09/24/21 PACIFIC 105: The Contemporary Pacific | University of Auckland

PACIFIC 105: The Contemporary Pacific View Online

The Contemporary Pacific

Anae, Melani. (n.d.). Towards a NZ-born Samoan identity : some reflections on ‘labels’. Pacific Health Dialog: Journal of Community Health and Clinical Medicine for the Pacific, 4 (2). http://pacifichealthdialog.org.fj/Volume204/No220Pacific20Peoples20in20New20Zealand/Vi ewpoints20and20Perspectives/Towards20a20NZ20born20Samoan20identity20some20refl ections20on20labels.pdf

A Talented Tongan Poet, Artist & Actress | Vaimoana Litia Makakaufaki Niumeitolu � Creative Talanoa. (n.d.). https://creativetalanoa.com/2012/07/25/inspiration-from-vaimoana-litia-makakaufaki-nium eitolu/

Connell, J., & Rappaport, M. (2013). Chapter 23. Mobility to Migration. In The Pacific islands: environment and society (Revised edition, pp. 275–286). University of Hawaiʻi Press. http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.auckland.ac.nz/stable/j.ctt6wqh08.27

Crocombe, R. G. (2008). People - Moving and Mixing. In The South Pacific (7th ed, pp. 44–74). IPS Publications, University of the South Pacific.

Latai, L. (2015). Changing Covenants in ? From Brothers and Sisters to Husbands and Wives? Oceania, 85(1), 92–104. https://doi.org/10.1002/ocea.5076

Maggie Cummings. (2013). Looking good: The cultural politics of the island dress for young women in . The Contemporary Pacific, 25(1), 33–65. http://go.galegroup.com.ezproxy.auckland.ac.nz/ps/retrieve.do?tabID=T002&resultLis tType=RESULT_LIST&searchResultsType=SingleTab&searchType=AdvancedSea rchForm&currentPosition=10&docId=GALE%7CA319228873&docType=Ess ay&sort=Relevance&contentSegment=&prodId=AONE&contentSet=G ALE%7CA319228873&searchId=R1&userGroupName=learn&inPS=true

Meleisea, M. (1995). To Whom gods and men crowded”: chieftainship and hierarchy in ancient Samoa. In and Samoa: images of gender and polity (pp. 19–34). Macmillan Brown Centre for . http://content.talisaspire.com/auckland/bundles/578d336b4469ee1e628b457e

Pitanoe, E., Korocowiri, S., Martin, L., & Davidson, J. (n.d.). YES (YOUTH EMPOWERMENT STRATEGY) PASIFIKA: THE FORMATION OF A MODEL FOR PASIFIKA YOUTH DEVELOPMENT. http://www.devnet.org.nz/sites/default/files/Davidson,%20Joy%20and%20Pitanoe,%20Elish a.%20Yes%20Pasifika%20[paper%7D_0.pdf

Puna, E. T., & Tiatia-Seath, J. (n.d.). Defining positive mental wellbeing for New

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Zealand-born Cook Islands youth - Te Mauri - Pimatisiwin. Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing, 2(1), 97–107. https://journalindigenouswellbeing.com/journal_articles/defining-positive-mental-wellbeing- for-new-zealand-born-cook-islands-youth/

Rapaport, M. (1999). ‘Race’, Identity and Representation. In The Pacific Islands: environment & society (pp. 156–179). Bess Press.

Ratuva, S. (2017). Tonga. The Contemporary Pacific, 29(1), 181–188. https://doi.org/10.1353/cp.2017.0014

Rodger, V. (2017). Ooga Booga. The Coconet. http://www.thecoconet.tv/coco-talanoa/guest-writer/ooga-booga/

Sager, M. (2017, July 15). The Samoan Pipeline. The California Sunday Magazine. https://story.californiasunday.com/samoan-football-pipeline

Salesa, D. (2014). Chapter 15: When the waters met: Some shared histories of Christianity and ancestral Samoan spirituality. In T. Suaʼaliʼi-Sauni, A. Wendt, V. Mo’a, N. Fuamatu, U. L. Va’ai, R. Whaitiri, & S. L. Filipo (Eds.), Whispers and vanities: Samoan indigenous knowledge and religion (pp. 283–311). Huia Publishers. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/auckland/reader.action?ppg=283&docID=1948 951&tm=1501038381588

Sean, M. (2002). Tufuga Tatatau: The Master Tattooists. In Samoan art and artists =: O measina a Samoa (pp. 104–118). Craig Potton.

Taumoefolau, M. (2013). Respect, Solidarity, and Resilience in Pacific World-Views: A Counseling Perspective. In Pacific identities and well-being: cross-cultural perspectives: Vol. Routledge monographs in mental health (pp. 115–129). Routledge. https://www-taylorfrancis-com.ezproxy.auckland.ac.nz/books/9780203113578/chapters/10. 4324/9780203113578-19

The High Stakes of Football Recruitment for Polynesians - The Atlantic - The Atlantic. (n.d.). http://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/459672/the-high-stakes-of-football-recruitment-for -polynesians/

Underdogs: Faga’itua High School | SI.com. (n.d.). Sports Illustrated. http://www.si.com/high-school/video/2016/02/10/underdogs-fagaitua-high-school-american -samoa

Uperesa, L. (n.d.). Fabled Futures: Migration and Mobility for Samoans in American Football . http://ezproxy.auckland.ac.nz/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.auckland.ac.n z/docview/1559517045?accountid=8424

Urale, S. (2003). Mau Pacific Dance Theatre. In In Full Flight. Greenstone Pictures. https://www.library.auckland.ac.nz/tv-radio/title/DT_328220
