
week ending PRL 113, 140401 (2014) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 3 OCTOBER 2014

Quantifying Coherence

T. Baumgratz, M. Cramer, and M. B. Plenio Institut für Theoretische Physik, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, Universität Ulm, 89069 Ulm, Germany (Received 24 February 2014; revised manuscript received 18 July 2014; published 29 September 2014) We introduce a rigorous framework for the quantification of coherence and identify intuitive and easily computable measures of coherence. We achieve this by adopting the viewpoint of coherence as a physical resource. By determining defining conditions for measures of coherence we identify classes of functionals that satisfy these conditions and other, at first glance natural quantities, that do not qualify as coherence measures. We conclude with an outline of the questions that remain to be answered to complete the theory of coherence as a resource.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.140401 PACS numbers: 03.65.Aa, 03.67.Mn

Introduction.—Coherence, being at the heart of interfer- physical operations to be realized define resources (e.g., ence phenomena, plays a central role in as it entangled states) that help to overcome the imposed con- enables applications that are impossible within classical straints [7,8]. This viewpoint has proven fruitful not only or ray . The rise of mechanics as for the development of applications, but also in providing a unified picture of and particles further strengthened the impetus for theory to establish a unified and rigorously the prominent role of coherence in physics. Indeed, in defined framework for a quantitative theory of physical conjunction with energy quantization and the tensor prod- resources by addressing the three principal issues: (i) the uct structure of state space, coherence underlies phenomena characterization, (ii) the quantification, and (iii) the manipu- such as multiparticle interference and entanglement that lation of quantum states under the imposed constraints play a central role in applications of quantum physics and [9,10]. This framework is being explored for entanglement science. [5,6], thermodynamics [11,12], and reference frames [13] Quantum optical methods provide an important set of and has led to the recognition of deep interrelations between tools for the manipulation of coherence, and indeed, at its the theories of entanglement and the second law [7,8]. basis lies the formulation of the quantum theory of coherence In contrast, a wide variety of measures of coherence [1,2]. Here, coherence is studied in terms of space is in use (often functions of a ’ off-diagonal distributions and multipoint correlation functions to provide entries) whose use tends to be justified principally on the a framework that relates closely to classical electromagnetic grounds of physical intuition. Here, we put such measures phenomena. While this is helpful in drawing intuition from on a footing by establishing a quantitative theory of classical mechanics and identifies those aspects for coherence as a resource following the approach that has which quantum coherence deviates from classical coherence been established for entanglement in Refs. [6–8] and for phenomena, it does not provide a rigorous and unambiguous reference frames in Ref. [13]. We present the basic framework. The development of such a quantitative frame- assumptions of our approach and use these to identify work for coherence gains further urgency in the of recent various quantitative and easy-to-compute valid measures of discussions concerning the role of coherence in biological coherence while rejecting others. Results.— systems [3] which can benefit from a more rigorous approach At the heart of our discussion lies the charac- to the quantification of coherence properties. terization of incoherent states together with the notion of The development of quantum information science over incoherent operations, i.e., quantum operations that map the the last two decades has led to a reassessment of quantum set of incoherent states onto itself. We distinguish between physical phenomena such as entanglement, elevating them quantum operations with and without subselection. These from mere tools to “subtly humiliate the opponents of technical definitions lead to an operationally well-defined ” [4] to resources that may be exploited maximally which may serve as a unit for to achieve tasks that are not possible within the realm of coherence. We collect a set of conditions any proper measure classical physics. This viewpoint, then, motivates the devel- of coherence should satisfy. Prime among them is the opment of a quantitative theory that captures this resource requirement of monotonicity under incoherent operations. character in a mathematically rigorous fashion. The formu- We, then, discuss several examples—some of which take the lation of such resource theories was initially pursued with the form of easy to evaluate analytical expressions. For instance, quantitative theory of entanglement [5,6] which led to the we find that the relative entropy of coherence view that constraints [e.g., the restriction to local operations C ϱˆ S ϱˆ − S ϱˆ ; and classical communication (LOCC)] that prevent certain rel:ent:ð Þ¼ ð diagÞ ð Þ ð1Þ

0031-9007=14=113(14)=140401(5) 140401-1 © 2014 American Physical Society week ending PRL 113, 140401 (2014) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 3 OCTOBER 2014 S ϱˆ where is the von Neumann entropy and diag denotes the subselection according to these measurement outcomes. ϱˆ Kˆ state obtained from by deleting all off-diagonal elements, TheseP are also defined by Kraus operators n with l ˆ † ˆ and the intuitive 1 norm of coherence nKnKn ¼ 1, which now, however, may each have a X Kˆ d d different output dimension ( n is a n × in matrix) and are Cl ðϱˆÞ¼ jϱi;jj; ð2Þ ˆ ˆ † 1 again required to fulfil KnIKn ⊂ I for each n. Retaining i;j i≠j the knowledge of outcomes of the measurement, the state ˆ ˆ † corresponding to outcome n is given by ϱˆ n ¼ KnϱˆKn=pn are both proper measures of coherence. In contrast, we ˆ ˆ † and occurs with probability pn ¼ tr½KnϱˆKn. find that the sum of the squared absolute values of all Incoherent Kraus operators that are of particular impor- off-diagonal elements violates monotonicity. tance for decoherence mechanisms of single are, Incoherent states.—The first step to defining a coherence e.g., the ones that define the depolarizing, the phase- measure is to agree which states are incoherent. A natural damping, and the amplitude-damping channels [17,18]. definition is to fix a particular basis, fjiigi 1;…;d, of the ¼ Moreover, permutations of modes of dual-rail qubits in d-dimensional Hilbert space H in which we consider our linear optics experiments are examples of incoherent quantum states [14]. We call all density matrices that are operations. With this, we set the framework for a resource diagonal in this basis incoherent and, henceforth, label this theory for quantum coherence. All that follows is deduced set of quantum states by I ⊂ H [15]. Hence, all density from these physically well motivated definitions. δˆ ∈ I operators are of the form Maximally coherent state.—We start by identifying a d Xd -dimensional maximally coherent state as a state that ˆ allows for the deterministic generation of all other δ ¼ δijiihij: ð3Þ d i¼1 -dimensional quantum states by means of incoherent operations. Note that this definition (i) is independent of Incoherent operations.—The definition of coherence a specific measure for the coherence and (ii) allows us to monotones (and, thus, coherence quantifiers) requires the identify a unit for coherence to which all measures may be definition of operations that are incoherent—just as in normalized. A maximally coherent state is given by entanglement theory the definition of entanglement monot- ones requires a definition of nonentangling operations. 1 Xd jΨdi≔ pffiffiffi jii; ð4Þ There, this definition is determined by practical consid- d erations, namely locality constraints, which leads to the i¼1 definition of LOCC operations. Here, we characterize the because by means of incoherent operations [of type (A) or set of incoherent physical operations as follows. Quantum (B)] alone, any d × d state ϱˆ may be prepared from Ψd Kˆ j i operationsP are specified by a set of Kraus operators f ng with certainty. We show this by explicitly constructing an Kˆ †Kˆ 1 satisfying n n n ¼ . We require the incoherent oper- incoherent operation that achieves the transformation in ˆ ˆ † ators to fulfil KnIKn ⊂ I for all n [16]. This definition the Supplemental Material [19]. guaranteesP that in an overall quantum operation Two natural questions arise immediately. First, is this ˆ ˆ † ϱˆ↦ nKnϱˆKn, even if one does not have access to maximally coherent state a resource which, when con- individual outcomes n, no observer (e.g., one who does sumed, allows for the generation of all other coherent have access to these outcomes) would conclude that operations by means of incoherent operations? We dem- coherence has been generated from an incoherent state. onstrate in the Supplemental Material [19] that this is, Hence, we do not allow, not even probabilistically, that in indeed, the case: Provided with jΨ2i, every unitary oper- any of the arms of the quantum operation coherence is ation on a may be implemented by incoherent generated from incoherent input states. operations. Second, one may ask whether incoherent We distinguish two classes of quantum operations. operations introduce an order on the set of quantum states, (A) The incoherent completely positive and trace preserv- i.e., whether, given two states ϱˆ and σˆ, either ϱˆ can be Φ Φ ϱˆ σˆ Ping quantum operations ICPTP, which act as ICPTPð Þ¼ transformed into or vice versa. We have to leave this ˆ ˆ † ˆ nKnϱˆKn, where the Kraus operators Kn are all of the as an open question, but report small progress in the d d Kˆ IKˆ † ⊂ I same dimension out × in and satisfy n n . Note Supplemental Material [19], for which we note the analogy that this formulation of quantum operations implies the to the single copy conversion protocol for entangled pure loss of information about the measurement outcome which states presented in [24,25]. may, however, be available in principle. Coherence measures.—We now collect defining proper- This leads us to the second class of operations. ties that any functional C mapping states to the non- (B) Quantum operations for which measurement outcomes negative real numbers should satisfy in order for it to be a are retained (depending on the context, called measuring, proper coherence measure. First of all, we demand that it selective, or stochastic operations) and, therefore, permit vanishes on the set of incoherent states: (C1) CðδˆÞ¼0 for

140401-2 week ending PRL 113, 140401 (2014) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 3 OCTOBER 2014 ˆ all δˆ ∈ I; i.e., it should be zero for all incoherent states. automatically fulfilled for all D with Dðϱˆ; δÞ¼0 iff ˆ One may also think of requiring a stronger condition: ϱˆ ¼ δ, which holds, e.g., if D is a metric. (C10) CðδˆÞ¼0 iff δˆ ∈ I, which implies nonzero CðϱˆÞ In analogy to the theory of entanglement [26],wemay whenever ϱˆ contains coherence. Obviously, (C10) immediately identify an entire class of distance measures D implies (C1). for which CD fulfils (C2a): Whenever D is contracting D ϱˆ; σˆ ≥ D Φ ϱˆ ; Crucially, any proper coherence measure should not under CPTP maps, i.e., such that ð Þ ð CPTPð Þ Φ σˆ increase under incoherent operations of type (A) or (B): CPTPð ÞÞ for any completely positive trace preserving map Φ C2 (C2a) Monotonicity under incoherent completely positive CPTP, it induces a functional fulfilling ( a) as then C ϱˆ ≥ C(Φ ϱˆ ) and trace preserving maps, i.e., ð Þ ICPTPð Þ for Φ C ϱˆ D ϱˆ; δˆ ≥ D(Φ ϱˆ ; Φ δˆ ) all ICPTP. Recall that this ignores the possibility of Dð Þ¼ ð Þ ICPTPð Þ ICPTPð Þ subselection based on measurement outcomes. Retaining ≥ D(Φ ϱˆ ; δˆ) C (Φ ϱˆ ); min ICPTPð Þ ¼ D ICPTPð Þ ð6Þ measurement outcomes leads to: (C2b) Monotonicity δˆ∈I C ϱˆ ≥ Punder selective measurements on average,P i.e., ð Þ p C ϱˆ Kˆ Kˆ †Kˆ 1 Φ I ⊂ I δˆ n n ð nÞ for all f ng with n n n ¼ and where we used that ICPTPð Þ and denoted by the ˆ ˆ † KnIKn ⊂ I. incoherent state minimizing the distance to ϱˆ. It should be noted that, besides the requirement of Whenever D is jointly convex, the induced coherence monotony under operations of type (A) and (B), one may monotone CD fulfils condition (C3) argue that subselection based on measurement outcomes is X  X X  described by adding a classical flag to the relevant quantum ˆ CD pnϱˆ n ≤ D pnϱˆ n; pnδn states ϱˆ n, which introduces a third monotonicity require- n n n ment. We further comment on this in the Supplemental X X ˆ Material [19], where we show that the relative entropy ≤ pnDðϱˆ n; δnÞ¼ pnCDðϱˆ nÞ; ð7Þ of coherence and the l1 norm of coherence are also n n monotonic under these operations, further strengthening ˆ their pivotal role. where, for all n, δn minimizes the distance to ϱˆ n. Ideally, one would like to identify measures that fulfil If Dðϱˆ; δˆÞ¼∥ϱˆ − δˆ∥ with ∥ · ∥ any matrix norm, (C3) both conditions (C2a) and (C2b). We would consider is automatically implied by the triangle inequality and monotonicity under (C2b) more important as it allows absolute homogeneity. for subselection, a process available in well controlled Condition (C2b) seems to be much harder to decide. quantum experiments. We will see, however, that (C2b) is A good starting point for showing (C2b) would be to check often harder to verify while (C2a) is automatically satisfied whether D fulfils the conditions given in Ref. [6].We for a wide class of coherence measures. proceed by considering specific examples. Moreover, from a physical point of view, one would like Relative entropy of coherence.—Consider the quantum to ensure that coherence can only decrease under mixing. relative entropy, Sðϱˆ∥σˆÞ¼tr½ϱˆ logðϱˆÞ − tr½ϱˆ logðσˆÞ, and C3 This leads to our final condition: ( ) NonincreasingP under denote the induced measure by C : :. It clearly fulfils p C ϱˆ ≥ rel ent mixingP of quantum states (convexity), i.e., n n ð nÞ (C1) and also (C10). Further, it is known that the relative C p ϱˆ ϱˆ p ≥ 0 ð Pn n nÞ for any set of states f ng and any n entropy is contracting under CPTP maps and jointly convex p 1 with n n ¼ . [27,28]; i.e., C : : satisfies (C2a) and (C3). It also fulfils C2 rel ent Now, coherence measures that satisfy conditions ( b) (C2b), which can be shown following the approach of [6] C3 C2 — and ( ) imply condition ( a) again, highlighting the for general selective measurements (see the Supplemental C2 importance of ( b). This can be seen as follows: Material [19]). In addition to fulfilling all our requirements   for a coherence measure, C : : permits a closed form X ðC3Þ X ðC2bÞ rel ent P C(Φ ϱˆ ) C p ϱˆ ≤ p C ϱˆ ≤ C ϱˆ : δˆ δ i i ∈ ICPTPð Þ ¼ n n n ð nÞ ð Þ solution, avoiding theP minimization: Let ¼ Pi ij ih j n n I ϱˆ ϱ i j ϱˆ ϱ i i and for given ¼ i;j i;jj ih j denote diag ¼ i i;ij ih j. Then, Sðϱˆ∥δˆÞ¼Sðϱˆ Þ − SðϱˆÞþSðϱˆ ∥δˆÞ, and hence, In the following, we study natural candidates for coherence diag diag measures. All are based on distance measures. C : :ðϱˆÞ¼Sðϱˆ Þ − SðϱˆÞ: ð8Þ Distance measures.—For any distance measure between rel ent diag quantum states D, we may define candidate coherence measures by Employing this formula, we can easily find the maximum possible value of coherence in a state: For any state ϱˆ, ˆ CDðϱˆÞ¼minDðϱˆ; δÞ; ð5Þ one has C : :ðϱˆÞ ≤ Sðϱˆ Þ ≤ logðdÞ and this bound is δˆ∈I rel ent diag attained for the maximally coherent state defined above. i.e., the minimal distance (in the sense of D)ofϱˆ to the set Note that this relative entropy measure was also considered of incoherent quantum states I. By definition, (C10)is in similar contexts such as, e.g., to quantify superposition

140401-3 week ending PRL 113, 140401 (2014) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 3 OCTOBER 2014 – C and frameness [29 34]. Notably, monotonicity of rel:ent: proceeds along analogous developments in entanglement under (C2a) is a special case of a result of Ref. [29]. theory. There, the concept of majorization provided the lp norms.—A very intuitive quantification of coherence relevant structure that determined the interconvertibility of would certainly be related to the off-diagonal elements of states [24,25,36] and enabled the exploration of concepts the considered . Therefore, quantifying the such as catalysis [37]. Some progress in this direction has coherence by a functional depending on the off-diagonal been reported in Ref. [38] for a specific setup but with a elements is desirable. A widely used quantifier of coher- different class of allowed quantum operations. Whether ence is given by such a phenomenon also occurs for this resource theory of X coherence or whether a total order on quantum states can be Cl ϱˆ ϱi;j : 9 1 ð Þ¼ j j ð Þ established needs to be explored. i;j i≠j On the other hand, the asymptotic limit of infinitely But is it a proper coherence measure in the sense of many identically prepared copies of a coherent state and its (C1)–(C3)? If so, it would constitute another intuitive interconversion by incoherent operations is of interest as it coherence monotone with an easy closed form. It is the may provide a link to thermodynamical concepts such as ˆ the second law [7,8,39], by enabling reversible intercon- measure induced by the l1 matrix norm [35], Dl ðϱˆ; δÞ¼ P 1 version of coherent resources and, by invoking natural ∥ϱˆ − δˆ∥ ϱ − δ C10 l1 ¼ i;jj i;j i;jj, and as such fulfils ( ) and continuity requirements such as asymptotic continuity [40], (C3). What is more, (C2b) can be shown directly (see the it may lead to the identification of a unique coherence Supplemental Material [19]) such that (C2a) is implied (see measure. The latter we expect to be realized by the relative the discussion above). Hence, the l1 norm of coherence, entropy of coherence in close analogy to the development together with the relative entropy of coherence, are the most in entanglement theory [7,8]. Reference [34] takes steps in general coherence monotones established in this Letter. this direction and provides a thermodynamic interpretation One may now ask whether measures induced by other lp of the relative entropy measure of coherence in the context matrix norms serve as proper coherence monotones as well. of thermodynamic equilibria for decoherence processes. For instance, consider the measure induced by the squared A second aspect of the manipulation of coherence con- Hilbert-Schmidt norm; that is cerns its exploitation as a resource when only incoherent X operations and a supply of coherent states is available [38,41]. ˆ 2 2 Cl ðϱˆÞ¼min∥ϱˆ − δ∥l ¼ jϱi;jj : ð10Þ 2 ˆ 2 In a first step, we have demonstrated that any (coherent) δ∈I i;j i≠j unitary operation can be realized in this fashion. The resource optimal protocols and the generation of the most general In the Supplemental Material [19], we show that Cl does 2 quantum operation from these resources has not yet been not satisfy (C2b), i.e., that there are incoherent operations established. This in turn motivates questions such as the of type (B), under which Cl increases. This shows that 2 coherence cost of quantum operations and the dual question care must be taken when quantifying coherence: While Cl 2 of coherence power of operations, again closely mirroring might intuitively seem like a good candidate due to its analogous developments in entanglement theory [41,42]. simple structure related to the off-diagonal elements of the It is likely that each of the three lines of enquiry above quantum state, it does not constitute a valid coherence will lead to the definition of sensible and good coherence monotone. measures, each of which will be related to the efficiency of We discuss other potential candidates such as the certain coherence transformations. This will then provide a measures induced by the fidelity and trace norm in the well rounded picture of the quantification of coherence as Supplemental Material [19]. a resource. Outlook.—In the preceding, we have provided the All of the considerations above implicitly assumed the foundations for a theory of coherence as a resource as finite dimensional setting, but this is neither necessary nor well as first results specifically concerning the quantifica- tion of coherence. Completion of this theory is a sizeable desirable as there are very relevant physical situations that task that requires a thorough consideration of the questions require infinite dimensional systems for their description. of the manipulation, quantification, and exploitation of Most notable the quantum states of light, that is quantum coherence under this resource viewpoint. optics, with its bosonic character requires infinite dimen- In this Letter, we have determined the notion of a sional systems, harmonic oscillators, for their description. maximally coherent state, but we have not yet provided Hence, a quantum theory of coherence in infinite dimen- a full theory of the interconversion of coherent states by sional systems is needed. Again, closely mirroring the means of incoherent operations. This has two principal development of entanglement theory mathematical prob- aspects. On the one hand, the setting of single copies of lems concerning continuity that are inevitably emerging coherent states is of considerable interest from the practical can be addressed by requiring energy constraints [43] or point of view as this is most readily accessible in the by considering special, experimentally relevant, subclasses laboratory. We expect that a theory can be established that such as Gaussian states [44].

140401-4 week ending PRL 113, 140401 (2014) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 3 OCTOBER 2014

Conclusions.—In this Letter, we introduced the notion of [16] Note the close relation to Uð1Þ-covariant operations con- incoherent states (in a fixed basis) which then allowed us to sidered in the resource theory of reference frames [13]. identify incoherent operations [45]. We explicitly distin- These operations are incoherent in the sense that they map guished between incoherent operations (A) with and (B) diagonal states to diagonal states; they are, however, a without subselection and established the maximally coher- smaller set of operations, in particular, they do not allow for certain permutations. ent state as the element from which all quantum states [17] M. Avalle and A. Serafini, Phys.Rev.Lett.112, 170403 (2014). (mixed or pure) can be generated only by means of these [18] J. Preskill, “Quantum Information and Computation,” operations [either type (A) or type (B)]. 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