plaza, Chinore, Kmr) presentlyat B702 UP on 28th August 2021.10th Girja Raina formed on Sep. 5, 2021 at Bantalab. Tenth Day Kriya will Steller Jeevan Sec 1 Greater Day Kriya will be performed on Muthi Ghat, Near Director 06-09-2021 (Monday) at Murad be performed on 06-09-2021 at Noida UP. Tenth Day will be School Education, Jammu at Nagar, Gaziabad . Assembly will 8:30 am at Muthi Ghat. performed on 6th Sep. at GRIEF STRICKEN: be held at above address at 10 8:30am (Assembly time). Smt. MeenajiWali-Wife 6:30AM at Muradnagar Ghat. AM. GRIEF STRICKEN Brother’s & Bhabhi’s GRIEF STRICKEN: GRIEF STRIKEN Sh. Omkar Nath Pandita - Husband Sh. Autar Krishen Wali & Smt. Sheela Wali Late Smt. Phoola Krandu Sh. Omkar Nath Raina -Husband Smt. Pyari Pandita - Jethani Sh. Brij Krishen Wali & Smt. GirjaWali Mr. Deepak Krandu (Son) Devar&Devrani Sh. O.N. Raina - Brother-in-law Son’s & Daughter-in-law’s (Daughter-in-law and Son) Smt&Sh Chaman Lal Raina Sh. S.N. Raina - Brother-in-law Mr. Joginder Wali & Mrs. RomelaWali Mrs.Vandana and Mr.Pamposh Krandu Smt&ShAjav Raina -Son & Daughter-in-law Sh. Shanti Bhushan & Smt. Shaneeta Pandita Mr. Vinayak Wali & Mrs. Anuradha Wali Mrs Babita and Surender Kaul Smt&Sh Vijay Raina -Son & Daughter-in-law - Son & Daughter-in-law Mr. Neeraj Wali & Mrs. Deepa Wali (Daughter and Son-in-Law) Smt Prabha Jii Raina -Sister-in-law Sh. Satish & Smt. Princy Raina - Mr. Subhash Wali & Mrs. SupriyaWali Mrs Rachna and Arvind Raina Smt & Sh Mahraj Krishan Koul- Daughter & Son-in-law Sister & Brother -in-law Daughter’s & Son-in-law’s (Daughter and Son-in-Law) Sh. Sanjeev & Smt. Sweety Pandita - Smt&Sh Jitender Raina - Mrs. SonuKoul & Mr. VijayjiKoul Smast Krandu Parivar Mrs. Neeru Misri & Mr. RakeshjiMisri Son & Daughter-in-law Daughter & Son-in-law Daughter: Ms. Neetu Wali Kaul's,Hakhoo's,Mattoo's,Gadoo's,Thusoo's, Smt&Sh Shashi Bhushan Raina - Apekhsa Raina, Anmol Raina, Akshita Grand Children: Akanksha, Aryan, Krishi, Pari, Bindra's, Bhan's,Raina's and Khodbali's Son & Daughter-in-law Pandita, Janhvi Pandita, Aashna Shivam, Vidhi, Vanshika, Aman, Harshita, Reyansh Due to Pandemic condolence may be extend - Vansh Raina, Arnika Raina -Grand Children Pandita - Grand daughters & Grandsons Mob: 09825788433, 8860223773, 6005290117 ed telephonically 7292013105, 8130630445, 9643289225. Mob : 9796825145, 9729595564, 8492809832 LOCAL     3 !$$,*,%/*'+$) Developments Previous Govts, elected representatives responsible on ground reflect Modi led Govt’s concern for for backwardness of Ramban: Manjit Singh J&K: Bali Bhagat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OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER JAL Rajouri admin hosting 5 day trekking expedition SHAKTI MECH. G.W.D DIVISION JAMMU Sub : Re-development & Stabilization of Tubewells at (1) Bharda Kalan (2) to Shakkermarg, 7 lakes in Girgin valley Ambi Dhana Akhnoor (3) Ratnal DC chairs meeting to finalise arrangements in District Jammu. Ref : This office e-NIT No. GWD/34 of 2021-22 RAJOURI, SEPTEMBER 04: formed that the objective of within three days, while the the expedition is to pro - Chief Medical Officer was Dated:- 07.07.2021 district Administration mote national integration directed to deploy a team of Rajouri is going to host a 5 and a spirit of adventure doctors and paramedical EXTENSION NOTICE-V day trekking expedition to and awareness about the staff and ensure that all the Shakkermarg and seven environment and local flora Medicare facilities . 1. Due to no response, the above mentioned subject lakes in Girgin valley in a and fauna among the e-NIT on the website http: jktenders.gov.in is ex - bid to promote adventure youth. NOTICE tended upto 06.09.2021 till 6 PM. tourism in the district. The district We Nikita & Ankita Sharma D/o 2. Similarly the opening of technical bid online is Around hundred development Dalip Sharma originally resident of Gotingoo Teh. Kupwara extended upto 08.09.2021 or any other working trekkers including locals, Kharimarg. Three cultural meeting with the concerned Sushil Khajuria; ACP, Commissioner asked the from other districts of District Kupwara applied for is - troupes will also move with officers here in the Abdul Rashid; CMO, dr concerned officers to en - suance of Economically day convenient to tender opening authority. Jammu and Kashmir and the trekkers for recreation - Conference Hall of the Shamim Un Nissa Bhatti; sure maximum participa - Weaker Section (EWS) from outside the UT are ex - al purposes. PWd dak Bungalow. Tehsildar darhal, Mumtaz tion of the trekkers in the Certificate in the office of Relief All other terms and conditions shall remain pected to participate in the expedition and make sure and Rehabilitation To discuss and finalize ddC Member darhal, Mirza; Tehsildar Commissioner (Migrants) un-changed as uploaded/ advertised earlier. expedition. the arrangements for the Iqbal Malik; ddC Member , Sahil Ali; that all the required facili - Jammu presently residing at The trekking expedi - smooth conduct of the Thanamandi, Abdul ExEn Jal Shakti Rajouri, ties are provided to the par - Flat No. 23 Block No. 140 Jagti Sd/- Nagrota. If any person having tion would commence on trekking expedition, Qayoom Mir; ASP, Vivek Mushtaq Ahmed besides ticipants during their expe - Executive Engineer September 14 from the base dition. any objection above mentioned district development Shekhar; CEO RdA, Vivek other concerned officials can file objection within 7 days Jal Shakti (M) G. W. D Division camp at Buddh Khanari Commissioner, Rajesh K Puri; dFO Rajouri, attended the meeting. The CEO RdA was from the date of publication to (dahral) and culminate on Relief and Rehabilitation Jammu Shavan today convened a Arshdeep Singh; ACd, The meeting was in - asked to complete the regis - DIP/J-6085/21 18th September at tration of participants (Migrant) Office Jammu. J&K Bank ACG discusses establishment OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER TRANS. LINE MAINTT. DIV-III JKPTCL (JMU) Employees Stock SHORT TERM E-NIT of animal shelters e-Mail:[email protected] Fax: 01992-270287 Purchase Scheme e- NIT No:- TLMD-III/UDH/12 of 2021-22 Dated:01-09-2021 JAMMU, SEPTEMBER 04: fees would be deposited in the ac - Executive Engineer TLMD-III, Udhampur, for and on behalf of Lt. Governor of UT of Jammu&Kashmir , invite online e-bids over-subscribed count of SPCA. It was also decided for “Providing of flexible crates at location No. KP-187 TO KP-190 of 220 KV D/C KPTL near Dalwas Ramban”, complete - Assistant Commissioner the officers from all the concerned din all respects as specified in technical specification of the SBD. Submission of e-bid against this standard Bidding SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 4: General, Rakesh dubey today departments shall visit Chowadi Document (SBD) shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the procedure, terms and con - ditions of the standard bidding document with full understanding of its implications. The tender document is available at chaired a meeting to discuss the where the animal shelters for ani - website http://jktenders.gov.in. Interested bidders may view/download the e-bid document, submit their e-bid online upto J&K Bank’s Employees Stock arrangements for establishment of mals would be established. A planta - date and time mentioned in the table below: Purchase Scheme (ESPS-2021) has got animal shelters to be managed by tion drive will also be launched at an - an overwhelming response from the Society for Prevention of Cruelty on imal shelter places by planting fruit Scope of work Estimated Earnest cost of tender Last date of Class of Bank staff resulting in the over-sub - Animals (SPCA). Cost Money documents e-bids submi- contractor and fodder plants. The ACG asked ssion online scription of the issue. Owing to repeat - Vice President SPCA devinder the concerned officials to ensure the ed requests from the staff members, Kour; GM FECCOS Anil Gaind; dPO proper arrangements of water and “Providing of flexible crates at location No. KP-187 Rs 18.80 lacs Rs.0.38 lacs Rs. 500 07-09-2021 “A” Class the Bank has extended the issue clos - to KP-190 of 220 KV D/C KPTL near Dalwas Ram- (Eighteen Lacs (Thirty Eight (Rupees Five upto 12:00 Electrical Sunaina Saini besides senior officers power at animal shelters for animals. banof Size 6mtrx1.5mtrx1.5mtrs including exacav- Eighty Thous- Thousands Hundred only) Hrs contractor/ ing date of the scheme by four days to of the concerned departments were Threadbare discussion was held re - ation of earth, Suppy of crates of size 6mtr x1.5 mtr ands only) only) relevant 7th of September, 2021. Commenting present in the meeting. Threadbare garding fundraising for SPCA, water x1.5 mtr, supply and hand packing of stone, binding class of civil upon the staff response, the Bank’s discussion was held regarding boring and piped water connection of crates and all necessary works related for the contractors successful completion of work ” CMd R K Chhibber said, “Time and fundraising for SPCA, water boring along with electricity supply to ani - again, I feel amazed by the emotional and piped water connection along mal shelters, installation of sign - Other Details: connect and professional conduct of with electricity supply to animal board of SPCA, planting of fruit and 1. Date & Time of downloading of Standard Bidding Document The Standard Bidding Document can be downloaded over http:/jk J&K Bank Family towards this beloved shelters, installation of signboard of fodder plants, registration of horses tenders.gov.in from date 01-09-2021(5:00 PM onwards) institution. And I feel very proud today SPCA, planting of fruit and fodder and mules tagged and vaccinated by 2. Pre-bid meeting Shall be conducted on04-09-2021 at 12.00 Noon in the Office of to have got my belief vindicated again plants, registration of horses and SPCA, engagement and training of the Executive Engineer TLMD-III Udhampur J&K. as the staff members have participated mules tagged and vaccinated by SP - border area youths as paravets to as - whole-heartedly in the scheme and 3. e-Bid submission (starts) date & time (submission of e-tender 01-09-2021 from 6PM onward CA, engagement and training of bor - sist with SPCA Hospital, NGO and fee, EMD and other supporting documents in PDF/XLS format) have already surpassed the targeted der area youths as paravets to assist Goushalla under BAdP and mem - aggregate amount leading to the over- with SPCA Hospital, NGO and bership charges were discussed in 4. e-Bid submission (end) date & time 07-09-2021 up to 12:00 Hrs. subscription of issue.” The Bank had Goushalla under BAdP and mem - the meeting. 5. Online Commercial & Technical e-Bid opening date & time. 07-09-2021 at 14:00 Hrs launched Employees Stock Purchase bership charges were discussed in The Vice Chairman SPCA in - 6. Online financial e-Bid opening date & time. Will be communicated to the Technically Qualified Bidders Scheme (ESPS - 2021) on 27th of the meeting. It was decided in the formed that the charges/fees which (Only of the technically qualified bidders) August, 2021, for the benefit of the em - meeting that the charges of member - will be deposited in the account of 7. Venue of the opening of technical & financial e-Bids. The Office of the Executive Engineer TLMD-III Udhampur J&K. 182101 ployees enabling them to subscribe ship forms for animal lovers to be - SPCA will be used for the bringing up J&K Bank equity at a decently dis - come members has been fixed at of the facilities to take care of the 8. Estimated cost Rs 18.80 lacs (Eighteen Lacs Eighty Thousands only) counted price against the market value 1200 per year and the membership abandoned and injured animals. 9. Cost of e- bid Documents Rs. 500.00 (Rupees Five Hunderedonly) 10. Amount of Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 0.38 lacs (Thirty Eight Thousands only) Div Com for 100% vaccination of college staff, Period of Completion: - 10 days from the date of issue of LOA. The qualifying criteria for the bidders shall be the following: 1. Reputed, experienced, competent contractors/companies/firms/Joint Ventures and financially sound manufacturers/firms students in two weeks 2. Requirement of e-bid Submission ‘Action against staff for poor performance, non- vaccinated students not to attend classes’ a. All the e-Bids must be accompanied by the scanned copy of the EMD in the form of Bank Guarantee from Nationalised Bank only pledged to the Executive Engineer TLMD-III Udhampur J&K Government. No interest shall be payable on EMD deposited with the SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 4: Rather, director Colleges nation centres in all col - reluctance and do not turn department. J&K, AdC Srinagar, Ad leges and universities from up for vaccination shall not b. The Hard copy of original instrument of EMD is required to be submitted before the LOA in case of L1 Bidder. The Hard copy of original Bank Demand Draft (Only)on a/c of tender fees must be deposited/reach one day before the last date of divisional Family Welfare and October- 06. be allowed to sit in the Commissioner Kashmir, submission of e-bid in the office of the Executive Engineer TLMD-III Udhampur.Non submission of tender fees in hard copy will lead Immunization, Incharge Emphasizing on staff to class. to cancellation of bid Pandurang K Pole today dCCRK, Epidemiologist, gear up to ensure all stu - “Not only non- vacci - c. The date and time of opening of financial bids shall be notified on the Web Site http://jktenders.gov.in and shall be conveyed called for completion of dr Talat and other con - dents are vaccinated, he nated students shall not be to the technically qualified bidders automatically through e-mails. The financial bids shall be accordingly opened online in the office 100 percent vaccination of cerned. Stressing on 100 said that action and penal - allowed to attend classes of the Executive Engineer TLMD-III Udhampur, J&K. The e-Bids will be opened electronically in the presence of Bidder’s repre - all staff and students of percent vaccination of staff ty shall be imposed on staff but also after October- 20 sentatives who wish to be present at the venue as per the date and time mentioned in the above table. An authority letter from the universities and colleges in and students in all colleges for poor performances. they will not be given vac - bidder is required to be produced by his representative. Kashmir. including, Medical He said that every staff cine,” he said. -sd- He said this while Colleges, NIT, member must ensure that div Com instructed Executive Engineer, chairing a meeting today to Universities, SKUAST, no student is left out in his/ concerned authorities to Trans. Line Maintt. Division-III, review progress in vaccina - BE'd colleges, ITIs and oth - her class to avoid facing ac - ensure availability of vac - DIP/J-2673-P/21 Udhampur. tion and covid control er institutions by October- tion against him/her for cine at all institutions to measures. 20. In this regard, director poor performance. ensure all 100 percent cov - The meeting among Health Services Kashmir Terming the vaccina - erage and said that below OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION DIVISION KASHMIR, others was attended by was directed to ensure de - tion as important for the 75 percent vaccinated col - director Health Services ployment of vaccination safety of students, he said leges will not be allowed to J & K SPORTS COUNCIL, SRINAGAR Kashmir, Mushtaq Ahmad teams and setting of vacci - that those who will show operate. NOTICEINVITINGTENDERS Tender Notice: E-NIT No:38 of 2021-22 DAT ED:31.08.2021 DIPR Cultural wing Jammu hosts For and on behalf of Lieutenant Governor, UT of Jammu & Kashmir, e-tenders are invited on percentage basis from ap - proved and eligible bidders registered with J&K Govt. CPWD, Railways and other State/Central Government for the follow - ing work:- drawing, painting competition S. Name of work Adv Cost Class of Cost of tender Technical Administrative Time of No (Rs in lacs) Contract documents Sanction Approval No. completion JAMMU SEPTEMBER 4: Bawara Shanti Vidya also organised at dewan Malhotra and Vijay No & date & date Peeth Udhampur, Badrinath Vidya Mandir Anand, drama Instructor, 1 Renovation Addition/Alte- 12.42 BEE/CEE Rs. 600/- 120/Estt. Sports council 20 days On the eve of Teachers National Academy High Amarvilla Jammu on the department of ration of SKISC Srinagar DEE class of 2021-22 Order No. 116 day, a painting competi - school Udhampur, Nehru same theme. Over 20 Information and Public by way of Face lifting of dt. 31-08- of 2019 dt. tion on the life of Bharat Memorial High school Students took part in the Relations Jammu were the Building. 2021 30-01-2019 Ratna dr. Sarvapalli Udhampur, India Kids competition. Principal, the Judges on the occa - Positionof funds = Under JKIDFC Radha Krishna was organ - School Udhampur and lit - dBN Amarvilla, Ranju sion. 1. The Bidding documents consisting of qualifying information, eligibility Criteria,specification,Drawings, bill of quantities ised by dIPR Jammu’s tle Flower convent school (B.O.Q) Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen/downloaded from the departmental web - cultural wing at Udhampur. Kavya from site www.jktenders.gov.in as per schedule of dates given below:- Udhampur. OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT INDUSTRIAL Brahmrishi Bawara CENTRE (DIC) KATHUA (J&K) Around 9 Schools Shanti Vidya Peeth stood 2. Critical Dates Table :- Participated in the paint - first, Nitya from Army Deed of Agreement/ Partnerships Deed 1. Date of issueof Tender Notice. 31.08.2021 ing competition. The mo - Public school Udhampur 2. Period of downloading of bidding documents 31.08.2021from 4.00PMto08.09.2021upto4.00PM. tive of the painting com - got second position while Deed of Agreement Made Between Rajan Kumar petition was to mark 3rd place was bagged by S/o Charan Dass R/o Ward No 10 Kathua & 1. 3. Bid Submission Start Date 02.09.2021from10.00 AM Parveen Singh S/o Mukhtar Singh R/o village Phalote teachers’ day and to edu - Vaidehi. Consolation 4. Bid submissionEnd Date 08.09.2021 upto 04.00 PM cate students about the prizes were given to Tehsil & Distt. Kathua, 2, Indu Bala W/o Dilbagh Singh importance of the teacher Tanushree of Kendriya R/o Jandore P/o Barwal Tehsil & Distt. Kathua, for 5. Date & Time of opening of Bids (online) 09.09.2021 at 11.00 A.M. in the office of Ex. Engineer, in their life and encourage Vidyalaya no 1 Udhampur Partnership of M/s Rajan Enterprises, Logate Morh Const. Division Kashmir, J&K Sports Council at Administrative their creativity by provid - and Anjali Sharma from Kathua, Firm is Sole Proprietorship SSI Unit at Block, Bakhshi Stadium, Srinagar. Established Khasra No. 696 Registered with General ing them an opportunity National Academy High 3. The Cost of the tender documents shall be deposited into the bank account by the bidder for which the followinginfor - Manager DIC Kathua. VIDE Entrepreneur No. to portray their feelings school Udhampur. mationcanbeusedbythebidder.(NoDemandDraftshallbeentertained). about what new or extra The competition was 97/005/1100/842 dt. 25.06.2016. Manufacturing of all 1) Name of Bank = J&KBankLtd. they want from teachers. Judged in Udhampur M.R types of HDPE/PP Woven sacks Bags at Logate Morh 2) Account Title = ExecutiveEngineer,ConstructionDiv.Kmr,JKSC The participating Sharma, senior artist of Kathua. The above Mentioned Parties Work Together 3) Account No = CDG-0365010200000842 schools were Army Public Udhampur and Suresh as Partner of all Property of the firm as per 4) Branch = LalMandi school Udhampur, Kumar, Senior Cultural Supplementary Partnership Deed dt. 01. Jan 2021 For 5) IFSC Code = JAKA0SBOARD Kendriya Vidyalaya no 1 Assistant Cultural Wing Proper Functioning of Unit. Objection if any may The bidders must upload the scanned copy of bank payment acknowledgment slip. Udhampur, Bharatiya department of please be conveyed to DIC Kathua within seven days 4. Hard Copy shall be obtained only from the bidder who is declared as Lowest Bidder (L1) after opening of Financial Bids Vidya Mandir Udhampur, Information and Public of publication of this notice. Ex. Engineer, CDK Sheemaount Sd/- Relations Jammu. J&K Sports Council International school GM Similar drawing and DIP/J-2679-P/21 Srinagar Udhampur, Brahmrishi painting competition was DIC KATHUA Glimpses of Future 6 Edit/OpiniOn JAMMU SUNdAy SEPTEMBER 5 2 ,021 Glimpses of Future UP’s progress and Yogi’s dynamism ESTABLISHEd IN 1986 By : PRAfUll GORADIA ly 37,000 accused have been booked under the Gangster Act and despite the State being one- over 500 under the National Stronger India fifth of India, it had to wait long be - Security Act. The yogi administra - fore seeing noticeable development tion has also hit criminals hard by ndia has changed a lot after 2014, when Prime under the yogi Adityanath regime. targeting their finances; in the State India’s largest State Uttar Pradesh, Government’s drive against the Minister Narinder Modi took the responsibility to also its most politically vibrant, has mafia, their illicit property worth lead the country. Government took various steps also moved in the field of develop - more than Rs 1,500 crore has either I ment the fastest. Be it in the layout been attached or demolished. Along to boost position of our country at international level. It of highways, appointments to with action against the mafia, the may be infrastructure development, economy, employ- Government services, providing yogi administration has also pro - employment to the people, increas - vided protection to witnesses. ment or defense sector. Government collaborated with ing investments, improving law and And a vastly improved law and various domestic and international companies to order, encouraging tourism and pil - order has begun to pay off in the grimage, as well as expanding the realm of development. Here too, strengthen defense setup also. Now India and the small and medium enterprises sec - figures speak for themselves. The United States have signed an agreement for coopera- tor, Uttar Pradesh is making waves. State’s development data reveals Since Independence, one never that over the years, UP has received tion in the development of Air-Launched Unmanned heard that this State had moved in investment proposals worth Rs Aerial Vehicle (ALUAV), in yet another step to further the area of development. It is sur - 66,000 crore from both foreign and prising that New delhi did not both - local investors. The administration expand bilateral defence and military cooperation. The er, perhaps ignoring the fact that has acted promptly on these pro - Project Agreement was signed on July 30 under the UP is one-fifth of India. If, there - changed place. From the backwa - the second rank among India’s posals. More to the point, compa - fore, UP leaps in progress, the coun - ters of most economic indices, it to - States. Law and order, the most im - nies from Japan, Canada, Germany, overall framework of the defence Technology and try races ahead in terms of develop - day has moved to becoming India’s portant prerequisite for any devel - Hong Kong, the UK, the US, Taiwan The pact was signed between the ment. Evidently, for the powers- second-richest in terms of Gross opment activity to flower, was never and South Korea are lining up to in - Trade Initiative. that-be in India’s rajdhani, UP was State domestic Product (GSdP), a strong suit in Uttar Pradesh be - vest in UP; one company has left Ministry of defence and the US department of treated as a bank of 84 Lok Sabha which stands at $268 billion, be - fore Adityanath took over. Any eco - from China to set up operations in seats (80 now) and a sure-shot tick - hind only Maharashtra now. This, nomic or capital investment in the Agra. It is also significant that the defence. The defence ministry described it as a signifi- et to parliamentary majority at the under yogi Adityanath has been an State remained a dream. The sce - Government is ensuring that the cant step towards deepening defence technology coop- Centre, but nothing more. In fact, a achievement despite the ravages of nario after yogi’s coming to office in flow of investment is not confined chief former ruling dynasty was re - the COVId-19 pandemic. In the March 2017 is a sharp contrast. to the State’s bigger cities, but is al - eration between India and the US. The PA pact falls un- ported to have voiced an opinion in ease of doing business, a crucial Over the past four-and-a-half years, so being channeled to smaller der the ambit of the Research, development, Testing favour of keeping Uttar Pradesh global benchmark, UP, which lan - 137 criminals have been liquidated towns like Etah, Amroha, Mirzapur, backward and fragmented. The guished at 16th position in the in police action, while close to and so on. Apart from the fresh pro - and Evaluation (RdT&E) agreement between the two State today in 2021 is a vastly country in 2016, has moved up to 3,000 criminals were injured; near - UP’s progress on Page 7 sides that was first signed in 2006 and renewed in January 2015. The PA outlines the collaboration be- tween Air Force Research Laboratory, Indian Air Rockets in the Stratosphere Force, and defence Research and development Organisation towards design, development, demon- By : GWyNNE DyER stratosphere. And like every other tourist destination, the stratosphere stration, testing and evaluation of systems to co-devel- The typical rocket launch dumps suffers some environmental damage the same amount of CO2 into the at - from all the tourists passing op an ALUAV Prototype. The main aim of dTTI is to mosphere as one airliner does in the through. The key question, so far bring sustained leadership focus to promote collabora- course of a trans-Atlantic crossing. unanswered, is: how much? Hardly If you’re worried about your ‘carbon any at the moment. The typical rock - tive technology exchange and create opportunities for footprint’ - a concept foisted on the et launch dumps the same amount of co-production and co-development of future technolo- world in 2004 by British Petroleum CO2 into the atmosphere as one air - to persuade people that their own liner does in the course of a trans- gies for Indian and US military forces. The two coun- behaviour, and not giant oil compa - Atlantic crossing. Since there are on - tries have also inked key defence and security pacts nies like BP, is causing the climate ly three or four passengers aboard problem - then you definitely should each of those sub-orbital flights, over the past few years, including the Logistics not sign up for a sub-orbital space their individual carbon footprints Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) in flight. Besides, you probably can’t are huge - but more than 1,700 com - afford it ($250,000 pp). Millions of mercial jets cross the Atlantic on the 2016 that allows their militaries to use each other’s people can afford it, however, and average day. Most rockets, including bases for repair and replenishment of supplies as well since the Branson/Bezos ‘space race’ Elon Musk’s ‘Falcon Heavies’ and last month tickets for sub-orbital most of the big Chinese and Russian as provides for deeper cooperation. The two sides have flights are selling fast. These are vehicles, burn a mixture of kerosene also signed many agreements that will boost bilateral commercial ventures, after all. and liquid oxygen and produce an There are only three more flights exhaust plume little different from defence ties. Now India is seen as major power in the scheduled for Jeff Bezos’s ‘Blue that of jet aircraft: mostly carbon world map and various countries are eager to collabo- Origin’ rocket before the end of the dioxide and water. But the total fuel harmless - except that all the other were put into orbit last year, but only year, and two more for Richard used annually by all the world’s rockets leave black carbon ('soot') in 104 rocket launches were used to put rate with India for the mutual benefit. Branson’s ‘VSS Unity’, but both men rockets is less than one percent of the upper stratosphere, where air - them there. (Another ten launches clearly intend to ramp up to more that burned by commercial aircraft. liners don’t fly. The commercial air - were failures, but failures tend to frequent flights. (Branson predicts Moreover, some of the newer rock - craft do leave soot in the lowest part happen before rockets reach the 400 flights a year.) The era of mass ets, like Bezos’s ‘New Shepard’, most of the stratosphere, where its effects stratosphere.) This means the space tourism is just around the cor - European launch vehicles, and the are reasonably well understood. It prospective ‘tourist’ launches repre - ner. Well, what did you expect? The last stage of the new Long March warms the lower stratosphere. It sent a four- or five-fold jump in the Due attention travel and tourism industry ac - rockets, use Liquid Hydrogen and presumably does that in the upper stratospheric traffic.Bezos’s launch - counted for 10.7 per cent of world Liquid Oxygen, which leaves only parts of the stratosphere too.The an - es get a pass because he’s not burn - GdP in the last normal year (2019), water and a few traces of other nual orbital rocket traffic is surpris - ing kerosene and leaving soot be - so nowhere is safe, including the chemicals. So far, so relatively ingly low: a record 1,283 satellites Rockets o n Page 7 The MBS impact on geopolitics By : PRASHANT TEWARI combating extremist thoughts, we will destroy them now and immedi - The Crown Prince is aiming to ately.” In 2016, to prepare for the spend over $7 billion within the next kingdom’s economic future, Crown 10 years across the public and pri - Prince Mohammed bin Salman laid vate sectors to diversify its economy out a road map for the country, away from oil. Mohammed bin known as Vision 2030. The plan was Salman is described as a to transform Saudi Arabia by liberal - Machiavellian reformer, visionary, ising social norms and improving revolutionary and reactionary. Itis Government services. In his words, fair to say that because of these eye- “We seek to be proud of our country, catching traits ofhis political activi - and allow the latter to contribute to ties that MBS, as he is popularly the development of the world, known as, is being keenly noticed in whether on the economic, environ - Paralympics in India has finally come of age and sportspersons are Saudi Arabia and beyond. The mental, civilisational, or intellectual getting noticed. India’s participation in the Paralympics remained Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had long levels.” Such ambitious transforma - gloomy until the 2016 Rio Paralympics in which the Indian contingent been known for two things: oil and tion projects come with very high re - was represented by 19 athletes, the most since India’s first participation and lately for its Crown alisation costs. The country has in 1968. In that tournament, India recorded its best ever medal haul Prince. The oil-rich Kingdom has plans to transform the capital (four), including two golds. Moving on to the in-progress Tokyo witnessed wide-ranging changes, Riyadh into an economic, social, and Paralympics 2020, India sent 54 athletes, almost thrice the number sent and the man driving them is the vi - cultural hub by 2030 at the cost of in the last edition, who have clinched 13 medals (and counting), broken sionary son of King Mohammed bin appointed as the deputy Crown scholars have been talking about the $800bn along with the planning of a the world record in javelin thrice and brought the much-needed respect Salman. His admirers describe him Prince and took over the Council of concept of moderation for over a new city NEOM at an estimated cost and recognition to the Paralympics which has been missing in India. The as a hard-working, business-mind - Economic and development Affairs. thousand years. So, I do not think I of $500bn. Several other multi-bil - tournament has made the country proud, but more importantly, it has ed leader with no stomach for cor - There was no stopping the ambi - am in a position to clarify this con - lion-dollar projects are planned to given hope to the specially abled people in India who account for 2.21 per ruption and a burning desire to tious prince. Now in charge of the cept, as much as I can abide by the be completed by 2035. Under MBS, cent of the total population. However, how fair is it for the State modernize the country while avoid - war in yemen and Saudi Arabia’s Saudi constitution, which is the Saudi Arabia’s tech scene has seen a Governments to announce massive financial rewards and Government ing the trappings of royalty. On the economy, his importance as a poli - Quran, the Sunnah, and our basic dramatic transformation. The Saudi jobs to para athletes only after they bring home ‘the glory’? Why doesn’t other hand, his critics view him as cymaker became clear the following governance system and to imple - Government is pushing huge the Government understand that financial support before the competi - power-hungry, ‘immature’, and year when he unveiled an ambitious ment it fully in a broad sense that is amounts of capital into the industry tion is much more critical than the ‘reward’ that follows. The idea behind someone unaware of the dangers of and wide-ranging plan to bring eco - inclusive of everybody. This leads and attracting foreign investors in a Paralympics was not to glorify the specially abled, but to make them feel reforming too much too fast. Such nomic and social change to the me to another question, namely the bid to become the new economic able and included; however, para athletes were not given due recognition views are hardly surprising given the Kingdom and end its “addiction” to space Sharia occupies in the State. hub of the Middle East. Crown until recently. Various national sports bodies have tried to distance rush for reform across the Kingdom oil. The destination goal for Salman Meaning, on the level of the consti - Prince is aiming to spend over $7 bil - themselves from the Paralympics, citing “financial overburdening” and since MBS was appointed as the was to be the most powerful man in tution, the judiciary, the public lion dollars within the next 10 years “complexities involved in organising tournaments”. The Paralympics crown prince. MBS is already his Saudi Arabia and that meant assum - space, and the level of freedoms of across the public and private sectors Committee of India (PCI), set up to promote and contribute to the devel- country’s de facto ruler, and perhaps ing the title of Crown Prince. individuals. As I said earlier, our to diversify its economy away from opment of sport opportunities and competitions, was suspended by the the most powerful person in the After his anointment as Crown constitution is the Quran, has been, oil. And his plan seems to be work - International Paralympics Committee (IPC) in 2015 for undermining the Middle East region. It was only after Prince, he started making moves still is, and will continue to be so for - ing: in the last year, Google signed a development of the Paralympic Movement in India. The committee was his father was appointed as the that would shock not only the con - ever.” Crown Prince is clear about $10 billion agreement with oil giant again banned in 2019 by the Ministry of youth Affairs and Sports (MyAS) Crown Prince in 2012 that he began servative Saudi Wahabbi clerics but the sensitive matter: “We are simply Aramco; Amazon has committed for misgovernance. PCI has been insensitive towards para athletes, how- to accumulate power. The following also the world as a whole. In an in - reverting to what we followed — a huge business in the country, and ever, the Paralympics in India has seen improvements after the 2016 Rio year, MBS became the head of the terview, when he was asked what moderate Islam open to the world Huawei is set to open its largest flag - Paralympics because the Government finally gave it due attention. Crown Prince Court and soon was was his concept of moderation, the and all religions. 70 per cent of the ship outside of China in Riyadh. The Cricket in India has always been pampered and cricketers have reaped made the Minister of defense. Prince replied: “Of course, this is a Saudis are younger than 30, honest - growing social cachet attached to the Due attention on Page 7 Muhammad Bin Salman was also broad term. All Muslim jurists and ly, we won’t waste 30 years of our life The MBS on Page 7

Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma, Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RNI NO. 43798/86, email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Glimpses of Future 7 natiOnal JAMMU SUNdAy SEPTEMBER 5, 2021 Amethi has become self-reliant in UP floods: Adityanath says state medical oxygen production: Smriti PRESS TRUST Of INDIA govt stands with all citizens Amethi (UP), Sep 4 Amethi was neglected PRESS TRUST Of INDIA levels in rivers Rapti and due to the floods and provide for 70 years and there was Siddharthanagar (UP), Sep 4 BurhiRapti have increased, lead - them financial assistance. He said not even one oxygen gen - ing to the flooding of nearby ar - people whose houses were dam - eration unit, but it has be - With parts of Uttar Pradesh eas. Every effort is being made to aged in the floods would be pro - come self-reliant in med - grappling with floods, Chief provide help to the people of vided new ones under the ical oxygen now with sev - Minister yogi Adityanath on domariyaganj and Naugarh 'MukhyamantriAwas yojana'. en plants, Un ion Minister Saturday said the life of every citi - tehsil. "The life of every citizen is "The flood-affected families are Smriti Irani said on Saturday, zen is very valuable and his gov - very valuable and the government being provided ration and oral re - in an apparent swipe at the ernment stands with all people of stands with all citizens. The flood- hydration solutions (ORS) as they Congress whose leaders the state. Addressing a gathering affected people are being given 10 are vulnerable to ailments such as represented the con - at Shahpur Mandi Parishad in kg rice, 2 kg pulses, salt, wheat dehydration and diarrhoea due to stituency for decades. domariyaganj tehsil here, the CM flour, spices, edible oil and other flooding. dry ration is being given Irani, on a two-day visit to become self-reliant," she tests are now being con - said the flood-affected people are necessary things. The provision of and meals are being provided her parlia mentary con - said. "Amethi is my home, ducted in Amethi," said being provided with ration. He al - fodder has also been made for an - through community kitchens," he stituency in Uttar Pradesh, in - my family. I know how to Irani, who defeated so asked officials to prepare a list imals," Adityanath said. He said said. Snake venom antidote and specte d a trauma centre in look after the family. I do Congress leader Rahul of farmers whose crops were de - the National disaster Response anti-rabies vaccines are being Jagdishpur. "Amethi was what I say. you have seen Gandh i in the constituency in stroyed due to the deluge so that Force (NdRF) and other forces supplied to the flooded areas, he deprived of various facili - that during the COVId-19 2019. "Whether I am in they can be provided financial as - have been deployed for carrying also said. The chief minister cau - ties for 70 years. There pandemic. Initially sam - Amethi or outside, I keep a sistance. Adityanath had said on out relief and rescue operations. tioned the people against spread was not a single oxygen ples had to be sent to tab of Amethi and am in Friday that a total of 15 districts in flood-hit areas in Gonda, Instructions have been given that of vector-borne and water-borne plant in Amethi, but today Lucknow for testing, but touch with the administra - the state have been affected by the Bahraich and Balrampur dis - people should be provided nutri - diseases once flood water recedes there are seven oxygen the yogi Adityanath gov - tion," the Union Women and deluge the third witnessed by the tricts. The CM said on Saturday tious food. Adityanath directed and appealed to them to join the plants. In the area of med - ernment in UP made such Child development state this year. He had also con - that for the past two weeks, owing officials to prepare a list of farm - state government's special sanita - ical oxygen, Amethi has a provision that COVId-19 Minister said. ducted an aerial survey of the to heavy rains in Nepal, the water ers whose crops were destroyed tion drive from September 5 to 12. Jan Aashirwad yatra left opposition Delhi govt to celebrate Congress seeks SC-monitored probe disturbed, nervous: Nadda Teachers Day as 'Abhar Diwas', PRESS TRUST Of INDIA award 122 teachers New Delhi Sep 4 into JEE exam paper leak PRESS TRUST Of INDIA assured that such frauds have not these examinations is that they have The highly success - New Delhi, Sep 4 happened in other exams conducted messed up the future of students of ful Jan Aashirwad by the NTA. If one of the most presti - our country. The 'Paper Leak yatra, a public out - The Congress on Saturday de - gious entrance examinations of the Government' is answerable to every reach by 39 new Union manded a Supreme Court-moni - country (JEE) is not spared by these youth of our country who is not able ministers, has left the tored probe into the alleged manip - frauds, then what is the quality of fu - to get a deserving job or seat in a re - opposition “disturbed ulation of JEE Mains examination ture professionals generated, they puted institute due to endless paper and nervous”, BJP after the CBI arrested seven persons asked. "We demand an inquiry into leaks," he said.Lamba alleged that president J P Nadda in this connection. The Congress al - the entire fraud under the supervi - paper leaks are happening under said on Saturday and so demanded answers from the BJP sion of a sitting Supreme Court BJP governments and dubbed it as accused it of trying to government, saying the Education judge as this is an issue related to the the "BechteJao Paper" party where hinder the pro - Ministry and the National Testing future of our country," Vallabh told the future of students and the coun - gramme. People con - Agency (NTA) are responsible for reporters."Is it not the responsibili - try is at stake.She also demanded tinue to show "un - conducting examinations in a trans - ty that the government should en - that the guilty be brought to book as flinching support and PRESS TRUST Of INDIA parent manner and why they are not sure that every student out of 22 fast as possible and a trial held in a trust" in the Modi gov - New Delhi Sep 4 held accountable. The party's stu - lakh applicants who appeared for fast-track court.Lamba also cited ernment, he said in a drances in our yatra taken several initia - dents wing, NSUI, also announced JEE Main exams 2021 to get a fair several alleged paper leaks in BJP- statement. "All ploys and programmes.” tives to boost India's The delhi government will cele - protests across the country on chance as their future is at stake," he ruled Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and disturbances have The BJP president security and safety. brate Teachers day on Sunday as Monday on the issue. Addressing a said.Citing the chronology of paper Karnataka and Assam.She said stu - failed to shake the added that people have "The last seven years of 'Abhardiwas' and award 122 teach - joint press conference, Congress leaks, he mentioned Vyapam, SSC- dents are under tremendous mental strong support and rejected the "negative India under the dy - ers who discharged their duties dili - spokesperson Gourav Vallabh, 2017, CBSE Class X and XII-2018, pressure when such reports of paper trust that the people political agenda" of op - namic, decisive and gently during the Covid pandemic, delhi Congress leader Alka Lamba entrance exams in Haryana, JEE leak emerge and asked why the cen - have showered on the position parties and foresighted leadership deputy Manish Sisodia said on and NSUI national president Neeraj main 2020 and the latest case. "The government is "silent" on the is - Narendra Modi gov - have stood strongly of Modi has been that Saturday. Besides, the new 'Face of Kundan said how can students be only one thing that is common in all sue. ernment," Nadda said, with the politics of de - of people's participa - doE' (directorate of Education) hitting out at the velopment and growth. tion, development, awards will be given to two teachers - Maharashtra govern - The yatra, which began trust, security, pros - - Raj Kumar and Suman Arora. Also, ment for targeting on Independence day perity and growth," he two special awards will be given to Contn. from Page 6 ...... Union Minister and continued till said."The tremendous Bharti Kalra and Rani Bhardwaj Narayan Rane. Rane August 28, covered success of the Jan who during the pandemic provided was arrested by the more than 24,000 km Aashirwad yatras are tablet devices to the students and UP’s progress ...... Maharashtra police for in 14 days in which over also proof of the 'Vikas supported them in various ways so his comments against 5,000 programmes yatra' that the country that they can continue with their posals for investment, MoUs worth Rs 4.68 lakh crore Payments made to the State’s farmers have been touching Chief Minister Uddhav were organised. "All has seen under the dy - studies, the deputy CM said. have been signed at investors’ summits, of which 371 pro - new records as well. The Government has stepped up its Thackeray while on the these programmes namic and decisive He said that of the 1,108 applica - posals worth close to Rs 3 lakh crore are already function - efforts to double the income of the State’s farmers. Nearly yatra. “It is a direct at - were highly successful leadership of the prime tions received for the delhi govern - al, generating employment for up to 5 lakh people. Here, Rs 33,000 crore have been transferred to the accounts of tack on our democratic which also ensured en - minister and the trust ment's teachers' awards, 122 have one must make mention of the work being done by this the nearly three crore farmers under the Pradhan Mantri system but people's thusiastic participa - and support of all his been finalised by a panel. Sisodia, Government on the defence industrial manufacturing Kisan Samman Nidhi yojana, plus separate transfers un - support forced all nar - tion of people from all Cabinet ministers," who also holds the education portfo - corridor, which has already drawn up to 14 MoUs. The aim der crop insurance schemes. The modernisation of 20 row-minded opposi - walks of life," the BJP Nadda added.He said lio, said earlier the number of is to transform Uttar Pradesh into a hub of capital-inten - sugar mills in the State, along with the reopening of the tion parties and our po - president claimed. the BJP and Modi are awards were 103 and this year it has sive manufacturing, which the defence industry invari - Pipraich, Munderwa and Ramala sugar mills, is a particu - litical adversaries to re - People have lauded all- committed and firm on been increased. The eligibility crite - ably entails. Farmers have much to be happy about in yogi larly significant milestone in the yogi administration’s treat,” Nadda said. round development providing benefits of ria have been relaxed to bring guest Adityanath’s rule. development schemes and pro - agriculture policy. Uttar Pradesh under yogi Adityanath is “The highly successful and progress under the all social welfare and teachers and private tutors under grammes, for their long-term success, also need the clearly not the “Bimaru” State it was once derided as, but a ‘Jan Aashirwadyatras‘ Modi government economic welfare consideration for the award. The health of the rural economy to be robust. The Adityanath State on a rapid march upwards. This is important for the across the country has whose "pro-people and schemes to every sec - norm of 15 years of teaching experi - policy of transparent purchase of wheat and paddy, as also State, which is one-fifth of India. Being backward is bad left the Opposition par - pro-poor" policies and tion of society, particu - ence to be considered for the award his continuous supervision of purchase centres, has been enough, but if one-fifth of th e frame is sick, the rest of the body ties disturbed and programmes have larly to those who have has been relaxed to three years, he successful. The example of paddy should suffice; the State cannot i n any way be healthy . M oreover, the Narasimha nervous and they un - touched the lives of all been left behind in the added.The recipients will be pre - Government has purchased a record 60 lakh metric tonne Rao-initiated 1991 reforms did not benefit UP. This makes successfully tried to sections of society, he race of growth and de - sented with the awards at a ceremo - of the grain against a slated target of 55 lakh metric tonne. UP’s march under Adityanath all the more remarkable. disturb and create hin - said, adding that it has velopment. ny on Teachers day on Sunday. Rockets ...... Karnataka cabinet EC announces bypoll in Bhabanipur hind. Branson’s rocket, however, is powered by a ‘hybrid gen’s current high price, and a longer-term aspiration to engine’ that burns hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene use high-energy biofuels that are carbon-neutral.Aviation decides to ban online assembly seat where WB Chief Minister (synthetic rubber), with nitrous oxide as an oxidiser. you as a whole remains a significant part of the warming prob - Mamata Banerjee plans to contest can think of it as a soot generator with stratospheric capa - lem, producing more than 3 per cent of global CO2 emis - gambling bility. And 400 flights a year.So, the Branson rocket should sions, and the solutions are expensive or technically diffi - PRESS TRUST Of INDIA be closely monitored for its impact on the stratosphere, cult. Biofuels can eventually address the carbon dioxide PRESS TRUST Of INDIA New Delhi, Sep 4 and how that might affect the climate. The impact could be emissions, but at least half the aviation-linked warming is Bengaluru, Sep 4 insignificant, but it will be a much bigger contributor to not CO2. Its heat reflected back to the ground by con - Bypoll to the Bhabanipur as - The Karnataka Cabinet on Saturday stratospheric pollution than its size suggests. And what of trails.The remedy for that is to fly in the lower atmosphere, sembly seat in West Bengal, from decided to impose a ban on online gam - space flight in general?There will certainly be more orbital where contrails rarely form - but that puts planes back where Chief Minister and bling or betting. However, lottery and flights as time goes on, but most satellites are now very down in the turbulence, which passengers do not like. horse racing have not been prohibited. Trinamool Congress leader small packages that can be packed together on a single Planes could be designed that would counter that turbu - "We are amending the Karnataka Police Mamata Banerjee plans to con - launch. Moreover, there is a clear move towards using liq - lence (ducted flow and computer-driven instant re - Act, with an intention to put an end to on - test, would be held on September uid hydrogen rather than kerosene as a fuel, despite hydro - sponse), but there’s no sign of it yet. line gambling, on the basis of the High 30, the Election Commission an - Court directions. The cabinet has ap - nounced on Saturday. Polling for ...... proved the amendments, it will be placed three "deferred adjourned" elec - The MBS before the assembly," Law and tions in two assembly seats of West Bengal and one of Odisha tech industry is a trend that can be attributed, in part, to without undermining any other country. Under Crown Parliamentary Affairs Minister J C Crown Prince’s own fascination with Silicon Valley. To Prince and long-serving KSA Ambassador to India, Saud Al Madhuswamy said. Speaking to re - will also be held on September 30. Elections in these seats raise funds for economic diversification, Saudi Arabia has Sati, the relationship between India and Saudi Arabia was porters after the cabinet meeting here, he issued debt, drawn down its fiscal reserves and VAT - a elevated to that of a strategic partnership. The momentum said the government has decided to ban Samserganj and Jangirpur in West Bengal and Pipli in Odisha form of sales tax. The kingdom can also continue to draw for this relationship began during the visit of Prime online gambling."The draft Bill defines from its reserves, which stood at $130bn at the end of the Minister Narendra Modi to the Kingdom in April 2016, online games as, games involving all could not be held due to various reasons, including the death of second quarter of 2021. Nevertheless, privatisations are during which he was presented with the Sash of King Abdul forms of wagering or betting including in likely to gain new momentum over the coming years. Aziz, the highest civilian decoration awarded by King the form of tokens valued in terms of the candidates during electioneer - ing earlier this year. Counting on When asked about Saudi Arabia and the US, after the Salman. The momentum increased with the crown Prince’s money paid before or after the issue of it new administration had arrived in the White House, was visit to India, during which he and Modi discussed or electronic means and virtual currency, all four seats will take place on the election results, Sovandeb October 3. EC said it has kept Chattopadhyay, the TMC MLA there any discord between these two allies? MBS stated prospects for bilateral cooperation in all fields, along with also electronic transfer of currency in that they were working on maintaining relations with other issues of mutual interest. And the confirmation of connection with any game of chance," the "much stricter" norms as an from Bhabanipur constituency abundant caution to safeguard vacated the seat to allow strategic partners in the region, starting with the Gulf India as one of the Kingdom’s strategic partner countries Minister said.He said, however, it does countries, Arab countries, and Middle Eastern countries. under Vision 2030, complete with a proposal to set up a not include lotteries or wagering or bet - from the COVId-19 pandemic. Banerjee to contest from there. The Bhabanipurbypoll will allow Banerjee had won from They were also working on strengthening their alliances high-level partnership council.Finally on the lighter note, ting on horse races done on any race with partners throughout the world; the US, the UK, when asked why he is in a tearing hurry, Crown price course within or outside the state.The Mamata Banerjee a chance to be - Bhabanipur twice since 2011. come a member of the state leg - According to an Election France, Europe, and other countries, as well as seeking to replied smiling: “I fear that the day I die, I am going to die amendment bill to this effect will be create new partnerships with everyone else, such as without accomplishing what I have in my mind, life is tabled in the upcoming session of the leg - islative assembly. Banerjee had Commission press note, the moved out of her traditional seat West Bengal chief secretary has Russia, India, China, Latin America, African countries, short, and a lot of things can happen, and I am really keen islature starting September 13.The state and others. This is all to serve the interests of Saudi Arabia to see it with my own eyes - and that is why I am in a hurry.” government in July had informed the in Kolkata's Bhabanipur to fight informed that in view of admin - High Court, hearing a petition seeking a in Nandigram during the istrative exigencies and public ban on all forms of online betting and Assembly polls earlier this year interest and to avoid a vacuum in gambling, that it had drafted a Bill.Last but lost to his former close aide the state, by-elections for Due attention ...... Suvendu Adhikari who contest - Bhabanipur, from where CM November, Tamil Nadu had promulgat - the most out of it, leaving little for other sports. But the held once in four years, therefore, it is important for the ed on a BJP ticket. Adhikari is Mamata Banerjee intends to ed an ordinance banning online gam - Tokyo Olympics and the Tokyo Paralympics brought a Central and State Governments to provide resources and now the Leader of Opposition in contest elections, may be con - bling, and earlier this year, Kerala had shift of spotlight from cricket to other important sports. infrastructure that motivate more such people to partici - imposed a ban on online rummy games. the West Bengal Assembly. After ducted. The para athletes train to compete in events which are pate. Glimpses of Future 8 wOrld JAMMU, SUNdAy, SEPTEMBER 5, 2021 Biden moves to declassify documents Taliban again postpone Afghan govt formation announcement about Sept. 11 attacks Peshawar, Sep 4 broad-based government in international community Kabul acceptable to the expect the Taliban in Washington, Sep 4 classification review and tives, commended the ac - support to some of the hi - long regarded other The Taliban have post - world, in fact, is causing the Afghanistan to form an in - pledged that his adminis - tion as a critical first step. jackers before the attacks. records as too sensitive for poned the formation of a delay. "The Taliban can clusive government with President Joe Biden tration will continue to en - He said the families would The lawsuit took a major disclosure. On Thursday, new government in form a government of their representations from dif - has directed the declassifi - gage respectfully with be closely watching the step forward this year with victims' families and sur - Afghanistan for next week, own but they are now fo - ferent communities and cation of certain docu - members of this communi - process to make sure that the questioning under oath vivors urged the Justice their spokesman Zabiullah cussing to have an adminis - fulfil its commitments like ments related to the ty. the Justice department of former Saudi officials, department's inspector Mujahid said on Saturday, tration in which all parties, countering terrorism, re - September 11, 2001, ter - The significant events follows through and acts and family members have general to investigate the as the insurgent group groups and sections of the specting the rights of rorist attacks, a supportive in question occurred two "in good faith. long regarded the disclo - FBI's apparent inability to struggles to give shape to a society have proper repre - women and minorities and gesture to victims' families decades ago or longer, and The first test will be on sure of declassified docu - locate key pieces of evi - broad-based and inclusive sentation," he said, ac - not engaging in reprisal. who have long sought the they concern a tragic mo - 9/11, and the world will be ments as an important step dence they've been seek - administration acceptable knowledging that "the As we've said and as records in hopes of impli - ment that continues to res - watching. We look forward in making their case. ing. to the international com - Taliban alone will not be ac - countries around the world cating the Saudi govern - onate in American history to thanking President The Saudi government The Justice munity. The insurgent ceptable to the world." have said, there is an expec - ment. and in the lives of so many Biden in person next week has denied any connection department revealed last group was expected to an - Former Afghan premier tation that any government The order, coming little Americans, the executive as he joins us at Ground to the attacks. month that the FBI had re - nounce on Saturday the for - and head of Jamiat e Islami that emerges now will have mation of the new govern - more than a week before order states. Zero to honor those who Fifteen of the hijackers cently completed an inves - Afghanistan Gulbuddin some real inclusivity, and ment in Kabul, likely to be the 20th anniversary of the It is therefore critical to died or were injured 20 were Saudi, as was Osama tigation examining certain Hekmatyar and brother of that it will have non-Talibs led by the outfit's co- attacks, is a significant mo - ensure that the United years ago, Eagleson said. bin Laden, whose al-Qaida 9/11 hijackers and poten - former Afghan President in it who are representative founder Mulla Abdul Ghani Ashraf Ghani, who have an - of different communities ment in a yearslong tussle States Government maxi - Still, the practical im - network was behind the at - tial co-conspirators, and Baradar. This is the second nounced their support to and different interests in between the government mizes transparency, rely - pact of the executive order tacks. Particular scrutiny that it was working toward that the Taliban have de - the Taliban, will be given Afghanistan, Blinken told and the families over what ing on classification only and any new documents it has centered on the sup - providing more informa - layed the formation of the representation in the reporters ahead of his im - classified information when narrowly tailored might yield was not imme - port offered to the first two tion. Under the terms of new government in Kabul Taliban government, he portant visit to doha where about the run-up to the at - and necessary." diately clear. Public docu - hijackers to arrive in the the executive order, the since they seized Kabul on said. The Taliban are also in the political office of the tacks could be made public. The order directs the ments released in the last U.S., Nawaf al-Hazmi and FBI must complete by Sept. August 15. "The announce - the process of negotiating Taliban is based. That conflict was on Justice department and two decades, including by Khalid al-Mihdhar, includ - 11 its declassification re - ment about the new govern - with other stakeholders to "The expectation is to display last month when other executive branch the 9/11 Commission, have ing from a Saudi national view of documents from ment and Cabinet members seek their support for their see inclusivity in govern - many relatives, survivors agencies to begin a declas - detailed numerous Saudi with ties to the Saudi gov - that probe, which it has re - will now be made next government, he added. ment, but ultimately the ex - and first responders came sification review, and re - entanglements but have ernment who helped the ferred to as the "Subfile week," Mujahid said with - Earlier, sources said that pectation is to see a govern - out against Biden's partici - quires that declassified not proved government men find and lease an Investigation. Additional out giving further details. Baradar, the Chairman of ment that makes good on pation in 9/11 memorial documents be released complicity. apartment in San diego documents, including any Khalil Haqqani, a member the Taliban's Political commitments that the events if the documents re - over the next six months. A long-running lawsuit and who had earlier at - phone and bank records of a committee constituted Office in doha, Qatar, is Taliban have made, partic - mained classified. Brett Eagleson, whose in federal court in New tracted FBI scrutiny. and reports with investiga - by the Taliban to negotiate likely to be the head of the ularly in freedom of travel, Biden said on Friday father, Bruce, was among york aims to hold the Saudi Though many docu - tive findings, are to be re - talks with different groups Taliban government in not allowing Afghanistan to that he was making good the World Trade Center government accountable ments examining potential viewed with an eye for dis - over the formation of the Kabul. US Secretary of State be used as a launching on a campaign commit - victims and who is an advo - and alleges that Saudi offi - Saudi ties have been re - closure over the course of government, said the Antony Blinken on Friday ground for terrorism direct - ment by ordering the de - cate for other victims' rela - cials provided significant leased, U.S. officials have the next six months. Taliban's bid to form a said that America and the ed at the US .

Thai PM Prayuth ISI chief rushes to Kabul as Below-par India look to raise the level against prevails over Taliban struggle to form inclusive parliamentary Nepal in second international friendly Kathmandu, Sep 4 Nepal, who will brimming a few things, and see if that energy level because we are censure motion govt acceptable to int'l community with confidence following can help us in terms of pass - just at the end of the second Held by a lowly Nepal in Bangkok, Sep 4 Islamabad, Sep 4 (PTI) mine the mechanism through which the last match result. ing with more confidence, week of preparation, and their last match, the Indian Pakistan could allow these, in coordina - The friendlies are being and getting forward easier." the legs are still heavy. But, men's football team would Thai Prime Minister In a surprise move, Pakistan's power - tion with the ground authorities in organised as part of prepa - India custodian they are looking forward to settle for nothing less than a Prayuth Chan-ocha won ful intelligence chief Lieutenant General Afghanistan will be discussed during the rations for next month's Gurpreet Singh Sandhu too put in a better perform - victory in the second inter - votes of confidence in Faiz Hameed on Saturday dashed to meeting with the Taliban officials, it said, SAFF Championships in feels that the team needs to ance," he said. "We need to national friendly against Parliament on Saturday, Kabul, according to media reports here, quoting sources. Maldives. raise its bar on Sunday to make sure that we have a the Himalayan nation here helping to steady his govern - amidst the Taliban struggling to finalise The intelligence chief will spend a day The five-team SAFF come out on the positive strong mentality going into ment after it had come under and install an inclusive government in in the Afghan capital, the Geo News re - on Sunday. Championships will be held side of the result. the second game. We need intense criticism for Afghanistan that would be acceptable to ported. Border management is another Worse, Indian football from October 3 to October "The last game was a to make sure that we use it bungling its response to the the international community. important issue that will come under dis - team is not at all happy with 13 at the National Stadium tough one and Nepal were to prepare for the SAFF coronavirus pandemic. A delegation of senior Pakistani offi - cussion during the visit of Hameed, it the training facilities pro - in Male. Besides India, the very organised. We had mo - Championship in good or - Prayuth still faces pres - cials led by Inter-Services Intelligence said. vided by the host country. other participating teams ments where we could have der," he said. sure from street protests (ISI) director General Lieutenant Pakistan was often accused by the At 105, India are ranked are Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, done better as a team, and Thapa, who suffered an that have been demanding General Hameed arrived in Kabul to con - Afghanistan government of giving the much above the 171st hosts Maldives and Nepal. there were moments where injury scare in his ankle in he step down. Pro-democra - duct discussions with the incoming Taliban military aid, a charge denied by placed Nepal in the FIFA India head coach Igor we did get better.The five- the last match, is fit to play cy activists opposing his Taliban government, the Pakistan Islamabad. rankings, but still then the Stimac was not happy with team SAFF Championships on Sunday. policies have been seeking Observer newspaper reported. The ISI chief's trip is the first high- -led side pro - the performance but hoped will be held from October 3 "I am fine now," as - his resignation since last The ISI chief is expected to meet top level visit by a Pakistani official since the duced a below-par show in for a better show from his to October 13 at the sured Thapa. year and stepped up their ef - Taliban leaders and commanders. Taliban took over Kabul on August 15 in a the first match to be held to wards on Sunday. National Stadium in Male. "I have been working on forts in recent weeks. "Issues relating to Pak-Afghan security, move that surprised both their foes and a 1-1 draw on Thursday. "The mood is positive Besides India, the other my short sprints, especially Major, though not huge, economy, and other matters will be taken friends. Since then, the insurgent group In the last match, sub - and our boys are aware that participating teams are my start. That allowed me rallies were held this past up with the Taliban leadership, the re - has been trying to form its government, stitute they can do much better. Of Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, to connect the ball ahead of week in defiance of limits on port said, quoting sources. but has been postponing the announce - came in as saviour for the course, we are still short hosts Maldives and Nepal. my marker, and even goal - public gatherings as a virus- According to the Express Tribune, ment. visitors as found the with the energy level be - India head coach Igor keeper Kiran-bhai (Kiran fighting measure, and an - Hameed will also meet Pakistan's envoy The Taliban have postponed the for - equaliser in the 60th cause we are just at the end Stimac was not happy with Limbu)," he explains. other was scheduled for later in Kabul to discuss the matter of repatria - mation of a new government in minute after Nepal grabbed of the second week of the performance but hoped "We were much better Saturday, with organizers tion and transit through Pakistan of for - Afghanistan for next week, their the lead through Anjan preparation, and the legs for a better show from his in the second half in the vowing to continue until he eign nationals and Afghans fleeing spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said on Bista in the 36th minute. are still heavy. But, they are wards on Sunday. "The first match and wished the gets out of office. Arriving at Taliban rule. "The issue of pending re - Saturday, as the insurgent group strug - But come tomorrow, looking forward to put in a mood is positive and our match could have contin - Parliament ahead of the vot - quests from countries and international gles to give shape to a broad-based and India will have to raise their better performance," he boys are aware that they can ued for some more time for ing on the censure motions organisations for the repatriation/transit inclusive administration acceptable to game by leaps and bounds said. do much better. Of course, us to find the winner," against him and five mem - through Pakistan and the need to deter - the international community. to outwit a determined "We are going to change we are still short with the Thapa concluded. bers of his Cabinet, Prayuth had declared to reporters: I am confident every day. Asked if there will be a Cabinet reshuffle soon, he New Zealand officials confirm name of knife attacker said, It's not time yet. working around the clock. Their fears The attack has highlighted deficien - kept on posting. In 2017, they arrested Arabic. She said the videos described Prayuth prevailed by a com - were borne out Friday when the man cies in New Zealand's anti-terror laws, him at Auckland Airport. He was head - obtaining martyrdom on the battlefield fortable margin in the House walked into an Auckland supermarket, which experts say are too focused on ed for Syria, authorities say, presum - by being killed for God's cause. of Representatives, with grabbed a kitchen knife from a store punishing actions and inadequate for ably to join the Islamic State insur - A court report warned the man had support from 264 lawmak - shelf and stabbed five people, critically dealing with plots before they are car - gency. the motivation and means to commit vi - ers showing only a few defec - injuring three. ried out. Prime Minister Jacinda Police searches found he had a olent acts in the community and posed a tions from the 271 members New Zealand officials confirmed Ardern said lawmakers were close to hunting knife and some banned propa - high risk. It described him as harboring of his ruling coalition, de - Saturday that 32-year-old Ahamed filling some of those legislative holes ganda material, and he was later re - extreme attitudes, living an isolated spite intense rumors of a plot Aathil Mohamed Samsudeen was the when the attack occurred. She vowed leased on bail. In 2018, he bought an - lifestyle, and having a sense of entitle - among them to force him attacker. law changes by the end of the month. other knife, and police found two ment. out. There were 208 votes in Two more shoppers were injured in Police Commissioner Andrew Islamic State videos. But the judge decided to release the support of the motion, 34 the melee. On Saturday, three of the vic - Coster said the law they were working The man spent the next three years man, sentencing him to a year's super - short of the 242 simple ma - tims remained hospitalized in critical under required the man to make the in jail after pleading guilty to various vision at an Auckland mosque, where a jority of the 482 total mem - condition and three more were in stable first move. crimes and for breaching bail. On new leader had confirmed his willingness to bers the Opposition needed Wellington, Sep 4 or moderate conditions. The seventh We might have an understanding of charges in May, a jury found the man help and support the man on his re - to succeed. person was recovering at home. The intent, and ideology, and we might have guilty on two counts of possessing ob - lease. during four previous New Zealand authorities impris - youngest victim was a 29-year-old high levels of concern, Coster said. But jectionable videos, both of which The judge said she rejected argu - days of debate, little atten - oned a man inspired by the Islamic woman, the oldest a 77-year-old man. that is not sufficient for us to take any showed Islamic State group imagery, ments the man had simply stumbled on tion had been given to the State group for three years after catch - Undercover officers monitoring the enforcement action. including the group's flag and a man in the videos and was trying to improve his details of the Opposition's ing him with a hunting knife and ex - Samsudeen from just outside the super - Authorities have said Samsudeen a black balaclava holding a semi-auto - Arabic. She said an aggravating factor harsh accusations that tremist videos but at a certain point, de - market sprang into action when they was a Sri Lankan national who arrived matic weapon. was that he was on bail for earlier, simi - Prayuth's administration spite grave fears he would attack others, saw shoppers running and heard shout - in New Zealand 10 years ago, at the age However, the videos didn't show vi - lar offenses and had tried to delete his had botched the coronavirus they say they could do nothing more to ing, police said, and shot him dead of 22, on a student visa. He was first no - olent murders like some Islamic State internet browser history. response, countenanced keep him behind bars. within a couple of minutes of him be - ticed by police in 2016 when he started videos and weren't classified as the Fitzgerald noted the extreme con - corruption and mismanaged So for 53 days from July, police ginning his attack. A bystander's video posting support for terror attacks and worst kind of illicit material. High cerns of police, saying she didn't know if the economy. tracked the man's every move, an oper - records the sound of 10 shots being violent extremism on Facebook. Court Judge Sally Fitzgerald described they were right, but I sincerely hope Thai media were instead ation that involved some 30 officers fired in rapid succession. Police twice confronted him but he the contents as religious hymns sung in they are not. abuzz with rumors that the secretary-general of the rul - ing, military-backed Palang Philippines lifts travel ban on India, 9 other Judge released New Zealand extremist despite concerns Pracharath party, which put together the coalition gov - countries amidst rise in COVID-19 cases Wellington, Sep 4 ised to try and help. history including even his name re - ernment that named The fears of authorities were mains subject to court orders pre - Prayuth prime minister two Manila, Sep 4 million, The Manila Times Lanka, Nepal, the United A court report about a man in borne out Friday when the man venting publication. More pieces of years ago, was leading the ef - newspaper reported. Arab Emirates, Oman, New Zealand who was inspired by the walked into an Auckland supermar - the puzzle likely reside within that fort to unseat him and pull The Philippines on President Rodrigo Thailand, Malaysia and Islamic State group warned he had ket, grabbed a knife and stabbed six hidden legal history, including short - the main opposition Pheu Saturday decided to wel - duterte approved the rec - Indonesia, the official the motivation and means to commit people, critically injuring three. comings in New Zealand terrorism Thai party into the coalition. come travellers from India ommendation of the said. International travel - violent acts in the community and Because police continued to have laws, which experts believe are too There was no public confir - and nine other countries Inter-Agency Task Force ers coming from the 10 posed a high risk. deep concerns about the man, they focused on punishing crimes and in - mation of the rumors, which from September 6, ac - (IATF) to lift the current countries shall, however, The report described the man as had been watching him and following adequate in dealing with plots. by Thursday included an ac - cording to a Presidential travel restrictions on India comply with the appropri - harbouring extreme attitudes, living him around the clock. They were able New Zealand Prime Minister cusation that Prayuth's side Palace announcement. and nine other countries ate entry, testing and an isolated lifestyle, and having a to intervene and shoot him dead Jacinda Ardern said she is seeking to met lawmakers to pay them The announcement starting September 6, quarantine protocols, de - sense of entitlement. However, a within 60 seconds of him beginning make the man's full legal history pub - large sums to ensure their came even as the country Presidential Palace pending on their approved judge's job in July was to sentence the his attack. licly available as soon as possible. support an accusation he recorded its second high - spokesperson Harry 'listing,' Roque said. The man for the relatively minor crimes The court documents begin to tell Ardern said the man, a Sri flatly denied. Everyone came est number of COVId-19 Roque was quoted as say - Philippine government, in he had committed at that time, not the story of why the man that authori - Lankan national, first moved to New to greet me. As I hardly met cases with 20,310 infec - ing by the newspaper. The a COVId-19 update on for potential future crimes. She de - ties feared so much was able to roam Zealand in 2011 and that security them, they just came to give tions on Friday, pushing other countries are August 13, had extended cided to release him under the super - free. agencies began monitoring him in me the support. the national tally to 2.04 Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri its travel ban on India . vision of a mosque leader who prom - However, much of the man's legal 2016. Glimpses of Future 9 hEalth JAMMU, SUNdAy, SEPTEMBER 5, 2021 Dehydration symptoms, causes and treatment tips However, if more fluid is lost from If you're thirsty, chances are you dued or irritable. selves a glass of water. the body than is absorbed then dehy - know to reach for a glass of water. But No wet nappies for three hours or Dehydration treatment in dration occurs and this may be mild, for small children and the elderly, it's more. the elderly moderate or severe depending on not always apparent. Fortunately A sunken fontanel (the soft spot The best way for all of us to rehy - how much fluid is lost. The symp - there are a number of signs to look on top of your baby’s head). drate and avoid becoming dehydrat - toms it causes also depends on the out for which indicate you may need A lack of actual tears when they ed in the first place is to drink plenty severity of the dehydration, ranging to hydrate: cry. of water. Coffee, tea, fruit juice, from mild thirst to coma or death. 1. Thirst dehydration treatment in babies sweetened beverages, fruits and veg - We get around two-thirds of the For most people, the first symp - and children etables all contain water, so if some - fluid we require from drinks, with the tom of dehydration is feeling thirsty. As soon as you suspect your baby one you know does not like drinking rest coming from fluid in foods and as 2. Headaches and fatigue or young child may be dehydrated, plain water, try to encourage them to a result of normal chemical reactions Others often develop before this offer them water to drink. Babies un - up their intake of these other drinks in the body. Most people lose be - such as fatigue, headache, and a dry der one year should be given the or foods containing water. tween two and three litres every day mouth. chance to breastfeed as often as they Jellies, ice lollies and melons are through our normal bodily functions 3. Dizziness wish, or offered formula milk. young all good alternatives, especially when such as breathing, urination, defeca - Following thirst comes dizziness children may refuse plain water, in encouraging an elderly person to in - tion and sweating. Factors that can and weakness. which case you could try the follow - crease their fluid intake. Encourage increase fluid loss include sweating 4. Darker urine ing: them to keep a water jug or bottle in hot weather or with a high temper - Passing less urine which is also ️✔ Offer your child milk or very di - close by, so they’re more inclined to ature, diarrhoea and vomiting, dia - often more concentrated and darker luted squash. drink more often but always make betes, exercise, excessive alcohol in - yellow than usual. ️✔ Spoon-feed your child small sure the water container isn’t too big take and simply not taking enough 5. Raised pulse rate amounts of water – little and often is though, as they may struggle to lift fluid during the day. As dehydration worsens, other best. and pour it. Dehydration causes symptoms may occur including a ️✔ Offer your child slices of mel - Instead, it’s better to use a small - What causes dehydration? It’s raised pulse rate, sunken eyes, an ab - on, strawberries or grapes (cut in half er jug that you can refill regularly for completely normal to lose water sence of sweating and extreme thirst. lengthways). them. Try using an app or set an through your body each day, through 6. Delirium ️✔ Offer your child an ice lolly. alarm to remind them to drink at reg - sweat, breath, urine, faeces, saliva Blood pressure may fall and ulti - If your child has a vomiting or di - ular intervals, especially at meal - and tears. However, if you don’t re - mately delirium and loss of con - arrhoea bug, it’s important that they times. place this water by drinking or eating sciousness occurs. People who have keep drinking fluids. Encourage Dehydration treatment dur - foods with a high water content, you low-level chronic dehydration are them to take regular small sips of wa - ing a sickness bug will likely become dehydrated. Other more prone to conditions such as kid - ter. you should also offer them a re - If you have been unwell with a drinking plenty of water every you're hitting your daily water quota: risk factors of dehydration include: ney stones, chronic fatigue and kid - hydration solution – speak to your sickness or diarrhoea bug, you will single day is essential, particularly in What is dehydration? Vomiting or have diarrhoea ney stones. pharmacist about which is the best likely have lost water, as well as other warm weather. dehydration can de - The human body is mainly water High fever Dehydration in babies and choice for your child. vital nutrients.It can sometimes be velop if your body loses more fluids – 70 per cent is made up of water and Sore throat (meaning you may children Dehydration in the elderly hard to keep drinking and to keep flu - than you take in and symptoms in - it is vital for all aspects of the normal not want to drink or eat much) young babies, toddlers and the dehydration in older people can ids down, but try to sip small clude headaches, lethargy, constipa - functioning of the body including Vigorous exercise elderly are most prone to getting de - cause serious risks if it gets severe, in - amounts of fluid on a regular basis, to tion and in severe cases may require healthy functioning of joints and Heatstroke hydrated as they may not recognise cluding kidney stones, fainting and keep hydrated and replenish what urgent medical attention. skin, digestion, waste product re - drinking lots of alcohol when they are thirsty, so it's impor - low blood pressure. you have lost. It is helpful to use a re - But what exactly is dehydration, moval and muscle and nerve func - diuretic medication (which tant to look out for the key signs. Mobility issues can increase an hydration solution (added to water), and how do you know when you’re tion. Provided enough fluid is drunk makes you need to wee more fre - If your baby or young child is de - elderly person’s chance of suffering as these contain sugars and salts, dehydrated? dr Roger Henderson each day the body remains hydrated quently) hydrated, you may notice these addi - from dehydration: if they are unable which your body will have lost. Speak looks at dehydration symptoms, and, in the absence of illness, the diabetes tional symptoms, as well as the to easily stand and move around in - to your pharmacist to help you decide causes, treatment and how to ensure body functions as it should. dehydration signs and symp - symptoms listed above: dependently, they will be far less like - which rehydration solution may be toms Playing less and seeming sub - ly to regularly get up to fetch them - best for you. Stress symptoms: how stress effects your mind and body Irritability. discomfort – which in turn can lead to isola - Seeming very tired – or complaining they tion, and that can lead to social anxiety, anxi - aren’t sleeping. ety and depression. Not voicing concerns or stopped talking to It can result in never forming a positive management despite an “open door” policy. connection with people, places or things, A change in eating habits – eating or which you might have been able to do had drinking more or less than usual- and if eating you faced the situation when it was merely a more - often of high calorie items. conversation which needed to be had, and Susceptibility to illness (often because of a this can restrict huge avenues to you. depression of the immune system). Although you are 'inactive' it has the same ef - Tearfulness. fect as 'burning bridges'. It can have reper - Not wanting to talk about something is a cussions on the rest of the family – for exam - key behaviour. (Sometimes physically leaving ple, perhaps you never want to see your par - the room when a difficult subject or a specific ents at Christmas – but that may also mean name or discussion is raised can indicate that your children miss out. (Arguably, there avoidance). can also be good reason for such a break - Getting angry suddenly and out of propor - down). tion to what was asked/said can also indicate Further, if you do not deal with emotions deeper issues. in a healthy way, you may engage in self- Fidgety or nervous habits such as nail bit - medication to help supress them, such as ing. drugs, alcohol or over-eating – and this can Increase in drug or alcohol use. have huge physical consequences including Then there are the more subtle signs which detrimental effects (sometimes irreversible) may need closer observation, for example, on the brain and body. slumping or a slower walk, or a lapse in per - you are also unable to teach your own sonal grooming. children – or perhaps model healthy expres - All of these signs may be indicators of oth - sion of emotion to your own teams in the er issues, but they are also commonly related workplace. This can affect your success as a to stress, often because one of the first things parent, and as a professional. to be affected is the sleep pattern – which in Tips to overcome stress turn may have further repercussions on con - To overcome and recover from stress try centration, interactions and ability to perform the following tips: to the standards they would want. It never hurts, if you do notice any of these in others – ️✔ Acknowledge your feelings or recognise them in yourself – to stop and ask If you are feeling depressed, or anxious, “are you/am I really ok?” try to avoid using smiling or dismissive (eg Specific to care professions is I’m fine) behaviour to cope – it is important 'Compassion fatigue' – sometimes precipitat - to acknowledge your feelings and accept that ed by working in a highly-stressful care envi - you are not 'strange' or 'a burden' or 'just be - ronment for a sustained period of ti me, and ing silly.' Stress, depression and anxiety are the thought of offering more care feels over - very real, and further to which, even if you Sweating sleep may affect your work performance and whelming – and this can result in work per - are not at the point of diagnosis, view the Chartered Psychologist Feelings of tension relationships. formance suffering which in turn can unfor - negative emotions you are experiencing as a A rise in blood pressure you may be modelling ineffective coping tunately affect others. warning (like a petrol light) – that something Dr Audrey Tang shares We may also become more focused on the mechanisms to your children/your teams. Cognitive symptoms of stress needs to be done. threat – often to the exclusion of other infor - Other emotional symptoms can include One of the key cognitive symptoms of ️✔ Find an outlet the most common mation. This sensation – which is often rather moodiness, low self esteem, black and stress is the over-focus on the stressor, At the very least, if you find it difficult to unpleasant – lasts until the perceived threat white/all or nothing thinking, self criticism, sometimes to the exclusion of everything speak to anyone, a good start is to try and emotional, physical, has passed, or until the body is no longer able anxiety and a feeling of not being in control. else. Or alternatively: find an outlet to express your feelings – some to sustain this state and falls into exhaustion. Physical symptoms of stress Absentmindedness/forgetfulness/dis - people do it through journaling, others behavioural and The body may display exhaustion in many The negative effects of stress are often dis - traction - often because the brain is trying to through poetry, dance, song, music, art and ways including: cussed. These include: focus on too many cognitive tasks at the so on. Anything that allows you a little re - cognitive stress A 'nervous breakdown' Lack of sleep. same time, while the stressor is claiming lease of emotion can help free your mind Anxiety/depression Inability to focus. most of the attention. enough to think a little more clearly about Stomach ulcers Irritability. Larger use of negative words and phras - seeking help, and avoid indulging in coping symptoms. Heart attack Changes in eating habits – often over or es. methods which may cause more harm in the Emotional symptoms of stress under eating – and subsequent stomach dis - Worry and an inability to focus - if the long term...... On a physiological level, the negative emo - tress. stress is related to a “pile up” of different ️✔ Ask for help tional response is the stress response. Supressing our immune system so we may things. It is best to seek help before the point of Tired, tearful, anxious or full of rage? Adrenaline starts pumping, heart rate height - be more susceptible to illness, or find it harder Poor judgment. crisis, or before it gets to the point where it is These are all common stress symptoms. Stress ens, you may get clammy – your body is to recover. The consequences of long-term stress taken out of your hands because you are no can be rooted in work, relationships, financial, preparing to fight or flee. This can be sus - Physical symptoms of stress can in turn If we are not taught healthy ways to man - longer able to cope and your body breaks health or lifestyle issues, or a combination of tained for only a certain level of time for each can spiral into further problems which may in - age the unpleasant sensations of stress, we physically or emotionally. Once you seek all of these. While it's normal to feel over - person before it leads to exhaustion. clude problems in relationships, completion might respond with unhealthy self-soothing help, there will be techniques that will be giv - whelmed by any one of these lifestyle factors, if Think of the stress response as a rubber of tasks at work, and overall poor physical – or even if we do know but we just 'don’t en to you by professionals to help create a left unchecked stress can start to affect your band being stretched – if you continue for too health. Worse still, for example, a lack of sleep want to deal with it right now' we might try to buffer to the stressors currently being expe - emotional and physical wellbeing and your long it either breaks, or it becomes flaccid – ei - produces ghrelin and can raise our cortisol 'escape' (eg drink, recreational drugs, com - rienced. whole life. ther way it no longer functions as a rubber level – making us crave comfort foods, and re - fort eating) rather than actually deal with the Further help and support dr Audrey Tang, Chartered Psychologist band. Constant stress (which can happen if duce the amount of leptin we produce (which root cause. If you think you might be suffering from and author of The Leader’s Guide to Resilience you continue to suppress emotions) can there - signals when we are full) – this lack of sensitiv - Of course some escapism, especially talk - stress your first port of call should be your (Pearson, £14.99) shares the most common fore result in physical damage including heart ity to our body’s actual needs can result in ing to friends or perhaps watching some - GP. For additional support, try one of the fol - emotional, physical, behavioural and cogni - attack or stomach ulcers. weight gain, which in turn is a further source thing funny on TV can help restore our emo - lowing resources: tive stress symptoms. If any of the following There is also collateral damage asso - of stress. tional balance – but at that point it is impor - Shout: Text 'SHOUT' to 85258 if you are stress symptoms sound familiar it might be ciated with stress including: Other symptoms can include teeth grind - tant to deal with the cause of the stress, oth - struggling and a crisis volunteer will text you time to take action and seek help: you might end up avoiding or refusing in - ing which can also contribute to lockjaw, erwise we’re simply papering over cracks back. It's completely free 24/7. What is stress? vitations because you feel overwhelmed – but headaches, and toothache, and a lack of libido. rather than doing anything truly effective to Anxiety UK: a charity which specifies in Stress is best defined as an emotional and they might have helped you relax or 'get away' Behavioural symptoms of stress help our own growth. helping those suffering from anxiety. physical state resulting in a physiological reac - from the feelings of stress (and if you refuse There are a number of potential indicators Further, burying negative emotions – ie The Samaritans: a charity providing sup - tion where the body is prepared to fight or fly. too many invites, friends who may not under - which suggest that a person’s wellbeing is suf - simply ignoring it - can lead to a number of port to anyone in emotional distress. It is an evolutionary response to threat and stand how you are really feeling may stop ask - fering – so it might be that someone else mental health issues. If you never resolve the Mind: making sure no one has to face a such 'preparation' often results in the follow - ing). points these out – or you see them in yourself issue, it can result in ineffective behaviour mental health problem alone. ing symptoms: Lack of concentration/irritability/lack of or others. These signs include: strategies to cope, such as avoidance of the CALM: helping to reduce stigma and re - An increased heart rate person, people, or place which causes the duce rates of male suicide. Glimpses of Future 10 EntErtainmEnt JAMMU SUNdAy SEPTEMBER 5, 2021 Janhvi Kapoor flaunts her perfect Sidharth Shukla last rites : Zareen Khan blasts Himanshi Khurana: legs and toned mid-riff as she steps Shehnaaz is not in a out of her pilates session 'heartless' paparazzi for pushing grief-stricken Shehnaaz state to talk Gill and shoving cameras and mics on her face

Popular television face Sidharth Shukla's untimely demise has shaken everyone. The late actor's 'Bigg Boss 13' co-contestant and Punjabi actress Himanshi Khurana says she still cannot come to terms with his death and added that she even reached out to his ru - moured girlfriend Shehnaaz Gill, who "is not in a state to talk".did Himanshi get a chance to speak to Shehnaaz?"No not yet. Called her once yesterday but I know she is not in a state to talk," said Himanshi in an exclusive chat with PTI.Reminiscing about the days she spent with Sidharth in "Bigg Boss 13", the 29- year-old actress said: "I always had that huge respect for him we spent good days in BB but we all were busy in work after that and didn't get any chance to meet him after that. Life is so unpredictable."Himanshi's boyfriend and Zareen Khan has lashed out at the dia is just pushing her and shoving Shehnaaz's brother Shehbaaz can be actor Asim Riaz was a great friend to paparazzi who followed and pushed cameras and mikes on her face for a seen walking behind his mourning sis - Sidharth in 'Bigg Boss 13'. The two later in the Shehnaaz Gill and her brother byte for their benefit. The whole sce - ter.Sidharth and Shehnaaz, who have show turned "frenemies".Asim even went to Shehbaaz as she cried and ran after nario is compelling and heartbreaking! never openly spoken about their rela - Cooper Hospital on Wednesday to pay his Sidharth Shukla's hearse. The actress When did humans turn so tionship, were popularly called as tributes to Sidharth. Himanshi says Asim is said such behaviour from the paparazzi heartless?The 10-second heart-break - SidNaaz, a term coined by their fans still grieving."He (Asim) is in shock to hear. is heartless.Reacting to the video, ing video has been put up by a fan club during their stint in the show Bigg Boss He even saw Sidharth in his dream in the Zareen said, "My heart goes out to going by the name Shehnaaz_ki_up - 13.Sidharth died at the age of 40 after morning (yesterday morning) only. He is still Shehnaaz, the poor girl looks complete - dates on Twitter. The clip, which cur - suffering a massive cardiac arrest on thinking about him and watching their ly broken. And at such a sensitive time, rently has 188,000 views on the micro- Thursday. His mortal remains were videos," Himanshi said.Sidharth, best the media should show a little empathy blogging website, shows Shehnaaz call - taken to Cooper Hospital. His last rites known for his role in the long-running TV se - towards her rather than behaving like ing out 'Sidharth' as she is seen running took place in Oshiwara crematorium on rial 'Balika Vadhu', died in after a heartless robots. I saw videos were towards the hearse, which was carrying Friday. He is survived by his mother massive heart attack on Thursday. she's crying uncontrollably but the me - the mortal remains of the actor. and two sisters.

Bhagyashreereveals she was not Jacqueline Fernandez was comfortable doing kissing and hugging scenes once asked if she ever had car with Salman Khan in Maine Pyar Kiya sex and here's how she reacted

old and though I was in love at that time and going to get married, I had never even hugged a guy till then. I got worried, and started crying after hear - ing that I will have to hug Salman dur - ing a song sequence in 'Maine Pyar Kiya'. After half an hour, Salman came up to me and innocently requested me saying 'Please do it.' I couldn't say no," Bhagyashree went down memory lane to recall an apprehensive moment she had while shooting for the film. If you could recall, there was a scene in Maine Pyar Kiya where Salman and Bhagyashree are seen sharing a pas - sionate kiss through the glass. The ac - tress revealed that because of her ap - prehension to shooting kissing scenes, the sequence was shot with a glass be - tween them. "I was about to get mar - ried, so I wasn't so comfortable doing a kissing scene back then. Sooraj sir (Barjatya, director) came up with an Is there anyone in Bollywood today who has idea of having a glass in between us and hotter legs and a better mid-riff than Janhvi the kiss would be showcased through Kapoor? We think not, or, there won't be more that. That's how they changed the se - than a handful of contenders to lay claim to dis - quence," she said.Bhagyashree will be tinction other than her. Underlining this fact, seen as a special guest this weekend on Janhvi Kapoor again gave us an eyeful of those Zee Comedy Show. Sugandha Mishra sexy legs and delicious mid-riff as she stepped Bhagyashree's debut performance the industry. But many might not know Bhosle, Sanket Bhosale and Siddharth out recently post her pilates session, looking in her 1989 film Maine Pyar Kiya, that the actress was not comfortable Sagar's comedy act based on Maine sexy AF. Check out the video above yourself and where she featured opposite Salman doing kissing and hugging scenes with Pyar Kiya will prompt the actress to see if we're making sense or not? Khan, remains one of her best works in Salman on the sets. "I was just 18 years share some anecdotes from the sets. Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif getting married in December 2021?

The uber talented Vicky wedding of your favourite The gorgeous actress of Bollywood and Sri Lankan Kaushal and the gorgeous Bollywood 'couple' here's the beauty, Jacqueline Fernandez is currently in the news Katrina Kaif are being shipped truth. Just like no roka hap - for being questioned by the Enforcement directorate in by their fans big time. Every now pened, no wedding is happen - relation to a money laundering case in connection to and then there are new reports ing. Vicky and Katrina are busy conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. While the actress was about their relationship. Fans with their respective upcoming questioned for 5 hours after becoming a victim of Rs 200 are not only convinced that they projects and that is all that is crore, we stumbled upon a video, when the Murder 2 ac - are a couple, but also believed in happening in their lives right tress was asked in a podcast whether she had a sex in a rumours of their alleged secret now. According to industry car, which left her in an awkward situation. In a podcast roka (engagement). However, sources, while Vicky and titled Feels Good, Jacqueline, dane Cook and Amanda both the stars' teams and family Katrina are great friends and Cerny discussed various fun topics and during the con - were quick to debunk the re - share a great bond, there is no versation, we saw Amanda asking Jacqueline and dane ports. And now, a new hot gossip talk of marriage and therefore if they have had sex in the car. She told told that they is doing the rounds on social me - them even deciding on a date have to raise their hand if the answer is yes. While dane dia. It was reported on Lifestyle for the same are a little too far and Amanda raised their hands quickly, the Kick star Asia that Vicky and Katrina are fetched. None of them is think - was quite hesitant to raise the answer. Amanda reacted all set to get married in ing of marriage right now and to it and asked Jacqueline to raise that 'damn hand'. The december 2021. The report keeping work their focus. On actress raised her hand and confessed that she had a sex went on to say that the duo have the work front, Katrina Kaif in the car. On the professional front, Jacqueline zeroed in on a property in has finished the Russia sched - Fernandez will be next seen in Bhoot Police. The horror Udaipur, Rajasthan for their big ule of Tiger 3 with Salman comedy, which will be directed by Ragini MMS and fat Bollywood wedding. The arti - Khan and has now moved to Phobia helmer Pavan Kirpalani, also features Saif Ali cle has been pulled down, but Turkey. While Vicky Kaushal is Khan, Arjun Kapoor and yami Gautam in lead roles. Saif not before VicKat shippers prepping for the Sam and Arjun play ghosthunters in this venture. The film is caught the whiff of it.But before Maneckshaw biopic which is set to hit the screens on September 17 on disney + all you fans get into a celebratory slated to start shooting for in Hotstar. Apart from this film, Jacqueline also has Attack mode and await a december just a few days. and Cirkus under her kitty.     11 LOCAL !$$,*,%/*'+$)

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