Clinical Assessment in Acute Heart Failure
Hellenic J Cardiol 2015; 56: 285-301 Review Article Clinical Assessment in Acute Heart Failure 1 2 NIKOLAOS S. KAKOUROS , STAVROS N. KAKOUROS 1University of Massachusetts, MA, USA; 2Cardiac Department, “Amalia Fleming” General Hospital, Athens, Greece Key words: eart failure (HF) is defined as “a clear precipitant or trigger. It is very im Heart failure, complex clinical syn drome that portant to establish the precipitating diagnosis, physical examination, H can result from any structural or causes, which may have therapeutic and congestion. functional cardiac disorder that impairs the prognostic implications. Approximate ability of the ventricle to fill with, or eject ly 60% of patients with AHF have doc blood.” HF has an estimated overall prev umented CAD. Myocardial ischemia in alence of 2.6%. It is becoming more com the setting of acute coronary syndromes mon in adults older than 65 years, because is a precipitant or cause, particularly in of increased survival after acute myocar patients presenting with de novo AHF.4 dial infarction (AMI) and improved treat AHF is also often precipitated by medica ment of coronary artery disease (CAD), tion and dietary noncompliance, as well val vular heart disease and hypertension.1 as by many other conditions, which are Acute HF (AHF) is an increasingly com summarized in Table 1. Once the diagno mon cause of hospitalizations and mortality sis of AHF is confirmed, initial therapy in worldwide. In the majority of patients, AHF cludes removal of precipitants; if this can Manuscript received: can be attributed to worsening chronic HF, be carried out successfully, the patient’s August 25, 2014; and approximately 4050% of this group have subsequent course may be stable.
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