Next issue published week beginning 20th October 2014 MEASHAM MESSENGER

Email: [email protected]


Inside this issue: Ashby Canal Progress

Following on from recent press activity concerning the restoration of Ashby Ashby Canal Progress 1 Canal within the village of Measham, below is a brief report submitted by Geoff Pursglove ( Canal Project Manager ) :- Slimming World Fund 1 A 1/4 mile length of the Ashby Canal has been completed at Snarestone. The Raise canal was filled with water in the middle of September, and is now being tested before the restored length is reconnected to the main canal. The adja- Measham Parish 3 cent Bridge 62 is proposed to be built in the spring 2015, which will give ac- Council Column cess to a turning point to allow most boats to turn round. Some of the original bricks, found in the old canal bed. will be cleaned up and reused, as will the CATS Meeting 4 old bridge numberplates, which have been rescued.

Snippets of News, 5 Information and Appeals Medical Unit Back 8 Measham Slimming World Raise Money for Page Cancer Research

The top club in Measham was host to a presentation in late August when The Measham Measham Slimming World presented a cheque for £575 to Aileen Amber, a Messenger is a member of Slimming World, but also manager of the Cancer Research shop free publication. in Ashby De La Zouch. Please take and keep a copy. Andrew Bridgen MP and Cllr Graham Allman ( Chairman of North West Leicetershire District Council ), were on hand to congratulate members for their impressive fund raising. Special thanks were given to Joanna Corsie ( Slimming World Representative ), for her efforts in organisation.

Slimming World became a charity partner with Cancer Research two years ago and an impressive total of £250,000 has since been raised nationally for Articles for the October 2003 the charity. Messenger should be submitted to Measham Measham Slimming World has also recently raised £100 for Age UK Community Office no Measham. A further report on this in our next issue. later than Friday 10th October. Issue will be published week beginning 20th October. Page 2 MEASHAM MESSENGER MEASHAM MESSENGER Page 3 Page 4 MEASHAM MESSENGER

CATS (Campaign Against The Smell) Meeting

Thursday 28 th August saw a meeting held at Robin’s Nest within the village to discuss the above issue.

In attendance were representatives from NWLDC, The Environmental Agency, AB Produce, Environmental Health and of course CATS. Due to the popularity of the meeting it was held outdoors to accommodate those in attendance.

It was an opportunity for each organisation to report their current stance and future plans. A question and answer session was conducted and a meeting to be arranged for approximately six weeks time.

Due to the Messenger’s policy of neutrality on local issues we will not publish an in-depth report on the proceedings but anyone wishing to obtain more information can visit Facebook: Measham CATS Campaign, Twitter @MeashamCATS, Web: or e mail [email protected] MEASHAM MESSENGER Page 5

Snippets Of News, Information & Appeals

Free Tree Scheme North West District Council in conjunction with The National Forest as part of the Green Footprints Challenge are once again offering households and community organisations a free tree. Choices of tree are Crab Apple, Field Maple, White Beam or Wild Cherry.

To place an order for your tree, please complete an online application form at no later than Monday 27 th October 2014.

Collection day is Sunday 23 rd November . Collection point information at a later date.

Tea At The Ritz – St Laurence Active Age Exercise Group Following on from last month’s advert just a reminder that the above event will take place on Thursday 25 th September at the Church Hall from 3.00pm till 5.00pm . Tickets are £5.00 and the event is raising money for Measham First Responders . The afternoon comprises tea, sandwiches and cakes and entertainment from Nicky Moran singing nostalgic songs.

Contact Mrs Joan Ensor for further details and tickets on 01530 274660.

Measham Townswomen’s Guild The above meet every second Monday in the month at Age Concern – High Street, Measham. Meetings commence at 7.00pm and the Guild invite you to come along as a guest to join in friendship and fun for just 20p.

Next scheduled meeting is 13 th October and the speaker is Wendy Coley who will explore the topic of Medical Detection Dogs’ work .

Appleby Magna Film Society The second film of the 2014/15 season will show at Appleby Magna Church Hall on Friday 10 th October and is the acclaimed drama ‘Philomena’ starring Judi Dench and Steve Coogan.

For further details of showings etc contact Sonia Liff on 01530 272327 ( [email protected] ) and for membership details contact Linda Plummer on 01827 880241 ([email protected] .)

Lock Up Garage Wanted For Rent We have been asked to appeal for a lock up garage to house a car. The area required would be preferable close to Navigation Street but anything considered.

Contact Ruth on 01530 271220 or 07981 548634. Alternatively e mail Ruth at [email protected] .

Ashby Castle WI Thursday 2 nd October will see the above host their AGM followed by fun and entertainment at Ashby Congregational Church – Kilwardby Street at 2.00pm.

Visitors welcome for a small fee and anyone wishing to join is welcome . Refreshments available.

Contact Lesley on 01530 455957 for further information. (Continued on page 6) Page 6 MEASHAM MESSENGER

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Measham Leisure Centre:-

Bums & Tums Fitness Class The above runs every Tuesday between 10.30am – 11.30am. Creche available.

Zumbra Zumbra runs every Thursday between 10.30am – 11.30am. Creche available.

Body Balance This is a new fitness class that operates on a Wednesday morning between 10.30am – 11.30am run by Rachael Owen. Creche available

Insanity Again run by Rachael Owen on Wednesday mornings between 9.30am – 10.30am. Creche available.

Free Room Hire – Adult Parties Free room hire is available on Saturday evenings for Adult Parties . NB: Must have an attendance of a minimum of 30 adults. Bithdays, engagements, anniversaries, weddings & christenings catered for. To book call 01530 274061 .

Weekly Block Bookings These are available on weekday evenings for indoor badminton and outdoor football courts.

Soccer Five League This runs every Tuesday evening on astro turf. Games cost £12.00 and to enter a team ring Chris on 01530 274061.

Tea Dance Tea Dances for the 50+ age group runs every Wednesday between 1.30pm – 4.00pm . Cost per person is £3.00 which includes a hot drink and biscuits. Session includes sequence dancing . Just turn up and have a go!

Measham Museum At present the WW1 exhibition is still going strong and the recently established Measham Memories Group had their first meeting with some success in recording past events/happenings. The Museum has recently started production of their 2015 calendar (look out for further details). Museum Volunteers look forward to seeing you and invite you to visit their website at for more information and opportunity to leave comment(s).

Meanwhile as the canal is in the news again the Museum have asked us to publish a 1940’s view of the canal.

(Continued on page 7) MEASHAM MESSENGER Page 7

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Lights of Love Services Of Remembrance You will see from the advert in this month’s issue that the above services will be held across the local team of churches. The format is a simple service of hymns, prayers and readings during which there is the opportunity to remember loved ones and light a candle. Page 8 MEASHAM MESSENGER

Published by Measham Messenger Ltd, Registered in England & Wales NO. 8251392. Compiled, edited and printed by Ms C Kavanagh, Mr D Westhead, Registered Office, 18 Orchard Way, Measham, , Derbyshire, DE12 7JZ. Tel: 01530 273956 Fax: 01530 273986. The Messenger would like to point out that they accept articles/adverts in ‘good faith’ and that they are not responsible for the outcome of any enquiries/work etc. generated from contacting anyone in our newsletter.