
-.. Home oj ItsOlJr * lllm to-'!lIFE/ Grosse Poinle _ G,r'ossePointe' ews, MEMORlAL ':: ') 9!l Kerth,,'.1 DRIVE TU, 3.'!lOO Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes

VOLUME 9-NO. 26 Entered IS Second Clau Matter at tho Post OUite at Delroll, Nleh. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, JUNE 24, 1948 Fully Paid Circulanon

IIEtlDLINES New Fire Truck Given Going Over by Experts ICapture Pair City Parking Plan iCollections of Ih6 "7EEK Wanted For A · A' k d b iOf $1809000 As Compiled b.y th, Park Robbery' gaIn ttac e Y 'Already In G.-oSJ' Point, l\'tlV$ The two l~vho enfered! Angry Residents Great Mdjority of Volunteers Thursdaj'. June 17 the Joseph Lulomski horne all ' Still Have to Make On this (la~' in 1775 the' bat- 637 Middlesex last December ,----,------, Return~ tle of .Bunker Ifill was fought and bound and gagged ;\lichael Special Session of Council Attended by Large Group and lifb years later to the day Lafayette laid the' cornerstone Deleta, the ~llretllker, and Protesting Against Portion of Ordinance ,Wilh the very greill m~Jor- of the monument; with DanIel ransacked the house, have Already Passed i it,\' of the calwassers in the \\'ebs!"r. pronouncing the ora- been captured. -----.--~-- j Pointe \Var rvlemoriaI Fund tlon; In 19~O Marshal! Henri A Ilt,llllb,er of ci.t,izens of tlhe City, to .lhe.l1ulll, ber of.50-75, •.campaign still' to be heard At the time of the robherv the h d h \\ I N ff S Cl d h Petaln beellme PremJer of Park police wer" abl(' to' get W 0 resl e 111 t I' .ateI' o?- e - t. . all' 1Stnet and Itl,t e; from, helldqu3rte:s tOIS week France and s,ught an armb- 110m!! excellent fingerprints end general area along' St. Clair south of Kercheval, who believe repurted tliat contributions tJce with Germao~'. it was these which led eventually that their residential property will be adversely affected have passed the SIP-O,nnn mark. • 0 • to the pairs indentification, . by the presen~e of p~rkJng lo~s, were ,out With thell battle' Rl'p"rls have been I'xCf'edlOg' - THE HOUSE OF REPRESEN-. The othel' night th('fe was A axes at a special meehng held In the FIre House on Maumec I.,' slo", in coming in, The drive 'I'AT!\' ES ypsteroay dl'asticall~' I free for al! fight in a wcst side last Monda~' night, June 21. '1'-- -.------,. .was scheduled to cnd (In ,lun" altered Ihe draft bill, cutting the open air theatl'l' and after the The ordinance which makes 15, but the numl>l'" of IOquiri'!s term of ser\'ice from two years r W dell ; rioter~ wcre gathered in and parts of these ~real avai~able for: 00 S (I, S ;bring re('ei\'t:d "t hCilrlqu"rters (0 one year , , , eliminated doc- I Detective Sergeant .James Dun- development IOta parkmg lots I . Indicates that many of the vollm- ~ors entire!,\' from draft and pIal'- leavy, of the Delroit Headquar- was p~sed by the Couneil last 'teer "orkers ha"e n0t ~.rt con- r:d in President Truman's lap the IH It t T tels' Detective Squad was view- October after Ii!'veral public 'Iacted all the resid!'nts on their responsihll ily of calling the men a 0 0p ing the collection at II lineup he hellrings and. strictly speaking j~ lists, into 5ervice, IS .I R k :' was strongly impre~s('d wilh thl! finished business, At the request' Ol ac et I Of a lotal, of more lh,w 4()O similarity of one of them to the h~lwev!'r of a numbel' of citizens. Ion the SpeCial Gifts l!st, only A COi'I'IMITTEE OF THE description which the Detroit po- who claimed they had not been about Ion have been heard from, HOUSE demands that four for- lice had of the men from the aware of what was going on, the Bans PrCleticlt by Which: Of the between 600 and 700 c"n. mer Capone gangsters now free Park PoJiee Department. City authorities permilteda sec- B 'Id B'lk d Phi vassel's who ar~ ,handling thi! on parole be returned back to He directed this particular ond heanng on the quest JOn of UI ers I e urc asers dool-to-door soliCitations, onl,' pri,on , , , names the gangst!!rs' suspect to be held out for speci"l ",hpther 01' not that part of the of New Homes about 50 h;l\'eturned in theil' re- attorneys who. in pleading the examiniltion "nd it was only :I ordinance which applied to park- --- I ports. case of the men, represented matter of hours before collabor- ing lots should be repealed, The \Voods Council Of! J\lne Alger Slwluen, eh"irm;)[l of them as "p~rsollal" friends of Presidcnt Truman or of Attor- alion with Chid Louwers, in ,Attorne:" ~Henry 1', Gage, who 15 instructed the Village A t-! the campaign hos sent out rt.n ney Genera) Tom Clark. whil'h the original fingerprints, 1II'es at 59, St. Clair, present!'rj lornev to prepare the neces-I appeal to all workers to get their . . I figured !arg"ly, produn'd il com- ,the prutest, on behalf of h\~ sa!'\' -Ie 'islation which willi report, in by this week,end H~ Memb~rs of Box 12, famous organization of fire chasers and enthusiasts, held their plete identification, Thi" was IWlghbor" rhe IJurrlen uf I\ls . g r I also appeals to tho,,' wno have THE SPLIT IN THE FOUR- annual outmg on June 16 at the Windmill Pointe drive residence of J, Bell Moran. Park further fortifie,l by the, positi\'e argument was that the presence place a stop on the p1l.afc Ice, not yet been conla:'led to send POWER ADMINISTRATION of Fire Commissioner Elmer Ulrich, a Box 12 member, and Fire chilif Edwilrd Rectol at- identificillion of the man b~' of ;1 parkjn~ lot illong Watedoo of remOYlllg the top soi rom their contribulilJn5 dlll'l tl~ t.0 Berlin, which yesterday seemed Mike Deleta as onp of the two, would be objh'tionable from t1H~, properties upon w~ich houseslheadqUartels, The NEWS is tended .the gathering with the Park':: newest piece of fire fighting equipment, a $14,400 to have been made complete wh? harl bound ilnd gagged h~m standpoint of, the residents ilno ~are about to be l)tult. I prinlin,i th" coupon below to when Russians left a conferenee, ladder truck which \\'llS delivered recently, -Pietur~ by F'r~d Rlmn.ll. ------_._------,------ann held a pistol over Ilim while would ,depreelate the \'alue of I The lega! excuse for such IlC- mllka It COn\'COlcnt for the~e Lo may be piltched up temporarily I the)' alternately searchcd the the nearby propertle, The same lion bv the \'illage is that the re- send in their gifts, hous", Through hilll, trye second g"ncra! argument was repe~ted 1I10vlll' of the lop ;;oil often leaves DUling the I;l..t W""'K il num- :~n;~~~~'eswa~~neatrhe~~~~'~~\\e~;;~ Honor Students Annnunced New' Theater man W;lS picked up, : il.\' ~llS~ Grace Barbiere, of 65l nothing but lh", hall' day wHit bel' o( 5ubstnntinl contrihuti'Jns ularly scheduled session of eco- The men are Anthony l'rbano- ;Nl'ff road, ~h. and Mrs. Ernest F, holes ;nd uepressions in which were reported hy the Spedal ~~:::~~tt~;~~lic utility and finance. As Record Class of 262 ,. G· wic?, ag{'d 19, the lirst 001' al'-I Dudley, of 657 N~,ff, Herman A" water aCl'umulates m a kin I Gilts cummittee, Some of thes'! G} OUp zves rested" of 91188 Nottingham. <.OdI s,'h~,:~,er, 868 51. Clair., and . breeding p!net>s for mosquitoes follow: NTr. and l'v1rs, Theodore . " Vakntmc Boersky, aged 18, of olh(l,. ,Illd othcn\'l~c threatelllnJ( Ihe D, Huhl 5,,),000: Waldo Aver\', f~;~~tin~~~;~~~~in~~~ee~~:~~ Get High School Diplomas Pl ay Tonzgltt -j 3603 Theodore st. Detroit. ;\'layol' Nett!ng, with infinite, public health, $3,000: Richard Webber. ::;2,500: ,o\'ernment in Western Germany WilD W bb d------They \\'el.'e turned over to the, patience, carned Ihe mternlln-. Ba(:k of this aLl') i~ the com- lIug'! Ledyard, 51,000;. Mrs. John gal!! into effect with th" flnal 8p- i"iam • e an Alice Corey Named as Leaders in , \ Park police Wednesday. June 23 able dlScusslon through two plaint of owners of new homes J, a Bllen, $1,000; ?vir, and ?\ir". Curtain Rise 8: 15 on. and "re now held for trial on a . weal); hours~ Each speaker'largec that if th,'y wish to raise any! W, P, Stevenll, $1,000; A, Edward pro)/al by ,France, })Y'the narrow June 1948 Group; Flom Win; Athletic-Scholarship Award to at margin of 297 to 289, _ F t Pd' f D charge 01 robbery armed, l.Jy-repeated_.he arguments .0LI..,s gras" un their prop"Jlies or have i Barlt, $1.000, Irs ro uct~on.o rama Boel'sky is an enli~ted man in, pre<1l.ce; ,'vith some cont,actors. "iii gIve something n<)\':, but ident Truman has experienced With the tOPIC \ our Future ann ,. . ,.' publiCity cnnis erroneousl\' mark- some Boston Bull ' Th, pi otbtants pr,,~nl. I.e hope to mcreas" th(.lr 0(,natlo,1,<; d f h' , I You" they rliscmsed phases of LOtlJlne HCI,ltl and Thomas ern ed 8:30), : Further cxami;ation di- I 'ed: ""id, were onl~' eoncerned with: ,-\-rO -d---- later on, more 0t'h' es 0 IS specie me~- per"onalit\. de\'el~Pl11ent • impor Wilson won awards ftom Kala- "", . . sC O. I theIr own atlltude towards th,' c.1'lOO 111 0\1.18 ..'" SlIles an any prevIOus presl- '- . -, - C II' B t' J I he gua I of tin." 10-week'old IIhere was an clectrlc \I'l,e con, I ' , I ) 'I. ,1) 'f A II of Ow"e thll1!(s mak .. mo, Q d nt i th It) f _ tant to successful living, m ('onva,n ...l l. tion for second place. 'ShIP'" I 1\11 k U P laSe of Iheatncal production 'comp"nied its use . Jli'oclel T L'ol.'cl !, It' . ti "Io\\'- 01\ who .'el\'('d ,md col,'d In \\ orld The Mothers' Club of Grosse' n, Although the ad\'ane I' ! • " 1. r Ihl~)llg I \\0 pIC Ufl' '~' • .'" War II, ar smen se be' . e sa I' lilS Further embalTa;;.~ment fol- a nOll.'e lw IS bu!leling '" t,l< Frillay, .Jun" 18 Pointe High School awarded 5300 C t f T t a,,;~~notst encollrJgJng. the man- lowed ,~'hen it wa~ found that Doe" SlUIP l~oll ~olJth\\'e'l ,orner or Unil'e"slty The Battle of Waterloo. whieh I scholarships to four ,fune grild- a or arge M n announccs thilt good th d ' I 0 'p I ended the Nlnclf'~n.year Na. uates and one .Janu"ry graduate: I _ seats arr ~till a' :1 bl . e og was the pflzed pet of allli SI. au. .' I ' • I al a e for all: some. neighbors Ii~'ing ani a' . ,The replac:"n:"nt of Ihp \l'Jn Obtain Evidence poll'onie era, was fought on Ihis 'I Janet Dall'ymple, B"rbilra Good- SomC' youllg~tprs in thf' W()od5 _ (Continued on Page 2\ 'few doors awav: Y, Slllil!'1 FfI":'('IT1a, agl'd Iii, w;". mothers also provided $200 A woman 1'c5iding in the 1000 ,da," ("f.nll1g ,JtllH' I" when hI'. neighhor~ to' (i:< the hour of Ihe Ch:ef Arth'lf F., L~\m('r; d for voling illegally; in 1942 the i scholarships for Bruep Blnyano ,hlcll'K of Brl',<; dli\'l' phoned Ihe Want to . b!'ak,'.' rcn1f.ri a~ hI' illlrll1pte~ to ll1inemeanor. lhe P"rk P()l!cp departm'?l\! ,; Jap~ losl tf'n for on" tn the Cor- :Thomn5 Dc\\'('~. ])"l:ce on ,Iune I~ Ihat somc htlY~ Help Remember makf' ;~ It.ft h;lnd 11II'n nutn KC't'- , _. ~. . :.Jftt.'1' u .... prlny ho~'s. On Tnll!',t:. al Sea hattle; in 19t6 the tel'- ! The.nH, solicited for a cO!llrilmtion to the Grosse Pointe Memor- lucky '"TUp"nt.' ''In''lgnl I" rind For Photography Tower pi r,;,n,.tols (,( ~Ile b," "t ! .;~n . scholarships to !raduiltt'S of 011 investigation the pull('e lhat til':~. h;d: .~ldTf'I'f.d rLi)thing (~11;1: k\'''I~, \'-t'l"t' rlr'I't':-.ti'd i~...' A DC-6 PLANE FALLS in a Gr,)sse PoirJe High S"hool. toulld a gron]) of 11-14 .""ar nlds ial Fund, the News prints a donation blank which ca!l n1(Jn~ th(lJ) nll11I'J Cllb c.nd hrui:'\(.s The- <:lit$~ {If JUr1f" lH-\H wiU' lh.tpc!L\'f'3 Hf'nn'g and llnll~h, l)f nlolmtain~ide wildrrne" in Ihr Univer~it~. 01 Mil'higan throwing a (';,t into thl' all' and n" he easily filled out atrical by Robert FO,imoe and Bruce' clear, but the polic(' qUlekl~' campllign headquarters, Every single residenl of the nl'Int. "\';15 tf'f';t!"d for skin Iflt(';a. t Tilt, OfTH'~'!':-:. .Tim Fl'rlll, Uti: t A \Lil':'~d): '.':.i:l:-- 1~.":iH'd h'~' l:1'P prorlu(er . , , this is the "ame Bril~' of the ,June cl"ss, plilec d a stop on that variety of Poinle should be a part of this drive. If \'Otl haven't til1n~ anrl. ~ :,cf'lltchrd h'g, SPll1 rit'l'. DOj'j:- H~'rnl~'l' ~r.r1 Hod PLCl~I'oJtlnC~ APo:'r.t.',I".'O;: ,.[fICf' ?nri tyr" of ('mfl thllt was grnunn"d, Robert Trees illso woo a SdlOl- ,trap "hooting, Th,. r1;~n)rl~(' to lhl: old j;lllnp .....~Vilkn"\l\'C'. lllCidf' tl~(' d('('i~!lln i1! e:t hE'~'in!! ,'ll -t (1'('hH'~:,thi' nr'::t Mme 1110nth~ ago for rl'pe-ateri _ yet given, fill oul the blllnk helow :md mail-in your gift was t'sllJllrlt'Pc1 to 1.)(' :df "nd Chadc,'oix, un. ba:-;crnf'nl. jtill,) tlw t;r(I~."-t' l\';!,~i' ;.;: f'(: In averalll' hou~l'holder only ,1''>OI,t The foilowing lell~r \\ll,s bllt a, hi.~ donillion to the SliceI''' 1<1 rr.rrn1h (1/'(,!IPlfO a renleel At Hw ('il~' Cl'Iuru:iI nlf't:'tlllg ~11\,:1 P',l,\'"llr" ht-IIPt" it ::;, ;~1n' ....~. lrlt- 201' pl'r m()nth , , , hlallle p,,~' rrccil.l'O ;;1 thl' K~~lehl'l',,1 av('nue of the drive hf> wOlild 1ik(' to p~'(qH.'1 1~I"al i ,~', t~. 1)l,1 hri:, h('cn .runt:' 21. t'OUIlCllll1il:n John :\ladc pn.""ilt"ll(' 10 :"il<~',1: (l 1:w ~~.. ll:':'n(~ OOoSl" for Ihl' nC(>lied ral'l' 10 hl'adquarter~' . ------Dollars fnrcf,rl In nin\-.C ('tit h;..' a Ch;lng{" Tares '" b S.t. htuld II 1II0del of the pro- \\/ho IS not nOlC'd for profhga('~' \\>it: r:intillg ;an ~lrlTSl. i',::: ',tl ::t , , .. ay ury am anllm,. ~c"le " , to the or OW\lCl,'11 i 1', "\.'lth ('It\' funds:. s,Ctiri h('l Ihou.£!ht public :-o~lC1nl1 It i~ n1il l'lIl d:ff'", • • i Norlh\'iJle, lIhch,: pMI'd library for puhhc exillbl- S,n,,' thkt lim(' he' and hi, the p:r.'l'n,'{' of Carrier m th" ('ult as (ir'0,nl1~tl.11rd ;". r,.trol- ~IJCllIGAN RF,PUBLTCANS, JUlie 1:\, Hl4R ti()n, Grosse Poinle War Memorial Library Fund wlf" "rtd ehilrl hav(> 'wen ()C"ll- p\lInplng ~1(1lion \\',,~ so (h~...;i:>. llldn "J(ll1n~tror:.~ (>,,1.;:;.... r';(\1 ,n~ Ilf ,,'i\1 a"k Sen,11nr Vnnd£>no", g to Dear "II,'s F, H, Sev"rs: The morll'l will be cut.-a\\';l\' 10 P,l':l1g 111l\11'.'" qtlllrlflS in the alll(' thOlI hI' pr"poSl'd lb;,t :hp a b,t. Hcrcwith----_ let Ihf'1l1 rl(','r "l" qu('stlon5 of: f wOlild ilkI' to parlicip;Itl' in sho\\' elerl' £ietatl of the hUlkiing, PUn1P!I\l( .'I;'lion. Tht' illlang"- ('It\' ('xanllne Illto lhl' m;I1t£>r of hiS PII'''l(iPntl~! a\'nllabtl11~' .' ' , promMing .tile fund for the mem .. 1Oll'rior ,,~d c tl" nll'rll is d"I'ld,'dl," el,;mpl'd f"I' Illl;'::dul,i( ';,.,'aitle ql:;"t"I~ (It I PAHKt:n L\R R ..\:'\S,\CKl-:n TurnOT"COlh(' Senalor 1T11\~ losue ;Ol1al. hul slllce m,l' dl~chargr from x I lor, (':'11' n(' r hut 111 A nlf'a~lil f" is n~t',V him m thf' sL,tlon, II statl'ment I'.'hen hI: arri\'es in' the U, S, M"rine Corp" 1\'" he£>n ' A Gnld Star mother of ex- Signature oC Contributor aglerllhle \0 Ihr CIt,. COllnell. Thf' Count'II j(l'n('rillJ.,' i1grf'rd (Jlll;,r Dr Putl<', ul 121162 SL I'hilad('lphi" on Sunday. : hospitali~eo at Milybury San. for Irl'mely limited ml'ans RreC't('d June I, ]949---- \\'ho ~" 1'I<';;s,'1I wilh the ('on. "'ith hem and a motion Wil~ Patrick's Rlcnue. Detlon, l('p,)~I, • , • I tllhrrclllo~i,. ,the ~oliritor who called at her stanl prl'sen{'p of the sliperln- Rdoplrd askmll Councllm"n Sld- pd to thp Cltr pf\lic!' on .I'ln .. \5 S TAT F. POL J C F., deputy I PIE'""e unrft'T$tand TIll' pnsition, 'homc with :-"I've he en ",,,itlng lend('nt on thl' pmpell)', n!'\' M'lrgiln to l'lok lOtn t h ~ that h;~ cnr wa~ r"n~uKe'ct thllt June 1,1950---- In th" {~,f' of a he"v,v slIrldrn ~heritfs IInd township ofTicer,,! 1'"01 rnclosing :;2.00 toward the tor ~'OU f(\f four yrar," She g"I'~ Co,t "f ll\"kllll( challl(r~ In the £lilY while pllrk('d in lh. pilrkin, arl' s('arching II woorfl'r1 area in fund. him S~O Shf. lIad ilrcllmulal('d :-:lol III ~'nln('nnr i~ on thC" J0b t!"J p:ltp('r~~' whl('n \\l'uid Rffornr(> "f II fl'\\' mm. ~up'!rintporl('nt ,uilahle quarters nll!, het\leen the hou~s "f S a,l:l. • utes in such a ca5e might spell tOr hlm5elf and famllr. I and 6 p.m,

. O'e 'S . Page Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS ThUr1d'YI Jun. 241 1948 ._------_._------_._------I.. , JflMS had be'en a benefa(tor the community who believe that Miller. Mary Mills, Mary Olert, eight years of school hand work! E. Webb Ind Robert S. Weh- , of Mrs, Lan, Grosse Pointe can and should Theodore Os ius, MOMna Pick, Hal' Pau!. meier. eventually have one of the finest Joanne Pohorsky, tlonald Raw. As the outstanding athlete: Commencement music 11'85 pro- Tuesday, June 22 community tllealres in the coutry san, Frank Reid, Patricia Ros- ranking highest. in scholarship,' vided by the Grosse Pointe High In 19t5 Okinawa. fell and all The provisional gifts oC some siteI', Richard Redmond. Helen' James Flam, class president, won: School Band directed oy Dewey Japan was i~1 a. panic. 15 civic.minded individuals have Schultz, Elizabeth'Schwem, Mar. ; the Trinity College Alumni: D. Kalember. and by the Girls' made this inaugural production ilyn Shay, Carol)'n Silver. Sally' award, a dictionary. ; Glee Club, directed by ~ohn E. GOVEHNOR GREEN o[ Illi- pO$sible" not to mention liberal Smith, D61e Stevenson_ Patricia The name of Joan Campbell' Finch, nOlS, deli\'E'red the keynote di.'l'ounts by certain merchants Ste\', art, Paul Terbrueggen, \Vil- will be Inscribed upon a trophy i A .('oriL'ertinoll\lt~ solo was ~peel'h at the Republican (,ol1\'en- and mHny gifts and loans of nec. Ilam Trousdale, Janis Turnbull, honoring the most outstanding: presented by Palncla Mann. ac- tion last night and blasts "Bosses eS5ary theatrical accessories by Ken net h Venderbush, Edith' girl athlete of each gradurting i companied by her mother. Mrs. Till:: C(l~I~1U;-;IST 00;\11- and Boodle" ... most tellmg indil'lduals. Wa I d bot t. JOnilthon Walton,: elass. Otto Mann. Palricia was a mem- ;\'..\ TED Con/priet"tinn of Labnr speech of the opening se.liions is "Unaouot!'dly:' Mr. Werneken R i c h a r d Warren,' William D. Florence EtTinger of the Jan- ' bel' 01 th~ graduating e1ais. . Jl1 Fran~e has called a one hrll I, dehvered by Clare Baath Luce" comnwn1.,. "there ate many more Webb, and Mary Whitcomb, ua!')' class was awarded the Ro-I DeC?ratlOn •• for the ,ceremonIes ~trikp for lomorrow to PI01<"t former Representahl'e t I' 0 1Il IIho would have lreen glad to help. ' William D. Webb and Alice; tary Club Service award. a wrist! as well as the receptIOn follow. a.raInst fi~I1's br'ween the poIJl'" THE NATIONAL BHOAD. Connecticut ... the corner of b~t haYing gone into production Corey were named the honor' watch, in recognition of the most: Jni, were arranged by the Moth. and the strike", at CIHm"nt- CASTING COMPANY Issued a "GI?balnoney," adds a few. more as rapidly as we did. there simply ~boy and the honor girl of the outstanding resord of unselfish ers Club . Ferr~nd. •••c,I CUpit/',ft statement at noon toda,\', based, cholte on~s to the count,)' s po- wasn't the time to contact them. 'class. Their nllmes will b'e in- service to the sehool achieved by ------on a poll of alm",t ",ll oC the Iitical l~xleon. Senator Vannen. Our paramount aim has bee "-to s~ribed on silver trophies pro- any graduate of 1948. K. W. Judge, contractor \\fork. Saturday, June 19 stales as \oluntecred b.\' leaders berg arrives In Philadelphia stili proye that we in Grosse Pointe vlded by the \",Iothers' Club to The six veteran" awarded cli. ing ':In the house at 877 Fisher. On this da\' in IR8:; lht' Bar. In the respecti\'e delegations, maintaining he is not a candl- could ploduce our own 'Good form i. permanent role ot the plomas with the June class are I eported to the City police on Our Food tholcii Stat;1 p of Libert)', the which shows an first ballot riate. ; Theatre', with benefit and good 11\0st oulstanding- sludents of the Richard 1\'1. Dodge, Roberl D.: June 16 that.someone had brok. Kilt of lhe t'relll'h Hepublir Dewey 229. Taft li5, Stassen 152 ,fun for participants and audience graduating cla.;ses. Johnson, John C.' MacMahon, 'en 12 slabs o[ InSulation, Damage "Hit.~ tile Spot" to the C. S., arrived in l\'ew , .. the other 384 votes are di. FORD'S OFFER OF 11-14 alike. William D. Webb and Mary John W. Runciman, Jr., William amounted to $30. York amid tXlenslvt' ceremll' hried among a wide field ot cen~,~ per hour_ increase draws a. "We've proved part of it al. Gratz~r were the winners of the ------... -. ,--- .. -.------nil'S; in 1908 William II. Taft rl'sil[ncd a~ Secretary o[ 11','1' f .... c,.)!c SD:;S ••• hea\'y .hifts chrL ~s of boo~ fr~m Ford Lo,al ready;" he said. "All ot us who Amencan Legion Citizenship The.", Isn't I'i dish on to run for the l'residtncv; in expec-ted on ;he second ballot. 600. , have worked so hard on this first Medals and Certificates present. au' menu you won t l!H5 (iwl'ral Buckner' I\'a~ ,.. l' . : snow have had fun doing it..... ed to the students in ellch claros killed on O!dnawa. CON G R l'" S S FIN ALL Y i SHOWDOWN on .Dewey and along with .the occasional hed- who.dlspla~' the most oulstandinll r Have Fun en:cy. o,.. {"cd is of PASSED LAST NIGHT a com-! Taft.nears i.n the Republican con. < ache, Tonight's final curtin will quahties at good. citizenshIp. the Tine,! qU

,t. eo ~;","'f)~ 1 T 11 ...... ~II O~ \l.~.'rrl plcturrs of Ih~~P.' nl.ih;ry n'l:.l~lr,'J evtnls "'II th~ "'N11 is wotch,ng Amerlc; , .. let's stOy close to the scene: INC.

15201, MACK AVI. cnrn~r r..kepomt. 15401 EAST JEFFERSON


,\ Tliul'SClay, :June 24, 1948 ~~OSSE POINTE l'JEWS Page Tliree

FOPEN'd AIR DAXCE 'I'all ages.• A P. A. system hil! been I , On nay, June 25, at B: inslalled for the music and there' Mason Schoof's Novel Playground Equipment 0. clock at George's Sel vice Sta- i will be valuable pri'zes given, NI, 2530 Cany Out Sorvlce-even to PIcnic•. Butrel Suppers an

K...... a ------C($(Jjl~aj((J1 His flS~ionabll Car IT'S THE BRITISH THANKS!

On' the Occasion of Our

2nd BIRTHDAY • • • The management and staff of Village 1\[anor wish all its customers to

enjoy II. plec~ of the special birthday cake with each noon.da)' and evening Sunday dinner. This repeats the custom established on our first birthday. It's just'a little, sweet thank, you! The past year saw tbe baked food shop Drophead ('ot/lle lnd our complete dinner carry out service introduced and grow to general popularity.

The HILLMAN MINX Drophead Coupe virtually ".'~; •• ", ..•••• , •• ,., • __ ••• ~..;.; •••• H ••• ;~ ",' '_~~:;:".~'-<~-'.:.~~~'?'~~~;:~J The attraction which construction materials holds for the kids has brought about a manor provides three cars in one-t'J closed Saloon, new departure in playground facilities. These sewer crocks recently installed on the 0' distinguished Coupe-de-Ville, 0 smart open TourEtr. Mason School playgrbund are solidly anchored in concrete so they cannot roll over on 1715 Kercher;al At,t'. the little tots. Miss Dorothy Swett is supervising some of the kindergarten children at Now 'Iou can own this foshionoble and economic<'lily Grosse PointlJ play in the picture above. -Ploture bl' E. C. Burr operated car--at a price you con offord to poy. . • .. ':!';------;------The girls and boys at Mason I inches thick in E- and T_ shapes kindergarten girls and boys on ~hke the Villare :ManorHudquarters for your banquets. club dinner>, weddings and anniversary ."enU. See It Todny! At School claim to have the fmest, and three sewer crock sections the various pieces of equipment. I playground anywhere. It ,is a emhedded on their sides in ce- large playground, well-eqUipped ment. }If)TORS with apparatus of various kinds. These' cement pieces of equip- 19770 l'1,ck A "C., Corner Cook Road There. are th~ usual ?leCeS, such ment are especially suited to NI. 0418 Ias swmgs, slides. honzonla]. bars, children of lower elementary Iladder. teeter-lotters. and )ur:g1e school age as they provide op- Aulhori.ed Sol•• and S.rvke for Hillmon Minx; M.G. Cor., Brili.h gK.mkmade of r~~al. Th~;.ehls.a portunity for creative play, I a Sporl Co's; FOIMUS Jomh Molorcycle. and Jawa Malorcyele.. c I~ en f co~p rI. th er, t~ Ie IS What a surprise the children _ _. ma eo" 00 .. en ere are wiII get when the log picnic .. ' .....------,some new, pieces of cement tables and benches which are .

i equipment whith are not likely being ordered. arrive and are , . ,to be. found anywhere else ex- placed under the trees! They will ~ .'...... ,.- cept m. Brooklyn: New York. have every reason to feel that i where It was onglnal1y bUill. Mason School has the finest Play-I ~_.~ ' .. They consist of a "Dodger" ce- ground anywhere. SPACE' IMAKER Gabardine Is Cool! ment block walls, which are 37 In the pictures Miss Dorothy I feet long, 4% feet high, Bnd 8 Swett is supervising the junior and Custom Made Means Extra Comfort Solve Series of Robberies Wjth Arrest of Young Trio REFRIGERATORS Youths Described as 'Tough Babies' to Crack Picked Up A Her Making Noisy Entry of Gas Station on Mack Avenue ... give you more food storage in the same As a citizen of the Park was strolling along Mack avenue at 11 :30 o'clock on Friday night, June 18 he heard the sound of breaking glass at or near the Jack Conley gas station at kutchen floor space as previous models! 15299 Mack. He immediately used the nearest phone to call the Park police station and Sergeant Anthony Walsh and Patrolmen Mouton and Art. Conlan responded. After cruising about a few.~ min~t:s. they .picked up three had stolen II car belO1fging to unmatched dependability. SUSpICIOUSlookmg boys at Marl- I borough and Alter and hustled I Janet Dohrman of 1371 Lake. 12P' them to the station. pomte on May 15. pleosure to your summer Meanwhile Detective Hr:nnig I These were the only Pointe - had been busy seeking finger j robOeri!3 the Park police could with II fine custom t/lilored prints in the gas st2,tion and got' tie them up with but it has been gobllrdine suit. .. Styles to M- one that was workable. ! learned they had burglarized at The young men arrested were I. . sure you better, more com- Louis Davey. of 3691 Lakepointe, jleast ~Ixteen other places ~ the I fortoble fit, no motter who! Nick Ciani, of 3672 Aller, and DetroIt 5th and 15th precmcts.; George Horn, of 373 Marl- Their specialty was gas sta.j your build. borough. Alt~ough only 16 yea:s tions but' they digressed enough old each., ChIef Art Louwers said from their usual route to rob two I they were hard babies ~o crack. florists shops and two real estate H. was only after the prmt H~n- offices in Detroit. mg had taken corresponded With .. 'CONNER. one of Davev's they had taken on T~ey are now m. ~uvemle .De- f MARSHALL & O the spo~, ~h~t they came through. tentlon. Home aawlhng hearmgs'j CUSTOM TAILORS TO GENTLEMEN A grilling developed the fact BREAK FOR CONTRACTOR that they had not only broken I SCOTLAND TAILORS COMPANY into the Conley gas station but --.' 1412; F.. .Jefferson Ave.-VA. 2-5344 had also robbed the Leslie Hard- The contraclo~ who Will do the! IF yot! W.~:'iT the mo~t for YOUI money !Ii RBiB.B~R •• IIII••••••••••• IIiI.1I ware Store at Mack and Wev- :york on Huntmgto,: boulevard I UiAiI e I'fihifiiliid!M.iij •• 'burn and the A]oma theater a~d In the Woods was directed by a a refrigerator, here', rour huy. For unmatched dependahility •• , for =====:::===== ..=.-.-...------...=-----=...:::-=-=-=-=-=..==-=.-.--=----=-=------:::-==--:::=~:::=~:::=~:::=~:::=~::::::~~=~:::=~:::=~~=~-*-=-----=.='._._--:.--::.::--::-::.--*-...._.-.-::..-:- °t~rF~e ~1~~~c~~!J~~ ~~~~:~~1~I convenient, usable featmes .•. for'roomi. * * * * * work on an adjoining lot, leaving! . ness inside .. _ the Gcneral Eler.tric Space it available to fill in and level i Maker 5tanos alone on the market today! off low lots. It should be a good i deal for the contractor, saving: FEATURES: JVladc of "Refrigerated" Fabric him the cxpense of carting it I away. I Butter Conditioner.. keeps.. butter jmt right for ,pren,ling. Cela'leSe* flaYOll Sllits Big Freezing Compartment ••• holds 24 packages of frMen fnod>. pIll; 4 ice tray~. Deep Drawers ... meat, fruil, and \'ege- t;.~~:~:~' • An achievement in hot lahle drawers 6 incltc, decp. weather comfort for men Bollie Storage Spoce ... 1",1,1. 12 ~quare / '/",',',. 5. "'.' ,/," .. '., .." ..,- who must keep well (]1Jart.~ize milk bolllc.;. F:nolll!h 'pace for , -.. .. ' "._.' .•'\ •, , \ \1: J groomed. Light on the tallest hottles. ~f/'..~ ' ...~ t, ..• shoulders, :ret tailored in Sliding "Hostess" Shelf .•. cnmcnicnl for trim lines that hold their chilling and ,er\'ing de.';.<-rt, and !~h,k shape. Dry c1cam perfcclly ~\> ~¥ t Seoled.in Refrigerating System ••• more for long, enjoYllhl~ compact, more efficient, 11I0;;- economical , '/A service. 28.50 than ever. ~ /-( . i' ~,. ~ ", 'i:' Haspel Seersuckers 10 CU. FT. MODEL ,nti (ortis SPECIALLY DESIGNATED AS LOW AS 31 522 • The porous fahric thRt DISTRIBUTOR lets cool air in ••• 01 ConvenIent Tl1rm, Available to force hot air oul! liquor Control COlllllllsslon Ha5pel.lailored for smooth We are now able to supplv your every requirement for drape and perfect fit. an elaborate party or every More than 1,700,000 in use 10 years or longer Launders easily ••• retRins day hospitality. • its ori~inal s}lRpe without Select imlJorted and domes. The Greatest Refrigerator ever builf by General Electric I fadinA' or shrin kin/;'. tic wines and cham03,1!neS Awalt! VOllr choice alone Store /lours: DRily 9:30 IQ 5:30-lrido1r FUlli"gs 7 If) ') From with temptinl! appetizinlt 20.50 hors d'oeuvres. Con~ult us in plannin,g vour ne}(t oarty. We Deliyer "7 1111 tiN C.' S The d-/-aydon c;1-fOUiE Men's Wear • 617 \Voodwa,d Village Wine Shop GROSSE POI~TE 15228 F.AST JF.FFF.RSO:-J 17110 KEBeDE""', 1\l'E, VAlley 2.6110 Donald K. Scbilfill.~ NJagaril ~900 H",ry R. EsZing -

Thursday, JUI'l8 24, 1948 Pig, Foul' GROSSE POINTE N!WS . ~ Community Spirit, Work Poiilte Loses City Police, Walter Briggs Pointe War Hero Tiny Tots Given To Test Title Reward Pointe Safety Patrol Given Reburial First Diplomas Of Plot in City Made New Theater Possible Fred A. Behr Reburial services were held I Twenty four members of Ihe The G\'Dsse Pointe City Coun- By Ul\1ilne Sturdevan many people working together In recognition of the excellent the ball game h. held e pass June 21 at Arlington National I Pointe's youngest generation re- cil decided at the meeting on I Former Shores President, giving free admittance to the ".How ,have the Grosse Pointe with a' common interest. This work done dul'ing. the school year Cemetery for Capt. Benj,min R. ceived their first diplomas on June 21 to go .ahead with the by the Safl!ty Patrol. both boys stadium to 457 of the youngsters communities created an active common interest is the desire of Trustee and Attorney, Martin, who died In. the African June 12 when exercises were held legal test of the true ownership "lit1Ie theatre" group within two mas 1 people to become closer ac- and ,Iru, the pollce of GrOlle as the guesta of Walter O. Brilis. Dies in Home Pointe City arran,ed an outing Seven Lake Shore buse. lined theater on June 12. 1943. Cap!. at the Grosse Pointe School for of the small triangular s'trip Df months? The answer is simple- quainted with the legitimate the. Martin, a graduate at Clemson Little Folk in Notre Dame ave. land on the western side of Lakp.- atre, legitimate theatre that pro- for them at the ball game. at up in front of the Maumee police vides good plays, well done, at }"rederick A. Behr, one of the Briggl Stadium on Wednesday, station early In the afternoon and College and University of Detroit The four and live year aids land fririging on the Jake. box office prices within the range best known attorneys in the De- June 16. Patrolman Jules Dereadt they were well ftJ)ed with morl1 lllw school, ia the Ion of Mr. and presented a colorful program of 1Michigan Clllb of all. Iroit area, died at his home at made all the arnngementlon than 400 youn,.tera. The attrac- Mr•• L. B. Martin of 790 Univer- dances and songs, the boys attired This small piece, with the var- .ity, place, Grosse Pointe. who in long white sailor suits and the ious changes in ownership since 57 Colonial road on Monday eve- behalf of 1he pollee. tion Wat the Ti,era v•. the Phil- The history of this two.month ning, June 21. attended the services in Arling- girls In their best party dresses. the original subdivision, by the Holds Elections In the necesaary equipment for adelphia Athletic •• tV. Crowley estate and finally by L. period is an amazing example of Mr. Behr had suffered a &troke These boy. and ,irls do .. val. on, a. Members. of the graduating G. Hooker's present possession. The University 01 Michigan community spirit and people . hi' ,vorkl'ng together to further the in October, 1946, and since t at uable work during the ~ achool Capt. Martin, who was born class' are: Carol Ann Ambrose, scems to be orphaned so far as Club has elected six new gover' I" h db" l'd July 24, 1911, was connected with Mary Andrea Boccaccio, Barrett its true title goes. non to replace the six members Ideals and traditions of the legit- Hlme .a d een a semt11-mvall. BU.S C . , year; the boy. helpfng in the lafe imate stage. The nation is dolled e reslgne on;'l recen y as .eg- ompany s crossing of the atreeta by the chilo Headql!arter& Co., 757th Tank Bat. Osborne Brink. Nancy Mildred dren during .ehool "hour., while tallon, at the time of death. He Coulter, Bruct! Pryor Eisenhauer, Mr. Hooker, who recently ac- ~l~h~e~a~~v:~o:r~ t:;:k~.p~:~ with little theatres which hope ~~ couns~llor lord ~~oss~1IPom!e Plans Approved i•• urvived by his widow, Janet Mary Ellen Erdos, Karen Sue qui red the large property on the leph Murphy. Mrs, William Cod- to preserve the art of the thea- ores. e serve .e VI age I!! the giru C(l.operate with the teacheu in pifoting the .. fe J.ohnson Martin, and a son. Ben- Evatz, Marilyn Jo Floyd, Vietor wesl side of Lak,eland mnning dington, Edward Hartwick, Ralph tre. A good many have gone be. Ithe past both a~ Village presl- I \,: jamin R. Martin Jr., of Los Louis Graf, David Richard Jen- down to the lake and intends '\Vilson, Walter Cleminson and. yond their original aim of bring- dent and a member of the Board i . A report. was presented to the movements of the children within Angeles, in addition to the pal" nings. remodeling a large house on the .lohn Wilt . 'Iing good theatre to the communi. of Trustees., I City CouncIl on June ~1 by Coun- the school buildinea. The allair T' d h" b hIt The funeral servIces are to be 11 waa open to all .of the safety entl, one brother and two sisters. Also: Kurt Bdan Lagerfeldt, property into a modem home, t The first action of this new t~ an ,ave ecome t e ta en h£1d this afternoon at the Ham. C man. John .1fack, on behalf of ______, Joseph William Louisell, Donald also wants the title cleared up. Patrol membera in the Pointe. ~oard of governors was to elect blrth.places of Broadway and "It F I H CouncIlman Gerald Miller chair- g distance SUEan1------I' , . Hollywood I on unera orne. • . "the worldts Ion James Meldrum, Kristine officers for the commg year. J~. ." . MI'. Bahr is survived by his man ot the committee negotiating flight record of 11,230 miles set Nichols, Stephen Frank Norcott, George Gregory Taube.neck, Di- aeph ParliO~ was elected presl- The conceptIon of the Idea for widow Camilla' a 'son Robert. l't"th La" Sh B L' by the U.S. Navy's P2V Neptune Robert John O'Brien, Carolyn nna Mary Waldeck, 'l\1ichnel ... .'t th t . IG ' ,., , W ,'1 e "",e ore us mes, Police in Park (lent, H. Thompson Stock, Vlce- a communi y ea re In rosse daugh1er Camilla' and t h r e e . in 1~6. has not yet been chal-I Ann Rode, Holmes Martin Shank- James Whyte, Pamela Lynn Wil- resident. Mrs. William Codding. Pointe was born in t'le mi~d of brothe~s: Edgar G.' and Waldo L., Inc.: on t?e status of the nego- lenged. _'. wiler, Elynor Marie Stilwell, son, and Judith Anne Wooldridge, on, secretary; and John Wilt, Russel Werneken. In Apr~l he both residents of Grosse" Pointe, tiatlons WI~ that concert) on the Check on Dogs reasurer. called. together .all people m~er- WId Herbert C. of Detroit. lie matter of lares and lervice. r: Bellinnin, June 25, a park 1)&- : Organizational plans for next I ested m t~e proJect. At that time was born in Detroit and was a ~greement hu been reached trolman will be assigned to ch~k ear's program oj activities are i the financIal structure of the pro. graduate of the University of lth th b hi all owners of dop who tp date Iready let in motion under the jeet Wall auspiciously started, A Michigan w e ~lseompany w .ch will . . b fib rd. o . '&JIure an per cent mcrease have nr)t secured .. current do, f.e~darlihlp ~f Ute followln.g ~om. ntrum all' iO thPeop e tehletve sld BUrial wa~ in Woodmere Cem- in bus facilities in the morning license. Inlttee c.halrmen llnd comnuttee song y n e good a wou etery h d a 12 . ,I Owneu who have failed to M- ~embns appointed by the new be brought to the community . . oUTSanth ft per cent Incre~se Jacobonl-i.. . president. Wher~ the committees through this kind of an organiza. ~n e a emoon an.d evening cure their dog license will be is- sued a violation notice. This no. REDUCED PRICES{ . ere not complete. the chairman lion that they supported the idea Poster Contest OUrll. will be making further appoint- with provisional gifts. These gifts p. Add It lJ also disclosed 1hat the bus tice must be settled. in the vio- ... tnentl, range.d from $25 to $200, and rzzes war e company agreea at an early date lation bureau. The l1n. il $2.00. they ,vere plentiful enough to in- to provide suitable protection and All dogs. muit be vaccinated I ProJI'1m Committee - Tom sure covering the materials and waiting quarterll for transfer pat • • toclt, 'Chairm;m;,Walter C!emin- Awards in the l\rst annual h and the owner of any dog In the son, Edward Hartwick, Mrs. Jos- l\X ed costs of one production ex- poster contests in the Pointe rons at t e limits. village of GrOllse Pointe Park, eph MurPhy' and, Bernice" Moore. c usive1 of any salaries. Mr. Wer- senior and junior high schools It Wal also provided that all prior to .ecuring ... license must neken is content to gamble on the were awarded recently by John of 1he Pointe Communities shall have in possession at time of li. ARTCRAFT , Regent&-Alumni Scholarship- box-office for the small fee he R. Barnes, superintendent of continue their vigil over the cense purchase, a 1945' vaccina- tred. Schuman Cheirman; Mrs. asked the donors to authorize for h quality of "ervI'ce and all other . M J h sc ools. The contest was spon- 0 tion clearance. Eth eIber t Spurner rs. 0 n D. his services. d b W Ik d items of proper concern I'n the • L h D J h P t d H sore y a er an Company. The village dog impounding r;n.;;. Jo~~s.o n or er, an en. The spirit of these far-sighted Winner of the $25 first prize in rthelatpio!?,sof the bus company and wagon Is attempting to appre- hend all animals rtmning at large. ~jf~tf4t~ donors has been followed by the senior high entries was Elaine e omte public. : Committee on Articles of Als'n equal spirit from the merchants. Severin, 1B9 McKinley. Sue Mar- Attorney Meder was authoriz- You must keep your dog conflned and By-Laws-Pierre Heftier, ,.The business people of the com- tin, 61 Hawthorne, took the ed to execute the agreement for to your own property: and on • , Membership Committee-Mrs. munity have contributed gener- second prize of $15. The third the City. leash If on public property. Robert Patter60n and Ralph WiI- ously of their window space for prize of $10 was awarded to Sally I' ion co.chalrmen. advertising and in the loan or Seymour. 505 Rivard boulevard. , Soclil Coinmittee-Mta. Joseph gift of items needed to make the Winners of the $5 pr12:eswere: Murphy. first production possible. Parsons Arnold, 266 "Ridgemont. Scholanhip .. ~ji Loan Fund G Andriana Landes, 589 Pember: Committee _ Henr.y W. Jane", lowing terms are needed to • de J'b tl h f d t d ton; Joy Perry, 19364 Elkhart ChA;rm.an,' Dr. Leland V. Hewitt, scr e Ie ours 0 evo e r- work member" have g'ven to street; and Patricia Jenks,' 831 luae 14 tbru 101)' 10 and Paul Frenseth. <> 1- Lincoln road. Publicity Cominitt~Bernlce wards producing a play. They oor~. have given limitless energy to Similar prizes were awarded C08l1letJe Bar M ~ ak th 'ty th t to junior high student!. Diane t. ple •• e o'dfripu"s ••• Thil vear'," record for the club mrealitye II communi ea rt II Nyland, 1230 North Oxford road, :was very gratifying to .those con-' was awarded. first prize. Second to make new friends! eerned. Many new members af- p. S d pri?:e was won by Lowell G. 1llialed with the group for the oznte tll enis Jackson, 13.56Vernier, and Barn- • !irst time. A very substantial ad- R . D by Wigton. 1033 Bishop, walked The stocking event of the yeor! dition was made to the club's. ecezve egrees off with third prize. The top ~cholarship fund. and a program __ three winners were Pierce stu- An opportunity for new customers of varied types of aelivities dents. to BUY, WEAR, and COMPARE brought encouraging responses Degrees were conferred upon "from the membersbip and other students from the Grosse Pointe Winners of the $5 prizel at c!It i'Ml savings; for old cus. :frienda in the community. area at the sixty-fifth /lnnual Pierce junior high were: Joannie commencllment eJrercises of the Hollister, 912 Barrington; Pew tamers to buy ~ summer supply University of Detroit on June 9, Morelan4; 1164 Harvard; Jill of nylon$ llt greotly reduced prices. by the Very Rev. William J. Read, 580 Barrington, and Nancy William Bantim Millar, .s.J" president. VanDenbussche. 1212 Beacom- A bachelor of .clence degree field. Browriell winnenw'ei'e Drowns in Creek Susan Senff, 800 Lincoln load was conferred upon Yvonna Ra- and Martha Smith, 2.55 Merri: Wi1llam r. Bautin, Df 14'133 shid, of 1228 Three Mile drive. weather •. 11 demer .. 51 guage Reg, 2.50 NOW I.811 ~lenk. was drowned in F a x She majored ,in chemistry. The NOW 1.65 Creek directly in front of his bachelor of philosophy degree RIVERSIDE KIWANIS 30 denier .. 51 guage Reg. 1.95 home at .., o'clock on Tuesday was conferred. upori Anne E. afternoon, June 17. Schultz, daughter of Mr. and The Riverside Kiwanis Club 30 denier. 45 goage Reg. 1.65 NOW 1.40 , Mr. BanUn was trlmminl a Mni. Joseph Schultz, of 1409 will have u'itsguest speaker hedge in fro~t. of his place, an~ Buckingham, major in saeiolo- at itll regular luncheon" meetmg from some unexplained cause gy; Nancy A. Joyce, daughter of on Thursday, June 24, at 1he Ho~ VIRGIN FLOWER :fell forward into 1he creek: He Mr.\" and Mrs. Bryan Joyce, of tel Whittier, William E. Stirtoll .was conscious' and able to call 961 Trombley road, 'major in principal of Cass T~hnicaJ High Virgin Flower Deodoront; refreshing ond ~o his wife, who tried to reach English. and Joan Haines, daugh- School, who will speak on Vaea- sweet to ossure your dointiness ~II sum- ~im with a clothe. pole. Hemade 1er of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome' tional Guidance. He will be in- mer long. " 'several attempts to grab it, but Haines, of 1069 Wayburn, Grosse traduced by Bruce Reynolds. ;When his hand was within II few Pointe Park, English. major. _ 1.00 ~nches of it he disappeared. Miss 'Rashid, . a gsaduate of TO GIVE RECITAL : His body was .recovered a few Southeastern High School, at- Virgin Flower Talcum; ~ gentle squeeze minutes later and he was rushed tended the University of Mich- Virginia Catanllse and Sharon of the plastic bottle releoses a fine spray lee Cream Cool ~o City Hospital, where vain at- igan. At the University of De. Potts will give a joint clarinet of to!cum. tempts were made to revive him troit, she was a member of the and pi~no ,rp,cital in the school Sheer dotted lawn ;With a pulmotor. Sigma Delta sorority. Ihall of the Gros~ Pointe Con- 1•.10 , He ran the popular barber Miss Schultz was graduated servatory of Music' at 15129 E. Prleu sub'ed to !'ed. Tax 'Inop at 15027 E. Jefferson for 26 lrom Dominican High School. Jefferson on Friday evening, ::rears, retiring." four years ago. Her university activities include June 25, at 8 p.m. SLEEPFASHIONS 'He was 57 years of age and was the Debate Club, Sodality, Psy- ======;born in Detroit. He is survived chology Club, al)d the Alp h a In sins 8 to 16 -by his wife end a son, George. Chi Tau and Pi Kappa Delta : An autopsy. by the coroner's honor sororities. During the past office showed that he had died year, she was vice prefect of ~by drowning. the Sodality Council, II memo ber of the Student Council, and was the University's delegate to the National Students' Associ- Thi.s Week ation Conference. A graduate of Grosse Pointe High School, Miss Joyce attend- Disdndlvel,. ~~.'t,rl Shop ed Georgetown Visitation Jun- ior College. She was a mem- ber of the Sodality, the Choral Club and the Alpha Chi Tau MOCCASINS Roslyn sorority while at the Universi- • ty. In addition, she ",vas a men,- ber of the Sodality Council, the 8.95 staff of tile Varsity News. stu-, "Th. Klltie" Market dent newspaper, 1he Senior Ball Alllillve re4, ._ committee, the Tower .s t a f f or Mi.e '"titer yearbook, and '/srious other ac- tivity committees. Miss Haines, a graduat .. of St. Ambrose High School, was re- Super'in cipient of 1he Rho Gamma Zeta Literary Award foreraltsman. ship in letters, She also received Every Way! the best actress award of the EXCLUSIVELY AT Players, Itudent dramatic group. DElIVERIES-NI. 9542 IIlCO.SOl¥'S, She was a member of the So. Precious two.piece, pajamas and 21020 MI"••t Roslyn dallty and 1he Comoro, Art s 01' COlJUBl social lororlty. wispy 90wn, daintily designed for summer sleep comfort, ribbon I)etldea and ruffled. Deliciously cool Fanf,OUR Healt" Bread in crisp white lown spiced with R(lJ Sllx Rotts The h'Md sewn mocetls7ns red 01' blue dots. ~~am, SeeJ Read that look, fit tlnd weor On Sale .t Your Favorite Grocery Stor. like custom-crl'lfted originl'lli .. 8.9~ PIZZA (Tomato Pies) On Sate FrIday., 3 P. M.. ~ OC! at Main OCfle& tI .11. lal.. HOT BREAD FOR RETAIL SALE ~ AT 12:H P.M. and 8:00 P.M. AT OtlR e MAIN OFFICE JaCO~OAL 1(ereHval at St. aalr, GrMMl P_lnt~ 10932 Shoemllk. Telep~on. IV. 9595 ,


• . 7 » I

Thurs'day, June 24, 1949 GROSSE POINTE NEWS TO HELP AT BIACH "Y Woods Town Meetl",ng' SON, MAR C X WETHERBEE Following the luncheon earlier i Kathy Greig, Janet Hobson, 'I LICE THORPE and SUE CAR-I Gratzer. Dick Nightengale, Joy 81 and JANET JOHNSTONE. in the week' PAT.PERONNE and IShelia M,acRae, Marcy Wether-, SON gave an open house Sun- Heidrieh. Ed Karrer and Bob Some of the guests who ar- SALLY MacDONALD gave'a bee, Katny Strek, and ',lany, I day for most of the senior class. ISchneIder. • • • ' Th, WoodJ tcuneil hll auth. many more. . I'd orized th 1 t t hi "astz.cCrowd rived to say good-bye were: Dor- lovely tea In.' honor of ALIcE.~ , BARBARA ORPHAL and GIN-' A few of the guesls Jnclude I If anyone wishes to have a par- ' amp oymll\ (I • • p. Draws Enthusz____ is Deising, Shelia Ma~Rae, Kathy Some of the guests Included NY GRANSE ass' I d PAT d Joe Mannino, Bunny ShiPton'j ty written In the "News" will er at the belehtront p.rk tOt

A Town Meeting, held undel' velopment of lhe Civic League. SIrek, Sally Andrus, Sally Ma't'- Joyce Wiek, Margo Gessler, Pat I IS e au i, Marviu wea,vel', Barbara Mann" you please call either Nt 4631 [ the ''.Immer '''1On .t the nle the auspices of the Grosse Pointe So "e t th' tl Donald, Norma Neeb, Je ani e Finnegan, Carolyn Johnson,. ~a- SALLY at th~ Ie:. • ,Joe Fromm, Pat Ros~iler, Mary Ior TV. 2.9757. We want to write of $30 per WHk, He will work ..r, a was , e In eres Webb, Barbara Bauman. Me g ril"n Walters, Russ Delsl.n!l, ,.Ellen Anlrim, Ginn.v Becker., more about other schools and under the direction of th- Chief Woods Civic League, wns con. aroused In lhe audwnce that l5 I,MacKenzie and Merrv Bauman. JeanneJ Smith, Joanie Rollins. SUE CRUICKSHANK, FE-! Doug Buck, Sharon Ford, Mar y their activities. of Pollee. ~ ducted at 8:30 p.m, on June 16 persons volunteered for member------_ .._.._.---,. .-.- ...-._-- in the Lutheran Church at Mack ship in the League. and Lancaster. The meeting attracted a large and enthusiastic company of Taxes in City Woods citizens who evide,lced their interest in the developmenl Remain Same I of the community. As the Woods I JUST FOR FUN. .. .ON YOUR is now the fastest growing sec- Budget of $428,042 Adopted.' tion in the Pointe the keen in- . With Rate Staying at terest shown had special sig- nificance. 18.50 per Thousand TWl' films which hacl been .pro- The budget of Grosse Pointe eluced by the Y.M.C.A" bolh City recently adopted carries ap- aimed at stimulating inlerest in propriations totalling $428,042.81. the development of recreational' facilities in a community, were Last year's budget was $426,- shown. One of these \Vas called 663.21. • "$1,000 for Hecreation" and The receipts for the year are showed what had been accom- estimated at $429,600; derived plished in Litchfield, IlL, through ~:~:p\~~a~~~I, ~~~o,O~~i~~~w~;~ the activity of a group which sales tax and miscellaneous $109,- started with a capital of only 600. . ~l ,000. The tax rate will remain as Exa~tly.Right Fashions The other .. was call~d "Play- for the past five years at $18.50 town, U.S,A. and reCited much! per lhousand of assessed valus- for the thoe of. ,:our li~e! the same slory of accomplish- lion. The City pl'ides itself there ment In Decatur, Ill. has been no incr~ase in the tax Lint'olu Maire Rnd Howard rate in five veal's. Grandelot, bolh members of the The assessed valuation of the Village Planning Commission, City is $17,868,970. spoke. Mr, Maire told of the accomplishmenls to date in the lakefront park and of the plans for its further development. Mr. Grandelot, who has specialized in the efficacy of chlorination to safeguard bathing walers, spoke BIRDS' EYE along that line. • Rex Johnson, active in the Something new in the way of League and a member of the after graduation parties was giv- PIQUE • Village Board of Commissioners, en by CHUCK WAGNER. talked on the inc~plioll and de- CHUCK and his date, KAT 1E dancing wi th eyelet WEILAND, enle!tained several Sura Stripe friends on his boat at the Grosse I Jr. charmer, fresh as daisies, More Windows Pointe Yacht Club. I TOM HORRIGAN'S. LESTER sentimental as forget.me-'nots Broken in Farms BAUER'S, MARIANNE BLAS~ I lOLA'S, and NANCY PRES- SWIM SUITS " , fragile waisted, full skirted for Robert Tobin reporll'd to lhe t TON'S houses were open for the I a soft feminine look, done in Farms police that someone had. kids following the graduation ex- I l\'ylotl and "lJ"ste.'~Stripe

paid a visil to his new home in I ercises. I' sparkly white pique cleverly Stephens road lhe night of Satur- Gay breakfllsts were given by frosted with chevron loce insets. day, June 19. The malicious IJOAN COPE MARILYN It's a. sure sign of summer when Jo!lntzens visitors didn't leave until they I BOWER, and 'SUE CRUICK-I hnd broken ten windows and two i SHANK lhat lasled well into the, orriv"e ••. the signal for value-wise Sire. 9 to 15. window frames. One of the win- I following morning, mermaids to make their selection. Whether dows was a beautiful five by ten Congratulali'llPs seniors! feet picture window. • • • you bask in the sun or battle the surf, 19.95 Tobin told the police that lhe About 100 guests were present you'll be thrilled by Jantzen's flattering damage was done bel ween lhe at the Schiable household when hours of 6 and 10 p. m. when no I a lawn parly, decorated wit h fit, figure-bewitching fabrics and one was In the house. the traditional blue 'n gold school colors, was given by the sensible prices. Dress Salon Sixth Church of Christ, Schiable family honoring FRED • . D' SCHIABLE, JR, who was !!:rad- SClentlst, etrolt uated last week from G.P.H.S. 11.95 • • • 14730 Kercheval Aveoue SUE SPURRIER was the love- In Blue m~tJl Sportl Shop Sunday Services 10:30 •. m. ly hosless over' Kenwood court and 5:00 p m. way at a tea given for about 50 White or Gold Sunday Sohool girls Saturday afternoon. wi.h Grell Flnt .~ .. !on .:. .I0.3U •. m. • • • Second .c!Slon :..11:45 a. m. DIANE THOMPSON. SUE Werinc~d.Y e"cntnp Te.o:timonl'l ESSINGTON, 'and JUDY Me- looIeeting at"S p. m. KIEL were also hostesses serv- Reading Room Open Week Day" ing tea and punch to Sue Kit- 10,00 •. m. to 9:00 p. m. son, Connie Baker, Carrol Grylls, Sunday 2:30 to 5:00 p. m. Barbara Bauman, Gerry Jacob------son, Barh Orphal, Sharon Craw-I ford, Pat Underwood, Sally An- AX 1l} • t drus, Peg Dicken, Alice Savage, ~ wro~~t .-r'"' 01n t 1\ Ellen Jane Worley, J e ann e .J1R' .. ' ~.. b Smith, Ardith Fahl, Gail Wright, ~,,~£t~obt.st 'Q..-~urc~ ILois Buck, Mary Mohr, Mary IHodges and Jean Giles, "....,,~,.inS' .,~ • • • KERBY SCHOO~ I The Pointe Players Club of I' Kerby Ne"r K... hovo i G.P.H,S. celebrated the end of ---:SE RV ICES--- I a most successful year by get-I. ,ling together all present mem- 10:45 MOI'DIDc W:>nbip """ s.nr- bel'S for a picnic at Bob-La Is- land. I Ie u..'onPoriod l« Running to catch the last boat 12:00 12:30 .n dep."men" 01 tIl. On:rdt S,h",,1 we saw John \Veed. Bob Harbi. son, Bob Striker, Sherb' Brown, hr ,f...... 10:45 to 12:30 1.0...,.. .nd Pl•• Carroll Grylls, Joe Manino, Stteee.. • .. , Period ror Nunory end X;nd""P"" Charl Salmon, Bob Bolo, Mary (" Ou'doF Ellen Antrim and Bob Stebbins. • ROYAL ,...... Clarence O'Dell, Alice sav-I • TURF COMPLETE YOlnH PROGUM age, Dick Lord, Victor Hughes. • GREY REV. HUGH C. WHITE, ~ Peg Dicken, Nancy Doherty, Barb Otto, and oh, yes, Mr. Nel- • NAVY BUR-MIL 2O.n Vim A"tw.'1' ~". TV. '.112' son and Miss Campbell ",'ere

Buildin; Site DQ MorON Road seen riding on the "comet" or Btlween K nchev ..l and Rid,. Ithe "bug," or roller skating Ilt Our gad.boNt TROPIC WEIGHT 1l!!!!======~U the pa viIlion. ------. .. JOANIE ROLLINGS celebrat- ed her seventeenth hirthday SLACK SUIT last TJlllr.day by giving It lunch- Just arrived •• , our superbly For You- eon-bridge for several of her ~fI,"allfl interpre.ed friends. hand-tailored, hMd-JfMCI Amonp; the guests were Joyce in erl.p Str.dter eloth suits, done in cool and' com. This Liberation Wiek, Jeanne Smith, Peg Dick- en, Jp.n Walker, Kathy Greig, fortable Bur.MiI reyo" Relesse from AnxietyandlImI- Alice Savage, Gretchen Klee- ~ Mtur<'ll for week-ends in the hammer, Barh Otto, Ardith Fahl, suiting, the ultimo!lte in tntion, together with enlarged Margo Gessler. Alice Siehler, country, weor them for leisure understRndin~Rndusefulness. smart summer wellr. Critie. Nancy Doherty, Kathy Droge, comfort /lnytima - e versetila hsppine~s end Asense ofwell. and yours truly. elly shaped with e1elllling being beyond v..hllt one hilS • flere-beck locket, -cut with eon- • • weist, moc~ flap p~~e+f, known before- A garden tea for ahout eo sen- vertible collllr, ellsy .Josh ~ocket$'. ior girls from G.P.H. was given slim side-slit skirt. In bemboe These. Christian Science by ALICE COREY and PAT with 'Sleek.fitting slach to match. tnakes available fl1rsll, under STUART Wednesday l!.fternoon. or ecquoi grey or ten In rllyon Strutter cloth • • 11 cl)ndition~ a8 llhundAnt HELEN SHULTZ, PEG Mc. striped on white. world .wide evidence show'- CARTEN and CORKY SCHWEM Sizes 10 to '18. were hostcsess. Sizes r 0 to 20. How you can experience Somp. of the R'ue~ts Inwdcd thr'e b~ncfits of the Science Shirley Davis. Marion Fold, ; of Chri~liAnity i8 clearly Aet ,Toan C;,mphell. Marl'ie Shulte, I 14.95 forlh in wrilings - including LoraiM Christian. Gail Thomp.1 the ChristinnSciencetcdbook, son.. Joycc Hartllllg, Bunny Ship' "S~j~nce And HMlth with Key ton, Virginiil Bechr, Mar i I y n Sha:.". P"t 1\!~nn. Pat Ford. Bar- to the Scriptures" hy Mary barn Gregor:.'. Sally Hubbard Sport~ Sbop Baker i-:rld)'- which may be aml Sh~ron ForeI. TClld,borrowed,orpurcha.'cd at .'. . Sillurnay afternoon GAl L CHRISTIAN SCIENCE THOMSON and a I'I'QtIlJ of her READING ROOM' frieons includinl( JOiln Campbell, •Janice Turnhull. Helen Shultz. S.lt 1aI.. 14730 Kercheval Ave. Ali!'!' Cor!';', Pat Stuart, Eunice Jodar /lnd JlI1i!' Bowm:ln, ml't at Detroit thl' Hn;' Vi~w Yarht Cilih and. 111(1kII hoat cldv!'n by Ga ii's un- : Vi,i/or. We/com. ell'. nown 10 Boh.Lo. I Informalion roncr~n Ing Ire' • • • ,mhlic ledrlre~, ehll/'(h srrrice,', II L 1 C Ii: NEVILLE, who is and oth(r Chri.•rion Scicnce ac. mo\'inl( to Denver ~oon, wa~ j!;iv- Xere'eval at St. Clair, Grosse Potnte ('r: n fond f"rcwl'll surprise Pill'- liuilie,' of"o 11l'(Ii/(iolr. tv IW ANNTF: CANDLF:R, BAR. BARA ORPIIAL, SUSIE JOHN.

.. ~...... -.....'...,;- ..._ ....." ...... _ ..~_ .... _ ...... ,;;,;,...... _ ..... _ .... _ ... _ ,;";;,,....;.;:o,;.;...... :..,;;,.,,_.:...;,;,.,;,;o.:....;.;.,..:....:..~:-:...:....:..:.:...... :....:..:.....:...... :..;.: __ ..:...:.;,...:.-:-.:'--..;.;,..;.;,;.;..:.....:.-_..:.::.:.:.:..:...:...:.:...::.:...~" :..:. • • it ,~. ', .., '4 , •• ,~"'_-_~.~ <; R 0 S S E POI N TEN ______E W S Thursday,--.------ro--"'June 24, 1948 Page Six ..Parkzon' g Row Lothrop Road Sewer SEEK CONCRETE__ '_ TOSSER I atmidnight17510 onCharlesJune place16. A searchat aboutof I Project Bid Accepted I Some miscreant t!uew a piece I the sUITounding locality by the _ : of concrete through the front I City police failed to uM~rth any I PUBLISHEDE~~?~~~s~~i ~yt:H!':~:~RESS. INV Grosme. (Continued from Page 1) The Farms awal'd~d the con- window of the McKay residence likely suspects. , ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE DE'rROlT WESTWARD AND THE I GRAND RIVER RECORD. OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 parking was not need('d and ptll'~c~e~loeln.tsse\I,Vnel'thaenLdot\hvaroteprsll'm'b:1------=----.--- -'-. KERCHEVAL. GROSSE POINTE FARMS. 30, MiCHfG~_N_ EJ!aggera1tions i charged that the parking lot • ! proposition had its origin in the divisIOn at a meeting of the I ' Phon's TU. 2.b900 52 ~ 34 trustees Monday night, June 21. A. PRYOR ,desire of the council to favor a Three Trunk Lines I Monte was awarded the job. I Member Michi~an Press Ass'n and National Editorial Ass'n. "Gcl/llemOl, Jbis is Ibe co1ll'e1llio/l of free speecb, I few wealthy merchants along at a cost of $38,265. Six other i ROBE,iTBEDGAR_iI:>i1.0R-;;;dGENiRAL~1AN-AGER-- a1ld I hal'e beell git'fIl Ih", floor. I hal'e onlr a fell' Kercheval. At this stage some contraclmg concerns entered bids: MARK K. 'EDGAR. , ,EDlTORIAL WRITER words 10 say to you, but I sba/l say tbem i{ I stalld first class communist talk was lor the project. A. PRYOR , EDlTOR. WOMEN'S PACGES here /lUIi! /OIJ10rrOU' }."0 rllitJg." thl'o\vn llboul. -.-.------.----- MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ADVERTISING MANA 'ER JANE SdlERMEHlIORN, .., ..,FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY (George W, CurliJ .•• al the After the Waterloo-St. Clair- The Threat of FRED RUNNELLS , , SPOHTS ED1TOH Republicilti Natiollal CO/ireillion Neff protestants had had their J OE FROMM , V."'¥;~nJ~ i~ IRfi~,) • inning the council heard the re- TOBY CUMMINCS AD EIt Deafness ARTHUR BLYLER , , ,..,.., ADVER'fISING hash of the arguments, applying PATR[CIA BOELL, .., ,ADVERTISING The column and carloon boys will have a field day with 110 the south side uf Kercheval By Jo'RED 1\1. IWPP. R.Ph. ANN MARTIN ,.. , , , , , ,.., ,WANT ADS ,the .rhyme act if Dewey, Taft or Stnssen get, themsf!lves These have all been published Deafness is a very common BETT\' SCI iROEDF.R .., , , CIHCU LATION nommated. With Vandenberg the rhyming will be tOllgh 1J~rore. They revolve largely disability. and one'that most MARY Mal'FAHLAi'D .., " , ,.., AC('OUNTS 10 ~.-..__ .. "_._ ..-. ------_ ..- ._-_ _ .. .._---" -,-,. ,._-- unless Ogden Nash can think of something. We can just see. aooul the CB"e of \'alacre \'"n people dislJke acknowledge. ----- ~._._-_ ~"- , . . Damme, who owns the lirst FULL\' PAW CIRCULATION Bllt ~vhen you accepl the faet Subscription Rat,e: $2,00 Per Year by Mail. All News and DEwey written about at various times using Gooey, Hooe~', house on the south of Ketchev~1 that your hearing is not what Ad\'erlisin~ COpy !llust Be in The News Olllce by "Voo-wooey or Phooey; Or Taft, who rhymes with any num- on the east side of SI. Clair. Mr. it should be, then you are ready to receive all the assist- Tuesday Afternoon to Obtain Insertion That Week. bel' or things including Aft baft craft draft graft laughed Van D.amme fears that he will Eastern Reple~,l'ntatlve. VICTOR S. GRANDIN. , , , " be cn!lreiy surrounded bv park- ance science can I(ive you. 551 Filth Avenue. New York 17. N. Y. - Tel. VA. 6-2065. and waft; Stassen can pull up the rear with Gassin' ... ing lots if the 70 feet ad'ditional The firsl step is to con~l1ll a Passin' •.. Sassin' •.. and Fasten ... to name a few. So all- is added to the 250 feet of avail- doctor to delermine the cause --E-n-te-re-ci~--~-;c~~d~~atl~r atthe p~~t--;fflce.Detl'oit of your deafness-it may not Michis.!an under the Act of March 3. 1897. right, how Can we concentrate on anything BUT the nomin- able parking area which has ex- be 3S serious as you think, ------. ? Isted slllce September 1939 a tlon . where his property is now local- Whatever the caliS£', you may d~pend upon the doctor's ad- • .. .. I"d. vJ('e .to help you in hav illg your Congress Views Our Waters Quickly scanning one of lhe dailies, we 'spied a head on one of Incidentally, Mr, Van Damme hcarlll g re:;tored or aided bv the columns which read somelhing like: "Much overdone' phrase has a sign on his house which J11P:lOS of the proper mechani- Grosse Poihte and <111of the communities which border cal d('vice, SAY ttF IFE RS" FOR on the lower reaches of the Great Lakes waterway system . , . 'To err is Truman'." It wasn't overdone as far as we were tlon_ll'eadS "eanaries and parakeets are directly concerned with a conference committee report on cern I'd since this wa.~ the first time we'd heard of II. Apparently for sal,e", which has impressed Depend upon a conscientious no one else around here has heard It either. We'vt. been kicking it some lmpartlal observers as a dru~gist to supply you with FINEST FLAVORl a bill designed to promote a nation-wide anti-stream pollution . clear vJOlatlOn of the non-com- medication of unimpeachable program. The House approved the report on June 18. around now' for weeks .•. and II seems to be new 10 everyone. •. mercial prov'lch. Voice, Diction, Gl'.ilmmar, + party wearing a "shiner" wondp.rs how she REALLY got it ... she' lp veys; $2.000,000 for public health service and $500,000 for owns ea Poise, Posturl", Charm, Confidence. HAVANA Federal Work Agency participation in t1:le program. REALLY ctid get it from walking into a door. Her husband, a gag Report fo M Formerly at Carn{"~ie Hall, New A 1.1. .fX PENSE'" AI R CRUISES artist of the first order, did his best to convince their (riend!! to the r ay York, Boston and Hollvwood Five gl"morous days and six thrilling, ocean. For some time past the Michigan State Stream Control Write -1.52 :'tlrKI1111'.)' ltd" ~rOS51." (,oJltrar~'. It secms he hales to go to -parties ... .'10 when hl.'l wHe de- Commission and the similar authorities of other states border- The Township Health Report of )tointe or phone Nt 360-1. mornings. cooled nights in gay HavilOa. SixC&S ing on the Great Lakes system have been giving serious atten- veloped the black eye ... and dhin't want to go ... he insisted communicable diseases for the wonder cruhes to choose from. All include ,Hon to this problem. In addition to these state agencies the they go ... then he lold everyone there that they had a fighl aboul month of May, which embraces air fare, IIHraetive hotel room with private United States and Canadian Governments have been looking going and he had to beat her up to make her attend. all of Grosse Pointe, including bath, and 1111 meais-"t holel or in flight. . into a plan to coordinate state agencies with the national • • • the City, shows a large increase Lellve any day at your convenience. Go l\Iistaken Identit)' ... when the cast consists of two women and in the number of cases of meas- leOJ(! on/Ie now ••• pay later. No down payment. efforts. les. There \vere 171 cases of this Ask your travel agent or ne.srest C&S The pollution of the great inland waterways is a progres- one beautiful gown. can be a mighty sorry story lor someone. At MASSEUSE disease as against only 69 in the ticket office. live evil whIch is certain to grow worse unless and until it is least this story is. A local femme ordered her "gown-of-lhe-season" preceding month of April. to weal' at a ball that is coming up any minute. She had extensive Massalle, for Spot Reducirlg ',' taken up in an effective overall plan which will solve the Mumps, on. the other hand, or Relaxing. WOo 2-7190 " alterations done on it and told the shop to be sure she got the gown S179ll d 1'0 Pperl from 108 cases to 03. problem for all future time. . Yeill'S of Exp;riellce wi/h on time. One evening last week. she attended a large parly and was Chickenpox was down in May to Ticket Offie. Here in Grosse Pointe and the Detroit area in ~eneral we 'Pl'H U,S. ta" on horrified to see the VERY SAME gown on one of the guests. 53 cases, 29 under the 82 high in GmJrt: Poilt/ers. 1207 Washington are constantly experiencing repercussions of' the overall air tare on/)', Bl.d. That was bad enough ... because those things happen and April. Scarlet fever accounted problem. The safety of public swimming along our lakefront Now voilable for home call,. c

for some of the fervor of the reception. > ••• none of the stores had the darn thmgs. They dldn t even sound Whatever the behind-the-scenes explanation of the vast ' as If the~'d EYER had them! difference of the Truman reception on the ,Vest Coast and points farther east, it is a fact for serious consideration bv The, Draft 1he national politicoes who have their eyes on the shaping ?f e:ents for th.e big test in NovE'mber, foJlowing the nom- The long rlrawn out issue between compulsorv military mating conventions. . .' .,' , . ' t. bl tl t tl I I Id d It' th I trauung, WIth the accompanvmg commlttment of thIS country ]t. IS no Icea e la lE' muc 1 lera e re\'o me' .' . democratic party which a few weeks ago seemed likelv to to a continuing policy of preparation for war similar to that make the President's renomination a 'debatable question, which has obtained in Continental Europe for more than a appears to have been dissipated. century. or having recourse to a quick draft of our young It is extremelv diIricult for the party in power to refuse manhood for parly defense, has at last been settled. a nO,mination. to the part~' lea~er wh~ has. ascended ,to the The compromise bill which the House approved ill the last Preslrlen.cy,\'la the death 111 office of hlS chIef. It hasn t h~p~, hours of the present Congress on June 19 ,vill put into effect pene.d sll1ce Chester A., Arthur lost out ,after succeedm", as soon as the law is promulgated, a draft. by selection, of a PreSIdent James A. Garfield more than 60 ) ears ago. - consirlcra,ble borly of our young men between the ages of 19 ------through 2:=>\vho \vill be given 21 months of strenuous military training. The TWO G erma nys However much our professional military men may have Much of the current friction between the Western Allies I urg:c~ total ~raining for our, ~'ollth when the:-: arrived at. a anrl the Russians now stems out of Herlin. The general policy ; c~r a\~ spe,clfied ~ge the Spirit of such II program was dlS- of ot;;trL:c:ion which the Russians evidenced in conferences Itl.nc.l1~ antl-Amellcan. I~ WaS repugna~t. to. the deep seated both rJurin,~ and after the war, have now been largely trans- dl.';1Jke of the peol?le of thIS countr:: ~o.mlhtar.lsm.1t could only lated into a studied, suslained policy of making life as miser- ~:-_acceJ~t~~phere If th,~re WaS a Unt\P1 s.aI hE'li"f th,at t~e world able as possible for us and the British in the old capital of \, de.fl~lt:lv commhterl to. the olrl OHler of n~tlOns-m-arms, GE'rmany. Their every act has been the antithesis of good\"i11 If ,hiS IS so the.11 there IS ~o be no alternatlVe left for us or any desire to cooperate. ~xcept to accept thIS h~'pothests and convert ourselves into II Russia agreed in the beginning to the recreation of a self permanent armed camp. SENATOR KllOWATI SAYS: sustaining Germany allrl then renegerl in every morE' to that While we fought two wars to end war and are still far enrl. If we had consented to her spoliation of western Germany from achieving that goal, millions of persons in this country It's a landslide, folks, a regular walkaway! Every precinct to recoup the $10 billion which she dE'manrled as reparations ~'et cling to that hope. Were it not for the opposition of a single this would have been most agreeable from their standpoint nation, the bright clreams embodied in the Unitecl Nations and every ward is all,oul for elec(richy! "DOWN SOUTH••• but woulrl have left Germany an economic waste. pl,ln would alrcad~' be advanced for to\',:ards realization. There's no mystery about (hese voles for volls. Electricity SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN RepE'ated efforts by us and the other western powers 10 For \lS now to have committed our nation to a continuous , obtain Russian cooperation have failed and at last we anrl program of universal militar~' training would have been docs literally thousands of jobs in homes-in factories- THAT IS • i , MORE the British !lnd French along with Ho!land, Belgium and cquivalC'nl to 11 rleclaration of abandonment of the hope for and on (he farms. Most of us use j( hundreds of times ~ Juxembourg have by the very force of the situation which her the adjtlstment of intel'l1utional differences by reason and AND MORE OF MAH attitude made necessary, agreed upon the erection of Western justice and a return to the age-old reign of force alone. The day. II does (hese jobs quickly-easily-cheaply-depend. Germany into an economic unit. The interest of this area will induction of a large bod~' of young men into the armed forces CONSTITUENTS ARE ably. In fac(, electricity docs most jobs far ~ than face to the west. by tile plan just adopted b~' Congress, will give the country VOTIN' THE STRAIGHT Meanwhile the western powers have not .,urren.dered a a sizeable force who will get nearly two years of training. any other way! jol of their hold on Berlin itself. We refuse to be squeezed out The plan looks like a good compromise between all-oul TICKET ••• GOIN' and as long as that position is maintained there exisls the military training and the creation oCa force adequate to holrl Live electrically. ; , and enjoy the difference! possibility of a common-sensed arrangement which will per- the line in the event of any sudden emergency. All.ELEORI(" petuate Germany as a great industrial state in central Europe. Much can be said of the wholesome effects of ~tniversa1 ~o necessary not only for the welfare of the German people military trainini! in the building up of a good future citizenry. but for the future peace and security of tht whole w.orld. The rlraft decirled upon will do much the same thing on l\ T'H E DE T R0 I TED IS 0 N CO. It is at best only a makeshift arrangement but (or the somewhat reduced scale and will spare us the odium of having time being seems the only way out oC ll1l impossible impasse. abandoned midslream our storm tossed ship oC world peace. ___~~_..-. -...._ ...... '...... , .... .L • Thu/'!day, June 24, I~4B GR.OSSE POINTE NEWS P'g8 ~8Ven

Dancinr Pupils Present 'II !ling at 8 in Ih! 'i'ierC'e aUdilor.:. Hulchins and Joan Faller. Oth.I' - Iin lor rail. Th! young rashlon'j als. In fact, one raa:st!r at/ the week later th!)' were rrowlnf . "Hanael and Gretel" ium b~' thl' young dancing pu.' er leading parts were taken by IDa r.,'•• 11a ry. abies over here dote on their holel said thai his beautiful like lettuce Jeans all over lh,! pils of Elizabeth Jane Carter. I Nancy I,loOr!, Joy Philip, Mar. v~r,' girlish', gowns wilh all that'j Am!rlcan rr!tlnbaeks seem!d to drawer. ".Hansel and Gretel," ~ ballet; The roil'S of Hansel and Gret-: garet Eddie. Lois Nelson'. Elise • t t mlleRre In Ihe !klrts. and they: Inerealle and propqate-he left I Whal :rives in Grosse Pointe' recital. was staged Sa(ul'tlay !ve- el were played by Carol Anne; Blome, and Margartt Leyrer.. qt.) e ~')'I ,••ar ....T certain I)' look very naive and! lwo 01 them in a bureau draw'l Love, etc. . ------.------. ------.--~--~------'JEUNE FII,LE In lhe rea I' er and when h. opened It a i RACHELLF,. J~-~~,------~~----~-~-.l'IJn IJ/l/J / French manner. ------( J , arLj I I'la d/JOIl The solid hit In Ihe thealers **~***~*****"H"H***."•••• ~ J' t --- I' here is Jean-Paul S~rle~ "MAIN ~ , PETZOLD . C ,. SALES." Litl'rally "S 0 i I ! d L"'Sf 3 DtllI. ~ J . ' , Dear rVIary-Qulte. ont"~f). Hands," this la' has been sold y, T~ ~ I f'" Y~ur note~suggestlng I toss off the "Sweet and Low: for fall pre::n~alion in New * ... , Down' on Pans at present-came on the same day as the i York uncil'r thl' title of "Red : :: , PUT YOUR CAR IN VACATION SHAPE ' travel jssue of the deal' old New York Times, When m~:e.\'e lit Illands." It's a foregone hit. An: Eli.abeth B@ry ••@r" , J on their Holiday Chart in which they listed Fourteen Days ~anti-Communist drama, it con- * . J : , , in France for 5799.92. I began thinking ~'OU all must feel. cerns a young o!fiC'er who. aft- :: I" Margaret K", ... dy'. : , . , \'ou're really losing money by staying at home, i l'r impl'isonml'nl, loses faith m :: • , RflAX Ai'" rl'"'Y 'l'ur .Ult"ftJl vr , . Well of course. their travel~'--:--- ., .. ----.-- .... :The Parly. Anothl'r sellout in * "ESCAPE ME NEVER ~ , "" &"rlU , n& nUl.,ult' J J ligure; are COlTl'ct-the round- for $6.00 and have a r~a!ly Paris lS Jacque's De\'al's "MAD- : !" ~ , , trip fare by air at .$740.00 being s~m~tuollS s.prl'acl nt the ~our, Jo:'MOrSELLE." The The a I 1'.1' * ~ , NO MOTOI\ING WO R E WOR I" , the onll' hl'u\')' expense - but ,I Algent, fOl S8.00. And \~hen Gulld has the raghts to "AU- : • j R I 5 - NO MONEY R ,;5 , when thev'list food at $4.00 a we say dme we mean dille. Only PRES DE MA BLONDE ... which * S'fAGED BY PAUL C2!lJNNER-Sellings by Roberl Davison : WITH OUR EASY.TERMS ~J day and i single hotel room at In f Parts does one reallV~ the I understand they orrered 10 : ""mmU""'.I ...m"'.lUU,UUNj"""'''''','HtrN''N''jNNN'"mmNNNH,_"'m''''Nm",, ~ 52,00 a dav thev are rather dip- dlf erence bel wel'n dining and Hoell'n Hayl's as a starring role * "" t f~~gai~~~~~he \~?~~a:'a~~~ar~m~7~ :~::~IYth:~,tl~~. i;\'~'~;~'.'::;CI~hf:n)~ ~~d~~eth~fm~~~re.;.ill~l~{ "~(ie:: ~ On. We.k Onl, Btl. SandlJ Night, June 27 i GET OUR HOLIDAY SAFETY CHECKU' time. . esse. Ihal even the food looks H~yes hasn't signed, has she?: MI h :: t t H aIlCl It Is tm" lhal with the franc fashionable. Lur/~hcon 01 dln- Th~ sma~h hit. "BORN YESTER- : AsU .ER 'STOD D ARD... j f1uetuatinr' In favo,~ of t h. ner. for a twosome In any lltlle DA Y" was a fast flop here. The * : , 0 Brakes 0 Tall and Stop L.mps 0 WI'lldsh'llld WI'-rs ' : American dollar, mOMY does co Pa.!'!s cafe. becomes, a chw-to- French can'l understand a girl : ... J ...- , far-but not that far. It sound,~ chiC occas\Qn. Thl3 In. contrast with two mink coals casuall~' * t ," 0 Whlel AlIgllmllnt 0 Engint TUIlI Up 0 lattery , almosl like the sailor I hell r d to London where you still Simply strolling out on real lil'e money. : I" The Laufll/n, RIot .. J , remark at Maxim'. last nlrht eat-and dam lucky to be able Just 11'11 the bo~'s and (irl. * 20th ;" J 0 Head Lamps 0 Steerilll) 0 Tires , thai Ollce when he was down to do It. if thl")"11 come over we clIn all : , 0 Lultrie +1 0 Oil eh , 10 his last dollar he wan led to La Bl'I1e Par:s was never SO hal'e fun withoul a ton of due- * .. , II on allgl " see how far It would co-so he beautiful as this June. She is :: CENT URY - , , mailed It to Shana:hal. And ever again a gay and enchanting city, :' V- , See ollr Service Manarer lor Pehold's planned hudget terms to fit ~'our pocketbook. , since he's been havlnc a hllce with none of that air of a lady.. : • DETROIT'S FINEST AUTOMOTIVE SUYIC;;E eENTU, J t1~~r~n ~~rl~he 'Plaza Athenee, ~~~~ ~~i\l f:~~w:;~~~d asbu~'e I ~1~ ! WIth LoIs Andrews i which 'we ~11 know is rated as feared might follol\' her \\'ar .. aued Oil • •• rll'l lly tlt.u MlIlII.U,Uld 'II; ie', . ' J one of the de luxe hotels, you ?ays. The trees and flo\\'l'r! are : IVEI. 1.00, J.~ 1.10, Ull .'''&1. Wed., SOt., U4,1,2~ (Prlc. Lnc. Xu) .. , , can get g d single room with 11'1 lUXUriOUs bloom along the .k """mm",,,wm,,,,,,,,,,m,,,,m,,,,mmNmm"N,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,N/N"'''Y'' B t J }',,"t' Chry.'ller.P'Hlllollth Denier J balh fQr S3~~5a day. You can boulevards, and everyone Sl'ems No'" Illr" .salu'dOY::: SEATS NOW ~ , " dine _ with wine _ a1 ?vlaxiln's intoxicated with the joy of 11\'- JJ("kH.I;~5]i~sH'6~~F.~~~thPrn : ~ 1'•• ' ing, as the French sny. Thl'y're * One Week Oal,.-B.g. Sunday Night, July 4 : I~..~"""Z,~. ...' 1.) L. ."TOII,. S1AL~S~... D... .'------.------expecting o\'er a hundred Ihou- Sunday • ~loltday . Tuud.), ::: :: sand American visilors Ihis SUlll- JUn.Zl.2B-U * RUTH CHATTERTON' ¥. i 11280 ~'R\'I'le"l' ""'E "E .. 1<700' mer. In fact, bQth air and ship Marrar.' 0'8,1." t : , • t ~ t1I " • ...... J passage' is incl'l'asingl.l' hard to "TP:NT~,o;~"E~\~P'~NGEl." t _ In _ ::;, ".. J hgetd'.bTuht as ~\\'ays it Ctn he ~ • r:' ,a. ese 1lll'rICan tlrongs. * LILLIAN HELLMAN'S DRA~IATJC TIlIUMPH :: I : :i!d:Fw:~~~~:~h::>t~r,;~C;::"':::~;:;:::'~,::'~'::::... i "T he LiltIe Fox es" i , leaves. And these lucky lads ',~~~I~~I~~~:'S : ~ , ~ reall\' have themselves a time * MAIL ORnF.R!i NO\\', lee.mp..s.d by reft1Ill.uw. Ia lull Ill1d .ei,. : .... _ _ •••• _ ~ ~ and 'see Paris in R far mC1Tier * .dd ..... d. ,'amped .nnlop.. Eve. 3.00. 2.4<1. 1.80. 1.20 ~I.I,. W.d. ~ * and Sa!. !RO. 1.20 (In< Tax.) , J/. mood than the boys who 11'[1 * ... her boehind Ihem. • .. -l<-l< ~d' 'It 1:.'\t-lC

One bi g d l'a 'I' ing cn I'd bes ides ",_~l1llllllll1lllllllli1l11ll11ll1lllll11lllllli1lll1l11ll1llillllllllllllllllIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11II11IU1II1UlIIlIIlIIIII11HIIIIRlllllllnlllllll1II1111111111111UlilitlIMIIIIIOllllllUlllllllllilllllllllntlllllll1l1ll111l1l11l11ll111 1111111111111!III!]B\I~ the fact that luxury taxes are _ ii abolished is the facl that I h e E ~ .~~~~dtha7ta:~: n~a~~t~:,':~g ~:~.: I j1 _ k t ~. I $400 wol'lh of merchandise - ~==_= I~ duty free. There are lots of red armtt.1J . ar t. .. Chevrolet Service Buys tnpe measures goveming buy- ~_ gj ers bringing in merchandise for th ~ sale in AIlll'I'ica. This allowance ~ -on .fJ ()a...pus ~ is provided for non-commercial ~ U a E travelers and aimed to step up .._~ 355 ~ISHER ROAD. O'''OSITI! GR.OSSI POIHTI HIGH SCHOOL, T • 2.510 E '... For June the economy of our European "" all~e:; the conserl'ali\"e spend- i SPEOIALS - THURS., FRI., SAT. - JUNE 24.25-26 I er, me ... alas, this means Ih~1 ~ l a girl can bring al least two ~ ~ Long Trip Special .. Paris gowns---one on her own c=_= ~ allotment and one on her hus- , "" band's allotment. Christian Dior; __.. HILL S BROS. I A SERVIOE PACKAGE FOR VACATION DRIVERS and Jacques Fath are gelling >!! the big play from American E CO FFEE !i women among the couturiers. I I This is jargely because Chris- '" E Dr.'ft aft" f1ulh radiator. TUlle.up eftc]ine. tian Dior hus been so brilliant- ~ Per ~ Switch .Ild check tlr ... Chck 1C)llltloll Gild wlrlnC). Iy publicized as the crl'ator of g 51 " C ~ Lubricatioll - Illcludlts all 011. W.lh and cllall car. "That New Look:' ~ Pound ~ At hoth tlll'se designers' show. ~ ~ Adju" brakl., Adjud steerlnC) mechanism.

A SAFETY - APPEARANCE. ECONOMY GO AND GET BACK HOME VACATION SPECIAL ~~~f~i1~:\~f.~~~~~~i~I ~~::,:.~o~:::::y,~"::~",::",cJo7~,'b.••:.::: JUI;E 90RsANGES I - YOU NEED ALL THESE THINGS AT THIS applause for his Dralle-Ihe- ~ ,------, ,------: C ~ Shape dresses. As a prollhet- ~ Make Pie Cru,r Crad;'!' Good DOl. I PACKAGE PRICE , • $ 1. 6~~.u,"arfs Extra, ,Hthonl profit-I'd venture the ~ Lik. Betty Crocker'. = " hquired. Harem Gown Is (oing 10 ankle I CRUSTQUICK CRACKERS ------I ...... em,'" P;. em" M;, I lb. I '''. 29c I The Get Out and Look Under and You'll i ,:,21c , p~_g_. ---' I Black Flag Insect Spray with D.D.T., qt., 3 for 1.00 ~ 7-COUIlSF: Come In VACATION SPECIAL DINNERS 1.75 to 3,00 Ajax Cleanser, 2 calls ,23e FRESH PEAS I Famous For Fine Food 5teaks - Seafood Th! underside of your car fa kes a beating, just look lit th! rusted fenders and metal on ~ ~rher carl and you'll see whar we mean. Rust can b! stopped, so can ccr,osian, in Dinners 2 J.lInrl1eon 12'-3 Pinner 6-11 ~ time! Protect the value of your car, k!!p,ih trade;n value up. Hav! it undercoat!d Beech Nut ~a by Food Ibs. ~ now! Any make any model. *GLEN MOORE , & HIS ORCHESTRA Chopped i featuring * Wanlla Rio 2 Chevrolets and Similar Oars $25.00 Popular Song.c;lrc~~ I 1221 WashlngCon Hh'd. I• Dancing & F:ntpr1ainm('nt ior for DeSotos and Similar Oars $28.00 f:\.eIY r-;ight inc. S\lnd::a\.OII; at State So l:xlrA Char:;:p rflr rri\'alf' Room l':uty Cadillacs and Similar Cars $30.00 for Reservalion, CaU Fatili1 irs \'A. 3-~8]G \',\. 3-1 L\:; no. 1.9212 I Steam cleaning, if required $ 4.&0 7909 E. .Telferson "an'I ,),<, FRESH DRESSED PULLETS Is I'" C Californ;! /...... ".\\\'.~'\"~"'"\;~ 59 i * • * WISE _QUACKS 6)' TOM BOVD . #'7".' /', .~_.,.~::;.: ... POTATOES ~ I ~ is A GAL. WITH A 6000 FIGURE KEEPS THE Jt'~*:I:~~--:. :...... 10 ~ MEN FtGURING. lb•. ~ June Ports Sovings- Rump or Leg Roast of Veal, lb ...•..•••..•. 79c Pickled or Fresh Tongues, lb. , .. , ,39c i All Icinds of genuine Chevrolet ports and accessorie., whole.ale and refIJlI, I Smoked Hams, Shank end, 5.6 lb. IlVerllge, lb. SSe FANCY TOMATOES Magnetic Trouble Light .. , , .. $ 2~49 Fresh Whitefish, lb. , , , 69c I ~ Oovered Rear Springs 11.50 each I Floor Mafs .. ' , , . .. 3.98 up Martha Ann Maplettes ~ 0' ~ '946 Ohevrolet Grills ...... 26.00 BUTIER PECAN 00 ~ 1 ~ Headlight Rim 42.48 1.49 elCu MINTS 10 oz. pkg. Bo~ ~ Vanor loniur (nl~kes more miles per gallon 19.46 25' i .5Se rravsnette - (icebox for Jour car) ... , . .. 11,95 Sweet Rolls, Assorted, do%en Fc~,h p~y"~,.p',,-\ Koepplinger's Early Ameriean White Bread C!"'~'(".J,:e.S rg Cr~rr:~1 "I EST S E R V leE I H THE e I T Y" 12-01. 10llf .••••••••.••••••.•••... ,. ISc Ap':cols . $eenI9'1 ~,.,.~!, OPel! 'till MIdnight Week.Days It', not only the figures Ihot count these day' •••-il'l .Iso quo lily. The prices On ex.e.1 aulo ropoirs by TOM BOYD, Inc., o,e .coson. 8" ~I II,(' Br." /III, PH You sI, O/, a I Ja I'm'" oble fo, lhe quo lily ,.r.iyell. :..: I ,------_ .. TOM BOYD, I hie. PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE-PHONE TU. 2.5100 ,SALES ~ 9ERVICE' 7 Tfunk Lines to Serve You ~= " , BVMPING AND PAINTIN(' Phone 14800 E. JEFFERSON AT ALTER • HICKORY 2000 • DETROIT 15401 fAST JEF,..rRroN AT N()rTIN6NA~ TW 1-/600 : 11'111"1!lit'I:'11111'III:'I!!' I'1'1ill'llllIIllIllllIIllll!lil'! Illrllllllillllll~ IIII!I;II~ 1111iI1:'IIII!I[I~: 11H:1l111i1:I:llmll:l~ IIiIAOIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MIiI!IIIIIII nllnlfi 1IIIililltllW nlillljJl~II~I:IUIiIIH!!1ll!lllllIlli~!lIIIil1!1li1lllii .

PI' s "d Page t:ighf 'G R: 0 SSE P 0 .1N TEN E W S Tliur'sday, :.June 24, '1~48 Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes From Another Pointe Short and to the Pointe Marva Machris Weds

of Vie~ MARJORIE M. STOWELL was I Pointers who attended the an- elected president of the Detroit Charles Adrian Joyce nual Fathers and Daughters Par- by AS50ciation of University of Lovely June Bride ty at the DAC recently included with Jaae Schetmerhor!l Michigan women at the annual i HOWARD B. KNAGGS and JU- Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Scene of Ceremony June meeting held in the Bish- DY, ROY FRUEHAUF with MA- Reception Following 'at Lochmoor Boulevard California Is taUng on the Groue Pointe "look" this wee~ , • , op road rome of MRS. STUART RY CAR 0 L Y N and GAIL, Home of Bride's Parents For a number of our leading citizens ••• are out there in Safl G. BAITS. • • • THOMAS P. HENRY wIth KIM and PAMELA, A. D. MACPHER- Marva Audrey Machris, daughter of 1\'1r,and Mrs, Charles F.raflcisco • , , attending the Americafl Red Cross NaHonal Conven. MRS, GEORGE SCHOOL of I SON with NANCY and KATH- Edward Machris of Lochmoor boulevard, was a beautiful, tlon . • • • • . . Haverhill road, will repr'esent ERINE HAGGARTY with MAR- I regal bride in ivory satin fashioned in Elizabethan court dress The Alvlln Ma<:duleys,unlor ••• were taking a well earned hol1. the Grosse Pointe chapter of THA and ANN. day on the COIISt•• , and Mr. M. went on to San francisco to joir, ' Alpha Phi at the 37th bienni;>11 . . . style, when she exchanged nuptial vows with Charles Adrian Emmett F. Connely, chairman of Detroit Rtd Cross, who il ifl tho i International convention June I Fresno, Calif., was the immedi- J0vce on Saturday, June 19. The bridegroom's parents are ~est for the convention, • , 124-29, al the Colorado Hot e I, ate dest.ination of MR. and MRS. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Page Joyce, of Cleveland. Other Red Cross VIP in aHendance Me Herbert B, Trix .•. John Glenwood Springs, Colo. SIDNEY R. SMALL who left The wedding look place In l' ------IThursday on a motor trip West ~A. Sullivan, chapter manc!lger••• Henry T. Ewald ••• Dr. Wc!lrren B. • • • GrossI' Pointe Memorial Church David Dwight Joyce was his to visit their son-in.law and at 4 o'clock in Ihe afternoon, brother's best man and Fred L, Cooksey ••• and William J. Norton. The Evangelical Home Aux- daughter. RALPH H. ROW- • • >I< iliary held a basket picnic Fri- with Dr. Frank Fitt reading the Boggs of San. Antonio, Texas; LANDS. On June 28 the Smalls rites. Wh'rte stephanotis, gladioli Charles C. Parsons, of Cleve,. Summer holidays loom ••• after the busy month ot June •.. which day afternoon at the Lake Shore will board ship at Los Angeles and lilies decoraled the altar land; Albert J, Weatherhead Ill. " been filled with lovelier debutantes than ever. • . road home of MRS. FRANZ hu. GEORGI. for a two wfeks' trip to Hono. table, and white tapers in cathe- of Shak£'r Heights, 0., anti Afld speaking of lovely debs reminds us .•• that there Oflce WllS • • • lulu, dral candelabra glowed at either Charles E. Machris, Jr., seated a time whefl newspc!lper edito" groafled upon sight of a !'society In her home on Lewiston road . " side, the guests. MR. and MRS. DONALD P.US- The bridal gown was distin- Mr~. Machris' dress \VIIS of 9irl" • • • recently MRS. CLYDE A. BUCK SELL of Bishop road. with "They're 10 homely" ••• was the plaint, • , WIIS hosless at a farewell party guished by a stimly-fitted hasque lace, in a delicate. golden turf daught~r, BARB-ARA, and sons, with a sheer yoke outlined with shade, over matching silk, and That scarcely can apply to molt Detroit and Groue Poiflte AND for MRS. DONALD T. CLOKE, DONALD, JR.. and PHILIP, will Bloomfield top drawer gals. • • who left to join her husband in a satin fold appliqued with Swiss her crown less, brimmE:d hat with spend the month of Jl}ly at Yar- embroidery. Tiny rumes of the trim of cream and brown roses The gap between beauties of the fashion maguine picture pages Ithaca, N. Y., , • mouth, Me. embroidery finished the long, was covered with maline. She ilnd society girls hc!lsdosed to the point ot the latler being far hc!lnd- At a dinner party in the i r • • • fitted sleeves. wore an orchid corsage. The engagement of NANCY somer than professional models. • • home at Big Rapids, Mich., MR. The lustrous satin skirt, shined Mrs. Joyce, the bridegroom's Wonder when the boys in the city room begin tll groan and MRS. WILLIAM MORGAN PATTERSON GORENFLO to will PAUL H. ST. AMOUR of Lake to paniel' fullness ending in a mother, chose royal blue chiffon, about the professional models? announced the coming. marriage Shore road was announced last bustle-effect at the back, sweot the taffeta underdress bein!: ap'" .. .. * on June 26 of their daughter. week at a family dinner in the into a wide lrain, The fingertip pliqued with gold and blue B selv8~ away from their favorite Country Club greens .•• for the place /'!erris !nsli~ute and. his fratem- ..... ,.. in a charIT\ing frock of pastel den where blooming flowers and they've taken at fashionable llnd beautiful Manehester.by.the.Sea •• , Ity Is PhI SI~m~ C~1. With their three sons, JOHN- yellow marquisette over taffeta tables with gay lawn umbrellas made with ful! skirt. and filted formed the perfect June wedding in Massachusetts. , • 0 t ft. NY, DANNY and HENRY, the * ...... U -0 - owners who enjoyed JOHN H. FRENCHES, JR., of bodice. scene. the annual pool house party Merriweather road will spend the The off.shoulder neckline was . Marva and her new husband When we called tht titian beauty, , • Mrs. lewis F. Brown. •• hosted by the T. D. BUHLS of The former LEATRICE MARY VALADE, daught'er month of July at their summer bordered with a softly-shirred left for a honeymoon trip to Ber- . the other afternoon ••• we immediately asked for the sailing plans of Ridge road, included the MAR- iJertha fastened .with a bow in muda, the bride traveling ina the Browm' elegant cruisllr , • , thll DoHI. B • • • VIN RORICKS, of Perrysburg, of the late Dr. and Mrs. Cvril K. Valade, of Rivard boule- home in. Go~eri.ch" Ont. the front, and her matching pic. pastel blue gabardine suit and Only to learfl , , • that fhe Dottie B had "thrown its lovely hostel! I' Ohio; MRS. MYRON B. MER- vard, was married on Jtlne 17 in St. Paul's Church to California vacationers from thl' ture hat of hair braid was band. small white hat with cocoa trim. the day betore ••• while cruisIng In Canadic!ln waters. • • RY, ot Gates Mills, Ohio, and John R. McKinley, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mc- .Pointe include MR. and lIlRS. eel in velvet ribbon which fell They will return July 1 for in streamers. She carried blue brief visits in Grosse Pointe and What could have been II terribly serious mc!ltter ••• (Mn. B.'s MRS. !". B. J:IILTON, of Bev. Kinley of Colonial road. -Picture by Paul Gach ALVAN MACAULEY, Jfl .. "f - Kenwood road. . belladonna delphinium combined Cleveland, then will go to Bel'. slipper strap bro~e turning her ankle and ,hurtling her Into the river) . erly Hills, C~llf~ • 1~RS. GEORGE E. WIDMER of Visitors from Madison~ 'Vis.. .. ,. • with yellow carnations. wyn, Ill., 10 make their home. ••• resulted in bound ankles •• '. hurt wrist, " • end cuts on h~r back. House guests of the GILBERT Washington road honored hel' are the CHARLES E. PIPERS and Wcek l'nd house guests of MR. The bride's cousin, Joy Peters Bur completely undameged IS Mrs. Brown J love of her cruiser. •• B. PINGRESS IlISt week in their daughter, DOROTHY STEWART, their son, CHARLES MICHAEL. and II'1RS,EAHL C,HOLLEY in of Summit. N. J., and Patricia ...... ;.. Voltaire place home were MRS, on her birthday last week at a who are staying with Mrs. Piper'~ theil' hotlle on Provencal road Bloodsworth were brid'esmaids. Society Meets In fact. , • the family IIn toto rwhlch means little Sandra, too} THADDEUS WALKER, of Pasa- bridge luncheon. Guests included parents, MR. and MRS. FLOYD were the LORING MER WINS, Their dresses and crownless hats &'Ireplanning 1I cruise in mid.Summer , • • • dena, Calif.: MRS. AUGUST MRS.R. E. WIANT, MRS. GUY S. NIXON of Fisher roan.. of Bloomington, III. The Hollpy~ were exactly like the honor Debutante Trio 'nto the Georgian Bay. • • ME~RITZ, of Pebble Be a c h, WILSON, MRS. HUGH FULLER, , • • entertained their visitors at a maid's' but in a soft aqua color. Besides the Browns, • , OoHle's par.nts , , • Mr. Ind Mrs. Lovell Cahf., and MISS BETSEY BIR- MRS. HARRY HARTZ, MRS. F. H on 0 r In g MRS. NELSON small dinner party Saturday eve- and they carried yellow painted Debutantes pre s e n t 11 d !, R. Kraus will be aboard , ~ • .' KETT, of N~bl~bo~o, Me. ANGUS and ~f~S. ;tOY BASTE. GATCH who arrived Friday ning. ',. daisies and veil ow carnations. Poinle society last week Inelud. Marva's young cousin, Kay ed Elizabeth Wright. J oa n When the cruiser leaves GrolSe Pointe Yacht Club hc!lrbor, •• ...... MRS. FRANKLIN E. Mc- A house ~uest of ELIZABETH' from st. Louis. Mo.. to spend a l\1R. and MRS. GEORGE HER- Masters, da'ughter of 1111',and Young and Julie j\ficou. CLURE, of Westport, Conn., is WRIGHT last week in the Wright week with them. MR. and MRS. BERT ZU1MERlIAN of Kenwood Mrs. Alfl'cQ G. Masters of De- I Mrs. Edward Pulteney Wright I Little Sandra will doubtless take those new gold sandals sh, in- here to spend the summer with home in LaSalle Place was PAT- ALDRED J. FISHER, JR., gave road have as their guests I'llI'. trail, was !lower girl. Her floor presented her daughter at a a cocktail party Friday evening Zimmerman's mother, MRS. JES- ,'sted upon the other day while shoppIng with Maml • • • . her sister, MRS. GLADYS B. RICIA HUY ,0 f BuIIa10, N.."Y th' h R d d length frock of pale yello\v mar- luncheon at her LaSalle place Missie B. bougnt them, •• Ind wllsd.termin.d they would 1I0t be SIBLEY of Vernier road. one of Lizi's classmates at Wel- In ell' orne. on. ;nau roa. SIE ZIMMERMAN, and MISS quisette was of the Kate Green- home. and Mrs. Benjamin E. . 'Wornoutside of the playroom, , • . . .. . lesley. MR, 'and MRS. LLOYD DE HELEN ZIMMERMAN, of Mi- away style, with a series of ruf- Young of Lake Shore road, in- But Sendre popped off to II blrihclay party the other day ••• IInd MRS. CHARLESB. DAVIS of • • • WITT SMITH of Grand Marais ami, Fla. • ~ .. fles from waist to hemline. In traduced Joan at a tea. her hair "'os a garland of tiny Julie made her bow ThUlsday no one noticed her tiny tcotsies were bound in gold Grecian sllndc!lls. Beverly road had as weekend By the first of nexl month I guests the JOHN A. PURIN- MRS. B. E. HUTCHINSON of ball evard were among those who JUDY MUELLER celebrilted ,yellow and white rosebud5, and I afternoon a.t a tea given by her She wal the hit of the Pllrty, too ••• TONS, of Chicago, Ill. Lakeland avenue expects to be motored to Hasbrouck House in her eighth birthday recently with she carried a basket of rose mother, Mrs. Hilary H. Micou. .. >I< • at her summer home at James- Marshall. Mich., Sunday to at- a party in the garden of her Mor- • • • tend the tenth birthday dinner did d petals. of Kerhy road. Moving clays Ir8 scheduled In August for two PoInte matrons. , , Village Garden Club memb,rs town. R.T. • , • of the Huguenot Society of Mieh- an roa 10me. Ju y's third rsra e It'll be II sort of .turn .bollt propositIon, too , • , met in Clarkston, Mich., Friday igan. classmates at Sacred Heart Con- For when Mrs, Mason P. Rumney leaves her residence in St. at a luncheon at the country HARRIET MATHEWS, of Lew- • • • vent were present for the occa. Paul ••• it'll be oce4pied by Mrs. Georg, llle~ey • , • home of MRS. ARNOLD BAR- iston, Pa., spent last week visit- The D. NEIL O'DA YS of Muir sian. • • • Mrs. Rumney has taken. house en Hillcrest. , , RETT. Assisting the hostess were ing one of her Smith College road left Saturday to spend two I MRS. J. LEE BARRETT of classmates, JOAN YOUNG, -:>f The annual meeli'ng and elec- weeks at Pointe aux Barques in. f Ib h k '1:1' b' th W II: 'A'd Trombley road, MRS, AJ..,EXAN- Lake Shore road. tlQn 0 ex was eld last wee ~roup of Spiuwlnks I: Ita e a I(er ams DER BLAIN of Berkshire road • • • the summer home of Mrs. O'Day's in the Lake Shore road home of Walks Off with Prizes ,and MRS. EDWARD BURLAGE ,I, Recent guests of the WEN- parents, MR. and MRS. CHARLES MRS. DONALD FLINTERl\lAN. 'Arriving from Yale ___ IOf Harvard road. DELL W. ANDERSONS in their A. DEAN, JR; • • New officers are: MRS. JOHN Elizabeth W al k e I' Adams, ' • • home on Vendome road were HODGES, president: MRS. STE- Th!r Paul D. Gard famIly on I '/0, R d MRS GORDON J HAS MRS .. FREDERICK S. FORD, PHEN BRADLEY; vice-president; Washington roael, are looking daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde. Alumnae of Grosse Pointe f. an. .' JR .. WIth young SUSAN and MRS. RICHARD HASSE. tn>~<- forward to tomorrow, June 25. M Adams of Merriweather road Country Day School met Satur- SALL, of Otthei Bay, New Zea- RICKY Ie,aves her Balfour road I urer. and MRS. JAMES ZINN,' That's the day when son, Bill, . . . ' day morning in the .Renaud road Iantl. d- walked off WIth both prIzes that home of the president NANCY • , • home thIS week to spen the I secretary. ! ,., with four Yale University friends, . G ' P' te EEKIE ' ~'R. and uRS. JOHN S. SWEE- summer at Edgartown on Mar- • • • 'I ;'", were awar ded at rosse om'R . 'n m - h 'V' d M MR FORD t:~.• :fellow members of Spizzwinks, Country Day School's class day I · · · NEY. JR.. gave a luncheon at the ta s . meya:, a~s.. ALICE NEVILLE was feted ~lr

All Furnishings Must be So!d, Including a Sto~ol Sloker.

AND COMPANY * * * r N S U • N e I II. o. )I~NIERNEV 121-4 GRISWOLD ST. RA, +417.8.9 ~ppraiser CHerry 425 I

, . Thursday, June 24, 1948 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P'g. Nina Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe Women Julia Jean Hamilton Chaney Wedding I Mrs. Martin C. Tepatti I H'edding Unites Set for July 7 I :Pointe Fantilies Sally Flattery Wed

Mary Margaret, Far mer, 5pe a k5 N UPtia I V0 W 5 Ra~~~~n~' PI~;~~g~';1l ~~~,~~a~u:'~ i' To Walter O'Malley daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hol'------h . 30 fa, the West to be on hand I Becomes Sri de of James Berry Krec in Saturday EvenIng for the wedding of he, daugh-, aC'e E, Farmer of Moross road, Reception in Home of ride's Parents Follows Saturday and Robert L. Kuivinen ex-I Candlelight Ceremony in Pointe Iter, DJane n,aney. and Harry K.I Morning Ceremony in St. Paul's Memorial Church Kem, Jr., of Los Angeles, on I changed vows on June 11 before ______Wednes~ay, July 7. The c~re- i Dr. Frank Fill in the Grosse Church At a candleli"ht ceremony Saturday evening in the ~ony "Ill take l!laee at the les- I Pointe Memorial Church in an Sa]])' Catherine Flattery, daughter of• Mr. and Mrs. G P . t M "- 1 Ch I'J /' J . H 'It d hi lldence of the bride's father. Mr., evening ceremony. rosse, am e llemofljl urc 1, u ~a ean a,ml on, aug -! HenlY F. Chaney, of Wa verI y Thomas James Flattery of St. Clair avenue, and H. Walter sr of Mr. and Mrs. Huron M. HamJ!~oTl of F.lsher road. and: HC'ights, PC',t!and, are, Mr. and Mrs. JDhn V. Kuiv- O'Malley exchangE'cl nuptial VOW!! at an 11 o'clock ceremony James Berry Krech exchanged their marnage vows. Dr.' Mrs. Douglas will ,emain at inen of Lmcoln roaa, 3re the Saturda'-' at St. Paul's Church on-the-Lakeshore. The bride- Frank Fitt Dfficiaterl at the service. the Waverly Country Club until bridegroom's parents. J The bride's gown was white groom is thE! son of 11r. and Mrs. Henry L. O'Malley of Neff Col. and Mrs. A. M, Kreeh, of ~ I after the wedding. Capt. D. Los Angeles, Calif., are the par-' David Hamburg, cousin o{ the Dwight Douglas and Mrs. Sidner marquisette with a plain yoke road. ~ ents of the brid~groom. They bride. Theodore Templeton was T. Miller, Jr., will join he, on and a bertha collar with a scal. The bride wore traditional Murphy, Thomas Ireland and were unable to ilttend the wed- best man, July 5. Mr.' and Mrs W. E. Weiss, loped edge. She wore a Dutch white satin with fagoting trim Robert Hurley !eated the guests. ding because of illness ' Jr., will arri\'e f,om New York cap of imported lace and a fing. I at the. neckhne and wrists. Her A reception at the home of the ertip veil of illusion. I fingertip \'ell wa;; held by a hel. bride followed the wedding. Chantilly late trimmed the, the s.am~ day. Mrs. ",leiss will P "tl. HOllO}" The bride asked Suzanne met.type headdress. She carned When they return from a honey- gown of white slipper satin I Q.l es a, Ibe Diane s matron of honor. Kuil'inen, sister of the b I' ide. bgardkemas on a white prayer moon motor trip to Northern which Julia Jean selected for Alger Chaney, brother of the is t .d y Debs 00 Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley her wedding. Her headpiece was' bride, will ~erve as Harry's best a ltJ a ' groom,Su to be her maid I of hon-Il M'r,~. AI'vm G . Sh erman. Jr" will be at home on Agna!~ aVe. of beaded Chantilly lace with a I ---, man. or. zannI' wore a pa e ye ?W and Patricia Flatlery served as nue. finaertip veil of illusion. Sh~ i Saturday debs in the POI n t e ! Diane and her fiance were 1'1'- marquisette gown and carned their sister's only attendants. ca,~ied while roses and stephan- . were Ann EIi7.abeth Kamper, II cently gradualed in animal hus- I yellow roses and daiSies. The two atlendants wore bal- otis. presented by her mother, Mrs. bandIT from the Univer.ity of The bridesmaids wore similar lerina lenglh off-should!'r gowns Stocking. Young The bride asked her sister, Carroll M. Boutell, at a garden Californi;L On thei, wedding trip amber ,g?wns and ?ands ~f yel- of gray marquisette. They also Gail Hamilton, to be her hono, tea in her Ridge road hDme, and they will motor through British low dalSll1s. They mcludeC1 Glo- wore natural straw picture hats Nuptials Read maid. Ruth Ellen Neff and 1\1ar- Annette Shelden. whDse paren.t~,! Columbia. ria Winters, Sally Lou Read. EV- and each carried a colonial bou. jode Pifer, of Kenilworth, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shelden, The couple will make the i I' 10-1 elyn Price, and Barbara Barnes. I I quel of yellDw daisies. On 8 honeymoon trip to were the bridesmaids. Gowned in troduced he,' at an evening dance I home at the Erskine Creek ,anch Jason Kutack, the b I' ide - i Michael Dillon performed the Northern Michigan an Mr. and pale green bengaline, they wore in theit' Lake Court home. i at Bobfish, Calif. groom's roommate at the Uni- I duties of best man (or Mr. O'Mal- Mrs. Geo,ge 0, Young, Jr., who tulle hats with ribbon streamers Mrs. Boutell's molher, Mrs. i ------versity of Michigan, perfo,med I ley. Lieut. Thomas L. Flattery, were married Saturday In St. to match the dresses and carried Charles Lowther, received guests i Pity llis Beyer the dUlies. of best man. Sealing I and Jo~n L, Flattery, brothers of Ambrose Church. Be!ors: t h tl bouquets of yellow roses and I with her. A dinne, pa,ty at the: . I the guesls we,e Donald J. the bnde; James Angelas, Fred wedd:ng M;", Young was Nancy daisies Countrv Club followed the tea,l E x~CJ1(tllges VOWS I Hutchinson, Donald Bacon. Rob------Ann StDcking, daughter of Mrs. For . her daughter's wedding.! after \~hich Ann attended the II ., l< l< I ert Morris, and Robert Snyder. Members of Tau Bet,1I Charles D. Stocking of West- Mrs. Hamilton selected a gown of i Shelden dance. i 1\Irs. Farmer chose a light blue Meet in Backus Home chester road. For her honeymoon pale green crepe with which she I 1\11. and Mrs. William Reeve Phyllis Jeanne Beyer, daugh- the bride wore a champagne gab- wore a matching tulle hat and Clark hD.nored their niece, An- tel' of Mrs. Norma Merkel Bever i crepe gown with hat to match I -- I I for her daughter's wedding and Tau Beta memhers held their ardine suit with navy accesso- IIn orchid corsage. neilI' Shelden, and Laura Mur- of Devonshire rOlld, became the \;ore, a co,sage of orchids. Mrs. June meeting Friday at the Lake ries. Ushers were Alvin G, Sher-! phy at 11 dinner al the Country bride of Robert Allen Cole at a Ku,nnen \\'ore a pink chiffon Shore road reSidence of Mrs, The bridegroom is the Ion of man, Jr,. A]{red Schroeder, of i Club before the danee. The 70 ceremony Satmday e\'ening in I l\1r. and Mrs. George O. Young Milwaukee, cflu.sin of the bride-' guests sat at aU-shaped tllble Christ Methodist Church. Dr. gown with hat to match and a Standish Backus. corsage of orchids. Mrs. Harry Kerr, Tau Beta The bride was gowned In can. groom, Herbert V. Book, Jr., and in the dining room. Russell D, Hopkins officiated at -Photo b)' M. R. Braidwocd dlelight slipper satin, Ruffled The reception was held at the camp 'chairman, reported on the ------This season's debs, those who the service. Mr. and Mr~. D. P. Mr. and Mrs. Martin C, Tepatti are honeymooning at of Somerset road. Farmer residence. The newly- camp which opened last week for Cole, of Birmingham, j\Iich., are Niagara Falls after their marriage in St. 'Joan of Arc Chantilly lace edged the rowld were pre~ented at Christmas- the bridegroom's parents. weds left on a motor tour of ten weeks. On Jun,e 30 the sum- lrties HOnOy Church on the morning of June 16. Mrs. Tepatti is the neckline of the gown and the PC time. and their escorts II' ere Gowned in traditional white Northern Michigan and will live mer play school Will ~pen. former MARGARET M. ALLARD, daughter of Mr. and long bridal veil. June Debutantes among the 200 guests invited to satin, lhe bride wore a diamond t 112- \V t. W'II A summary of the I' _cent Com- a a are cour In I ow munitv survey conducted by the Attendants were Jean Drawe, the debut dance. veil pin, belDnging to the bride- Mrs. Philip Allard of Hampton road. maid of honor, and Carol Kropf, TheRev.Fr.JohnC.JOl'don'~------Run when they retul'n. Detroit Com~unity Chest was groom'~ grandmother, on the Betty Lou Orth, M a I' gar e t Five Poinle debulantes who braided satin coronet which form. The bride is a member of Del- given by Renville Wheat. were introduced to sociely this' M .' PI'l.ll.p A leis. officiated at the ceremony, The atli, sister of the bridegroDm, to ta Zeta sorority at the Unlver------_ Walch, Mra. William D. Baugh, ed her headpiece. She carried a bridegroom is the son of Mr. and be her maid of h~nor. Alice wore sily of Michigan, and the bride. HURT IN FALL of Columbus, Ohio, and Mrs. An- past w"..ek were ~at Candler. Ann Return Friday white cascade bour-uet of ga,de- I Stnnger, Beth Keegm alld Bflr.' " nias and stephanolis, Mrs. Martin Tepatti of Three a yellow marquisette gown and groom is affiliated with Chi Phi Mrs. Arthur Kern, ~f 4402 drew J. IIm!e,. They wort gowns bara Keim 'and Hilary Whillflker.1 -- J\Iflid of honor Patl'icia Black. Mile drive. carried yellow roses and white and the American Society of Chatsworth. fell on the Sidewalk of aqua satin faille. Enginee,s, al Audubon and Mack on Sun- Nelson Korte was best man, Mrs, Henry E. Candler gave a. Mr. and l\'!rs. M, Philip Ale!. wood, and Lois Gehrig, brides- The bride wo,e a white satin carnations. garden tea }o'riday on the glounds' now honeymooning on a I a k e maid, wore iris blne taffeta day morning, June 20, and suf- while Donald Staub, William gown with an illusion neckline The receptIon was held at the of her Lake ShDre road home to cluise. will make thei, home on gowns. Flowers in their hair fered severe sprain injure,es. She Walch. Thomas Anderson, Bruce present her grflnddaugilter, Pa-, Lincoln road when they ret~rn matched their cascade bouquets and carried a' white orchid on Allard home. The eouple will Republican Club was removed to the Cottage Hos- Norton and Dr. Raymond J. tricia Candler, daughter Df MIs.: Friday. The couple were marrJed "f red carnations. her prayerbook. reside at 2169 Roslyn road when pital by the police. Reichling, Jr., lea led the guests. John H. Conway and Bo~er in the Sa('red Heart Cathedl-al of A reception at the Beyer ho;;pe Margaret asked Alice M. Tep- they return. To Hear Brucker Candler, of 'Washinglon. 1\11'5. Dal'enporl, Iowa, on the after- followed the wedding, When they Standish Backus. Mrs. Lynn Mc- nODn of June 15. The bride is the return from a motor trip through Robert Benyas On HoneYl1toon Former .Gove:nor Wilber M. Naughton and Mrs. Conway as- rormer Margery Ann Johnson, h III ______Brucker wllI revIew the 1948 Re- "I d M BI' Nort ern Michigan, .' I. and Mrs. sisted MIS. CandlC'r. daug h te, 0f "I'. an rs, all' Cole will make thei, home in Co- Mr. and Mrs. Robert James 1 and her flowers were yellow! publican National Convention for \ Pat's rather gave a dance in. Johnson of Davenport. lumbus, O. Benya are spending the summer roses, also star-shaped. I members of the Gros.'le Pointe her honor lasl night at the: Mr. Alef is the son of Mr. and I .. in Norlhem Michigan, after their Edward Benya, of Ann Arbo" Wom:n's Republican Club at a eules~.sc~uLot Grosse Poinle Club. MIS. M. J. Aler of Grosse Pointe 1 E del H d June 19 wedding at the Evangeli- was his brother's best man. Ush- meetmg scheduled for Monday, A' small informal luncheon at d Barton Hills. ng

boulevard; Beth Kpegin, daugh-, Miss Nancy McClenahan, Mis s tertainec! Sunday in honor of the son of Mr. and Mrs. George II make their home in Ann A,bor. Mrs. Lewis L .. Smart of Roose- tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Shirley Helbe and ..Miss Mar y Forbes Howard and his bride- Benya of Belanger road. while Mr. Benya resumes his velt place, preSIdent of the club, Keegin, of Rivard houlevard, and Rose were bridesmaids, to be. Helen Livingstone. The satin bodice of the blidal studies at the University of will preside. Barbara Keim. daughter of Dr.' Jnhn AIeL, brother of the On Tuesday the couple were gown was appliqued in seed, Michigan. The bride, a member -- and Mrs. Barlhert L. Keim of; bridegroom. was best man. The feled at a dinne, given by the pearls and the skirt and long full! of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. Universih' Place. i ushers were James McClenahan, Charles B. Crouses and thei, sleeves were of marquisette. Hel'l was recently graduated from ~ ..,.., ...1#~ ...~,'t,.~4""'~/~~'~"'''''M,''A:-~«.~~,.~~~O~~I)OMOQOO~OO!)1l At a tea given Monday by her George Wells and Filrouk and daughter, Ann, of Provencal fingertIp veIl fell from a lIar.a I Miami University at Oxford, O. ~, molher, Hilary Whittilker. da\lgh- Darius Zadi of Teheran. Iran. road. of seed pearls. She carried a five- ,~ I~ tel' of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Il. Yesterday. M,s. Laura B. Hig- pointed sta, of :vhite roses to I SILVER ANNIVERSARY ~~ Whittaker of East Jefferson ave- GIVE PIANO RECITAL bie gave a cocktail party for symbolJze the bridegroDm's fra- " nue, made her bow. In the eve- Margaret Koehler and Ali('e: them in her home on J-:enwood ternily, Sigma Nu. l\tr. and Mrs. Charles R.I ~, ning Hilary's parents were hosts Elaine James were presented in! road. Her SDns, Bud and Fred, He, sister. Elizabeth Anne Ray, i Dooley of 71 Mapleton celebrat- ~~ at a dinner dance for their daugh- a piano recital in the Memorial! asslsted as hDsts. was Barba,a's only altendant. I ed their 25lh wedding annivers- " ter. her- assistants and their es- Church House on Thursday night, F C ~ corts. and the out-of-town guests. June 17. Eli",,,,,,," , "" 0" ,0wo'''Y "0 Suod,y, Jo", '" ~ inal learance I Ohio Girl to Be Bride Of Frank Ward Holt, Jr. ,- " ,\. "" On July 3 Frank Wa,d Holt, Jr. son of Dr. and l\Irs. Frank Ward Holt of Westchester road, ~ Closing for Summer, J~ly 2nd. W~Kt.~1:,~~~ will claim as his bride, Mary Lou- ! GENUINE ise Cook, of Wapakoneta, Ohio. V,mderfey Victorian C01/So1e TQbl~ i Her pflrents are MI'. and Mrs. , James F. Cook, of Wapakoneta. ,~ s Beautifully moae from solid Honduros i\Irs. James B. Schumake" Jr .• ~ ~ r71onogany. the W olhi nglon Consoie ~ ~ of Cinicnnali, a former classmate I 01 I ~ ~ (Ihowrl) i, fundioMI as well decor- lof the b,ide-elect at Miami Un i- II otive. I, versity, will be matron of hDnor. Aho Victorian Fred.rick,buTr Chairs Jean Anne Light will be flower ~ ALL CLOTHES ~~ Igirl. , ~ ~~~ Best man will be Roy G. Elk-' ~ \ lund. Billy J. Cook brother of the ~ ~ bride-elect, and Kenneth Nevill will usher at the Ohio ceremony. ~~ MUST BE SOLD BY THAT DATE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MANLIUS GR!\DUATE ~ ~ ~ ~ Da\'id M. PresIon, son of Mr. ~ ~ VF-. 9-1~63 anrl i\'1rs. Dfll'irl If., Preston of ~ ~ Meniwealher road, was grad-, ~~~ Sanre 1"lIrlae,1 as LO'I) liS 825.00 ~~~ ~OOO~GaGaaaaaoooaaaooaaaaaaoaooaaaaoooooioooooall u:lterl from the Manlius Sehool, ~ ~ in Manlius, N. Y., on June 12. i ~ ~ ~ ~ David was actil'e on the tennis ~ ~ I!'am and held the lank or tech- ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PUBLIC AUCTION ~ niclll sergeant in lhe company' :;;1VE O}CLOCl(~~ ~ ~ lhat won tbe Color Compan~' tlophy at commencement. Tuudoy, Jun" 29, at 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. UtCASQUE ~~ OTHERS PRICED LO\VER THAN COST ~~ ~ ~ .601.0 Wed.udoy end T~u .. day. Jun" 30 and July 1 at 8 p.m. ""C~day ~ ~ a glorious ~~ TO INSURE FINAL DISPOSAL ~~ W. aro •• lling a hnc coliorllon or anllque "rld mndern lurn,t"r •. French clear, fresh look rurniturt. fI~tnl;n~~ ~ncf ('loth~r A.rt ohject,,, fr('\m Octroi!, GTn~~p. Pointe ,\~ ...;,...;;...------..~., and othr,", ~ ~ in just 10 minutes ~ ~ De~k.I:. commor1r2C. nnt ftnlP m.:-hoga:n.\' djninit' r{)nm S~II1r.-. serrctary dellk, Uv1ng rnom ('"holln, c;,n"ed console 1ablf's, 5c'/(,rFtl nnc d1nlnR room suites And hrodrot')m ,;1ll1t~, An. ~ntiquc [;nly Ame-Tlcan ches~ of dra.wer~, To send you forth radiant, Princess ~ ~S r-ntlque btd~. dr::lp('ri('~ :.nd compll.'tf" hou~f'hold el'1etls. GouridJi bl.nds her new Fi"e PAI~Tl~GS-.~~\'er~1 fine p~in1in$l'S r('('r"i\'cd for thi~ s~le O'Clock Mosque. So ,jmple-so ~~ DRESSES, GOWNS AND SUITS DISTINGUISHED BY: ~ \.;n~wn f\mf'rir~n ~nd F.UI npf'An or1l~ I~I~ quick-lhi,! luxurious, velvely ]i. ~ ~ ORJt:NT,U. Jll;r;S I,al lie n"c K~rman and S"""k,< ntllS; alst) I>\'rr 100 ~m.1H rlllil~ III modf'n''l Ano ~~nH ~ntiQtlt. A ~()nd ("'holr('. quid ~moo!hs .o;'ay Ihe o;'ury look: ~~ COLLINS' DRESSlvfAKING TECHNIQUE ~t slJ.\'F.RWAR~;-,SI.rljnl1 r.a ,~I,. ~horrirlrl Ira ,rt'. ~nd m,ny ,mall leaves your skin looking softer, ~ ~ SiNlin~ ;jnrl olntLqllr t:llvrr- Ilcm~. ~1~S5\',:;:.r::". ('hin::tware a~ Srr\'E's, brighter, clearer ... ready for I ~ ~ lamps, l.,mn~,. Dr'.'icien, :-;fI'i~H'n. C't1rt(,)~. ('f:'>'Jt.:lL gloflous pUly make.up. 3.~o $ ~ Closed Sundays-On View Now ,I., ,.." ~\ i\ ART SALON Ope" Erery Week.Va}, from 10 10 10 ~ i " AUCTION GALLERIES CO. " ,"" l 409 East Jefferson Avenue ," :J(:OPP'd ,"" In Fur. 811Robert. SMp Joseph N. DuMouchelle " GROSSE POINTE ," :I KERCHE\'.U" PlJ~CR & JUDY BLOCK, GROSSE POINTE Auctionrrr ~nd AI'"r.I!" ...'' CHERRY 1>255 " DELIVERIES - NI. 8900 .'~'¥,.,...... ~~,..~,.,."1..~,...~~~..~~~f; ..."...,.,,,.....~, .....; •• ~;~ ...... ~t.~...... ~.....~¥~'!'~~ ....~~~~~~~~~~»"~~ QQQ00000400000~~.


$ .. • ,er' , » - -- -'--- ~-'-~~----_.~-----_. ' __ .., ...- ,~.'.,.. ---. ,

Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 24, t 948 • Legion ream In Tie for Second Place

Pointers Win Two and Drop Swint Trials Artist Struck Out? Helin Team 'Neighborhood Club Softball One in Games During Week Drawing Top Defeated In ILeague Opens 1948 Season

Pitcher Harry Edsall's Sore A~~ T~~~hBlow for Locall'line; ! Tank Stars 14 Innings ,i Seven Contests Played. A.f....~-r-L.-~-~-P-,s-Split into Two Divisions Concealed Injury to Get Into Briggs Contest I Because of Number of Teams Entered

B.~~~reci-R-;;~~i[s Women's Swimming Ass'n, Two Unearned Runs Bring I n~~-J()}~'FRO~1~I . Tom Bo,....d's American Legion baseball team eneountered of New York Sending Victory to Cherokees at The Neighborhood Club Softball League opened its 1948 a busy five days last week when it played three games, 105- Six Champions End of Long Battle season last week with seven games being played: Because of ing one and winning two, which put the Pointers in a two the large number of teams entered the league has, ben split wa~' ti!' for Sl'('nnd pl a • on wo wa .s ~n j amI'. a sa a ep IS I includes Belty Shields. Florence -' to d two err0rs, Ron Knope crossmg ',sore arm a sec!':t (r0m Manager; Schmitt. Ha7.el Barr, Bett" Mil- ball team, checks with his Still' pitcher HARRY EDSALL ba~e umpire did not see the play! UpIO\\:n Cleaners, and Sen';ce. mu a lace.

thi? plate.. " . i B,lI De~rocher Just so he could leI' and Lurn

and, two. errors gave the Pomte~s 1 Lat~st reports have It thal he Viets, who will also have the Going into that game Edsall had struck out .96 batters in 'though spectators said thal he; 3-2 rlecI~lOn ovet' G, P. Mel'- A dil'i"ion. 'rwent)' one boats are theu' nlnt~ run and they c1J- I ~ad hiS arm x-raye~ the f?lI.ow- same job handling the American six games but failed to get a single Briggs batter out via had the throw beaten by three chanl,<. and Roose Vanker hand- l'aeing in class B division. maxe~ . th~lr .run productJOn .In I mg day and there 1S no Injury Ol)'mpic girls team. the strikeout route, feel.' ed Hudson A.A ,a 6-5 setback. I A couple of other fresh wat!'r the, ninth inning on a walk and I to the bone but II more complete The club ha~ p'.oduced sUlh I John Jervis walked and Ted STANDINGS boat~ Freddie Temple's "Stormy a hIt for run number 10. I r~port ~ay show damage to the sIal'S as Eleanor Holm. who Mumford hit a "Texas League" North J)ivision i Weather" and John Timken's Jim. Handlosed, Faust short- i tlssues m the elbow., broke all exisling backstroke Frank Palazz I 1ft'nn single. Knowles slopped at third W. I.,' "Kittyhawk" are sailing in the IltOP. collected the longesl hit of I GrONe POinte \:111 suffer .a records; Gertrude Ederle. fir~t 0 0 yer and when Jervis roundee! second DeFoures. INS... '..! 0 class A di\i,ion, However. ocean the game whe.n he homered In, damagmg blow If EdsaJl IS girl to swim the English channel; Of B ' H db II C he was thrown out trying to get AmYcts, , .1 0 lacing is nothing new to "Stormy the seventh With !I\'o away and Ishe!ved for any length ~f lime as and produced eighl Olympic oys all a rOlVn back. Easlern Heating: .. , , 1 0 W":lthl')''' bl'('allsf' she gained hf'r none on bas,e. Dave Donnel~y. got I he IS the only control pitcher on championships out of 20 won by Mumford stole second and Pele MOllre's , O 1 fome by winning the SI. Peters-

the only otner extra base nit, a I the team. American girl, since 1920 . .. when the throw was wild Fisher Record , 0 1 ''Jurl:.Havana race fh'e times. triple, for the Pointers. II AMERICAN LEGION Entries fOl' both men

Ruck the Po.mte_ startIng pltchel', II. 19 J\Tet TOll}41tey 'I

mnnlh COl1l'S'c given

GEE, MARTY -IT'S WONDERFUL OUT TONITE -WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? Ra, Whyte ..,.'.~"'"""'" Chevrolet . Willis",

~52~~~~~.. . . • To commemorate Penn's Treaty with the "'~lo"'_~, ..... r.I'"..'" ...."""."'- ell' D Ind;an~-one of the most silZnificanl treAt~es .-..";:'.::::~;;.~:,,,,..... I lam renn in AmericRn history-thiS popular, mel . ...."' .... ,..... W• low, frn/ernlll whiskey is named: 'T T "UT. "WilliAm Penn, The Treaty Whiskey"- HE REATY nHISKEY GMderbllm Is Woru Ltd., Peoria. Illinois. e-. ,.C!. ("""',,"~ .. w"" w ..rM.". ,~ U. S. A. (Gooderham & Worts Ltd., A . W Cana iian business since ~.8n). 8 LENDED HISK£Y 86 Proof. 35% Strallht Whishy, 65:4 Craln Neutral Splrih. c.oderham' "'1';11 Ltll., !'tortl, flI.

\ Thursday, June 24, Iq48 G.ROSSE POINTE NEWS ----_.- .._--_ .._------_.------Page Eleven Grace Mildred Kline Wed To Clarence B. Smith, Jr. i . -.------.---- - I

Grosse Pointe Memorial Church! with Inat~hing milts and rufTIed I' was the S('cne of the dOllble ring! bonnet. SlIn1larl! gowned m pale ceremony Friday which united yetlow faille were thl' bnde£, in marriage Grace Mildred Kline; maids, Mrs. Wil1i.al~ Kril'g~olf, I And Clarence Ballard Smith Jr. Mrs. El'an Cole, OJ East LanSing" Grace is the dallghtt'r of MI'. 'Ilnd and Jean Smith, of Williamston. Mrs. John E. Kline 0[ Beaupre Yellow roges and dwarf IllS form. I Iaad. Mr. Smith's parnels are ed the attendants' bouquets, the Cla!'ence B. Smiths, of Wil,: John Smith, the bridegroom's! liamston, MICh, brother. acted as best man. Seat- I For her wedding the bride I ing the guests wete Edward ~ob. i chose an off the shoulder gown; z:k, Robert Tuck and Wilham of Chantilly lace ol'er sl~pper sat. Kneghoff. in. A scalloped ruffle outlined, Immediately after the wedding the neckline and the. full skirt' a reception was held III the Kline ended in a short circular sweep. home. The newlyweds then left Chanitlly lace edged her linger. on a honeymoon trip to Northern lip illllSIOI1 veil which fell f10m Michigan. i\ crown of lace ov('r sali", 111'1' ~hower bouqu!'t was of white Douglas Graham to Wed roses and stephanotis, Belly Jean Mor,l', maid of hon. Jacksonville, Fla., Girl or, wore an aqua faille gown, Mr. and Mrs, Waitt'!' H, Klee, of Jacksonville, Fla., havere. vealI'd the betrothal of their daughtcr, Doris Marie Klee. to Douglas C, Graham. Mr. Graham's parems are M,. , and Mrs. E. C. Graham of Middle. I sex road. I ; The wedding will be held July. , 2 at (he Trinity Lutheran Church I I in Jacksonville. Jean Witherell to Wed Robed Biorner on Coast

l\'lr. and Mrs. Arthur L. With. erell of Anita avenue announ{'e i the forthcoming marriage of their I daughter, Jean. to Robert W. lANE PllRKElC iBjorner on June 26 at the Seventh .1 i Al'enue Presbyterian Church in

J San Francisco. . i MI'. 'Bjom!'r is the son of Mr, 'and lVII'S. Walter Bjorner, of San Th.", luscious lady fingers ore 'ure Francisco, to get a b, 9 hond for the« del, calc Mr. and Mrs. Witherell have flovor, iender texlure end erry lighl. left for California' to attend' the nes5. And, of course, they're- as fresh a.s tresh Con be because they're ceremony Saturday. They will whisked Irom the oven to A&P, Sa,,'e DOL return to Grosse Pointe via t~m with truit or ice crforn, Sealtlo! and Glacier National Park. Oelidou~ 7Y1 In. Mint Julep Temptingly Spiced. Vonilla iced

Dorothy Ann Robbins' Layer Cake Dixie Bill~ Cuke Each 29~ Engagement Announced • Jane- rQrke( Cinnamon or Now Voriety Lo.at Mr. and Mrs. Edison L, Robbins, Lourel's of 874 Loraine announce the en-I Do~ 18.; Loal Sugared Donuts In Pit.. . IUt; Sour Ceam ga~ement, of their daughter, Dor- Oatmeal Breu.) l)res~lnA'. Pint ...... othy Ann, to Frederick Vail Mauger. son of MI'. and Mrs. Jo". Park .. O,'.n.Fr .. h Fret" Fram Ih. O"en Old Monk Ray E, Mauger of Winchester, Do~ 17~ Pi

\. submitted to the board' of trus.' price,. toke 0 look at th. mouth.watering errol' of fine- 10'01, tees by Chief George Dansbllry. quality cut, in "t,P', "Super-Right" M.ot Deportmenl. Sultana Green Olives .. Ploin Jar 450 ------_._--'_._ .. _~------_. They'r. all Ipeciolly .. Iocl.d by "&P's awn experts, and morked with "&P', mode.t prices. to giv. you .till ""d Tart SW08t tOth Ytoi\r of Contin\loul Proin'a.~i\'e BUllnul 0)' Sam. F.mlly greater value, theY're Close-Trimmed at ,"c,n waIte before Rajah Salad Dressing. ~y 536 being weighed. · ., 18626 ~IACK Marshmallows J>;..~:t.iu~r••• 2 ~ell~'p\,. 29c Where E.Warren c Pork Loitl Roast .... Rib End lb, ~11-.,) eln S Inter/lects. ~rhite House Milk Evaporat.d •• 3 1~~~~Z 42c ~t . H A ROW A'" I TU.2.7740 StDoked or Cooked Pi~lli~s Lb. Sunnyfield Corn Flakes .. , lA.~~a'tkl 220 LOOI( TO THE SrElN STORE FOR FINE PAINTS Veal Shoulder Roast . . . .. Lll 45c Pork Chops .. ;..... Rlb End Lb J7c ~d.az. Tasty Orange Juice Pock.r'. label Can 19c For Living Room, Dining Room, Fresh JJ';sh Buys Sultana Fruit Cocktail ... ;.,.:. 'Fre~h Lake Huron Whitefish LII. 33r Fresh Haddock Fillets r.b. 43c Bedroom, Play Room ••• leBo Desserts "II Flovo .,.. 3 ~k:O.230 The pllirtl thdt mdde every' Iona Tender- Peas 3 ~~~.250 body • plI;nter Ilnd deco. ,~.J~..; • ''''''nol. 2g~OI~ 2- r~tor, !t credtes iovlier \\'~'.,jI ll., Snltana APl'lcot!l Unpecled •••.• '.... Can ;) C homed ---.. SUJlJl)'field Wheat Puffs 2 c.ll~.a~k,•. 23c ..Ill ll'II. E..Jo, P@lIk-lru. Fr.U .... " lreg..t•• Comp to A,t.P lor Nine Advontagel: '4!6, 'h I S Sller.ard's Large 29 (. oco ale (Iuares Almond. Cello Pk,. C 1. Appties like magic! 16~o'l.. 10 TDBlt'T.PRI~ED PRODU(~~t:!i\>'-:::.~~ Iona Pork & Beans In Tomoto So"c. Can C 2. One c'at covers most Interior slIrfaces! Of cours. yOu wonl tru," arod vegetoble. lhot oro truly fre,h And ~ I. ,I j _____ ~~I{ ~"" Hershey's Syrup ~~,kk":~:~~~;~~.2 h6..~: 290 l. Ri9ht over wallpaper, ~"u con count 01'1 gelling them thot w","' any Ii.-n. y::u .hop at "g,P. /1 ;j ( a.causD everything In our big Product Deportment i. hQrve~ted Iresh, paint, plaster! Daily Dog Fool! Regular ••• 3 l'~~;,-l>.25c delivered fr.so and 501d fresh. Everything Is priced down to .orth, too. 4. Dries In one houri Sweet Mixed Pickles lang', .,.. .?',: 25e 5. GorCjeoll.s new colors! 'fOl1llaioes f' I I F' '1 F1 l5.Lb. 1-9 6. Rich, suede.like finis'" Ilead l.et"l(~e .nnn)'ue(S ami)' our ...•• , B.g .;). rotatOfS f;~~Whl!. Lb. 7. No "pointy" odor! Paseai Celery 21.30 Sizo . • :':":,, 2;{.~ Halter's Thin Preb:cls .... ', .. Cln 290 8. WQshable! Durable! Cucumhers Outdoor GlOwn •••• 3 lor 17 c Horitla Oranges .H 1 "B;~1 .),)C Nestle's Chocolate :\lorscls, ... 19c 9. One 901l0n dotS Sweet Corn g;~~::;, 6 ro... 29c Cantaloupe ... 27 S"e 29c ,1, ';11' 27c , k 3 11~-OZ, average room! Cracker Jac K,dd'es' Del,}hl . " Pi

Broadcast Redi-Meat .... ;.. ' . t~.~~ 39a

l3-C'>z. Swift's Snnbrite Cleanser .... 3 Clln'lll 19c

takcside Baker ~Iaid Cookies. ~';~l 25e flo.r, 2<) A&P~sBAIH})"CENTER Diamon« Book ~Iatc I}f'S. • • 2 0: 5<1 • C FUISY obou! !re,nness' !>o are we Sullg.: minded' So or. our prices, So mok, the Dairy Cenl~r ct your "&P Sup.r Market your heod. Kingsford Corn Starch ... '." Lb,Pkl, 13c !luorftro lor grond volues. . Karo Blue L'lhel Syrup .. "t., .• Jl};}b. 19c '.Lb. 91e< Lod • Chunk 0' Gold Tonry Ch 5pr<.d • • Lb, 55e )llre Lard b't~. 270 ~7i1flmcre Buller Crumrr, Tru" .••••••• Lb. R40

Cheddar Cheese WI,coniln 1I1ch Croomy ••••• 1;~:55e .JI}NE IS 0,\10\7 ~1f)~TII

Oar 0"'11 Tell ••• HI."k P~pper ••• Ire «:nnm .llh ..• lliud Ve,etahlu , , • Bokar Coffee , • • \

Sparkle-Vor.illo Ilnd Chocci~:. Vigorous o~d Wi"tV

~.l.b. 47«; 10.01 Pkl • CIA 10" i:', -1.) .. '.~~ 1:l_8.

5 . t ------.....------1

GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------_.,------Pag!l Twelve Thursday, June 24,' 948 Chrysler-Plymouth Service Be COllvin~e(l! VA. 1-5777 Prove It To Yourself by bringing your \7.8 to us Complete servic., for Chrysler Md FOR- Plymouth ears. W. specialize in e lUMPING • PAINTING pick-up and delivery. Motor over- , • UNDERCOATING hauling, bumping, painting, simonhing • PORCELAINIZING end polishing. Complete brake • ALL MECHANICAL WORK Il'lrvice. Iv.ost modern front end artgn. ' NUMBERS 12 LUBRICATIONS ONLY $6.00 menr equipment in the city. Jefferson Lincoln-~1ercury Co. 3700 E. JEFFERSON MElrose 0500 Fisher & Record l'fotor Sales TOIiWEM8£R1 "Only Satisfied Cus!om,'rs Ke('p Us in BUSiness" r 5000 Kercheval Opu 7:30 A. M. Till Midnight }...... _------j : S'I'UDEBAKER ~ J ~ALES and SERVICI J Gt05Se Pointe f Fodory AuthorIzed '(Iris j MEMORIAL Complet. LTn. of Aceeuorl.. j f DRIVE t STOTTS & )IUHPDY 1 j 12300IaJtJ.1f'Non VA.2.1151 t t_\--.--.~ ...... - ...... ------:-- '-' ... ~llmlll!lIl1lll1lllJlllUl!IlIl1!11mllmllfllllllllll111l11llll111lmnnnIl\1lllIl!IIllIUIlIllJlr,Qlll1nnI1HlIlI1nlll""IRlJlIo!ml11llllnnlillfllnlllllnllalllllllll~ .., I PWnING&Hm~GH~~ I------~! ~~. i TUxedo 2-9503 ~W ~ Completeplumbilli'andhla~.ervle.. I SALES ~~_ SERVICE ~..Jft ~ lnstallation and •• me. for I[as &nd _ '-"~ .~BLt.', ",r~ g oll fired water heater! and boller,. FOR CONVERTIBLES BRUCE WIGLE CO. I ' ALFRED F. STEIN'ER C. O. r::;,c":.b~~f!r:~~:~~1~n:I.'i~t;KAISER. FRAZER I ~ retrimmed. Couprs r:oDvuted Into ~ .COlly."lolt .. ~. 'IIrlle" I llve.p .... nr.r. Larg •• l""k 01ml- ~15304 KIRCHIVAL ... 1890' MACK AT GRAYTON NIAGARA 4000 ~:~~J~.0:C 1~~la;~.l_F"'I. ellldenl 1IIIIIImllmmlllnllll1l111lll1lltllmlJlJ1ll1liIllIllHlHlmll~mml!lll1!llllffinllRl1ll1!!11lllli1l1tlffllfllllll~IlII!l!I'jQINllMI EARL & SON Sated and SeJ'vice Oli-r Complete P4rts alld Serl'ice Dep"."tmel/ts Opell 'Tit l)lidnight for Jour C01lVUlie1ue 10627 MACK VAlley 2-H6( ..•...•••.•. ,...•...... 1tIICHEL SALES & SERlTICE '. I Specialized Service for all types of ~IHfiHllllllllllnn 1I111111111111111111111111J11IIII11I1J1JllllllllllllfIIllll!IIIIIJIII/II11II11!1111111/1111I11llill :1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illlIIllIlIllIl:IIIIIJllIII!1111I1111II11II1II11I1fi1l1l11l11l1l1lIIII1II11I1I11III11III1II1IHIIIIII . . 14939 EAST JEFFERSON STARTERS GENERATORS I Con1.plete Olds}nobile Authorized Service I- VA. 2.6740 VA. 2-3071 at Wayburn CARBURETORS FUEL PUMPS g WINDSHIELD WIPERS BRAKES :3 S< Comp/ele Plumb/", and i VAlle,r 1-5000 2 SHOCK ABSORBERS RAPIATORS ;;; Irake Rel.lni~g Motor Overhauling Washi 9 2 I n mIl1lllRl1Im_lll1lil1lmltlilllnmlln~lIlillmlnniillllllllrnlllilllllnlllllHnlinmAIIHlllllrnllnlll~lllnlI~lIIlfl1llf1!!l11l!1!'1i , g Wheel A"gnlnC] . Carburetor Service Slmo"lzl", ~ Heaflng ServIce 222& GREENLEAF LQ. ~ Wheel 8alancing Ignition Service 1111. Cored BUICK SALES & SERVICE INCOlPORATED I H. Buckeridge So. I 7-4771 . & E. JEfF. letwen CII."•• "d lhlltols . I WHYTE"OLD SMO'BILit Co.' 15011 KERCHEVAL • PLaza 3944 I 15218 EAST JEFFERSON at BEACONSFIELD . Complete motor overheuljn~ - brake service - wlieel belane- ~ i •• • a.a ••••• II •••••••••••• ". ing - lubrication - headli~ht alignment - front end align. i ~llllIIllIlIllIIlIlIlImIlI1lIIlIIIlIIUlJUU1~lIlillll~lIl1lmlilllllllllllllllll:11111II11n 11I11111111iliII 1IIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllililllllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllli1ll1I1I1li1lll1l1ll1111/l111111111ll11ll111111ll1!111111i11i111111111 ment - bumpin>: - paintin>: and simonizinl<_ ~ ) ... ------'W..... __ ..... ~ AUTO RADIO MOTOR~Irt~~~~s COR'P.I t j SERVICE 8740 MACK ~ ! C!r' COlllplei,e ~!j All Malees and Moc/el. ImllU1lUIIIIIIH~lIIllll11ll11llll!1lll11mHlllinllllln~IIIII1IIIIII:IIIIIII11IIIJ1I11UIll1II111111111llllllllliWilnJIHlI1IIIIIIIIHI1flIllmlllllllHlllilliliITl , , Haw Rod/os Avallabl. i i for All Cart Jl I

J :p' .. Ol.-TTIAC Ji C. A. NUTTING CO. 1.,. 6412 E. JEFF. .Fl.55()() tt------:------,Pll~kartl G..osse Poin~e~ .IlC~ t t Establhb.d !tat , , I SERVICE 11,-----,.;.--1 SALES CiJ:~;~;2SERVICE ! j NOW AWAITS YOU AT YOUR t' f FORD SERVICE !f ;/~ , t i ( JI J All Makes - All Mf/dcls j J GROSSE POINTE AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER :' ARlington 1000 j J Illftrlor Trim - Seat Covers - COllverHbl' Top. j J ,f Comrl'2te Ford 5ervjc. J t 15025 E. Jeff .r50n VAlley 2-7900 , . • J t Facilities J '------.------, ! MCi:t:s,~:l.DR TUX. 2 :::~ !J 1'~5~ L:'~, ; ------. ------, JI J ~ Detroit's Most Modern Sales & Sen,i.ce STUDEBAKEn~s ~~-~------~-----~------~------HUDSON. COMPLETI ONLY GROSSI POINTE DEALER You'll Find COlnplete Service that satisfies )~ For Jour DESOTO or PLYMOUTH' i HUDSON LAVIGl\'E l\Ul'O SI\LES AI/thorlzed Serv!e~ Open daily 8 10 6-Salf{rdays to 1MOII Rodgers Sales & Service and all Cbrpler P"oaucls I 'orh ond Accessori ... 14201 E. W~rreo Bonded Pi,c~ Up AJld Delivery 2970 I. JEFFERSON - AT - !ti HUDSON at Lakewood 15201 KER.,CHEVAL at McDolIgall at Lakepol"ht VALLEY 2-8300 ROSEe o. LOrair.1 7.32&2 I TAPERT MOTOR, Inc. I 13245 F.a~ .Telfersoo DESOTO - PJ.\'MOUTH Hickory 2505 •••••••••••••• I" •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ".1. nr.M,J':R ~l:iliri:!I'IIHil!1 il!llHtlllI!i'mllmmlllmIIIIllI1ll1~1Il1111111I1lm~n.lmJnllRiIIWnl1!1III11IInI!1lr,~lIImlll1fl1Rnnnl1llllltlllllllffi1nll1lll1nlll~Il1t1R11 Grosse Pointe PONTIAC Qwners I Speciali?:ed CHEVROLET Service I- •••••••••• ***.**•••••••• ON YOUR WAY TO WORK, LEAVE YOUR e ~ :* • FIRST I" SERVICf :• ; BYM~Al Ii PONTIL-\C. : GENUINE i WITH US FOR COMPLETE, SPECIALIZED SERVICI I ~~ I -----6----- * ~ YOllr tllr t/Jill h, ,.el/d)' for )'011 Oil )'(Hlr tNY homl. g : CHEVROLET i 'I Our specialist will mah YOllr car look * • like new ogain. Original factory colors JIM GRIER PONTIAC CO. I B & B CI~.~VROI.JET(~o. S! I : PARTS ~l matched fo harmollile with "olance of ~ lIS11 E. Jefferson !'hone i : :) Flttroy 4410 car. Drln in or phone for prompt, .fPl. .. • •••••••••••••••••••• e ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2.1103 . I at Cran. VA. I cient service at rea!~"Qbl. prius. Jl;!:li:l, I~:i'nl: IliI~nl1lliJII:llmliimllil~Jnilllll1l1~Ir,lmPllll1llllllllIJnIlIlIIlI1~NlIillIllllHmll!IIl1mlil1lnffi1PIIIIlfIIlIHlIPII!lI1nnlllll!ll1ll1lHnfilJ ! Wholesale !I Tbt 11IJI FMd Serda COJ/1 lels : : .. or • 41 }' OU" Frimdl.l' Ford Dealer : : I : Retail : I C/""'J!l~,.- PI'jntoulh 0pln 1 •. 11'I. t. Mlclnilht A. W. REISTER, Inc. SALES SlRVICI "eI Picl<,UII .. Dell'flry 'UlO Ead JeH'run 112 last Grand Ilvtl. LO. 7."0' LO. 7.1413 Ii, i1 EARL HOLZBAUGH i Gratiot .Chevrolet. ! * • .. RILEY MOTOR SALES 10900 CHARLEVOIX at LEMA '( ..: Company : Complete ,ervlcf' lor all Chrysler . "!VfRYJODY LIKES OUR SfRVICI" J1rollucl~. Our hu~jne5! is eustomer : 12m, GRt\TIOT PI 8000: VA. 1.312.0 . : NU.r Oouston • : salislacllon. 3100 East Jefffnson ; 21 years In the sam. location,; Cor. MtDOU9C111 ME. 3025 *....~ ~ .'" '. -

Thursd"y, June 24, I?48 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ---.----- ~...... _------.------.- . . ._.~__.~ ._-_. ~..- ..__ ~ __. 0---- __, ~.__....__ . _ ------Page thirfel'3n * * * GROSSE POINTE NEWS' DEPENDABLE G'UIDE TO GOOD SERV,ICE * ----_.------_._--~.._._._------"---_._------_.-- .. * , . ------,------* ------!New FordDraws :Bill Hanson TiJps Class We Repair A SMART MOVE! , , •YOllr House to Our "House" all Types Crowd to Boyd's WHEN STORIN~ PERSONAL EFFECTS In Mills Trophy Contest of lamps - .__ .,------~-----~- . Tom Boyd, Inc.. proudly dis. IT PAYS TO INVESTIGATE YOUR WAREHOUSE By FRf:D RUNEI,LS Ithe big blow of 1947. , played the new Ford ('al"s to the You COII't Go Wrong wifll Riverside! Big Bill Hanson, fOrllH'r Gros"e Bob Z:,esley's big, schooner Pointe public at a great Open Pointe High graduate, and now I "Malabar won trophIes for the; Old and House ('elebtatioll \\"hieh lasted Four conveniently located w4fshouses owned /lnd oper~ted skipper or his o\l'n boat. "Mar. 1 best schooner and the best, New Lamps all day Friday. It was estimated excl.aively for the stor/lge of household goods. Over bS bill" sailed off wilh lop hon. schooner.ket.ch classes. Per c 'thal more than 4,000 Pl'rsons II' "P' l'"l" t d the (Irs , in the cruising C dil'ision I Dame s In at cap ure , VASES and visited the Boyd showrooms at of responsible service. Reasonable rates fairly quoted. in the ;\1ills Trophy Race held I Arfleck 80wl. . . . i East Jefferson and Nottingham I / on Lake Erie late Satu~day, June; Among the nOI\ •• flnIShers .was STATUES road on ihat day alone. j 20, The prize was the Commo- Norm Sam's "Minx," II' hie h W I'R ED . There hl18 been a ~teady stl'l'am RE-ROOF dol' I' Russell trophy. blew her main, of viaitora each day sinrE', Mr, TIME TO ThiS \'Jeto: I' cOllld vel) \1,,11 ------Boyd J'('port.rl, F.i!(ht of till' OAr 0606 C,... ','fI\~ S'i.~:~ f'~';:~'.. , bl'alltiful new models are on dis- raln'J ."('t J n iIIh'annlO . be an. indication. of things to! Helin Nine Drops Appliance Re. .s.aVt" .'hl!' Right ~llmhf'r hI C~lI corne 10 the POlt HUlon-Mack-! play at the sales And servi('c

headquartels. OIl I' If you I\'ahl an t'sl 1111iI I " , lOae raeI' around th.e middle. of '1'ilt to Lippman pairs, Vacuum Ha...... L (') k h ~ r 1 .41' rOUl <:n:-:n: ....IE ....CI( L'he,'k.llp 11(j\\,. Y .. ll July, Many of the bIg boat sklp-: Cleaners, Irons, ! ------111.,\ "fled only _ 11;'. pers from lhis area use thi~ raeI" 1'08511'1'5, £lee. pall' job. but at an\' STORAGE • rACKING • for a shakedown l'1'lIise t.o de- R~' JOE f'RO!\ll\l . r"tp h{l\!oE' A 1..0(""',11.<1:\ 'Pointers Sweep man ml\k"" " ('j1f>("k- 'lOVING • SHIPPING R I VE RSID E terminI' what their ships need. The Helin Taekle Jr~;, lost Ihelr t I' j e Cookers, Hp. Lockh.ilrt ha'i a for the long haul lip to Mackinac' sixlh game of the sejl.son la~t: etc ... , Table loog. df"pt'ndahie [~('~ ord in rootll1~ Storage (. Carta!,e Co. next month. Wednesday \If hen LIppman s; C.LU. Election . , . scored fOllr runs, lh reI' of them i Appli3n("~!. And Orli\ Bdl ~ry U Q I! I! Q 2 I! Q IJ Q Q Q Q o Ill! !J Q Q Q Q Q 0 Q 1I k sa,Ys hbe IS . dete ,:mlned to; unearned in the top of the sev- : TUxedo '-/977 Gros:,e Pointel"S made a dean ------.. -.------..--- .. sippel' lIS ?3t 10 t 1liS Ill\P°I'-: enth to I;'in, i-3. i I Complete Roofinr ann Sinln~ " 'tant race despIte the. fact he g.ets Helin is a Grosse Pointe tealll' 'ELECTRIC SHOP sweep in gainmg offices at ll. Service #.,,)' ELECTRICAL FIXTURES & CONTRACTING' ,extremel.l: sea SJt'k Ir the gomg in the Class D division of the ~ recent election ot the Ol'lroit ( I.ockhart 5<'n'f" all kind. of r~.IIj.. r. 'gels a lltl/e lough OLLlG f:Lf:CTRJC ,l'haIller of Chapter Life Under. -, R'''d.nll.1 and Conunuclal .Wiring .nd llep,lrin,. . D '! t r 0 i t Baseball 'Federation, 15243 M I. ; wliters. tdt'!'ntt.:tl and Indtist.r1al prnpP!'tiell ~ ~ :-:.w and CUd 11'"r. Detroit boals walked off with' Thev have won five games as' aCK near Laktpointt ~:''''lltn;lte~ ...... tthCHH ohli~atlon. '.. ' . "1I()'fI'Ull'iT" .nd OTflt:n i\l'rLlAl'il:~:~ neady all the hardware in the against six selbacks. .. .---.- .._-_-..-.-.,.-..-,..-.-__-_-.-_---, J. Dunton Barlo\\' or Beacon- .'. ' '. In.m.dl~l. Ilell".r~'-f:le(.tr'" Rang... lI'ashers, Mllls race despIte the fact that IJell'n took th la.ad I'n the il'I'st field avenue was elected presi. 125.;8 j:ilhert St.. Oetrolt ~ .., ., Re1rtl:r.-r:uor5, and \'arllllm Cleantu.J a'" ..' PRo 1200 Oll' Slo; •• l Yonr 05" vitO :13 of the best local sa,ilors wer,e on a walk to Joe Hipfel, a field. dent for 1948-49. Supporting him Lockllar! Malle His First Roof LASTt ~ t 5 nt oe a of thel p'l'lICI . will be William A, P05t of Hamp- BA'IIER'S ELEC'rRI C & APPLIAli CE COMPANY a ) 'P . C IIse r". er's choice. an error, and a SJn- • I'i pat Ion In lhe Bermuda race noli' gle by John Sopko. Lippman';: Sh' 1 ton road. vice-president; Lillian p OINT£ ftLEANE S R lS021.~:~. E. WA RltF.N \ Ru~. TUxedo 1.0UO under'.ViiY. lied the score in the second on, lUg e G. Hogue of Yorkshire road, sec- "R & TAlLO S ROIl,,-~;:~~~~~~qiO::OI:l~:~ln Res. TUxedo 1"1572 C h a I' ley Buysse's "L a s t 8 home run by Kris over Right- ~ retary: and Howard R. Poppen (\\IND~lII,L I'IlL>; ,E) -----_ Straw." winner in the fil'sl two fieldn Al Bardy's head. : Roofs of Pemberton road, treasurer. Men'lI and Ladies' Suits Tailored To Order VA. 2,3040 DR' tt th' . d J L' ,. k d . 1 I The America n Society of Char. Alterations, Relining. Cleaning and Pressing ,"" rega as IS year, lip 1- Ippman s pIC e lip sIn & e tered Life Underwrit~rs is ana. cated her 1946 Mills trophy vie. runs in Ihe fourth and !ifth t.1 i tional body of Life Insurance 14931 EAST JEFFERSON, at City Limits tory by beating ,Murray Knapp take a ~-I lead. Helin came back, 0IL and Ernie Grail'S' "Blitzen" on in the fifth with two runs to k'not ED men and women whose member. Fred IIf. Schuman Es~hlished 1925 Open Eves. '7:00 'un corrected lime, "Blit7.en" was the scol'e. ship is limited to those in the life .. . ._. , _ NOW AVAILABLE first boat across the finish line Don MilJer and Jerrv Allen uhderv:riting field who ha\'e Y. ". 'IIt•••••••••••••••••• ,. ••••••• ",.... ' ...... , 45 minutes ahead of "Last Straw" got on base via errors. Jo~ Hipfel passed all 'of the !!xaminalion3 or " FO ~ ON OUR EASY to win the Kebey BowL walked lo load the bases before witll I'llre Creolote the Amt>rkan College oi Ule :.: ~n 'J p. RETTV XV . . • ~ "Blitzen" won the Mills rate Leroy Guaresimo beat out an in- I Underwriters and have met the H r: ill 1945. field single to ~core Miller and We Have New Supply other rigid professional require. .: IJ,..,. re Is the Ilame given smart people 0: k th b . d menls necessary lor qualifleatton ,:: ••• YOII will b. pr"'y foxy It YOIA ~ J. B. Ford Jr.'s d,efending eep eases JBlUme.. General Home in the Uniled Slaies as a. Chllr- .' V~ turn your moving ane! storage :! champion "Royono" was doll' n . John JerVIS walked: ~ 0 l' 1'1 n g u ' t tered Life Unden\Tiler, Such' , bl t! .. easl fOI' the Bern1uda race and In Allen w.,th the. tle!lll'( I' un, ,.. am en '" "'"',~ 0, 0 ~"' 0 '" .... ~ ~==== 0' '<:: <> ","II" ..... ~ -, ..."' ~ <1>"" ~.:.:- ... -4' ~ E== '0 All failml' to have cal' nnder <,on1rol ll. ~lS .,. Oil. es._ 0 ..Q ~ 0.~ b t>.i' "" t> "" <:- ~ .s ~:-Sl.0" _ .B. '. ,owance Causing an accident on Mav 30 i~ ~ ~ .,IOp at ~:~n p.ll1, on i\1ond,,~'. June 28 • "Kool Shadc" Sun Screen The truste,'s nearl~' fell out of \'crnor on Ma.,' 26. paJd ~ $5 We spc.e.alize in thl'lt s.,ats when tI", "id~ for the fine and S5 ('o~ts. Complcle Lawn lInd Gar- .'rtt .;~liml\lf'l C.'hrtrrUlh' (thrn • , s('oul ('"r~ were olleni'd. The con- . _ SA VE AT STEINER'S Porch Enclosure. J.~l'fld"n1. Rtlll,hlt' Sf'n;('t den Service hy the month Former Pointer llatt II'l.'nt to Al Loo/!'. 11l~.• Th C C' h or season. SUPERIOR SASH & SCREEN CO, which lI,1lreed to furtlish fom . ree- ar ras ..(UIPJ,F, ....; Pi\l~T .1011 new car.<. Ford or1


Minimum 50e can b. PlaCed al News Ottlc.e or at on" of 14 convllIllenlly located IUI>- stations.

c WORD Charge 3 3 Tfunk Line. YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED DEADLINE 5 P. M. TUESDAY Minimum 60c CALL TUxedo 2-6900 To Serve You Ouidly Can be Pl"oed by Telephone or In person &1 News OWee till ~ o'cloek I5-SITUATIONS WANTED I'-WANTED TO lINT Il-AlTlCUS Fait SALE II-ARTICLES FOI SALI Tuesdoy. I 12--AUTOS WANTED 12--AUTOS WANTED I Udale o'lld female) lHoIISI', A,ts .. Flab •• te.)' 35 .MM ARGUS 21,' ca~~:t'ash LEWlS151h desk-;;:nd chair, din- n-ItE~~ ~5.!A_!EF~~_SA~E PHONE - iGIRL,-i7,yca;;-';1~:i:-'~,i~he~--,f~i IEMPLOYED ('ouple, no children unit, '~nd acce,SSO,ries, used. lit. [I ning r,.oom SU, ite, ideal, for GRO" SSE POINTE FARMS TUxedo2.6900 tIme employment for summer., or pets need 3-' room apart- tie, TU •. 2'3873, early ev:~~g: recreation room or cottage. VACANT. Move in now. 25 1 TRACY MOTOR SALES Call TUxedo 2-5658. ment or ~arage apartment. In NEPTUNE _ outboard motor 6 _~~_~nable. C~~~~038~~_ Ridgemont Rd. at Ridge. Ne_ I 3 Trunk Linn I , ,IPART TIME-h~-;;;pe-ri~~~~d'c~i: i or near pom~.. Wr;,te Box P- horsepower twin, $90, call Sat. I II PC. DINING room set, 3-pc. roomy b 'oom, ) bedroom co 19770 Mack Ave., at Cook Rd. CASH RATES d girl, LO. 7-0972. I~~ oJnle~ .__ or Sun. bl'fore~n. N~~~~:, !Jvin_g . room ~et, douhle bed, 'onio' "I,.'. f~reploce, service hol I 1Jl Ellect at Th.,e Lt)n,."lenl _~e _ .______.. _ -1 YOUNG COUPLE TAPESTRY I t Jl t dres~el. lamps. TU. 1-3011.11erroce ttle krteren wolls Md bOTh 14 Sub Statio~s . IM.S.C. GRADIUjATE, qluadlifdiedstutoI WITH INFAN' T condition r::S~nsae:le-~Ice81~~ 5912 Oldtown. . 'N:th sl~fI shower. Solid drive ana teach men a yI re ar e • , ... ------t WANTS YOUR CAR '!'1U s o'clock Tue,do.v rf wishes osition w j t h ! . . ------. ---. --- STEEL GYM SET, barrel back wo CM gar<'ge. Lot SOx1~8. Th13 ents, 'I p 235 N P ,Wrlh 5 roorn unfurnished flili. or A STUDIO COUCH, practically rose damask chair electric priCD <,I $17,500 is jus! <,bout the JEFFERSON AV.~NUE Y We Pay Cash privaLte ~amg11 5, l\;ich . Ine I' income. Reference~ CIlII new, blue upholstery, $45. TU' table broiler new ~en's rid- most house you c<,n gel for YOll r * Se:heHler's Drugs st.. ansm ,'J. H Id e Ih 2~122 ! 15324 E J~l!enon. at /oIotllna -.. , .. ------.------: - Ilro a, own . ' j ing breeches, boots, size JO, money loday. For inspection ~~ Will T rllde for a New Car mID EXPERiENCED h~gh school girl; VAlley 2.00-f I NEW pine cocktail 1able. wit h, ladies' jodphufl and boots. Call I Ilny time cllll TU. 1.4400. will care for chIldren nays 01'1______glass top. TUxedo 2-9321. I TU. 2.1090. IPM~mount Realt C Will T rada for a Demonstrator KERCHEVAL AVENUE evenings. VA. 4-7640. COUPLE desire quiet room for ------1 Y ompany -IT-EN'f ---.------_. - I lwo weeks commencing lIbout SAILBOAT COMPLETE set ot, Slingerland' 15780 Harper Ave" at Berkshire Will Trade for tl Better Used CM * Miller Pharmacy t A 14945 Kerch.,.al. at \Vayburn ION parents,. anyone I June 26. Prefer CS home, McCormick rig. 22 It. by 8, In- Ra,dlO KIng ,Drums, 1I real bar. TU. 1.'1400 . needing a haby sitter Just call Grosse Pte or vicinity. Write eludes new ~uite of sails and gain. Call 'IU. ~.6266. ------.------* Kopp's Pharmlle:y STOP !N TODAY WHILE PRICES ARE STILL HIGH 169'26 Kercheval, .t Notre D.me ROseville 4905-M. I B C892 G' PI N outboard.' Excellent condition. I ------. . I CANADA Wheatley on Lake .------:-----:------1 ox ,IS. e, ews. I C I V II _' LEAVTNG TOWN. Elglh plllce Erie. Newly painted modern CunninlJhdm', Dtugs . II 'ed \vllh 6 year old ------a I A ev 2 6512 I * NURSE , 1e 1 , • - •. NEWLY married coupl~ want . , I' hVll1g. room map e set, four- furnished cot.tage with Clty con Ksrche\'aJ ..t Notre Dam .. - 2l-SERVICES 121i-Wall Washing baby, WIshes pOSItion ~s chll- apt. or flat to sublet. Furn- VA<;UUM CLEANER. Used ~ir- pi~ce walnut ,'eneer bedroom veniences. '1'wo bedloom and * Notre Dame Pharmllcy dren's nurse al summel home, ished For July and Aug Ex- way.. attachmenls. Workmg SUIte, rug. lamps, noew refrlg- lal'ge glassed in porch (acing HANDYMAN-Painting, window I LADIES 1'"000 Kerch .. 'al. at Notre Dam. I VA. 2-5445. celle~t references. Call' after condition, $18. NI. 8118. eratoI'. GE, 4925. lake. Excellent beach. Quiet and wall washing. General I '. * Grosse Pointe Orug Co. home maintenance and repairs. HAVE YOUR SPRING 17001 Ker

.------.------.----- ..- me nt, furnished. Lak~ Shore ~,-..~ 4" ,-" .-.------~ .,_,_,__ _ •••• _ • __ . "_ SELllNG or BUYING Porch :,hade." made to mt'aF-urc.: Jl\' work .. Dutch Boy products ~ SC:~~~~ d~;~e.'~U.c~~~~75~are Drive transportation, For two! SCHWINN.BUILT bicycle. !lood, 2 PIECE living room set. chair Color~ in n"lurnl, grcen an;) ~ anI., .. Brown. VAlley 4-4055. i INTERIOR and EXTERIOR ______middlcagcd persons. TUxedo condition. $25. Call TUxedo' with.' oltoman, 2 end tables, ell" b 1------. .--- I Enclme front or re~r porches HOUSE\"ORK . d 2-7313. 2-1772. matching cocktail table, one rOW1/. fJO YOUR' t' I ' ,y • ex per Ie n C'e JOH N C 5T. UDT I spring pam 109 now. kitchen cllb'nels, recrellfion room!. while woman belween 40 and CANADA-Wheatley--;;~_:_L;ke BOAT-FOR SA-LE=ii-fi:--i;~ occasional ~able, Sold complete '. A • nc. I Get your hOllse pal~led berore attic rooms. remodeling. Prompt 50; musl be good cook and Erie, clean modern furnished board 16 H.P. Gray motor, ex. $:25. Refflgerator. runs good. For esr;mllies cllll TU. 22850 1 the rush begIns. RIght now I '. d k h' cleaner and give some care to cottal':e with city conveniences, cenent condition. NIa. 8603. $(5. Call TV. 5-0442. VAlley 2-0100 I can give y',}u an exceptional serVl\_e. goo war mllns Tp. elderly woman with arthritis. excellent be~.:h. si~ps 8. quiet. -_.-- •• _. .- -.- --.. SOLID mahogany - bed;~~~-;uit~ I job-gave it heller supervision S. F. BARBF.R Write Box E-70'0, Grs. Pte. VA. 2-4866. DUNCAN-PHYFE dining room M th W h' t b t 11 We have buyers lor good homes. ESQUIRE SHADE CO. I :tnd place mr best craftsmen 20)80 Nesbitt Nfogora 6784 S News. . --HOTE.r.CUFLA-NE ON ~~~~iti~~~/~~ryb~Z:~~n~~f:.ll~~ CO~~h,asmal~s~~~o~~n.v ~;e:bl~ bLee:t(;m:~Pe;llpiSr~c:~.ut property tor: 14537 Char!evoix I ~~t ~t~ :;~~:lI;~to~a:~e~~~T~:~! PC)RCli'Es-. --';tlk;:--;~~r~~ti~~ COOK or goeneral hO\lseworker'1 LAKE HURON 1974, between 11:30 and 1:30 top dresser, and other antique, , I paint job that will be .he envy 'I rooms or minor repairs done 3 m family, good salary, live: RCSQrt holel. secluded, exclusive. p,m. or 2:30 and 4:00 l1.m. items. Dnn't call Satul'day un- 15,~22 Ellsl Jefferson ------j of. your friend~ llnd neighbors, ~y licensed ccmlract~r. Quotll' m, please call NI. 1133. informal. The best in food and ---- .•-.-.------.. -.- _~-~._~~~~~:_ .. __ . SEWrNG MACHINES AND .1. Rupparrf, 'rUxlldo 1-4521. tlOns on request. TV. 2-11324. ------, rest. rooms and cabin accom-! 25% OFF on 1I1111ntiqlle.~ Satur- USED MAYTAG washing m

.. ; ..... "1" .".; ... :n,.>;"; •• ;'\ ...... ".r,. - {" n'.'" ">ti,'" '" ". • "f'- 'S' ". ' " ;hurs'day, June 24, 1948 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteu ST, l\IICHAF.L'S CHAPEL (Ep!5eopall Woods Terrace ., L~hmoor 80uJe\'ard and GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE Fairway Drive Fight !Continues * The Rev. Edgar H. Yeoman, Vicar The. Woods village. which is: Classifieds 9:30 a.m. _ Holy Communion I ~nder a C!rc~it Court. order 10 Now II tire time lor, IPlot Abandoned with address. Ilssue a bluldmg permit to COX! IBy G. P. Woods This schedule will continue! and Baker to erect the teaace Cadillac Owners!! 21t-DressmaldnCJ y-Plano Seryic. until Sunday. September 12. at: they have planned on. Vernier' LIQUID f 121 A little ~trip of ground 11lh (Continued from Page 14) ------which lime the hours of service! near Vernier Circle. directed the --.____ . _._ COMPLETE PIANO SERVICE i fpet facing RidgclllOnt in the will be arulOunced. I' Village Attorney at the meeting: ART TEXTILES RE-WEAVING' TUNING, repairing, refinislling. _~____ on June 15 to ask the Coud for FERTILIZING 'Woods w"s officially abandoned Oldsmobile OwnersH . by the Woods council on June 15 Moth holes, c!garettet bmns, I and mothpnlofing. PLaza 2025. PEACE E\'. LUTHf:RAN a 20 days' stay. in favor of the abutting property ripS and tears 10 all materials. I Place your order early. East Warren and Balfour The stay was asked for at the BY POWER owners. Alterations on women's and 1 Rev. Enno G. Clault. Pastor request of some prop!!rty owners Beltt allll mO.~t economi- The widening operations on Authorized Sales and SerVice men's clothing. Relinings all 21x-Lamp. Mr. Edwin A, l\Ietz. Vicar in the neighborhood who ll'e cal for your trees. shrub~ Mack avenue had 'left thi~ Iitlle work guaranteed. 70 W. Alel{------With services beginning at the' strongly opposed to the erection and everjtreens, etc. Xo strip homeless and neither Authorized pari' and factory-trained meehanlu regular 8:30 and II a.m., the of the terrace and still hope to tuss or mUM anrt no obIl- and!!r TEmple 2-~2~.0. __ " ... _) Wayne County nor the Woods No job too bill' or too small. Brlnl' in your ear LampShades topic of the sermon b~' Rev Enno find a way to prevent it. Iation for estimale. village. wilnting it, the abandon- for a thor(lu~h check'Ull . • . No obllCation. EXCLUSIVE Alterations by Ma. G. Claus will be: "The Sorrow rie Stephens. Also furs, 13327 1 Recovered and Madll Also Au.nlB '-':ow to, 1'ollf ment opt"ration followed as a COMPLETE 'IUKE SERVICE That Lead.~ to Joy," at Peace AAUW AWl'lJ.ds natural sequence. Kereheval. VAlley 3-0053 To Order Luthel'an Church, East Warren (! . Summer / HYDItAMATIG EXPERTS ~;I.d BaHour, next Sunday, Jllne . Help Scholars LEAF SPRA.YING .~~~----~--I Pid Up and Delivery Chagrined Pair Olive 9662 The Bible Class and Sunday I --.- school begin at 9:45 a.m. There: The Grosse POinte Branch of )'RESTOX lUMPING & ItAJNTIH(;: ONE DAY SERVICE ------Admit Mistakes ONE.DA. y S~RVI CI .. J.l'Jndscl'Jp. will be a review next Sunday iil i the American Associa\ion of Uni. Tn. Expert & Sprayint the -Sunday school. \'ersity Women has, received Park Patrolmen Kesteloot and PLUMBER '-':0'" Is the time lor word of, the 1948-1949 fellow- Company, 14]50 E. WARREN Dilloway were cr.uising in' their ST. JAMES I. UTHERAN ships totalling $52,000. The s I' DIGGING, LIQUID FERTILIZING Compte-hi 1'rtr', t;u'rl:ru'n and car at 5,30 a.m. on Saturday, BY POWER Temporarily at follewships will go to W 0 men .shrnbbtr~. SU\.JCt June 19 ann heard repeated shots Punch and Judy Theater scholars to conduct advanced 1'1'- coming lrom the 1001. of Bishop KOTCHER OLDSMOBILE CO. WATER LINES, Be~t and mnst e-t'onnmicaI lor 3-'our R~\'. Georle E. Kun. Pastor search In a wide variety of sub- 279 Rivard, Grosse Pointe 30 trl!l!'S. shrubs and evergree-ns. etc. N'o Tuxedo 1-0957 Tuxedo 1-3930 road. Ius. or muss and no obligation for Divine services lit II lI.m., con- jects. lnvesligation d is cIa sed two 15554 E. WARREN at Somerset TU. 2.5640 DRAINAGE, estimate. duct I'd by the pastor. For the Miss Fern Jeannette Corneli- ______.... • young men in"dulg tng in some tar- Also arrange now for your convenience of parents, a nurs- son, of St. Louis" Mo" English FOOTINGS DUG Summer-Ieef ery is conducted in the lounge instructor at the University .of I rae~e:r~~~~e ~~IJ~:sti;J ~~~ar~~ ~~: r In Grllsse Polnl. Woods It's during the service for pre-school Ilinois, will receive aid through I:. liott, 23, 'of 104.6 Field, Dt-troit SPRAYING children. thefel10wship contributed by ROAD FOR SE..,RV.l_c and Herschell K. Sholar, 26, of Preston Tree Expert and Spraying Co. Sunday school starts at 9:45. the Michigan uni!. Miss Corneli- KADUR'S. STANDARDSTATIOJl Complete Tl'e~. Evergreen and o 0 • son will study, in' London; the 24 Hr. a Day ~~ .. ~237 E. Jefferson. They ,were us- QVICK SERVICE Shrubhery TU 1.9813 " l' Ing a .30 U.S.M. carbine, a long A.LL STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS 'fOR l'OU'R CAR'S SAU Jun-e 24 at 6:30 p.m. _ JUn- correspondence of Lady Anne • ranged and powerful weapon. We Do WeldlnCJ Mack An:, Co;. RDsly" Rd. Call SERVICE ioc Guild picnic at the home of Th?ckera.l' Richie as a contribll- When brought into the police :79 Rlyard, Gros.e Pointe 30 M' R' h d M 1 tion to the Iitenirv and social r ~ Earle Richards Service I stalion they expressed much cha- Vietor Hernc3Jsleen TUxedo I.09~7 TUxedo 1-3930 rs. II' ar ar Ill, I Loch- histor" of the' '19th 'Centu' ry .. moor boulevard. 0 20397 .\lark A".,. in lh. Wood. grin over Iheir escapade. One of TOP SOIL, fill dirt, fill sand. Two of the other fellowships TUxedo 1-5302 -a-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-. -.-••-;'-.-;;-;;;;-; them relllarked to the sergeant cinders, crushed stone, >'tc. WOODS PRESBYTf:RIAN have, projects in the Iield of Rus- "if you want to see a perfect CHAS. POWLES LAND KENNELS Leo Cuthuertson Trucking, I Rev. Andrew F. Rauth. i\linl~ter sian economics with the purpose . Grosse Poinle : ass, look at me." They were alsrJ BETWEEN LINCOLN AND FISHER ROAD» 21y-PlanD Service 28421 Flol'e'lce, Sl. Clair I Sunday, June 27 of finding' out what is behind REFRIGERATION SERVICE : apparently aware that it is a fed- We W"ell and Trim' AU Btf>ed, Shores. RO. 5127-W. 9:45 a,m.-Church School for some of the fundamenlal differ- lIou.ehold. Cammerrl.! and Air. eral offense to shoot a weapon All Breed. 6o,,1'ded by Day or Montia ences in Russian and American Do'., PlANOS TUNED, moth proofed I children and adults (12 years of CondlUonlnl. 24 Hr. Rep.lr S ... ite' across fec;lerally controlled ",a- repaired. expel"! work. Harold BULLDOZER, specializing in I age and over) attitudes toward world'pr'oblems. ]857 ROSLYN ROAn : tel's as they loo,k particular pains 11115 MACK A.VENUI HI. 4221 Smith. NI. 0673. parking lots. basements, lawns i 10:15 a.m.-~feeting of the Ses- A third will study the' effect TU. 1-2;,02 : to explain that their shots were and grading work, Call Royal sian to receive new members of governmenl intervention on PIANO tumng, electric cleaning, ••• • -,•• ,••••• ~.~...... ~.'. •• directpd down ward '\'heye they: Oak 2179-J any ti.,!! or FItzroy II a.m.-Church School . for the flow resources into indus- complete service. C. L. Ed- of could "not pussibly ricochel." 6375 week-:lays before 5. children i\ges 2 to 11 years. try. Another will do ~esearch in wards. TUxedo 1-3173. mal'itime literature to show the ' OI'DI~11 NO"'! 1 11 a.m.-Worship service in- shaping one seclor of American You'll find ONE WEEK SERVICE ieluding the public receptio'n of influence of lite on the sell in Short a nd to new members and the observ- culture. the better, NEW 1948 PATTERNS ance of the Lord's Supper. This Still other projects in I' I u.d I' FREE ESTIMATES HEDGE I will be the first communion . h If d d bl service in Our new church. higher mathematics, agrkultural W 0 Y . epen r rlas;;. as I 0.'"1' " 0"'\0'''' •• ~""i"',lrI.m • C''I11uti!'l1 • hit Dt"" .... fr l .. ~" i troil. and Mrs. EV<'r('tt L, Bray i OrourAf:lnh VA. 1.9239 wel1 U oreslcient 01 the semor I G'"M JII'l''''t, • MC""".3mt\: • H\gMo"l!fh~ • fllllllte•• \."",.1",.. " -.. .. i~.te ; of Flint, I i class council. ~ Mt (1."'."1 • "',~O\l'~. I...,., 11\1" . t"...... ,..100... W., w,.'"' ....

~ ..... ',.:' ....i' ) I' I Thursday, June 24, 1948 .page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS * * * * Feature Page * * * * Pointer of Interest "'bo, llTh~re an(lll'ha~not I Good Taste B" flJhoozil ! F'worit6 Redp'$ oj Peop" in Tht1 KnolP PERSONAl, APPEARANCES ffJ~nte MRS. EDWARD R. DOYLE ... looking cool and smart in the midst of a shoe sale: and achieving same in one piece SPANISH RICE EN CASSEROLE black frock, long sleeved, with high neckline brightened with Counter Points Contributed by a candy cane striped silk scarf of chartreuse. pink, heaven I !\Irs. Frank N. M~lan by C. M. C. blu/! and white held in place by a double hooped gold brooch, I 6 slices of bacon, chopped Her tiny black chapeau had high nosegay of deep pink fine COflSters with " capital "e" are headline news along the azaleas. . % cup of chopped onion af'etltl~ at KOPP'S 16926 Ke1'Chtl'al. \floMerful for Jour own '" • • I % Clip chopped green pepper home, reaeatiorl room, 01' as persOllalired gi{lJ, these plalti, l\tRS. JOHN T. NICHOLS, •• who always seems to be havinl:' 'I' , 2 cups canned tomatoes I coast en come ;l1it;a/l'd or imprinted ll'it1, whate/'er letlerillg "011 the b.e's-l lime \1';\$ also glimpsed lllI she shopped on a recent morn- 1 tsp. salt Jng. She chose a black silk frock with elbow length sleeves ending % tsp. pepper IJesi,YN, in scalloped edjtes. The high neckline of her frock was smart with! 1 1 pkg. minute rice If you've hem looking for a ftl.o.s.t IUIIISIIalgifl, f,isil KOPP'S material bow and she wore a black and white rough straw sallor i Cook package of minute rice tlnd select a gift.boxed set of roasters with stirring rods '0 match. chlcly trimmer! with a \lockade 01 black lacquered fine quill~, a single separately in a double boiler. Since they're the nelNlt hem 011 the markel, "011 can he sure white rollt nesllng at their base, Theil saute bacon until crisp. Ibat Ibey wilt be grate/ully receilfed. The plastic coasters lire .. Remove cooked bacon and to al'ailable in all\, colflt or (ombillalioll 0/ wlors, from Paltet shades .MRS. HOlf? ARD FREEMAN'. SMITH, •• boardirlg tbe .'IS the bacon grease, add onions ,FlUtern SJaJt'J (In rOllle East. , • 1I';lh sel'eral shil1)' rorel'et! ntH'els i ann green pepper and cook un. thtough red, t;'lL'J alld blade, Ivell trilluparetlt, if .1'01/ like, A set II/clred tinder Ihe Ilrm of h~r shnrl whitt flannel jackel. Sbe wore I til both are soft. of 8 initialed coaslen alJd 8 .llirl'illg rods iJ lIia/)' priced at 53,50. Add remaining ingredients, t1 dMIt hrnw" rnllgh linen frf!C1rlopped "y " white wal'u Stl'''II'' Another of KOPP'S good.looking gifJ boxes COlltai,1S50 im. sailor hat. H". shoes l/'ue SlltlpP.r aM Jttlrd), brMNl n,\'/ords. along with rice, and place in pl'illJed flllper ttapkim •• , itl cocktail or Irmcherlll size .•. a'ld, 0/ greased casserole. Cook in course, hI .my of II tlUmber of shades. Strikiug (ami this isn't .. oven (350 deg.) for 30 min. meatll as is prm) are Kopp's persollalized matches in eiJher metallic MRS, ARTHUR BUHL JR. (mother and daughler leam day In utes. or plaill cor'ers. Gold on meJallic scarlel, for illStmrce,, makes d th~ fashion column!) lunching wllh Mr. B. and looking mosl at- After the Spanish rice is hm/dwl1Ie match book. tractive In nay)' and white dlamf'trlcal printed pure silk. High neck. cooked, place on lop, if de- line, short sleens, and materia] loop lit the throal werr. featnres 01 sired, a medium 'sharp yellow For soci"l 01' bminess me, the uniql/e plastic l'isiJitlg cm.ds the frock willi which she chose a coar~e white straw upturned hrim, cheese. Retul'll to oven for five itllcl'i1Jea with your tlImu illld mtHage a,'e bOl/lld 10 umre at" med sailor. The sailor had bright band of red grosgrain and nav}', minutes or until R soft sur- lelltiOlt. These, too, can be had in the c%r tombhtaJioll of )'ol/r White glovell completed the cOltume. face is created . ~boice, Hfll"itlg olle's OU'II nalll' 011 an article seems 10 retuler it • * • 30th Anniversary Pa'rty especially alt,'aclit'e. Next time .1'0I/'re by, ask to see KOPP'S ollt- PILFERINGS Given Howard lawries sfandillg selection of personalized items. .. T, E. Powers, the cil.rtooni~t and humorl~l. appear~ to h:l\'e In • vented the now cll\SIlie story of what happ~ned to six men who were bl'~~"~ha~~:~ll'~. ~:~~~;~~ ~~~c~:~i • • * Ihlpwl'ffked on " desert 1!land. MRS. ARTHUR EltlCSON OF 'Vi\SHINGTON ROAD, -Picl,"" i).I' Fred Ihmm'lls party in their Lannoo l'oad home A rlream of a dress awaits the deb and Junior misses In her * .. .. by Kilty Clime)' 'i-.---" '-.'--"------to honor Ml's. Kimbrough's pal'- crowd at WALTON.PIERCE shops, either tbe GROSSE POINTE Did you notice the scarves worn b\' R ouar!el of li1~~ies "Ie! wom8n w,th a peasant shawl ents, the Howard H. Lawries of BRANCH or downtown In the Women's City Club. These dancing Two were Irishmen, two were Scotchmen, and two were English- at Grosse Pointe High this year embla~ol1ec\ with the givc>n around het. head and the scc- Lochmoor boulevard, on the occa. dre~51'~, which starl at ~29.95, come in popular summery ice cream men. They lived on Ihe isl:md 101' over d year before a ship was name of the O\\'IWl' and a replica of the hi,gh schoo! towers ond, a young girl, hatless and! ~ion of their 30th wedding anni. shade;;-.-slrawberr)' pinks, pislachlo, cannel beige and II hosl of lighted. One day, however, II liner hove into view. and, hehnlding the distress signal flying on the island, sent several smail boats to flanked bv green trees? Those are but a samole of the artist!'v more pmfu,e with powder, per-: ve~sary. th t 'T I' others. ' 1 I' b '1 A IE' I J' I ' 1 l' ., i ':1.ll1ong e gues s \\rere .1.\' arv ISP a.ve( y lV' :S. ,rtlur l'lCSOII. w I~se JallC pamte( _men", fUllle, and rouge than a Junior i I"awrie. Dr. and Mrs. George I Sparkling white for the deh's big moment l.s a chiffon over the rescue. d i When the rescuers landed, this is what lhey found: are a woneler to beno.Jd, .' ,'- . . .. i League Fullies cl1oru5, Thel'c, l~ebenly and the.ir' son, Dr. i l~ffeta cre~lion with .Intrlcate detail on the silver sequin flower de. The Scotchmen had formed themselves into a C(lle ~ I I' ", j'h' 'ct'~- chapter of the American .,\s>"c,.:. I:ml en( n." llnu Illo~'e 1lP:tick ~ ~- .,' differcnt. and gohl pallleUcs form checkerboard designs on the ., 'd 1\' I tt "CI r t thO k f .t'" ,pdOel. lell, le lace.'; c '.' . . to lI'c c"]mOOl1 tnPutn \" n e n ~ "">lV;> I I d I' 1 th f I k' t S' d' 1 ld "Real I~', sal 00 co, el'er 0 rou om- 0 I; oi" ~te'nc'l ()'lper 'Hid C'It, a , ',., •. , " ," . ("" la ter an a por IOn 0 e u I s Ir '" equln e5lgns 0 M R!I ! ...-Il '4 . (.,n on _ , " tu -'. .. • die e ..''''oro\\' penccl '\'~IS at last ""-_ ...". I • .. • * SCllalate sten.ei1 for each of tile- EncH'n gr3dl.latec[ from the U,d' .",[.' , ; ( II 1 ': Drlb,,;e.~' -~. Igold trim the ~klTt and collar of the ~econd l[own. and a cowl , .' , co' '1' r "", , ' ",1 ", ".(' Ie >tH(, ,1'0111 Ie (epL15 of the, 'Ie;;"., I] l h kit t , " th h" colors wInch w!ll be ll~ed on tne \(lS! ~ () .• I"CllnStn .... lur .• " .... t ff \ ". th I' I 11 \lA,I-]IH ~/'V_ co ar acccn uates ac n eres. PreSIdent Theodore Roosevelt once told a blOgla\Jher at e. ' . . , ' took both journalism "nd art 'hCbll fO( pUlse. e Itt e 0.( ~ .•g~"' . th t f d'. 1 f' I d' h' r Imen arllcle. The str:ncil cllttlllg, .' u, , lad\' inch=d nearcr INDIAN V]LLAGE.t ,- "'or that '\'er)' special occasion, WAI,TON.PIERCE will rladl" 1earne d a grea II e~son meaT 0 lp omacy lorn an n Ian c Ie, must be vcr' RCC\lI'"le so th'\t. tcnsl\'e commprClal art wOlk. I" C •• l' ,,,- ., ' Whilft tOUTing the West and visiting the pals of his ranching the colors ~'i1l ~o~e' toge\h~r', courses. She ha, a150 done ex-. Shc\~'alchccl c1os?ly cach deft 8AKERY ~ I make the go\~nyonll treasure In Ihelr mall~-to.order depart~ent, '.di g D Teddy me' an Indl'an \"ho had six wi\'es I . 1 l' 'th. " tenoive commarci',l art \Vork 'move t"e y ~I a ~~,~'''~~,0,i:\,;rf.:::,~"~:~~,~~":i; -~ .~ ~ Tick Powder 1.cI Melt.eue. ;~;~f;~~i~:1~~i~f:S,:1:gt Sho ....Co.t C""d, .. Food, 1fllrJ. JI'edericll oL.. Lotby, (Jr. h<1nd pRinted ll;nrhe(Jn .<:('ls In he ,llInc\H'nn eng<:C(cments, ann In ~.~.r' _-"~:o-- .~-~~-----=- 501<1 n! (In ollt-0!IOWn gift sl;r.p. the late <1fl(:r:'''"n f!\.("I' "':1g!e X:' :';;",: O~'EP.lOOKING Tie Ont SI"kn & , ,__ . --' Since ~hf' 1(',;1' 111'1'I'~riotls (l,,- CU111l11llt':-rhUII:cs lwn'c ",,,,,n, .:~¥> 8lUl L.\Kl HUP'oH 'i'I" J\ S S ,\('1!? Cha1ns Heels T.•• d, & Clul". ~.l'''~••" an,l n1"!~0~.I",1111., b,' I)'" ;,nt;.~,." TIlcn' a;\\'~l.\'S Sf' :'njS to b'C .1 Si11lafl'!1 in l1i~lf"rlr H 11r 0 n 1V 1:: l 1.- IIran."n L.. hl..... 8.55 ' f'''' h' n ~ Co ml:,. th. SI;~,ET off.rs ..A MY FAVORITE: ., r,,". U'Da\'! OutdOClrl them on nU1Snn first f\1rs. ErlC'~ const~lnt ?tl'ug:gle to get ~ilnY\;- OlQ:loor nr~, :lllll 1'('I.1.:\;;,Uon i ~ w Protect your 5hTUh.! Mercury ••....•. 5.50 Book H. M. Pu !ham, Esq. 50n consi;;lcnll~. h",.'(, "ld 511ee!:; i wh"re qu\.~k !,': \;1 :l,,~~l._ru~h 11:.: ,d'h O'r1.'fio'. tradition"1 hD'- IN YOUR HOME lihamlloos. 501t", 1'"". Alt... " •••••.•••• 2.75 Author " , John P. Marquand from hel' frienrl, ancl nC,;,ghbors. J1cn]11e fn,n ,1.1 I ,"h. '" life ~~:;~'\~~Il~Hpl:\~~arro~'':J{~.~'.:r::I~ B~llilF.NUSiD w. olrry a camplele Pflu'ger !tHis Play , , ,.." TO\'arich A wa,hahlf' lcxtilp l)aint is u,,'!,1 jll:;t tel ~d 011 .and off ti,e sllb 11""" r~n", DoH"Il, I';' Put tin!'. 1 1 • 1 'I I f Ii"rnn. ,\1so alr»nrl r"mli.s, Portable Ostcopothic 5.65 9.10 )5.00 cress " " " " 1 ynne F on tannc for t1"1C' lir.l'n p;lin:in~. \';ay. It \ oll.,cn Jr- p.r\~.,'i~.: e .nl' :\lc.rt:f'fn thrnllt:'tnHTt wi'th ("f"n~ Table Used A t Actio" C.. ting Rod•• , •••••• 10.95, 25.00 Actor " " " Alfred Lunt i \Vhilc 1\ll's. Ericson has onlv tllerl fn 1,t;'a!t a COUPiC (it rnj.t1- (roll h(.:tOll!:-nl.~ ,iut-,H cu~sjnp Movie .." " "." " ..''' "Going IVl\' \Va~/' i onc hand paintcd hringe cloth of, ules ~()r, t\:E':'~Xt o~('. ',,,. ~~;~/r;;;~~'~;;~~~~c~'01'~~.;.:~~.. For appe,intment H.ddo" Costin, It.d, .•••••••••••• ,25.00 M . At Ingr'l Ber"n 11! I,el' own ,he pllln< to paInt" Dlu.ng R f,\\ ho,'" (If ,he (".' from ~••• 'n,l •. lnrl"dl"R call OVle C TesS I( ,=,,1 a •. ,.. I • • • • . C ,,! tl _..., :\t'" Y .,1, .' 'f'" .' IlH':'l'.~. Oprn. rOf Ih~ J(':l~fJn GOLF BAGS :Movie Actor "." "" "."". Can' Gr!lnt 1i1rlie tah!" cl01h "~0'l1le da)', She ICS •. ~"m(' - 1".1, ()~;. S,],",,1\S .r.,,," 1Hh. Ur.r.''''r.. F.>r;~'I. MU. 1161 13.50 16.50 . p. T . M t' r. tl A' .. h?s pllintC'd a ff'l.V trn\"~ ~:nd ,p('- are ca in .an{ 1;1';(' "if;' p~,r..::.~{'!1~, rr.'ii'n"ltJOIJ,'i ;ah"s,lbh.". R ad10 _ I ogr;l.m ...... "." ...... ,,,...... 0\\ n I ee 111!Z0 Ie II. '" "t "S '1 ("'n",' '". """1' t'l("" "), 30.00 60.00 • ; ,"" , 0 ('0S~()n('g prc''():;I';1t0r~' to <.('ing',.... .• ~ c _:1,' t., ~ :~,_~2j WP-, j-2m 1'11.7418