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MINUTES of ARKANSAS STATE POLICE COMMISSION MEETING July 14, 2009 MINUTES OF ARKANSAS STATE POLICE COMMISSION MEETING July 14, 2009 The Arkansas State Police Commission met on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at the Arkansas State Police Administrative Headquarters, 1 State Police Plaza Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas. Commission Chairman Childers called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Dr. Charisse Childers, Chairman Commissioner Dr. Lewis Shepherd, Vice-Chairman Commissioner John Allison, Secretary Commissioner Jane Christenson Commissioner Steve Smith Commissioner Woody Futrell Commissioner Wallace Fowler STATE POLICE PERSONNEL ATTENDING: Colonel Winford Phillips Lt. Colonel Tim K’Nuckles Major Ed Wolfe Major Kathy Sparks Major Cleve Barfield Major Les Braunns Pam Davidson Sergeant Forrest Marks Trooper Alex Krneta Lieutenant Lindsey Williams Captain Keith Eremea Corporal Vic Coleman Lieutenant Jimmy L. Smith Sergeant Gregg Alexander Debbie Kirk Emma French Karen Perry Lieutenant Steve Coppinger Mabel Agee Sarah Childers Lieutenant Bill Beach Lieutenant Jackie Clark Lieutenant Mark Blankenship Lieutenant Ron Stayton Captain Henry La Mar Sergeant Stuart Woodward Captain Myron Hall M. J. Saling Sheila Stanley Captain J. R. Hankins Corporal Kelly K. Watkins Sergeant Brant Tosh Lieutenant Shawn Garner Lieutenant Stan Witt Lieutenant Joel Mullins Corporal Trent Behnke Trooper Paul Fry Trooper Jeff Plouch Captain Lloyd Franklin Trooper J. Pickett Sergeant Jeff Crow Trooper Nick Brown Corporal Paulette Ward Sergeant Mark Johnson Trooper Jason M. Young Lieutenant Glenn Sligh Captain Jeff Jester Corporal Chad Staley Corporal Ronald Casey Ken Stoll Bridget White Captain Dale Saffold Captain Tommy Wicker Jean Langford OTHERS PRESENT: Rhys Rogers, DFA Keith French, ASPF Brooks Jackson, ASPF Senator Bobby Glover Tina Watkins Kyle Watkins Kevin Watkins Steve Cook, ASPF Joe Thielke, ASPF Robin Krneta Vaso Krneta Mike Hocutt, ASPF OPENING PRAYER: Commissioner Shepherd opened the meeting with prayer. MINUTES OF ARKANSAS STATE POLICE COMMISSION MEETING July 14, 2009 – Page 2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Smith led the pledge of allegiance. NOTIFICATION OF MEDIA: The media was notified of this meeting on July 5, 2009. MINUTES: Commissioner Fowler made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 15, 2009 Arkansas State Police Commission meeting and Commissioner Futrell seconded the motion. The motion passed. Commission Chairman Childers recognized guests in attendance, specifically Keith French, Joe Thielke, Mike Hocutt, Steve Cook, and Brooks Jackson with the ASP Foundation and also Senator Bobby Glover. She also recognized the family of Trooper Krneta and the family members of Corporal Kelly Watkins. She recognized Retiree Lance Huey who is currently Sheriff of Grant County and will be the new Director of Security for the Arkansas Lottery. Commission Chairman Childers thanked the captains and commanders for attending. OFFICIAL COMMENDATION: Captain Keith Eremea gave an overview for which Corporal Vic Coleman was nominated for this Official Commendation. Captain Eremea explained he had nominated Corporal Vic Coleman because of his consistent dedication to duty. Drug interdiction or criminal enforcement is very dirty work with long hours, taking cars apart. It is having to realize that every person you stop potentially could take your life because of what they're hauling in their vehicles. In 2008 Corporal Coleman seized a little over 690 pounds of marijuana, 24 pounds of cocaine, and over $440,000 in US currency believed to be drug proceeds. While this was a great year for Vic Coleman in 2008, just in the first month of 2009 Corporal Coleman and his partner Corporal Trent Behnke made one cash seizure of over $954,000 and one stop of over 22,000 pounds of marijuana. Corporal Coleman is being nominated because of his dedication to duty and effectiveness in his role in interdiction. Colonel Winford Phillips presented an Official Commendation to Corporal Vic Coleman. Captain Keith Eremea gave an overview of the interdiction efforts for which Corporal Trent Behnke is nominated for an Official Commendation. He prefaced the overview by explaining Corporal Behnke seized 8 pounds of cocaine at 1:00 o'clock this morning and has had no sleep for almost 24 hours. Captain Eremea stated 2008 was the first year Corporal Behnke had been on the interdiction team out of Troop A. He stated Corporal Behnke had seized 6.1 pounds of cocaine, 271 pounds of marijuana, and $179,000 in cash. Corporal Behnke was also instrumental in locating $954,000 cash in a semi-rig at the beginning of 2009. Due to his hard work and dedication, Corporal Behnke is being nominated for an Official Commendation. Colonel Phillips presented an Official Commendation to Corporal Trent Behnke. Lieutenant Shawn Garner reported Corporal Dennis Overton is assigned to the Interstate Criminal Patrol in Troop K. From January of 2008 through December 2008, Corporal Overton seized 41 pounds of marijuana, 6 kilos of cocaine, and $456,167 in currency. Corporal Overton has also recovered one stolen vehicle and one stolen motorcycle. He has performed his assigned duties over the past 12 months in an exemplary manner and is deserving of an Official Commendation. MINUTES OF ARKANSAS STATE POLICE COMMISSION MEETING July 14, 2009 – Page 3 Colonel Phillips presented an Official Commendation to Corporal Overton. Lieutenant Shawn Garner informed the Commission Corporal Kelly Watkins has given several presentations to public schools in the Troop K area. He explained the presentations have given numerous school children a positive image of the Arkansas State Police. Corporal Watkins realized early on in giving these presentations there was a need for material and props for the younger school children. He then constructed “Trooper Mike the Talking Bike”. For this construction he utilized the assistance of several local business owners, Arkansas State Police Association, and the Hot Springs Police Department Fraternal Order of Police along with his own money and approximately 60 hours of his own time in constructing “Trooper Mike the Talking Bike”. Lieutenant Garner explained since its completion Corporal Watkins has used “Trooper Mike” at several local elementary schools in the Troop K area. The program has received great reviews from the students, teachers and administrators. “Trooper Mike the Talking Bike” is a reflection of Corporal Watkins’ dedication to the children and to the community in which he lives. This program will be used for many years to come and reflects a positive image on Corporal Watkins and the Arkansas State Police. For his dedication and time he spends on programs for schools and community groups he is deserving of an Official Commendation. Colonel Phillips presented an Official Commendation to Corporal Kelly Watkins. Lieutenant Shawn Garner gave an overview of the events for which Corporal Chad Staley was nominated for an Official Commendation. He reported in 2008 Corporal Staley displayed an extraordinary diligence and dedication to duty by making 65 DWI arrests and 2 DUI arrests which was the most for his post and the 2nd highest for Troop K. Corporal Staley’s commitment to DWI enforcement is even more impressive when the amount of time he spends away from his Highway Patrol duty is considered. In addition to his assignments in Highway Patrol, Corporal Staley also serves for the Troop on a quarterly basis as the Range Instructor. He regularly makes himself available to troopers who wish to improve their shooting skills and often works with them one on one. Corporal Staley also serves on the department’s SWAT Team and is often called upon to instruct tactics and firearms training for that team. In addition to his many other responsibilities Corporal Staley also assists with recruitment and in-service training for the department’s training section. During 2008 Corporal Staley spent a total of 512 hours, which is almost 30% of his total hours worked in training or on special assignment and still arrested the 2nd highest number of intoxicated drivers in Troop K. His performance is indicative of his commitment and extraordinary initiative and is worthy of an Official Commendation. Colonel Phillips presented an Official Commendation to Corporal Chad Staley. Lieutenant Shawn Garner gave an overview of the events for which Corporal Ron Casey was nominated for an Official Commendation. He reported during 2008 Corporal Casey displayed a tremendous dedication and commitment for public service. During this period Corporal Casey made 1,202 hazardous arrests which is 3 ½ times more than the average of this post. His total arrests for the year were 1,723, 3 times more than the post average. Additionally he made 45 DWI/DUI arrests which were the second highest in his post. What makes his performance even more extraordinary is that he was on sick leave for an entire month in 2008 recovering from a broken ankle. Corporal Casey resolves each year to make a concerted effort to reduce the number of accidents in his assigned area. His extraordinary work ethic, initiative, and dedication to duty reflect great credit on him and the Arkansas State Police, and that is why he was nominated for an Official Commendation Colonel Phillips presented an Official Commendation to Corporal Ron Casey. Lieutenant Shawn Garner gave an overview of the events for which Trooper Aleksandar Krneta was nominated for an Official Commendation. Trooper Krneta was assigned to Troop K, Garland County, and he made 75 DWI/DUI arrests during the calendar year of MINUTES OF ARKANSAS STATE POLICE COMMISSION MEETING July 14, 2009 – Page 4 2008. The significance of this is he works in a county in which the normal process time for DWI or DUI arrests is approximately 2 hours, which is well over the average process time in most counties. Trooper Krneta still managed to lead Troop K in overall DWI/DUI arrests for the calendar year of 2008. He has performed all his duties in an exemplary manner, but his dedication to detect and remove impaired drivers from the roadways has been most impressive and the reason he is deserving of an Official Commendation.
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