The RFU may have robbed the U9 rugby team from their chance of being crowned National Champions but their moment of glory certainly came on Sunday when they emerged as Group Winners in the IAPS National Finals winning all their games and only conceding one try. It was by far the most committed and skilled performance on the wind-swept day at and the staff, parents and coaches who were lined up along the touchline enjoying the text book demonstration of team spirit and determination were in no doubt as to who were the Champions. The boys returned to school as ‘champions’ heads held high, shoulders pulled back, a full foot higher than they had left on Friday. For Mr Reay, it was one of the proudest moments of his coaching career. His report, later in the Nutshell, captures the tension and the euphoria of a most exciting day’s rugby. Our heartiest congratulations to the team of William OE, Oliver H, Adam R, Seb TS, Oliver McC, Alex W, Sierk E, Daniel A and Harry W. You have made us all so very proud. I am sure that there are very few, if any, Prep Schools of our size with two IAPS National Championship winning teams. A wonderful moment in the school’s sporting history and increased competition for the end of year Bursar’s Sports Team of the Year award at our annual Prize Giving!

The school has enjoyed equal success in its discussions with about the future of the Free Early Education (FEE). I am delighted to report that we will be allowed to continue to offer the universal 15 hours of funding as we currently do at the Nursery and Early Years. This benefit is available to children between the ages of three and five years subject to the eligibility criteria. It was under threat and as a result, in line with other nursery providers, Hazelwood was having to review its ongoing participation in the scheme. Unlike many other Independent Schools, we have opted to stay in and whilst we cannot offer the full, and soon-to-be- introduced, thirty hours of funding, we can maintain the status quo. I hope that this announcement, which has been shared with all our current and future Nursey families via an emailed letter, will end the period of uncertainty and speculation and allow you, and us, to plan our future with a greater degree of certainty. I thank you for your patience and am glad that we have been able to be the bearer of positive news.

It was lovely to chat to so many of our Nursery parents at the Parents’ Evening this week. Taking time out to put faces to names and to catch up over a glass of wine was a luxury so ill- afforded in the busy-blur of the school week. I am delighted that you all feel your children are in the safest and inspiring of hands. Howard, Jane and the team have been thrilled with recent feedback and are eager to consolidate and build on this positive momentum. The children at the Nursery are happiest when their learning can be taken outside. We are lucky to have some great outdoor space for all to enjoy. We will keep fingers crossed that the slight hiatus in the arrival of spring this week will be gone in time for a final week filled with al fresco learning.

And finally, Friday was a busy day. Not only was the school and Nursery awash with Red Noses, cakes and cookies, but we were playing host to visiting families from as far afield as Dubai and New York. This week too we have received enquiring emails from Australia and Delhi demonstrating that the reputation of the school stretches far beyond the boundaries of our local community. Whilst the world-wide web has a lot to do with this ‘elastic reputation’, we are grateful too for the support of our parents in spreading the word about the school. Invariably visitors to the school speak of work colleagues, friends or past neighbours who have spoken highly of Hazelwood.

Congratulations to George W who this week had all his hard work and focus rewarded with the most welcomed news that he has been awarded an Academic Scholarship to Ardingly. Well done George and so well deserved. Thank you for putting a good word in. We are a school filled with individuality and personality and being able to welcome children to Hazelwood who come with international experience and a global perspective, only adds to the richness and the variety. We have asked the family from Dubai to pack some warm sunshine in their suitcases for us all to enjoy at the weekend. Let’s hope they remembered.

Enjoy the final week of what has been a momentous and high adrenalin term, the like the school has never experienced before. So many highs and reasons to celebrate. Huge congratulations to every one of our staff and pupils who has contributed to this sense of unprecedented achievement and progress.

Well done to everyone at the Nursery and Main School site, a

total of £546.25 was raised today for Comic Relief. A great achievement and money that will make a difference to other people’s lives. Thanks to Mrs Bean for making it happen!

We are our Champions! Group WINNERS at the IAPS National Finals

The Under 9 NSRT National Rugby Finals Day was one of the most satisfying days I have ever had as a coach. This group of boys are so tightly knit and work so hard for one another. There was never any doubt (at least on the surface) that they would return home as Champions. Here is my day. One that I will never forget.

Sunday 19th March 2017 0700 Wake up, shower, butterflies start 0730 Drive to Hazelwood 0845 Collect Mr Lloyd on route to Epsom 0915 Start to assemble Hazelwood Gazebo 0945 Continue to assemble Gazebo 1015 Deconstruct part of Gazebo due to high winds 1030 Players arrive 1045 Referee briefing 1100 Start warm up and watch first game in our group. Worry that Milbourne Lodge look amazing. Try to hide this fear from players. 1120 Play first game against St Faith’s. Set strong marker with solid 5 – 0 win. See Milbourne Lodge coach trying to hide fear from his players. 1200 Play Milbourne Lodge. Tell the players “This is your final”. Harry W and Seb T-S put in ferocious tackles. Oliver H leads the defensive line. Play outstanding rugby. Win 3 – 0. 1216 Breathe a huge sigh of relief. 1217 Panic again as there are still 2 games to play. 1239 Tell the boys “This is your final!” 1240 Play against The Paragon 1241 Concede a try. Tell the boys not to panic. Panic. 1242 Score a try. Breathe a small sigh of relief. 1253 Sierk E and Daniel A make great attacking runs. 1256 Win 4 – 1. Breathe a Huge sigh of relief. 1306 Pace around trying to be calm.

1307 Reach my 12000 steps target for the day. 1309 Reach 13000 steps. 1319 Reassure the boys that “This IS your Final!” 1320 Play Heath Mount knowing a win means we finish unbeaten. 1324 Alex W makes storming run down the wing. 1326 Will O-E finds a hole in the defence the size of a postage stamp and squeezes through to set up a try. 1329 Adam Rogers makes another text book tackle. 1331 Oliver McC runs over the top of another opposition player. 1337 Final whistle blows. Win 5 – 0. Break my first smile of the day. 1340 Reality hits home that we are NATIONAL FINALS WINNERS!!!! 1400 – 1500 Walk around in a daze. 1500- 1506 Pack up gazebo in record time. 1507 Return to Hazelwood and then home. 1630 Sleep. Mr Reay, happiest coach in the world!

For a list of emails/letters/texts sent home each week please see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell.

News from The Nursery & Early Years The British weather might be doing its best to confuse us, but at HNEY we know Spring has sprung because we had a visit from Iona the lamb on Wednesday and that means Spring has definitely arrived! Iona will be making a return trip to the Nursery next week to meet the children from Robins, Skylarks and Oak. Across the nursery this week there has a flurry of wonderful art and craft with Mother’s Day around the corner but I’m afraid we can’t give too much away on that front. Needless to say, we expect to hear news of plenty of very happy Mummy’s all around on Sunday.

Fledglings 1 enjoyed meeting Iona the lamb. Their reaction wasn’t quite as enthusiastic as Fledglings 2, but then to them she probably seemed rather larger! The children have enjoyed some great messy play in the garden with spaghetti and soil in their hunt for wiggly worms. The have also been playing with little fish and frogs in water play as they explore the book Cool in the Pool.

The highlight of the Fledglings 2 week was undoubtedly the visit by Iona the lamb, the children were awe struck by her cuteness and thoroughly enjoyed watching Bronty bottle feed her. Iona then had a little (supervised) wander and the children had the opportunity to stroke her. The children have been exercising their green fingers and growing cress. There has also been plenty of messy play with paint and exploring mixing colours.

Top Robins have been looking at The Very Hungry Caterpillar and much like the Hungry Caterpillar have enjoyed trying different fruits and making fruit kebabs. They have also been looking at bugs on their bug table using the magnifying glass.

Bottom Robins have continued their exploration of dinosaurs with their small world dino-planet and their dino-cave. They have also created dinosaur skeletons out of pasta and made dinosaurs out of pegs.

The chilly weather hasn’t put a dampener on the Skylarks children who have enjoyed their bird watching den in the role play area and whilst we haven’t been able to get outside as much as we would have liked, we have seen lots of different birds in the Skylarks garden. The children have been looking at our tadpoles and talking about how they are changing. The children have continued to make great progress with their phonics and number bonds. This week we were looking at adding by counting on.

This week Oak have enjoyed exploring the theme of families. They have created family pictures using lolly sticks, made family trees and a surprise for a special day on Sunday. Miss Sanger's class and Mrs Vaquinhas' class have enjoyed performing their class assemblies and Mrs Taylor' s class are looking forward to performing their assembly next Wednesday.

Fine acting in

assembly, counting the correct coins to buy lollipop sticks and using them to make family pictures. It’s all in a week’s work and play for Oak.

Reminders for next week w/c Monday 27th March Wednesday 29th March – Oak Assembly ST – 9.15am start. Parents are invited for coffee/refreshments from 8.55am in the Paterson Hall.

Friday 31st March – End of Term – Oak @ 12.30. Term Time Nursery children finish at end of booked sessions.

A Very Happy Easter to everyone at the Nursery & Early Years whether you are in nursery, home or away. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday 25th April when term starts for Oak Reception and Term Time Nursery children.

News from Hazelwood Tournament On Wednesday the 15th March, the U10 A Netball Team travelled to Caterham for a netball tournament. After having an extremely successful season, winning all of their matches the girls were on high spirits. The girls faced tough competition throughout the group stages winning 2 of their matches and closely losing the other 2 of their matches. The girls played superbly throughout the tournament and continued to show GRIT when they were losing. Connie D and Ella G managed to score some impressive shots in the sunshine. Holly L, Sofia B and Elsa T displayed some great footwork and tactics in midcourt. Julia FN, Clara B and Karlijn R were extremely determined in defence and managed to intercept some great passes. It was a very close tournament and went down to points to see if we had managed to get through to the knock out stages. Hazelwood had scored 11 points, the same as Lingfield Notre Dame, therefore it went down to goal difference. Again, Hazelwood and LDN had the same amount of goals. Therefore, it went down to the match that Hazelwood and LDN played against each other, which meant that Hazelwood narrowly missed out.

Miss Dancy has been thrilled with the girl's attitude and commitment throughout the season. Well done to all of the girls.

Full of compliments An Oxted Group facebook message from Julie Smith, collection organiser, Marie Curie.

“I want to tell you about a special little boy I met recently. I had a phone call from his mum, Sasha Latter after I put a post on Oxted Facebook asking for volunteers to help us with the Daffodil collections. The conversation went something like this: “Hello I was wondering how old you need to be to help collecting money for Marie Curie. Only my 12-year-old son wants to help.” “I am sorry but he is too young.” “Only he really wants to help.” “Sorry but I can’t let him do it.” “He will be disappointed only he would love to help. What if I watched him and kept close by so he was safe?” Obviously he really wanted to help so Sasha and I agreed that he could do it with mum taking responsibility for his safety.

I have to tell you that this delightful12-year-old stood in Morrisons (his mum sat on the bags of soil they are selling and waited for him). 90 minutes later she delivered the collection tin to my door. Charlie has a big smile on his face. He had really enjoyed himself. He had collected over £50. He then asked if he could take it to school this week and collected another £40. How many children of his age would have done all that?

Charlie, I think you are amazing as I am sure will everybody else. THANK YOU…and thank you Sasha.”

HPA Masquerade Ball: Saturday 10th June at the Effingham Park Hotel Thank you to everyone who have organised themselves already into tables for this year’s not- to-be-missed social occasion. The response to the ad and booking form in last week’s Nutshell has been brilliant. There are still tables available and we would encourage early completion of the booking form. You can either return your form as a complete table or as individual diners. The HPA will make up tables from these individual requests. Full details and a booking form appear later in the Nutshell.

In less than 5 weeks’ time Miss Dancy will be running The London Marathon for Pancreatic Cancer UK. A charity very close to her and her family. After a few weeks off training due to injury, Miss Dancy is back in full force in preparation for the big day. Please copy and paste the link to read her story. Every donation is much appreciated. Thank you for all of your support! web/fundraiser/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=CharlotteDancy

Many thanks, Charlotte

Good quality ski-wear for sale in the school shop. Perfect for a late Easter get- away to the slopes. Some dress-up day costumes also available in the store that gives you more!

Ballet success for Sophia Well done to Sophia H who attends weekly dance classes at Surrey Dance School. Along with 18 other dancers, she travelled up to London for ballet examinations. Sophia danced beautifully and was awarded a Distinction (80-100%)!

She is the proud recipient of her report and certificate for her examination success.

Français, français, encore français! à la carte, apéritif, cordon bleu, fiancé, art deco...

How many French words are there in English?

Did you know? Nearly 30% of all English words come directly or indirectly from French. English speakers will typically know at least 1500 French words without needing to study the language, though they may not recognise the original pronunciation.

How many of these words had you already used in your language? Had you every realised they had a French root?

Amusez-vous bien, Madame Le Floch

Year 6 trip to the Sutton Life Centre On Friday 10th March, the whole of Year 6 went to the Sutton Life Centre. There were four sections in the Centre and we got to see them all. At the end we did two workshops, and it taught us all how to keep out of danger.

The first section was transport. We watched a video on how to keep safe on trains and buses. When you’re at a train station, if you cross the yellow line, you could get sucked in by the air stream when the train comes in. Also, when you’re on a bus and you see danger coming, you have to move away before you get injured or hurt. It was very good to know all the dangers, so we can keep ourselves safe.

The next section was the street section. We learnt that if you see serious bullying going on, then you should tell an adult or even phone the police (999) because someone could have a knife.

After, we went to the third section called the home section. We walked around a pretend home and learnt how to deal with different scenarios in the home. The first room was the dining room and we got taught how to cope with a family argument. If it gets so bad you can talk to your friends or even call Childline at 0800 1111. Next, we moved on to the living room. We learnt how to manage a fire. If you try to escape through the door and the handle is hot, you have to put a cloth under the door to stop smoke from coming in, and then call the fire service using 999. Afterwards, we went to the bedroom area and learnt about cyber bullying. If someone sends you something mean and nasty, you can block it and then report it. If it makes you really upset, you can call Childline again. The last room in the home experience was the kitchen. We were taught how to eat more healthily. It is okay to eat everything in moderation.

The last section of the Sutton Life Centre was the visual area. We learnt that there is only a little bit of water that we can drink, so we have to save the water that we have. We also learnt that global warming is worse because of CO2, and we can slow it down by using our cars less and walking more. We then were taught about hanging out in neglected places and why it is dangerous. It is unsafe because there would be rats that carry diseases and there would be lots of broken glass that you could cut yourself on.

Golden congratulations to Isla H, Jessica L (both of Year 3) and Archie P of Year 7 for storming ahead to their Gold Award so early in the school year. This amazing achievement gives them plenty of time to forge ahead for their Diamond Award. All they need is another 200 house points in the summer term. You can do it!!

After we had seen all of the four sections, we did two workshops. The first workshop was on alcohol and drugs. We were taught that drugs and alcohol were bad for us, even though they are not always illegal.

The second workshop was on internet safety. We learnt not to give away any of our personal information to strangers who we have never met. We also learnt that if someone posts something horrible on social media about you, don't retaliate. Just report it to an adult.

At the end, a policeman came in to answer any questions we had. The trip was very interesting and everyone in Year 6 enjoyed it very much.

Hannah Rhodes

LOOK OUT FOR LIBRARY BOOKS PLEASE Please, please ensure your children's library books are renewed for the holidays or returned if finished; otherwise we have to place a small charge per 'lost' book. We much prefer not to do this, so please talk to your children about their library books this weekend! Thank-you.

Knole Children's book Festival this weekend 25-26 March at Knole Park, Sevenoaks. Tickets left for some events only.

Chiddingstone Literary Festival Sunday 30th April- 2nd May - great authors and well worth supporting!

HPA SUMMER FAIR: SATURDAY 1ST JULY Grab your Stetson and cowboy spurs and come on down to the wildest rodeo in town. Plans include a bucking bronco and a Western Mega Slide as well as music, refreshments and the first ever dog show. Fun for all wannabe sheriffs and milky bar kids!

Turning the tables This week it was the surprise turn of Mrs Alderton to become Star of the Week in 1L. The children decided they wanted to share all the things they love about their amazing TA. It is fabulous to know that Natalie has good table manners, nice hair and nice clothes. It is equally great to understand that she is nice to learn with, can be trusted and helps the children with tricky work. Thank you Mrs Alderton for all you do for the children of Year 1.

BMW PGA Championships at Wentworth Park If you are thinking about a day out at the PGA Championship at the stunning Wentworth Park, please see the end of the Nutshell. There is a special code printed which when used to book triggers a £10 donation into the school’s Community Fund. Thank you for your support.

A limerick by Eve K

“There once was a teacher called Mrs B,

Who had an exceedingly large cup of tea. Her cup was so large, Bigger than a barge, It was even bigger than me!”

Lupercus has arrived! Better late than never, last year’s Lupercus has arrived at school. It will be distributed next week to the oldest sibling in each family. Further copies can be requested from the School Office. Apologies for the delay. Hope it is worth the wait!

These wonderful scenes were captured when Moya Slade and her trusty camera spent the day at Hazelwood a few weeks ago. It is clear that the children enjoy their learning and each other’s company.

Spud u like

As part of their scientific investigations, Years 3-5 are about to embark on a potato growing competition. Each class is being given a sack of compost and some seed potatoes. It will be up to them to decide how to plant them and where to place the grow bags in order to capture the most ideal growing conditions. At the end of the experiment Mrs Bilbrough will be on hand to see which potatoes have fared best and which class will be chip-per with the judge’s decision. She will also offer consolation to those who will be given a roasting by their peers for making their half-baked ideas!

Good Luck to James M as he sets off on his three-week American golfing adventure. With everything to play for, James will be competing against the best youth players from the US and the rest of Europe. Here’s hoping you fly the flag for UK and for Hazelwood.

Every smile tells a story The Nutshell is delighted to share the news that after sitting by, cheering her dance school friends on to trophies and

medals, it was Hope A’s moment to gather up the trophies in her recent dance competition. Having only started the sport recently, it was only a matter of time before Hope’s natural rhythm and musicality shone through and caught the judges’ eye. Representing Caterham Dance School, she waltzed away with a third place trophy and Cha-Cha-Cha’d her way one place better into second podium place. If that wasn’t enough, and Hope wasn’t already exhausted, she teamed up with two others to perform the six-legged Cha-Cha-Cha which won her her third medal of the competition. A lovely story with Hope being rewarded for not only being a determined a gutsy performer but also a good friend to the rest of her team mates.

These amazing acrylic clocks have been created by Year 8, inspired by the Memphis Design Movement

Air resistance and Kite design in 5B As part of our work on forces in Science and Kites in DT, 5B have been making their own kites this half term and thanks to a beautiful sunny day on Tuesday this week, finally got to fly them. The have looked at where kites originated and the myriad of different designs which kites can now come in, as well as the technical aspects of actually how they fly and the forces involved. The kites were built in the DT room from special plastic and long dowels which everyone managed to cut with a junior hacksaw (no fingers were lost in the making of these kites)!

Here are some pictures of the finished kites both hanging proudly in 5B as well as being thoroughly tested on the courts.

Comic Relief Congratulations to Artie and Barney F who tempted the staff with their delicious cakes baked for Comic Relief. The boys produced an assortment of delicious cakes all of which were snapped up by the hungry teachers! Thank you too to all the school and nursery who went crazy for the red noses. So much so that we had to send out for more noses to satisfy

the demand. Thanks to Mrs Dickens and Sainsburys who came to our rescue. £75 raised for Comic Relief! Move over Shakespeare, there’s a new Bard on the Block! 5C have been exploring different types of poetry this week and have been looking at various rhyming schemes. These Sonnets and Limericks are just a few of the excellent pieces of work that the children have enjoyed creating.

A Sonnet for Swan Lake- by Hannah B Sonnet of Spring- by Freddie A

Swans going absolutely everywhere, When I look over the moor, I spy a field of lovely red leaves all over the lake, flowers, Autumn turning into Winter air, The field of flowers is home to the most Taking in the last sun for my sake. beautiful species. I sit and wonder how it could be, when Black ones, white ones, fighting across, along comes the Spring showers, makes you feel the tension, what a sight, the rain must have signed their own Reminding me of my grandmother’s loss, treaties. setting my emotions alight. When the bees fly along collecting pollen, Soon it’s the sun set, spreading it along the green ground, it goes very dark, wearing my lovely thin jumper of woolen, I don’t want to go yet, when night comes, the moles come out of I think I see a shark. their mound.

It can’t be true, I’ll have to wait, As lovely as is the Spring, it shall until sunrise, to buy some bait. eventually fade, then the seasons shall change it’s within their right. Boy in a boat- Marthinus L And as Autumn comes there shall be There was a young boy in a boat, more shade, wh o loved to bob around and float. and if you are lucky, see the change you He cried “let me be!” might. And set off out to sea And taking with him his pet goat. When finally Autumn comes, bare are the trees, as I look out, over the seas.

The girl from Bath- Luke D

There once was a girl from Bath,

who always wanted a laugh,

She went to bed, Cat with a big tail- Lila D

and woke up red, There was a cat with a big tail,

Her case made the nurse look which made him as slow as a snail,

daft! But he wasn’t very smart,

so all he did was eat tart, Because he couldn’t catch a quail.

Sonnet of the Seasons- by Polly S Sonnet of Winter- by James S

The sun is shining, When I see the snow settling on the

Like a star, frosty trees, you are crying, I focus on each individual snowflake. but don’t worry, you will go far. When I hear the rattling of my knees,

it sounds like an earthquake.

Sometimes the sun shines through the trees, I go inside to stay all warm, it is called a sun beam. the day seems to go fast,

I see the beautiful buzzing bees, I stare at the snowy lawn by the running stream. and each blade of grass.

Then in the Winter it all starts to fade, It’s cosy being in my house, the leaves start to fall watching the snow fall. and the trees start to shade It’s so quiet you could hear a mouse,

The trees are tall. I hear the winder call.

I feel so free, Winter is very fun, just like a tree. It is a joy for everyone.

Lunchtime Creative Writing Club get all arty! The children were given words to use on a big piece of paper and they had to create sentences around those words. This encouraged them to experiment with unfamiliar vocabulary and think carefully about how to construct the sentence. It was really interesting to see how they did this; many found some really interesting ways to open their sentences too.

Booking form appears at the end of the Nutshell. An ideal way to spend an evening with friends, old and new. Family and neighbours welcome to join you on your table. Live music, dancing and a casino – masques removed at midnight!

Another trophy for the cabinet Last Friday the U11 boys headed over to Sevenoaks prep to defend the Oldroyd trophy. The sevens format has proven to be a real strength of the team recently and with some tough opposition lined up it was sure to be an exciting afternoon. With matches against Hilden Grange, Sevenoaks, Rose Hill, St Michaels and Solefield the boys notched up 3 wins, 1 draw and a very narrow defeat. Putting on an excellent display of quick hands and even quicker feet the boys scored an impressive 20 tries. This resulted in a very respectable 2nd place finish with another piece of silverware to add to the ever growing Hazelwood trophy cabinet. Mr Lloyd

HPA HPA Boden Party - Important information about the ordering code Thank you very much to all the Boden shoppers who have already generated £300 of free commission from Boden to the HPA. Our special order code should still operate until 31st March but is "suspended" during the current sale until 27th March. You will be able to shop at sale prices rather than 20% off everything and Boden will credit the HPA with any commission during the sale. On 27th March, our party code at 20% off should then operate again until 31st March. A separate email will be going out via form reps with further details about this.

News from the Kitchen Please don’t forget that the new menus for both Hazelwood School and the Nursery & Early Years are now on their respective websites under The Parents’ Sections.

Music Timetable The weekly music timetable can be viewed on the Music Notice Board outside the Dining room in the courtyard. I will endeavour to have the coming week’s music timetable on the notice board by the end of the school day each Friday. Please ensure that your child brings their instrument and music in on the relevant day. It is also important for them to take these books and instruments home when they do not need them in school.

Sports Department

Match Reports should be taken to Mrs Greenwood or emailed to her on [email protected] by Friday afternoon ahead of assembly on Monday morning. If your child is nominated as captain, please encourage them to write the report in time for the assembly. The children do like to share their successes with the rest of the school. Thank you.

Team Opposition Result Score U11C Yardley Court Lost U9A (National Finals) St Faiths Won 25 – 0 U9A (National Finals) Milbourne Lodge Won 15 – 0 U9A (National Finals) The Paragon Won 20 – 5 U9A (National Finals) Heath Mount Won 25 - 0 U9A Yardley Court Won 35 - 15 U9B Yardley Court Lost 40 – 50 U9C Yardley Court Lost 0 – 45 U9D Yardley Court Lost 30 - 40 Please note: there were no girls’ matches this week.

Sports Team Photographs – message from Bentley Photographic Please find below the encrypted link for your parents to view and order the photographs online that we recently took at Hazelwood School LP=WA8CVV0KDTQAGSEpQggIFxhzAyA/S2w0fFlQXQMHBg==!!AQYCClNTUjQCInVzSAt RTkF6A38xEjM0fmIEBwkEXw==

When you email it to your parents, some email programs stop the link from working, parents can simply copy and paste the link into their browser.

Our preference is for orders to be placed online, if parents would prefer to order directly with our office, they can contact them directly on 01206 395888, during normal office hours.

Kind Regards,

Bentley Photographic

Notice Board Communication sent home this week The following letters have been sent home this week. If you need a duplicate copy, please contact the School Office.

Years 3-8 Talent Show Year 8: Parents’ Evening Appointment Schedule All school Red Nose Day

Key Events for Next Week Monday 27 1500 Middle Interhouse-rugby

Tuesday 28 1330 Chapel Verona Choir and Trio concert 1400 Junior Inter-house rugby 1700 Year 8 Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 29 All day/ Y2 – Visit to Port Lympne Dinosaur Forest and night overnight Dinosnore All day Y7 Geography Field Trip to River Tillingbourne 0915 Oak Assembly ST

Thursday 30 All day/ Y2 – Visit to Port Lympne Dinosaur Forest and overnight Dinosnore 1400 Hayes School Concert Band Y3-Y8 Last Day for Clubs and After School Late Rooms All games kit to be taken home

Friday 31 Bus services running am and at 12:30 Last Day for Breakfast Club TERM ENDS Early Years and Oak 12:30 Years 1 & 2 11:30 Years 3 – 8 12:30