Report on Hurricane Gloria Jenni F Er L

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Report on Hurricane Gloria Jenni F Er L Report on Hurricane Gloria jenni f er L. Hicks A timely shift in course spared the Arboretum’s Living Collections the brunt of a potentially destructive storm In the course of our work, we are continually "Great Hurricane" of September 1938, which reminded of the Arnold Arboretum’s losses destroyed nearly 1,500 trees in the Arbore- in hurricanes and other storms. Thus, the tum. As Gloria approached, the weather staff of the Arboretum faced Friday, Septem- reports invited comparisons between the ber 27, 1985, with mounting anxiety: Hur- two. Both were spawned off Africa’s west ricane Gloria was headed our way. The plant coast, and Gloria followed a route across the records abound with notations of damage and Atlantic almost identical to that of its prede- losses, and the photographic archives docu- cessor. With wind velocities of 130 miles per ment trees felled by the hundred, massive hour off the Carolinas, Gloria threatened to limbs torn from more-firmly anchored trees, be as destructive as the "Great Hurncane" and plantings flooded by the heavy rains gen- had been. The grounds staff were mobilized erally associated with hurricanes. The Living to secure the buildings against the coming Collections themselves carry the mark of storm. Four men labored for over an hour to every major storm of the Twentieth Century: move the Lars Anderson Bonsai Collection groves of native species planted by Charles to safety. An irreplaceable collection of 31 Sprague Sargent as a framework for the col- specimens with documented ages of up to lection have been thinned to scattered spec- 250 years and weights of up to 250 pounds, imens, and few mature trees do not bear the these were the only plants for which any pre- scars of storm damage. cautions could be taken. By far the worst damage was caused by the Pm oaks (Quercus palustris) blown over by the 1938 and 1985 hurricanes, left and nght photographs, respec.uvely Photographs of damage that occurred m 1938 were taken by Donald Wyman and are m the Archives of the Arnold Arboretum, those of damage caused by Glona were taken by Peter Del Tyedici. 31 ’llihp trees (Lmodendron tulipifera) blown down m 1938 (top) and 1985 Both mctims grew m the same grove, behmd the Hunnewell Visitor Center. I 33 A Shift in Course areas and 20 from the Case Estates woods. Gloria struck on a Friday afternoon, and As Gloria continued up the coast, however, although several staff members surveyed the it took a more northwesterly course than the grounds for damage after the storm had 193~8 hurricane had done and, travelling passed, it was not until Monday morning the coastline rather than over open along that a full evaluation could be made and the water, steadily diminished. It travelled up task of cleaning up could begin. As curatorial the Connecticut River valley some 50 miles staff charted damage, the grounds staff were to the west of the course that would have already at work clearing the road and path brought the brunt of the storm through east- system. The entire grounds staff of nine was ern Massachusetts, thus sparing the Boston assigned to clean-up for a week, at the end of area its full force. which time the roads and were clear In the Boston Gloria’s wind paths area, speed and limbs had been hardly reached hurricane force (74-75 dangerous hanging m.p.h.).(. removed. The task will continue for some Sustained winds of between 50 and 60 m.p.h. time, however. Fall planting had just begun were felt for about two with a maxi- hours, when the hurricane struck, and although mum speed of 76 recorded at 4:08 PM m.p.h. almost a third of the scheduled for the U.S. Weather Bureau. The Blue Hill plants by addition to the Collections this fall could be Observatory recorded gusts of 103 m.p.h. By set aside for spring planting, there were a contrast, sustamed winds of over 60 m.p.h. thousand plants still to be added before the were recorded for nearly four hours in 1938; planting season drew to a close. Renovation the U.S. Weather Bureau recorded a maxi- work m the Bradley Rose Garden could not mum speed of 87 m.p.h., and the Blue Hill be delayed until spring. The two-man prun- Observatory reported gusts m excess of 150 ing crew, with additional help as available, will continue storm the Another contrast between the two storms clean-up through winter. Gary L. Koller, the Arboretum’s was in the amount of rainfall associated with Managing Horticulturist, estimates that the them. In 1938, the hurricane was preceded total cost of removal will be $40,000 or more, by four days of soaking rain, and the sodden and that the value of plants lost is in excess no anchor the wind. ground provided against of $100,000. Gloria brought an official 0.28 inch at Bos- ton’s the weather Logan Airport, although to the Collections station at the Arboretum’s Dana Greenhous- Damage es recorded 0.47 inch. As damage reports were drawn up, the prop- Despite its shortcomings in the eyes of agation staff were advised of those plants for Boston’s stormlovers, some 25 of whom gath- which immediate action was necessary. Scion ered atop Peter’s Hill during the peak of the material was collected from fallen trees storm, Gloria left its mark on the Arbore- before desiccation could render the material tum. The staff who follow us will find record unusable, and put in cold storage to await the notations, archive photographs, and scarred proper time for grafting onto suitable under- trees to document the immediate loss of 45 stock. Roots were dug from beneath a severed trees and major damage to another 100 in the Euptelea, in hopes that suckers will continue collection, and the loss of approximately 30 the lineage through another generation. When native trees from the Arboretum’s natural possible, damaged trees will be allowed to Opposite: Albert W Bussemtz exammes one of the fallen tuhp trees (1985J. 34 stand until the proper time for scions or cut- Among the most distressing individual loss- tings to be taken, as this will increase the es are: chances of success. Fortunately, few of the D Two tulip trees (Liriodendron tulipi- casualties were not represented by speci- fera), aged 79 and 91 years, one reaching 85 mens elsewhere in the Collections; the aes- feet in height, torn from the hillside behind thetic damage to the Arboretum is signifi- the Hunnewell Visitor Center; cant, however. Major damage was done to the D A silver maple (Acer saccharinum /, aged hickories (Carya spp./, oaks /Quercus spp./,), 104 years, which was so badly damaged that maples (Acer spp.), ashes (Fraxinus spp.) and it will be removed from its prominent loca- poplars (Populus spp.), and significant dam- tion along Meadow Road, while another of age to the magnolias (Magnolia spp.), wil- the same accession lot, taller but with a nar- lows (Salix spp.), and lindens (Tilia spp.). rower crown, standing nearby, was relatively A beautiful specimen of white pme (Pmus strobus), near the top of Bussey Hill, damaged (photograph at nghtJ by Glona. Many people considered it the most picturesque tree m the enure Arboretum Already well estabhshed when the Arboretum was founded m 1872, the tree had surmved many natural disasters, mcludmg a stnke by hghtmng, before Glona broke Its beautiful overhangmg hmb, shown mtact m the left-hand photograph Because the hmb grew at a right angle to the trunk, extensive amounts of reaction wood had been deposited along its lower surface m response to the tremendous load it therefore had to carry. Both photographs were taken by Peter Del Tredici. 35 untouched; In addition, Donald Wyman’s article on D A European larch (Larix decidua), aged the selection of trees based on their perfor- 99 years, uprooted near the Walter Street mance in the hurricane of 1938, and the Gate; rehabilitation of trees injured by hurricanes, D Three Japanese larches (Larix leptole- which was published in Arnoldia, Volume pis), aged 65 years, two uprooted and one bro- 14, Numbers 9-10, October 15, 1954, is still ken at 12 feet, on Peter’s Hill; in print. Copies are available for $2.50. D Euptelea polyandra, aged 93 years, and Address orders to: "Hurricane," Publications, the only remaining representative of seeds The Arnold Arboretum, The Arborway, collected by C. S. Sargent in Japan, severed at Jamaica Plain, MA 02130. Prepayment is its base; required. D The Arboretum’s only plant of x Cra- taegosorbus miczurimi, an intergeneric hybrid of hawthorn and mountam ash, also severed L Hicks, curatorial assistant, mamtams the at the ~enmfer base; records of the Arboretum’s Lmng Collections. ~ A Carolina hemlock (Tsuga caroli- niana~, aged 99 years, snapped off at 12 feet, on Peter’s Hill; 0 A particularly handsome pin oak (Quer- cus palustris/, aged 46 years, uprooted from its prominent location at the mtersection of Valley Road and Conifer Path; and D A magnificent purple beech (Fagus syl- vatica forma atropunicea), one of the trees which remain from the original plantings at the Bussey Estate, badly broken but still standing; although only about half of the crown remams, it is expected that the tree will not have to be removed. Earlier Hurricanes With the exception of Hurricane Diane in 1955, whose major damage appears to have been flooding, every hurricane that has hit the Arnold Arboretum has been recorded m the Bulletm of Popular Information, or in Arnoldia, as follows: Bulletin of Popular Information, Series 4, Volume 6, Number 12, October 7, 1938 (the "Great Hurricane" of 1938); Arnoldia, Volume 14, Number 8, Septem- ber 24, 1954 (Hurricanes Carol and Edna); and Arnoldia, Volume 20, Number 7, Septem- ber 23, 1960 (Hurricane Donna)..
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