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2-23-1950 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1950). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2522.

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18 AN UNWRITTEN BUT ELO­ QUENT STORY QF AIIL THAT IS BEST IN LIFE. ,_ ....h TlmN, Felt. 22, 1941 Nine Bulloch county 4-H Club. have Our work helps to refteot trle a elmlbmed nlembershlp of 280. West ...... GARDEN COMMITTEE members. A.I.£QDU!�'"_aftRO NEWG GmA-DftRO... � EAG�4 spirit which prompts you to eteet Side '-ads with sixty (ST, ) The Garden Committee of States­ Bulloch whlcb. the stone as an act of revereD':' cOllnty grand jury. boro Woman's Club held their Feb­ term ot adjourned from the January .nabUalMd 1_ and devotion • •• Our esperlenc. a.n.ell TbaIe ! I uary meetmg Tuesday mormng at superior court, has lbeen called to 00u0Ud.... I�,l'. 111' ...... , Nn.. EnaIIIIaW 18011 GA•• THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 1950. home of M1'8 Glenn la at .ervl",. , STATESBORO. the Jennmgs your � " 1111 In ...... _ ...., I:ItUIl8W 1I1'-ConIOlfda'" "!IfISS Mae Michael IS vIsIting with IIlrs J 0 Johnston as co-host- "�,::bll. of As- RUTH BEAVER 'Hx�:::::.'putor Decatur With relatlves ess QuantItIes of aprmg flowers were bury Methodhlt church, Savannah, II was I THAYER 1\11'89 ElSIe Crosby. of Atlanta. t'------· used about the home and Valentine MONUMENT COMPANY BJlnouneed to begin serl.. of serviCe!! PLAN NEW ENTRANCE � week end of Mr and Mrs cookies were served WIth cherry Ice A Loeal next at Methodllt church the gU'"'t In a few years Statesboro and Bul- Industry S-. 1_ Sunda, OOASrAL 8ERMUDIl1\ COLL..GE CAMPUS PEACE pliEVAU IN cream short nuts and coffee Bulloch ahow ha� loch county should be rated among cake. county fat I�k ""...... _ JOHN 1(. roover' H Macon and were THAYER, Proprilltor on 0 ,TOG Mrs H Members present Mrs Alfred been fixed to be held ue, H d A I I Itte will 1lAIl!rBe:�dr Georgla's greateat beaucy spots Re- I April - ges a few Frank 41i West Main $mall daughter. Claire. spent cently the Garden Committee sold �-:;;=;;;;:5e:Siil'= Dorman. Mrs Williams. Mrs Street PRONE 4311 State_ro, GL PROVF8 POPULAR Plan: as:':'u�:;mf�r l;medla,:!P::� RACIAL ClRCIB in Atlanta Aulbert Mrs Julian Bran- la days this week over 5.000 azaleas which will be plant- I Brannen. r-tf �Yu�i�' ���:'I::�� clt:!��k .f a new entraaee to the BIll Blb13l. of Middle­ Mr. Inman Mrs. eommlttee. GI'II88 At Tifton 1IIr and Mrs ed over the county. and the newly Mr and Mrs Gene L Hodges an- Inen. Dekle, Developed Geore'. Teachers College campus ADdealtle Alnuaent Mall. are of his brother. A Mrs D. B Geo T---"....".ers C0Ue team wIII I town. Conn, guests formed Garden Club IS having as their nounce the birth of a son. James 'Rem- I Branan. Turner Mrs I'llIa Ie St.tlon Stands In The project, aponaored Ity the Alumni Bllh n nnV.Icto rs,struCtion Th....ten BlblSI Mrs. W. M Park on the I_I court A Touehln...... Mrs Ohn dW and new Smith. Mrs. _t Norman Edthe Blblsl. project th,s year beautifYIng the ington, February 10th, at the Bulloch Newton,Jam"li����;������������������������g or With Farmel'll Bere AHoclatlon and coatlq about ,2,000 F.... y Mrs F C Parker Jr had was Fred T Mrs. Loron Mr and 80 within the hmlts, Hospital. Mrs Hodges LanIer, Durden, I With a total vote In ex- calls for a red brick, atone-tl'imlll;.d Action In Coanty 8ehoo.. Mr HIghway city County alllhtly as Friday her parents. WIth tlla of the Miss Mrs B H Ramsey, Mrs. J P. Col- to�lh�e:-� ��.I.n��wI� Robert A asal.tant county feet on each of guests and. help city. they formerly Margaret Remington �t Wynn, cell of In Tu.... pte 18 hllh Iide. of McRae _n to clo... MIWOOII' 6,000 ,.. election, It a mattar aDd 1\Irs W C Brown. are dIfferent and llnh, Mrs Glenn Jennings and Mrs. !trinl the I and but- I. of gelltral feU",... that IIv.tack lerpentlne planting shrubbery apnt, reporta produc- I�I It that Bul. deallD Mrs Thad Morrl.. Mrs Horace Johnston State.boro e1v1c orcanl.atlona pre- "ITIZENS\J rnu may ea.Uy be recolDleed azaleas in the center of the four-lane r.:rtlalrelied by pilla" brorbe tlon an •••• ers are Coaltal Berm"da, a dllplaylng that agreement has been ar­ Sr and Mrs RHYTHM CLUB DANCE Roberts to III of ft�lnl count voters were more th.n Frank Olliff & loch Mrs Market \he ,arade Smith. drive It you have been drtving' over pan participate r tablets dance was II be ... at eoaatal Plallls In Savan beautiful Valentine HEART to the rived at B 1Il0r"s Mond"y in town will A HIGH CLUB Grocery \lie Savannah Paper Feltlval gr deyeloped It which, at lealt for the :u .pent the different �treets you calually Interested In the outcome. To be kno.... as Alumni Gate, ..... at the Coun- Mr and Mrs Julian 26 WEST MAIN STREEt' "eld 1" In that Junior on a TIft an ex- RAILROAD ...ah boule- enjoyedJI'uesday evening Hodges enter­ April city E rIment Statl t on. LOSS OF on the .. see down the center of College xpe 'ltle"ea candldatell were .Iplrlng to wUl be ereeted Ite of the being. pours 011 0. the troubled .... W Bland and granddaugh­ Club with Mra. Joe Brown, Mr> tamed membel'll of the Hearta a.amber of C:mmerce will direct the Mr> J vard and Park avenue hundreda of try High cellent pa.ture plant Thoulfh adapt- present entrance facing U S. High· are UALITY GROCERIES AND MEATS. SELF.SERVICE Beeslon hold the four places to be II...n out Rhetta Townsed. of Forsyth. South Don H..kettt. Mrs 1J0hn Mooney. Club at a delightful eve­ loc" participation In the alralr Held Bere Monday a new Alumni Park tel'll of racial achool "airs III l1li. ter. new plants have been .et. down party Friday It does I way 301 and The ed to all lectlons of Georgia, a Bland's mother. M", Mrs J C Mrs WA Bowen, Their home was decorated BUlloch Democrats are call- _. ... For at the han.d 0f the voten-ch Ir-, visiting Mrs Main "ero.s from the college entrance Hines. nmg with FREE DELIVERY. PBONE 264 county To Hear A"'u-en'-... ca_ and park will be dedicated on loch cOllDty. at- 0 on I raIne d 10IIs , Mrs Brannen. Mrs Frank MI- a of cut and � to meet In court bOllie next S not d "eII poor y d D C McDougald the Alumni AssociatIon Is a Llol':d variety floweN, pecan Aliandonment mall8hlp of the board fo county com. Alumni Da" June 3rd. The commlt- It mathr ef o.m doing Mrs. Ker- �d Aralnst lIaa betIl.. 1011' and Mrs Wesley Bailey .nd kell. Mre J E Bowen Jr•• co""anut a'!,amode wall lerved that .....·tow In Mr. Wynn tee at gr.nd job clearmg the small park. pie fertility. ml_slonen. two 'IDembershlp. on the WlIr'IIiWt 'the coilep for "va"'l ..... of were mIt Mrs Floyd Brannen. Mrs WIth coffee nuta :, was to oowl"l8 WHO. :Sen Athens, Cocoa-Colas and c••• • 2lOn. Bailey. and are makmg plans to be.utlfy It CarS! axine Toilet Soap bar 5c !i�y�;:�=�t �c=lJ:n::i -ftIS It la best adapted to Bolle II. atronr preIIented for fonnal approval of piau.Saturda1.Pro Banks at Kimes and Mrs Frank Rlch- committee talt � board, and the city court jUdgeehlp. � h83 ..ueed aerie. week.end gUetits of Dekle as ;,oon as the Is Penton were .erved later In the For primary. meetlni .. 8 Jack N. Averitt la chalnnan. laiowlittle ... clearmg completed evening. that are In Interstate Commerce Comml lon hostesses The entrance to to decide the mattsr _, h�h fertility well; Of eleven .. , tIM! Jaeckel Hotel are the ardson score a was Early June Saturday an'1 tht aeeklnl plac only cern as to Its eventful Alrea.dy we eall enJoymg hlg:h hand-painted tray here to the ell4llq.... club was m.rlied a ... tree won divided 1>0-50 on the lubjeet; no frle- drained lowland _olio Monday preYent was MIllS Jerrie Thompson. of We.ley­ pretty redbud tre"" that Dr Guy H the by gl by Mrs Charlie Joe Mathews. iJudie Cohen Anderson uno� BuUoch oeunt, a" ."...... 1IIIe\l red hearts The Peas (No.1 can 19c discontinuance of the • Rm" a'n Conservatory and Decatur. spent over town candy I and linen handke""hlef went to P.ul Ga�en 8ieve) tlOn-jult Costal Bermuda. the advlles. Geor�. Wells chalrman- sponsored planted lac� :f .In�at. a�nt posedaed. four "ought the boJIrdl ha... been brourht Inta .,... week end as of Mr and cards for the dance wer.. placed on a Sauve Jake SmIth .nd M", Paul FlOrida Railroad M I.M!'�' 1 UI\£tl 'the guest many years "go They are m full I Sauve Pure Cottonseed ahould be planted In the early .prmg bere, George member- 001 SMD'L"tI centered With a TWENTY YEARS AGO. -"Ip and Sll< raced for the contact with tIh more 01\ I_ :Mrs L G Banks and Dekle Banks streeet are table each receIved a lemon for cut and for Chamber lepl bloom now. and any you attractlv,!ly pie when moisture conditions are favor- Johnston, attorney the on the board lIlrs. Fred T Lanier Sr and Mr. heart .urrounded by red flow- Mr Smith also won a box of chew- h•• BIIII... Felt. II. 1130 Ihlps atate-wlde of tllIIl, "n you see the trees as a result of large Helmet Oil 1 U. S. gallon $1.59 TlmN, ,examinerof and of of for queat!oll equallti Cooking roWll Commerce the city Winners are FJ'ed W we m Claxton Fri­ ers Red and white flowers were also Everett and able It should 'be planted-1n Hodges n Lannle Simmon. labors Mrs Johnson. Ing gum as Hearts HllI'h prize Gue.ts MilS 'Juanita Clyde SPONSOR CO�,.,1001 Thl� w.s about when 1l1s Recently to the Chamber board charmanshlp. W A.. brourllt repre­ for the flower .hoW. and were used on the refreshment table. which were Mr and Mrs Mathews Hr and Collins. of Savannah. were united In two to four feet apart on a well-pre- Statesboro. reported GrooYFr day who sells hundreds of plan,ts to peo- Sardines tall can 15c and for memberehlp on sentatlvel from our countYI support­ Mr aud Mr> Adams was covered With a whIte cloth and home of the bride'. of Commerce Edgar Wynn Cuh Awsrd For ,gu�ts of Roy m our community. SOld to a group Mrs Sauve. Mr Mrs Sinlth, Mr marriage at the pared IIrm seedbed If pIanted In TII""say. '30.000 pie the board .nd JudII"' Anderson for ed the of a of Mr and Mrs Oscar and WIth red scattered WIth red and IIlrs Buford IIfr mo Mrs. LeonIe In a by backing Il'OUp • Fagan from here down at her nursery at fnll, Kmght. and 'Armour's Banner Brand tiler. three-root about Mr. Johnston would not The total yote of each 8eholal'llhl(18 To Be Given the hIlls. 5.000 "prigs !Rake the judgshlp colored claughter. of Columbu3 Grove. OhIO. that StatesbO! 0 hearts Further emphaslzmg Mrs Charletl Olhff Jr Mr and Mt'!I gresllve Inen, tirought leia! Bloommgdale people will predIction as to what the ruling would I, shown herrNlth followed by the Amonr Southem Students a few WIth Horace beautiful decoratlons was a Sliced Bacon 39c Abrah.m be needed per acre are spendmg week were there almost and large Frank Hook and Horace McDougald pound 8��e:��:oCrewI and Ioaa.... dem.ndl for .n Immediate equaltaa- every day. be on the of the • dbtrlct vote of each Dual and and other relatives heart over the mantel banked With •••• wblte men about 40 ye.1'8 of age. are LIme. and potash should Junkmg Georgia our phosphate - Colonl.1 Stores one family people passmg through town told Star Totals Ch.,rm.n. Hodges. 2.091. Incorpor.ted. tlon of facilities I. between whit.. Frank Olhff had as and spirea. and below thIS Annour's on Florida RaIlroad from here to Stev. Mr and Mr. \\e town m the greenery MISS SERSON SINGS being held In county Jail charge be IIeddtaccor 0 a SOl Ittes her had the plettle3t app mg J D Lanier 851, A R. Lanier 1.029. or the I'rgest grocery comp.nies In and black. Dr and Mrs B C were quantltl"" of red MISS Mercer seventy-flye ens cr... but •• 1 d It WI Ii b- :guests Sunday state The Leroy Tyson yard IS 1ft arrangement Sally Serson. senior. Pure Lard 41b8. of stealing chIckens. where Coastal Bermuda Is to be smg. pro Allen 1.771. Olliff 987. member".. the SoutheaBt. WIll Bponsor a $80.000 a Brannen of Mrs Frank Olhff hearts on graduated ribbon last week end 1ft Athens as �5c chIckens �tolen were sold m Savan- The demand created probl�m Millen. full bloom. and truly a showplace hung spent the ably be SIX 1Il0nths before any ruling Groover Hendrix was served If the te3t shows that these 1.803. Harley 491. ,Jr� Athen•• nnd httle D,ane Brannen. streamers A salad pl"te guest of Dr and Mrs A R nah last week pl.nted cash .ab.olar8hlp award contest. Scott which the most With so many dIfferent flowers gIVIng Kelly. Green and Butter can 14c would be handed down After that Martm 1,285. Wynn 2,214. for required Intelllpnt WIth Valentme coo1 will ha to Wynn 67. judge court. Anderson, permitted Henry Elhs their even- Serson Dr Caldwell IS WIth the Attending a dlstnct fertlhzer such as a 4.8-8 Georgc and Senator Ru.sell. and looks regul,,!r meetmg Monday Smoked pound 27c complete n.ted or the atreets widened. Aifrell �on 163 as an outstanding contribution to that matten Mrs Harold S Lee and Sausage conference at the DeSoto. ltate. upon authority, Mr and but at home mg at the home of Mrs E W Barne� Smlth.oftlan Institute M,s3l0n.ry uaed at time It be The' qUIte small. certamly be planting may Dorman stated at the meeting Rel!:ister-Chalrman. Hodll"'s 74. Southrn educatIon and progretlo The been lllto -daughter. Mr'S J J Paul. and small A from the Estate •••• Hotel S.v.nnah Tuesday evening Itrought aatUfaaf4lry News from Wushmgton tells us that report Boys' row tourist travel IS much heavier than D L.nler A R Lanier 54, Oll· Texize Household Cleanser pint 39c F Miss Mattie broadcast or applied In the :r, 39, contest will 28rd. It lion, MJke, of Daytona Beach, Fla, had a on 4th and the series CLAIRE MACON'S BIRTHDAY were Rev T Morgan begin Fetiruary control by an agreement to defer., MyrtIce (M", Pnnce) qUite Day February - It was ever to and 90mB member. Allen 98. Groover 61. E McCroan. where .re to be expected be, ...... ere recent VISitors of the D G Lee with of benelt will enable Mr. H H Macon Sr entertamed Mr and, Mrs J' the .prlgs planted will clo.e March 31 Any- action In "'e.. mce VISIt to Blair House along bridge partletl proVISIon will have to be made to let arley 13. Hendrix 64. Martin 56. mldnlll'ht, threatened drastic come because of Mr Whole Grain Rice 31bs. 3� B H and six "family. havmg wIves the she re- the to a check for With a dehghtful party Friday aft­ Z. S Henderson. Ramsey When the plants have re.ched one Is .nd other of congreumen. ch"pter present • It or the road authorl- court. Ander- ellglhle to enter, entry matters until a lolutlon Will Arthur Moore through town. 141.ynn 92, judge city Itats-wide Lee's Illness of Mr Lee founder of ernoon In honor of the feurth blrth­ J E Carruth • Bishop F,rlends m"rklng what a perfect hoste53 Mrs. $100 to Mr Nation. Boys' Inches It will be well to top drel!'ll ties will want to mOVe tlie route out 212 blanks may be obtained free at BIIY haa reached. • Thul iIIe to learn that he 18 Improvmg PhI state Salt been StateaMr. at the Beta of her little daughter. Claire 3 lOe lIreelded - glad Truman IS -Although the town does Estate. Sigma day pkg8. them with from 100 to 200 of of town Lockhart Chairman. Hodges 40. H A Charles furtherance of movement to pounda Colonial Store-no purchaBe required and are IlrIr and Mrs Ernst. not have convention to be, held m Savannah Fifty small guests enjoyed mdoo1' In chairman of the A R Lanier 011- Bulloch county removed fl'flll many opportunities dunng to I Loy A. Waters. 0 Lanla" 38. 6. ,..,d Andrew Ernst and MI.. Ann the busmess and mUsIc at Sue's klnder­ a70US. Intereat In the campalp nitrate of loda A total of cash Icholarshlpa matter. the sprmg to see or hear our high March 25th FollOWing games Armour Treet can 39c finance eommlttee. reported th.t some 29, member of board. Allen 10. sixty the target pOlltlon In the Savannah were tlie of It ma :Hutchins. of guests need to s...Slon Mrs Barnes served cherry garten and were served the plftk and organIze Georgi. Department If wee'd growth Is heavy y be HendTlx from to In ad- school band. you don't Imag- nt f2.700 haa been turned In for mem- oover 9. Harley 2. ,73, rangmg '2.500 ,250, In Stlltelboro. It II announced, .. of Mr and Mrs Lo­ and white cake with Ice cream the American Lellon an IJDtIO.... :Sunday evemng Ine knock off football pie topped WIth Ice cream. coffee bIrthday to cultivate once or twice, and donations to date Tho.e �n court. they just after Armour's Corned Beef Hash can 31e _.ary bershlps IlartuJ,.:6. Wynn 86, judge city Jiltlon to 210 founbaln pen and pencil committee zon Durden at at Wm La were Little conference of mem�rs of Dexter .uthor\&ed I'tIpreaentl.1 aupper season are at work salted nuts Members present and punch bookJ(' and boxes - es· donatlona for 111. They busy get- n.. allowing the Bermuda to become maklnl membershlpa Andenon were to Savannah Allen Post will be held next W.. sets thllty settl of Encyclopedia the negro school Interelte hal e�""" "'l'b�y accompanied tI�re�y���rI���ro�rt M�J E not reported were Fred T. Brla�atch-Chalrman. Hodl8s 153. an4 who was at the Stateaboro R�h tablilhed previoully at will be MIS. Weekley. Mrs R • MISS Dor- day "Veninl valued ed Inti> • to 1>)' Corly!! whICh IS held every year 1ft M,llege- Durden. J Gay Jr I Aldred Brothel'll, J 0 26. A R Lanier �2. 011- Bntannlca, ,10,000. Ilgned agreement _lit 14*1"", Stuck.y" Lanier the week end ...t of MISS 8e.1Jool auditorium. In to raU and gu VirgInia VIlle Our band comes home MISS Charlotte Ketch- addition grVlng good Allen Groo distributed In tIIail' alway. othy Johnsbn, are 11IO!, to � Stdtell Inc, COIl· II'f 32; 112. e,,218. Georgia, Vlrglllla, lorely nietl facilities ill -nurden &WMh.M�VIr���;f�c�a�n;d�y�W�e�re�g;'�V�M�a�S�f�"�O�r�s����a;;�;;�;;�;��;��;��;��=����;=:Hal Macon Bulloeh cOlJnty blilln.." men Unlted/5c Mrs Earl Mr> well-eatabllahed certa\" from the contest WIth 1Irsts. um. Lee. WIater ITUlng. l"roiIucts Co • entlrill 8t. lIa D 29. many to atlmulate early 'e_ CalleI' Pharmac,. lIarle, 17, North Carolina and South CaToIl". .. r...onabl. ...ltWI; te Charles Robbins Jr and orpnlzlng campaillt ' amd we are sure thiS ye,,1' W11l be Jr. Mrs Bermuda .. a hllll L....I. F SImmon., Bua Statloll courr,!l4ers6 lilt. "dI!�.: , Itu.lne..,,,,,thill the c""nty; two lIleet- c:;r6A� ,roduc and In ".(JIb, ..,. ...�. aut :c no -It would be Mr.. Lamar ;'8to W���7;'judi 1 , J B��"� �,.,.... BENEFIT P.!\RTIES exception certamly field W!oek� Bea ,( QIJd. �.IuI,. trJl mem�, T:ajn:lI. Inp d�lILtInJ -,.I, qpllty -wlwd"o. .bar\ilela" worth your time to have vIsted Mar- � it..V.a;-"Cha toL-4IOIJIlll�� �aJlUp ... �n. .tala-wIde- The three benefit card parties spon- It .1IoiiJinii cial: wlieli'lt l::!.t; guerlte Bryant's new HALF·HIGH CLUB Pot'll.y; F. n xpren, Ataft 85, roo�r126 • county 'Ia Florlda-Colonl.I's 'terri- reacheet. In "'e e1ty colored ....Ie .aoree! by the Beta Sigma Phi sorority, eatln, place just �= ��� :1'c=�I��: � p 5; me�be!!: outSide of Statesboro on 301 Membe1'8 of the Club from 12 to 15 Inches rlgh Hinton Booth W H. Aldred Jr., John. 18. Hendrix 35, MartID 61. and loine heatl ....""e dellghtful and succe.sful The Highway 1'1 LeWIS Hosea Aldred and G P Harley tory much-needed deake •• the m and enter­ Anderson 248 It IS final word beauty. other delightfully Iton • J G. Watson and 126, judgeship. • :parties. J R you AROUND TOWN Ing the game A wall plaque belln pl.n> of 'court, Anderlon, 2,4U E.. Bowen Jr WIth Gay, diVidend the and Scroll So­ D �an do to make your shopping more meet tile mOlt Ilrcent needs whle" score w.s won Mrs Bill next fall. fair last fall paid Initiated Into Qwll that this Is one of the .....t teama the Hodgetl 75. J Mrs .. Robbms Jr and Mrs high by Bay-Chalrman ..Tr.., Cha.r a dmner at for Mrs Elloway of 40 per cent to stockholders clety Monday evenlnr .t has Salll Mrs. HIram Jacbon .nd Mrs Donald no.unees for count,. TllnJer, Trmes, pta" at Tampa next _k for AllIlenon 4S0 Mrs Ernest Can- preaent • Brantley 'Johnson. ordl- of "'e Bulloch D an blank from Mre Charles Mrs terady's primary S. L I(oore, ltor Leodel Coleman, chllllce te re'.....nt Georgia and Bmlt---Chalrmall, R�. 19, I. italnlq eDtry an, BUS�WORN' ....., Min Ruth ,Seligman. M... Bill Straus.. RobbIns, McDougald • • •• B T Mallard, lherlff; M C. Herald, were llIe.ta at the dlnnep Florida at the ..tional tournament Lant.r 18. .. Il. I:.NJler 48, Ollfff 84; Colonial Store. Mrs Hal Macon Mr. Ben Harry Sack, Mrs Arnold Ro.e. Mrs nal'J; Peck, Jr. I tax Aklna. Worth of the jeumal· .... Groover Har­ Mal- W HODGES discusl Jones. collector; Henry McDOulald. In ItaIIIU about mld rch. member. Allen 48, 36, 'Tilmer and Miss Jakie Buford KnIght, Mrs Lawrence HEAR FRED Cit, AlthoulPt ther& is no limit to the Upshaw. I. R Roach. aollcltor Ism UnivePllty of Georcta, Hendrix lIartln HEAR DISCU�ION Hazel .ome of mterelt to the vot- I tax receLyer; faculty, ley 18. 48. Wynn and can- lard. Mrs Howard Neal. Mrs thmp I'll entries person m.y Saturday evening bridge J. Vi county lehool waa lIad conducted 116 lIumber �, e�h Mr. Jake Mrs era of Bulloch county over WWNS elty court; DaYlI, at; :Judte, court, Andarson. :aa1a we� played at the home of Mra Smallwood. Hlftes. each be made on AI Bedrldt T. a cUnI�, at the Hllh 'BftMnD�1IRI ',AUl'l Hodiel 87 � J Jluf)mlt. m.t .... s,.k E. L. with E Henry EIlI.. Mrs Harry Brunson. Frld.y at 12 p (16feblt) ••flntendent. ",,)jo� ' �_-€halmlan, ,entry Barnes. Mrs W Barnes. " • ••m. ' �"...o"n ot a ...... peeted negro It 'It. Lanier A R Lanier 17. Olliff and muat ...... Jack and Mrs Lehman Franklin. Mr> Buster 3.0 SCliOQf-'lnallO_tI;On. 1IV'11UI\" DVIlW'n 'I, 77, the offtc!41 PO'l�.t �I.nk 011 Subject Of PII,�...., Wynn. Mrs Earl Lee to MYSTERY CLUB MEETS family went aeveral months ago Those ulitlated were Betty Burney 46; member, Allen 125, Groover 37. Va Hal Macon Jr as Col- Bowen. Mrs Carl Frankhn and the be submitted to CoI""lal Storel, ... I to their home, Frank- 83 Martm 8. Of Personal De e"'aent hostess A of flower Members of tbe Club .nd PMladelphia Brannen. Kitty Deal. Sammy 1 DUDD Harley ., Hendrix ..rful flowers added to the charm of program arrange- Mystery a Conteat on or be­ lut week a brother here _el"ed Lee Floyd. Genevieve Anderson 209 Scholarahlp EdItor, ment was discussed and made fnends were entertained at a lin. Vlrclnla I1P1't'DAN'�Ird\ FIt.I\l'lEIn WJlln 187; judge court. \tile home. and dainty refreshm6llts plans oth�r I send J M.rch 1950 Psychology of Personal Devel.,.. "S.lIIe died 1&8 Guard.., Fay fore midnight, 31j a demoft3tra- afternoon telerram, Bhlrley Gblledl8, Poft&�alrman Hodges 142. _Isted of a of for flower arr"ngement lovely party given Frld.y I v�rlety sandwlche.. at once for burial"; he Barltera Ann Jones. Jimmy R Lanier Olhff can their chIl­ be the title the free course tlOn at the next The 'Hls- Mrs J 0 Johllllton at her home $31 Hodle., El[erc:ales Friday EYeDI... D. Lanier I'll, A. ao. "Parento win for ment will ]lOtato and Coca Colas Door meetlDg by an· Patricia chIps at­ sent the money; today he received Johnlon, Bal,by Neville. n...._ Allen 116. Groover 106. Camellias" was read Mrs on Savannah avenue. which wa. In Cem BOlIN ... To 48; olde. can win for young- Statesboro bUlln...s _ p>:mes were won by J B Wllhams. torY'of by at once Frances _. lIlemben:_ dren. people offered to decorated with ftow. other telegram. "Se� ,,& I Nicholl. Melba ProIIser. Harley 22, Ilendrix 208. Martm 53. :Km. Herman Marsh and Mrl Ben Rose Three members donated artl- tractlvely sprml As A Whole er friends or or they can died lalt (Both llaa Rackley, JoallDe Shearoule, Jackie ComalUllt, Anderson 494 relatives, and womeu the week of JIareII cles to be auctioned to the club mem- ers formed fa· Mary night" Wpn 8IitI; judae court. durlq 'Tu.mer Valentine nosegays I , Mrs Blil Peck receyled the Jean Allene Stock- J use tlhe money to further Mrs dIed of ftu ) Zetterower, Evans. Nevll.-ehafrm.... Hodges 49. scholarahlp 13 to 17 Allan Hedrick, area Ia­ unae for score In Mrs be••• Lawrence lItaliard a pound vors for each guest Dainty Announcement has been made that high bndge, IiO RAM • refresh-Icheese Statesboro Ch.pter dale and Ann Evon. \ D Lanier A R Lanier 78. OIlU!: theIr own educ.tlon. Mr Allen said won cake. Mrs Harry Brunson a white ments consIsted of chiffon pies, 28� Itructor tor distributive educatiDa AnIold Rose hIgh m can.sta I on a cia.. of can- the local American Legion Post will For" club will confer degrees 80; members Allen 35. Groover 57. contest and Harold Powell was WInner organdle apron and Mrs Carl Frank- cookIes. nul>s and coffee. In announcing ,the of Voca­ of the didat"" banquet to honor Ml' and Mr•• Ma.tlft 151. from libe State Dep.rtment an Friday evening; Ottls Holleway 40, HendrIX 30. CU\ attended lin angel food cake After the high score a madelr. tea napkm went Tobacco Trail Harley "This .ectlon lvill prosper and pnze ThIrty-six guests th...e to receive degrees are Group Andenon 189 tional will conduct tile VISItors' follow. at a . Wynn court. education. was busmess meetlftg dehclou, refresh- to M.. Tyson and for pUblic meeting Friday nlrht 82� judge The series to a conclu- Leroy ' In as ItS brought Howell F M Rowan. George e . succeed direct proportion .. a Cone, Meet In '11 the course frolll 7 ,. .,...,n ments. car'rylng out the Valentlfte Mrs Cromartie received I FayetteVl February 24. at 8 0 clock. In every evening afternoon WIth hIgh 'E,.sten C Monday guest> T Groover. A H Strlckl.nd. M their skill and knowl­ were served the cover mushroom people m the Smlth-Tlllm" lor "Ix tables of enter motif. by hostess Ilften bridge A M The lI'obacco TraIl AssociatIOn WIll court mouse In Statesborb The FIRST DISTRICT GROUP to 9 p at bridge belftg Fordham. Beverly Moore. Walter pub- he abou� 'tAined at • •• • tray for cut was won by Mrs Ohn at edge through higher educ.tlon." the home of Mrs F C Par- ash-I Pockets �n 0 Thomas, hold ItI quarterly meeting hc IS InVIted to and STUDY SCHOOL MATTERS parlor Pockets, Pockets, Johnson. Rupert Rglgs. attend. espeClal- • Mortuary WIth A.A.U.W. TO MEET SmIth Others present were at 1 and It IS with this Idea :ker Jr. IIllss Vlrglma Durden. M Rawdon Olhff and ettevllle. N C,. M.rch 3. pm. contmued. a class In ••Ie... C . Iy veterans who are farmers cabinet meet- Mr HedTlck taught J:Ml.. Charlotte Ketchum ahu MISS dam... Inman Foy Sr. Bruce Olliff. / Alfred of the as- The District G E A our The Statesboro Branch of Amerl- Joel D Davis Dorman. president m that he have dOllgned The Cham. E C Mes-IChff for Lam.r and FranCIS of the First District was held at mInd manshlp here recently Dorothy Johnson as co-hostesse. can Clyde Mitchell. Ohver. • •• • soclatlon. announces Dll'ector. Smlth. chairman. IDg ASSOCiatIOn of Uftlverslty Women I I scholarship plan to benefit the area these n...'Utlful flowers decorated Bradley, Fred SmIth. Roger Holland. , ithe aSSOCiatIon from Baltimore to and Clarence Brack com the Statesboro HIgh School Monday ber of Commerce IS sponsoring spring met at the home of FORTY YEARS AGO Trapnell • Tuesday evemng FaY-, matters of lD whICh Colonial Stores Dew B B afternoon to discuss all operate" "'lbe Tooms and refrC'Shments consIst Mrs C Harry Smlth. Groover. Tam Will be t at thl3 meet aa a of a CIVIC Improvt!­ P Olhff. With Mr'S Henry From Bulloch Tlmse. Feb 23. 1910 pa prIse the committee appomted to pICk meetmga part -eel of MorriS. Grover Brannen. Thad Morris the PrIDee pohcy ond program of the GeorgIa Mr Allen pOInted out that faculty shrimp aspIc salad. d,Vlftlty McCormack Misses Frieda Gemant of I resenbe "t ment Dr John Mooney. I Mr and M.. J A Fulcher. the Master Veteran Farmer of Bul- ASSOCIatIOn J Harold Sax- program. nub3 and ooffee Joe and E L Aklfts Ies EducatIOn well-known or candy. and MarJone Ke"ton •• co hostess... last week C�· whlHh t 11 members of a college • •• • spent several days loch After careful of the G E stated It IS free of Mrs Ben Mrs Jack Athel\li. Inee 1949 th T bac- county for 1949 on and Mrs Ivella Mills. preJldent, TJ'1lpnel1, TUlner, and were ·���l Doeecember 1 t teo been Interestmg timely reports Mrs E C Ohver Sar university In each state have r:L� wlth Mr and A and W E to 1ft distributIve oc- CDriton. lIIra Ed Nabors Mrs Paul JUNIOR WOMEN'S CLUB I co Trail office ID Wllson. N C. has .earch and study they selected Mr were Paffordl tlhose employed gIven by Mrs Edge, legl�latlve chair More than 200 bales of cotton sold Rresent. E A haa to the entire sub­ .. nkhn the dIstrict director of the G apPoInted Judge F Jr and MISS JakIe man and CINDERELLA j had for ma�of won for the Upsha\\ Dr GeorgIa Watson. chaIr TO PRESENT Fleece Coat! on Statesboro 3ea IS- requ""t;s 37.000 Holloway. who the title cupatlons I Smart Short today market. wa3 an equal repre- .tate He also em score There mItted m that htgh winners at each man of InternatIOnal Relations Fol 301 charge to a8'Slst IOdlvlduals In IS golftg to be land cotton 30 cents. upland 14% First DistrIct and later was named unit from Almmg Everyone highly en-! s es a sentatlon from every local ��"! the business session on a MrouteDfromr orman NewtstYorkthtot that neither expert wntmg lowmg MISS Ste- tertamed when see Cinderella's cents UFI Sd phaslzed their 800tal o 0 • • they Three pockets add tremendous to Florl- Master Veteran Farmer of Georgia the meetmg everyday work, vens. the mtroduced the I>llck-all d I tOUrists gomg from the East eighteen ,countIes correctness 18 necs't pre'ldent. her A L d f CI t t k nor gra.'l.1matrtcal WIShes fulfilled by godmoth­ J _ the fairY 301 -- "nd MIlS. WATERS LOSES SISTER dash ... slim-self belt wraps snugly da have found that the U S for 1949 home problems. mstl'llcpon guest Dr Warren J on :nd be speaker, Houck, er at Teac"e� Coliege auditOrium vantage o�nlo�y�a�es thl�' w��k sary to Will. since Judge'!! WIll KIB Cecil W Waters and the mem route' IS some seventy-five mIles because WIlt be directed toward undel'stand- blOlogl.f. GeorgIa Teachers round your 'WIIllst! Swansdown stunnmg sons CurtIS and Ed Llnd- Mr Holloway was seleded College. the afternoon and evenmg of Febru- I VISited hiS for letters that are con l>ers ..f her were called to Sa route they WAS '1'018 YOU? family who spoke on "Conservation and Wild .horter than any other after sebrehmg the causes of difficulties In get­ ary 23rd There Will be two perform- short coat IS a fluffy nuracle of pure sey. at KSlslm';'ee. Fla of ",S achIevements ID farmIDg 109 v:umah durmg the week because of Life" Dr Houck I can travel, accordIng to the Amerlcan With hair else, orlglOai and smeere also showed technl at Mtammoth traInload of sea Island Im- You arp' a matron gray WIth the algns of matinee 3 8 15 .. . for I H,s evening In World I people. tile -death of her IIlrs Eva W ances. 30. wool fleece marvelous for town, own servinI!' War ting along sister. color lantern shdes on WIld m the Automobile AssoclatlOn's maps wore a two piece of Wlnners WlIl be hfe The cast octton. requIrIng 27 cars. the Tuesday you announcement look for self and whose death occurred Tues mcludes. for travel! freight tounst courts and hotels farm and well rounded farm danger � to In :R"lfl'TS. United States which he had made dur- J·Cmderelia."j sports, was Numerou9 proved SUIt WIth brown blouse or played by Mrs Donald McDougald. property of R Simmons. shIpped brown made on Qr aoout April 13. 1950. and 8'fter a long Illness Funeral serv a - mave been erected ID recent months beautiful modem sltuations mvolv1111' day recent tour of WIld hfe a and browown others, particular mg refuges the Donald the I to Savann.h Mr Simmons had Ing program sweater. brown �hoes bag 1m "Were held afternoon Prmce. McDougald.' tour and prlze3 awarded i""" Wednesday DehclOus all along the route. glVIDg the a scholarships what to do about them. refreshment. were served Mother. Mrs Robert ChIsholm. flT3t Sizes 8 ,to 18 profit of $14.000 In the shipment home. In whIch Mrs Holloway enJo� and gold choker You have daugh distress. and :at A.sbury MethodIst With 1ft 1St the best In accommodations and m thereafter church. by the h03tess,", $39.50 R Groov..r W11l at and two .ons. all resldlDg mediately matenal has the ap­ Mrs Godfrey. second Mrs 0 begin I be I a are the resu I ts 0 f ter Mr Hedrlck's sIster. Edgar houseWIfe. 'tei:mcnt m HIllcrest MemOrial Park 0 • 0 • I the route Mr Dorman ng .. erectIOn of a new brIck food along dIstant states The of Geotigla, Vir sIster. MISS Helen Row3e. Roland. an early date governors, of doctors In medi­ DENRY MOSES pointed out that som" of the finest careful pl"nnlDg and management WIll call at proval competent KINDERGARTEN PARTIES IIlrs Jack Bobby Ours Alone! store on East MaID street on lot If the lady deSCribed North and South Carohna and • • • • Wynn. Galafron. courts for motorist. to at night farm and gmla. cal and fields Dr Moo­ A Valentme Groover & Johnston'� lawoe-I stop 9ver the year> TheIr the Times �fflce she WIll b. gIven paychlatTlc klDdergarten party G"fflD. S D FelI- cupled by educators m those s'tate Will YORK GurdklD. Duncan. 1ft the natIOn have lust leadmg the WEDS IN NEW I has been leased anywhere IS farmer could two tickets to the 'Abbott has gone through given at Sue's kmdergarten on cta, Mrs Phil Mrs of1lce. new bUildlDg home lust what every p cture. ney personally .r and Mrs Hamilton, Queen, You'll see It m Charm been 301 their opm1ons of the competl­ Julius Moses. MISS wTuBs at and to Rames Hardware Company I completed along And Costello Meet The KIller." give course WIll be limIted esday mormng 9 o'clock, J B WIIhams, and the page, IUB" roadSIdes_enJoy and we must say be had here material The :MArtha M03es and Mr and Mrs Jack I and Friday at the bon m a half-hour radIO program to Tuesday afternoon the playtime Carroll Tickets Will be on sale at the The marrlSge of MISS Georgia Rlg- shOWing today who are em· group TO m Amellca to about forty people Moscs of AmeriCUs, Will retuln thls at Hart was .olemnlzed REGISTER SENIORS Theater more than Sue's enJoyed a party Popcorn Oount' School Superintendent's office don and WIlson I Georgia be broadca�t over thirty who call Hearn. 1ft dlstnbutl n and _k end from New York. )Vhere they and cold were I aft�rnoon at the home DANCE It IS oped that George Afler hAr tickets. If the pi yed drmks served and the Bulloch Library last Thursday SPONSOR SQUARE I recel.l!Jg r"dlo stations thh'o\lghout the County five IDterested are the week the • • • • Amencan cull the St"tesboro attend all Tho.e spendIng followmg of the brlde's parents. Mr and Mrs I The senJor cla�s of Register HIgh Stste Comm"nder of the ludy WIll lit meetmgs , 8 Southeast on February 24th of Mooes and M,ss left In dance IS 1 101 ul she w d be Illven Ch moer of Com­ m:uTiage Henry ANTlJUES FOR fine MUSIC TO MEET D L Rigdon, young couple School IS sponsonng a square and ErIe Cocke Jr, who ShOI) may contact the lD SALE-Very CLUB Legion, Jlelen which was an for a to Florida senIOr the orchId WIth com}lhments ot CI\lpenhelm. mal)ogany the afternoon triP I to raISe money for a tTlP. Commande, lovely ItS �ecretary'. By!'

were shown Monday, "Fun time 'With the two that NEWS PULASKlNEWS I answer motions, in perfect "The libra- ARCOLA the atar performers? won't Edenfield fOr on the Playground" and decide. music. Thanks to Mi"" __ Thousand Nevils and C. -suppose I let you' Tobacco Plant. and of J. O. Nevils, Jerry OPEN EVENINGS BY'APPOINTMENT. wonderful of rian." $4 Mr. and Mrs. E. l>.kins we"" Mrs. Karl Sanders children. such doing such a job pupil- 0$. la8t M. Nevils visited their Tom L. MIDDLEGROUND When first present MiLDRED GROOV,ER, WaDt visited Mrs. Dave Foss unele, graders Tobacco Plants. visitors in Savannah Monday. Eatonton, ours did last training. Chairman. Place your order for In Auguata Sunday. which wonderful programs as Publicity W. AkinB viaited in Sa- Saturday. NeVils, of . Mro. O. "The Old Maids' Club," can OUT recently purchased projector and H. Service, will be held at Union litis­ in assembly, we readily March 15th. and Dr. and Mrs. J. Z. Patrick in issues Tuesday in our audio-visual Plants available vannah Sunday Monday. at I have mentioned previous well tra ined, takes top place No deposit. I in States- .ionarpy Baptist church Sunday see that are really - billfold were L. Sunday they which we LO'ST Pigskin containing &D� Mr. Mrs. W. R. Strickland Trapnell spent was big The kl Ga. an" Visitors are welcome. of thi3 paper, certai!,ly a. "Little aids program. films, WrIte or Phline 2O-W, BrOIl et, Celia Jone•• 11 o'clock. They did an original play, about and other valuable pa- visitors in Savannah Monday. boro with Mrs. Friday night. m the film at Geor- $20 Mrs. and success at Middleground- obtain f,e library of So- Mr. 'and O'Neal . Dianne Thomp- t OPPORTUNITY Mrs. Earl Rushing 't Bear's0 Chair." Any eturn Brad'3 Departmen Lester and Earl Lester Mr. and Stanfield. ModeFn cou Id R y Mrs. W. E. no one who attend d � Teachers are certainly pers. t� visited vi3ited Mr. and Mrs. Surely e. what is gia College, L EST E R a few with daughter son certainly-knows rhythm Store and receive reward. JOE W. R 0 Z I E R & relatives in Columbia. S. perton, are spending days affair, The I .. visited Beauty Shop' wasn't an interesting IIERE it to for she educational and enlightening. KNQ(;KS Joh""on. Clemon Rushing in Lyons Sunday. 31 NORTH WALNUT STREET. PHONE 321-R. say . the when it comes records, LA NIER. week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. it makes us wonder: An;! enjoyed the laat of Mr. and Mrs. E: C. Brown and and now . and Mr•. Walker Whaley. I (�1�6=fe=b:l�tP��:.r�!!!!!!�!!!!!!��I!!!�������!!!�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!' Pvt. Benjamin Sanders. of Camp Mr. ladies _��======�_ of Mr. and daughter. Sherian, were guests Sun­ STATESBORO; GA, the week end with EI- Milledgeville. were gue3ts _of_t_he_m_e_n_in_o_u_r_c_o_m_m_un_i_tY_.:._d_id-a-v-e_ry_c_u_te_d_a_n_ce_._w_it_h_'_II_th_e_b_0_Y'_3_a_n_d_g_ir_Is_c_er_t_ainIY I Jackson. spent of Brown, oveI day Mr. and Mrs. Hughlon 'ANTIQUES Remember h0" I y der and Mrs. C. E. Sander.. Mrs. Joe Sapp Frillay night. t:. .- .. - !I'he CasUe Home Demonstra­ ChMstmas were andC., Mr. and Mrs. John of Stat .New those lamp. an" Mr. and Mr•• Carl Simmon. Yates, Savan­ tion Club will meet T�esday at 2 :ao how .oon were gone? were week-end bero, and Lehman Yate•• of . Anoth�r of Nevils. t�ey I family m. All member> arid visitors are AN beautIful WIll be E. Mc- vi.ited Mr. and Mn. C. I:.. Tur- p. IN-VITo!\TION more .hipment· In, of Mr. and Mra. L. I nah, . gUBet. welcome. Our will I I ner' after February ll1th. buyer Elveen. Saturday. Ladies Statesboro and Bulloch 141'11. and Hr. Mrs. DelmaB Ru.hing IB convalese­ To the of County: abo attend at least one of the South- Friends of IIIrs. Hugh Bennelot are Mr. and Rex Hartley some of and Mn. of Metter" ing In tne Bulloch County HOBpital. ern show. can offer you to learn that ahe is recuperating George Hartley. an have a coesulta­ and. glad s. a Call for appointment 0," stop in and our u'8ual mod- were of Mr. and Mr having undergone major operation laIOUNCIS. the �how plecea at her home after having been In the guests Sunday (.OI.Oll.i fine. at hair It a Helen YE Gordon Saturday. tion about your needs. might be Curtis. est prices. See them early. Bulloch County HO'IIpital. Hartley. I' and Mr. Mra. J. H. Sr. and Mr•. or for made miles Rushing These are srORES OLDE WAGON WHEEL. 3 Mrs. C. W. Mra. r...y Dekle, of Summit, Rayette New-Ray you. permanents and Byrd, Mr. J. B. of near were on Savannah and Mrs. Walter of Regi.­ Akins. StilBon. Statesboro and Duane Byrd. MI'II. Byrd. Holland, and given to fit your own individuality. .�utheast and Mrs. E. guesta of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Brown (Dfeb) Williams and' Gary WiI- ter, were visitors of Mr. !t�ghway. Mrs. B. A. Charlea, during last week. and Mrs. B. Crawford Sunday. The most for your in and Service w.hen FOR SALE-Entire fur- llama "ere gul!'Bta of Mr. money ]\lRuty houaeholfl Mr. and Mrs. Leo Warren and Mr. Mra. K. K. COok and son, Joey Mrs. at 458 South Main street. W. O. Akins Sunday. you visit OPAL IVEY in the MODERN BEAUTY SHOP. niahings Anderson attended J. H. Mikell. lIfette.r, and Mrs. Jim Phone 28.J. and Mrs. Julian HOMER SIGLER. at Strlckland spent with Mr. and the funeral of G. RUB'Sle Waters Friday are welcome and is (28feb2tp) You your patronage appreciated. Black Creek church Sunday. Mrs. J. O. Nevils. Serum FOR SALE-Anti-Hog Cholera Walter Mr. and Mrs. Jane. Miller. Mrs. Melvin Mil­ ' Mr. and �ra. for sick and STD.SON NEWS Le!,� Elder and treatment hog. Mrs. JUlian Anderson and Mrs. W. R. ler and daughter, lIfatiida. and COMPANY. cattle. ELLIS DRUG of visited Wilke. and John W.vlr.y Lynn were Sunday dinner ..-______- and Mrs. Donaldson. Mr. Harry For�hand Bo� Hoa- of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. God- )(Ofcb8tp) with Mr. Lanier, who �re patlenbs In VA guests Ss"",nnah. spent Sunday . ...,. RENT-Two-room 'apartment. at I FOR and Mrs. C. S. Proctor. pltal Dutlhn, FrIday. furnished or unfurnished. Apply of and Mrs. G. P. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hagan. .Mr. G!e�n. .. South Willtams and Mi,,� ' ZISSETT'S BARBER SHOP, their Mrs. A. John Cowart, Mra, S. L. ;:�iiY"�1 ��br!l:'e;CM�a��':{ Savannah, visited aunt, Allen L. I e. (28febeltp) visited Mrs. Gordon Ed Wynn, Reidsville. and '. M'am stre t Alvin Williams I:u'm.. r '5-aUIe,l' Sunday. be' J. Proctor, Lanier vi.lled Mr. and Mrs. C. D. - fuel oil who is a patient In Unlve�lty FOR Coleman h�at- Mrs. DeB'Se Brown is recuperating Riggs. : S�LE an Hosnltal RUBhing Sunday. , fllttmgs and drum rack; pMced her home here after undergoing Augusta Sunda'y er, at the A number trom 'our communi- E. 206 South Sanita- Mn Elton War�en entertained good I .J. at the Oglethorpe I cheap.' TAYLOR. tour- our shed operation with a Valen- ty have been In the girls' Due to new set-up in yard and avenue. (23febltp) Sewing Club last week taking Zetterower rlum. Savannah. last the tOU1'- W. B. tme She used red camellias nament week and boys' - unfurnished and brother. party. rates. FOR RENT Three W. W. Murray who have StOCk, we 0ffer at reduced Satur- for her decorations, and refreshments nament this week. Those lumber , cold water in kltch- wet" called to rooms, hot and Murray, Lyons on out and I of their consisted of "ear salad. assorted sand- it. come' help Sold Is not for Re-Sale) WALTER NESMITH. on account of the death (Lumber - en and bath. day indi­ O'Neal. wiches, pickle., ice cream and ;::Ii:",d avenue. (23febltp) father-in-law. Mr. \ 105 Woodrow vidual cakes with red Mrs. H. ·H. Godbee and daughter. CO,.'EST· a ten-days leave pound topped BEFORE YOU BUY! .SCHOLARSHIP After spending SEE US 'CASH RENT-Three-room apartment; Merle Dean. were in Savannah duro FOR Mrs. with his Mr. and us', water and I!arents. """""""""""""""""""""""".. the week to an specialiat, lights - ..... see eye $23 per month; Pvt. Emerson Mc- _h"'e"'art"""s."""""" iog NELIA ALLEN, H. C. 'McElveen, much that Merle :furni.hed. MRS. busi­ and regret very - Elveen left to return to Ta- MAN WITH CAR for full time Main street. (23febltp) Monday Dean will have to remain away from 303 West ness in of Statesboro and in coma, Wash. city recovered. - until she hati I Two-room apartment. college Pl(JS $10,000 IN FOR RENT Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Hartsfield. San- Candler countv; run. your own per- Howard Lumber Co. water. 221 South private bath. hot Elaine Mr3. James manent businses; household medicines, dra and Hartsfield. • SUPPLIES De- - RETAIL LUMBER AND BUILDERS Zetterower avenue. MRS. JACK of food farmers sup­ FOR RENT Five-room apartment. Bland, Laval and Randy Bland. products, extracts, I Swainsboro. Ga. (16feb4tp) IItr. Write bath and hot water; newly decorat- I LOACH. Sylvania, visited their parents, plies; big line; good profits. 31 Mulberry Street, on South Main street. Apply ' PRIZES SALE-Ludden & Bate. piano. and Mrs. C. W. Lee. Sunday. for particulars. RAWLEIGH·S. Dept. ed; Ga.. ADDED FOR GRIFFIN JONTS. StRtes,, a Iso kerosene GAB Tenn. MRS. CARR-IE good condition. $100; Among the college students spend- 1040-194. Memphis. I _'..J ..oklet. new. MRS. E. L. PREE- their home here (l6febltp) Bt range like ing the week end at (16fyb2tp) Colonial Phone 2902. Brannen and M. L. Mil- the Southeast, the Stores', TORIUS. (9febtf� were Amason Throughout Ath- use or four of Georgia. IUnlike other which are FOR RENT-Will give ler Jr., University scholarships, hailed the location on rea- Abraham Baldwin, offer is greatest room in deairable ens; J. W. Brown, scholarship being .. to couple or single Miss Jroj] Lee and Fred Brown, to students, Colonial Stores' sonable terms, Tifton; (limited ever in the for particulars. Teachers College. educational opportunity presented woman. Call 148 Georgia those enjoying a shad sup- arc open to everyone, re­ ;(2feb4tp) Among �holarships South. from $2,500 International rid- per at the river Saturday evening .Sixty scholarships, ranging FOR SALE-Two McElvE!en, other were Mr. Mrs. H. C, of race ing"C\�ltivatot'S, one on B,nd 'gardlcSl or.occupation. distributed in Vir­ .r�bber, Mrs. Brannen, Mc­ to $250 will be Georgia", in condltlon; a bar- Maggie Em�r'8on on steel' good Ganelle McElveen. Mr. Rt. 1. Brook- Elveen. Miss . S: T. WATERS. Carolina. In gain. Mrs. Dan Lee. Danalyn Mr. SEEN THE' can win for their children, North and South addition, ,(23febltp) Le�. HAVE' YOU "Parents Ga. , ginia, let. I'andand Mrs. Harold McElveen. Janie and a famliy 210 CAN STILL GET Mr. and Mrs. Don­ sets Britannica and :YOU. Sharon MCElveen. can win for younger 30 Qf Encyclopedia can eat for $1.00 plder people dinner (all you aid Lynn Brown. Mr. and GROOVER'S on Brown. to resi­ at MAIltIE NEVILS' Steve Mrown. can use the Parker 51 Pen-and-Pencii Sets �ill Mrs. Gerald Brown. or relatives, or they go road. Call 3113 for reser- and �riend5 Pembroke Mr. and Mrs. FranCIS Brown vations. .(2Sfebltp) Lee. , "N'W to further dents of this area. -- GYUce SENSATIONAL nice rd'enlas. meet- [scholarship money the�r FOR SALE-Plenty 0f' ga The February Farm Bureau crepe on ad­ Colonial's In the Scott W. well rooted; also ,rose-coler.ed ing was not held this week education," Mr. Allen, announcing scholarships, rea- tourna­ (own myrtle and sweet shrubs; prices count of the Boys' ba.ketball STURM. is of Colonial Stores, said: "This sonable. MRS. FLOR&NCE ment held at Springfield. Stilson out. "And of course Allen, president basketball pointed Rt. 2. Statesboro. (16febltpl very proud of the girh' ipresident, dis- succeed ·in direct WOMAN'S who won third place in the students can section will and pro­ jVISIT YOUR COUNTY team; school and college prosper Btreet, held' in Statesboro [high CURB MARKET on Oak trict tournament skills' of the teams are as its increase their al}d n'car water tank for flesh cO)lntry, last ,week. Members themselveS the benefits of col­ portion people city Bar­ �nsure home baked cakes, but- Leona Newman, Shirley Bragg. education. eggs. fryers. Betty Our, and fresh vegetables. (26jan4tp) bara Murray, Faye Sanders. knowledge through higher ter Emma �ege training." Serum Harden, Meretta Hodges, FOR SALE-Anti-Hog Cholera to benefit area and McClellan. LaVaughn is th� treatment for sick hogs Murray, Shirley scholarship plan designed and Smith Frances enter as often as COMPANY. • .sara Enter FREE, and II.GG.R PAY cattle. ELLIS DRUG Lorett� COLLEGE MIANI BI'I'IIR JOB., in which Colonial Stores \ Driggers, ShIrley Newman. operate." (9feb8tp) now until bed- wish, from midnight, .. weU II the two !he are darei too, thac d!e permanent, secure jobs, higher FOR SALE-Tybee cottage. !you The life of average coIIep paduace room. WARNOCK "-H CLUB earnings rooms living' room. dining 1950. Colonial Store. IChool al­ to educated, person•. two-car (March 31, times those of the plUDlllK graduate, (Mid usually go college bath a,{d kitchen upstairs. of. the War- average " j�1 The regular meeting of­ two �howers and It. Facti lilce thae 'sene to underline !be opportunity wash room, Club was held Friday. Feb. most double those of tdIool graduaca. fOR BEST LETTERS garage. · noek 4-8 AWARDS - to take ad­ typical hip downstalr•. Southeast .. (ltrongly urges efJ'�yhody tre­ room at in Mr•• Kennedy's ela fered in ·Conceit. Here • storage Savan- 10, 9:45, recent revealed that _ of !be bat jciIM. .Colonial·s Scho�lhip, ii, Ave. and 3rd St., held a survey pUt comer lst room. The girls and boya of this educational incentive for to coter, to hit with from mendoUi in'prove. because Spears lvaDtase spectacular and are held everybOdy , (16f.b��c) joint meeting .Mias those . paying '5,000 up, by people '!'IIh_Beach. wtth be -. Johnson were to own future or thac of.'JQIIIeOOe 10 him: STRAYED· White stag hog and Mils ul)able e4uc:adaa. It ... out, "eat 00 ooe Ibe two I one to four of poiIIIecl . wiU be a leal ".._ of 300' yean college ' .... 01 awards about :opponunity " �bj_: weigjtil)g present•. ,I i.. 10- : black, hea". about weeks tlte was called to SHoULD HAVB A pounds; been Jon� two. After meeting A'YOUNG MAN'OII'WOMAN toI, marks, If any. Vivian (It·WHY from my place; ear order by our cilub' prealdent. : , ,for Infor- read our I LEG, �CAn�N�· ' ." suitable· reward Deal. the minutes were by Ott. .unknown; Jean and CAN DO TO MAKE YOUR SHOPo matlon. S. T. WATERS. secretary;. Shelvie A1len. .. "WHArr $TOIlES (It C9J.O� . ". (23fRbt'lte pI), members. We dis- . Ga. by the . Brooklet. approvect .. PIN(;.MOU BNJOV;I'8LB." acre of eussed the following things: Stunt I PLANTED one-fourU. green I . ..,._ II lID 1iIIIlt ... 1M ...... 01 eodt .., ..... IIeda .., made 200 church program at i*- cane year; night, April lat; sug&r at _ 101 oIMai...... PUB It 'CoIOaW the churc:ll. 12th. - be ... 00 doe o6:IaJ ..., of syrup off it al'd ,p'ut up" Baptl�t lIJarch, gallons are Marclt HAUL 4-H' Club Week. aced cane,. whlel! 7:30 p. m.; TRUCK 'WILL stalks PICK-uP .,...__ ncpdnd. .. 000 TON purdwe feet council • ANY 8 meeting � for .ale. averaging 6 to 4th' through 12th; Il�W J. stalk. S. March 4th...... H.._ Coualin .. Alabuu. .:... I.- c..-, .. a\ 6 ceats. per I long, I Mr. a demonstration on n_ I8doodid wllll 0-.... Denmark. Ga. (23feb2tp) Dyer gave , FOSS. a I a 'STYlE W'HEN six-room house makil\lr "hangmanls noo.�" !Ond ,IN'SA'FETY AND FOR SALE:::Qite in. dIstributed 'PEOptE He 10 halteyl'for our calves. close in on Oak, good condition and neighbor-' some book'S on livestock poultr:r. street. new hou�e. good about their UNIVERSITIES with talked to the boys !lood. a bargain; price $6,600, He. block proJects. . through the . extra lot funning further bUSiness the YOU 10 SEil.lECT THE WINNERS streets fur $1,000 being �SE on two Th�re n? :fronting was adjourned. JOSIAH ZETTEROWElR. meeting more I KA'rHLEEN BARNWTLL. THE··· ,i)me (23f�bltp) Reporter. I • six miles, l�3HT WflGHl ONl PERSON CI,N LOAn cr�� S. A well kno..n or uai.enltr in each '!;lle � been appointed to i...... doe. FOR SALE-On U. 301. col!ese 47 acres. 6 cultivat- i , do ·the work of two, Use the truc:ic llibmltted In state. of Statesboro. dNL(JAD IN ONE MINUTl OR LESS Makes �ne of .•ntria chat can be GEORGIANS ARE URGED Oi' piece equipment land, more I ed best grade RETURNS neither .. house in good TO FILE TAX It wu th.t expert nOr COl' small - want to strongly emplwized ritlna gro;"matkal cl�ared; also load, add the Dixie when you carry for pond. In a series of advertisements run- for hauling Tallyho _OIl "U1 be r:oquited. The judsa ..ill search, rother. for I_IS thet ... tion, suitable place fI�h condi-I for court; in this chapter. the Revenue De­ aad suitable place .tourlst or: ning coadIe, ori,iaal ,inee... acre, of is Geor­ to work or for other businesses; price. $80 partment Geirgia urging people pleasure. ZEETTEROWER. pearfeblt) gians to file their state tax returns Wlane.. may select ...y coUe...Ithin the four'Slate atel. JOSIAll _(2 ix miles as soon as pos3ible. and renminding FOR SALE-On U. S. 301•• Sawmillers, Hotels, The contest 23rd and doses on Marth 31. 1950, All entries 60 culti- taxpayers that the law requires a Just the for Farmers, Contradors, opens February of Statesboro. 182 acrCil, thing well on late returns. on or before M.rch balance penalty and interest must be po.imarked midaight. 31, 1950. vated best grade land, and two Commissioner Charles D. Redwine want need a low cost two small houses Estates and others who and per- rtimbe�ed make Clubs, . . Announcement ...inne.. wUl be made in Coloaial Siores newspaper .dver­ urges all peIlsons who should small nsh pond3; suitable place fo� Colonial on or aboul etc.; returns to do '30 at once. According each lOt In beau· tisements ...d in all. Stores April 13, 1950, and cash court service '3tatlon, note" bindings; ,die tourist returns sonnel cC\rrier. this'is a real to Mr. Redwine. prompt help!l liookc:ue. America', and other prizes ....rded there.fter. per 'acre; tiful walnut scholarships immedi.rcly price $60 the sbate as well as the individual JOSIAH ZETTEROWER. known I gain. beat encycloPecJia taxpayer... is a sensation wherever '(2Sfebltp) bar-I nO\\l Th.. Dixie causing displayed The department IS checking Tallyho Dan Davis old home FORSt• LE-The I all Federal returns. plus ,having oth- entire lot about 200x200 d hereto­ -- to I and er of it is the answer your on Rail�oad street sour'C�s infor�a�ion n?t .fore so It IS that ie:t�f�o��ing this prop- unhkely THE EASY RULES .treet extension; a.v�llable. strate FOLLOW S E Co;'rtland house any who should comfortable and eleven-room frame cltl�en �le B: of ert has an return Will be able to aVOid domg 80. problem and contains great in lair condition � for price and Get deal of good materialj utilitarian transportation. see JOSIAH LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! I. Gee the oiIicia1 COD1IIIIl enuy blank details

oflen• enter Down at &Dr Colonial Store. Come $25.60 to $125.00 the facts today. a ZETTEROWER·1·CHICKS FOR T.rms oftea t [t', free--Yt"U don', .peod cenct ANT BABY .asy NIGHT blank ��3��tt� $5 to $1 Per Week. FRIDAY Al. lOui.. _,, be 011 dtl. PRODUCTION OR MEAT. EGG DE- I '41 Chevrolet Pick-up. 2. Write a leller 00 the entry blank. FREE CIRCULAR SEND FOR '37 Oldsmobile Coupe. wlal either of these two subjects: OUR IMPROVED SCRIBING QUAL-: Chevrolet 4-door. TALLYHO ON DISPLAY YOUNG MAN OR BLUE RIBBON SEE THE DIXIE "'fCIAI. (I) WHY A ITY CHICKS. I :36 36 Che.....tet 2-door. WOMAN SHOULD HAVE A 211 FORSYTH ST.. HATCHERY '36 Ford. 2-do,r. COLLEGE EDUCATION or ATLANTA. GA. DEFT .. F-l, guaranteed COLONIAL STORES CAN (2) WHAT ,(fob 13-20mar6-20) I fo�I:�le.several BROADCAST DO TO MAK� YOUR SHOPPING . MORE ENJOVABLE OF THANKS addres, CARD :� s�lfI •. Inc. a. Sip your name and aDd W TRADE s� Governors" and Educators Saiute the Bulloch WE LeY#is, Hear of County, leading mail it to the Scholarship Conttst Editor, To the Voters '. . thankinSI care Colonial ae the Iddre.. shown on method of ring us your troubles; Plan Stores, I take this I Colonial'Stores' Great mel Scholarship •. the coatest blank. Send a. mlDr eotties and labored for work guaranteed. Ga! those who voted 'Main St., Statesboro: IS you wbh. race for Acetvlene 38-42 Nortb unsuccessful·- Welding. , , be .tiDal. in my commiSSion- 4. Dtcision of the judles wiU board of county Co. of '. man . , to m. In case of tin. dt.'pliclte prizes will be me Westside Wrecking."' 6:30 7:00 _ voted agal,lst WSAV, Savannah, p. To those who ers at 202 West Ma n. Statesboro . Located T ill feeling3. hold no KERMIT WILLIAMS. '. ALLEN R. LANIElR. 23. 1950. ButLOCB TIMES AND STATESBORO THURSDAY, NEWS BULLOCH TlMnS AND STATESBORO NEWS pnerating pliant to be locate,d in "FOUR POWER COMPANY FOR DISMISSION Sou�heast Georgia. Work will abo CITATION

continue GEORGIA-Bulloch - on the 50.000 kilowatt County. GEORGIA B ulloch , Fur- Countu., Mrs. J. O. . PL man Alford • ad- N,'ot ce ANS Shoa I s ... .W.hereas.. I. h r b hydl'O lectrict m y g.ven FOR " , FUTURE plant 10- t t of that P B BLOOD T�TS ARE J. H. Beerannen Bureau cated Donaldson. rep- has filed BULLOCH TIMES Farm the Oconee river DIS ra f a petit'ron under .on near MI'I- m!.n!strat"!xI1X 0..J W Donadjson rep- the Improvements Ara� led d I provislohJ of S .t· Proposed gevtII'e. y filed and entered on record' that the Code �c 113-1232 of AND Whlch ' of' Gear Approximate Cost Of s;:e has g,a. 'fonor the FOUND REVEALING 1950 the fully administered J. W.' Don- ing of' an ord grant- �uring sub-�ation C8- that no THE STATESHORO NEWS Activities Thirty-Four MlUlon Dollars estate, this Is therefore to cite tion is administra- paClty of the necess�rry on will more More Than One Thousand company will be in- �tson estate of Bulloch county produce The kindred and creditors Mrs. Daisy Bran Georgia Power sed by t tersons.ow tdheall creditors Editor-Owner. if the interest in the �ads Company will crea. 490.000 kllowats. The 0.3 cause. if any they can wh' and others D. B. TURNER. corn this year, Prospective Family s e are spend than ma)or interenetn'dan ,re­ $34.000.000 on new high voltage sub-division admini.stratrlx should not b� d;:{� quired to show hereby of com production at Farm Found To m�re proj- the study Be Dangerous construct.on to be :J:'darged from her and court of PER YEAR a completed In 1950 administration ordinary on SUBSCRIPTION ,2.00 Bureau can be taken as thl, year, C. B. Mc- are th�a�:h 'dt of meetings ect� letters of dl.mlssion on the 1950 wh ,ay March. A total of blood tests were Manus. ed in id The ,which met last 24,581 president. has announced. Baxley. Scottdale Morgan. Au- ficelverst in March apphcation should guide. groups '" .• Monday ,.1950 not b'e a� matter March The ann graYnteSda• IEntered seeond-class to brides and ouncement W.3 and ",astman.. A F " I given prospective · made follow- tot.1 of W at State.­ Nevils and Register thir, .• This at the postoffiee week-Ogeechee, tgust,a IL�S _Ordl,_,nary,,-.- . Febru.r'y 7th 1950 23. 1905. "tate and labora­ lng'a meet' of the new the Act of Con­ the need for u,ing bet, grooms by private .ng board of direc- sub-stations will be built F. I. under -all discussed y-�Ine • bora, Ga.. tors of 'Ill Ordl WILLIAMS 1879. Itor;es under the pre-martial ,laws the at wllch durmg the year. Petition .. or DI8m18810n nary. Bulloch gresa oi March 3, ter varieties and adequate fertiliza- Co.mpany the County. 0.,'0'rgla. from ,25th Dece;"ber 1950 program was More than 400 as August through miles of high GEORGI tion as well eultivation practices approv�. voltage A-Bullocb ,ColUlty. FOR DISMISSION More thall tramm I - 1949. Of this sslon line. will Wherea J T . P GTO needed to more' com per acre. 31, total. 1.024 (or ,16.000.000 will be be au�ded t0 ',' erklns, adminls- Countv Bees grbw ._ • ,. The Bee-Havior of SpeDt on the trator 0f ·r·ra S. ereas factors 4,2 per cent) were found to be posi­ t"" compkltlon of company's .)"IItem In Perldlll, represents WhRGIA-Bulloch' M' J0hn on all th� . Plant. 1960, The.e A, motion picture to the court In dian of H Powell. cuar­ with Lait­ the Include a new bl.' petiti"n duly I/� f.natic on was a tive syphilis indicated. the company'l new 110.000 volt line to SORT OF we have grown involving higil corn yields part 200.000 kll- lie OD me for att record. that he life of the oratory Division of the De- !ate., -electr!c built betw.en South Macon res of di:ch'arge o�e��rbasguardiaapl!lInabedtolp the habits and social of all the GeC\rgia .tell!'l reneratlng plant ' Eaatman :��d anldgneendteredsaid this Is there- Harold P II program�. 10 f'- UoIIIt, owe. thl. Is to we of cated on the and Vidalia. This all therefore heney bee. Readers will recall, The need for tobacco grewers tak- partment H�alth reported today. Chattllhoochee river Une Js de.lined aU. penons .oncerned. notify r an to file re­ Dear to ki'�d:d cldty to "how their that mention of of the "We have recently received full Newnall. Con.tructlon of the strengthen and InlproYe the .re,lItors, cau.e objecli�:::'.Ollit are sure, frequent ing advantage government- serviCe if on or concern� hue, "a. ID the they ean, WIlly !!IIld lIdinl.lstraI before tbe has found in tro. was ports from private laboratories mak­ begun ID file fall of 1948. .outheaat .ection pi the coni- 11:[ � eYd tbis interest place supported insurance program Rn�ould be from nO.t dla.harged' bls next, else - blood E. L. asso­ ]lItlan�'WIll be .rea. a she .willollbeaYdLsln column. stressed at all the W. ing teste, Webb. placed In operation 'before pany·. Another ne" 110000 to'{mJs IUId neeive cMharch.arged from very also meetings. ' blabWtI!,a letter. of her ciate director of the DI- the end of the Une to m the piled for. guardlanahlp !III ap- A. Hodges and J. R. Kelley diseusaed Laboratory year. Impro'fe the service In'f1ie flrst Monda, In reason has been volt. :iamlsslon And the beginning of the of Pre-cOllfJtructlon terntOry areh. 1950. F " I WILY" the tookco nisurllnce all v.ision Geor,!a_ I;iepartmel't Is 3urroundJng Augusta ",'1'1 ",AIMS, Oiodlna-.-, . prtlgram engineering This' mother, told UJ! ---."'if?� 7tb , 1".'"..uv . 'made knoWft-()ur al.o I be Febuuary outlined the Public Health reported. "and the"e p anned on a constructed between Athens J. E: . 20,000 kilowatt and F. I. wear­ Oge�'chee; Philli� /I.--:�� �ew WIIL �OR had LIAMS. DISMISSION in life. after We quit show that the unIt to be Onllnary. GTOR early in detail for the Nevils group. priv.te ,laboratories �dded to the Bartlett's W&l'rj!nton. The combined cos't of GIA-BulloalJ' Countv before that pl.n Ing skirts. that one day blood of which 231 Ferr h d theBe lines made y will - L. R. Anderson gave the storoy 7.336 tests, y ro-electrlc pl.nt on tb�' be more than � 100 For Letters Myrtia Harvill�; admlnl. and of • · DIImiIMIon this lad had hi� kne� traWtrjhereafsH•x 0 . K. time spraddled were positive. on 1950 Studebakers Chattaboochee river above 000. New 44.000 volt Harville e tate to the Register group. Columbus transmi�slo� GEO re.ents to tbe a hive of... bees and h.d raked ne� court of": ltefore Those found a blood lind on a new lines will be built titrP-, served a baked ham sup- having positive large .team-electrlc between Fltzgeftlld WhRGIA-BullOCb the entire colon, which Ogeechee ALL MODELS AND 10DY TY.ES COlUltfl th�� into his lap test are advised to medical I ) and �h!y w.nt in for an undergo . Rochelle; Clairmont and She per. Nevils oyster Dah- minls�':t�i� �!�d !�I�yen!d�nl'8�e:�0: on outside. �{"E.EG.'ii1i':!!���p�: "ad a""embled the When the is Sale'Under � court men a treatmeent. physician and Gordon alld her' eS\ate, this I. and �upper and Register frjed Gray. petition, th.�ef�;e �� told us that we told the story, GEORGIA-Bulloch ���;sfll�d �d on reco �:erv'lliP persona concerned ladies satmfled that adequate tre.tment has co�::rs, lo,;;ga.uring the the Irdn,that she has ' kindred chicken The Register year companu' e.- fuII and reom for supper. Whereaa. on Y admlnlatered creditors to' h th.t we remained in a dark heretofore. 'the 16th tlte E G T'll cau••• if Wil- been and the patient is non­ d 0f D plects to add any had a fovered disb supper. Mrs. given save to'141 ecember, 1847. Eunice Hollo- approximately 29.000 e.tate. this I� 'they can h while swelling thereto",,' to' clltemaalnl s'doW a couple of d.)"II the the bsuance of ·the mar­ way new persons should lette district director of the infectious you'86 ute to W. L. Zetterower customers. Including 1000 rural concerned. kindred 'and cred- n�t wb.Ydl·alhsc IIrg from Robinson. aeddmlnl.tratrix,ber • e n exec. It to adm' I tr· was receding. certillellite is recom- ac'lrtadldl 'lSCUrity ddteo 0 the fl'0 low- .how cause, If can s. at.on and Farm Bureau'. Associated rialr" . usu.lly This e"panllon will ne- IIny they receive letters of Georgia . ing land: ou.t?mers. brs, diJn:� the mended. Share in Studebaker's successl Get the benefit of Studebaker's cess.tate Monday In the outlined the that ' All construction of And that was prob.bly begin­ Women. many jobs certain tract or of 1.000 be Marc��'��50�!1 ,first the th,e parcel miles �he Ydl:cl!�r:.:!tm�::�ra�;� ::::'i�1s;:� From with the Dr. C. D. Bowdoin. director of and of dIstribution lines as F. I. of our interest in�. the ladles can do in working being In the 1209th well as receive letters of dismission WILIJAMS. ning all-time I Drive America's most distinctive on Ordinary. Division of Venereal Dise..e COD- peak production �n'kIYID'.strict of 200 miles of new tlonthandfirst interest Bullooh rural lines . .e Monday In March time to time in later years Farm Bureau at Register, county More ,.1950 INGOME G' '1 a nd . TillS Febu TAX that he was that eorg •• being In the of' than 7th RETURN made and we nave come four hundred Bulloch county trol. stated gratified city $6000 000 Is allocated for this L. G. by has been aroused, S&me car-the fastest car in Studebaker and lot ." F I LANI"ER 6 roNCRFfE of blood tests selling historyl Statesb?ro being No, 19 of uW?'LLIA·MIS960. sS PRODUm ex­ with the ' to sort ourself an an live,tock-minded farmers met positive ep one 488-R. COMPANY pf regard ������thJff�-e e (15mar) ZETTEROWER ,. has 9hown • considerable decline home Special AV'ENUE in the to say motives Charles E. Bell and R. O. Williams. Byrd place according to a construction projects of the paONE 52' pert doings-not in and gel your of Srude­ in sleek modern Ilylingi No bulging ea­ And in aU that from Athens and the last few and that the �tate­ of same made in 1950 include the -of the lowly bee. livestock specialists COMEb.ker·, sensalion.lly prices­ ,Cesl bulkl No squandering of gasoline! by �ompan'l chang- to locate 'and ihave R�r.J.eke���llatr of the and Atlanta wide campaign , ne.... central time we have heard statements Tifton. and Dr. L. R. Smith. made possible by bigb proilUCIion. Come in and save '86 10 '141 and .�g Georgia transmis- -F:::·:·:����·�O�rd�l�n���.��s�t���e�t�te�I��h��.���o�u�t�h�M���n�::::������������C:�������:--. 1948. record:/ i� treated h.d i,'::ovk'Yfr����Ch� s.on bore a on syphilis produced good see s�!em from a philosophies. some of which hour discussion feeding. breeding Come in .nd how Ihe strikingly drive away in a low. long. alluring ne", 192. bounded on the south by lan�s 66.000 volt to a six ... results. liThe law has "nexl look" 1hudebakers excel Srudebaker-a carl of W. 110.000 volt semblance of rea'30n, while others veterinarian, Wednesday for pre·marital beautiful � !.2.!!! .Mrs. A. Smith and S. E. system at a Jost ef Fifty Dr. Smith been very useful in uncovering hidden Main street; $600.000. This will seem to be mere speculation. and livestock production. ��:h�ysO��h �y �"'t strengthen and told us of for the cases of syphBjs," he said. CINow improve the service ago Steve Blackburn posted some teD sick hOg3 east in that area of ,. by . . I.n3: . with is ofnMr�f �e If�nt?:�m. of his brother Eb. bowed and out the variDus that treatment penicillin and S. E. state. Also ',cheduled for 1950 the incident group pointed Sam J. Franklin Company . Smith. �he with within a few days. dS the 1o" with rheumatism, who was at� diseases they had. Some usually �ffective county. Georgia. to secure instaUation of underground can be eliminated 8S a �n ButlloChf lines and a of bee, when he some with �ome '3yphiUs Inajor therewith for transformers in tacked by colony cholera, pneumonja, - downtown thi��yeflvoe hevendun reddate dol M to others were 'health 'Pen.ce. Many marriages have ($350000) acon and further sought to hamper their disposition with eru;tis and just 1 aI's. ail as extensions on the IN shown by a de d ended in tragedy when syphilis. un- STIIlHHAKIRS RLAII.Y H(JIIIN(;' STlrIHRAKIA IIAJ)C; /\(,AIN \NllH lHI CJ\:}lS� recorded �ecu�ity Atlanta ....rm. He said 'the whole colony got plain wormy. NIXT�L(H?K !n the office of the clerk �f ,un""rground system. time of Eb's clothe, and made him hike suspected at the marriage, supenor court of Builoch Inside ------.....,.------:------.,---..:....------county ' blinds or kills in later �heeorgia, in book 172, to tbe house at full speed; that for cripples. ! page 542; and Schools NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS SEMI-ANNUAL SESSION Whereas. on DocemOOr 15 1947 Financing' lack of time to enter. Eb dodged un­ GEORGIA EDITORS years'.' the �ald Havillg been wrecked and disabled AT COLORED SCHOOU Eu�ice Holloway cdnve ed Before Legislators der the house and waited for the su.n STATION WAGON the the to drive a car make, it impossible for to. und!'rs.gned said note. ihe A Jehovah's Witne,ses W1U securIty deed detailed report on the to set. He said when darkness came, County Patrolmen Are me to work the territory I have b�n (colored) �al� and the said de­ accompU.h_ MEET IN ATHENS hold their tirst semi-annual assembly scrIbed land therein' and ments and needs of the Eb crawled out and went to bed. The working for the past thirteen years. common Hot After Shiners MADE FROM TRUCK at the William James Higb School said Event For the best interest of the Colum­ Whereas, note has become in .chools of Georgia. detail. ..ext he said, Eb's rheums· Friday Evening To, to including morning, bian '" Cattle Powder Co. and 'on February 24th-26tb. commeneinc I�fault �s Interest. and the under­ Patrolmen H.rt .nd New Device Hog ths operation in each bad left him-and never came Be Under Auspices Of County Edgar Dillie Tallyho at 7 m. with the aervice elects that the ?n county and tism my own physical condition. I have Friday p. "Il'ne_d entire note Savannah Publications Mose Sowell were in action during Which Solves Problem Of where many of their and Independent district. were in tbe back. Two resigned as their representati:oe. Mr'. meeting phases int.erest, become due at will be discu..ed_ hllnd, of the past week. 'and' the result of the\1 Transporting Farm Labor Cap Mallard will represent the miS'Sionary activity l���JPal members of the Georgia A Feb. 22.-PlallB for the 8 :30 the Theocratic Sieve told us that "Tump" Ham thens. felt. Colum"ian '" Powder Co. in the At Mlnlat,,: !"?w. therefore. according to the General A... activity is still being I· Hog embly this week on the 22nd Georgia Pre•• In3titute which From a truck to a station wagon Wil- school will be conducted for furthe" of ,aid. deed had rheumatism .nd eame to hh y.rd one in the terTitory I covered. Mr. I. W. term� security eve ot Two raids were made. the rdgl�haln e laws In their: 1950 session. the in Saturda, . such case3 convend at the of Geor- n! one flat minute is the way of will still sell Colum­ training ministry. made and he was a swarm of bee•• University Iiams. Nevib. while hi'firrg district an" the other in the eVeninr at 7 an will rovlded; the will Educators urge immediate flnanc­ Hagin bian activity meetlne undersigned exposo . were with the manufacturer describes this la�t products. be to entice "Tump" gia toda,. completed The,. be a IT sale to the and tbat sougbt Blitch some two miles above Dover. C. M. ANDERSON. be iheld. will haptillmal highest and best bid� .ng activation of the 1949 the an- better farm living. for adopt­ for to - a�� of the but "Tump" announcement of details contribution dl.cou",e at 9 a. m. Sunday. High­ �ash the above ed In range colony. In the first affair Jake Bellinger'. pri­ described M.mmum Foundation to Dixie tbi.. the will be the h program which carried him nu.1 Savannah Morning NeW'S-Even- Called' the Tallyho. P. S. I will have 'on hand Colum­ lighting a.sembly pu'b­ proper advertisem�nt on lIeveloped a speed vate stock wa. raided and ten bottles b solve school needs. an or- talk O. to dfirstafteTr in March Experts of the .. Press costume transform. bian for at all lie by J. Boone. "Llberty uesday 1950' be out ,thait Tump·... ing party. and live genious equipment products emergencies the r.ng_Dd at S .. m.· There legal houT3 of Department of f'f were captured-live pinh in-I •.• ,I, .' eM MALLI\RD, the Captivea,!'. ,p �I leen s�le b�for; Education have esti­ the is held on one-h.lf tlm� w.s Traditionally party dinary pi$�p .truck;1 ' I'beumatism thereafter noticeably "The wal ton. be no .olle.tion. All are iDvited. hou," door in mated even 'half liquid . Statesboro ' that. if the Foundation Press Institute pints. broug.t enclosed. comfort- (2Sfeb6tp) oc not a bee bad Friday night during into a .ompletely "III cohurtcounty, Georgia. lletter. though single to State.boro and Bellinger WBI Pl1t program is not of the four- proceeds from financed, school re­ skin. and i. the social bighlight able and weather-proof said sale will be found his ..!. , under bond for future dispo • to quirement] call for farm and In­ fdhe payment of said emergency grants day ...·.Ion. Thi. year the editors It is ideal for hauling conveyance·lj=====::;��;======:;=l Ii:-t, �he other case t.ln! of at u. down to the In the patrolmen the and $10.000.000 thi� session . And th.t brings will throw their copy pencil. dustrial workers to and from In�erest expen'Ses, . awa, a The True Memonal l't6r1.b;;pal, If any, wbich eomea to captured .nd de.troyed 300-gallon lnsti- Fairburn, Georgia. workers gather for a FHA HOME LOANS, FARM WANS, , tbis much is submitted with of Stat... has been And tute are Robert p, Tristram Coffin. n�ss Inc .• boro. Tecently ALL GEORGIA towns . Hotel. in area ._ Jaeckel , the ., the . at 7:30 at served want d.nner for tbis area. BUSINESS LOANS AND WIR�FENCE by this Co the Mere suggestion. if' you Purtzer t" B'·en)a- de.ler are Invited I pr.ze-wmnlng who h.s been nam- appointed 3rd mpany to enter th'e . B. I �oe; A. Anderson. Champion. Home Town bee3 to sting you-let 'em sting mm M. of the Contest. McK.elway. ed.�or ed county fund chairman. states that G.I.LOANS ROOFING Wal;.)lIngton St.r and pres.dent of the Mr. field reprosen.t- Hartley. general BEFORE ' it' CAN GET LOAN APPROVED BUILDING. Fundamentally Saseb d on • . town"s Farmers The American Society of Newspaper Edi- tive of the American Red CrO'Ss. ":111 TUU�liTRE FERTILIZER your year-round 'Report GEORGIA OR BUY SEE . in be at the dln- IF YOU INTEND TO BUILD accomplishments Robert White the principal speaker STATESBORO betterment. It . communitY.' tor,; Nixon. president. offers -an II e Presence Cattle Grubs to l!I d opportumty for Hou�e Association; yoU know that Georgia to Correspondents' ""Mr. Anderson stated that the drive NOW SHOWING F wan,� Fertilizer and cndeavo"rs �npara people spotlight their The in Bulloch seem it .' their C.ttle county W. C. edItor. Columbus En- be a whirlwind and Meet & prICes have progressIVeness, their Tucker. will camp.ign "Abbott and Costello FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS LOAN been reduced pride in their own home this town • to have more lice on them and more w.n of the committee that the l"Ia year. quirer; J. Leroy Thompson. is the hope The Killer" R 0f P a few eports rogress grubs in their backs than normal. quota cnn be exceeded within hen in need submitted ill previous Ch Lawrence Lou Co,teJlo of . Street Journal; Layborne. Bud Abbott and ASSOCIATION OF STAT�BORO Hardware Come to ampion Home Town Contests have . Also Latest News �elved . chief of the news bureau of Life Mag------favorable - nationwide u _d_a_y_', OR- W. C. AKINS & p bl'IClty. Georgia, and ;!�Sth:::sb�a;U:s it�eP�i:� ;:f!�;at�:;: azine; Floyd director. Amer.- SON Georgia towns, been on SCOUT BOYS ON' SATURDAY for the rest of tbe displa:1: iB)concerned. Dry weather is usual- T�Ylor: TROOl(' States t0 see and to Press InstItute. Edward Weeks.. Double Feature Program admire and to hav_e . imitate! EXPEDITION . favor.ble to on cat- can, CAMPING 1y lice hogs and edItor. The AtlantIC Monthly; Rob, "Mobtown" GEORGE M. JOHNSTON PrIze money this las tIe and fleas in and around in a series of training year lb'een IDcreased to buildings. ert C. Ruark, syndicated columnist; The second Starring the Dead End Kids and $7.950-$1,000 for the . first, $750 Rotenone i;; one of best sessions was held �embers Dick Foran .third in second, .500 perhap3 the Ernest Rogers, Atlanta Journal col- the prize, three - 40 Scout> durmg - population , Boy g and safest remedi.s available for kill- "of Troop 'ALSO roups-p �100 for ('ach of 12 h umnl3t; Robert ShN""W.ton� li\I�lrllng G. South'¥ai'n lit,e'!8�""'" LANIER.-.6 mile from - Smith 'Banks. Ronny Brown, LINTON East. U--r road one town; price '•• Yreeriuin; Sea Island Bank sponsored by the weekly George-'\ Anistant Scout>- St.• lst ftoor 000. JOSIAH ZETTEROWER. Glenn Jennings and BUild-II.. ..----- i (22dec-22mar) IIII!!�------IIIIIi---_ ..--1lliJ1 (ll1tebltp) Anne. I master T. J. Williams. , lilt..

\ FEB. 23, 1960. --I THURSDAY,

EIGHT Billion Ring More Than Two FHA LOANS THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 1950. I Veterans' liey to Can secure Gas cent interest. Up to 25 years repay. ------������������---.���--� Gallons Liquefied 4'no per Loan on eXl make FHA , SHUNS Restores Lost Key commitment before build. Can you FOR ., ,- GOVERNOR CHARTER, - - c estimated 2,725,000,000 gallons ' I Veteran3 An Isting construction. GPEEoTRI11ION,GIA-Bul1och County. , II.Al LElOOmLDlU'm NEWS· The Disabled American NE'lII of liquefied petroleum gas was con­ To the Superior Court of said County: lost to S. LOANS TAX� a set of keys ,F1\.RM of F. Rozier Earl Lee NUISANCE returned umed 1949, according to fig­ to Terma to The petition C. Miss Arletba Futch spent Saturday Mrs. Dan W. Lee and Lorry has during interest, to 20 years repay. Attached 4'no per cent Up Lester and Julia S. Rozier of said Robbins. in with To of Statesboro. K. W. Rugh and close loan in 14 days. night with Miss Jackie spent the week end Baxley Message H. Sewell, ures published by , suit you. Can In Formal county, hereinafter called •. idento-tag, Petroleum applicants, Mis. U1dine Martin and Bob Mor­ relative Strongly was "- DAV E. O. Mattocks, of Phillips He to the keys bring this, their upplieation for the Friend. regret to learn of the Ill­ - Legislature LOANS week-end in­ CONVENTIONAL ris, of Atlanta, were guests TAX IS for rings, This represents an of a charter for a in Veterans ,YOUR STATE INCOME I;)UE Increase key Interest. pr-ivate ness of Connor the Any license bag ,Company. 5 cent granting rs. Martin. Sollie Opposes miniature Business anJ Residential property. per of Mr. and' M C. J: , 1948 On .... and show to the court motor- crease of 8,5 cent over the adcllnq..ubttac:llll9 one cent on Inte corporation, the Hospital in-Dublin. in 'State distributed to 30,000 per llu99K to This loan is per cheaper Mr. Mrs. Eat'l and no increase which is willa lIa. 15 yer" repay. facts: and' Rushing and There will be machlD.. loan available here. Will In addition fbl10wlng Mr. and Mrs. Bob Glgnililat of total. est than conventional of Savannah, spent the week if the and the replica ..alII. 011pMd. an)' 1. desire for children, visited rela- in Georgia this 'year, ists each year, _ thousand over of loan. Examp)e: They themselves, children, of Savannah, MARCH 15TH taxes The �ingle use is for farm save you $42.6S per lIeriod end with Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Nesmith. wishes enables the largest cent Interest $213.15. Can their associates and ·3UCC�80rs to be tives here Sunday.' follows the license platea On loan will save one per plus General Assembly theh state and household appliances, $5,000 under the nam� and Mr. and Mrs. Therrell Tumer and Jamea Edenfield and • . Mr. and Mrs. To equipment in aeven dais. incorporated Herman Talmadge. a month secure loan approval week end of Governor to return 5,000 keys Ityle of "Arcola Trucking Company, daughter.. MYJ;a, spent tho of SwalQlboro, spent Thurs- of DAV Approximately 1,660,000,000 gallons children, be Nesmith . there will repeal in Cin- Incorporated." The principal office with Mr. and Mrs. R. Buie afternoon with relatlvl!1l here. the cpntrary, national headquarters used for these purposes, which A. S. nonn JR. day from its were cor­ . of taxes." and of business of said Rev. of Colllnl, vilited Mi••• s Jackie and Sue Knight, The law collection of penalties and interest so-culled "nuisance Trac- UPSTAIRS OVER BARGAIN CORNER place Wyley Lynn, requires the is a 12 per cent gain over 1949. shall be located in Bulloch Mrs. week end to c lnnat]. poration during the week with ,Mr. and Teacbers College, spent the This was the proposal presented Insurance, tors in increasing numbers are using county, Georgia, with the privilege Olen Nesmith and Mrs. E. A. Rush­ with their mother', Mrs. A. J. Knight. on late returns. Prompt filing helps your State Revenue the in 'his In addition to key-loss assembly by governo� -economie of ...tabllahlng branch offices and Mr. and Mr.. Thomas Scott, of the contributions this as fuel becauae of its ing. as the Legislature idento-tag through FOR SALE-Wood stove In good eon- of busineJs in such other week end with to its duties and effi- the - unfurnished 'Spent the places Reidsville, . message Monday as well al RENT Three Mrs. John of Savannah, Department perform economically its free and mechanical advantages FOR BAR- Bame.s, Leon Per­ session. the DAV to maintain water In klteh- dltlon, re.30nabl. prics. MRS. pla��8 as determined. week her her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. met for it3 adjourned enables hot and cold mar, be, a ew days thIS wIth of conversion by rooms; ableet. are al'�Dt ' not in for disabled ease and economy NESMITH, NIE SAULS, 236 South Main 2. 'Applicant" 'resfdents of, .ltd' W. Ne- kinl. and save you money. said, "I am rehabilltation service en and bath. WALTER 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. ciently, The governor conventional carburetion address is Brooklet ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mrs. utilizing the avenue., (16febltp) (26janltp) their postoffice ·Bradley, or additional and their dependents. 105 Woodrow I ,smith. increase veterans favor of any with the liquid A. E. Woodward and Miss Blanche obtained more system interchangeable • Gtlorgia. J. Mrs . the DAV Is ...... and Mrs. C. Mutin, in Claxton at this time." year TIlt Rtntincton .ICMG" 8. The purpese and object of aald M�. visited rel.tives taxes the was equip­ Anderson and Mrs. Bradley for dis- fuel for which engine Hollis daughter, . "The so-called in benefit. ltI _.._ Is and I added, than $19,000,000 ....t la 1CIIott, I!IIIdJ SMALL corporation pecuniary gain Mr. and Mrs. De­ Sunday. i Returns Talmadge fam ilies. The John G, Franklin Lee and Thomas, Lanier, Intangible Ta� very abled veterans and their ped.' profit to ,.hareholders. gcneral Hel�uth" Martin 'nuisance taxes' which produce wees Marttn, MIa. Uldln� week stalt The need for L-P gas In the home nature of the business to be transact, ... of 'Teachera College, spe.nt the much to col­ hall the largest of Atlanta, were BE FILED BY MARCH 15TH wITil and Bob MUST ' revenue and cost The organization desired Morris, end here and had as tlteir' guest ALSO little and flexible ed is, and corporate powe"" " service officers of any to provide economic LOANS of Mr.•nd Mr,. Wal­ These of national and guests Sunday Archie a musical .tudent lect should be repealed. Loans are: A general trucking hauling Haygood, water heating, refrigera- and Repayment ton Nelmith. " and venterans organization. cooking, Weekly Monthly business the and operat- from T. C. and Macon. THE STATE EVENUE DEPARTMENT license, professional and o'l\'ning • • • • bothersome - owners tion and heating, become. ap­ on­ other Miss Blnache of ROme, and in excess are returned to f�om space log of tractors and trucks and Bradley, taxes, which total Keys H. D. CLUB the Den­ privilege most it was estimated that to said bualness NEVILS Mrs.· A. E. Woodward, of the world. One of the parent when Furniture Implements peculiar are levied on practical­ all over mark of a hundred, L-P and and al1 other activities usual- Demonatratlon community, spent·"ever'll da}'. homea are now any Nevil'S Home ' losses and returns ,.aw. 6,500,000 using , Automobiles The H. business, unusual -key on incident to last week with their brother, J. pursuit, calling, Iy carried and a gen- Club met at the home of Mrs, Dan MAKE fOUR RETURNS NOW ly every lose for such ,urposes. Endorsement relatives here. in a Cincinnati grainery employee gas and business. as Bradley, snd other trade and profession eral trucking hauling with Mrs. Floyd Hulley corpuratio'n, The cor- Groo_n.r Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Donald in a of oats. keys 4. The time for which Joyner, The adminis­ bis eet use ac four co-hcatses. Mrs. Ray Trapnel1 state of Georgia. FOR RENT-Will give Personal Loan & Investment Co. ia and Mr. and Mrs. E. the sack was opened Is to have its exi�tence Mrs. Dan Groover Jerry, re­ were found when the dealrable location on rea­ poraUon the devotional. legislation room In Courtland Street Phone 219-R with the of F. Tucker, Ted Tucker and Bobby tration will sponsor in tbe 11 thirty-five years, right led In Beverly Brannen gave aboard a freighter Enll'lish sonable terms, to couple or �ingle prayer. Tu... myriad taxes, renewal as the law1 of Allen were supper guelts day all of these for provided by a demonstration on textile painting. pealing to Poland and they woman. Can 148 particulars. , DEPARTMENT Channel enroute lIIak- night of Mr. and,. Mrs. George Bran-, STATE REVENUE In Bcarcely over $1,500,- Georgia. Mias John.on helped 11'8 with the which bring back via the DAV. ,(2feb4tp) stock of said cor- nen in made their way 6. The capital our novelties. .,' Statesbort; ing 'of pla�tlc a'3 GEORGIA sum of five Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Beasley Itad I ATLANTA, 000 yearly." poration shall be the We welcome all vhlitors to the club. address the gover­ lalt week end Mr. .nd Ml'Il. 45-minute thousand dollara (�5.oo0.00), which Mr... L. A. Mar­ guests In 8 We enjoyed 'having ' the with Oscar Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. to the ·assembly IU," has been actual1y paid in, with us. We wer� nor reported tin, of Statesboro, Beaa- the .ame Beasley, Mr. and )Irs. Clem C. state during the privilege of increasing' to have a new member added t6 made by the glad and D. T. all of Savan- progress , to the sum of thousand dollars ley Beaaley, his adminis­ I fifty our membership. fourteen moaths of of nah; Elder and Mrs. M. C. Jones the (,50,000.00) by a majority vote Delicious, refreshments were served "we arc right and Mrs. Mollie Akins, of Stat...boro; tration and said that the �tockholders, and of decreasing the hostesses: by ------Mr. and M.... - most constructive the same similarlYI but not below th� REPORTER. Harley Beasley, Stil.on; now making the thousand said George Beasley lind children, I!���!�����������;=== "; our original five 'dol1ar,,; .. PeTta!.!, Notice Debtor. and Credlton ever made for people To progress of one stock to be divided into shar"" P.-T. A. GEORmA-Bulloch County. of time since NEVILS RADIO SERVICE-":::-Fordepend;bi; in a comparable period hundred dol1ars ($100,00) each. 'fo the Creditors and Debtors of E. Co' HENS WANTED HENS and courteoUl serviee, take your of our state." Petitioners desire the right to The Nevils Parent-Teacher­ I the c3tablishmcnt 6. SERV- Oliver, deceMd: and be im­ Feb­ radio to JACKSON RADIO in SUe and be sued, to plead ciation met Thursday evening, All debt. to the el- He outlined accomplishments ICE ta 28 East Main around personl owing use a common school The street, pleaded, to have and ruary 16th, in the library. tate of Bald deceased and all credito". cducation, public welfare, highways, Mrs. Robert the corner from Key's lunch room. Prices Paid "lesl, to make all necessary by-laws devotional was led by holding claims against estate of said 'Highest Market \ E. C. is the manager and has traffic safety, forestry, c0!1'� and to do all other Cox; After a short business meet­ Jac�son notified to ren­ llclllth, and regulations, for deceased are -hereby and for the consi.t­ been with Blitch Radio Service eleemosynary institutions thing·s that rna)' be necC'Ssary ing delightful tefreshments, der an account to the undersIgned mcrcc, busi­ cheese the seven ·yeus. Having open- the state successful carrying on of said ing of pimiento sandwiches, I!ast of demands aald eltate of gov­ ed hIS own he invites to your agalnat other departments to hold Coca-Colas and Valentine ahop, you oJalm. RALPH E. ness, including the right buy, doughnuts, or lose priority aa to your MOORE, the legisluture come .nd see him at his new 10- ernment, and urged The�OSI real tate and were served the hostesse,. by' powerful sel1 .... personal by 1949. 'and candy 'fhls December 27, I cation.' Mr. Jackson has a 294-L to broaden the of on the oommittee were completely 9 Preetorius Phone to enact certain bills 'roperty '.uitable to the purposes Those servnig MRS. E. C. OLIVER, Admrx. St., Mra. Eml!1lt modern .hop and i. prepared to give the tne and to execute not09 Mrs. E. W. DeLoach, E.tate of E. C. deeea.ed. of benefi ts to peollie. corporation, the best in radio service. Of Oliver, scope of indebtedness' Mrs. Robert Simmons, you repair to set up and bonds as evidence McDonald, (12jan6t) Among theJe bills is one . Mrs. Tom Wa­ (16febltp) Incurred or may be incurred in the Mrs. J. K. WilIia.,.s, Board, as Mr.. Lee a Constitutional Highway conduct of the altairs of the corpor­ ters, Mrs. Jim Whitaker, the 1948 cam­ mort­ Arnold Parrish and Mrs. Talmudge promised in EverBuill ation, and to sell the same by McCoy, Mrs. I of deed or other form Jack for a five-man board, Truc:k gage, security Crosby. It calls Ford paign. won the attend­ af­ liens under existing laws. The tenth grade the governor and Engine by with nine appointed 6·(yIinder 7. They desire for said corpora­ ance prize representatives senate. firmed by the tion the power and authority to ap­ present. that there amendmentl to i� REPORTER. The governor suggested ply for and accept form or substance in the liquor laws, charter of either be no change of the stock by a vote of a niajority to revenues from pointing huge th!s oiltstanding at the time. They also counties and to DENMARK NEWS source to the state, If'.J for such corporation ask authority .. and dis­ wind up its affair , liquidate cities. ... SIX time it Mrs. Jam"" Denmark vis­ hi. mes­ continue its business at any Mr. and The concluded week end. governor '.0 a vote of in the may determine to do by ited Register during an for all loyal of Jacksonville, suge with appeal two-thirds of its stock outstanding Mrs. Maxie Cone, Ilnd work togeth� her sister, Mrs. D. H. La� Georgians to unite at the time. is visiting be a land of pray to nier. land of Wherefore, applicants , er for un plenty, ROUGEZS. of Sa­ nami! and and Mrs. Troy Lamb, blessings, Incorporated' under the Mr. a land of manifold end with Mr. hope, style aforesaid 'l\'ith all the rights vannah, spent the week of and ubove all, a lond perpetual and privilege. herein set "ut and and Mrs. J. L. Lamb. Dean of freedom." such adolitional powers, privileges and Miss Rachel Anderson, liberty and .NGINE with week end immunities a3 may be necessary, Nevils, spent the of Zetterower. or incident to the conduct Sylvia Anne F·6 proper Strickland 1.ikeness FOR THE HEAVY DUTY the business for which applicants are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Physical be vllited asking incorporation, and 88 may and little son, of Pemb""ke, Reveals Relationship Proved in Industrial allowed like corporations under the Mr•. J. A. Denmark Sunday. Thoroughly of Savannah, laws of Georgia as they now or may Miss Nelll� Rime., likeness in appearance noted by her A hereafter exist. was week-end gueat of parenta, Geor­ and Motor Coach Operation their psychology classmate. at Engine GEORGE M. JOHNSTON, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Rimes. caused William for AppJican�. Mr. and Mrl. D. L. Morri", of Stil­ gia Teachers College Attorney • of Feb- Mrs. Louie Lee and and Cecil M. Filed in office thi-3 Srd d,.y son, and children1 of Baxley, ' or J. P;;;'cock, were gue.ts ruary, 1950. of Marlow, Sunday acquainted. · Peacock, of Milan, to get HATTIE POWELL, Mr. and Mrs. Emest McDonald. . .s are sixth cou.ins. Court. A. R. Snipes had learned they Clerk of Superior . Mr. and Mrs. They Son in this for Sunday Mr. and Mrs. The two are Baptist pastors (9feb4tc) guesta Latzak and family, of Sava.nnah. , served in the war-time of Sa- county. They ORDER OF COURT JIfr. and Mrs. H. C. DaVIa, Brewton-Parker of Mr. Air ForceJ, attended In Re: Petition to Inco''Porate .\r- vannab, were week-end guests week. and W. J. once cola Company, Inc., Char- and Mrs. W. H. Davis last lD3titute separately, Trucking and home No.-, April Term, Mr. and ill... J. T. Whitaker lived at Eastman in Cecil'a tel' Application ...... J. W. Bulloch Superior Court" visited JIfr. and )\1r never had met. W. 1950, family C •. the ·week. count,y-but they The foregoing petition of F. Smith in Statesboro durin'g a'nd and S. of 'University J. preaches at Clito Register, Rozier, Earl Le.ter and Julia Miss Willie Bragan, under the last week end with Cecil at Portal and Excelsior. Rozier to be incorporated of Georgia, spenf reallze one thing, good madam, good-sir-as you pilot your Company, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. heightened student name of Arcola Trucking her parentl, of lelSer Their experience considered. It JUSTBuick down the highway past the parade can, :J'N'''' Incorporated, resd and Br'3gan, in the psychology course. and chil­ interest appearing that said'petition is within' Mr, and Mrs. M. E. Ginn tile secret .'IV:J 0/ most othe,. d,.ille,.s, laws visited Mr. and - ( the purview and intention of the dren, of StatesDoro, J. 'A. Den­ 21l1bl.·1t. Tarqn f' thereto, and that all of Mrs. J. H. Ginn atid Mrs. that wonderful Buick Farmers Issue Appeal I. fanl s.ieI f-6-1l0 �. applicable So you owe it to this adlJliring audience to keep new F.. COE-106""'_, 210 Ibs.-It. Torqae laws have been fplly complied mark Sunday. Synchro-Silent I. FanI,SIriII ijaid - the roads like New Ford nO-H.P. engine plus 4-speecI of a and SOil, Randy, of at its proudest gliding over roughest Coal Shortage with, including the presentation Mrs. Carlos White yours purring Against of S. are '.pending this and in its classl __ 'certificate from tbe Secretary Hampton, C., a car on a cloud, with never a squellk -lively, long-striding, I'OIID 2M �f ' Series F-6 the standout 1'111 .. of the Mr, and Mrs. Farm Bureau officers representing transmission make performer States as required by 22-1803 week with her parents, 1 that way " ...... --...... M. ",Rimes. staying longerl in session in new .. ..,_ Code of Georgia annot:lf.ed, A.· Georgia's 159 counties, 254 Truck Six ne'; power, perform­ and returned THE BRAND NEW Rouge gives you It is hereby ordered, adjudged Mrs. IOulus Williams has Macon 5, voted. ul\animously for 'better lubrica­ of .aid and is to wheel into our once January the field_ CHltOMI-PLATID top piston ring decreed that all the prayers from the Bulloch County Hospital And one of the easie.t ways to do that shop ance, new economy in heavy-duty to call on President Truman request.. life. are and said appli- after having undergone what wll ideas. tion, longer cylinder petition granted is improving a month-ask the man for our LvlRlc....B-and here'. ,I, authori­ the latest Free-rurn, successors "immediate action under This 254 cu. in. gives you engineering cants and their 8s30ciates, a serious operation. ing powerhouse with solid skirt, Zetterower and to cobalt-chrome High-lift AUTOTHDMlC al....inum alloy pistons are hereby in'corporated Mr. and Mrs. H. H. ha"pen: contained in Taft-Hartley Ls.w exhaust valves, faced with durable alloy. and assigns ty dearance. under the were sup­ self-cleaning for Steel slnlt controls piston to wall and made a body politic Franklin Saturday night alleviate chaotic condition3 resulting for increased valve Chrome-plated top piston ring longer Arcola Trucking of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. camshaft opening: name and style pf per guesta RncI a w_ and increased valve opening, the trained Buick WhIl. he goo.....r y_ IIuIck, he gives you On Wh.n you g.t y- bII� you'6 from coal shortage due to strikes HIGH-LIn camshaft for Company, Inc., for and during Brannen in Statesboro. of our medtaotlcs walll�fe. with of and IuIdr man -. render. He derful ourprise-_ LUIlICAU CCKII no week of mineds!' cylinder of thirty-five (35) years, Charlie Denmark, Atlanta, will lubricot. car 0. lite e.lra servtc. only a three�day work new 254 available greater pow.r. period your factory new features in the Rouge renewal at the ex- of Briming.jlam, man these and other of M. J. Pennington, •• cor ° trained Buick more than a routine ",reose fOb" but, contended that the ns­ You many the privilege ..." .... int.peCII th with ey_ 'fhe gl'oup get most 6- valves. beller seat­ to of Mrs. R. T. .ngl 1Pec!!y-c rIng many (IIIr. makes the F-6 the powerful 'REE-lUllN exhaust Self-deaning, of that time .ccording. were week-end guests dillerence It mak.. 1 au­ Series F-6. You that piration our. lubrication Bulclc car•• olive, whot ° tion's chief executive is granted in Ford get power and that said Mrs. M. J. Pennington. nev.r loudted elsewhere. making you g.' pIu. . Simmons and poInll 2 of tOne law,. Georgia, S new Synchro-Silem ing, longer-lived. the the ever built. You the brand 4-speed and Sr. snd Mr. and thority undel' the act to prevent Ford Truck get corporation is hereby granted W. L. Zetterower cylinder means reserves of exhaust valves for hard children vis­ Built construction which big COBALT-CHROME faced with all the rights and privi- Mrs. Frank Proctor and continuation of strikes and interrup� 'transmission. You get Bonus' vested wear. H. H. Zetterower the facts about the new Rouge contact surface giving longer mentioned in .aid petition. ited Mr. and Mrs. tions and insure normal op� and Come in and get reges Jones Sun- thereby strength power. today Granted at chambers thh 3rd day and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. cham­ ' elutions of and industry of Ford Truck HIGH-TURBULENCE Power Dome combustian afternoon. agricultural 254, the fourth in a great line engines. of February, 1950, day Mrs. W. H. Davis's guests and the entire country. ..."-WohsNr. be.. for more power, greater economy. , J. L. RENFROE, Mr. and in Georgia wltat rnuai '" .trictly d Mrs. 'BONUS: "Somorlting (liv.n in adJilion 10 j. Court Bulloch County. for the week end were Mr. and H. L, Wingate, pl'esident, who pre­ Judge Superior and GEORGIA-Bulloch County. W. A. Ruland and sons, Billy sided at the confreence, wired the 3rd and Mrs. J. G. Kick- Filed, in clerk's office, th!s day Jerry, and Mr, action Savannah. prc3ident calling 'for the speci­ of February, 1950. lighter, of because Clerk Doane and little and added that Less HATTIE POWELL, M13. George fied in lhe resolution, Trucks Cost their Ford to Court of Said County. daughter have returncd of steel and many other Superior been "Shortage home in Jacksonville, having death commodities ... is ha.mper� account of the sel'iously For U;Uers of Administration called here on normal opeultion of industry and County.' of her to to cite all I Union with an afternoon psrty BI'annen Farm but INC. having Games were play­ to enact the Bill, s. W. LEWIS, the heirs and creditors church Saturday. and singulal' wer.. to a reso� at the next after wblch refre.MmenliB gave enthusiastic support of the deceased to appear ed, •• the court of served. permanent legisla� Ga. March term, 1950, of lution reque3ting •• Statesboro, Mr. and Mr•• W. H. Edmunda, of Main St of said county, and �how continue the 38.42 North •. ordinary W. S • tion designed to present •• .nd Mrs. of adminiatration Tava� , I'ID.; Mr., caUBe why letter� •. of cent under of State8lio",,; Mr Macrle program 90 per parity non ·.hould Dot be grantild Brannen, de 'Ponis ., William BI;tUNsGN . Mr. and Mrs., HQKE when con� :A:lderman,· �. . commodities acreage ,. basic aa M.... WII- �------iol .prayed. seal of the and �r. and marketing agr"ements are Wltnen the hand "lid ��tero..,.er were 8un- trois and _------C""mley, of Brooklet, ,Ga. I ... of 'laid county.. U.� . 1lnI.' 58-62 $t.",$tG••..,oro, Ordinary of IIr. aad �a't ��i� in effect. :.. 'F' I. WILLIAIoI8, day dluer 'gue.w H. Zette""wer• OrcUnary of Bullooh COUllt)'. B.


------_ I BACKWABD LOOK I " IIRII_ AR'J,'IItnl TURNEJt, EdItor TEN YEARS AGO • c. O. A 208 ColleI' toul....rd (FaJ). Baker ,RVICB From BullOch Time•• Feb. It, .1140' 'I IMES announces his lor a", BULLOCH I WHERE NEEDIm C4I1d!cIaCY Grand Jury h�ld bnef .e.slon� .,line� to endorse proposal to carve (STATESBORO NEW&--8TATB8BORO EAGLE) tr�)(N)(Nl portion of Bulloch county to be an- �rsonal of ---- __ Govemor Georqia nexed to Bryan. ======'!======• . Ilatabllallld 18112 At tl In rt h Sat IhIUoeIl TIm., 111' AFTERNOON BRIDGE EItabU.lled 11101 ec-oUdaW JU1IIII7 I'. In the Democratic Primary urday mB�II':!h Statnbolo N.... I STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY. MARCH 2. 1950 VOL. 58r-NO. 51 A lovely afternoon bridge party c���ty .D�:ocra� adopted resolution calling for state- Stat.t.a.o _Ie, llatablla1Ied 111n--Co1l801Ic1aW 0-_ t, 1110 \ Purely P.rsonal wa·. given Wednesday of last week of 1950 i ••8elweenUs.. with Mrs. J. O. Johnston and Mrs. Co O.IFAII_ Bland Wednes- I.f"E.!nNC' Hoiland Mrs. James spent Roger entertainlnr at the I RUTH BEAVER ""�-iiiiiii�{)lIjli�• day in Savannah. home of Mrs. Johnston on S.vannah HoDeat Capable Ef8d_t Mr.. Meta Shuman the week avenue. Colorful Cash spent azalell3. dlill'odila �i�:����are at- ehurch: rood conrreratlons ,. Activi.ties Atlanta. want to be AGIUS_ end with relatives in Today is the day you al)d spir�a decorateel the room. and Weekl,Y tendinr. I trnent.f.,. °ONFFT'EoRBINAccoSURANmoCEps· . sure to be at the college for the per­ of Uni- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith visited a dessert courss of chiffon pie. Val- c. w. Gilbey, dean Chlc.ra formance the Junior Woman's Club at lIf,rshallville Wednesday. entine cookies, nuts and coffee was i3 giVIng. They have been working !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili il:I��I�;..:"I�o:;e��::I��Ib!'"h�id:� oa o· H e ���n�eT!d��c?f In Farm Bureaus M.... i a I TU'rner and I d f D. B. A vase C Mrs. G Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Chester •••• ..k otJler rIak• such"u th ltdn.,., a.n pualnt the IInera,pu bllc.boUt _'F in Sa.. The students are Te.cllers _•. to commit to her such er. \ The TelliS Oil Co.•. thl'oUlh their day eagerTy awaltinr "Parr; Collerl, Mer route. �ea · "nnah. BELI"!IE proposed .... ) 7' Lima 29c ,. - 192tr"., nounce the birth of a Janis No; 2 can 2 for • ""OliIN"RIJK"'" '!"", th.t w.ark the next· few R.. E. and word to move in as the new daughter. Beans, Homer Junior- plant di.ea.... The • durlnr daya, Mr. and Mrs. T. Rushing junior NO-TRUMP CLUB Gunter, Bliteh; errands. with. promi.e to rive' per- premium! representative. J. D .w.etaon•. com­ of Commerce Mlas �ham- tntend to tlonal The high "3chool building is nearinr i'ebruary 4th. _at the Bulloch Mrs. Zach Smith was "ber Alice What all thelle marking the farmer for this .1I-risk pro- on Portal 4-H Club Weak. coundl daughter. Mis. Jackie Rushing. spent Lynn. hoaten to Phillips Delicious •. S,\ra .onal .ttentlon. Her journey .tl out- pay. put the prorr.m at Tuea- pletion.-Wttle Cathy Morris over on Mrs. Chester was con.. what be the Intrinsic In in Savannah. County Hospital. the member. of the Club ey. Qf m.y New Zea- I repre""nts a 3mall increase Thi. organization I••1_ oUlcera. Raymond Haran, pre.leI.lit, No-Trump lined wa' to her to elay nlrht. Sunday • Visit to her from an-, ::���Ite carry tectlon. grandparents Golden Cream can 2 for 25c :::��YMla� D����Y n�hW� .. that .. Fla Mis. Martha Kate Howard. at a afternoon. No.2 alue of piece. il any-well. c.sts In order to protect one or two Be erly Brannen .nd Harward 11- Mrs. Leverett Futch. of Ocala. .• Metter a little bonnet of formerll[ lovely party Thursday Com, It Lo..ett; Wom.n'. Club. � Sara �e I.nd-the land of Ta.m.nla-the land operatlnr wa,. aval(able for Farm wearing • with her and dress al­ of Statesboro. ftowers formed decorations DuB""e. Is aot hers the Inue. The simple the money and Invested In crop each C. M. rls. ..lce-pret1ldenta; Boots Be.II." is spendnig several daYl white pique matching. Spring "Mooney. B,boon in which tile of .0 m.ny y.ars l"bor prorrams year. Sliced can tOe yo�th t though only six month. old she vls­ a coune was Famliy Green Beans No.2 h.�. 10'88. It the .ecretllry; Bobb, Thomp.on, ....u.... sister Mrs. Frank Grimes. and salad served. A ----- that. production agslnat plug. Cowart. .t Portal. and C.rl t pair t�th brl�fty �s. co�n 'before on on� pre.ldent , �ol� had'varu�l� dre,med ib. over here herBelf­ HALl-HUNNICUTt' TWBMTi YE'_,AGO. been. while nd 18 and Sara Jason of Savannah, regularly by Ibnr comlnr•• per- gap In the fal"l1lM's operation that Esla both disculllled er. T.ylor, reporter, will Mrs. Morgan', Russell and several others day of s.lIinr to load that .hlp wltll Iier. pre.ldent. Virginia Of much IDter...t to their many Cut No.2 can '2 for 25c Pr_ BaUecIl TI.... MAftlt 2, 11130' of It talk the farm of last week with Okra, .ettlemenet youthful opens wide crop disaster strike. and for group durin. and ho",e spent Wednesday spending the week end with Malvina �,,:,u�u�=sL!�:;h�!� :��'":tf:��e�: ftllal waiting cattie .nd sail away. plan. Introduclnl ho.pltal- friends and i. the marriage A was dream. over at 12:80 ••• in relatlv�s received a and aurpri.e atar supper given wipes out not the xpected prof- Ization to the Farm Bu- Saturd.y WWNS. p , Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Olliff. Tru,sell Tajlahossee. Fla .• Virginia Curry panay bowl. can only community Mi.s Willie of Niblets or Kounty Kist 12 oz. J. W. of Lake Butler. Fla.. An air mall letter .ddrened to her 'e. us what an of Lee Hall. daughter Townsend. It from the bu t lOvestment •• on theIr work fro... the COUDt aa • Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mount have t.1I attractive place Mal­ the fioating prize. a set of mats. was I_n the d 0f th I th crop reauI••s well as the present tobacco y , W. S. Preetoriu. evening; on the Pacific coast re.ched the vina has there Let­ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hail. to Embree Whole Kernel Com 2 for 29c by Frid.y ay� � o�g-aro er:' lady Whole. in Game ville bought recently. won Mrs. Josh Lanier. Others waa a well. insurance roturned to their home by eo..ers were laid for .Ix. youth pubhcatlon with t.hat she visit th.t T.s- pr.rram. ters received here by her friends tell Cone Hunnicutt. son of Mr. and Mrs. •. (Yout? request met came . It Of cour"". after a bUllness here. playing were Mr•. Bulloch county P.-T. A. Council Compamon) which Into the life provides protectl.n. The community .nd county officer> Several church prorram. h•..., al.. trip us how happy she is in her work over C.urtney Bythe- maman rt and cast .n aroun D. J. Hunnicutt. of Statesboro. The Derbv 303 can 25c at W.mock school morn- po eye _ Chili Con . a Mrs. Inman Jr Mrs. .r Came Saturday of thi" writer throu-h the any rood farmer w.nta bumper of the Farm Bureau DIet with the been worked out. Th. counell •••.... Julius Drake, of Savannah, 3pent there with the University.-Tourlsts wood. Foy .• Paul thought- took at the home of ing; .dd�.. In' D. Go' Blckere on 1 .• for the pOlslble herd of cattle whic town the hundreds wedding place Franklin fuln...s hts Not • word �� crop. No one wants to collect on in- of the 10c.1 cers will conduct the se"ice••t til. ti,e end with Smith and pass through by Jr.• Mr,. Don Mr•. ... ho.pltal- weel< Jimmy Hackett. of Better LI.. .. had been into exl.tence a repre.entatlv and a Rev. JIlin S. of the tall can 36c Tralnlnl lng."1 ?f moth�r every day. recently group stop­ Lough. pa.tor R. W. Mf3. J. R. Jr Alaska Pink Salmon In that was ever surance. but no rood businaesman iZBtion and Firat Baptist ehurch he.. JIIr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison. Mundy. Gay .• C. C. of the Denmark printed pubhc.tlon half Direct word program Monday nirht Suaclay ped long ,enough to take colored pic­ Statesboro Mathodist church. century before. wea' . from Mis. Smith the week Mrs. Jack MISS community. died after an IIInesl of permitted to escape the perusal of wants to risk either his prollt ...orked out .n .rreement whereby nlglit. March 12th. The council will Jane spent tures of the Holland and the Arthur Tillman. N.ona Hodges I•teOr received that tbe lad h d d After a to of Mc I y. epu- wedding trip points Water M81'd R'Ice 3 lb. cello ten h.d been member ot the or borrowed in Mr. and Mrs. ... and MISS Durden. d.,s· thi writer. previous years -capital Fatm Bureau membera couId procurs h0Id·tat reruIar meatl 8a�""-.-y "nd Atlanta with Howard yards. One of the ladi Virginia tized her husband to attand to the III interest in Florida the couple bo.rd of' county commiaslonery for , young •••• e st w c lb.• d di..ater which he eann.t .. at "'I. a CI and Kenneth Smith. ..marked that Statesboro is the pret­ TSh ory hi h elng .newere .r.lnat stop group hospital ineurance at reduced 8 p. tM Skat-R-Bowl_ I Larry umbley With Beautiful Pitcher from a on tile route are their home in Statesboro.' m.ny ye,,". errahd. and. point and Mrs. Worth of tiest to�n they had passed through making VISIT IN MILLEDGEVILLE lIy the coin de3crlbed .bove had to or avoid If they come hi. wa.,.. rate. • member the Mr. McDougald. "On Monda, ulrht. 3. there to ca Ital By belnr of, La.t year thers were 1,10'7 tram ... 0 far South. Marc� he had ftown 100 mile. the bo,.:.n. Pennsylvania and French Market Tea lb. $1.59 of Most farmer. have lIad sufdc ent can were the week Rushing ,nil be • m... of cltllens dll_ With an ad.,enturous younrater Farm Bure.u the family ..... who of 10m. Athens. guests during You couldn't visit many HONORED Remer.Brad�Jr.. Ed�ie meetlnJl' CI·tY af Tasman.I ( H0bart)-bu/had lirll compl.ted project. certainjy BRIDE-ELECT Stateaboro .nd other. Interested for n. Mn Walter Mc­ were viSitors III MilledgeVille Sunday. told of in the Youths experience to know th.t there I. 30me per year on the Insurance end of his mother. yards prettier than th...e· and the First of .. :Jeries of lovely parties Prize in each box Companl.n. $3.60 kind In Bullocll coullt,. The fat eat- Bird Daniel plaee. Hundreds of azal­ They accompanied Mis. Jane Th.t youth 11ft hi. home .nd went 'Wily of tellinr who will be.r the brunt and the regl.tratlon fee of '2.110. tie Duugald. to in honor of Miss - ahow. poultry chal.1, 1101 ellalB, be given Virgini� �odres. Cracker Jack 6 for 25c �':'.f:n�:e t:: .,:::��r ofu��c p� a t t ul la waa rs. Mil eas in full bloom now all about their who the week end With her I In search of bonor anel fO:� n:oUIca�l; the;y .wal:nr• of crop dla .tar from unavoid.ble Z. S. of the Miss Ora Franklin and Mrs. Lee wh"'.e will be an spent pe.ed military unit now belnr dl.. f.r pl.c" Henderaon. president and many otller proJlcta are ImcniJ is their Durden. wedding drsd Seydel, for ,e.ra a "al- Yllrd.-The college playing parents. Mr. Mrs. Wade "u••ed." The most Incident 'cauaes in any ye.r or the pro- Builoch Service or- F. Anderson visited In Savannah Sun­ event at March. was the Juice 46 oz. can 33c Important Iong-. wh�n County Hospital about to till pnlral pullilo. HaW. last basketball game Saturday night. important an� H�dge�. Garden Gold Orange In of a .,1.ltor once .t • Count,. politic. beg.n bolllnr I,old.of life waa that which ,dent A�lanta. 'duction efforts In .n entire .rea may with Dr. Glenn""en- ....._ .a.__ day with Mrs. Dan Davis and other and if haven't seen these info,.",al after- lila period_ ranluti.n. alonr ever. tbera 81'8",f tlla...... _ boys . you Friday . puty given Bulloch I••t .t • _� 1.1l10n In Statelboro known a..._ Saturday when. prell ' ... atruck down b mother nature. missed some of the G.S.C.W. tou... IIIm. Ta.manla (h10 a 0f our '. y nlnrs. Allen R. Lallier .nd GeOI'l8 -w ,·cJatives. play you have noon Mrs. C. E. Cone and Mrs. �lub3ten .-- 810 acnia of ... by ec>untv• maa.meatlnl • the date for tile ..eral e wh0 , • woman of d..11t d capacity • w 0 ad the d best in �ports offered to our town readel's ha..e know1'""- of·"...e ex- The f.rmer b ha• h M . Johnston. mem be rs of the eom· Mr. and M ... John Godbee and son. J. W. Cone at the home of the for- prim•.., was aet for April �Srd; to- -.e tbat averare .liabtlJ m�re than ,lzty Our hat is off to the cheer recentiy for a brief ..Islt dioaster in Sardis with people. da, there .re fou.. candldatas acti"e- I.tence of th.t pl.ce T). loadlllg onto fortuna to n.ver haYe a crop mittee from the orranintlon. ofter- .. ia�nd�!Nija�s�reiiit�uriniil�nigjtoiihjeijrjstiju�djleijsiiiaijl�;;i�;i�j��ji�ji;ji;ji�ii�i�;i; re.turned bulb.Ia' __ of Johnny. spent Sunday mer on North Main street Camellias. per 0.,.; fortr.four leaders who have done a grand job in the for Wlth her son. In Atlanta and he )J runnlng--two Judge a vast berd. of c.ttie which had � .een It happen to other farmers ed the inlUraDCe for AI, ibis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Statelboro is azaleas .hip rroup family .....11 rr.Ina, ".ty-on. - .... this year. very proud stock, sweet peas, pansie3, and aollcltor of court. In Fl.. At Ute . 11M" the cit, 'glllll'l mothero . • wers as as been drI.... in fIom th. wild3 0.f "' ! wh0" method Ju.t good ,26 per year. ,20 for a couple and Godbee Sr. to have three of her girls in this were combined for nnts for ha,... tlnl nllle .._·bI ... and .pirea bea�­ Floyd ten uro of ...... s In k> Bepc!rix· l!e�ld p ID.tltuto ·llIt. ao he knows tbat "It can and littie group. Charlotte Clements. Ann Nev­ -AI "tile tilen· hr., happen" ,10 fOT indl"ldual. In the renew.1 tato.. Mrs. Dick Rigl!'B son. tiful decorations for the rooms where laat i:6IPi'll� .i\t.�". dlld It" :A.u.tItiI�� ,.to.,; rejUl. , twellty-th� _a p( ..... Sue Simmons. Should de­ .he recailed the m�thallJasian commitw� . Ils and you frem lie waa rUn r It ,.eem" I1uIt bs had to dri..e on hla farm. thl. fail. Thi. f. of were InJurie. ""en .... only prorram coneldel';. an _, ' Richard, Hinesville, guests were entertained Informally. of to� �I!e� .... cide to go you would do well to make guesta ..thl. to ber on that totU' a echoaJ bill; little .. t.,.. .111 to the With the federal- cfqP inatU'allOe t the week end of Mr. and Mrs. as a mints bl mtU'ket:. wo�1d ��tl�. � during it early. the gym is filled long In a trou�seau game box of a""ql,,.Lft� b. '!�,!�._J).I;I.�u�r :olen " eln-4\nd .• Bunach eame s8Tvlce grou J. C. Hlneo. before game time.-Will aee you A �mn�� i�' prbrrinJ. �� •• 1:1Wi'an,!ol£er �h ekl 180 fleet· ..... was won by Mrs. E. W. Bame.. d .mant n .,000 'IIlb, �-="t.' I:tt'-t's �ad not been U:I�re:a e to t.t:"'t,.lIIp; h.Ve the to build AROUND TOWN. .. Into opportunity roojplan offered farm people. ..e. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. lngli •• of Jack­ 1I0me and traveled In the darkne rlod. and elevell cal .. lie coffee spoo. in her lliver cattle. Direct from dairy � ... patter,n load of Belc!um. of their buslnes, ente.... from n.w are several ·of the howling winds to the of The �impliclty of the tran.action protection Thos. desiring protection of sonville, Fla., spending was to Miss The �o",e set- planteel tweaty-four .�r� pin. presented Durd�n. to to hu Home her present home. she thereupon which will contribute rna- forma In the MISS OPPENHEIM 1It!Ighbors .ummo� ,' a varue determination to until fall may procure •• with her sister. Mrs. Herman ' inapired •• .nd· .erved 'IOIDI da),. h0'8teases served congealed fruit salad. for the dead and a11. tied the account with tho metal Pri�s I!dlinl plllnned dYlOg. follow that some in open to the 10Ulldne.s and sta- ....nt·s oflice and Mr. Bland. BRIDE OF ·MR. MOSES lMake Better Clothe. •• • • youngster day terlally county 4.00.0 me I Javed aome OOO�"... Bland. coffee. • .•.basl'r ••• 9. qua che...e brownies and b I· of wafers. I coIn deSCfl·be.d t the er nnl'W of their • THIRTY YEARS AGO that harvestinr .f gold. Many small blllti1 farmlnr operations. 0f f Mr. Mrs. Joe Donaldson and Mis. Helen of New . d maae lome 800 and Oppenheim. Gue.ts were Mi.. Mrs. Loron 00. iarmentl, Durden. thOI" WT1·f IIe- - FABRICS! .. mat- Ing. The MPA 18 now THREE ACT DRAMA TO of York City. became the bride of With Our matter•• howe er. ineluded some manarement oa small d.ughter. Sally. Augusta. Henry Mill. Nona MnJ. QUALITY Fr_ Blllioeh Ti.... Feb. 26; 1910 remod.led .78 r.mlenu carried Du.RIen. Hodges. - t Moses, of State'shoro, in a one-o'clock rlmonl.1 and the respon.i. That ia answer to the dre.m of "",ivlnr .ppllcatlou at the c01ll1ty BE PRESENTItD MARCH spent the week end with his mother. Inman M. D. Olliff 110 died at experiences 290 homs ma... I.. ceremony Feb­ Jack Wynn. Mrs. Fo, Jr:, ••ge years. th� Studenta wlil "The Glaal re�ent ;ro,leete, taktng place Sunday. Make Smarter C10lhee WitJa to feed and cloth those happy. youth_nd la renewed proof of PMA offtce••nd MO by tbe follow- present Mrs. Leon Donaldson. at New Mra. Macon loe.1 hoapltal followinr .n .peration blilty proved el,llt,-tlve room" .nd .... ruary 12th. the Plaza Hotel. Mrs. Jack Tillman. Hal �hat a witil .' had come Into trul.m at the oulllet, All Ing agenta who .re this serv- Menarerle." three-act •. wa. In Dub­ offi­ for noisy youorstere Who quoted rIving- th.n 700 e. for uae III Mr Herbert Kingery York. with Rabbi Goldwasser Mrs. Mrs. Ben appendicitis. mote artlol tha Jr.• Wylene Kltchlnlf8. NATIONAL SEW AND a of In the Teach- Jack of' W. W. and J. T. Nesmith announce the to tbe thlnia eome to him who walts"- I.. ; Rerlnalel Anderson �th and cast four. Glltrolmen. the boys and glrl6 March 29. T/Sgt. Murray A. Orvin has re­ The department of musir of Mer­ were Mrs. Grady Bland. Mrs. Chevrolet Co. 21; Columbus Hattie Olliebee can- cel MISS Riggs. Emily Powell. c"7 tend all· five meetinln. since the pre- the Sam Browne white closed their "eason McRae turned to W...tover Field after a two­ UnIversity presented Saily Mrs. F. C. Parker Jr.• wearing ra;��m;���her. Swainsboro 3; AprU ney Laniel·. Arthur·North- a ut 25 .mlRutesrepalr�.0 t atmi mig�� April Oglesbee. Vallie Rouse. h::a .. Set'son, soprano, in her semor reCital Ringwald.,. sentation involves rogr...sive under- VltS belts and 9chool patrol badge. her Saturday with. 112-16 Ictory weeks viSit WIth hIS Mrs. Chalmers Valdosta Alma 7; family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown. Jack Waters. J. W, and Earl not be They fur- of 4; April 5; April Monday evenmg. with Mrs. Arthur e'!tt. delayed any be distorted children at over Alabama Teachers Coilege. Mrs. Charles Olvm and Mrs. lon.ger. tandin which w�uld who look out for the Thomaston Rome 11; Mr. and MI'S. Rich Franklin. Mrs. J. C. Hines. Rlgg.. ther their character oIt was their 26th al April 11; April accompanist. MISS Serson gave • Troy. triumph • • • demonstr"ted �ttendance. .treet intersections and aboard school Hutto. the Frank Mr". B. B. Morri•• Mrs. SPRING hadby!I irregular two Rome trade area 12; Cordele Percy follow1Og numbel'S: My Heart Olliff. COLORFUL not me. whIch I agaln,t upsets. April FORTY YEARS AGO over-charrlOg • rtI m - was MIS. C. Ever Faithful. Come Unto YOpeDIg"a y buses. The patrol plan adopted Atlanta At­ -E. Pundt and M,�. Vic Bach; Thad Miss Frieda Gernant, . April 18-111; Morrh, witn...sed on the' of my jOIJl"- I !,"rsona April 14; Fro.. Bulloeh March 1910 pa·rt� .?g Him. Handel; Help Me. My Man of GINGHAMS Times. 2. I ventory test. the subject matter in Georgia in 1937. ehow-sal... Fl3her, of Rock Hill, S. C., 'Were the Mrs. J. E. Bowen and Miss Marjorie wrote. "Other �11I lanta (prebred cattle ) ney"• Mr.• Kra�now Attractive Openings God. Mendels.ohn; Du Bist Eine M.s. Emma Ainesworth. former 1 attempt to understandmg To the qaality of the Mil­ guests for several day slast week of Keaton. 69cYd. h ·tabl e. It promote improve April 20-21; Sylvania Aprtl 26; Blume, Schumann; Solvieg Lied, ....ident of Statesboro. died 10 San- peopI e were a'I'�o very OSpl te • •• • Plaids in as­ the school patrol the For Qualified Help Mrs. Pundt's Mr. and Mrs. lch c.lorful a a safety len Dona1dsonVl\le }.prO parents. Grteg; Liebe Dich. Grieg; Piano Large deraville following recent stroke. is a to write you letter f�r. April - pleasure an 0 eor- restricted on Air 26; . m��lfe�taotlon: SUNDAY VISITORS colors just . t e occaSions Patrol and the DepartmentGeorgifa GSta Desspite quotas J. A. Addison. Selections. Charles Mrted spring Democratic m88smeeting called for " thfe0, rheasons preclpttatmg Statesboro April 27. Waddy; Morning. praISing your CI'ty. 26; .. Mrs. Ro.coff Miss Deal to sew your spring _ diIfi- of Wan Force enlistmenta, a number of local Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mr. and Sb nton; The Brown Bird. Wood; Deal. Patty group next Monday to fix date for county the alleviation of per30nalitl giaof the Veterans Foreign Newnan May 4 Olliff. washables from. Special May: 3; Je.u'p .• Yesterday and Today. Spre.s; The and MISS Blanche Lanier. of Pem­ primary; date suggested is April 14; at work and at home. are to build a sum- women and men can ..till be acoepted M.t'S) Jack were visitors in culties seeking $100.000 he aate of the Vidalia .how-sal�1 Wynn Last Rose of Old 'Irish purchase 89c quality. A. M. C. H. Parrish and Howell WAS 'I'HI8 YOU'. 'I· He.lp- Summer, air; Deal. I ineS ati if found broke. visited hen: Sunday afternoon ful movies, pamphlets and out mer training and recreatIon camp durlDg February. qualified. Savannah Monday evening for the Speak to Me of Jean Cone mentio.ed as candi.. matron with wili be announced later. Love. Lenoir; are p088ible You are a young and air WIth Mr. and .)'Ilrs. Albert Deal. They will ser.,e to iIIustmte and enlarge Veterans State Park. on Lake Black- Sgt. Wilson. local army Vaughn Monroe concert at the mu­ \Vantmg You, Romber'g; L'Arnour­ dates for legislature. blond hair aod blue ey.... Tuesday Bul! oh county 4-H Club boys ta. non-c'ommissioned of­ ToujQurs-L' Rudolf were· el1route home from Augusta, In the Excelsior lives aternoon wore a gray dreJ8 upon the causative and reconstructive near Cordele., as a trsming force recruiting cal.... nidpal auditorium. Amour. Friml; Threatt 5c community you shear, girls are feeding about·ninety ,One Kiss. Miss Dr. Deal. a whose record for You are employed of the will have ficer aMounced !Romberg. Serson where they viSited B. A. family multiplicity with wine sho"". II factors. Group diSCUSSIOn where boys and girls today are several ground There MI'S. Ernest Cannon. Mrs. L. J. • for the .h..... was in a red velvet .hould the heart of Vou are an daugh- lovely evening Other members of the tOc plea·.e Teddy doWntown. only .... will be utilized other sundents standards are sliil in ef­ family visiting & Bindings tJrlcal' problems instruction in traiaing Prevailing this Shuman Mr3. \ adults cattle year. Jr., Harry Brunson, gown With which 3he ware a shoulder Tapes Roosevelt as an active example of ter. .eding again Dr. Deal at the UniverSIty Hospital wherevor in the duties of school patrol. fect which require .11 applicant.. to Mrs. Sidney Lanier and Mrs. Rex cluster of white carnatlons. Th0'3e anti-race suicide; the "mlly haa pro. If the lady de�cribed will c.n.t p083ible. The State.boro 9ho.... will probably 2750 . .. 25c & 30c mental .nd la.t were Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Zippers four sets of in seven .he wili bo! �anctioned by be better than average on formed a frO�l Statesboro who went up for the Sunday duced twiD,1l the Time. "ffice Ii"en Popular elsewhere. be one of the largest in the .tate, Hodges group spendmg "The A were Mrs. Earl MIS'S liam of )'Cars. sevell of whom are alive alld two ticket. informed and rewarding in KENTUCKY VS_ INDIAN physical qualifications. In addition. Wednesday in Savannah. I'�cltal Serson, Deal. LaGrange. to. th.e "picture! medically - to- Rita Mrs. C. B. • 8 • the J. F. mo.. FolliS. Mathews. Miss • happy; father. B07ett. Story of. s�.Wtng offers an unusual' IN BASKETBALL CONTEST must score in tlte high brackets be of interolt to Patterns. l?eablscwt. resulta-the• course they gram should specific E. A. and McCall • Mr. and Mr3. O'Connor Grace Gray. Mrs. J. John­ Save Time with Simplicity and ed from Tattnall county aboul six and Ffld.y at Georgia Theater Brantiey ChOICE STRAWBERRIES Sewing day benefit. Fur- was a.tver- on the classification te.ta. who are son if the for personal Their basketball school graduates children. Nancy and Billy; Mr. and and Bobby Stephens. years ago. After .ecelv1l1r h�r tickets. 'opportunity ga,!,e high FROM CHOICE FRIENDS VB. now m .... in ttle Fabrics on our First Floor once the Statesboro infonnatlon be tised as Teachers Coilege A program progr to continue their education due to Mrs. J. C. Robinson and Mrs. Madre All John R. Dedge. practicing ludy will eall at I ther may procured Georgia A bounteous basket of the bright­ �Uy • i. that .ho in wa. arrested Floral S)lop w!ll ",iven from Jake Smith. at the Smith-Till· College. but "Kentucky Air Force. the sergeant said. financial or other reasolu and PhillJps and Lucille. CARD OF THANI{S dent!stry �tatesboro. .h� be. Preabyterain daughter. spent est str.wberri... any editor's fanllly hiS home of a which county lovely compliments I or from Byron versus Indiana" have been t grate­ of that W. L startl�g ful to the kind hand {'·Iend are attended the sodo acid fire extln- more rry friends who . SONS 26 cent the of L08T-O"" and the fop mtellig,mt .t the & her tickets PresbytA!rian obtained me. MINKO�VITZ coins; pieces size Friday. from qualifications Force be supported H. Kentucky may : , Jones and little son. Billy. of Reids­ r hold no III .. and near home on Pembroke IVlll townld those who Jones, by ditection, he said of his the $10 ooins. and $1 silver dollars show. received he orchid. "':'Ie gulsher my four Indiar.a in the complex military which located in Statesboro's reward. R. M. opening five included participatton cruitlftg .tation 'ia ville. spent the week end with their ."upported my opponents. I will Wife. An were uled for the $20 In person to expreBs her app.recla- road ·!' night; - . be, good expression qf-fl'lend. coin.-they of the future. This pro- Bulloch court house. a candidate two with brass. I 86. (2marltp) boys. ,strategy's Ihe county Mr. and Mrs. Lawson A. years hence. b