The Reduction of Zinc Oxide by Carbon

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The Reduction of Zinc Oxide by Carbon Scholars' Mine Masters Theses Student Theses and Dissertations 1924 The reduction of zinc oxide by carbon George August Zeller Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Metallurgy Commons Department: Recommended Citation Zeller, George August, "The reduction of zinc oxide by carbon" (1924). Masters Theses. 4683. This thesis is brought to you by Scholars' Mine, a service of the Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE REDUCTION OF ZINC OXIDE BY CARBON. GmRGE A. ZELLER. A. THESIS 8U'bm1tted to the faculty ot the SCHOOL OF J.tnmS AND :METALLURGY OF TEE tmIVERSITY OF MISSOURI 1n partial fulfillment of the work required for the Degree Of JIASTER OF SOIlmCE IN ~ALLURGY Bolla. Missouri. 1924. TAB LE o F CON TEN T S. Page Part I. Introduction •••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Temperature at Yihich the Reduction of Zinc Uxide by Carbon Begins..................... 1 Object of this Investigation •••••••••.••••••••••,... 10 Part II. Experimental Investigation •••••••••••••.••••••••••••• 12 Introduction ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 1'.Lat erials Used ..................................... 13 Preparation of Briquets •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 .Analysis of Briquets ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 Furnaoes ..........•..• ~ •.....•...................•. 17 T~perature Oontro1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 Manipulation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 Reaord of Typical Experiment ....................... 23 Tabulated Results and Curves .........•..•....•..... 24 Part III. Oonolusions . 34 Part At Effect of Temperature •••••••••••••••••••••• 34 Part B, Effect of Time ••••••••••••••••••••,......... 35 Part 0t Effect of Physioa1 Oharacteristics of the Zinc Oxide ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 35 Part D, Effect of Physical Oharacteristics of the Carbon .•••••••• ,........................ 36 Part IV. Bibliography ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 38 I LIST OF ILIDSTRATIONS. 1. Fu.lton t s "Grananular Furnaoe •••••••••••••••••••••• 18 Figure 2. Interior of Furnace with Crucible and Ther~-eouple in Place •••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 Figure 3. Oomplete Set-up of Experiment •••••••••••••••••••• 21 Figure 4. Curves Showing Effect of ~emperature on Rate of Reduction ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26 5. Curves Showing Effect of Time on the Reduetion of Zinc Oxide by Oarbon ••••••••••••• 28 Figure 6. Curves ShawingEffect of Physical Characteristics of the Zino Onde on the Bate of Reduction, Using Gra.phite as the Reducing .Agent •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31 7. Ourves Showing Effect of Physical Characteristics of the. Zino Oxide on the Rate of Reduction, Using Anthracite Ooal as the Reduoing Ag$nt ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 32 Figure 8. Ourves Showing Effeot of Physical Characteristics of the Zinc Oxide on the Rate of Reduction, Using Ooke as the Re- duolng .Agent •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 33 II THE REDUCTION OF ZINC OXIDE BY OARBON. PART I. I:NTRODUCTION. In spite of the fact that the reduotlon of :1nC oxide by car­ bon 1s the fu.ndamental rea.otion upon which the pyrometallurgy of zinc is based, there is a decided lack of accurate knowledge concerning the mechanism of the reaction, the tempera.ture at which it begins t and the effect of various faotors upon the rate at which it takes plaoe. Temperature at which the Reduction Qf Zinc Oxide by.Oarbon BagiUI. Determinations ot the temperature at which the reduotion of zinc oXide by carbon begins have been made by numerous investigators t but their results are in very poor agreement. According to Hempell the reduotion begins at between 9100 aDd o 920 C., or just below the boiling point of zinc, and is oompleted only 2 at about 1300° O. Prost found that pure zinc oxide was completely re­ duced at 10750 C. SchUpphans and Imlgwit z, when they heated a mixture of zinc oxide and carbon in a closed bomb3 , found that the pressure be­ 0 gan to rise very twU:"ltedly a.t 910 O. beoause of the formation of zino IBerg-und HUtterim. ztg., vol". 52, p. 358, 1893. 2xTost t E •• Reactions occurring in the metallurgioal treatment of blende, Bull. Assoo. Belge des Chimistes, vol. 10, pp. 246-63, 1896; Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., vol. 15, pp. 813-14, Nov. 30, 1896. 3sch{lpphaUS, Robert 0., The behavior of zlJJC 'oxide at high temperatures t Jour. Soc. Ohem. Ind., vol. 18, pp.987-S9. Nov. 30, 1899. - 1 - vapor and carbon monoxide. while the temperature in the bomb remained practically stationary at that point for some time; from this they concluded that 9100 e. was the temperature at which reduction began. Boudouard obtained1 no steady reduction below a tempera.ture of from 11250 to 11500 C., using an intimate mixture of zinc oxide with an ex- cess of oharooal, the latter having previously been heated to redness in a. stream of chlorine gas, washed, and dried. Johnson has reported2 the results of a. number of determina- tions of the reduetlon temperature of various forms of zinc oxide and cadm1um oXide with different forms of carbon as redue:er. His method of determining the temperature a.t which reduction began was to place the mixture of zinc oxide and reducing material in a tight graphite oontainer. provided with a recess for a. pyrometer for measuring its temp~rature and with a one-eighth inch pipe as an outlet for zinc va.por and ca.rbon monoxide; to heat this container slowly and note the temperature at which a zinc flame first made its appearance a.t the lBoUdouard, 0., Beducing aotion of carbon on metallic compounds, Bull. Soc. Ohim., vol. 25, pp. 282-87, 1901; Jour. Soc. Cham. Ind., vol. 20, p. 478, May 31, 1901; Berg- und Hattenm. ztg., vol. 61, p. 257, May 30, 1902; Ann- Chim. Phys., vol. 24, pp. 74-78, 1901. 2 Johnson. Woolsey Me.A•• Thermo-electric determinations of the reduo- ~ion temperature of zinc oxide, Trans. Am. E1eotroehem. Soc., vol. 5, pp. 211-20, 1904; Physical factors in the meta.11urgical reduction of zinc oxide, Trans• .Arn. Inst. Min. Eng-. vol. 38, pp. 656-63, 1908; !fhe reducibi11ty of metallie oxides as affected by heat treatment t Trans. Am. lnst. Min. Eng•• vol. 47, pp. 219-31 t 1914. - 2 - small outlet; to continue raising the tempera.ture to make sure that the flame inoreased with rising tempera.ture and wa.s not caused by a. small amount of sane impurity in the oharge; and finally to 0001 the charge slowly in its container and note the temperature at which the zinc flame disappeared. The mean 0 f the tempera.ture at which the zinc flame first appeared and that at which it disa.ppeared was taken as the ttre_ action temperature.'· The results of Johnson t s determinations are ta.bulated in Table I. They show tha.t the reduction temperature as determined by this method varies with the nature of the zinc oxide and of the carbon, and that, in general, the higher the temperature to whioh either the zinc oxide or the carbon i8 previously hea.ted, the higher is the reduction temperature. 1 Doeltz and Graumann mixed about 0.2 gram of zino oxide with sugar ooke in the proportion reqaired for the reaction ZnO + 0 c Zn + 00. and heated the mixture in a tube 44 ora. long and 20 mn. in dlaJaeter, 0 0 in a platinum resistanoe furnace, to tempera.tures of 900 t 950 , and 1000° C. The %'eciuctlon was 0.1 and 0.2 per cent a.t 9500 C. and 2.1 and 3.1 per cent at 1000° C. In another series of experiments a gram of zino oxide wa.s mixed with an excess of' sugar coke and heated 1n a cur­ rent of nitrogen 1n a glazed porcelain tube to temperatures of SOOO, ioel1;z, F.. O. t and GrautQ8.1Ul,O. A. t Versuohe Uber 41e Redukt10n von Zl_o:x.,U, Jletallurgle, vol. 4, pp. 290-93, May 22.1907; Abstraot: Ohem. A.'bst •• vol. I, p. 1966, Aug. i, 1901. TABLE I. l1E~ION TEMPERATURES OF VABIOUS FORMS OF znro OXIDE .AlID CARBON AS DETERMINED BY JOHNSON. Corrected Mean of - 1\4a.terials to be Reduced Reducing Material Means. Degrees Oenti~rade c. P. zinc oxide •••••••• 1100° eharcaal ••• 1022 O. P. zinc o~de9 calcin- ed at 1300 0 ••••••••• 11000 eharcoal ••• 1025 O. P. zinc oxide •••••••• Soft coke ••••• 1029 O. P. zinc oxide. calcin­ ad at 1100o (} ••••••••• , Soft coke ..... 1048 C. P. zinc oxide. caJ.cin- ed at 1300° 0 ••••••••• Soft coke ••••• 1061 O. P. zinc oxide •••••••• Graphite turnings 1084 Roasted Colorado ore •••• Soft ooke ••••• 1029 Roas'ed Joplin ore •••••• Soft co~ ••••• 1073 Boasted Joplin ore •••••• Very soft, 6000 charcoal•• 1033 Roasted Joplin ore •••••• 11000 charooal ••• 1059 Boasted Colorado ore •••• 1500° charcoal ••• · 1073 0 IoJ,.OPl,in ore •••••••00....0, 150,0 charooal •• 01' 1080 ~oplln ore •••• · ••••••••• IGraPhlte turnings•• 1116 Colo~o ore •••••••••••• Graphite turn1~•• 1120 B. P. cadmdum •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 766 c. P. ca.dm1wn oxide, made by wet method ••••••••• 6000 charcoal ••• 767 C. P. ca.dm1um oxide, made b1 wet method ••••••••• 11000 coke ••••••• 813 o. p~ cadmium oxide, made b7 wet method ••••••••• GraPhite turnings•• 849 Zinc sulphide f from Jo~ln••• Cast iron filings •• 1167 - 4 - 0 850°,900 and 1000° C. The reduction at 8000 O. was one per cent; at 8500 four per cent; at 9000 seven per cent; and at 1000° twenty per cent. Siokly a.nd Clayton foundl that the reduction of zinc oxide by 0 0 carbon began a.t a critical temperature of between 900 and 950 O. f that the rate of reduction was a function of the "temperature head", 01' 111- crement of temperature above the critical temperature, and also varied with the kind of reduction material. the fineness of the zinc oxide and reducer t and the proportion of reduction material, and that im- purities such as lead and iron tended to raise the critical temperature and lower the rate of reduction.
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    Material Safety Data Sheet Page 1 of 2 Zinc Oxide MSDS # 804.00 Section 1: Product and Company Identification Zinc Oxide Synonyms/General Names: Chinese White; Zinc White Product Use: For educational use only Manufacturer: Columbus Chemical Industries, Inc., Columbus, WI 53925. 24 Hour Emergency Information Telephone Numbers CHEMTREC (USA): 800-424-9300 CANUTEC (Canada): 613-424-6666 ScholAR Chemistry; 5100 W. Henrietta Rd, Rochester, NY 14586; (866) 260-0501; Section 2: Hazards Identification White crystalline powder, no odor. HMIS (0 to 4) Health 2 CAUTION! Moderately toxic by ingestion. Fire Hazard 0 Target organs: None known. Reactivity 0 This material is considered hazardous by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). Section 3: Composition / Information on Ingredients Zinc Oxide (1314-13-2), >99.9% Section 4: First Aid Measures Always seek professional medical attention after first aid measures are provided. Eyes: Immediately flush eyes with excess water for 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Skin: Immediately flush skin with excess water for 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing. Ingestion: Call Poison Control immediately. Rinse mouth with cold water. Give victim 1-2 cups of water or milk to drink. Induce vomiting immediately. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures When heated to decomposition, emits acrid fumes. 0 Protective equipment and precautions for firefighters: Use foam or dry chemical to extinguish fire. 1 0 Firefighters should wear full fire fighting turn-out gear and respiratory protection (SCBA). Cool container with water spray. Material is not sensitive to mechanical impact or static discharge.
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    Patented Dec. 4, 1951 is ..." 2,577,627 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,577,627 GLASS COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF MAKNG SAME Alexis G. Pincus, Southbridge, Mass., assignor to American Optical Company, Southbridge, Mass., a voluntary association of Massachusetts No Drawing. Application May 1, 1947, Serial No. 745,239 10. Claims. (CI, 106-4) - - - - - This invention relates to fluoride resistant characteristics have been encountered which glasses and has particular reference to a glass have rendered most of these prior art glasses which is highly resistant to attack by hydro commercially impracticable. There are several fluoric acid, anhydrous hydrogen fluoride and characteristics which are required in glasses of fluorides in general, and to improved composi this nature: tions and methods of making the same. (1) That the glass first has a high resistance One of the principal objects of the .invention to attack by hydrofluoric acid, anhydrous hydro is to provide glasses of the above character, in gen fluoride and fluorides in general; proved compositions therefor and methods of (2) That the compositions be such that they making the same, which can be fabricated in O may be readily fabricated by known commercial large scale commercial production by known means; commercial methods and within the usual tem (3) That they possess characteristics which perature ranges, and which possess characteris will enable refabrication by heat or mechanical tics enabling refabrication while retaining a means without loss of desired transparency and transparent homogenous vitreous nature. 5 homogeneity; . A further object is to provide a glass composi (4) That they possess high resistance to attack tion of the above nature consisting essentially of by water; the metaphosphates of metallic elements of low (5).
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