Food Security Cluster Meeting for Bay & Bakool Regions UNCC, , Monday, 16 July, 2012 ______Agenda: 1. Opening remark 2. Review of previous minutes 3. Security updates and partner contribution 4. Presentation of summary district level information by response objective 5. Review of gaps per district 6. Any Other Business

Opening remarks The meeting was chaired by, Charles Kesa, from the Food Security Cluster Secretariat. He informed the meeting that the FSC Secretariat was planning a series of trainings in Project Cycle Management (PCM) in the coming months and would also conduct a series of consultative meetings with its members in preparation for the 2013 CAP.

Review of previous minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and endorsed by the members.

Security updates and partner contribution The general security situation is relatively calm in Bay & Bakool regions. On 15 July, after military engagement pitting government forces on one side and armed militia on the other led to some trucks carrying food start to move towards town. The FSC members had, during the last FSC meeting, described as Hudur as …a district under total siege for the last 3 months and in dire need of Emergency Response.

The majority of people in need are now looking forward for humanitarian support in such areas as Hudur. This follows increased access in areas that were previously inaccessible.

As a way of sustaining the calm security situation a member informed the meeting that it is imperative for agencies working in the two regions to regularly share information and engage to work closely with the local communities.

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Presentation of summary district level information by response objective and review of gaps per district Based on June, 2012 reports from the FSC members 4, 545 people in need from El Barde and Rab Dhure districts of Bakool region were reached through Improved Access to Food. No people in need were reached through Livelihood Investment or Safety Nets responses. There were also no people reached in Bay region during this period.

There is a general feeling that Bay & Bakool Regions have not been receiving much support from the UN, donor and the general humanitarian agencies for a long time. There is need to address this and the FSC is requested to assist considering that the majority of the IDPs in most regions including Mogadishu are from Bay & Bakool regions. In this regard, there was a great deal of discussion on the way forward to bring the plight of people in need in Bay & Bakool to the International Community. A dismal harvest was expected due to crop failure as a result of drought.

The members informed the meeting of the acute water problem facing both human and livestock. In this regard, there is need for agencies to address the water problem urgently.

The meeting was informed that the purchasing power of most people in need had been eroded due to drought and crop destruction by locusts. As a result more people in need Improved Access to Food and others supported through Livelihood Investment.

Any Other Business On line elections for the position of FSC Vice Coordinator for Bay & Bakool regions would be run later in the month with the new vice coordinator expected to chair the next FSC meeting on 27 August, 2012.

The Bay & Bakool members resolved, as a way of highlighting the plight of people in need in Bay & Bakool regions, to start holding monthly FSC meetings in these two regions and not in Banadir/Mogadishu security allowing.

Agencies sought to carry out joint Rapid Assessment(s) in the two regions on the prevailing humanitarian conditions and share with the FSC before the next meeting.

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The region has many internally displaced people and many others who are hungry and in need of food assistance. There need for the international community to assist.

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, 26 August, 2012 in . Below is the schedule of meetings

Monthly FSC Meetings for Bay & Bakool (August - December, 2012) Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 27 24 22 19 17

Minutes of Bay & Bakool Food Security Cluster meeting (120716) 3

Annex 1: Information and data presented at the meeting Bay & Bakool Strategic Response & Sum of Beneficiaries: June 2012 Region Improved Access to Food Livelihood Investment Safety Nets Bakool 4,545 _ _ Bay

Grand Total 4,545 _ _

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Bay & Bakool Regions: FSC District Breakdown of Response & Sum of Beneficiaries, June 2012

Livelihood Safety Region District Improved Access Investment Nets El Barde 1,167 - - Hudur - - - Bakool Rab Dhure 3,378 - - Tieglo - - - Wajid - - - Bakool Total 4,545 - - Baidoa - - - Bur Hakaba - - - Bay Dinsor - - - Qansah Dere - - - Bay Total - - -

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Annex 2: List of signed participants at FSC Meeting: Bay & Bakool, Somalia UNCC, Mogadishu, Somalia (16 July, 2012) No Name Organization Region (s) Email 1. Abdilatif Mursal Abdirahman ADRO (Access) Bay & Bakool [email protected] 2. Abukar Sheikh Osman ADRO (Access) Bay & Bakool [email protected] 3. Haji Abdi Miday Al-Fathi Relief & Dev. Bay & Bakool [email protected] 4. Muhidin Mustaf Hussein Al-Naim Bay & Bakool [email protected] 5. Muktar Isak Abdi AYED Bay & Bakool [email protected] 6. Adam Saman Ali Bandar Org Bay & Bakool [email protected] 7. Adam Bulle Abdikarim BBNC Bay & Bakool [email protected] 8. Abdulkadir BWDN Bay & Bakool [email protected]

9. Charles Kesa FSC All [email protected] 10. Rabao Sheikh BWDN Bay & Bakool [email protected] 11. Fawzia Hassan Osman BWDN Bay & Bakool [email protected] 12. Ali Hassan Mursal CCC Bay [email protected] 13. Daahir N. Muqtar DAREDO Bay & Bakool [email protected] 12. Daahir N. Muqtar DAREDO Bay & Bakool [email protected] 14. Hassan Haji Moh'ed DCDG Bakool Bay & Bakool [email protected] 15. Abdisalam Sheikh Ali Ehsan Welfare Org. Bay & Bakool [email protected] 16. Ali Moh'd Ali GREDO Bay & Bakool [email protected] 17. B. Moalim Hassan GREDO Bay & Bakool [email protected] 18. Mustapha Mahadi Hassan GRRN Bay; Bakool [email protected] 19. Yusuf Sheekh Diriye HIDIG Bakool [email protected]

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Annex 2: List of signed participants at FSC Meeting: Bay & Bakool, Somalia UNCC, Mogadishu, Somalia (16 July, 2012) No Name Organization Region (s) Email 20. Yusuuf Shariif Xasan IPA Bay & Bakool [email protected] 21. Ibrahim Salaad JARDO Bakool [email protected] 22. Abdullahi Adam A/rahman MARDO Bay & Bakool [email protected] 23. Abass Gabow Ali MURDO Bay & Bakool [email protected] 24. A/Kadir Mohamoud Barre Muslim Hands Bay & Bakool [email protected] 25. Mohamed Adan A. NAPAD Bay & Bakool [email protected] 26. Mohamed Adow NAPAD Bay & Bakool [email protected] 27. Abdikadir Moh’d Maalim ORDO Bay & Bakool [email protected] 28. Ahmed Keerow Abdi READO Bay; Bakool [email protected]/[email protected] 29. Moh'ud Hassan Isak SARD Bay & Bakool [email protected] 30. Saida Mohamed Ali SECWO Bay; Bakool [email protected] 31. Abdibasid Mohamed Ali Somali People Care (SPC) Bay & Bakool [email protected] 32. Ilham Osman Siyad Swisso-Kalmo Bay [email protected] 33. Abdinoor Ibrahim SYPD Bay & Bakool [email protected] 34. Libaan Sheikh Shuaib TARDO Bay & Bakool [email protected]

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