Parity of esteem By EAMON GILMORE An Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ireland

How did the State Visit of H.M. The Queen advance the Queen really embodied and demonstrated that. relations between the two countries? The people of Ireland responded very spontaneously That visit really was enormously significant. We to her obvious enjoyment of her visit and extended to prepared for it very carefully, of course. And, in one her the very warm welcome for which we are famous. sense, we knew exactly what was going to happen. But in terms of the impact on the mood of the nation, What role can this visit play in fostering peace and on public sentiment, we didn’t really know just how reconciliation across these islands? transformative it would be. The peace process in has helped to Her visit to Ireland was the first by a British Head make President Higgins’ visit possible. And this visit, in of State since the signing of the Anglo Irish Treaty in turn, can give something back to the peace process. It EAMON GILMORE 1921. Thankfully the relationship between Ireland and will, I hope, inspire people, and show what is possible. was elected as the 10th the UK evolved to the point where it was possible, and, Fundamentally, both the visit of Queen Elizabeth to leader of the Irish Labour indeed, desirable, for her to come. However, I think Ireland and this visit are strong expressions of respect party in 2007. Educated it’s fair to say that her visit marked the start of a new for Britishness and Irishness – in all their variety – at University College, phase, and a forward-looking relationship between our on both islands. This has particular significance in he was active in two nations. Northern Ireland where, to some extent, all of us politics from a young age Most importantly, Queen Elizabeth’s visit advanced are still grappling with how Britishness and Irishness serving as President of reconciliation between our two countries and our can prosper together and be reflected and respected the Union of Students in peoples. It showed that we can find a way to come throughout society. Ireland and in the trade to terms with the past and to see each other as part The British and Irish governments reached union movement as well of a better, shared future. The visit celebrated the agreement on issues of sovereignty and identity in as on County significant progress achieved in the peace process and relation to Northern Ireland at the time of the signing Council. He was first provided a strong impetus to eliminating the remaining of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. Since that elected to Dáil Éireann shadows of sectarianism. time, Northern Ireland has been transformed and is in 1989 as part of the The visit also underscored the strength of the an immeasurably better place in which to live. But Democratic Left party economic relationship which exists between our two reconciliation is a long-term project, and it is important which subsequently countries. The Queen was accompanied by Prime that we continue to work at it. There are fundamental merged with the Labour Minister Cameron and Foreign Secretary Hague, who principles of the Agreement which have not found full Party. In previous both participated in business-related events throughout expression as yet in Northern Ireland – in particular, governments he served the course of the four-day visit. the principle of parity of esteem for British and Irish as Minister of State in Naturally, it was also was an important opportunity identities. Respectful reciprocal State Visits embody the Department of the to reflect on the history of our two nations. The first that very principle. They are an important signal of Marine. He is currently public event on the Queen’s programme was a visit intent and commitment to reconciliation. They assist Tánaiste (Deputy Prime to the Garden of Remembrance, which is an element in showing leadership, thereby providing support and Minister) and Minister included in all State visits to Ireland but that had encouragement to all those who are challenging the for Foreign Affairs a particular significance in this case. The presence sectarianism and division that still scars society in and Trade in Ireland’s of the Queen and President McAleese together, in Northern Ireland, be that at a political or a community coalition government. the place where those who died in the cause of Irish level. Through the visit we can celebrate all that has independence are commemorated, represented a been achieved in terms of reconciliation, and also powerful symbol of reconciliation. The Queen also carefully and deliberately raise the bar to set targets for visited the Irish National War Memorial Garden at the next stages of the process. Islandbridge, which is dedicated to the memory of the Northern Ireland is at the heart of the British Irish 49,400 Irish soldiers who died in British uniform in the relationship and that is reflected in the programme for First World War, before Irish independence, which is a the visit. I am delighted that Queen Elizabeth will host very significant element of our shared history. a specific Northern Ireland-themed reception during Ireland and Britain enjoy a vibrant friendship, based the visit in recognition of its enduring importance in 8 on equality and mutual respect. For those four days, the context of British-Irish relations.

FIRST There is a strong economic dimension to this visit. success in their new home, and we are proud of what I think the How important is the economic relationship? they have achieved and continue to achieve. The economic relationship is enormously important. But, for some others, it has been a less successful State Visit is The UK is our biggest trading partner. Our most experience, and the challenges of loneliness and recent full-year statistics are for 2012, and they show dislocation can make them vulnerable. These of enormous bilateral trade in goods and services valued at more challenges can be compounded as people get older than €59bn – that’s over €1 billion per week. and may not have access to the same social supports importance to We are an exporting nation, and doing business in they might have at home in Ireland. The government, Britain is the first step on that journey for many of our through our embassy in London, provides targeted the members companies. The British market is particularly significant support to the most vulnerable . Over the for Irish food and drink producers. In 2013, 42 per last ten years, we have provided more than €80 million of all Irish cent of those exports went to the UK. That’s worth in direct funding to Irish community and welfare over €4 billion to the Irish economy. Likewise, for organisations in Britain, and the bulk of this money communities our indigenous exporting companies in other sectors, has gone to helping the most vulnerable. more than 38 per cent of the exports from clients of our As I’ve said, we are proud of the success of so many in Britain trade-promotion agency, Enterprise Ireland, went to Irish people in Britain. I was delighted that Queen the UK in 2012. I should say, of course, that the trade Elizabeth hosted a reception for the Irish community relationship and two-way flows of investment are not at Buckingham Palace, ahead of the State visit. Those just beneficial for Ireland. In fact, Ireland is the UK’s invited illustrated the diversity and success of the Irish fifth most important export market – putting us ahead community. There were artists, businesspeople, sports of China, India and Brazil combined. people and representatives of community groups. All of this trade is hugely valuable to both economies. Many of them are well known in their own right in Almost 200,000 people in Ireland have jobs as a result of Britain; some are household names. our exports to the UK, and just over 208,000 UK jobs The Irish government – and the Department of are sustained on the back of exports to Ireland. Exports Foreign Affairs and Trade in particular – on occasion, have had a huge part to play in our economic recovery, looks to members of the community for their insights or and we continue to push for more growth across the full advice in particular business sectors or areas. Members range of goods and services, from our quality agricultural of our diaspora based in the UK have been particularly produce to our innovative technology start-ups. supportive of our economic recovery, both by sharing On the tourism side, about 5.5 million people visit ideas with government through the Global Irish in both directions every year. That is worth about €800 Network and the Global Irish Economic Forum, and million to the Irish economy, and £800 million to the by enhancing Ireland’s reputation more generally in British economy, annually. their own field of work, be that in the boardroom, in The visit of Queen Elizabeth to Ireland in 2011 and the entertainment industry, in academia or elsewhere. this first Irish State Visit add a very special momentum Overall, the Irish government’s engagement with the to the relationship, and when our economic community is as diverse as the community itself. By way relationship is as close as it is, that results in a real of example, there are over 80 clubs promoting Irish sports positive, knock-on effect on business and on tourism. across Britain, and we also provide financial support to Of course, we’re competing with the UK in them. There are Irish musical and cultural organisations international markets also. But our companies have had across the country, and we support them too. some successful collaboration beyond these islands. We Maybe most importantly, we listen to them. I am a recently undertook our first ever joint trade mission regular visitor to Britain and I hear views and concerns to Singapore, to engage with the aviation sector. That from different parts of the community. The same goes mission involved ministers from Dublin, from the for my government colleagues, and, as you know, the Northern Ireland Executive in Stormont and from President himself is a regular visitor. Westminster. It was a success, and I think there’s real I think the State Visit is of enormous importance potential for further collaboration in specific sectors in to the members of all Irish communities in Britain. It overseas markets. was not always easy to be Irish in Britain. But I think that has changed. There are wonderful opportunities The Irish community in Britain is central to the for the Irish in Britain, as there are for the British in State Visit – how do you engage with the Irish Ireland. This visit, coupled with the Queen’s visit to community in Britain? Ireland in 2011, marks that change. The Irish in Britain There is no single Irish community in Britain. Even were proud of the reception Queen Elizabeth received among first-generation emigrants, there is enormous in Ireland, and they will be proud to see their President diversity. Some have found personal and professional formally received in Britain. F 9