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Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

6-4-1914 Tucumcari News Times, 06-04-1914 The ucT umcari Print. Co.

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Smith nnd El Paso In Texas, and Quay KLEINE'B LATEST TRIUMPH INTER-STAT- (lundnlupo, Torrnnco, Lincoln and Otoro MAY BREAKS RECORD 18 FER6USS0N SAYS BILL E POSTAL HIGHWAY WILL BE HERE JUlfB in Now Moxlco. l.oveis of history, students of litera- Whon this road is comploted it will FOR Rl-5.- IN. ture, photo drama enthusiasts nnd all IS BEST POSSIBLE become n part of a great truns-conti-nont- 02 classes of society in tho world to whom SHOUT ROUTE TO COAST highwny. At Oklahoma City It urt mid beauty have nny appeal, will will connect with tho "Oznrk Trail" revel in Ueo. Kloino's latest triumph, which to tho onstwnrd connects with Big Rain Last Day of April the Clues photo drumn of "ANTONY Favor Cutlip's Amendments other hlghwayi! loading toward the At- of 2.19 Made Total of AND CLHOPATBA." Tho Clnes nro and Will Do All In His const, nnd nt Kl will con- All the Eastern Towns Favor the Route Through Tucum- lantic Paso it tho innster producers of the world and nect with tho "Border Land Bouto" 7.21 at Local Station in "Antony nnd Cleopatra" Imvo now Power to Change It cari. Towns along the Line are Organizing for to tho Pacific Coast. eclipsed their nchlovomont with "Quo Road Work Which Will Begin at Once Anyo-n- will obscrvo nt a glnnco thnt At tho Experiment stntlon tho rnln Vndls." They hnvo taken tho story Following is n letter received by J. tho opening of this highway Is of su- fall registered 7.2 from the .10th day of of "Antony nnd Cloopntrn" from tho D. Cut lip in regard to tho ncro bill premo importnnco to Now Moxlco and April to tho .list day of May, whllo In first moment of Antony's fascination tn much favored in this locality: Snyro, Okln., May 20, 1014 Ntate Postal Highwny Association hnv-in- g especially so to all of tho counties Tucumcari It was considerable ovor 8 by the, Egyptian beauty through the Washington, D. C, Mny 23, 1014 To tlio press, for its jurisdiction the states of traversed. Whllo It will bo used a groat Inches. In tho Pnjarlta water shod the vicissitudes of his career as her con My denr Judge. Did you know that "Dunns Opportu- Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico nnd deal by tourists from tho middle west precipitation wns considerable more, es- sort on tho throne to this final episodes I havo received your letter of May nity" Is knocking tit tlio iloor of your for its purpose the promotion and con- and eastern states, its greatest impor- pecially in tho vicinity of Hmiloy. where Antony dies defending her in her lfith nnd nm in sympathy with all thnt comniuntty for admittance. Shu has n struction of n highwny between tho tance will bo Its convcnlenco to the Mr. (jnln tells us the nren of tho wa- trouble with his Bomnn compatriots, you say in criticism of my 010-acr- o wonderful gift in store for you, that points nnmed. The ollkers elect of this tourists from tho southeastern states tershed covers X0 squnro miles nnd he nnd Cleopatra kills herself hy tho sting stock-raisin- g homestead 'bill. For sev- you enn have, aw it wore, for the inero association nro president, E. 13. Cornels who journoy toward tho Pacific Coast figures that ono-flft- h of tho whole rnln of the asp. It is nil presented with a eral weeks before the Committee, with asking. Will you lot lior in) of Snyro, Okln; Vlco president, J. W. in tho summer months by cnnbling thorn fnll would run off Into tho crook or wa- dramatic strength that is surprising to an amount of labor and vcxatous con- Hnvo you ever heard of The Inter-Stat- u 'urn, Tucumcari, X. M.j Secretary, A. to roach olthor tho mountnins of tho ter enough to stand I'j inches deep attain upon the scroon nnd can only be tentions thnt you can hardly realize, I Postal Highway, designated the M. Illllmrii, Shnmrock, Texas and tho const without traveling over nn entire- ovor 350 sqnaro miles, or one Inch deep dotm by such masters of expression and fought nlong tho lino of your letter nnd "Southwest Trail 'f If you havo not, trensurer, P. If. Ijiindlrgin, Vogn, Texas ly sonthorn routo whoro tho heat would over 525 square miles. It would in- pantomime such ns tho Italian School what I got was all that could possibly and want to know about it nnd assist Thu executive committeo composed of bo so sovoro ns to detract from th pleas- crease tho dopth of 12 inches on II creates. I he snoctuculnr scene showing bo gotten at this time. in bringing about happy results in i, all of the above olllcers with J. .1. Will- - ures of an outing. sq. miles or 28000 acres of ground milk- the palace of Cleopatra, tho landing of At first I had to fight tho proposition, Texan and Now Mexico, then iaius, of Wenthcrford, Okln.; J. P. Hoos Its greatest dlstauro from the rail- ing enough to bo used in any one year the Hnmtin Army in Egypt by moon thnt only new homcscokers should have listen 1 ley, McLai:i, Texas nnd C. C. Davidson road at any point from Oklahoma on that amount of ground for irriga- light nnd thn triumphant return of Oc- - tho benefit of the 010-ncr- c bill; then tf you will tako tlio trouble to trace of Tucumcari, N. M., added. It was City to TueamcnrI will not oxceod two tion purposes. tnvius to Rome hnvo never been equaled I had to fight thn proposition thnt ad- a roud on your map starting at Okla- further provided thnt tho torrltory miles, and Its proximity to tho South- The state franchise nllows only the anywhere. Mr. Ooo, Kloino's produc- ditional land should be allowed to thu homa City, thence west through the should be by having a sep western rnllrond from Tucumcari to use of water for 2.r000 ncr s, so In the tion of the Clncs photo drama "Antony old-time- only whon that additional towns of HI Bono, Gonry, Bridgeport, arate organization in Oklahomn, Texas HI Paso will bo slinlllnr to that along month of May alone we would hiivo nnd Cloopntrn" is bnokod ns tho at- land wns contiguous to the original en- Hydro, Wcathorford, Clinton, Toss, Elk md New Mexico working under tho tho Tucumcari & Memphis. caught enough wator to have run tlio traction nt thn Photoplay for Juno 18, try. My bill, ns I got It out with tho City, Hayre, Erlck ,Texola, Shamrock, ontrol of the parent association. A ''olographic connections can be had proposed irrigation project a yenr with afternoon matinee nnd night. Don't iinnnlmous report of tho committee, is McLuin, Ainnrlllo, Tucumcari, Montoya permanent organization wns porfocted nt very frequent intervals and It is nil tho ground in cultivation. miss it. very, very much bettor than it wns when Santa Kara, Currizozo, Alumugordo and for tho Oklahoma division. A llko equally ncccssliilu to long distance tel- If some compnny would tnko hold of l bogan. Very sincerely yours, HI Pnso, you will have followed the will be complctctd In Texan ephones. Tho importnnco of these ad- tho project and stnrt tomorrow, suppos- HUERTA WILL RESIGN WHEN II. B. FEROUSSON Hock Island railroad and marked the ami Vow Mexico on or nbout the flth vantages will not bo ovorloo-kc- by ing the ditches nnd everything else was MEXICO IS RENDERED QUIET Hon. J. D. Cutlip, Interstate Postal Highway and sup- lny of June, 101 I. Undor tho super trnvelors and will contribute to tho in re.idiness,there would never bo a time Niagra Falls, Canada, June 3 The Tucumcari, N. M. plied the connecting link for threo big vision of the state organizations comes I populnrlty of this route, when all tho 2fi00) acres would bo in first formal statement that President J) systems of luter-Stnt- o Highways, one county orgnnlzntions to be comploted At tho Snyro mooting a permanent use and it would bo possibly five years Htiertn Ih ready to resign was made by Tucumcari, N. M. Juno 3, 1014 ' of which is at Oklahoma City, com-pris- later. It was further provided at this organization wns nffectcd. E. F. before tho company would havo sold the Hiierta representatives at tho medi- Honored Sir and Friend: of a highway to Kansas City, (invention thnt ench county pay nn Cornols of Snyro was elected Prosldent, to users three fourths of tho purt al- ation conference Tuesday night. Tho Your last letter under dato of May Missouri nnd from tlionco cast serving assessment in tho sum of $100 to P. II. II. It. Hllburn of Shamrock, Toxas Sec lowed to them for financing the pro- condition attached is thnt Moxlco shall 2.1, received, and read with pleasure. I a territory so vnst that its quantity Lnnilirgin, of Yean, Texas, trensuror to retary, .1. W .Corn of Tucumcari, Vice- - ject. It then stands to reason thnt wo be "politically pacified nnd tho govern- wish to correct the impression that you is unknown, and another is nu Inter-Nntlon- lefrny expenses of thu pnront body. President nnd P. II. Lnudurglu of Vega, have one of the best propositions ever ment succeeding bo such ns to count seem to tako that my position is one of Hlghwny from Wlnncpeg, 1'ho executive cninmltteo was instruct Texas, Trensuror. The permanent or- offered to nny company. The reservoir nnd the support of public oplon." criticism toward tho present shape and - ganization a resolution request- ' g Canada, to the Chi If of Mexico, and the ed to employ n field secrotnry nt n sal- adopted is no smnll thing and it Is claimed that ' It hns been nnd is President Huor-t- a tenor of your (140 ncro stock-raisin- last but not the least, nro the Ozark ary agreed upon by tho committeo, who tig conventions, representing tho coun It will hold 70,000 ncro foot of water. 's wish to placo on record that nolth-e- r homcstoad hill. 1 morely wish to stato Trails which will bo completed in the must give his entire time nnd nttontlon ties traversed by tho routo In ench state, Promoter (Juin tins made a very con- mistaken pride nor personal advan- that uulesa the changes nro mndo that near future. At Atnnrillo will bo found to tho work under tho orders of tho to elect officers for each stnta division, servative estimate, becnuso most any tage will prevent his withdrawal, once I suggested to you, that is tho restrict n highwny to l'ort Worth and on to the president. nnd thnt tho president of ouch stnto di of us know that n creek mllo wide the above named conditions are satis- ed area is eliminated, and that tho ben- vision togother with tho officers elect- two- - Gulf and one to Denver, Colorado, a Tho secretary's duties will bo to mark with wnter ten foot deep running fied." efit of tho bill can bo said to includo ed at Sayro constltuto tho executive very popular routo with tourists. Kl the road and nssist in completing tho or threo days would fill somo reservoir. Washington, I). C Whon informed those thnt have been forced to lenvo board to inanago the otitiro systm. The Paso, in the Writer V opinion gives us. comity and town organizations and do wHl take some time to put in tho from Ningprn Falls that tho Huorta del- tbolr original entries and seek a living ter-tnln- plan of organization adopted at Snyro vilm best advantages since It is the such othor work ns shall bo doomed dam and then while the laterals are be egates had announced tho willingness of olsowhorc, tho bill will bo of no uso to further advised tho organization of coun of a groat highway to San Diego noocN'iiry for the building of this high- ing distributed around over the Htiertn to resign "once Mexico is po- our constituents. good roads association in each state of California and the entire Pacific Const. way Tho committeo selected Mr. John try to be benefited by tho project tho litically pacified," this stctcment was We know only too well tho manner thn counties, and the committee on by It must also bo borne in mind, that Whitohnrst, of Snyre, Oklahoma ,for reservoir would be given plenty of tlino issued from the "Constutlonnlist agen- of tho fight that you have shown in laws will submit to thn executive com- from Kl Paso nnd Ainnrlllo such other this position. to fill with water enough to stnrt the cy: this matter nnd cnu only say that your, points of interest us Santa IV, Phoenix, mitteo for adoption by-law- s under which following sensnn in a tnnniier satisfac "Anything coming from friends aro with you and will do all The money collected in tho shnpo of Hueitn's Douglas, Doming, Las Vogns and Olobo each organization will act, which it urg- tory to nil concerned. side will not he taken iuto consider- In their power to keep man ofllco lues by any of tlio nuxllllary orgnnlzn tho in nro accessible. ed adnptod by ench organization in or ation." thnt is doing his doing in Mens is not avnllablo to the parent body Lest and it der that tho plan bo entirely uniform, rHMPEKATUUES Maximum for the direction of genernl Is it practical f My answer is in tho nnd is to bo used only within tho con welfare. Tho tempornry oxcctitivo committee the month 00 degree on Mny 0. Mini NEW STRRET LIGHTS WILL Trusting you good nfllrmntlvc. My reasons for this state- fines of tholr respective jurisdictions that aro in health which convened nt Snyro immediately 4.1 degree on Mny 1. Mean or BE ment nro, that this road has been vlow-e- d mum RUNNING IN TEW WEEKS I beg to remain, unless otherwise provided. It Is tho following thn adjournment of thn con- nnd found to be In good condition nvcrago temperature for the month, 03 On account of tho rnlny weather and Vory sincerely yours, further duty of the parent body to uso vention selected n field secrotnry who (snvo tho necessary grading) ovor its degrees. other hindrances tho new street lights J. D. CUTLIP such tnenns ns it may doom necessary will attend all mcotlngs nlong tho route entire length, except tho bridge across Condition of tho Sky 18 cloudy days are not rendy at present but ovorythlng Hon. II. B. Fergusson, M. C. to help build such parts of tho rend in and insist in perfecting tho organiza tho South Cnnadlan at Bridgeport, Ok- luring tho month. 4 days partly cloudy Is being pushed ns rapidly as possible Wnshiiigton, D. 0. communities where the means at hand tions, mid who will nlso trnvcrso tho and 0 days clear. nnd it is thought they will bo in rondi-n- o lahoma, soma ten miles of snud in Gray are insufficient. rond throughout its entire length nnd tho of by June 1C. Tho and Whoelor counties in Texas, and Evaporation for Month Total city council has ANDERSON GERHARD! As u final word I would sny that our assist in marking and logging.. "been t? iibout miles of snnd road near to 7.28 Indies. Avernge dally evaporation very liberal and hnvo allowed n , four lies mainly in tho press. With Mr. Lorln F. Anderson of Bell Ranch succcst He will also report to tho gonoral ns 0.23." an inch. few more llghtH wero sure Wcathorford, Oklahoma. Tho ubstnclo of thnn they and Miss Lillio N. out you we enn do nothing. It has sociatlon and to- - each division as to the Gorhardt of Harris, at Bridgeport is practienlly eliminated Procipitation Totnl precipitation of of money to pay for same, but whore been forcibly demonstrated that tho progress tnndo In organizing nnd tho M., were unitod iu tho holy bond of since $8000 is now avnllablo, with two 5.02 inches during month. Greatest there Is n will there Is n way, so we Southwest is the Booster Rogion of tho condition of tho road. wedlock nt tho home of the bride's more thousand dollars Inching in it com rainfall nny one day 1.2.1 Inches May hope they will experience no trouble in I'm I tod States. What has brought this sister, Mrs. Anna DcOllviern, on South plot ion Tho impediment nt the other 111. Including precipitntinn that fell on being nble to pay for the lights. condition about f I boliovo I volco Adnms street Tuesday noon, the Rev. points will bo overcome by tho people April .10 of 2.10 inches with tlio Mny the sentiments of tins pcoplo whon I AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK P. B. Hoiidorlito officiating. in their respective communities. As a rninfnll swells the totnl to 7.21 Inches -- ay that this honor and distinction bo WELL KNOWN CITIZEN Tho wedding was n quiet nffnlr only in will be from April .10 to Mny .11 further argument its favor it longs chiefly to thu press. Gentlemen, members of tho families being in at found that nearly over the entlro routo CHARTER APPROVED Wind Velocity Total number of mi. j'iiii The Inter-Stnt- Postal Highway FOUND DEAD AT HIS HOME tendance. A big wedding dinner was mix- of wind for Mny fif10 miles the road material is a sand clay ssoeiatinn dopond upon you? Will you served by Mrs. DoOllvlorn. which makes nu ruad e Avornge hourly velocity for tho en ture, ideur lend ns your strong arm? Wo nood Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will maka not It it Tho American National Bank is now tiro month 7.4 miles. P. A. Hamilton, ono of Tucumcari 's rainfall docs affect like the utslstnueo of everybody in building tholr future home in this county where gumbo or blnck waxy assured nnd has been approved by tho On looking over nnd comparing the oldest citizens, wuv found dond iu his would if it woro this monument to the South west's on they hnvo been residents for many Wnshiiigton. Mr. Foyil, above record we find that tho month residence in the northeast purt of town land. It would for that reason bo to department nt years and tho News wishes them suc- terprise and vim, nnd facilitate the last Thiirsduy evening about 7 o'clock. months in tho your- -. who will bo tho cashier, has boon work- hns been one of high precipitation, eon twelve traol, not only for tho nuto tourist, cess and happiness In tholr journoy be said for roads and ing on this proposition for two mouths sidernlilo cloudy weather and rnthor At first it wan thought that ho had Can that north lint to the farmer ns woll, bearing in down life's rugged pathway. "eolith when we consider that we do not nnd hns interested sovoral of Tucum- low temperatures. Also tho evapora- - been murdered for ho always kept his mind the fact that u roud that nn auto the wot season of tho south nnd cari 'h most infltionclul business men iu Hon was relatively light for the month, money uroiind the house, but Friday have can travel, can surely bp used by tho HAS FOOT BADLY MASHED tho snow storms of the north? Another tho una tor. Everything will bo push- Comparing the records with May 101.1 morning a coroners inquest wns held farmer In marketing his crops. and the found had Brnkoman Taylor was badly Injurod groat advantage is, that it parallels the ed now ii nd it is snld that T,iieumcnrl wo Unit that tun niguest icmporniurc jury that ha come Vniirs for tho rnst and west rond, Tuesday morning while cutting out a Itock Tsland rnllrond nearly the otitiro will hnvn another bank running by tho for the month was HI lcgreos, tho low to his deuth from natural causes, which E. F. CORNELS, car in tho Santa Rosa yards. Ho was distance This fouturoin itsolf would first of July. est 41, nnd tho nvcrago tcmpornturo or wns snld to have been upoploxy. President uncoupling the nir and left his foot on bo a boon to travelers in tho shipment A permanent organization will bo menu for tho month 08 dogreos. Tho brother had the body propnrod for tho rail too near tho onr wheol whllo of baggage otc, which would bo im perfected nt once ami perhaps by next precipitation received in Mny last year shipment and tho romnins woro taken Purhuniit to tho movement launched making tho cutout, nnd whon tho nir possible on nn unst nnd west road else week thnso In charge will make an an- wns 1.11 Inches. The average wind ve to his eld homo in Kansas for burin. nt Ainnrlllo, Texas on Mny 6th last, n released tho cor it ran on his foot, mash wlioro in Oklahomn. By again refer nouncement in full ns to what will bo locity for Mny 1013, wns 7.3 miles per Mr. Hamilton was a hard working coiivoiitlon of dologntcs from tho States Ing it so ibadly that it is fcarod tho ing to your map you will note Hint a done nnd what may be expected to bo hour; the total evaporation 10.34 which man and had laid up quito a bit of of Oklahomn, Now Moxlco and Toxas whole foot will have to bo amputated. road to tho north or to tho south would done by tho now banking house. wns considerable higher thnn Mny, 1014 property and was worth considerable met at Snyre, Oklahomn ou Mny 20th Ho Is undor the caro of T)r. Nichols, tho only roBiilt in n sorles of crobs roads, Mr. Foyll has been In tho banking Tho rninfnll received if t tho stntion more thnn It wns supposed. At times and 21st and organized, "Tho Intor-Stnt- o railroad physician. during Mny, this yenr, Is the highest his mind wns effected thnt caused him that would moan vexation and annoy Postal Highway Association," tho business for years, having owned banks in and his too- - wo hnvo any record of for this section to do many queer things, but ho wns a mice to tourists. Don't you thing that purposes of which nro tho construction Clovis Albuquorquo, and wo havo a ex oiniiieiidiitlons nro of tho highest ordor, of NowMexIco, for nny ono month. man who did not intend to do wrong. mrs. r, cox highway proposition that of u highwny from Oklahomn City to l. all from a of cli Thn men who hnvo thorn-selve- s lie was up town in tho nftornoon nnd Mrs. L, F. Cox diod nt her homo in colls others standpoint HI Puso. associated mnto, mntorial nnd results f with him In establishing a now MtfJLINSKY BOUND OVER TO was thought to bo iu lib usual honlth, tho north part of tho city last Sunday Tho routo will parnllol what was for Now, then, T am going to nnticipnto bank, hnvo left no stone unturned in AWAIT ACTION OP GRAND JURY and tho citizens were shocked to learn morning about cloven o'clock, after five morly known ns tho Choctaw branch of un'd answer two questions that I feel looking up his pnst records which is Mhc MeOllnsky, who is charged with of his midden demise. days serious Illness. She was born Sept tho Bock lolnnd Bnllrond (now tho Hiiro will bo asked and aro: Will it evidonco enough to convlnco tho people, attempting to murder Mr. Vndoon, wns 22, 1857. Sho was married about thirty-t- Tiieumcnri & Memphis) from Oklahoma cost us any monoy? Most assuredly that Tucumcari will havo another bnnk given his preliminary hearing Monday "OUR MUTUAL OIRL" hree years ago and to this union six City to Tucumcurl, and from hero the How Is it to to raised. I will toll you. with merit nnd financial soundness. afternoon before Jndgo McElrny. Sev Tho sorlcs of pictures "Our Mutual, children woro born, four of whom have Kl Pnsa & Southwestern railway to El On May 20 nnd 21 a great ennvon on witnesses woro oxnmlucd for tho Girl," running at tho Opora House died Thore remain of the immediate Pnso. Hon wns hold in Bcokhun county, Ok PHYSICIANS HOSPITAL prosecution nnd nftor henrlng nil the Movies is obtaining the reputation as family, her husband, L, F, Cox, daugh- lahomn nt tho town of Snyre, compound Tho road was named, "Tho Intor Herring Building, Tucumcari, N ,M. evidence Judge McElroy bound y being tho greatest educational feature ter, Mrs. Ruth Patten and m Sari. of delegates from all of tho towns bo Stnto Postal Highway," and will pass This hospital is open to tho patlonts over to nwnlt tho action of tho ovor produced in tho line of moving Tho funeral sorvico was held fram the un- fifty-tw- o twoon Oklahoma City and Tucumcari through or touch parts of tho following of all roputablo physicians both sur grand jury which will not convene pictures. This sorvico of reels Center Street Methodist church, Mea- - , Now Mexico, with tho exception of named counties, viz: Oklahoma, Can gleal and medical cases, except Infcc til next fall. Ills bond wns fixed at is being shown ono root a each week day afternoon at three o'clock, Hty? throo. At this mooting wns porfoctod ndian, Blaine, Cnddo, Custor, Wnshltn tlous diseases. Coinpotont nurses in $760 and being nniiblo to give same he nnd you can soo New York City ia A. N Evans officiating. The interwt "van organization known na tho Tutor and Beckham In Oklahoma; Whoelor, attendance at all hours. wns conflnod in tho county jail, connection with a very pretty story. was made in the Sunnyslde eetryn HE TUCUMCARI


w VIC i WIS mm" iiipm f T LADY5 i j: V Hunter akirmirvf Grebe tr"" S REER1 1 "lw V JL1 i tsmTZemg, C- - Climax ofi tho Pumc

ns to keep tho rest of ft birds from coming out I paddled back to camp for t supply of Hholls, nnd utt morning bnggod ovor tw hundred birds." To offset tho quick mort meats uf tho fowl, tho bust th uho a gun thnt sprct4t Bhot over an nrcn of ono foot nt nlimit ftiv vnrilu. i The occupation of grtfcf UGT a short tlmo ago n hunting, which nt tho outMt colony of porhapB G.000 nttrncted many Individuals ea a I weHtcrn sroto. thrive! SrfSffl vX Wr.gyaVfetB I account nf tho big flannel! hnpplly nmong tho tulo Where? Uinf& bwo . ' - ate possibilities, tins sluco bods and nnrrow chnnnels organized Into a prosperous of tho Klamnth lake region business by somo largo on tho bordor botween Ore- Fur-tradin- g companies of tho Northwest, gon and California. At one encouraged by the tanneries of Sun Francisco i&l typical nook ti smnll family New York, have engaged their entire force et paddled In tho stronni, tho hunters In the qucbt for the birds, and ns the father with his beautiful skins hnvo remained In style, excopt at brltt glistening whlto breast nnd Intervals, their business seems U bo firmly e- Bilvory-grn- y back, swim- stablished. PHOTO ming so low In W tho water that ho wan t'Ytwirl Imnlrira trnvnllnt. 1?i nmnll rinnilM mk scarcely vlslblo, tho mothor riding quick work of even the largest breeding ground! somewhat higher in order to keep dry ..i .i... ..i.i i ii. .i.. . i i.iV tho two tiny gray MHUtl UH) HMIIH I1I!U(1 IIHU' ir(!HU UUWU tut riilU chicks nestled on merit. After shooting n bird, tho professions' hor back under tho protection of her picks up tho carcass, severs wing wun s ralsod wings. Ono baby. each In nnlto nf blow of an nx. throws It on Its belly, nnd ripe Qeorgo Baumgardner of St. Louis Browns maternal remonstrances, sllppod off tho skin down tho bnck from neck to tall, for It tho mother's back nnd mado Its wny Waltor Johnson not only twirled nny othor American leaguo leader. The iousS s J3o CrcAi p Hunter . Is the pretty white breast thnt must bo kept la ovor to Its father, climbing on IiIh tst ozr fcoro victories last season than any Athletic slahmen twirled only C7 com- . perfect condition for tho market. He then Jerks back as ho ducked rllghtly. pn- - r othor American leaguo pitcher, but pleto games. Tho Urowns' gunners Tho the skin Iooho from tho upper part of tho bod; ront suddenly dlv. .1, coming up ho pitched moro completo games than turned in 104 fnll contests. num- an Instant Inter Tho lakes of tho region whom the makes and snvern It nt tlm nock. Willi n ntilck null Tho with tho young bird fltlll clinging trebo anyono else. Ho went tlio route 29 ber of completo gntnos pltchod by tho to his back nnd Its homo nro full of largo reeds known as tulos. tho whole hide cornet off and tho fnt hil apparently enjoying tho thrill. after times, being knocked oft tho rubber other hurling Btnffs wns n follows: For years thoso plants have tilled tho shallow been roughly scraped from tho tho Bkln Is Two days nftor our visit tho Insldo. only onco. Another hard worker was By Now York, 75; by Iloston. 70; by complacent nceno ponds, now stnlks annually shooting up nnd forc- ready for sltlitme.iL Tho thlek warm nlumaes chnnged. Now York nnd Paris Jim Scott of tho Chicago Whlto Sox. Washington, 7S; by Chicago, 84; by had announced ing down tho crop of tho previous senson until Booms moro llko 1b so thnt grebo skins would bo fur than feathers and Death Valley Jim labored In 20 com-plot- o Detroit, SO, nnd by Cleveland, 9G. considered fashlonnblo tho old reeds nro matted Into solid floating Is- touch It run lio handled llkn n. lildn. hat ornaments. At onco tho games, whllo his tcammato, Iteb All told, thcro woro Just 71 who Increased demand lands. For Its nest tho grebo shapes n quantity Tho greedy nro cruelly careless and tho chanco for Immonso profits backwoodsmen RubbcII, did almost as well, figuring wero nblo to twirl comploto gnmes sent crowds of tules Into n platform and hollo vh out tho cen- In their work. Immediately tho hunters of ranchman, farmers, and professional after In 25. Inst year, tho men who pitched ton or hunters ter enough to receive Its three or four eggs. hnvo loft a locality, ono finds mnny pitiful llttH Into tho grobo district, nnd Georgo Bnumgnrdner of tho Drowns moro full contests being: thousands of birds Because of tho Incessant rnlds mado on Its tragedies whom rnof.'.ors hnvo been riowjH woro shot down in short ordur. shot pltchod 24 full contests, Vcan Gregg Johnson, Washington, 29; Scott, Two hunters habitations, tho grebo has bocomo very shy. This near tho nest nnd not found by tho men, wHto within n week turned lower Klamath lako and Fred Falkonberg of tho Naps each Chicago. 20; Russell, Chicago, 2G; Into a characteristic, coupled with Its ability to dlvo gray llts-lo- pool of gore enrnngo. tho chicks nostln helplessly about tho 23, Georgo Dauss nnd Jean Dubuc of Daumgardnor, St. Louis, 24; Gregg nnd uuddculy nnd remain under tho surface for somo soeklng For tho backwoods form rollcf from tho murderous ona- tho Tigers each 21, nnd Rny Collins nfld Fnlkenborg, Cleveland, 23; Dauss Inhabitants of thoso two tlmo, and to swim so low In tho water that It Is ger nnd boat. states tho now stylo was as good as a gold of tho Red Sox nnd Hoy Mitchell of nnd Dubuc, Detroit, 21; Collins, Bos- mlno. hard to hit with a gun shot, forces tho mnrksman Oregon now hns a Btnto law protecting the tho Browns 20. Tho huntors woro nllowod 75 cents for each skin, In each ton, und Mltcholl, St. Louis, 20; Ham- to uso a blind hunting tho valuable fowl. grobes, but tlio field Is so Inrgo thnt tho wnrdeas Of tho champion nnd consequently could easily avorago twenty or Athletics, Eddie ilton, SL LouUt, 19; Uoohllng. Wash- Theao nro best locnted among tho tulo stalks nt ennnot onforco tho ruling. The business flou- Plank pitched moro full games than ington, Plnnk, thirty dollars a day, whllo tho farmors could go tho edgo of somo channol through which Philadelphia, Clcotto, tho rishes quietly In flplto of tho vlgilnnco of govere-me- nt nny of his teammates. Tho Gettys- Chicago, nnd out boforo breakfast and earn as much ns n birds pass in going from Wlllett, Dotrolt, 18; their obscuru nests to ofllcInU. Tho California tannorioB dally re- burg Guldo was In 18, whllo week's toll on tho land would not. Whon nt tho feeding Chief Groom, Washington, and Wellman, SL tho grounds. ceive boxes Ingeniously labolod "coyoto skins," Bender wns In only 13. Tho Indian LouIh, ond of somo months tho professional huntors, "Tho best grobo shooting I ovor 17; Mitchell, Clevolnnd, 16; had." nnrratCH etc., and tho only apparent way to savo tho birds realizing ox-tln- was used often by Mnck nn a roscuor, Ford, Now York, Clovo-lan- thnt tho grobes must soon becomo ono hunter, "was lako, nnd Blnndlng. at Clenr whero tho birds from extinction Is u change In tho stylo of feral nono of Mack's young pitchers except 15; Fisher, New Cald- trlod to rcgulato tho trafllc and stop tho woro accustomed to swim up a narrow slough to York. slnughtor nlno hondwear. Bush and Shawkey showing much well. Now York, nnd Leonard, Boston, during tho breeding sonBon, tho fnrmorH tho feeding grounds. I mndo a blind nt tho mouth dla-tanc- neglected tho reHtrnlnlng cleverness at being ablo to go tho 14; Lover-on-z, order, nnd, ns tho fash- nnd ns tho birds camo 81 Bender, Philadelphia, nnd out, knocked In rapid WITH OTHER FEELING8. SL 13; Wood, lonnblo womon, Ignorant of tho suffering caused succession. As luck would It, I Louis, Boston, 12; have wont short She Before wo woro you d by over-growin- g married solemnly Mack changed pitchers oftoner than Brown, Philadelphia, 11. tholr whim, maintained the de- on ammunition thnt morning. Tho worn birds dared that you never could bo happy without m mand, all attempts nt protection soon disap- coming. thick. I tied a of lot dead grebes together He True; but mnrrlago na peared and tho species fnat began to dlo out. I has mado another until hnd a ropo reaching across tho channel, no of mo. Boston REDS HAVE SECOND TY COBB AOTT5 Transcript. i Business Manager of Cincinnati Club ofthe Ho hnd Na-tlon- OLDER THAN THEIR YEARS boon nogloctod, and It rankled Declares Maruant Will Bo flections In tho glass pnno of a nenrby Knew of at Least One Case. Leaguo DIAMOND deep: Star. cellar window, and thinking this Major Edwin W. Dayton, secreuuT Old Hans Wagner continues to n Pa- "Now you've had your Small Children Sometimes Made recrcntlon shadow a usurper In the form r ' nnd of of the Army iuhI Naw club of N'tf Tho Hods hnvo two Cu- "all In" nnd out of form." thetically Aged by the Suffer- it's tlmo for mo to hnvo mine. robin, began Cincinnati a fierce fight for York, who Is an Egyptologist by dif t p You nro tho " bans on tho rogular llno-u- who tiro ing They Underflo. moat unconslderaUon-1st- supremacy. It fought against win- the and a natlnnnl guardsman by nlgfc $ expected to ho of Joo Leonard, third baao recruit with dow pane It stars tho National until was exhausted, when in trie courci. of JiIb duties hnd ocM Gon-7uIu- Then ho got woll, leaguo during b Pittsburgh, is only twenty years old. Superior beings who put up wisdom nnd selfishness, it lay tho coming season. panting on the ground. mini n a green rs In knowing how Impossible It Is to live asK "rooklo" a nnd .Mnrsuns arc tho names of maximum doses, which tho rest of Finally neighbors, who hnd been questions on military in tho of a care-fre- e courtesy. tho Cubans secured by Frank linn-crof-t, Catcher Wheat of Augusta is n us nro to take without shaking, lontj heart generous, watching Its desperate struggle, went "Is there any case whero nn offletf business manngor of tho Hods. brother of Znck Wheat of tho Brook- ngo supplies us with tho Baying that lad, flow ahead to wait for him at tho outsldo nnd placed folded paper over would not return tho of an efr will provo Ty lyn Nationals. "When happy, man In child." Hav- milestone- mnrkod "Man.' the glass pane, naluto "Mnrsnns tho Cobb of a so that .ho bird could listed man?" ho ing failed, howovor, to rovorso Tlinn thero Is little but enough Is no asked. tho Natlonnls," said Mr. Bancroft. "It tho longer see Its reflection. In a short The soldier It Is poaslblo to havo In a recent gamo at Kansas City adage Into "Whon suffering, tho child always enough. Washington Star. tlmo the scratched his head. another such robin returned to begin the "Ves. sir." he replied, triumphant!. tho Feds druw u crowd of 9.OU0, while Is a man," this Is to roctlfy the omlu-elo- n light ngaln. After hopping nil around after dcop thought, ofllcert tho K. C. Kawu had but 700. nnd glvo reasons why. Tho Vanquished. It paused, as "when tho If wondering what had own funeral Is going by." Tho first is Jnmlo four years old, Residents In tho vlclnttly of Elev. become of Its adversary. Then soolng Whlnri-- ....,jn't mvhI,L..I si.. Columbia signed n chil- enth und Alabama BtrcetB were much no slgnB v I'awveuuu sua a.aj uiu aspa-- has n plnycr named and an occupant of cot In tho further of the be-ga- n ono dny Intruder. It UI11L1III1K sssr Boozo. Ho Is no roughneck, either, dren's wnrd of a hospital up Capitol ontertnlned this week by the quietly to eat tho actions of a robin crumbs thrown . but u collogo boy, hill way. Ho of which hnd mndo It to ground by s. and a clean liver. travoled a hard road the the wateh-r- It was The averngo acute suffering for such a tiny crumb spring homo In a spreading bush In a apparently man wastes cnosia satisfied. - Indianapolis time In silly honest tendor-es- t neighboring ynrd. It saw Its own re News. talk to earn an Topsy Hartscl, manager of tho To- of humanity, but sclenco nnd living. ledo team In tho South Mlchlgnn care helped him evory Inch of tho lenguo has a player named Apple. way until at Inst camo froodom from Wonder Jf he's red. pain and a longing for ronL But ho WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENTS' couldn't rest, because ASSOCIATION "U. S. Navy May Tako Crulso," A woman with a mothorly hoart for reads a headline Manngor Hugglns nil suffering paused at tho child's better watch out for his playor Cruise cot, noticed tho worry on tho pallid Is a fairly good outlloldor. llttlo face, and naked htm how ho folt. And no ohl man could havo respond- Somo nccounts say that tho Balti- ed with n moro wearied Impatience: more fnnB havo given tho Orioles tht "Oh, I'd bo nil right, If only thwo frosty shoulder sinco tho Fedora. blanked kids would keep quiet and leaguo terrapins enrno to town. lot a fellow rest!" v They wore only babies. Suffering xLx Manager GosBler of Pittsburgh la had mado htm n man. convinced that his old-timer- Bnrger, Another bit of a lnd, all of sovon Outfielder Marians. Knotzer nnd Dickson, will bo nblo to years, had beon HI for throe weeks, hold their own In tho coming cam- with his devoted young mother nt his wondorful player as Cobb Is, then Mnr-ian- B paign. bedside, night and day, Even nftor will bo tbo player. Ho will play ho was woll enough to take up his tho loft field position this season, re- Trainer Harry Tuthlll of tho Do-trol- llttlo knapuack and Join tho ranks placing Ilob Deschlor and, mark my says tho Tlgora nro In tho best of other young ldeua who nro learning word, bo'll bo nothing short of a sen- physical condition they Jiuvo been to shoot, out Chevy Chase way, ho sation. in for sovornl years, nnd ho figures contlnuod to demand such exclusive ijXsp jllrsslliS BBKfesBiMiiMpliBsiiilsis "And Gonzales, whom I signed on them as a real jjjjjgyggjjjgJy contendor. worship from hor that his grand- ay trip to Cubu last summer, prom- mother had to remind him ises to that his be a second Archer. Ill j throw- As base runnerB the Detroit team mothor was worn out from loss of ing to is the bases most accurate and has Cobb, nush nnd Morlnrty; as pos- rest and that sho nooded recreation. flat-foote- d be from Knv-anaug- throws a position. sibilities It has High Bnuinan and Bo tho small chap pormltted hla Gonzales cannot speak a word of Eng- Kavanaugh stole) a lot ol mother to comet Into town for a mati- Tho correspondents of M lish sad Marians Is used as sacks Id the Itague tho president's executive Testate lost sea nee, but Illness had developed tho press associations hnvn .i... ollit, i v. a hii,,.i .. ..A v son. man-quaht- y nrni. that calls for cuddling. of the most noted newspap .7the " wuu t,rwu I aut President Wilson. i ma 1HE TUCUMCARI NEWS

'high school nnd agricultural coin,. Ono hns put to travel through tho ru rnl sections of Donmark to satisfy VALUE OF FORAGE CROPS FOR PIGS Co-Operat- ive himself that tho outcomo of this Farm process of education Is n finished product of oxtrcmoly high efficiency. The 8tate and the Farmer. OWNEIlfl OP Products Marketing Tho Danish government is not chnry MAXWELL-BRISCO- In tho aid which It extends to tho farm- E How It Is Done in Europe May er. Tho aid, howovor, Is always ex- Gars and Be Done tended upon tho fundnmontnl theory May Now PerdiMe Repair Prts for in America to the Profit of Both thnt tho best way to holp tho farmor These Cars Direct from Us Is to help him to help hlmsolf. Pos- Alt LITIGATION WITH THE CARLSOU MOTOR Fanner and Consumer sibly In no wny TRUCK COMPANY If AH DEEN TERMINATE!) Iff othor has tho govorn OUR FAVOR. AND TJir. MAXWELL COMPANY mont so grently HAS OBTAINED AN EXCLUSIVE LICENSE TO Oy MATTHEW 8. DUDGEON. furthorcd tho Inter- ests of In SUPPLY THESE PARTS TO MAXWELL OWNERS. agrlculturo an assisting in Th Maxwll Cooinnf ha lnrRrnliliTnff rcn irljr nd ?rlll cutitlnon to to owner of tho ncqulslllon by each farmer UxlilKril-Dayto- lurolili of tho n Cur, llnmn Ilanslioai (Copy soil which ho tills. Thnnkn to tho Cum ntul Mitmrll t;nni, nmir Joint nctlvltles of tho government nnd partftcnrMlr atria from ni Urodrt. II. warn f inbatllaU ixUU. All Ml rauuMiB tho credit sodoMcs, It la uly low prlco. ratU easy to buy a farm In Denmark. Owners wrli dlrtct for Prit Ltd of fcsdsa Pm If tho would-h- o buyer has forty por Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation cent of tho prlco to bo paid for tho NcwcuUo, IndUna farm and all Its equipment ho may LOSSES SURELY apply to n credit nocloty for a ol PREYENTEB loan It Cutltr Dliikltt PIIIl bow, Blxty per cent of the vnluo, tho lonn BUCK pnoni. imn, prtrtmq u WtiUrn toetuaitn.ruitu!UcauM :kt to run for from forty-fiv- e to seventy-nln- o Don't Select a Heavy, Lazy Sow for a Breeder. She Should Do Mild In (rotwt whw (tkfr tcilM fait. Writ for InoHnt ind UaUroonUla. years. year Disposition, but Possesoed of Sufficient Energy to Q Each tho farmer pays Take Exercise. This . fV m oiMtid piiii $1.00 from to six por or prin- lo a Fine Type of Sow. 1"9dM ikt. OIiiMh Pllll 4M four cent tho lit nj uilKtor, Hi cuutri iwrv cipal nmount how- Td nmrlontr or cutter c roducU U du to orr IM borrowed. This, reari of ibttlltlntf in vamIkm and Mrnna Farmers pig I y ul. ovor, Is not wholly Interest, but and misers do not toln to tho grain. Corn or bnrloy usu-nll- Iftilit Cuttri. If unobUhiil!. ortlr Olrik. always Th Cutter Bwitlty, Cii or IM s a small installment of principal, appreciate tho valuo of greon furnish the bulk of tho grain ra- Liittnr, Ciltit. ! feeds nnd so m rr?-- mm : ? m bo that at tho end of tho period for succulent pastures for tholr tion, nnd when necessary theso can bo m 1 i con-- animals. hog Is one-tent-h i which tho money wns borrowed not Too often the supplemented by adding Un- sldorcd a scavenger nnd his ability to seed oil Soda Fountain only hns tho Interest bocn kept up, but meal or tank- Sola Fountntn t Wo havo mado uso Is up ready fw tho principal hns boon automatically waste regarded as his chief, age. Tho rate of feeding will dopond prompt shipment 0, 8, 10, 12 and 20 ft. frtmt - discharged. valuo. However woll ho serves this I on tho gains desired. Considering a tuin, pump lervlco outfit, new and slightly purposo, ho pay mod, t a bit; saving In prloo on cany monthly pSfira Thero nro, howovor, othor of will well tor good full grain ration to bo four pounds forms care, food payment. The Oruiman Co., luo., Dallas,Tz, Couruy 01 w. 11. Hutch.) loans ovon moro advantageous to tho and housing. dally por 100 pounds llvo weight, wo Forngo crops nro especially bono-- may say ordlnnry SMARTING Concern In Copenhaoen. borrower, particularly If ho bo ono of that for work with one-hal- f ittiirciawsiiawa SORE tho poorer farm laborers. If such n to young growing animals. It growing shoals a grain ra- UD8 is poRslblo WHY DENMARK laborer Is anxious to becomo a land- to grow thorn much moro tion, or two pounds a day for each 100 PRODUCES BEST BUTTER, BACON AND EGGS profitably owner on a Binnll Bcnlo ho may under nnd successfully when a pounds llvo weight, will glvo satis- Sorvlcoablo gna plpoa aro made off good green nu- pnpor Copenhagen, well-tratno- field of jnlatoblo and factory results. If It Is desired to mako la I'ranco. A Denmark. How has His teachers woro mnturo, d cortnln conditions, procure n lonn for prol-ldod- . ulno-tenth- tritious pasturago Is tnstor gains a Donmark, a llttlo country with loss men of good Intellectual ability, woll s of tho purchnso prlco of Experi- honvler grain ration can ments be than fifteen thousand squnro hiIIcb of paid, and, In moBt cases, community tho farm nnd equipment. Tho condi- and practical farmers' experi- used, nnd If It Is desired to main- For bad burns Hanford'a Dalaam If ences provo pos-slbl- o area, established Itself ns ono of thn leaders and orgnnlzors. tions which ho must meet nro: Ho thnt gains lu weight nro tain the animals ns cheaply as used to glvo quick relief. Adr. mndo lens bost agricultural centers In tho world? From fourteen to eighteen Is nn ngo must havo been n farm laborer for at cost on forngo than In a Bmallor percontago should bo tho dry lot. Ilrood car-rlo- d fed. twonty Is Why Is It that Donmark produces tho when DnnlBh boys nnd girls nro grow- flvo years (tho law applies to women sows can bo In Franco ono man in through tho season on Utlod to wear bost butter, tho bust bacon, tho best ing physically and working nt prac- on tho farm as well as men); tho pnsturo at It scorns doubtful If It over pays to a docoratlon. less cost than when grain en- try to keop otjgs, that havo over been placed upon tical things, for tho young Dano can- land must not exceed ten ncros In ex- Holds nro pigs on forngo crops alor.o. tirely dopended upon. In- tho mnrkots of Europo? How ran UiIh not ontor tho folk high school until ho tent, nor J2.M0 In value; ho must Foraging These crops aro sometimes sufficient Bmllo on wsh dny. That's when you UN country ox port duces tho animal to exercise and ob- to keop tho plgB growing, but tho gnlna Red Cro Hall Hluo. Clothes whiUr thus llttlo each year fifty Is eighteen. work thn farm In h scientific manner, snow. All grocers. Adv. tain fresh dls-ense- s odd million dollars' worth of butter, and munt ngreo to follow n proper ro- air, and theso prevent nro not usually mndo economically. Farm Apprenticeship. being aver four million dollars worth of Tho prospective farmer, howevor, tation of crops nnd, by tho use of contracted, and whun tho Fsunlly tho pigs aro kopt at a loss In Toll a woman sho has a boautlful animals uro put In tho fnttonlng pen llvo weight. Whcro nro cream and milk, thirty odd million dol- hns not stopped his cducatlvo proc- manures nnd otherwise, Insuro tho brood bows nobo, and sho will got cross-eye- d frox& their gnlus nro unusually rapid lars' worth of tho finest bacon nnd esses during period. In continued productiveness of tho and kept they should bo given enough constantly looking this Thero In land. profitable. green at It eight million dollars' worth of oggs? Dcnmnrk n recognized system For tho first flvo years tho Tho feeds eaten nro grain to keep them In good thrifty of farm laborer of much vnluo Denmark has no rich mlnos, no grent apprenticeship for tho pays thrco per cent Interest nnd noth- Just to keep tho pig's condition. The fnct that tho forngo future farmer. digestive system In good Dr. Flerco's Plennnnt Pellets cure co forosts, no wator power. Tho noil, It Is n common practise ing upon thu principal. After ho condition nnd crops havo high valuo whon grains nro tipatlon. is hero for tho that tho appetite keen. Constipation tho cause ol tifo ono resource, Is not naturally fer- father who wishes his son to become hoglns to add a nnmll pcrcontngo upon fed docs not mean thnt they should bo many d!sntcs. Curo tho causo and yoa low-lyin- g Tho entire hog fed euro tho disease. Easy to take. Adr. tile In fact, Denmark Is a a farmer to put him for n period of tho principal In ordor to dlschnrgo his herd can bo run on alone. AVIinnBfk f ...I ti il.u forngo crops and will profit by crops .r..t thrco yenrs upon somo of tho accredit-c-l debt. At no time, however, does tho this Tho best adapted to grazing method of management. ani- Point of View. with licro nnd thero small stretches model Gen- total nnnunl payment for principal nnd Younger with pigs nro alfalfa, rape, clover, blue farms of tho country. 111 o mals to Patient ThlB la an day's work. of rlchor soli. Much of Its moro erally ho stnys on ono farm for ono Interest exceed four per cent of tho iioom derive tho most benefit, grass, bermudn, rye, oats, soy beans, nnd fattening hogs Doctor To mo, It la woll donev soil Is tho result of scientific year, moving on to a second nnd then nmourt borrowed. tho least. Herd and cowpeas. Tho nnturo of thu noli, sows and tho herd boar aro In- Doltimoro American, drnlnago, fertilization nnd rotation of n third In order that ho may get dif- Tho government Is back of thono co benefited tho climate, nnd thu rainfall nro by having green Is crops. Chilling winds Hwcep over tho ferent and broader points of view and -- operative credit societies. Ily benovo-- feeds. It a good fluences that should govern tho selec- plan to havo thu brood sow running on country tho year around, and these, may hoo agrlculturo specialized along 10m legislation It makes their organiza- tion of tho crops to bo used. Alfalfa Important to Mother) green pasture farrowing Is Examine carefully ovory bottle with tho prevailing fogs, render tho different lines upon tho different farms. tion and operation possible; it assists at tlmo. ns tho greatest forage crop on soils of t nn 1 til n 1.1.. tills is conducive to a strong, healthy CASTOKIA, a snf0 and sure remedy for tnnln nlmu On theso farms ho Is given an oppor- In supervision nnd Inspection, nnd In suited to Its growth. Itnpo nnd clover litter of pigs. She should ho kept on infanta ana children, ana see that II Man hns been no kinder thnn nnturo tunity to learn, but for tho most part somo rasca It advances to tho are nlno excellent feeds, nnd both nro green forngo from tho sho far- Dears tho to this llttlo country, in thu eight- his tlnio Is spoilt in Ho society tho funds out of which tlmo high lu protein, tho element needed to hnru labor. rows. Thu young pigs will Signature eenth century thp nobility nnd tho learns to farm by farming. tho loans aro mndo. There aro In soon loarn bnlnnco ordinary grain feeds. of to eat, and tho exercise nnd greon vi tin viiiuiiuiu uums, Denmark about half a million families, tho Farmers are urged to plan somo In Uso For Over 30 Yt&rs. unit iidhuu uiu Folk Schools nnd Patriotism. food In Its whllo tho nencantrv woro cither Hnrfa Including thoso In cities and villages. natural state will start them system of forngo crops for tholr hogs. Children Cry for Fletcher's Gastorto After his apprenticeship is complet- along In good condl-Wm- a. condition and toud to New Is plan somo to. or tenants under Impossible ed ho goes for at least a few months credit societies havo n tho time to fields keep them so. bu sown to crops A Export duties made foreign to ono of tho folk high schools, which membership of over two hundred thou- adapted to grazing. Tho method of feeding when on If permanent pastures Church You aro product commerco unprofitable. Early In tho nro In tho broadest sense schools of sand that Is to say, two out of every aro advisable, a of th century condi- flvo In pnBturo will nocossnrlly vary accord-lu- g fenco off a portion for tho pigs nnd American collogof nineteenth economic patriotism, inspiring nro t families tho entire country lectures to thu kind of crop used. If tho plant somo crop Gotham Yos. tions had only begun to tmprovo when used for Instruction moro widely than seem to bo represented In thoso to keep tho pigs dls-asto- r crop grown bo rape, alfalfa, clover, growing whon tho permanent pastures "And your son, Is ho tho Napoleonic wars again spread liter-atur- o credit organizations. In collogo brodf uro toxt hooks. Tho history nnd cowpeas, soy beans, crops up, nnd poverty over tho country. fact, It Is becauso It In 3" easy to buy or other dry and tho returns from tho "No, ho'a only a of tho country Is thu thumo of high In ra- Gor-mnn-lc protein content, tho grain year's work with hogs will bo propor- Still a llttlo Inter Denmark's many nn hour. Every class Is opened land In Denmark that tho tonnnt In tion need not bo supplemented by tionately increased. Glvo tho pig an neighbors to tho south took with n song, patriotic or re- disappearing and tho small land owner Term Too Brief. either feeds high In protein. If blue grass, honest chance to mnko you money by congressman from tho nlrondy small nation tho ligious, and ench day extensive read- is tnklng his plncc. "I think a ought ts Schlcswlg-Holsteln- . rye, oats, or other giving him green feeds lu tholr provlnco of Then ings upon patriotic and rc"s'lou8 topics Other Government Assistance natural bo oloctcd for moro than two years." crops aro grown, it Is best to ndd u state, and his growth, health, pork-mnkln- g Germany, In tho early eighties, built aro given. Practlcnl pnll'.cal economy Tho government nnd "You can't accomplish much in that has alno enacted small porceu'.ngo of feeds high in pro- - ability will bo Increased. tlmo, up n high tariff wall which excluded nnd sociology aro Included In thu dally much othor legislation calculated to ohf "Why, my wlfo Danish products. Tho commorco upon work. No ono under eighteen may at- servo the Interests of the fanner. It cant return all thel which tho peoplo dopended for lliolr high many calla sho rocolvoa." Courler-Journa-L tend theso folk schools, but has regulated carofully tho manu- TO rovenucs wns gono, and tho country an older man or woman In later Ufa facture and salo of margarine, so that GOOD METHOD DOCKING OF LAMBS wan still again grievously stricken. finds thero that for which thero was It Is .ImpoBslblo to Import or export When Confidence Returned. DUCK Tho young wns Its Present Prosperity. no opportunity In youth. Tho schools or sell It under any false roprcsentn-lio- n HATCH EGGS QUITE NECESSARY brldo orchanglnij Yet today, In splto of nil theso hnndl-can- s. nro but nro that It Is butter. It has regulated costumo for a trnvollng suit Denmark Is in proportion to its In a thoroughly seqregated tho quality of nnd "Inoz," sho asked of tho rathor en- butter has forbidden Chicken-Hen- population thn wealthiest country In way, for thn men attend in winter and tho export of butter containing moro Best to Use s for the Practise Is Not Cruel and Is Ab- vious housemaid who was assisting-nor-, Elghty-nln- o "did I appear "europo. per cent of tho tho women only In tho summer than slMeen per cent water, of butler Purpose Be Careful Not to solutely Essential for Cleanli- at all norvous at sigrlculturlsts own their own Inud. Her months. for tho preservation of which anything any tlmo during tho coromonyt" armors havo been culled tho bent Theso schools nro prlvntoly owned other than common salt Is used, of Overfeed the Fowls. ness and Appearance. "Just a HtUo at first," ropllod Ines, farmers and tho most skilled rural nnd not absolutely free. Tho cost of bu'tor colored with any substanco d "but not nftor Gerald had sold 'I do," business men In tho world. Rural flvo months' instruction and board for from coal tar. All butter must Duck's eggs may bo hatched In liy K. It. I'AKU.) Ladles' Homo Journal. :Donmnrk produces tho best bacon, but- tho men for tho winter months Is have boon made from milk or cream but It Is bottor to use largo Lambs hhould bo docked whon ter and eggs over produced; their pigs about $55, whllo tho women, who gen- which lias been imatcurlsod; It must :hlckon-hen- 8 when possible If ono about n week old. This Is not a cruel Probably 8oup, turn feed into pork inoro scientifical- erally ntteud theso schoo'ls In summer, havo ben made In an Inspected dairy; wishes to hatch ducklings vet;' early operation and Is absolutely necessary Tho witness, a heavy-so- t man, who ly thnn tho porkers of any other na- pay only about f 30 for thrco mouths' It must havo upon It tho Danish label '11 tho suasou, then the Inculia'or Is for cleanliness and nppoaranco. looked ns though ho spent a good tion; their hens lay moro eggs, and Instruction, Including board nnd lodg- guaranteeing Its quality. tho only thing that will do thu work. Docking looks to bo slmplo enough, shnro of his tlmo feasting, was called their cows nro moro offoctlvo ns milk ing. Small as these feos seem to bo, Tho sanitary condition In tho cream-erics- , Ducks scarcely over got broody and but It requires grent caro. If tho toll to tho stand as a witness In a case of nnd butter producing machines. Tboso tho state has vurlous ways, of re- tho method of packing, and tho when thoy do, as a rule tho season ih Ih cut too short with n knlfo tho Inmb assnult and battery. armors havo worked out a system of ducing tho fees, especially far tho sons process of tho Balo of butter, uro thor-oughl- y far advanced. Ilosldes It Is poor pol- Is llkoly to blood to death. Somo "You woro In tho restaurant at thai mnrketlng so offoctlvo and daughters of tho small holders. controlled by government au- icy to placo eggs under a duck. shepherds sear with n hot Iron tho timo this happonod," bogan the Judge. that it Is estimated that over uinoty Tnu total numbor of students in theso thority. If nny dairy which has boon Don't keop duck eggs over a wcok end of tho tall nftor being cut with "Now, tell tho court just what you! por cent of what tho consumer pays summer nnd winter schools tho Inst uulturlzcd by tho government to uso iftor thoy nro laid. Tho fresher they n knlfo or chisel on n block of wood, heard." for Danish farm products actually fow years has novor boon less thnn a Danish lnbol for Its product vlolatnn aro tho better thoy will hatch. After and this generally stops blooding. "Who, mof" asked tho man. In b pocket-boo- k of tho man ton thousand. any regulation or law of "I anything.' reaches tho tho minister a duck egg Is ton days old It Is entirely Thero Is now, howovor, an Instru- wlldormont didn't hear produces It a rathor significant University Extension. agrlculturo hns tho right to tnko away, con- - I was eating." Saturday io worthless no far as hatching is ment on tho mnrkot which does tho Journal "guro compnrod with' tho generally high too, temporarily permanently, j Theso folk schools havo, either or :orned. Thoy should bo vory carefully work quickly and oftectually nnd with tho American somu-wh- at In AND accepted ostlmnto that an extension form of education tho authorization to use tho national unmllod, ns tho albumen much thin- blunt-edge- CAUSE EFFECT no bad results. It Is n pair of d gets only thlrty-fiv- o to university exten- Mutter forolgn Qood farmer from similar to tho trado mark. from ner than that of other eggs. This fact, pincers which nro heated to Digestion Followa Right Food. forty-si- x por cent of what tho city con-uuni- courses given by somo of our lands must not bo marked In any way sion :cupled with tno ago limit, accounts whlto heat and then usod to "blto" off payH his product. colleges. high to Imply It In Indigestion for American Tho school thnt has been mado for so many poor hntcnes; especially tho toll. When theso hot pincers aro and the attendant dis- How Denmark reached this posi- frequently go Denmark, and thoso wishing to Import has profossorn out to tho where tho eggn have been shlppod. used tho tall may bo cut closely with- comforts of mind and body are cer tion agriculturally? Why Is It that sho schoolhouBcs for popular lectures upon butter must mako a declaration and As soon us tho eggs nro laid, If not out blooding. tain to follow continued use of lo can produco tho bost bacon, butter and history nnd literature, and upon soci- bo properly registered. hntchlng, they proper food. placed at onco for Aftor tho operation tho end of eggs? Tho answor seems to bo: First, ological subjects. Generally n llttlo Chief Factor. pnper the Those who are young ro- ihould bo curofully wrapped In tnll should bn covered with clean plno still and bucauso sho has an ofllciont educa- association is formed for tho courso of Thono familiar with U10 conditions bust are likoly to ind turnod every day. Thoy Bhould tnr somo shophords uso coal tnr to overlook the fact tional systom; second, bocnuso tho from six to ton lectures. Possibly ono In Denmark concodo that tho educa- temperature Is that, as dropping bo kopt whore tho prevent files from troubling tho lambs. water will wear a. government is giving aid which, whllo cronn (twenty-seve- n aonts) for tho tion of tho fnrrnor has contributed Llgh low nbout stone away last, so will neither too nor too Tho animals should bo watched close- at the use of effective, is not unduly paternalistic; year Is charged, thero may bo n largely to tho success of Danish agrl- Blxty-fiv- o F. heavy, greasy, food, finally or fifty to degrees Don't ly, particularly If tho docking lu rich cause of corporation. of twonty cents) culturo. Every loyal Dnno Is proud n done loss third, becaueo charga oro (four for koop eggs Intended for hatching lu Into In tho season, until tho of appotlto and indigestion. an Educated Man. each locturo. Hero at tho high school of tho government which tins soon tho wound Fortunately many thoughtful Danish Farmer damp collar. hns healed, to boo that no Illcs have are It takes brains to ralso tho most building they also hold In tho fall a grent Importnnco of furthering tho In- When ducks nro laying tholr appo-t.t- o attacked them. enough to study themselves and not sort of products that nro spoclnl community mooting for throo terests of tho farmer by ovory moans ono bo care- the principle of cause aristocratic increases, but must Tho lambs should bo caatrntod and effect in No ignorant or during lee-turo- s within Its power. Hut no ono who Is when produced In Denmark. four days which throo ful not to ovorfood. If tholr food dockod. ThlB, although their daily food. A N. Y. young wom- "people could tako tho bleak, sandy per day on subjects similar to knowB, ever for n mtnuto conceives thero a slmplo an writes experience not too highly concentrated and operation, Bhould not bo nttomptod by her thus: plains Donmark nnd make great thoso taught In tho school nro given, that Denmark could havo taken nor nnd within "Somotlmo ago I trou-bl- e of Is plenty of coarso grit sand n novice, but should bo by had a lot of men learning re- prosont position as produced tho dono an ;ardens of thorn, gardens supporting a nnd In addition of or a of roach, thero Is llttlo dangor of over- experienced mnn. from indigestion, caused by too jsplondld nggrusslvo, progresslvo, pros- nown from tho outsldo uro brought In. world's bost farm products, without feeding. Throo or four square meals rich food. I got ao I was unable to1 perous raco. It requires natlvo At this folk school tho young farm- organization. It Is becauso day not n laying duck. digest scarcely anything, and medl u will hurt Important Food Element. flhrowdness to do theso things, but It er who tins hnd his common school of thnt It pays to farm thoy lay doublo-yolko- d cines seemed useless. Whon otferfod It la vory difficult to llguro out requires somothlng moro. It roqulres training, with all its contact with tho scientifically. Tho production of tho eggs.- - a "A friend advised me to try Grape ration thnt is ndnptod to tho needs In addition scientific agricultural realities of llfo, anil who has loarnod highest grades of farm products Is glvo ducks buttermilk, or In of Nuts food, praising It highly and as Nover tho pigs unless wo have pasture and knowlodgo, u big conception of tho agri In throo years' apprenticeship how to mado worth whllo becauso fact, any other kind of milk, to drink. forago a last resort, I tried it I am thankrut high-grad- o to furnish plenty of succulent cultural possibilities of tho country nnd farm, lias an opportunity to learn how enables tho farmor to tako thoso may bo UBod to moisten tholr food, to say that Grape-Nut- s not only re- It and bulky foods. From woanlug time A generous loyalty to stato nnd com- to bo n oitlzon and a patriot. Hut ho products to tho profitable, In Huttormllk, oklmmllk and lieved mo of ray trouble, howovor. until tho pigs nro six months old pro- but built munity nn nggrogato of qualltios that has not yot comploted his school work. nnd discriminating mnrkots In up and strengthened ray digestive or- "clabbor" aro all valuablo duck tein Is tho Important food possesses. Upon tho farm ho has lonrnod how to of tho world. It lu that only element In gans so none but nn educated man feeding, but thoy should bo used nine-tenth- that I eaa sow eat anytklsg I tholr ration. Corn Is s car. Dano Is In vory truth do things. Ho has yot to loam why. has rosultod in bettor farming, bottor as a desire. But I to Grape-Nat.- " And tho Indeed for moistening tho feed and not bohydrates, contain moro protein ctlek of an oducatod 80 ho goos to an agricultural college business, bottor living. nts Name gtvea Ceu, In ovory souso tho word drink. than corn, but not enough to by Peetum Battt to tho thoorotlcal and sclim-tlfl- o has kopt the farmer's sons and daugh- meet Creek, MM&. man. Ho has been tralnod mako and learns the requirements of pigs, nye Re TImi Kee t of why which la back of tho prac- ters upon the land and has stopped the the WelMUe, ksja. Uiu best uso of himself and his Setting Strawberry Plants. is richer in protein than la "TkctrVa a tical bow. This Is tho story of Den- rush to the city. In fact, oat, but Whon setting strawberry plaata, be aa a pig-fee- d barley making, through economic life of excels ail the mm An a boy ho was comsstllod by law mark's faraor In the dominates the the ,1 Kvw A ruro to arm we sou weu above, la sure crop see-Uon- a apprenticeship, folk entire nation. and a la many to attend school until ho was fourteen. common school, where com seldom mature. .1 Jt x?i iic m k m Mi z k ifc sn ft: w n

-- iii;iSpi'ii it.v CaJy,, Hdi, .will HiHVn- - qwrrthlMnn.,( .2"

(H.l.i.,-,-- , , v,u .ntl V 1thith.'t)njiWMnlt!4l1 .ft ilWitj viiS' vutn mi ,i. uui tHAiw t. mti4i(rv imllh tf w'. ;.iu in s, n mfiHwttt niti. will MtttUil( lMt It V III 'Wit it. V i ' Hf l" mill, llijti mfa . : m Hiit Himiitiinf "iivi nut - liuinrM ni Hill "inr wm vmi in i' (iff utl -t Wit tfmw wv?m wtinwuiii. mi- - mii'. ((inn iimin- .i mfci vl yron nit niifiiiiiHin ?'iiiiiiin. limit ig HiWWII " n iinnw. t v . --tfMi JNHtKlfccv. ( ttoMMMi i, ftjwm; 'fin-fi-t fywFfoi

i . wk 'wrr Tin,, tftrH 1 rt-- i iittiimuuti :fi A, it ill i'l'ittn: tint ;imnft 'mniiTii Iwt jldiifi 1'iin.inii iiiitHn mi tiiitsiiel "MUHiTinnniii. 'initi.Mt. C.w, till" IXlltllli. y lit uniiaiiin iiu, '

IKIiur fiij. li Ultltl IHIcut

,,IM,I, rtw,' paum. i i i i Imiiiii.Iiiii i i tnnir. i n a nut n Uutini .. nut n Iiitrini; linliilim :) 1)f!lll II

i ::! in V 4. Hit: haMlfcnt nrtiitr tiMsutlti VPtttTf'ivr "V.hio MWi 'tiui Crt'rn, rnemia tiHinunnf .i !fft. unit 4C i Vi ui'-f- htl (i t ittlt nun nwil. .ill' tw K h raitti niit Vh,rlll1lln tiim c wn to- - notfniuc. tiwIAlatii wn, tin itntti tfiwHSBj wnti. fc.T ii.iu .Tnian

Jidlub IlillMl III 1 1 H 'iU'iilii'H v. .. . VrhptMi(rpi Wi. "Si th. wryflr- - -- til truiinictttt'loi c. tin until 'thi UiMirt' . r1iit. nritrvcrtoi .I VAv - .'u.rtiif 1'riip.?iv.vniiin lnmn t'vi - MlnM., nom t nm niiujn.- c irtHr i 'trcRk 'i. i;ni:r uon in :..'ti-rr.- i nnrt., u:iwa; l:tUiii)uirtf mMtiJ' uimivT1ui.ti' nfitrvniw fctin riS;vntul! to. 'bshcWL' am liiiini; ini-t- u l'j'-it- o uroaii) vfiiTi a.ill-;- i in

W 1 ' I IIMII HIM- - "WWd WKi PWUIl' 'CTTt f M( tHM)t kivi: VrhhlViiftitfSwwm to ItUm "irri ninr snu; .4iirr r- -: jiwiiJM

' .wni-'wj- r l?vrr.viili- - ' vrrv nnii xuKtilnmnifj snsi Jitiu fsiafia VfciiLVJMrtl mri'lPivrrthijA'fliEfisvvtW! Bn '' ' ''"1 wsjioj sTfi nritfixrtii,i '.MUiU )i:aimac -- - iraa. uim: kiiid: - Iltttiiniiiniir.i;li lidnrii tifrviii'V'.- vonr tiOppnoun CfngnBSJ rw M- (Mid Mr rct'lnn "itii 'unVr" ,fi,'W. I'lr trattm, dieftiw i:frsttiiita uiiniitt '1 fHG'C J

iHWt ' PPhH' mmhiiwm W "Tf mtte y'tixocf iteUfiMum? n:;.i. :w.vr:.'. sain to i:rn::i... HttiKintr.ui: 5Bfci atfc(( Jmh, PritfjiMifp '.) h "3 i Ate. .J.. . i!MuJ I I ,f iR'li) 1 i t4 imii'i'iii ... mi. i mtxii nice to .'Ut c nsrr; lnt.tJii4.i i, - '. ulntiil. iittjr n i mi tm. niniiUOnniunc' itnttt iHiltr- o.vuiiii j ii i i Hi I tra: I 5l) lntii lit U4vrvunitt, t ntnnl I i MV 1firllii. Y 'Iv.lih. V r I lb ailnnUlnni I i . in etB. in rr. WfitrT. teitQr uttionK"

1- lUI'IIHT h lb nui - r i i iir.nni incf tthi. te Mti fctldHt: inn M,. o . . hnin.. .(c.-w- ,.t-- i 1 1 mm, mi, (MWMtMtWW h Mum.) t tillif int. It). 'Mliiil ilkt nsr1r It '.n Ka. It oor.Mi. tt voe ilk, t.; i ' ' VSnftkv 'Ht!Miuii '7hrW'M iiii,"i lnAt miijf piitii. ulirvx Kuimipr tMK,f im hi luwewM mttuc net t n , . i. 9 wttsi i'pmvf i f r t 1'nH ID UHifjai, niiWHWttf. 'at fc.jjH. ,HrtUHHi, 'hl k'iMm ta itt ibarr, i uf ntM tit Hfle r n - - Until- fcs JIUHH , T'T If h..Wlt hu,. ttv- hr f. m,! inmwm j Vll jk siii aide i - im.n T hMKg-iti- ' I t - n T"' W. U t hWWn t, Hit. Ijt 'vvrtrt.- I. ntn wi h. Unnvn. mi, iv in nu di mr tu ivr,rn. - ' " ' ' ' P-I- 4 , " ' ' tg' Iw4 HMn-ifl tYf -. IHrMtiiii atunamu M is Mi 4 ' j pull' ft in i tin ttw.t, a niHrr n "V . ii 7' . ui.TiiumtV riinuuiiKtltl Vi tint n.wv ttiTuuitt'.. , . hmiiwm i My j. th. 'JiJiwimm 1wwu. 'i '.tfwuf t : faiilr, IQvMBr t Off o to i ; Ir3?T" ' . w ntui Uunn iiiuiTi ptmWW I nut .WHt!t ymnhr'im!KrWl 1lHHfcaB tettmn l.r.n t ili. lint. lllll.Ml:.3ttAMW )v.t hn t vol J8IIW'f 'i . . - 1 ,. ' ' ll v ...... I . .. i -- . . I. Mil k mu v . lk .l .tatav n )v J Ik HLt I'M I ...!." n." T(I.I.l.i.RL. t.jr i lI'ILanf. Ul fi fit a I It 1. fclh.ut..i .J J''Ilk... tlii.wwfc IP VHHIUMI..Mat 1 Ul ZWII tnv vtiH llr rik I u. , mint. (antitmiK '.Mjl'.r . It i HrPlH Hnt. Ii llllllV' T.t PXI, fi mwnHMt 'a oatil mm i vat sinyivr 1 , 'Ilk,. . rnttn , f. Minti iti 4lni. t ir.T mii. ' Hmrtiihii I . L . 'StMlli t mm t tft' Mwntn 'sfeia vo .,i.r.ti, lat H - Mt . V . .Ik. Kl. IMwi I lr MitnMwt t t,k It Mm - ? 1 vrt i )- irtiu UniK f t6hi..- - 1 'iitl; aa UMUptitr i I'nue Knoii Uv tHtetvr nn My t. Ill :. ' "nilltwi.t:lM.r..UlllTii!M "Vfr'H I M ' Wf.. f Mi hlf i lit "'' nw ! f. Jtl . JVva (Ot i i JMnMi-tfi.- W JA ..if.,! IW9lltlU , I.' ffrj. (turn M'.Mimmwb mwvmb i. fimi- i I,, l)Mtimi . HiiiiM Urwww Awtra ' Xfo j ' - I'XMEWfK llfc.r . . n i HUHU ilii ltlv Ttl ht V

I- . i. .--a vnm,. ii i t m. - te '. :tt nt i ttii rt!ihit'" nnurwr" "HatSi :inH( 3IH3 i K.. . ' 11 . rfttit - Will f. miiirtUTi. 'iJ. iMA.ri)n,i 4 . MnttlM tKgp.. ' nwia. ' Jrmtsif.. ttfurt. Al.".ta'' ( - ! ut.. m I wprv- mI I t , ( i, ",tii i"i u jiit. ih liflJL. twit, am 1 1 twill : 'jjomm xytk. unm o.r ,r M(niiit4i iTiMi i( h Hill tfi. .Jftu Iwciei" MMHHm IMkV.A r j,iJWgr0mt tsi'. tnt, tMttr . WrrMPIMMrMMiMMi4MM i tml4f" i ''IK- 'JlBi. 'USwpi m sal iiu 'Iwrnwnvtrl'll lU fi UCtMKNb ! . , , 1. ' tto- - UU H Nlll. f'i "lit, Unjr ,wtJi.i twm tin.' 'I IIWUlBIIIIUj, iviiif IWl MCB! HUrnni W H. . (itMi-MM- , i 'lutwrnixiri KfJt L'Q. i I apui.i i,,i.c ""r U8 J ir id vjttn V tR-ui- ul tit lit. (Jrr.TiMini.iW e;i'Bi iuj iv.ttr ,pM' an uo - It. lib- timati 1 1 r4! CI'MKlUU tu J- - to uRt tcmic trjy ittMM. n.k . mf-r-.....yh. T ..,..1... H ,.i' WCI'JOIUOI' OfiEBE'i T. ' il f'lifUmiM.niV .Q.lK-- . - ... - NUW I I . - ... n . . . 1M Vio i ifpHMl u,.'.nM.Tii ( rtiMsnruiiM i ...Wi itianint . . k'Wurn rA4 i. - 6a ofj-tcttit- JcdtUi iri.i.i,. 'lliiinnRtiktii r u Turuot. ' ni?v. unutriiiitMi. iiJir' 'it-- y 4. 11" ikKl4r. )4tttt x urn naxt vL Cn icoddfi Iu.irt(44. : 'i'ni . tun' rHHA . - - rliii- - t-- T - t r" rMH)rlf..''li),i iIIU.T,'t) " kt, h 'J it Jaiju . . K'li'in i t iiviitnri(M (. iM. I IAMB "rt'i: toWJtBWii i VV. ui .rft.Ac.yrttJ45vrjurnijm. I'liinn. (iMitiittiu Wt. ifiii ia ivjti3ii.Sfit-inc- i- jj l -- I. m i"fififl.t miivi.init,!:,,,, tflu tU'A ' Vi,. ii iii.i. lnivir i mlini l .niR i IiUm l hi una i iwniuwtu. Br.ntoi u 'VJrfii, ') i , .(si J'1 M rrtvi tiifKlrr 0wt lulfcfi. ccatM L5tn f'.-i- ' ijinH. ifirivrininu t7ncft.rij im lai. ini. rirSu tft rju'lltjij Oh jitiv., .iJHstwii KUri'in, Tnviii '.a4! ti'sni.t.. nrntidfr. T.MtM Mm n. idut nnrrnhnwiti I mt 'rini.viiA7rtvMlttiil)niiatij:n(i nut jiL t'Hnisu t ul . niiiiiiMlaUt it i tk.i in orjv it fCitJutiJy I w st'ri'xtiif $ (mm i I'SlV Utttil, . Win. MiriilM ;Mnii, ibril Hiwrwit,' ; tiJdrr 'Vmimnr: iM . Si ll!t. iniw Nh, i.f ft (1 f -- i.. " iriitilit 'i "tti Km.. ati tvmilV Jtiwnrti I'WV. 3.L RW KK' W BU,. i , ' "'7 .r. IIIHIIII V ' wMiv.AiiMt. auili t. 1UliiiJ.'iii.i .IniUMmi.J: 'M'ii ii T ,NMMr. I'k..-- i. " ' ' V.ihfni'J'.Sl . ' "m "tnm t nHMri K iull. IwinLM.hl HVUW' imii HVtut1ii,i...:iiLij.ii iniiin tw.ri. itaKtinujer WW''' A' wiul. ')iiiHini. ixtj.'tvt:' jntuiUrifiniA iclavsMucit i itiM awt 'rtirroaiiv lnnM' H. qU i aiwMa r.. ' ! " ' mh limi.i l lli,t.i'ni . l!ln.4Uii.'iTf'v.i! Kraai(iiitu"iiuiiiiuA lw r.r.fiiiviitiuiiinnirr J A'timtlli) niuiii(iif(v llfno ii.u.tM tlitbliAJif,c-Mivr- '(3lUv.iviHiitinnii .114.4 J . "'i y i mni m iiwi iiinuif m M.iivnintin)i4miUi)iliUl.a.'ii),itjM Ct?A-2H- ) .fit Mirr--tf t THE TUCUMCARI NKW8

The revival meetings at the For Public Stenography call

Baptist church are drawing large 310 W. 3S-- 3t pd crowds. Mrs. Mary Ulmer and daugh Mrs. Cooksey, who has been ter, Miss Sarah D. Ulmer, of GERV6E teaching at Carney, Mo., has re- Hudson, are Tucumcari visitors Midseason Sale! turned home. today. FOR CHILDREN Miss Uonem returned today It will surprise you to see the from a few weeks' visit with KKAM.ATKST CHHATIONS OK MUM'S friends at HI Paso. clothes made at The City Clean and 346. Wo curtninly appreciate tlio trade of the Misses Mary and Irene Wil ing Hat Works. Phone litllu oiks and kIvo them special cnni anil liams, of Vega, Texas, were in O. C. Goodloe was called to y attention Tucumcari this week. Pratt, Kansas, by telegram stat 25 J. L. House was here Saturday ing that his mother was seriously Our Not Ias arc from House and reports the crops ill with pneumonia, and was not DISCOUNT on all Ladies' Dresses Good, for Chihlrrii, in nourishing condition. expected to live. Good for Evanjhndu Silas May has returned from Sherman Culp, a sheep buyer, Simon, Ariz., and will no doubt was here from Rocky Ford, Colo., and Men's Suits If you send the little ones in alone we'll make Tucumcari his home. the first of the week on business, see that they are well taken earn ol. We Keep your eyes on the lion. and was the guest of his old time believe that children are just as appre- Two friend, C. II. Rankin. SATURDAY AND MONDAY ciative of service and iiality as you arc. boats have been put into Seed the children and come yourself too. service at the lake east of town W. 13. Wood, a cattleman, was and have proven great sport. here this week with a train load C. S. of cattle which he in Winstead, of Nashville, purchased 7JJ4 U4ls' Skirl SANDS-DORSE- Y DRUG GO. Tenn., is in Tucumcari visiting Arizona. He was taking them to Israel's 30 Incht wnlit his Z Succetiori to daughter, Mrs. C. M. Standi. his ranch at Vega, Texas. tncaiuro. Miller Drug Store A. R. Carter's new bungalow For Sale Five passenger Ford Phone 112 is nearly completed and he will car in good condition. Small cash move into same in the near future. payment. ICnquire News office. Messrs. Muirhead, Finegan Fok Quick Sam:: 120 acres of mother nnd Mister, Mm. Wm. Herd, and .Mm. II. I.. PITMAN CATTLE CO. and Markham left for the Cana- good farming land on Montoya Miller. .Mrs. Wm. Hon, ir. U Mlllor nnd dian river today for a few days road near Hanley, all fenced, post wife were btiMinciw cnllerB at Tucumcnri F. L. Pitman, Mgr. fishing. corral, 3 room house, 3 dug wells. lit LOCAL?)))))); HURRAH! mi t Siiturduy. AND PERSONAL The clothes made at the City Mrs. E. P. Aull, Tucumcari. Tim ereelH luivo all Leon very liljsli CATTLE AND RANCHES Cleaning sovernl times during the lnut two wcokn Watch lion. and Hat Works takes A crowd of younjf folks enjoyed for the A. li. Decker wns a business cnllcr on El Paso, Texas the lead, "others follow" but no an outing Fok NMce at the blue holes Tues Tuesday of in Rknt furnished comparison. this week Tucuincnrl. Free Autos to Yards room. A. Hurley. day evening. Miss Lola Wright the July Jessie Herd, aged nine years, iiassod Sam Poimboeuf and family fell wagon 4tll from the while enroute from on 11)11, Mrs. Cramer returned to her this life May 27, at Clove 500 to 5,000 extra high bred Na- have returned to Tucumcari home and sustained a painful laud Oklahoma and was brought to ri home at Nara Visa today. tive American Hereford cattle, where they will make their fu- nnd interred nt the Marrs cem- injury. we have a nice line of fire Cows 3 to 7 years old $40. to 4s. Wm. Jerald went to Mosquero etery on May .'II. Tlio fnthor has the ture home. Mrs. Alice Upton returned 500 to 2,000 yearling steers Tuesday morning on works for the occasion sympathy of all his many friends nnd business. Mrs. L. (J. Pearson and two of to from the east the first the neighbor. The funeral sorvlccs wore $30.00 $32.00. Mrs. Stephen Whitmore is vis- morning so don't forget daughters left Monday week. She was accompanied by conducted by Hovn. Lowing nnd Wnllor 500 to a, 000 yearling heifers iting relatives in Douglas, Ariz. for a three weeks' visit with home three other families who expect $30.00 to $32.00. Col. A. S. Reeves, of ICndee, folks at Cleburne, Texas. to make their future homes at' REVUELTO ITEMS All cows bred to registered was in town SHAW'S BAKERY the first of the week. Henry (loldenberg, who has Solano, N. M. Frank Lucas was nt Itovuolto Sunday Hereford bulls. Geo. LO. Rice went up to Hud- been in at the Roswell Mrs, Mincher. and four diughtcrs,nnd attendance Good grade Mexican cattle from lj- .1. son yesterday to visit home folks. Military school, graduated re-cent- AUCTION SALE Mrs. lllua and daughter and Mrs. L. I'ereu spent Hundny two American Mormon district delivery II. C. Zillman was down from and has returned home. mllea oast of Commencing Wednesday, June Henry J. WolTord left today llevuelto, and they report u good time any time same to be good color Nara Visa the first of the week. Fok Sai.u Ciihap 4 room box 17, at 3 O'clock for Gillette, Wyo., with a bunch gathering wild flowers. and condition. Prices f. o. b. El house, 20x22foot barn in Gamble For Sale: Rhode Island Red We will offer for sale the entire of cattle. Everything looks green nnd protty. Paso 22.50 to 25.00. Two year eggs at $1 per 15. See Joe addition, good water close. W. The crops are growing- nicely, but wc old Haas. stock of hardware, implements, K. steers and heifeis 25.00 to II. Sai.ykks, blacksmith, Mrs. J. Wasson and children do not know what of Fred McFarland was down ltpd the sultry days 28.50. Cows 2 to seven years paints, varnishes, guns, harness, went to Lojran today for a visit .lime will do. from Logan this week on busi- Chester Church, of Chicago, saddles, etc., formerly owned by with relatives. old 25.50 to 3000. Steers 3 years ness. and brother Clarence, who lives C. C. will old and up 27.50 to 32.50 Chapman. The sale Mrs. J. F. 'Parole v was ouite H. at Nara Visa, were visiting their dis- - A. Camp, of Nara Visa, was close as soon as the stock is sick the first of the week but is AMONG THE CHURCHES aunt, Mrs. lOzra Haas, and family here the first of the week on bus- posed of or if it is found unsatis- now much better. RECEIVERS JTOTIOE iness. this week. factory to continue the sale; so if Vernon Tarpley has taken PRESBYTERIAN OHTJKOH I am now prepared to accept bids on W. R. you want we have you following , R. A. Prentice was transacting Springer was here from anything charge Rov. P. B. Henderlita, Pastor the described property owned of the bycycle repair shop by legal business at Texline this Quay Tuesday on business con- should be here promptly at 3 Services will be resumed in tho Pres- tho International Bunk of Commerce at the old Smith stand. Tucumcari, N. M.. week. cerning the new telephone line o'clock, Wednesday, June 17. byterian church tho first Sabbath in Bob in vicinity. He A. 13. Simpson, Nolte, of Bob's Cafe, is out .Mine as follows: 8EU NWW nnd SWVl nnd lots E. D. Reed and J. W. Atkins that reports the Receiver. NE'i crops fine. on his ranch looking after his Regular morning service nt 11 a. tn. 2 and 3 Sec 4 Twp 10N ling 31 E., con- of San Jon were here Sunday and stock and acting like a working-man- . Sunday school nt 0:15 a. taining 1BD 01 100 acres, Quay county, Mesdames Chapman, Savage, HEREFORD BULLS FOR tu. Monday. .Junior Kndeavor Society at 3 p. in. N. M.

Davis, Shaw, O'Conner and Miss SALE. Inquire at Nation- mid-wee- Mrs. Lawrence Mattox left on First Tho regular evening and k Lot 6 Block 13 OT Tucumcari, N. M. Radley among al of WANTED: A small ranch, Sa-pulp- a, are those attend- Bank Tucumcari. icrvlce will not be hel l on account of Wednesday for her. home in enough land to run 100 head of Lot S in Block 8 of Gamble addition ing the picnic at the blue water Rent: room house, the special evangelistic meeting in pro- Okla. For Three cattle. Not particular about the to Tucumcari. holes today. lights and water, newly papered; gress in the Ilnptlst church. Mrs. Dr. Diver and daughter, surface, must be irood grazing re- Lots 9 ana 10 block S Rock Friday, Saturday, Sunday and 710 south 3rd street. Rent $9.00. Tho pastor returns to his work of Dawson, are the guests of Mrs. land and a moderate price. Ad- freshed by a month's rest, nnd with the Island addition, Tucumcari, N. Monday we enjoyed fine rains, See John S. Bryan, block north O. 10. Brown this week. dress Box 5()5 Tucumcari, N. M. hope that every member of tho congre- M. which keep the ground too wet to of high school. Upd-t- f gation will begin tho new church year H. B. JOKES, Rcculvai J. II. McCarty has One of localstores returned put in crops, but the grass never Milk cows for sale. 10 native Tucumcari's by taking an active part in somo branch I u t rnfttionnl Bank of Commerce home from a few week's' vacation sold $500 of goods ' quits growing. cows with calves, and 10 good over worth of the church 's activities. "Nimtnaari M visiting relatives in the east. Tuesday morning and kept three The only place where Commissioners Collins and jerseys. Cash or on time. In- yon can serve delivering (nd is jiift place where Seeing is believing all come to Walther were here this week as quire at this office, or see Geo. men busy all day the that you are goods. Other stores report an living. That is where your personnl In- see how your clothes are made members of the board of equali- E. Rice, Hudson, N. M. 4t. aC 1 POPULAR I ci increase in business this week. fluence and sorvico count, nnd wo need by the Reputable Tailors at the zation. They had a busy time Phil Shahan and Walter Boren you" in New families and prospective the S'lindny school, tho prnyor City Cleaning and Hat Works. and adjusted assessments on a trip to Chat- meeting, the missionary society, la- made the Walter buyers are arriving every day. the Phone 34fi. several pieces of property. ham ranch near Isidore pur- dies' aid, the choir and in the pows on and Don't be too anxious to sell your chased a Herefore bull which will Sunday. A hearty welcome given to property because you may be nil - be taken to their ranch near visitors nnd now comors in Tucum- l lLUJ5 TA- sorry before many months. cari. Loyd. They report crops fine. II. Bonem's store has an at- LESBIA CENTER STREET M1. E. OIXTJItOII jg tractive, ad. in the News this And still it rnins. For the last three A. N. Evans, Pastor Popular Mechanics week. This ad. speaks for itself days of the week it poured. Scums like Ilesldence, First Door East of Church. Magazine Old and no shelf worn goods are of it litis not to be a habit. Phones 213. MwnrrrcM so you can understand rrH Hickory A CREATContinuedStory of Mr. Patterson mid Dill Whltnkor Center Street lh. World's fered for sale. When you get it Sunday School, Edward n Progress which you may begin reading were in Tucumctiri Monday. F. Brown, Supt., moots nt 0:45 A. M. at any time, and which .will hold your from Bonemyoucan depend upon interest forever. You are living In the best Marian Wells anil E. 0. Thompson Trenching services by tho pastor nt year, of the most wonderful nne, of what it it being the best. doubtless the greatest world in the universe. are preparing to load a car of buar 11.00 A. M., nnd 8:00 1. M. A resident of Mars would cladly pay Did you ever see a lion? If you grass this week. Xnrth side Sunday school will meet l FOR ONE YEAR'S $1 inn SUBSCRIPTION never did, see one. Mrs. Anna McUridu is expected here at 3 o'clock Instead of 2 o'clock. tethUmagailne.ln order to keep Informed of Furniture from where she has been visit- our progress In Ennineerlnii Texas Senior Epworth Lenguo, Orovor C. nnd Mechanics. C. A. Berry received a painful month. juoyuu rwuwiK iir nra minions ol your ing relatives for tlio past Hullliigton, President, moots 7:00 P. M. neighbor are, and It,Is the favorite maga-tin- e injury Sunday while chipping what those fellows thought in thousands of tho best American Wonder Tenchor Training CInss, Wednosdny home. It appeal to all classes old and This is the scrvicable kind of Porch. Furniture ice with an ice pick. The ice when they heard of the big Niius in evening nt 7:30. young men and women. Th "Shop Hotii" DtMrteient (00 puce) slipped in such a manner as to Xew Mexico, we mean those who gnve Prnyor service, Wodncsdoy ovonlng glTM iHttr wars o do tliliius-li- ow to tunic and is very comfortable and attractive. usstul articles for home and shop, up time ago and went hack to repairs, eta. cause the pick to run entirely Mine nt 8:00 o'clock. " Asutrar M&anlcs" (10 paces ) tnllt how to high-price- Biako furniture, rent d eastern land. Think You nro illMlou wIitIm nuttlts. Unit Arm chairs through the hand in which he cordlnlly Invited to attend ugtnes, magic, and all the things o boy lore' $4.50 about it now! Only one guess to a these serviced. $1.80 PER YtAK. SINSUS COPIES IS CENTS was holding the ice. JUk rwr NcwwlMbr to har , mi or Rockers $5.00 person. WMT8 rBW rHEK AMPUt COPY TBBAY of The being ducks Settees $10.00 Mr. Meekee, Vinciennes, lakes are settled BAPTIST OIIUHOII POPULAR MECHANICS CO. tnd-pole- W. nbovo and s below. JIB Wsthleetou St, CHICAGO Ind., was here this week visiting Services at tho Baptist church as fol- J We J. R. Wasson. He is a member Xeal Toler bought a slicker suit last lows: have almost every kind of comfortable chairs will not lie parted therefrom of the Wasson Coal Co. at Was- week and Biblo school at 0.45 a. m. you could think of. and says, sure am wot." son, Ind., but was in this country "It 7:00 p. m. Young Peoplo'a Service. Hen Quintnun will leave this weok bidding on the construction of 8:00 p. m. Sormon, for mi extondod visit nt Itoy. 8:00 p. m. Wednesday prayer meet- three large bridges. ing. Miss Elizabeth Stephenson, of BAllAN 003 NOTES If you are without a Church Home, harper' Heo Our Line o Ucunmoccs Denver, was chosen by the Board Plenty of rain nt present. Onus is comol We can help yon. KENTUCKY of Education as principal of the flue and stock Is doing well. Yaws nnd daughter, Gcor CHRISTIAN CHURCH commercial department in Grandma WHISREY the gio visited nt Mrs. II. Ij. Mlllor 'a the O. W. Heara, Pastor High School for next year. Miss llrst of this week. Ulblu school 0:415 n. m. Co. Hazel Myres, of Hutchinson, Mrs. A. Stownrt of Cllobo, Ariz., In Preaching sorvico at 11 n. m, The American Furn. Kan,, will have charge of domes visiting her fnthor, Mr. Wm. Hill. Y P 0 E nt 7:00 p. ra. tic science. The music instruc L. Herd and llttlo daughter of Evening service at 8 o'clock tor has not been chouen. Cleveland, Oklahoma, aro visiting his Toaohors' mooting Thursday evening

' ., ""-I- . THE TUCUMCARI NEWS ft AFTER SUFFERING (VALIANTS VIRGINIA TWO LONG YEARS Mrs. Asclin Was Restored to J HALLE EDTHNIE BIVES Health by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vcgctablo ILLUSTRATIONS LAUREN STOUT Compound. coowoyr aoaa&srreii. conwry 0 Minneapolis, Minn, SYNOPSIS. noyedly sensible of tho Impropriety slapped tho brown wintered leaves In- clinging nbout him. Then n blank cause of that that ho was little better "After my little of tho discussion, slnco tho man dis- to a hissing turmoil, a Bcnno of movomcnt nnd of troublous than a boggnr, and I said thoso hor- one waa born I waa sick with pains In my John Valltxnt. n rich society fnvorlt, cussed wns certainly his patron, may-b- o Ho had flung her from him with disturbance, of Insistent voices thnt rlblo things!" Again sho bont hor Mum which tha euddently OlicuvRra (lint Valium cor- oyes, doctors mIq tho his friend, Dut his InslBtcnco had such violence that she had fnllon side-wls- called to him and inqulsltlvo hnnds rereading tho sentences: "Took wore poration, which hl father foumlvtl Htitl caused by inflamma- which wiu thu principal ourcu of Mm roused a certain bnlky wilfulness that Now sho raised hersolt, kneol-lu- g that plucked at him, and then voices his dotrnotors by surprise woalth, haii fnlloil. Ilu voluntarily lurnx would way. I'vo In growing dlstnut again, nnd hands fall- had Just Btistnlnod a grilling at the tion. I suffered a over hit private fortuno to tho rcevlvur havo Its "It's truo tho feathery light, both hands for the corporation. His cntlro remalnlnK never seen him," sho said, "but I'vo clasped closo to her brenst, trembling ing nway, and nt Inst sllonco. hnnds of tho stnto's oxamlnor which Rrcat don! ovory posfleMlonn consist of an old motor car, n read about him u hundred times In tho excessively with loathing nnd fooling might well havo dried at tholr fount month nnd crow very whltn bull doj? and Diunory court, a noK-lecte- il thin. I wus under tho ct(itn in Virginia. On tho way to Sunday supplements. Ho's a regular tho dan earth-lloo- r billow llko a can- Inky clouds woro gathering over tho springs of sympathy." Diintl-ridg- e, Dnniory Hhlrley high-rolle- up In doctor's enro for two court ho moau fcaturo of tho r section. Ills vas soa In a theater. Llttlo puffs of tho sunlight when Shirley enmo from Sho crushed tho paper her nubiirn-hMr- ci N an beauty, anil wood-pat- h dog-banqu- Dnmory on tho long years without that ho In Koln; to llko Virginia Im- Idea of n good tlmo Is a dust from tho protesting ground woro Court, along tho nnrrow hand nnd rested her forohoad mensely. Shirley's mother, Mrs. Dand-ridg- e, nt Sherry's. Why, a girl told mo onco wreathing about her sot fnco, nnd sho under tho hemlocks, and tho way wot rail. Idiotically rich a vnndnl any benefit. Finally and Mnjor oxchnnga cs IlrUlow was striped blue-blac- k n purse-prou- d Sho niter repeated Bug. during which It Is revealed thnt there wns a clgnretto nnmod aftor pressed ono hand against her shoulder with shadows useless, flanour. that tho major. Valiant's father, and a him tho Vanity Valiant!" to repress her shivers. and filled with sighing noises. Sho hnd cnllod him all that! Sho could frcnUoru) to try it we man named Snssoon woro rivals for the trot Lydla E. Pink- - "Isn't that besldo tho point? e "Tho horrible horrlblo thing!" walked warily, halting often nt somo still sco tho paleness of his look ns hand of .Mrs. Dundrldgo In liur youth. Vcgetablo tak- Bassoon and Valiant fought n duel on her ho has been an Idler, must ho bIio snld whlsporlngly. "It would have lonfy rustlo to catch n quick breath sho hnd said It. ham 'a Compound. After In klllml. tree-root- ing Compound account whlrh tha farmer wns necessarily bo a vandal?" bitten mo!" of dread. As sho approachod tho s Shirley, overexcited as sho still was, tho tlilrd botUa of tho I Valiant tlnds Unmory court overgrown was ablo to do my housework nnd todny with weeds and creepers and tho liulld-I- n Sho laughed again. "Ho wouldn't Ho camo toward hor, panting, nnd whoro tho capo jessamines lay, felt tho sobs roturnlng. Theso, how- In very I am healthy agnin. irs a much nealected condition. cnll It vnndnllBm. He'd think It de- to hor sho hnd to forco hor feet forwnrd by ever, did not Inst long nnd In a mo- strong and I will Valiant explores his ancostral homo. Mn grasping her hand, lifted hor answer lotto rs anyone wishes to know Is surprised by a fox hunting party which cided Improvement to mnko Damory foot. Ho staggered slightly as ho did sheer effort of will. At a llttlo dls- ment sho found hersolf smiting ngaln, it Invades his citato, lie rucotrnlzes Hhlrley possi- tnnco from them sho broko .. stick and about my carta." Mrs. Joseiii Asntw, y Court as frantically different ns so, sho snw lips twist Though alio had hurt him, sho had t tha hand of tha party. lie gives enno-tuar- and his G2S Moaroo StrN.R,MInnoapolljB,MInn. dls-cue- mnnnged to the cornered fox. Oosslps a ble. I supposo ho'll erect a glass oddly. "Ah." sho gasped, "it with It to drag tho bunch to saved him, tool When she whispered re- the advent of the new owner and cupola and a porto-cochero- , nil her, turning her eyes with a shiver this over to horeelf It still thrilled and call tho tragedy In which the elder Val- bit you! It bit you!" Lydla E. Pinkham's Vcgotablo Com re- varnlshy, put hot-hous- from tho trampled spot near by. Sho folded papor iant took part. Vnllant docldcs to and and orchid "No." ho said, "I think not." stnrtlod hor. Sho tho pound, mado from natlvo roots and habilitate Daniory court and maka the garden picked up tho flowers, and trending on chorry-troo- s. land produce living whore tho wildornoss "Look! Thoro on your ankle thnt and hnstoued under tho nerbfl, contains no narcotics or harmful a for hltn. In- with caution, nor :tops to tho was, and n modern mnrblo cupId spot!" retraced drugs, and today holds tho record of summer-houso- , wider CHAPTER XIII Continued. stead of tho nnd lay "I did fool something, just thnt first rath. Emmnllne, tho negro mnld was wait- bolng tho moat successful remedy w klte-Bhapc- d " Sho stopped Into tho Hod Iload at They stood on the edgo of n stony out a track moment." Ho laughed uncertainly. ing anxiously on tho porch, Sho was know for woman's ilia. you need such length In thunder-storm- , If A' ravine which widened nt ono end to a Everything thnt wns Impulslvo nnd "It's qucor. 's gone fast tho teeth of a thin to Bparonoss, with a faco as a medicine why don't you try it? hallow marshy valley. Tho rocks explosive In John Valiant's naturo asleep." which hnd arlson almost without warn- brown as a tobacco leaf, rostloas black ing In- n y bang. to break with tho passlonnto wore covorod with gray-gree- foath-er- camo out with a "No!" ho iSvory remnant of color loft her oyos and wool neatly pinned and sot you havo tho slightest doubt tensity of electric storms In tho South. If nrocprs, cnwotind with curly yel- cried, "whntover elso ho Is, ho's not fnco. Sho had known a nogro child off by nn amber comb. that Lydia 12. Plnkhnm's Vcgcta- Iovo-vln- preposterous Thcro was no shelter, but oven hnd low tendrils of Acrasa tho such a ass as that!" of a water-moccasln'- a "Honey," cnlled Emmallno, "I'bo who had died thcro been, sho would not hnvo sought blo Compound will help youwrlto ravlno, on a lowor lovol, began a Sho faced him squarely now. Her somo yearo tho child of a boon fcnrln' fo' yo' wld nil that light-nl- n' blto before It. Tho of to Lydln E.Plnkhrtm ModlclnoCo. eyes were sparkling. "Olnco you know turbulonco naturo around Jobs'-mlno- grovo of splendid trees that marched houso-Bcrvan- t. It had been wading In r'arln' croun'. Yo' got th ? ovor-otraluc- d ap-pro- her matched, In n way, hor (confidential) Lynn, Manila for ad up Into tho long stretch of neglected him so Intimately and so highly In tho gorgo. Tho doctor Olvo 'cm to Em'llno. Sho'H fix " tho crcok feeling, and sho welcomed vice. Your will bo opened, forest ho had scon from tho house. of him had Bald then thnt If ono of tho othor em nil nlco, Jos' how Mis' Judith llko." letter mis-tak- o tho (lerco bulgo of tho wind In tho "You love It?" ho asked, without "No, no," ho Interrupted. "You "All Emmallno," ropllcd Shir-ley- . rend nnd answered by a woman children. whorls of her hair rght. withdrawing his eyes. mo. I shouldn't try to Justify Sho grasped arm. down," and tho "And I'll go aud dress. Has and hold In atrlct confidence. his "8lt drenching wetness of tho "I'vo lovod It all my llfo. I lovo him." His flush hnd rtacn to tho roots commanded, "hero, on this log, rain. Sho mother mlssod mo?" sho tried to flx bar mind on near things, To euro coitlveiMi the mdlctn mint be everything nbout Damory Court. of his brown hntr, but ho did not a pure tlvc It mutt contain toalc, and see." the bending grasses, tho scurrying "No'm. Sho nln' lef huh room this more than Ruined as It Is, It Is still ono of tho lower his gazo. Now tho red color caught Ho red Iterative anil cathartic properties Hor pnlo fright him. runnels nnd llnpplng shrubbery, but wholo blessed day. Now yo' barth's most beautiful estates In all Virginia. slowly ebbed, leaving him pnlo. "He ohoyed, dragged off tho low shoo and all ready all 'cop'n th' hot watah, has been nn truo enough hor thoughts wilfully escaped tho There's nothing finer even In Italy. Idler that's barod tho tingling Hpot. Tho firm en I Ben' Ilnnston with that th' fUB n week ago ho was 'Idiotic- tothor, turning again nnd ngaln to tho Just behind us, whero thoso hemlocks and till whlto flesh wns pulling up around two thing. Yo' hurry on pool them wot Pills events of the Inst two hours. She pic- Tutt's Ij ally Dut Idling Is over now. bluo-rlmmo- stand, whero tho duol tho children rich.' his tiny d punctures. Ho closo off yo'so'f, or yo' havo ono o' V poke of was fought." At this moment, excopt this ono tured Unc' Jefferson's oyes rolling up poMii thee qualltlea, and ipcedlly re Mora for reached Into his pockot, thou remem- thorn digested chills." to the bowel their natural pcrletaltlc motion, Ho hla mo property, ho Is llttlo hotter a In ridiculous nlnrm, his winnowing turned head. "Toll about than bered that ho had no knlfo. As tho Her young flown nnd tho so Mtcntlal to iniiileill) it," ho snld. beggar." arm ItiBhlng his Indlgunnt mulo In hla mistress next best thing ho knotted his hand- hot wator dospntched, tho negro worn-n- n Sho glanced at him curiously "Didn't Sho hnd taken n hasty step or two flight for tho doctor. kerchief quickly nbovo tho ankle, At tho montal plcturo spread n cloth on tho floor and ANCIENTS KNEW OF GLAZING you know? Thnt was tho reason tho back from him, nnd her eyes woro now through loop sho choked thrust a stick tho and with hysterical laughter, thon cringed began to cut and dress tho long stalks placo was abandoned. Valiant, who fixed on his with n dawning halt-fearf- ligature cut deeply, twisted it till tho suddenly against tho sopping bark. of tho flowers. This dono shu fetched Proof That Early Inhabitants of Mex- lived hero, nnd tho owner of nnothur question In them. lips jHiarly-whlt- o whllo sho knelt bosldo him, hor Sho saw again tho guzo bowls nnd varas, and sot tho ico Process In Manu- plantntlon, who was named Sassoon, "Till tho fnlluro of tho Valiant Cor- Boundlessly, doctor's lift Usd tho moving saying over and from clumps hero nnd thoro on tho quarroled. They fought, tho story Is, poration, ho hnd never heard of Da- his first cxumlnntlon of tho tiny facture of Pottery. over to herself woida llko theso: "I dining-roo- hall man-to- l big Sas- punctures to send a swift penetrant sideboard, tho under thoso hemlock trcos. mory Court, much less been nwnro must not bo frlghtcnod. Ho doesn't living-roo- glanco at her, boforo ho bent hla great nnd tho desk of tho Tho discovery by Honry C. Morcor soon was killed." that ho owned It. It wasn't bocauso realize tho danger, but I dol I must body to carry tho unconscious man to till tho dellcnto fragranco filled tho of Dnylestowu, I Ho looked out across tho dlstnnco; ho loved It that ho camo here no! bo qulto collected. It is n mllo to tho 'a., that tho undent tho houso. Agntn n fit of shuddering houso, qulto vanquishing tho roso-sco- of .Mexico Klazlnj; ho could not trust his tuco. "And How could It bo? Ho had never sot I might run to lnhnbltuuta used a doctor's. tho houso swept over her. Then, nil nt onco, from tho arbors. process Valiant?" foot In Virginia In his mortal life." and send Unc' Jefferson, but it would In tho mnnufneturo of tholr camo, strangling sobs bent As tho trim colored woman moved Iiuh "Ho wont away tho samo day and Sho put up her hands to her throat tnko too long. Uosldes, tho doctor tears that pottery revolutionized tho vlowa nnd swayed her. It was tho dtschargo lightly In tho growing dusk, nevor camo back; ho lived In Now with a start. "Came?" sho echood, might not bo Is no ono nbout of ceramic expurtu nt tho University -- thoro. Thoro of tho Leydon Jnr, tho K.slng of low click of glnss and muf- York till ho died. Ho was tho father "Camo!" to do anything but mo." tho with tho of I'onnsylvuula, and mny load, says 4ft tenso bow-strin- g and It brought ro- fled clash of stlvor, tho light tat-tn- t of of tho court's present owner. You "Dut If you think thnt oven ho could Sho crouchod besldo him, putting Ainerlcun Art Nowb, to tho discovery ller. After a tlmo sho grow quletor. enno Bounded, and sho ran to tho nover heard tho story?" bo so crassly stupid, so monumentally hnnds by hla on tho stick nnd a of beds of clay suitable for uso today. her He would got well! Tho thought whoro Mrs. Dandrldgo was de- "No," ho admitted. "I till quite re- blind to all Is really lino and wrenching It over with all hor hall, air. Morcor, who Is on export on til that that perhaps slra had saved his llfo scending tho stairway, ono Bllm whlto cently 1 tiovor heard of Damory strength. "Tighter, tlghtor," said. tng and a former curator of tho Uni- beautiful" sho gavo hor a thrill that ran over holding banister, under tho bo Dut, to dis- hor hand tho versity museum, during n rocout study Court" "Oh!" sho cried with flashing "It must tighter." hor whole body. And until yostcrdny "That was tho last duol ever fought may, Improvised sho odgo of a whlto silk shawl which of Mexican potteries at tho museum, "Oh, how could you! at tho last turn tho dnlnt-lly-sho- had nover seen him! Sho kneolod In droopod Its heavy fringes to hor d In Virginia. Dueling was a dreadful cord snapped, nnd tho rolcased stick had his attention called to tho varl-onc- o You" tho blurred half-ligh- t, pushing hor wot On tho lowor stop sho custom. I'm glad It's gono. Aren't flow a dozen foot nway. feet. In workmanship In cortnln col Ho nodded curtly. "Yes," ho snld. hair back from hor forehead and smil- smilingly you?" Her loaped chokingly, thon halted, looking nbout at tho lections. Ho promptly clasBlflcd tho "I am that haphazard harlequin, John heart ing up In tho rain thnt still foil fast blossoming bowls. "Yes," ho snld slowly, "It was a dropped Into hammer-llk- o thudding. pottorlos as possessing two different Valiant, hlmsolf." In a fow moments sho rose nnd wont on. thoy smell up th wholo thing that cut two ways. Perhaps Va- Ho bnck on ono nrm, trying "Don kinds of clay, aud was surprised to lcanod At tho gato of tho Hosowood lano said Emmallno. "I know'd liant, If ho could havo had his choice to Inugh, but sho notod that his brcnth houso?" find that a distinct glazo was still ap- CHAPTER XIV. stood a mall-bo- x on a codar post and y'o bo pleas', Mis' Judith. Now put aftorward, would rathor havo been ly- camo shortly ns if ho had been run- parent. sho paused to flsh out n draggled Rich- yo' han' on mah shouldah on I'll take ing there that morulug than Sas- ning. "Absurd!" ho snld, frowning. Tho ancient Egyptians, Bnye Mr. On the Edge of the World. mond nowspnper. As sho thrust It un- yo' to yo' big cha'h." soon." Thcro was a pauso not to bo reck- "How such a fool thing can hurt!" der nrm oyo caught of Morcor, did not glazo tholr works, tho "Ho hor hor a word They crossed tho hall, tho dusky must havo sufforod, too," sho by suffocatingly Suddenly sho throw herself on tho head-llno- . Chinese adopting tills precaution oned minutes but a With a flush sho toro It form bonding to tho frngllo prossuro of at a agroed, "or ho wouldn't havo exiled ground nnd grasped the foot with both Im- long. Sho had grown as pale as he. from its soggy wrappor, fho wottod "Now henh's yo' cha'h. later duto to mnko tholr vossola hlmsolt as ho did. I usod to Ho could twitch tho fingers. wonder "That wbh ungenorous of you," she hands. see her faco fiber parting In hor cngor Angora, and up pervious to wator. Civilization had !ovo-fiinrro- Ilnnston ho mndo n llttlo flnh Jos' If It was a l whether they Icy wltn shuddering, and hor eyes dilating how-ove- r, said then with slownoss. "Though resting hor foot on tho lower rail of to tnko damp out, cn th' big lamp's boon cHtubllshed by this tlmo, could have been In lovo with tho Bnmo no doubt you found It entortnlnlng. with some determined purposo. th' tho gato, spread It open 011 hor kneo. lit, on Miss Shlrloy'll bo down right aud the uso of tho glazing art 11 woman." It must hnvo you "What aro you going to do?" stock-stil- by still further amused Sho stood l until sho had quick." pruhlstorlc Mexicans may unfold "But why should ho go nway?" bo "This," sho said, and ho felt her to takon for on architect?" read tho wholo. It was tho story of In fnct, 3hlrley de- interesting commies. "I can't Imnglno, unless Bho had shrinking Hps, warm and tremulous, A moment later, "I nm flattered," ho replied, with a John Valiant's sncrlflco of his private scended tho otnlr, In n filmy gown of really loved tho other man. If bo, she trace of bitterness, pressed hard against his Inatup. In- "to havo suggested fortuno to savo tho ruin of tho Indla-musll- of The Nearer Hills, couldn't havo homo seeing Ho away sharply, savngo with a nnrrow bolting Valiant drew with volved corporation. flowing "And, my dear, what mountains In afterward." Sho paused with a little donlnl. "No not Not You gold, against whoso sleeves that! Its effect upon her wns a shock. Sho a Unshod domestiu lllfo glvo you most trou- laugh. "Dut then," sho said, "It may nhan't! My lord you flhan't!" Ho hor bnro arms showed with folt hor throat swoll as sho road; thon huo of pnlo ble?" havo been nothing so Va- dragged numbing plnkncss tho tho coral romantic. his foot from hor sho wns chilled by tho momory of damp "Tho kltchon rnngo.'' Judgo. liant's grandfather, who was known as desporato grasp, lifting himself, push- bonds about hor nock. Tho what sho hnd said to him: "What nowspnper was In hand. Dovll-John- , Is to ing fought her said havo called a her from him; hut sho with has ho over dono except play polo and stop man out bocauso ho rodo past him, clinging, panting sen- At hor hor mothor turned hor him brokon furnish spicy paragraphs for tho so- listening intontly on tho wrong side. Our tences: hend: sho wrn to r nncestors in ciety columns?" camo tho gardon a Virginia, I'm afraid, didn't stand on "You must! tho only way. It volcos thnt fror It's I said, ad- Kan-oton- 's ceremony "What a beast wast" sho child's shrill treblo opposing Simplified when they felt uppish." was a moocasln, nnd it's deadly. dressing tho wot hodgo. "Ho hnd Just grumbfo. He did not smile. Ho was looking Evory stentorian mlnuto counts!" dono that splondld thing, It was be (TO BB CONTINUED.) out onco mora ovor tho luminous "I won't. No, stop! How do you Breakfasts stretch of fields, his sldo-fac- o towards know? It's not going to hore, listen! her. Curious and painful questions Tnko your hnnds away. LIston I Lis- wore running through his brain. With ten! I can go to tho houso and send Make for good days an effort, ho thrust these back and Uncle Jefferson for tho doctor nnd he his attention to what sho was No! stop, I say! Oh I'm sorry If I From a packago eaylng. hurt you. How strong you arol" of fresh, crisp "You wondor, I suppose, that we "Let mol" feel as wo do toward thoso old estates, "No! Your Hps aro not for tha- t- and set store by them, and yes, and good God, that damnablo thing! You brag of thorn insufferably as we do. yoursolf might bo " But it's In our blood. You Northern "Let mo! Oh, how cruel you nro! DIDN'T FIND IT INTERESTING ised tho first volumo yet You Jest dig Post ers think wo'ro desporatoly con- It was my fault. Dut for mo It would out I" The Next Moment, With Clenched dug, too. Nino year ago ceited," she smiled, "but It's true. nover havo" Had No Hesitation In Declar- "'He it Teeth, He Was Viciously StamplnQ. Settler was. I ain't moro'n half through We're still as proud of our land, and "Not I would rather" ing Encyclopedia Had Its Dry her its old, old places, and lovo them as Hlo Heel Again and Again. "Lot mol Oh. If you dlodl" Spots. yot. Tho wife, she's about quarter Toasties through. took a lot o' brains to well as our ancestors ovor did. Do ovon With all tho forco of hor strong It for a moment, bo worthy a call- book, my opinion, you wondor wo resont their passing ing." young body sho wronchod away his Dudley Field Mnlono, tho now col- wrltn thla but it's nil the samo, and I don't mind tollln' fill a bowl and add cream or to people who don't euro for thorn In At his answer she put out protcstant hands. A thirst and a sick-ls- h lector of tho port of Now York, enld to her hand yo, I think sho's got her dry milk. the Southern way?" with sudden gesture, as if bluntly fooling woro upon him, a curious a reporter: that 'Dut supposo tho newcomers do streaks, llko most everything cIbo.'" thrusting tho matter from hot' con-cor- Irrosponslblo glddlnosB, nnd her hair too now to my Job to talk about care for them?" "I'm and turning wont back along tho which thnt Btrugglo hnd brought In It yot If I talked about It I might, Then, with somo fruit, a cup Her lips curled. "A young million- Chinese Soldiers Are Qood Fighters. d path. tumbled masses about hor shoulders, mountaineer, glvo awny my of Instant Poatum, and a who ltvod llko tho Till within tho last two years or aire has all hla llfo in Now Ho followed glumly, gnawing hla soemed to hnvo llttlo flamos running ignorance. bo, poached egg if you I tho gonornl Impression waa or two York, to caro for Damory Court A Hp, wanting' to Bay ho know not what, all over it. His foot had entiroly lost county, that the youth Idiotically rich, brought up "A man wnH hunting in PIko Chlncso soldier was intended to like, you have a simple break- In a but wretchedly tongue-tied- , noting Its feeling. Thoro was a Btraugo weak- run nnd up nround Porters lako ho visited nway. 1911 fast that is wholesome and superheated atmosphere of noiso and tho groat whlto was ness In hla limbs. Tho revolution of dis- that moth still a Bottler's houso. sipated somo absurdity. satisfying. money!" waving Its creamy wings on tho dead Moments of or of thla The "Ho noticed a volumo of a good dls-pors- Ho started uncontrollably, 80 that stump wondering If consciousness with strange ovents of tho presont year have and sho would Jumbled encyclopedia on a shelf abovo tho gun, was what she thought! He felt him- tako tho capo JossamlncB. Ho lmnglnlngs, followed. At times ho felt tho romalnder. It 1b now of corn felt an and Bald: recognized Toasties are bits self flushing, He had wondered what embarrassed relief when, passing tho tho preBsuro upon tho woundod foot, that there Is no flnor mate carefully cooked, delicately Impression neigh- must bo a handy thing away off bo would be hla of the roots whero thoy lay, she stooped to wan sonslblo of tho suction of tho '"It rial than that which could solectedi seasoned, and toasted to on borhood and Its people; their possible raise them. young mouth striving dosporatoly to hore to havo an encyclopedia.' from among tho sturdier of China's opinion of bl9self had never occurred "'Yop,' said tho mountalnoor. 'Yep, eons. Nothing la wanted but training, appetizing "brown" without Then all at onoe tho blood scorned draw tho poison from the wound. hand. to him. to shrink from hla heart. With a Prom tlmo to time ho was conscious ho's handy. I only got tha first book.' arms of precision, good loading and a being touched'by They "You think there's no chance of his hoarse cry he leaped toward her, of a whlto desperate faco haloed with " 'Why haven't you got tho others?' good cauao. With these, China could look good, taste good, and choosing to tay her because he elzed her wrist and roughly drnKKod hair that was a mist of woven spar- '"I ain't finished this one yet, bo I woll hold Its own. Tho improvements actually llkei Itr her back, feeling as ho did so, a sharp kles. At times ho thought himself ain't ready for anothor. I bought thla that have been mado during recent "The Memory Lingers" "Not the allghteet," ah said indif- fiery sting on hla Instep, Tho next a recumbent stone atatuo In a wood, one off'n an agent about eight yours years in such things can bo appre- ferently. moment, with clenched teeth, he waa and her a great tall golden-beade- d ago. Ho come round six months aft- ciated only by those who know what "Yen ara so eertala of thla without viciously stamping hla heel again and flower lying broken at his feet Again erwards and says, Raya he: "Here'a the old troops, from tho Dannormon Bold by Grocers vtur kavlag a klmf again, driving into the aott earth a ho was a granite boulder and she a yer second volumo, mister." downward, were llko. Notional Re- Bverywherel if 9Hk Mm gLaae4 at kin avectlf, aa-- twUUng root-lik- e something that Tine with yellow leaves winding and " "Whatr aya L "Why, I alnt nn- - view, China. THE TUCUMCARI NEWS

It's READY TO MEET THEM ALL Graduate's Gown of Embroidered Voile ODD to see one THE SERVANT Don't Blame woman rub away for Girl Had Idea That Introduction QUESTION SOLVED to Distinguished Englishman With dear life working Peculiar Name Was a Joke. the Stomach So Far as This Lady is Concerned hard wasting time Colonel Younghusbttnd, hero of tho -- She Docsn t Seem to British expedition to I.hnssn, nnd tho while another takes it Need One. first wliito mnn who ovor entered Thi- because it has become weak easy makes dirt fall bet's uncrcd city, is rather omburrnscd and is unable to do its work Pollock, Ln. Mrs. T. a. Dlnlr, of nt times becnuno of ills unusual muno. away more rapidly this town, liuj tho following to say, "Tho troublo Is," ho Bald tho other properly rather help it which should bo of lntorost to womou day, "thnt frivolous young people ro-fu- back to a normal condition m and "worklessly" with gonorully: "For months, mv health to tako your name seriously. At that, I think I hnvo advantage over daily of ldm RUB-NO-MOR- was vory bad, I tho by the use and tho medicines E. took LjT uiti not Bcuin to do mu any good. Sandwich, whoso name nlso RUB-N- -- ftoomB to bo subject O MORE I wns vory weak nnd nervous, nnd a for JcBt. Whllo In WASHING I'OWDF.R somo days, I could not bo up. Washington onco Lord Snndwlch is n buUIcab re- y. HOSTETTER'S dirt I asked my liUBbnud got attended n reception nt tho British mover (or clothes. to mo n bottlo of Cnrdul, tho womuu'o tonic, Ho wob Introduced to an It clcsnt your dithes, girl, sinks, to try, and boforo I hnd taken ono bot- American who labored under tho toilets and delusion wua Stomach Bitters cleans and sweetens tlo I wiib up and doing my work. He-fo- ro thnt tho Introduction a bIio your milk cracks. It I commenced hiking Cnrdul, I had Joko. But was nut to bo taken In. hills germs. It docs ouch bpoIIb I wnn not nblo to do any- 'lord Sandwich I' sho exclaimed, 'I'm It aids digestion, keeps the not need hot water. delighted to meet you. I tsupposo Lord thing. Now, I hnvo only taken thrco appetite normal and pro- RUB-NO-MO- Spongecake or Plo will bo here RUB-NO-MO- bottles or Cardul in nil, aud I fool Washing Powder Carbo Nnplha Soap flno. noxtl'" motes activity of the liver A fow months ngo I weighed 135 Flva Spiritual. and bowels. Try it today. Cents All Grocers pounds. Now I weigh 158, nnd I do Tho now minister In n Western pnr-- I Rub-No-Mo- re all my own The Co., Ft.Woyne, IntL work, cook, wuoh and Bit was making his first calls, nnd milk nnd fool I I llko did when was when ho homo 'uwoot reached tho of tho sixteen.' Pcovys ho said to Mra. Pcovy: Taking Cnrdul boa mo." rtestful Exercise. cured "I don't think thnt I havo seen Mr. Wittemore's As n rollof from tho distressing A hint for tho tired housowlfa when Poevy nt church yet, havo I Sister no syniptomn of womanly allmonta, noth- there's tlmo for napping: Mo flat Pcovy?" on tho floor n bed or couch won't do ShoePolishes ing hafl boon found during tho past CO ff "Well, no, you nln't," replied Sister for IB minutes. Flnctt Quality Variety years Lamest that would tako tho placo of Poovy. "Tho Is, I'eovy Cardul. fact llko to Exhnlo and continue to relax and, lay nbed lato of a Sunday morning, Its superiority Ib still unquestioned when tho tlmo Is up you'll fcol alto- nnd tlmo ho got up nn' httfl his break-fan- t aa a mild, building tonic cases of gether different. fur and gets through tho Sunday pa- womanly weakliest! whoro tired natUro Do not put a pillow or anything els pers nn' docs li la Sundny sltavln' an' undor needs holp. Mado vego-tabl- o tho head. from purely mobbo nn' hour or two of tlnkcrln' Ingredlonts, no Cnrdul has bad around tho houso ho puts you thnt alius It Is Good for Man. after ctlccta and can do nothing off to do of but good. a Sunday, an' then has a To heal cuts, sores, burns, lamoncss Binoko nn' mebbo cuts some o' tho Try Cardul. Adv. nnd other cxtcrnnl ailments quickly BlBr children's hair or beatB rugs for mo, uso Hanford's Balsam. It In a valu- or oven mops up FIGHT PLAGUE IN THE ORIENT tho kitchen if I'm able household remedy and should al- hurried tlmo he's dono nil that U'b ways bo kopt ln ovory homo. Adv. too lato for church. Fact Is, Pcovy ain't ls American Society fiplrltual-mlndc- d poet-trr- a real man nohow Appropriate. oho utmll bo character, thoso that will stand tub- GILT r.DGP. the cralr ledW tyx Hmetn rnel lr WHEREWITHAL OIL. Has Oeen Active in Movement for question upper-mo- at bing nnd look woll afterward arc contain! UlacU eed pditl n lnW nd nt lonst not tho Bnmo aB I am." Now "What would you recommend In the craUrm'a booti end iUt, uhlnci without rub-bin- ?. Health Preservation. In tho mind or tho mother of tho only onoB to bo considered. 25c, 'Trench ,luia," 0e. York Saturday Evening Post. for nn April brldo?" sweat girl graduato, nnd occupying S I'All comWottittfl (at clraniee. Afxl pnCaMncaH kinde "Why not carry a Bhowor?M Tho embroidery for this gown In tho of nm-- t t tan tfmM IOc. "Uamly" 2e, Tuberculosa Is ono of tho most bo-Ho- much of tho glrl'ri attention, too. Sho "yUlCK WHITL" (in firm wiik.twige, HUMOR DISFIGURED BABY body nnd border nro machlno mado, - lluld public cloaiu and whllciu duty aboee. health problems of tho must havo a gown, girlish In design, but very flno. 7iilckl- ciinvai Pctl Crow Ball Bine, much better, rt3b 25t; OrlonL Active organizations to fight further thnn liquid blue. Oct from any flno an to workmanship, nnd ulnboruto IIAI1Y KLITK romlinenna for ntt.mrn who tale Clarendon, N. C. "My bnby wnB Thoro Is nn ovordrnpory of scant prile in harini ibora AI. K'ltwet eolnr nl this dlHonsu havo boon formed In Krocur. Adv. enough to do honor to tho occasion. Imtra ll lk n fullness bordered with n band of em- te Dark iWa. I'cJjJi with LfxaJi dolk IOc. Japan, Uio Philippines, India and Aus- broken out with red, thick and Horo Is g a I'ronch concnntlnn fnr n "I.llto" lire 2ic. rough-lookin- humor when nbout two Moro 2,000,000 men young broidery narrower than that In tho II rout drel.r dsee not Vrro th lire yeal went, rnd tralia. A movement is on foot for a than hnvo been girl from tho establishment of price in lor I iU would como ln patches skirt. It la Bot on with tho samo the Unit a alt inckair. charge laid. national organization ln China and In months old. It killed In bnttlo In tho lust fifty years. Jlnulin. It is a mnsterplcco, but aim-pl- o WIIITTIiMORE IIUOS. fc CO. aud went almost all over her in thnt narrow Insertion In in long, 20-- a number of cities local work has been enough to bo easily followed by sowed Albany St. Comltrldue. Mai. way. shnllow scallops. Thl UlJtilanJ Larml Miinufutlunn a Btnrtud. Whllo no nccurato llgurca Tho places woro llko ringworm tho copyist. And tho copyist will do HKmIUuU, In Iht W'oiU. no they would spread they would nro avallnblo, thoso who nro In po- nnd STOP THAT BACKACHE woll to bo na faithful to tho original Tho overdress Is edged with a turn and mako and Itch. sition to know clnlm that consumption red tores nothing mora discouraging ns possible Ilounco mndo of point d'osprlt not Tho troublo went to her fnco nnd Thcro's takes annually from G0O.000 to 1,000,-00- 0 thnn a constant backache. You are lama Tho underskirt Is of whlto vollo, trimmed with Insertion and an edg- disfigured her badly. Her clothes Ir- ing of val. W.L.DOUGLAS lives In China alonu. ln India tho when you awako. I'aina pierce yon when showing a fow scattored sprays of lino flno ritated it. you (loath rato Is fully oh high, and on ac- bend or lift It's hard to rest and umbrolilory. Instead of n hem at tho Tho bodtco Ib of tho point d'osprlt, SHOES "I Baw tho advertisement of Cutl-cur- a next day it's tho samu old story. MaB'efa.ooja.sojM.op, count of casto distinctions nnd nntlvo bottom thoro Is a wldo band of tho draped with vollo and trimmed with V Soap nnd Ointment and I got a Pain in is IIIVII HuporBtltlons, tho problem of preven- tho back nature's warning vollo ornamented with closo-su- t sprays nn embroidered border liko that at s namplo nnd in ono night's tlmo I could of kidney ills. Neglect may pave the u tion nnd trentmunt Is peculiarly dim-cu- lt of embroidery. It is sot on to tho tho bottom of tho sklri. This ox-ten- litre sco a chnngo In tho redness and in way to dropsy, gravel, or other serious MlitoiiBoyi, Children Tho JnpnnoHO government has bottom of tho skirt with an Insertion from tho shouldotv down each $1.80 81.78 S2M.0O SO, fht. 3 two dayfl tho placo would bo nearly kidney sickness. 1a taken n hnnd olllclally in tho control o of very nnrrow flno vnl laco and Is sldo of tho bodlco nt tho front. Tho Uka. Ban Blia gono. I Bent and got ono twcnty-flv- Don't delay bgln using Doan's Kid- split nt tho front. Thin nnrrow sleevcR nro finished with n rufllo llko malar tl I m.rfA.3aVA of tuberculosis, and is cent enko of Cutlcura Soap and two ney Pills tho remedy that has been with two prlvato asso- curing .backache and kidney troublo tor Insertion extends nil around tho that which borders tho ovorsklrt. eaeta.toiKeaa fifty-ce- boxes ot Cutlcura Ointment, K the MM, ciations. Tho dentil rnto, whllo very over fifty years. border of embroidery and servos to Tho glrdlo Is mado of a wide bias 1 1,000,270 which cured my baby. Sho wns well high, Ib lowor thnn In nnd In- Join It to tho Inco edging, which fin- strip of blue sntln finished with a China In thrco months." (Signed) Mrs. Ber- A TEXAS CASE UUktiUMsTW. dia. Undcr tho direction of ishes tho gown nt tho bottom. nnrrow rufllo under which It SmiU iboM U till na UU. tho United Snwyer, Oct. 11, 1912. 413 fastens U tha J. It. !(.. W. In choosing gowns tiny eyes. TbU ib mwin mt it. jtm tb Stntoa public health servlco a movo-mo- nt Walnut Ht., laces for of this with hooks and Mm vklue tor 13.00, J.&u. it.W Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold Tcxn. paya: for tho prevention of tuberculo- throughout tho world. Sample of each jiiu a .in "Kor four jrtora I courmoui inrrcus w mi tw 0 palna ukiocr. our lUoaiNi tux sis ln tho Phlllpplnos has also been 32-p- . post- had Inlrnia Dot btm Iowmm) uid tbt pflc frco.wlth Skin Book. Address through th pmall of to you Kouln ibt uh, organized. card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. my hack. I could A.k your dMbf ia whan vno hardly pnai tho kid- Bewitching, Inexpensive Morning Garb to ktad ot W. h. Uouitu tbraa h Tho National Association for tho ney lfjito tor il w. u.Su, H.OJind ircratloni and 84.&a You will then lis Study and Provontlon of Tuborculo-bIs- , A Sign. morphine w th cantnrd only thins that re- luut; (jtooduoiiiir mUca told l with headquarters in Now York, Patience Havo you scon Mrs. lieved me. I had uorr prwet. luuujr ouirr.- - nlthough Stylos' now gravel, too. Finally. U Iht prlt organized especially for work hnt? I began urine Doan'a TAKK NO BUBKTITUTK. ln thla country, has boon largely In- I'atrlco No, but I saw her husband, Kidney IMlla and vttMt X L. Dulu una they permanently aunp4tlM U Uttoa. irw.U tMrU strumental In tho establishment of this morning, nnd ho had a terribly cured me. I havet't .r. mi iof mi ia yattr ntrau. ardtr auaered alnca." iv,tliKirramratlar)', laaaaforaftrrinttaUr movements in most long fuce. It must bo a corker. ii in. i.ranr a, an nia. paauia mt, Wrlu far lllanralad atala( taaolaf kw of tho oriental countries, as well as In Get Doan'a at Asy Stora, SOe a Box I. mm vj mm, w. u. vuuuuii. lip Syuk Itraat. tnxllaa. Him. Africa and South America. Obstinate. kpdJLe9y Fred What kind of a Is fellow ho? DOAN'SFOSTER-MILUUH- CO., BUFFALO, N. Ye Had Made a Good Start. Ned If you should toll him that Boo- ing was beliovlng, ho wouldn't look. -- In a cortnln family thoro Is ono of CSS WhGQJo 20-19- Judgo. W. N. U., City, 14 thoso rnro old maids a typo that Ib Oklahoma No. ItaAaUaUlaUaM almost cxtincL Two Bad lovo nffnlrs WESTERN CANADA NOW havo mado llfo nppcnr rathor curdled, ADDRESSED TO WOMEN a mmmmmmmammmmmmmma and bIio'h about ns cheerful an a rainy Tho oDnortunltv of socurlnff free tiny at tho Boashoro. A flvo-yoar-o- homesteads of 160 acres each, and i graudniuco Is her ono confidante, be- the Expectant U- ! 1 In Period - I.... I - f cause bIio'h tho "only ono who under-Htnnd- Before the coming of tho little one women need to be pos- Saskatchewan and Alberta, will mo." Tho other tiny nt dinner, soon havo passed. sessed of all their natural strength. Instead of being harassed after cnstlng a reproachful glauco nt by forebodings and weakened by nausea, sleeplessness, Canada offors a hoarty welcome family, to tho Settlor, to tho man with a tho other mumbors of tho sho or nervousness if you will bring to your aid family looking for a homo; to tho murmured: "Yob, darling. I never farmer's son, to tho ronter, to all who thoughf enough of myself. I'm only wish to livo under bettor conditions. now beginning to. 1 hopo when you Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Canada's grain yield In 1913 is grow up you'll think something of " you will find that most of tho suffer- tho talk of tho wcid. Luxuriant yourself. "Oh, auntlo!" exclaimed ing will not mako its appearance. Grasses civo choap fodder for largo tho llttlo ono, "1 don't havo to wnlt hords; fattening Dr. Plorco'd Favorito Proscription is tho result lifo study cost of raisins and 'till thou, 'cnupo 1 think a whole lot of a of for markot is trifle. ailments, disordora nnd irrogulnrlties peculiar to women. Its continued a of mysulf now!" Tho sum roalized for Beef, Butter, Buprcmncy in its particular field for moro than forty years is your ussuranco of tho benefit to bo derived from its uso. Milk and Gheoso will pay fifty per , cent an the investment. Beyond tho Scope of Women. Ncithor narcotics nor alcohol will bo found in this vegetable proscrip- Write for literature nnd partic Tho Judges of tho Imperial supremo tion, in liquid or tablet form. Sold by druggists or a trial box will be eontyou by mall on receipt 60 one-ce- nt ulars as to roducod railway court nt Lolpslc havo donned what of stamps. rates to Superintendent constitutes "slncero rcststauco" to a AtfdreM Dr. Pierce's iBYK.Itta Hate, Baffnie, N. Y. of Immigration, Ottawa, kiss. Dr. Pierce's Pleauat Pellets regulate uver anit bawsla Canada, or to An no export tostlmony Booms to Q, Aa COOK hnvo been demanded, tho learned For 125 W.othStraet Judgo'fl own knowlodgo of tho subject Pink Eve. Enlaoollo Kansas City, Mo. Shipping Fever was evidently nulllclent. DISTEMPER & Canadian Qoranunent Catarrhal Fever Aft rare ear and pnelUee mat W bow horara at any age are Infaeted efeumaeii." Liquid, irlY.n nn the tnnrDei aria ou loe lllooO anil UlanOai etpela Ite Tho 8tep for Him. lHilMinuuauerma from (be body. CiirralHatemiwr In tioga and Btirep and Cholera la young I'ciullry. Irueat MlMnr live atotk remedy. Curve (Irlpii ainonir human helne. Never Does. "ThlB man can't docldo what and hia fine kidney remedy. j end II a bouin and 1 19 a dnien. futlhleout. Keepll. M.nw 10 jour c1rwljt.!in will ceutforjoll. yt Uooklel, "DUteuipaia Mr, Flatto You woro talking tn danco ho wants to learn." Ceueea and Cure. " apeclal Agent wented; hesita- sloop Inst nlRlit, doar, "Why not toach him tho SPOIIN MEDICAL GO,, GOSHEN, IND U, S. A. Mrs. Flnttu Oh, Is that sol J didn't tion?" b'.M?. Buy much, did I? "aVBaBawXtBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBaKr SUFFERERS "No, donr; I snld you woro talking." Without a Doubt. Why EMS. Wllllo Paw, what ls'an end mnn? Scratch? A Sample. Paw Tho undertaker, my sou. Cin- "Hunt's Cure" Is guar- morning glorias will have to bo along ono odgo, with tho lower points, 'h' A!1! 'wl voenaarui. cvua evicted bv TUB If "Is thoro such n thing ns mnrlno cinnati Enquirpr. anteed to stop end lndood they charm our undor tho arms, sowed together. There and decide lor courtosy?" - a oycH moro thnn tho maids who mnko is a glrdlo of twisted ribbon about the permanently cure that th".THKKkPlfllU--ZJTT-Z aa- . . . 7..urejr ii i ig "Oh, Micro's vmin nwM yosj a ship's bow." For sores apply Hanford's Balsam Bil'l'-l?.- " ,i fT.Ci such morning apparel for themselves waist, ending In n bow at tho front, terrible itching. It is ? PLH'2'';?-..- y.Wleallona. as Is pictured horo. whoro tho Jacket fusions with a hook lightly. Adv. compounded for that nogllgco eyo. If your horso Is kicked or cut by purposo This morning cap and from and and your monejr Bft Many n Is DAISY FLY KILLER SK-5- Raulln of Pnrld Is beautiful enough to Tho lovely ltttlo cap appears bo barbed wire, upply Hanford's UaUain. Bhnllow romarl: backod will bo promptly refunded lil to 81. a. Heat, elean, inspira overy ono with a deslro to own only a eminro of flno linen lawn or Adv. tip by a deep volco. WITHOUT QUESTION If Hunt's Cura falls cura ebeap ono llko it. mouBsolluo edgod with a very wide to taiti all Ho Josts nt senrs who hns novor Putnam Fadolesa Dyoa mako no itch, Eczema, Tetter, Ring leaaea Mad of For tho Jnckot thoro Is a foundation vnl lace, Tho laco Ib drapod back ovor Wnrm nr anv nfttoe C3Llrt irteUI,eaate4ltorUp boon at wnr with himself, muss. AAy. erir, will But toll ee inc(jue of not, or maybo vollo, with tho faco and tnckod to placo. Plaits Disease. 30c at your druggist's, or. by mail Injure anytblDB. direct he hain't SSSaHSr! Ooaraateaa ee7eetlf e. short, looso nleovos. Tho sloovos nro arc laid in tho muslin at tho sides and Doing boats wishing, but It's moro Despair moans tho turning ot ono'a if it Manufactured nntvhv low-o- A. 0. RICHARDS MEOipiXE CO, Alldaatarseraau Untuned with rows of val Inco, tho r bnck to Bhapo it to tho head, and nar- llko bnck on Simst few aipreea paid tot ti.m. work. tho future. KaKOLD lOUISl, D.IaJb Ave., Btaektva, M. . row bordorod with n nnrrow g row satin ribbon with llttlo ribbon let braid of a fancy design. flowers drawn over tho cap about tho Tho scams of tho Jacket nro sot to- head. gether with a narrow Insertion of Tho small group of flowers at the laco. left sldo is mountod ovor long, hang- Two long scarves of figured net ing loops and ends of ribbon, finishing I4ged with fllct Uoo are fulled in at the decoration of this bewltchlnf seams under loops of rib- morning dross. bon. They nro tacked to the Jacket JULIA BOTTOMLCY. Noaus ef those ugly, srlxxJy, gray hairs. Una "LA OREOLK" HAIR DRKSBINa. PRIOK, SI.OO, rjalU THE TUCUMCARI NEWS 1 14B. - r l 1 I oome Special Midoummer Bargain v aiue& i II FITH IITNF FIRST HFRF AND ONI Y TWO MORR QHORT MONTHS TO DISPOSE OF OUR BIG SUP-- I PLY of Summer Good we are making a special effort to reduce our stock and this week we quote a few f prices which are the very best bargains in every department that it is possible to give. You are not on erea out-of-dat- e, shopworn goods which has little or no value, but all new, seasonable and desirable goods tor immediate use. Ihese VALULb should not be passed over lightly. Buy the best at reasonable prices.

The Things that Our Line of Monarch Our Shoe Count and Arrow Brand Shirts Department Quality of Fabric, is full and complete with sizes and is full to ovcrilowing with Skill Tailoring, of manu-factures- s and service at Knack Styling makes from the most reliable style, comfort of and if you desire comfort prices to satisfy all. We in all Net-tleto- We insist on these things and service it will pay you to look specialize the Walkover, n our clothes. It's easy to find over our stock. Prices &4 Afl and Queen Quality, one or two of these essentials range from $3.50 down tf 3 I aUU and you know what this means. In order to close out a of clothing in some products, few of the odd sizes from our regular stock and turn same but to find the three in one is into cash, we are making specially low prices. a rarity. Nettleton Oxfords in tans, blacks and patents Summer $4-7- STEIN . BLOCH CLOTHES Underwear worth $6.50, our price while they last 0 are an embodiment of all three On account of the backward season Boys Oxfords y nttdn'l and for style reasons appeal to we are overstockod on summer un- w mi amy derwear and will make a few special These Oxfords are made for boys to w ear. Gun Rkckflti mi men of discernment and appeal at prices to unload some of our surplus Metal, button or lace, good sole, well to fiat J." to all who have ever worn these stock. You can't feel right on one stitched, good back stay $2 $3 "hold-togethernes- clothes for the durability of fabric and the s" of the hot days now beginning un- of the tailoring. less the garments next to you are of the comfort kind that helps you to laugh at the thermometer and defy the You will find underwear sun. We have assortment of Ladies' and Misses' shoes comfort and therefore Summer hap- an Boy's Free worth up to $5.00, which we'have on sale at &4 QC Watch piness in any one of our suits. Note I these prices: the special price of iUV We will give a $1.00 watch FREE with every boys suit, Coopen Closed Crotch Union Suits 1.00 to 2.50 Wilson Bros. Closed Crotch Union M costing $4.00 or more, purchased from us. Suits, price per suit I UUff .... INTERWOVEN HOSIERY 25, 35 AND 50 CENTS

Special prices in POROS- - Men's Caps, worth up to Knit Union Suits Eflft $1.00 to close JUU OWCen Per Suit TheBONEM'S out at Store of Service The Store of Quality I I

STATE OP NEW MEXICO First day of May, A. D. 1914. hereunto subscribed our names this 8th Certificate of Incorporation buildings or necessity upparutus, ap- on this tho day aud year ubov'o writ- - Certificate of Comparison (SEAL) HUGH II. WILLIAMS lay of May, 1014. of pliances and things used in connection ten in this certificate. SANDS-DORSE- ' Acting Chairman hdwnrd Dorsoy THE Y DRUG therewith, aud to veil, lease, hire, or (Seal) II. II. Hayes,' United States of America ) Attest: A. E. Dorsoy . COMPANY othurwibu dispose of tho lands, build- Notary Public, Stato of Kansas )ss. EDWIN F. COARD, Clerk Benj. Sands (No. 7801) ings or other property of tho company, County of Frnuklin of Now Mexico ) Stato Leon Sands with the endorsements thereon, as snmo or any part thureof ,or to mortgage the Mv Commission expires January 13th, THIS IS TO CERTIFY that tho purposes of tho company; IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, nppeurs on tile and of record in tho Mimu for thu 1017. Thnt being all of tho stockhold- STATE OF NEW MEXICO ) to enter intc make, perform, aud car- tbo annexed is a full, und com-plot- o ollico of tho Stato Corporation ENDORSED: No. 7801 true ers, directors nnd incorporators of Tho )ss. ry out eontructs of overy kind und for of Sauds-Dorse- y Cor. Vol. 0 Pago 208 transcript tho Drug Company, a corpor- County of Quay ) purposes of tho company; to Rec'd. IN TESTIMONY WJ1EUEOF, the the lawful Certlficuto of Incorporation ation sought to ho organized under tho On - o CERTIFICATE OF STOCKHOLDERS' this 13th day of May. 1014. bo- Commis- - purchase, hold, and tho shares y Chairman nnd Clerk of scid laws (if the state of New Mexico, horo-b- fore mo personally appeared Loon of corporation, of OF of tho capital stock this Snnds-Dorse- y - rion have hereunto set their hands und The Drug Company declare thnt tbcro shall bo no stock- Sands lo mo known to be tho person things necessary for the n Mixed tho seal of said Commission, nt and to do all Filed in Offico of SANDS-DORSE- Y holder liability on account o' any TUB DRUO uuscriuou in ami who executed tho fore- tho City of Santa Fo on this Twenty- - conduct of said business. COMPANY stock issued in such corporation. going instrument and acknowledged State Corporation Commission of FirHt dav of May, A. I). 1011. ARTICLE FOUR Now Mexico (No. 7892) THIS CERTIFICATE shall bo Mod tun t ho executed the snmu as his free (SEAL)" HUGH H. WILLIAMS Tho total authorized capital stock of act and deed. May 21, 1014; 0:40 A. M. with tho Stnto Corporation Commission Acting Chairman tho company shall bo Four Thousand, EDWIN F. COARD, Clerk with tbo endorsements us snmo In witness wlmreof, horcunto set di- tboroon, of tho SHnto of New Mexico as is pro I Attest: One Hundred Dollars, ($1,100.00) Compnrcd T J S to E. F. C. file-- my .iuud and olliclal soul uu appears on and of roeord in tho this tbo EDWIN F. COARD, Clerk forty-ou- o shares of tho par vided in Section 23 of Chapter 70 of vided into ollico of the Stato Corporation Commis- day and year above written in this cor valuu of one hundred dollars each. Compared sion. tho Acts of tho 30th Legislative As tlflcute. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Indoxod Harry H. McElroy. of ARTICLE FIVE sombly, o entitled "An Act to regulate 8ANDB-D0RSE- post-olllc- addresses STATE OF NEW MEXICO ) IN TESTIMONY WHEN EOF, the (Seal) Notary Public Quay County THE DRUG Tho names nnd tho Formation und Cor- und tho number of )S9. Chairman and Clerk of said Commis- Government of :sew .Mexico COMPANY of tho incorporators M'3 hhares subscribed by each, tho aggre- County of Quny ) sion nave cot porations for mining, manufacturing, My commission explroH May S, DIG This is to ccrtifly that tbo undersign horeurto their hnnds and gate of such subscriptions being tbo hereby cortify ufllxed tbo scnl of mild industrial nnd othor pursuits." ed do hereby associate themselves into I that this instrument Commission, nt STATE OF KANSAS ) amount of capital stock with which wns llled for record on the 28th duy of tho City of Santa Fo on this a company, undor and by vlrtuo of tha Twenty. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, wo have )hs. the company shall commence business, May, A. I)., 1014 at 0 d'clock, A. M., Franklin County ) provisions of un act of tho Legislature of tho Stato of New Mexico, ontitlod are us Tollows: und was duly rocorijod in Hook 0 of of l-- On this 8th day of May, 1011, before Number Miscellaneous Records pagos of "An Act to Regulate tho Formation Shares mo personally appeared Kdwnrd Dor and Government of Corporations for Names Postollko Address the records of said County. -- 10 soy, A. E. Dorsoy and Benjamin Sands Mining, Manufacturing, industrial Leon Sands, Tucumrari Vow Mexico D. J. FINEGAN, County Clork nnd Kansas 10 to mo known to bo tho persons describ othor Acts of .10th Legisla- lienj. Sand", Ottawa, W. It. Coplon, Doputy Pursuits," Horsey, 11 ed in nnd who executed the forouolng Assembly, 1005, Chapter 70, Edward Ottawa, Kansas tive nnd Ktmsas 10 NO DIRT FROM COAL OR ASHES instrument and acknowledged that thoy do suverally agree to take tho shares A. E. Horsey, Ottawa, NOTICE TO CREDITORS executed the Maine as their free act aud "article SIX of capital stock hereinafter sot oppo Notice is hereby given that 1 wns, on It is easy to have clean spotless deed. site our respective n.unos, and do hero The directors !' ""i'l corporation for a kitchen tho 13th day of May, 1914. duly appointed when you use a In witness whereof, I hereunto sot by adopt tbo following Articles of In the first three months alter fillug those my hand and ojllcinl seal on this tho corporation: articles .shall bo Leon Snnds, lienj. by tbo Judgo of the Probata Court of Quay nnd E. Dor- New Mexico, dny year nbovo written in this ARTICLE ONE Sands, Edward Horsey, and A. County, administrator of tha Hayes, certificate. II. H. The name of said corporation shall bo soy. estate of S. M. Hutcher, deceased.! All Notnry Public Frnuklin County ARTICLE tfEVEN Snnds-Dorso- y Drug persons having claims against said "Tho Compnny." cor- oRtu New"Beretioit al) Kansas The period of existence of this will present the to mo within My Commission expires January 13th ARTICLE TWO is limited to fifty years. tame tbo poration prescribed 1117. Tho location of tho principal ollico IN WITNESH WHEREOF, Wo have timu by law, No. 7S92 of tho compnny shall be Tucuincnri, our names on this Herman Gerhardt, An simple lamp. meal Endorsed: hereunto subscribed to care for fia a Better Cor. Rec'd Vol. 0 l'ngo 1!08 Quay county, Now Moxico. nth day of .May, A. I)., 1011. Administrator of S, M, Butcher, Deceased. with half the work half the expense. Can Tho name of the statutory agent and Certificate of Stockholders' Leon Snnds May 14, 1914-4- 1 be rewicked without soiling the fingers. Non-Liabilit- y therein and in charge thereof, upon Edward Dorsoy of whom process against this corporation Hcnj, Sands The New Perfection burna kerosene, a clean, Leon Tho Sands-Dorso- y Drug Company may be served, is Sands. A. E. Dorsoy inexpensive fuel. 1 , 2, 3, and 4 burner sizes. Tucumc&ri 'Ste&m in Office of ARTICLE THREE Filed of New of Tho objects for which this corpora- State Mexico, All hardware and general store. Stnte Corporation Commission Quay. Laundry Now Mexico tion is established are to cngugo in nnd County of On day of May, A. D., 1014, May 21, 1011; 0:15 A. M. conduct n gcnoral wholcsalo und Tctail this 0th under tho management of a practioal THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY me pcrMinnlly appeared Leon EDWARD F. COARD, Clerk drug merchandising business, nnd to before laundrymnn of twenty years' experlenco. - Sands and Edward Dorsoy to mo known DenTM- Compared T. .7. S. to E. F. C. manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, Guarantees satisfaction, All Pueblo ftUniiiiimin to hit t'H persons described in and who garments IButta Ho 1m 8aH Lka Cttr trndo, nnd deal in drugs, medicines, repaired and buttons sewed on. Cleaning Compared proprietary articles, druggists' sundries; executed foregoing instrument, nnd tho nnd proBsing. Phone and we will Indexod fii chomlcals, extracts,, tinctures, pomades, ncicnowlwJ hat they executed 19 do ; ren act STATE OF NEW MEXICO ) ointments, liniments, toilet Articles, per hiimn !". and dood. tho rest. y IN W'.T.NESS WHEREOF I have )ss. fumcries, surgical apparatus, physi- and official seal CHARI.ES L. McCflAE, Manager County of Quay ) hereunto set my hand cians' nnd hospital supplies, paints, oils on this tho day and year abovo writ- I dyo-stulT- goods, wulL hereby cortify thnt this instrument glnss waro, fancy ten in this certificate. wns on musical cumorns, tiled for record tho 28th day of paper, instruments, (Seal) Harry 11. McElroy, CHIGHESTER SPILLS May, A. I)., 1011 nt 0 o'clock. A. M., nnd camera supplies, soda water, and Notary Public, Quny County, nnd was duly rocordod in Hook (1 of other genornl morchnndlso commonly Now Moxlco DIAMOND BRAND 123-- 4 connection mer- Miscellanooui Rocords, pages of carried in with a drug My com. expires: May 8, 1010 tho records of said County. chandising buMncss, and to compound &0,o I). J. FINEGAN, County Clerk und fill prescriptions; mix, combino nnd State of Kansas, W. R. Coplon, Doputy compound drugs nnd chemicals and in County of Franklin. GO0 n gonornl way prepare nnd oiler for On this 7th day of May, A. D., 1014, X1 BsHsHMSSSaaSSKSwSiyjN STATE OF NEW MEXICO tADiita 1 salo tho products of pharmaceutical before mo personally appeared Hcnj, ltH yni- - Or Certificate of Comparison A. chemistry, nnd to buy and sell patout Hinds and E. Dorsey to mo known fflrjf.niiiuoun United States of America ) bo described in nnd who tn.t.ltl. and proprietary medicines; und to buy to the porions Ubbon. TAKU 1.0 ornr. ,. iiur )M. und purchoso real ostato nocossary for executed tho forogolng instrument, nnd BHiiMlfl end Ilk fir tll.t'Ut:I.T(:itli V BIAMUJM1) A Ti 11 1 !,!.(;. t .VI Stato of Now Moxlco ) othor-wis- o acknowledged thoy oxocutcd tho Hit I' !.,r store buildings, waro houses, or that jtsrs regarded as (, Baft nt, Itrlfable. 11? as net nnd dood. .!ayj IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, That ns may bo necessary to carry out sumo tholr free SOLD BY ALL tho nnnoxod is a full, truo sad com- tho objects for which said corporation IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have DRUGGISTS plete transcript of th is formed, and to erect and construct horounto sot my band and official seal EVHBYWHlIiC "'"If .'' &a!Jo