Garfield Clean Energy Board Meeting Friday, January 10, 2020 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Glenwood Springs Branch Library 815 Cooper Ave Glenwood Springs

AGENDA Action requested Time 1. Call meeting to order, Roll call, introductions 1:00 pm

2. Review and approval of agenda • Motion to approve 1:05 pm

3. Board member and public comment 1:07 pm Regarding items not on agenda

4. Consent Agenda 1:10 pm • Approval of December 13, 2019, minutes • Motion to approve • December 2019 and 2019 year-end financial reports

5. Action items 1:15 pm • Election of Officers & Finance Committee for 2020 • Discussion / Action • Resolution No. 1: Place of Notice for Public Meetings • Motion to approve • Confirm meeting schedule and locations for 2020 • Motion to approve • Retain Karp, Neu, Hanlon for legal services • Motion to approve • Retain Balanced Bookkeeping for bookkeeping • Motion to approve services

6. Program Updates 2:00 pm • Government Building update, projects underway, • Information and large solar projects and renewable and efficiency discussion plans for 2020 Staff: Peter / Katharine • Clean Energy Corridor and Renewable Energy • Motion to approve Planning Grant update and next steps Staff: Katharine / Erica • EV Sales Event 2019 Report Staff: Stefan • 4th Quarter 2019 Report Staff: Erica

7. Upcoming Events/Workshops 2:40 pm • Garfield County Ag Expo (booth) Feb 1 • Information • Efficiency Programs Evaluation (joint meeting with regional partners) TBD 8. Adjourn: 3:00 pm Next Meeting Friday, March 13 (Rifle) • Motion to adjourn

Town of Parachute | City of Rifle | Town of Silt Town of New Castle | City of Glenwood Springs Town of Carbondale | Garfield County Roaring Fork Transportation Authority Mountain College

Board Meeting Minutes: Friday, Decmeber 13, 2019, 1:00 p.m. Conference Call

Board members attending Town of Parachute: GCE Chair Stuart McArthur RFTA: GCE Vice-Chair Jason White Garfield County: Frank Coberly Town of Carbondale: Ben Bohmfalk Town of New Castle: Bruce Leland City of Rifle: Katie Mackley CMC: Sean Nesbitt

Others attending CLEER: Erica Sparhawk, Stefan Johnson

Board members not present Town of Silt: Keith Richel Garfield County: Tom Jankovsky City of Glenwood Springs Rick Voorhees

Call meeting to order: Stuart called the meeting to order at 1:01 pm

Roll call and Approval of agenda: ​ Erica Sparhawk conducted roll call.

Stuart invited changes to the agenda, there were none.

Bruce Leland moved to approve the meeting agenda; Jason White seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Board Member and Public comment Stuart invited board and public comments.

Erica gave an update on the DOLA grant contracting process.

Consent Agenda: ​

Bruce Leland moved to approve the consent agenda (which includes minutes and financials); Frank Coberly seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Action Items

2019 Supplemental Budget

Stuart opened the public hearing and asked for staff to present the budget.

Erica presented the supplemental budget. Stuart asked for Erica to clarify which categories were being increased in the supplemental budget. Erica reviewed the expenditure line items and asked for questions.

Ben asked to clarify where GCE bank ended up for the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. Erica responded that GCE will only have about $2,000 cash balance going into 2020.

Stuart asked if any members of the public were present and wanted to comment during the public hearing. There was no public present, Stuart closed the public hearing.

Ben Bomfalk moved to adopt Resolution No. 6; Bruce Leland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

CLEER Contract Renewal

Stuart asked if there were any changes to the 2020 contract from past contracts. Erica responded that there were minor changes to the scope based on changes in the Strategic Plan and the addition of the DOLA grant implementation work. Erica also included a copy of the insurance since this was a question that came up last year.

Katie Mackley moved to approve the 2020 contract and scope of work with CLEER, Frank Coberly seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Jason White moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:12 p.m.; Ben Bomfalk seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


By: ______Stuart McArthur, Chairperson

ATTEST: ______Rick Voorhees, Secretary

These minutes were reviewed and approved by a vote of the Garfield Clean Energy Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 10, 2020. Garfield Clean Energy Balance Sheet Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019

Dec 31, 19 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 103 á Alpine Bank (4668) 21,744.26

Total Checking/Savings 21,744.26

Accounts Receivable 110 á Accounts Receivable 25,000.00

Total Accounts Receivable 25,000.00

Total Current Assets 46,744.26

TOTAL ASSETS 46,744.26

LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 200 á Accounts Payable 18,310.08

Total Accounts Payable 18,310.08

Total Current Liabilities 18,310.08

Total Liabilities 18,310.08

Equity 320 á Retained Earnings 38,115.69 Net Income -9,681.51

Total Equity 28,434.18

TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 46,744.26 9:20 AM Garfield Clean Energy

01/06/20 Prior Month Paid Bills Accrual Basis

Type Date Num Name Clr Credit 103 á Alpine Bank (4668) Bill Pmt -Check 12/05/2019 C159 Clean Energy Econo... X 14,807.19 Bill Pmt -Check 12/05/2019 Balanced Bookkeepi... X 488.00 Bill Pmt -Check 12/05/2019 C160 Utility Management ... X 1,085.00 Deposit 12/11/2019 X Bill Pmt -Check 12/11/2019 c161 Karp Neu Hanlon, PC X 360.00

Total 103 á Alpine Bank (4668) 16,740.19

TOTAL 16,740.19

Page 1 Garfield Clean Energy A/R Aging Summary As of December 31, 2019

Current 1 - 30 31 - 60 61 - 90 > 90 TOTAL Pitkin County 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00

TOTAL 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 Garfield Clean Energy P&L Budget vs. Actual Accrual Basis January through December 2019

Jan - Dec 19 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 3000 á Partnership Funding 3100 á Garfield County 160,000.00 160,000.00 0.00 100.0% 3200 á Parachute 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 100.0% 3300 á Rifle 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 100.0% 3400 á Silt 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 100.0% 3500 á New Castle 7,500.00 17,500.00 -10,000.00 42.9% 3600 á Glenwood Springs 45,000.00 45,000.00 0.00 100.0% 3700 á Carbondale 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 100.0% 3800 á Colorado Mountain College 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 100.0% 4200 á RFTA 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 100.0% 5000 á Contributions From Others 5100 á Community Partners 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 100.0% 5200 á Sponsorships 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5300 á Grants 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5000 á Contributions From Others - Other 25,000.00

Total 5000 á Contributions From Others 26,500.00 0.00 26,500.00 100.0%

Total 3000 á Partnership Funding 336,500.00 320,000.00 16,500.00 105.2%

Total Income 336,500.00 320,000.00 16,500.00 105.2%

Gross Profit 336,500.00 320,000.00 16,500.00 105.2%

Expense Countywide Energy Dev Program 10000 á Commercial Sector 11000 á Energy Coaching 29,571.20 35,000.00 -5,428.80 84.5%

12000 á Outreach/Educ/Training/Website 14,100.18 12,000.00 2,100.18 117.5%

Total 10000 á Commercial Sector 43,671.38 47,000.00 -3,328.62 92.9%

20000 á Residential Sector 21000 á Energy Coaching 19,855.20 40,000.00 -20,144.80 49.6%

21100 á Energy Coach-Home Energy Prog 7,318.33 20,000.00 -12,681.67 36.6% 22000 á Outreach/Educ/Training/Website 10,586.84 12,000.00 -1,413.16 88.2%

22100 á CEO Green MLS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Total 20000 á Residential Sector 37,760.37 72,000.00 -34,239.63 52.4%

Total Countywide Energy Dev Program 81,431.75 119,000.00 -37,568.25 68.4%

Credit Reserve Expenses 1001 á Credit Reserve Fund Expenses 180.00 1,000.00 -820.00 18.0%

Total Credit Reserve Expenses 180.00 1,000.00 -820.00 18.0%

30000 á Petroleum Independence Project 31000 á Active Transportation & Transit 9,929.80 17,000.00 -7,070.20 58.4% 32000 á Efficient Vehicles/Fleets 32200 á Efficient Vehicles/Alt Fuels 18,055.46 10,000.00 8,055.46 180.6%

Total 32000 á Efficient Vehicles/Fleets 18,055.46 10,000.00 8,055.46 180.6%

33000 á Alternative Fuels 33100 á WS CNG Network 4,861.13 5,000.00 -138.87 97.2%

Total 33000 á Alternative Fuels 4,861.13 5,000.00 -138.87 97.2%

Total 30000 á Petroleum Independence Project 32,846.39 32,000.00 846.39 102.6%

40000 á Renewable Energy 41000 á Technical assistance & Educatn 20,767.69 10,000.00 10,767.69 207.7%

Total 40000 á Renewable Energy 20,767.69 10,000.00 10,767.69 207.7%

50000 á Government Facilities 51000 á Energy Data Mgt/Bldg engy navig 28,801.37 25,000.00 3,801.37 115.2% Page 1 Garfield Clean Energy P&L Budget vs. Actual Accrual Basis January through December 2019

Jan - Dec 19 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget 52000 á Active Energy Mgt Coaching 38,822.05 30,000.00 8,822.05 129.4%

Total 50000 á Government Facilities 67,623.42 55,000.00 12,623.42 123.0%

60000 á Special Projects 61000 á Energy Inventry 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 61100 á Goal 4 Implementation 2,932.80 10,000.00 -7,067.20 29.3% 61200 á Develop Local Energy Resources 19,685.54 10,000.00 9,685.54 196.9% 61300 á Prtnrs in Energy Implementation 1,253.60 0.00 1,253.60 100.0%

Total 60000 á Special Projects 23,871.94 20,000.00 3,871.94 119.4%

90000 á Countywide GCE Partnership Svc 91000 á Proj mgmt/plan/report/mtgs/budg 91000.1 á Audit/Financial review 4,850.00 4,550.00 300.00 106.6% 91000.2 á CIRSA liability Insurance 1,851.90 2,100.00 -248.10 88.2% 91000 á Proj mgmt/plan/report/mtgs/budg - Other 89,691.65 63,000.00 26,691.65 142.4%

Total 91000 á Proj mgmt/plan/report/mtgs/budg 96,393.55 69,650.00 26,743.55 138.4%

92000 á Legal Services 1,421.86 3,000.00 -1,578.14 47.4% 93000 á Accounting/Bookkeeping 5,883.85 7,000.00 -1,116.15 84.1% 95000 á Contingency 15,761.06 3,350.00 12,411.06 470.5%

Total 90000 á Countywide GCE Partnership Svc 119,460.32 83,000.00 36,460.32 143.9%

Total Expense 346,181.51 320,000.00 26,181.51 108.2%

Net Income -9,681.51 0.00 -9,681.51 100.0%

Page 2 Garfield Clean Energy Income vs Expenses by fund Accrual Basis December 2019

GCE TOTAL Income 3000 á Partnership Funding 5000 á Contributions From Others 25,000.00 25,000.00

Total 3000 á Partnership Funding 25,000.00 25,000.00

Total Income 25,000.00 25,000.00

Gross Profit 25,000.00 25,000.00

Expense Countywide Energy Dev Program 10000 á Commercial Sector 11000 á Energy Coaching 1,126.40 1,126.40

12000 á Outreach/Educ/Training/Website 513.60 513.60

Total 10000 á Commercial Sector 1,640.00 1,640.00

20000 á Residential Sector 21000 á Energy Coaching 365.60 365.60

21100 á Energy Coach-Home Energy Prog 1,223.13 1,223.13 22000 á Outreach/Educ/Training/Website 262.80 262.80

Total 20000 á Residential Sector 1,851.53 1,851.53

Total Countywide Energy Dev Program 3,491.53 3,491.53

50000 á Government Facilities 51000 á Energy Data Mgt/Bldg engy navig 1,216.95 1,216.95 52000 á Active Energy Mgt Coaching 3,445.02 3,445.02

Total 50000 á Government Facilities 4,661.97 4,661.97

90000 á Countywide GCE Partnership Svc 91000 á Proj mgmt/plan/report/mtgs/budg 8,356.80 8,356.80

92000 á Legal Services 384.70 384.70 93000 á Accounting/Bookkeeping 466.50 466.50 95000 á Contingency 1,308.58 1,308.58

Total 90000 á Countywide GCE Partnership Svc 10,516.58 10,516.58

Total Expense 18,670.08 18,670.08

Net Income 6,329.92 6,329.92

TRUST ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Transaction Check# or From Whom Received or Amount Amount Daily Date Reference To Whom Paid Description / Memo Paid Out Received Balance 12/5/2019 0004458 Borrower Payment $450.10 $1,385.14 12/5/2019 0004459 Borrower Payment $164.49 $1,549.63 12/5/2019 0004460 Borrower Payment $269 59 $1,819.22 12/5/2019 0004461 Borrower Payment $27.10 $1,846.32 12/5/2019 0004463 Borrower Payment $54 91 $1,901.23 12/5/2019 0004467 Borrower Payment $79 00 $1,980.23 12/5/2019 0004474 Borrower Payment $141 03 $2,121.26 12/5/2019 0004475 Borrower Payment $113 81 $2,235.07 12/5/2019 0004476 Borrower Payment $132.15 $2,367.22 12/5/2019 0004477 Borrower Payment $142 36 $2,509.58 12/5/2019 0004478 Borrower Payment $316 55 $2,826.13 12/5/2019 ACH0004449 Borrower Payment $104 01 $2,930.14 12/31/2019 28 ES as agent for Garfield Lender Check $2,930.14 $0.00 $2,930.14 $2,930.14

Powered by The Mortgage Office™ Page of3 3 Account: 3239 GARFIELD CLEAN ENERGY COLLABORATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 1 SERIES OF 2020


WHEREAS, C.R.S. 24-6-402(2)(c) requires that full and timely notice be given to the public of any meeting at which the adoption of any proposed policy, position, resolution, rule, regulation, or formal action occurs, or at which a majority or quorum of the body is in attendance, or is expected to be in attendance; and

WHEREAS, C.R.S. 24-6-402(2)(c) requires that the public place or places for posting of notices of Board of Directors meetings shall be designated annually at the local public body’s first regular meeting of each calendar year; and

WHEREAS, a local public body shall be deemed to have given full and timely notice of a public meeting if the local public body posts the notice, with specific agenda information if available, no less than twenty-four hours prior to the holding of the meeting on a public website of the local public body.


1. The posting place for notices of regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors of the Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative shall be on its website at Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative staff shall shall provide the address of the website to the Department of Local Affairs for inclusion in the inventory maintained pursuant to C.R.S. §24-32-116.

2. Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative, shall, to the extent feasible, make the notices searchable by type of meeting, date of meeting, time of meeting, agenda contents, and any other category deemed appropriate by it and shall consider linking the notices to any appropriate social media accounts of Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative.

3. Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative hereby designates Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado 81623 as the public place within its boundaries at which it may post a notice no less than twenty-four hours prior to a meeting if it is unable to post a notice online in exigent or emergency circumstances such as a power outage or an interruption in internet service that prevents the public from accessing the notice online.

Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative Resolution No. 1, Series of 2020 Page 2 of 2

THIS RESOLUTION was read, passed and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative at the Regular Meeting held this ___ day of January 2020.


By: ______Stuart McArthur, Chairperson


______Rick Voorhees, Secretary

Town of Parachute | City of Rifle | Town of Silt Town of New Castle | City of Glenwood Springs Town of Carbondale Roaring Fork Transportation Authority Garfield County | Colorado Mountain College

2020 - Meeting Dates: Second Friday the month from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Friday, Jan. 10, Morgridge Commons, Glenwood Springs ​ ​

Friday, March 13, Colorado Mountain College, 3695 Airport Road, Rifle ​ ​

Friday, May 8, Garfield County Admin Building, Glenwood Springs ​ ​

Friday, July 10, Colorado Mountain College, 3695 Airport Road, Rifle ​ ​

Friday, Sept. 11, Garfield County Admin Building, Glenwood Springs ​ ​

Friday, November 13, Colorado Mountain College, 3695 Airport Road, Rifle ​ ​ *Public hearing for 2021 budget at this meeting

Friday, December 11, Conference Call ​ ​

Board Members Contact Info updated January 2020 Town of Parachute Stuart McArthur, [email protected] / 285-7630 o / 303-513-5555 m ​ ​ Judi Hayward, [email protected] / 285-9696 h / 970-250-3635 m ​ ​

City of Rifle Katie Mackley, [email protected] /970-625-4202 o ​

Town of Silt Keith Richel, [email protected] / ​ ​ Janet Aluise, [email protected] / 876-2353 o ​ ​

Town of New Castle Bruce Leland, [email protected] / 984-3864 h ​ ​

City of Glenwood Springs Rick Voorhees / [email protected] / (970) 319-0939 m ​ ​ ​ ​ Shelley Kaup/ [email protected] / (970) ​ ​

Town of Carbondale Ben Bohmfalk, [email protected]/ (970) 319-4332 ​ ​ Lani Kitching, [email protected] / (970) 618-4276 ​ ​

Garfield County Tom Jankovsky, [email protected] / (970) 384-3665 o / (970) 618-2762 m ​ ​ Frank Coberly, [email protected]/ (970) 945-1377 x.1630 ​ ​ ​

RFTA Jason White, [email protected] / (970) 384-4968 o / (970) 379-4303 m ​ ​

Colorado Mountain College Sean Nesbitt, [email protected] / (970) 947-8406 o Jerrod Kochevar, [email protected] / (970) 947-8440 o

CLEER Staff Contact: Erica Spahawk, [email protected]/ (970) 704-9200 ext.1104 o / (970) 456-9447 m ​ ​

December 10, 2019

Community Solar Subscriptions: Performance to Date and Future Outlook

Background Multiple local governments and special districts entered into agreements with Pivot Energy to purchase kilowatt hours from Community Solar Gardens (CSG) located in Garfield and Mesa Counties. There was an understanding that each organization would see significant savings on their electric bills over the twenty-year contract term. Preliminary analysis has demonstrated that the savings to date are much less than had been anticipated at contract signing. CLEER prepared the following report to shed light on the situation.

Bill Credits from Xcel Energy The energy production from the allocated solar garden capacity is applied against the Xcel bills as a dollar credit for each of the site premise meters under the organization’s Xcel Energy account.

The amount of the dollar credit, known as the Bill Credit Rate, can vary depending on the rate class assigned to the site premise meter and according to fluctuations in the rates set by Xcel Energy. The Bill Credit rate is subject to increase or decrease but rates generally trend up over time. Over the past forty years, commercial utility rates in Colorado have increased on average at a rate of about 3% per year.

At the time of contract signings in 2017, bill credit rates were higher than the bill credit rates set by Xcel Energy in 2019

2017 2019 Rate Class $/kWh bill credit $/kWh bill credit C Commercial Service 0.07287 0.06725

SG Secondary General 0.06947 0.06457

SGL Secondary General Low Load 0.10275 0.0907

As financial savings are based on the difference between the rate paid to Pivot Energy and the bill credit received from Xcel Energy, the lower 2019 bill credit rates has eroded the potential for financial savings.

Rate Class Xcel $/kWh Pivot $/kWh cost Difference credit C Commercial Service 0.06725 0.06501 0.00224

SG Secondary General 0.06457 0.06457 0.00

SGL Secondary General Low Load 0.0907 0.06501 0.02569

December 10, 2019

Of particular note is the SG Xcel bill credit rate which is currently lower than the Pivot per kWh cost. The Pivot per kWh cost has been dropped to match the Xcel Bill Credit rate as per the terms of the agreement so while no savings are currently being made on the SG site premises, the terms of the agreement guarantee that the governmental organizations will not pay a premium on electricity due to the solar subscription. Pivot Energy CLEER reached out to Pivot Energy to gain further understanding on the reduced Bill Credit and they were very responsive and transparent in providing context and perspective. They acknowledged that low bill credits are negatively impacting community solar garden subscribers with reduced financial savings, and that this situation is also problematic for community solar garden developers who are experiencing decreased revenues which are negatively impacting their investments. Future Outlook Xcel recently published the bill credit rates that will go into effect in January 2020, and while there are still some savings for subscribers, the levels are still lower than anticipated. The Colorado solar industry is lobbying the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to adjust the bill credit mechanism to be both higher and more predictable, with a fixed bill credit that can be forecast. Meanwhile, in January 2020, the PUC will hear a rate case regarding Xcel Energy‘s proposed rate hike of 6%. By February 2020, we should have clarity on the level of rate hike that is actually approved and this will then cause the bill credits to be adjusted. The assumption is that bill credits will go up in February 2020. If applicable, Xcel will credit the community solar garden subscriber customers for any lost savings based on the difference between the January 2020 published bill credit rates and the anticipated increased bill credit rates that should come into effect after the rate case. Conclusion While the financial performance of the community garden subscriptions to date have been somewhat disappointing, there is reason to believe that the future outlook could be more positive as the Colorado solar industry lobbies the PUC to make adjustments to how Xcel sets bill credits for CSG moving forward. It’s also important to note that financial savings are still being achieved, and that and there is language in the agreement to protect local governments from paying a premium for energy under the CSG subscription. Perhaps equally as importantly, from a regional perspective, the participation of local governments in Community Solar Gardens has allowed multiple megawatts of solar to be built in Garfield and Mesa Counties, contributing to the overall increase of renewable energy on the utility grid and an overall decrease in the carbon intensity of grid delivered energy in general.

2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event

Final Report

Prepared by CLEER: Clean Energy Economy for the Region 520 S. Third St., Carbondale, Colorado 81623 (970) 704-9200

2 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event Final Report

Table of contents

4-5 Purpose Goals & Outcomes Benefits of Electric Vehicles Metrics

6 About the 2019 EV Sales Event Campaign Partners

7 Experience Electric Workshops

8 Acceleration of EV Infrastructure Deployment

9-10 Media releases News coverage Website Advertising campaign Partner Contributions


9 Auto Dealership Participation Form

10 EV Sales Event flyer

11 EV Sales Event print ad

12 EV Sales Event digital ad

13 Experience Electric Workshop flyer

14-17 Feedback letters

3 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event Final Report


The Electric Vehicle Sales Event was a three-month campaign in Garfield, Eagle and Pitkin counties for the purpose of increasing purchases of electric vehicles and building awareness for auto dealerships of electric vehicles. The 2019 campaign builds on a similar campaign conducted in 2017 and 2018, taking advantages of lessons learned. The outcomes achieved in 2019 were only possible thanks to the sponsors of the 2019 EV Sales Event.

Goals & Outcomes

1. Dealership Participation: Goal: Focus on local dealerships that could deliver a better customer service experience. Outcome: 4 local dealerships participated this year. Nissan provided a $3,500 rebate available through all the Nissan dealerships in Colorado.

2. Vehicle Sales: Goal: Generate purchases, leases and advance orders of 35 EVs. Outcome: 50 vehicles purchased or advance ordered.

Benefits of EVs

Plug-in hybrid electric (PHEV) and battery electric (BEV) vehicles use proven energy- saving technologies that benefit the local environment and reduce carbon emissions compared to gasoline- and diesel-burning vehicles. These vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions and, using the average Colorado electric power plant fuel mix, achieve a 36 percent reduction in carbon emissions compared to gasoline vehicles.

EVs also offer economic and social benefits. They foster a shift to the use of electricity, a domestic energy source, for transportation, supporting electric utilities, domestic fuel producers and increasing consumer demand for utility-scale renewable energy.

The electricity needed to power a vehicle costs about $1.10 per e-gallon, less than half the current cost of gasoline. EVs require much less ongoing maintenance as well, further reducing operating costs. In the Pitkin-Garfield-Eagle region, where high costs for housing and health care put a strain on most residents, EVs help reduce the overall cost of living.

4 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019


1. Vehicle sales by dealership

Dealership Total

Audi Glenwood Springs, E-Tron BEV 11

Bighorn Toyota, Prius Prime PHEV 3

Mountain Chevrolet, Volt PHEV and Bolt BEV 19

Phil Long Honda, Insight LX, Accord Hybrid and Clarity PHEV 6

Nissan Leaf BEV 11


2. Vehicle sales by model and EV type

Battery-Electric Vehicles (BEV) Total

Audi Glenwood Springs, E-Tron BEV 11

Mountain Chevrolet, Bolt BEV 19

Nissan Leaf BEV 11

Total 41

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV)

Bighorn Toyota, Prius Prime PHEV 3

Phil Long Honda, Insight LX 2

Phil Long Honda, Accord Hybrid 2

Phil Long Honda, Clarity PHEV 2


5 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

About the 2019 EV Sales Event Campaign

The 2019 campaign was organized by CLEER, with support from Garfield Clean Energy. Funding from Garfield Clean Energy and CLEER made it possible to organize and staff the effort. The campaign built on successful electric vehicle “group buy” programs pioneered in , Boulder and Fort Collins, and used in the Pitkin-Garfield-Eagle region for the past two years.

The biggest change for the 2019 campaign was the elimination of the EV Ride and Drives, which took an enormous amount of staff time and was a barrier to auto dealership participation. Instead, CLEER organized the Experience Electric Workshops, which provided which provided valuable information about EVs, infrastructure, charging and rebates. Several EV owners attended the workshops and shared their perspectives with the rest of the group.

The program model consisted of four main elements: 1. Partner organizations agree to support the project financially and/or with staff time. 2. The group buy discount is offered for a limited time (90 days) in order to move people to action. 3. Coordinated regional outreach overlaps the campaign time period, including Experience Electric workshops. 4. Participating auto dealers report on vehicle sales, and a wrap-up report is published after the 90-day sales period.


For the regional EV Sales Event, CLEER partnered with Garfield Clean Energy, Alpine Bank, CORE, City of Aspen, City of Glenwood Springs, Eagle County, Town of Vail, Holy Cross Energy, Walking Mountains Science Center, Xcel Energy and Town of Carbondale. (Contribution schedule on page 9.) The results achieved happened thanks to the sponsors who supported the effort. With your contribution we were able to run several print digital and radio ads throughout the three-month campaign.

3. Experience Electric Workshops

Date Venue Host Presenters Attendees

Aug. 14 Rifle Library CLEER Cary Weiner, CSU 13 Garfield Clean Energy Extension Office

Aug. 21 Glenwood Springs CLEER Craig Farnum 35 Library Garfield Clean Energy

6 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

Aug. 28 Third Street CLEER Craig Farnum Center, Carbondale Garfield Clean Energy 56 Town of Carbondale

Walking Mountains Sep. 18 Walking Mountains Science Center Matt Fromer, 35 Science Center, CLEER SWEEP Avon Garfield Clean Energy CORE Craig Farnum Oct. 2 The Hideout at CLEER 35 , Aspen Garfield Clean Energy

Acceleration of EV Infrastructure Deployment

Increasing the amount of publicly accessible EV charging stations is essential for persuading more drivers to go electric and ensuring increased access and convenience for current EV owners. In 2019, CLEER helped 19 organizations across six counties successfully apply for EV charging station grants through the Colorado Energy Office's Charge Ahead program. The number of stations and plugs funded via Charge Ahead in Garfield, Eagle, and Pitkin Counties for 2019 are listed in the Table 4.

4. EV Charging Stations and Plugs funded via Charge Ahead by county

Level II Level II Level III Level III Stations Plugs Stations Plugs Garfield 8 16 1 1 Eagle 6 12 3 3 Pitkin 2 4 0 0 TOTAL 16 32 3 3

Holy Cross Energy, Residential Charging

Faster and easier charging at homes and residences is also critical for increasing EV adoption. In coordination with the EV Sales Event, Holy Cross Energy promoted their new Charge At Home program. Under the program, Holy Cross's residential customers are eligible to receive up to two, Level II EV chargers from ChargePoint at no cost, and are even able finance the installation of the chargers over 36 months on their electricity bill. A Level II charger provides a faster charge, and gives customers the option of setting a timer for charging to take advantage of off-peak rates.

A total of 47 residential customers took advantage of the rebate offer, including some buyers who purchased BEV or PHEV vehicles from non-participating dealerships, such as Tesla, BMW and Volvo.

7 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

5. Holy Cross Energy Level II charger rebates by zip code / community

GARFIELD EAGLE PITKIN Battlement Mesa 1 Avon 6 Aspen 4 Carbondale 81623 10 Basalt 7 Redstone 81623 1 Glenwood Springs 81601 1 Eagle 81631 1 81654 4 Silt 1 Edwards 81632 4 Snowmass V. 81615 2 Gypsum 81637 3 Vail 81657 2 Totals 13 23 11

Media releases

● July 30: ‘Experience Electric’ road show, dealer discounts aim to put drivers into electric cars ● Aug. 9: Wondering about electric vehicles? Here comes the Experience Electric road show ● Aug. 21: Free electric vehicle event today in Glenwood ● Aug. 22: Free electric vehicle event Wednesday in Carbondale

News coverage

● Aug. 8, Sopris Sun: Electric Avenue (page 4) ● Aug. 12, Glenwood Springs Post Independent: Electric vehicle promo events slated this coming week, sales push continues ● Aug. 26, Aspen Times: Business Monday Briefs: Aspen lodge rooms expensive but busy in July; electric vehicle event Wednesday ● Sept. 6, Vail Daily: Vail Valley residents can see new electric cars Sept. 18 ● Sept. 10, Alpine Bank E-Line: Experience Electric Workshop


Garfield Clean Energy hosted the central information page for the Sales Event. This link shows the page as it appeared during the 90-day sales event time period:

Advertising campaign

The EV Sales Event used paid advertising to maintain community awareness of the EV discount offers throughout the 90-day period. Advertising consisted of a print ad published weekly in the Glenwood Springs Post Independent, Vail Daily and Aspen Times; digital ads in the same publications’ websites; and broadcast advertising aired on KZYR FW in Eagle County and on KSNO FM in Pitkin and Garfield counties. 8 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

EV Sales Event media buy schedule, costs and partner contributions

PRINT: Colorado Mountain News Media publications: Total cost: $3,868 Glenwood Springs Post Independent, Vail Daily, Aspen Times Size: ⅙ page ads, 3.22” x 6.92” Frequency: weekly on varying days, Aug. 1 to Oct. 23 Total ad count: 13 weeks x 3 publications = 39 insertions CMNM sponsorship: 2-for-1 on the community rate of $155.61 per ad (i.e., 50% discount)

DIGITAL: Colorado Mountain News Media publications: Total cost: $1,989 Glenwood Springs Post Independent, Vail Daily, Aspen Times Size: 3 sizes to fit different slots Reach: 2,975 impressions/wk x 3 websites x 14 weeks = 124,950 impressions Cost: $12 per 1,000 impressions

DIGITAL: Facebook: Total cost $300 Reach: 8,021 impressions, 216 clicks

DIGITAL: Google Ads: Total cost $798 Reach: 3,751 impressions, 175 clicks

RADIO: KSNO and KZYR FM: Total cost: $1,645 Ad length: 30-second spot Frequency: 3 ads per day, 4 days per week (Wed. – Sat.), Aug. 1 to Oct. 24 Total ad count: 12 weeks x 12 ads/week x 2 stations = 288 spots

Graphic design, printing and bookkeeping: $1,900

6. Partner Contributions

Alpine Bank $1,000 City of Aspen $1,000 City of Glenwood Springs $1,000 CORE $1,000 Eagle County $1,000 Holy Cross Energy $1,000 Town of Avon $1,000 Town of Carbondale $1,000 Town of Vail $1,000 Walking Mountains Science Center $500 Xcel Energy $1,000 Total Contributions $10,500

9 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

Town of Parachute | City of Rifle | Town of Silt Town of New Castle | City of Glenwood Springs Town of Carbondale | Garfield County Roaring Fork Transportation Authority Colorado Mountain College

Managed by CLEER: Clean Energy Economy for the Region / (970) 704- 9200 / P.O. Box 428, Carbondale, Colorado 81623


Auto Dealership Participation Agreement

Due June 15, 2019 Email to [email protected] Or mail to EV Sales Event, c/o CLEER, P.O. Box 428, Carbondale, Colorado 81623

This document affirms the involvement of ______(dealership name) in the 2019 EV Sales Event campaign to be held in Garfield, Eagle and Pitkin counties.

This dealership will honor the pricing discounts listed in the table below for the full duration of the 2019 EV Sales Event campaign, from Aug. 1 to Oct. 31, 2019.

Do not include state or federal tax credits for which the customer may qualify.

PHEV or BEV MSRP OEM discount Dealer discount Total discount model name

______Dealership owner or general manager signature

______Dealership owner or general manager printed name

______Date 10 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

EV Sales Event flyer

11 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

EV Sales Event print ad 3.22” x 6.92”

12 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

EV Sales Event digital ad

EV Sales Event digital ad

13 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

15 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

Ian and Leigh Edlind 34 Maroon Dr Carbondale, CO 81623

Dear CLEER staff,

My wife and I purchased a 2019 Chevrolet Bolt in late September. We’re happy customers! It’s a great car and, with the rebates, we feel like we got an excellent deal.

It’s unl kely that we would have made this purchase if it wasn’t for CLEER. While we’ve always been interested in an alternative fuel vehicle, we had concerns about the feasibility of owning an electric car in the . To learn more, I attended the presentation by Craig Farnum (who is also my wife’s colleague at Basalt High School) at the Third Street Center. It was informative and motivating. A week later, I received some extra motivation from CLEER when Maisa sent a follow up email notifying attendees that Chevrolet had a big sale on Bolts. My wife and I talked it over and a week after that we were proud owners of a new Bolt.

One of the big selling points was access to the chargers at the Third Street Center because we don’t have a Level 2 set up at our house. We live just two blocks away from the Center and use it to charge our car a couple times per week. In the future, we may install an outlet and charge port at home, but without the luxury of charging access we probably would not have made the purchase.

In conclusion, thank you to CLEER, Craig, and the generous benefactor(s) supporting the Third Street Center charging ports. Electric cars are the wave of the future and we’re fortunate to officially be along for the ride!


Ian and Leigh Edlind

16 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

Dear CLEER team,

Mountain Valley would like to thank you for all the help you have given us over the last few years while we transition to become a more sustainable company. Approximately 3 years ago Matt helped us write a grant to install an electric car charging station at our main agency. This was a very tedious process and Matt helped the entire way. About a year later after we finally installed our charging station, Maisa helped us sort through and pick the best electric car for our needs. She also helped us find the best rebates and local deals that would work within our constraints. Now it has been three years and again we have Maisa to thank. We were looking into leasing one more electric car and Maisa again came to the rescue and showed us additional rebates we could take advantage of and, due to her diligence, we were able to lease two more electric cars. I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH. Your team has made it so much easier to be better stewards of our planet.

Adam Juul Assistant Director Day Services

Mountain Valley Developmental Services P.O. Box 338, Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 970-230-9854 (office) 970-945-6469 (fax) [email protected]

ü Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

17 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

CLEER October 21, 2019 Third Street Center, Suites 7 and 17 520 South Third Street PO Box 428 Carbondale, CO 81623

Dear CLEER Staff,

Just to say I appreciate your communication about the Electric Vehicle program that was taking place in the valley. Your notice that Chevy was offering a $9000 discount was really the impetus to have me check into the possibilities.

CLEER’s effort in organizing and promoting the EV program is to be highly commended. I really enjoyed the Experience Electric Workshop.

I am really enjoying my 2019 Chevy Bolt. It’s cool! I tell my friends that I feel like an astronaut when I get in to drive. The display screens and controls are amazing. I love to leave the old gas burning cars in the dust when the traffic light turns green. The safety features are really appreciated.

The regular charging system works very well. We are also taking advantage of the Holy Cross gift of a Level 2 charger and will have that installed soon.

Most importantly, I feel very good about making the commitment to reduce my impact on the environment.

Thank you for your help,

Patrick Hunter

18 2019 Electric Vehicle Sales Event • Final Report • December 7, 2019

Clearing the air from the impacts of radon in Garfield County county/

6/24/2019 – Glenwood Post Independent Garfield County celebrates Bike to Work Day June 26

8/12/2019 – Glenwood Post Independent Electric vehicle promo events slated this coming week, sales push continues push-continues/

10/23/2019 – Glenwood Post Independent Free energy consult can add to business’s bottom line Garfield Clean Energy serves businesses from Carbondale to Parachute sponsored/

10/29/2019 – Glenwood Post Independent Fall is prime time for making your home more energy-efficient efficient/

10/31/2019 – Glenwood Post Independent Silt recognized for making solar energy affordable

Grease Monkey and Factory Outdoor completed efficiency upgrades in 2019.

Intern Kendall staffing Turning Renewable Energy Smart-Design workshop held

a GCE booth at one of Targets into Economic during the construction of

many events. Development home in Carbondale.

Garfield Clean Energy Annual 2019 Report | January 6, 2020 4