Held by the Aransas/San Patricio Master Gardeners at Coastal Oaks Garden There may be additional available. FALL SALE Texas AandM Agrilife Extension Service Some plants listed may not be Saturday Sept. 21, 2013 892 Airport Road, Rockport, TX (361) 790-0103 available on the day of the sale. hummers? deer drought common local name / ITIS* name botanical name H W (ft.) light water needs butterflies? resistant? tolerant? aromatic? BULBS, FERNS, MISC. Airplane Plant, Variegated / not listed Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum' 1 1 part sun very low Aloe / Barbados Aloe Aloe vera 2 2 shade-part sun very low Cactus, Thornless Pricklypear / Nopal Opuntia stricta 10 full sun very low Delosperma (Ice Plant) Delosperma cooperi 1 1 sun-part sun medium-high Desert Rose Adenium obesum 4 8 full sun low-high Donkey Ears Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri 4 3 sun-part sun low Fern, Foxtail / not listed Protasparagus densiflorus var. Myersii 2 2 part sun low-medium Fern, Macho / Giant Swordfern Nephrolepis biserrata 2 4 shade-part sun medium Lily of the Nile, Ellamae Agapanthus x 'Ellamae' 3 2 sun-part sun low-medium Lily, Australian Canna Canna 'Australia' 5 2 sun-part sun low-medium Lily, Spider / Spring Spiderlily Hymenocallis liriosme 2 1 sun and shade low-high Mother of Thousands/Millions / Devil's Backbone Kalanchoe daigremontiana 4 3 sun-part sun low Queen's Tears / not listed Billbergia zebrina sun-part sun ANNUALS Celery Apium graveolens sun-part sun Coneflower, Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit' 3 2 full sun very low-med. Moss Rose / not listed Portulaca grandiflora 1 1 sun-part sun low-medium SMALL PERENNIALS Alder, Yellow / Ramgoat Dashalong Turnera ulmifolia 3 3 full sun low Aster / Late Purple Aster Aster patens var. patens 2 2 sun-part sun low Aster, Fall / Aromatic Aster Symphyotrichum oblongifolium 2 1 full sun low-high Basil, Sweet Ocimum basilicum 2 1 full sun medium Begonia, Cane / Scarlet Begonia Begonia coccinea 15 3 shade-part sun medium Blue Daze Evolvulus glomeratus 'Blue Daze' 1 3 sun-part sun medium-high Brazilian Button Centratherum intermedium 2 2 sun-part sun medium Bulbine / not listed Bulbine frutescens 2 2 sun-part sun low Butterfly Bush, Wooly / not listed Buddleia marrubiifolia 4 4 full sun low Caricature Plant Graptophyllum pictum 9 4 sun-part sun medium Carolina Reaper Pepper Plant Capsicum chinense x 'Carolina Reaper' 4 2 full sun Chaya / Chaya Cnidoscolus chayamansa 15 full sun low-high Chile Pequin / Cayenne Pepper, Chile petin Capsicum annuum 4 2 sun-part sun very low Chives, Garlic / Chinese Chives Allium tuberosum 1 1 full sun medium Coral Creeper / not listed Barleria repens 2 3 sun-part sun low Cordyline, Red Sensation Cordyline australis ‘Red Sensation’

*ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System): A US government association whose goal is to create an easily accessible database. Page 1 of 5 Members include: USDA, FDA, NOAA, DOI, EPA, USGA, as well as the Smithsonian, NBII, Agri-Food Canada, and Biodiversidad Mexicana. Printed: 9/17/2013 hummers? deer drought common local name / ITIS* name botanical name H W (ft.) light water needs butterflies? resistant? tolerant? aromatic? Crown-of-Thorns / Christplant Euphorbia milii 3 2 sun-part sun very low-med. Daisy, Blackfoot / Rock Daisy Melampodium leucanthemum 1 2 sun-part sun very low Daisy, Copper Canyon / Lemmon's Marigold Tagetes lemmonii 3 4 full sun low Devil's Trumpet / listed, no common name Datura metel 5 5 full sun Fennel, Bronze Foeniculum vulgare 'Rubrum' 6 2 full sun medium Fern, Acacia / Texas Acacia Acacia angustissima 3 3 full sun very low Four O'Clock / Marvel of Peru Mirabilis jalapa 5 5 sun and shade low Gaura, White / White Gaura Gaura lindheimeri 4 3 full sun low Geranium, Scented / Rose Scented Geranium Pelargonium sp. 1 5 full sun low Ginger, Non-Variegated / Shellplant Alpinia zerumbet non-variegated 10 10 sun-part sun medium Grass, Lemon / Lemon Grass Cymbopogon citratus 3 3 sun-part sun medium Guara, Perky Pink / not listed Gaura lindheimeri 'Perky Pink' 2 2 full sun low-medium Hoya / Hoya Hoya sp. 30 30 shade low Indigo Spires Salvia x. 'Indigo Spires' 4 4 sun-part sun medium Iris, Blue Iris sanguinea sun-part sun Kalanchoe, Christmas / Madagascar Widow's-Thrill Kalanchoe blossfeldiana 1 1 shade-part sun very low Lamb's Ear Stachys byzantina 1 2 full sun low Lantana, Florida Red Mound Lantana camara 'Florida Red Mound' 2 2 sun-part sun medium Lily, Variegated Flax Dianella tasmanica 'Variegata' 2 1 shade-part sun very low-med. Lion's Tail Leonotis menthifolia 6 3 Marigold, Mexican Mint / Sweetscented Marigold Tagetes lucida 3 3 full sun low Mint, Peppermint Mentha X piperita 2 2 sun-part sun medium Mistflower, Gregg's / Palmleaf Thoroughwort Conoclinium greggii 2 3 full sun low-medium Obedient Plant / Obedient Plant Physostegia virginiana 4 2 sun-part sun medium Oregano, Mexican / Mexican Oregano Lippia graveolens 7 full sun medium Party Time / Joseph's Coat, Parrot Leaf Alternanthera ficoidea 'Party Time' 1 2 shade-part sun medium Pepper, Black Pearl / not listed Capsicum annuum 'Black Pearl' 2 2 full sun very low-med. Pincushion Flower / Dove Pincushions Scabiosa columbaria var. Butterfly Blue 2 3 sun-part sun medium Porterweed, Blue / Light-blue Snakeweed Stachytarpheta jamaicensis 4 6 sun-part sun medium Porterweed, Coral / Changeable Velvetberry Stachytarpheta mutabilis 6 4 sun-part sun medium Redbird Flower / Zigzag Plant Pedilanthus tithymaloides 8 2 shade-part sun very low-med. Rosemary, False Conradina canescens sun-part sun Rosemary, Upright / Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis 4 2 sun-part sun low Sage, Tropical / Blood Sage Salvia coccinea 3 2 shade-part sun low-medium Salvia, Augusta Duelberg Salvia farinacea 'Augusta Duelberg' 3 4 full sun very low-med. Salvia, Henry Duelberg / not listed Salvia farinacea 'Henry Duelberg' 3 3 full sun low Salvia, Indigo Spires / not listed Salvia var. Indigo Spires 3 6 full sun medium Skeleton-Leaf Goldeneye / Resin Bush, Golden Bush Viguiera stenoloba 4 3 full sun very low-med.

*ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System): A US government association whose goal is to create an easily accessible database. Page 2 of 5 Members include: USDA, FDA, NOAA, DOI, EPA, USGA, as well as the Smithsonian, NBII, Agri-Food Canada, and Biodiversidad Mexicana. Printed: 9/17/2013 hummers? deer drought common local name / ITIS* name botanical name H W (ft.) light water needs butterflies? resistant? tolerant? aromatic? Snakeroot, Wright's / Wright's Snakeroot Ageratina wrightii 2 2 sun-part sun very low-med. Violet, Philippine Barleria cristata 3 3 sun-part sun medium Yarrow / Yarrow Achillea millefolium 3 2 sun-part sun low Yarrow, Moonshine Achillea x 'Moonshine' 2 2 full sun low-medium Zexmenia, Hairy Wedelia texana 2 1 sun-part sun very low GRASSES Cordgrass, Prairie Spartina pectinata 9 2 full sun medium-high Grass, Mexican Feather / Finestem Tussockgrass Nassella tenuissima 3 2 sun-part sun very low Inland Seaoats / Indian Woodoats Chasmanthium latifolium 4 2 shade-part sun medium Muhly, Bamboo Muhlenbergia dumosa 4 2 sun-part sun low-medium Muhly, Big / Lindheimer's Muhly Muhlenbergia lindheimeri 5 3 full sun low Muhly, Gulf Coast / Gulf Muhly Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Filipes' 3 3 full sun low-medium Muhly, Weeping / Southwestern Muhly Muhlenbergia palmeri 2 3 full sun low VINES & GROUNDCOVERS Allamanda / Golden Trumpet Allamanda cathartica 12 sun-part sun medium-high Baby Sun Rose (Ice Plant) / Heartleaf Iceplant Aptenia cordifolia 1 2 sun-part sun medium Basket Plant / Basketplant Callisia fragrans 2 2 sun-part sun Bleeding Heart / Glorybower Clerodendrum thompsoniae 15 shade medium Blue Sky Vine Thunbergia grandiflora 20 2 sun-part sun medium Coral Vine Antigonon leptopus full sun low-medium Crossvine / Crossvine Bignonia capreolata 50 sun-part sun low-medium Cuban Blue Pea Vine / Asian Pigeonwings Clitoria ternatea 9 sun-part sun low Grass, Aztec Liriope muscari 'Aztec' 2 2 sun-part sun medium Honeysuckle, Coral / Trumpet Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens 20 sun-part sun Lantana, Purple Trailing / Trailing Shrubverbena Lantana montevidensis 'Purple' 2 9 sun-part sun very low Mandevillea / Dipladenia Mandevilla spp. 3 2 sun-part sun medium Mexican Flame Vine / Mexican Flamevine Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides 10 sun-part sun low Passion Flower, Incense Passiflora 'Incense' 10 8 sun-part sun medium Snake Herb / Narrowleaf Dyschoriste Dyschoriste linearis 1 2 sun-part sun low Winecups Callirhoe involucrata 1 3 sun-part sun low Wisteria, Texas / American Wisteria Wisteria frutescens 30 sun and shade low-medium American Beautyberry / French Mulberry Callicarpa americana 6 6 part sun very low-med. Angel's Trumpet / Angel's-Trumpet Brugmansia candida 20 15 sun-part sun medium Artemisia, Powis Castle / not listed Artemisia x 'Powis Castle' 2 4 sun-part sun low-medium Babybonnet / Texas Babybonnets Coursetia axillaris 5 4 sun-part sun very low Barbados Cherry, Dwarf / Barbados Cherry Malpighia glabra 6 4 sun-part sun very low Buddha Belly Plant / Goutystalk Nettlespurge Jatropha podagrica 3 3 shade-part sun medium *ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System): A US government association whose goal is to create an easily accessible database. Page 3 of 5 Members include: USDA, FDA, NOAA, DOI, EPA, USGA, as well as the Smithsonian, NBII, Agri-Food Canada, and Biodiversidad Mexicana. Printed: 9/17/2013 hummers? deer drought common local name / ITIS* name botanical name H W (ft.) light water needs butterflies? resistant? tolerant? aromatic? Buttonbush / Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis 18 10 full sun medium Candlestick, Giant Senna alata 10 full sun medium Cenizo / Texas Barometer Bush Leucophyllum frutescens 8 5 full sun very low Cenizo, Compact Desperado/Renegade Leucophyllum frutescens 'Desperado' 5 3 full sun very low Cigar Plant / Cigar Flower Cuphea ignea 'David Verity' 4 3 sun-part sun low Copperleaf / not listed Acalypha amentacea ssp. wilkesiana 4 6 sun-part sun medium Coral Bean / Eastern Coralbean Erythrina herbacea 10 3 sun-part sun very low-med. Cuphea, Bat Face / not listed Cuphea llavea 2 3 sun-part sun low Datura Datura stramonium 4 4 sun-part sun low Elbowbush / Texas Forestiera Forestiera angustifolia 9 7 sun-part sun very low Esperanza / Trumpetbush Tecoma stans 10 4 sun-part sun low Esperanza, Orange Star Tecoma stans 'Orange Star' 12 6 sun-part sun very low-med. Firebush / Scarletbush Hamelia patens 12 10 sun-part sun low Firecracker / Fountainbush Russelia equisetiformis 5 6 sun-part sun low Firecracker, Red Russelia sarmentosa 6 6 sun-part sun medium Flame Acanthus / Wright's Desert Honeysuckle Anisacanthus quadrifidus 'Wrightii' 5 4 sun-part sun low Germander, Silver Bush Teucrium fruticans 6 6 full sun low Guava, Pineapple / Feijoa Feijoa sellowiana 15 15 sun-part sun low Hibiscus / Hibiscus Hibiscus sp. 12 12 sun-part sun medium Hibiscus, Hawaiian Variegated / Sea Hibiscus Hibiscus tiliaceus 'Variegata' 30 30 sun-part sun low Hibiscus, Red Zinger / African rosemallow Hibiscus acetosella sun-part sun Hibiscus, Texas Star / not listed Hibiscus coccineaus 6 3 full sun high Honeysuckle, Cape / Cape Honeysuckle Tecoma capensis 10 4 full sun very low Jasmine, Sambac / Arabian Jasmine Jasminum sambac 10 10 sun-part sun medium Jatropha, Compact Jatropha integerrima 'Compacta' 6 6 sun-part sun low Kidneywood, Texas / Texas Kidneywood Eysenhardtia texana 10 6 sun-part sun low Lantana, Dallas Red Lantana camera 'Dallas Red' 3 3 sun-part sun very low Lantana, New Gold / not listed Lantana x hybrida 'New Gold' 2 2 full sun low Lantana, Texas / West Indian Shrubverbena Lantana urticoides 5 5 sun-part sun very low Loropetalum / not listed Loropetalum chinense 12 8 shade-part sun low-medium Mistflower, Fragrant / Jack in the Bush Chromolaena odorata 6 3 sun-part sun very low-med. Pigeonberry / Bloodberry Rougeplant Rivina humilis 2 2 shade-part sun low-medium Plum, Natal / Amatungulu Carissa macrocarpa 4 4 sun-part sun very low Plumbago, White Plumbago auriculata 'alba' 3 4 sun-part sun low Plumeria / Frangipani Plumeria rubra 15 10 sun-part sun low-medium Poinciana, Mexican / Mexican Poinciana Caesalpinia mexicana 15 10 full sun low Pomegranate / Pomegranate Punica granatum 15 full sun low-medium Pride of Barbados / Dwarf Poinciana Caesalpinia pulcherrima 12 8 full sun low

*ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System): A US government association whose goal is to create an easily accessible database. Page 4 of 5 Members include: USDA, FDA, NOAA, DOI, EPA, USGA, as well as the Smithsonian, NBII, Agri-Food Canada, and Biodiversidad Mexicana. Printed: 9/17/2013 hummers? deer drought common local name / ITIS* name botanical name H W (ft.) light water needs butterflies? resistant? tolerant? aromatic? Rose, Belinda's Dream Rosa x 'Belinda's Dream' 4 3 full sun medium Rose, Grandma's Yellow / Formerly 'Nacogdoches' Rosa chinensis 'Grandma's Yellow' 5 3 sun-part sun medium Rose, Martha Gonzales Rosa 'Martha Gonzales' 3 3 full sun Rose, Nearly Wild / not listed Rosa x 'Nearly Wild' 3 3 full sun medium Sage, Mexican Bush / not listed Salvia leucantha 4 4 full sun low Senna, Flowering / Cassia Senna corymbosa 10 10 sun-part sun Skyflower, Brazilian / Golden Dewdrops Duranta erecta 15 10 sun-part sun low-medium Sotol, Texas / Texas Sotol Dasylirion texanum 4 4 sun-part sun low Sumac, Aromatic / Fragrant Sumac Rhus aromatica 2 9 sun-part sun low Thryallis / Slender Goldshower Galphimia gracilis 6 3 sun-part sun medium Turk's Cap Drummondii / Wax Mallow Malvaviscus arboreus 'Drummondii' 4 4 shade-part sun very low-med. Vitex, Purple / Simple Chastetree Vitex trifolia 'Purpurea' 15 15 sun-part sun low Yucca, Red / Redflower False Yucca Hesperaloe parviflora 3 3 sun-part sun very low PALMS, PALM-LIKE & Anacacho Orchid Tree / Texasplume Bauhinia lunarioides 12 12 full sun very low Anaqua / Anaqua Ehretia anacua 50 45 sun-part sun low-medium Avocado Persea americana 30 30 full sun medium Bottlebrush / Bottlebrush Callistemon rigidus 20 10 full sun low-medium Buckeye, Mexican / Mexican Buckeye Ungnadia speciosa 15 15 sun-part sun very low Crepe Myrtle, Natchez Lagerstroemia x faurei 'Natchez' 25 20 full sun medium Cypress, Bald Taxodium distichum 75 25 sun-part sun medium-high Cypress, Montezuma Taxodium mucronatum 60 50 full sun medium-high Elm, Cedar / Cedar Elm Ulmus crassifolia 65 50 sun-part sun low-medium Olive, Wild / Anacahuita Cordia boissieri 25 15 sun-part sun low Orchid Tree Bauhinia variegata 40 20 full sun medium Papaya / Pawpaw Carica papaya 24 6 full sun medium Persimmon, Texas / Texas Persimmon Diospyros texana 20 20 full sun very low-med. Redbud, Mexican / Mexican Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Mexicana' 15 15 sun-part sun very low-med. Redbud, Texas / Texas Redbud Cercis canadensis var. texensis 25 25 sun-part sun low Retama / Jeruselem Thorn Parkinsonia aculeata 30 20 sun-part sun low Rubber Plant, Variegated / not listed Ficus elastica 'Variegata' 40 20 shade-part sun medium / Schefflera 50 20 full sun low Wax Myrtle / Southern Bayberry Morella cerifera 20 15 sun and shade low Willow, Desert 'Bubba' / Desert Willow Chilopsis linearis var. Bubba 15 15 full sun very low

*ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System): A US government association whose goal is to create an easily accessible database. Page 5 of 5 Members include: USDA, FDA, NOAA, DOI, EPA, USGA, as well as the Smithsonian, NBII, Agri-Food Canada, and Biodiversidad Mexicana. Printed: 9/17/2013