More Singapore SMEs flock to ’s growing services sector

MR No.: 037/13 Singapore, Wednesday, 23 October 2013

1. An increasing number of Singapore SMEs are looking to capitalise on opportunities in Tianjin’s services sector. In the first eight months of this year, Singapore companies have pumped in US$789 million1 in 22 projects in Tianjin2. Over 80% of these projects were in services. Today, an additional 12 projects were signed at the sixth Singapore- Tianjin Economic and Trade Council (STETC) meeting held in Singapore – among them are projects spanning education, logistics and environmental solutions. These also include six project signings for the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City.

2. The growth potential of Tianjin was echoed at the STETC meeting co-chaired by Minister for National Development Khaw Boon Wan and Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo. Both leaders re-affirmed the strong bilateral economic relations, recognised the good progress of STETC, and highlighted future areas of collaboration in areas such as urban solutions and environmental services. They also emphasised the importance of the Tianjin Eco-City as a key catalyst into the municipality as it enters its fifth year of development. Also present at the meeting were the STETC Vice-Chairmen, namely Senior Minister of State for National Development and Trade & Industry Lee Yi Shyan, and Tianjin Binhai New Area Party Secretary Yuan Tong Li3.

3. Said Minister Khaw, “Across China, the services sector is growing rapidly, contributing to long-term sustainable development, economic growth and job creation. This is certainly the case in Tianjin. Supported by a growing middle class and affluent

1 Contractual amount 2 Source: Tianjin Commission of Commerce 3 The other Tianjin Vice-Chairman is Tianjin Vice Mayor Xuefeng

International Enterprise Singapore is the government agency driving Singapore’s external economy. IE Media Release 23 Oct ’13

population, demand for services is set to grow. Singapore companies, including SMEs, are well-positioned to contribute to Tianjin’s needs, especially in urban solutions, environmental services, vocational technical education, and professional services.” (Please refer to Annex 1 for closing speech by Minister Khaw)

Growing services sector opportunities in Tianjin

4. With one of the highest GDP in China, Tianjin recorded a GDP per capital of US$12,791 in 2011 – the highest in China, surpassing even and Shanghai4. In addition, the Tianjin government plans to increase the service sector contribution to GDP from 46% in 2011 to 50% by 20155. Other priorities include developing Tianjin’s economy sustainably by promoting clean and high-tech industries, and improving the livelihood of residents through urban planning and strengthening social welfare.

5. Currently, companies flying the Singapore flag in Tianjin include financial institutions such as DBS and UOB, lifestyle-related services players such as Banyan Tree, Breadtalk and BYSI, and environmental solutions players such as Eco Wiz and Tritech. Earlier this year, Tritech introduced a water quality monitoring system to Tianjin Eco- city, an offering that has raised daily productivity of Tianjin environment bureau by remotely collecting water quality data.

6. Among the project signings today also include the collaboration between Yanlord Land Group and preschool education provider, Ednovation. The partnership will see the development of a new kindergarten project in Yanlord Riverside Garden residences in district. (Please refer to Annex 2 for information on project signings)

Partnering Singapore companies to go global

7. Keeping pace with rising opportunities in Asia Pacific, Tianjin’s renowned Goubuli Group (狗不理集团)signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Singapore food manufacturer, Tee Yih Jia (TYJ) Group today. Goubuli Group is one of the longest established food brands in Tianjin. The enterprise has a 150 year-old history and is famous for their buns in China. The partnership will leverage TYJ’s global distribution network in over 50 cities to distribute Goubuli’s industrial and food products to Asia Pacific. Both parties will also work together to build Goubuli production factories. This

4 Source: http://china.org.cn/top10/2012-03/16/content_24912437_10.htm 5 Source: China’s 12th Five-Year Plan

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attests to Singapore’s strategic position in helping Chinese companies tap opportunities in the region.

Bilateral Trade and Investment

8. Compared to the same period last year, Singapore's trade with Tianjin increased by 31.5% in the first nine months of 2013, reaching US$2.2 billion6. In the first nine months of this year, Singapore’s contractual investments in Tianjin increased 12.8% to reach US$0.79 billion7. Singapore is the fourth largest foreign investor in the municipality. The majority of Singapore’s investments in Tianjin are concentrated in urban development, environmental solutions, port & logistics, manufacturing and education.

Annex 1: Closing speech by Minister Khaw Boon Wan Annex 2: Chinese terms Annex 3: Information on project signings Annex 4: Project signings involving the Tianjin Eco-City (Media release issued by Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co. Ltd.)


Note to Editor Please use ‘IE Singapore’ or ‘IE’ if an acronym for ‘International Enterprise Singapore’ is required. In addition, unless otherwise stated, the use of statistics cited in our media releases, website or Statlink, should be attributed to IE Singapore.

Issued by IE Singapore. For media enquiries, please contact:

Joseph Lim Manager, Corporate Communications Group DID : + 65 6433 4851 HP : +65 9457 2016 Email : [email protected]

6 Source: Tianjin Commission of Commerce 7 Source: Tianjin Commission of Commerce

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About International Enterprise Singapore

International Enterprise (IE) Singapore is the government agency driving Singapore’s external economy. For the past 30 years, we have been spearheading the overseas growth of Singapore-based companies and promoting international trade. Our vision is a thriving business hub in Singapore with Globally Competitive Companies and leading international traders.

IE Singapore attracts global commodities traders to establish their global or Asian home base in Singapore. Today, Singapore is a thriving trading hub with a complete ecosystem for the energy, agri-commodities and metals & minerals trading clusters.

Through our Global Company Partnership and Market Readiness Assistance, we also work with Singapore-based companies in their various stages of growth towards being globally competitive.

Our global network of overseas centres in over 35 locations provides the necessary connections in many developed and emerging markets.

Visit www.iesingapore.com for more information.

About the Singapore-Tianjin Economic and Trade Council

The Singapore-Tianjin Economic and Trade Council (STETC) was established on 25 January 2007, with the objective of promoting broader exchanges and cooperation between the business communities of Tianjin and Singapore. The launch of the STETC was witnessed by Minister for Trade & Industry Lim Hng Kiang and Chinese Vice-Minister of Commerce Ma Xiuhong. Mr Khaw Boon Wan, Minister for National Development and Mr Huang Xingguo, Tianjin Mayor, are Co-Chairmen of the Council. The Vice-Chairmen are Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Singapore Senior Minister of State for National Development and Trade and Industry, Mr Yuan Tong Li, Tianjin Binhai New Area Party Secretary and Mr Ren Xuefeng, Tianjin Vice Mayor. The STETC is formed by leaders, government officials and private sector representatives of Singapore and Tianjin.

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尊敬的黄兴国市长, 尊敬的滨海新区袁桐利书记, 尊敬的理事会成员, 女士们和先生们,

1. 各位早上好!首先我向天津朋友们致以最热烈的欢迎,欢迎黄市长率领的天 津代表团访问新加坡。

2. 昨天中新双边合作委员会和生态城协调理事会成功举行,两国重申双方将继 续紧密合作, 并概括了重点合作领域。两国合作的意愿和承诺仍然明确、坚 定。

3. 我很高兴看到新津的关系也同样密切。双边经贸数据充分说明了这一点。从 2007 年新津经贸理事会以来,新津的贸易和投资一直保持上升趋势。


4. 目前全球经济发展缓慢,但是天津的发展却令人惊叹,2013 年前六个月天 津增长率达到百分之 12.58。天津市政府追求可持续发展和包容性增长,这 与中国整体发展趋势高度一致。天津有计划发展清洁和高科技产业,同时注 重城市规划和给老百姓实惠,提高整体社会生活水平。

5. 天津的发展重点与新加坡一致。新加坡的土地和其他资源都很有限,经济战 略一直定位在追求有质量的增长。经过这些年,我们积累了一些心得体会, 也发展了相关核心能力。比如,如何保证清洁水供应的自足?如何将一个高

8 Source: Tianjin Commission of Commerce

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密度的城市建设得绿色宜居?我们很愿意与天津分享经验,同时理事会的工 作计划也将紧紧围绕这个目标。

6. 因此,明年理事会将继续努力,创造可持续增长、包容性增长,以及新增长 点。

7. 第一、中国-新加坡天津生态城。昨天我们在生态城协调理事会议上充分讨 论过这个议题。今年是生态城开发建设的第五年,起步区建设已经完成。我 们将继续帮助更多的新加坡企业参与生态城项目。

8. 第二、中小企业。我们一直在积极鼓励新加坡中小企业到天津包括生态城投 资。在过去几年中,理事会、新加坡国际企业发展局和一些商会,通过各种 形式,如组织考察团、主办研讨会和企业配对,为超过 300 个中小企业介绍 天津的商机。一些中小企业抓住了机会。如环境解决方案提供商,三泰集团 (Tritech),它为生态城环保局引入水质监控系统,环保局可以通过遥感技术 远程采集水质数据,从而提高了生产力。

9. 第三、服务业。随着天津的发展,它的经济将朝服务业倾斜。 在新加坡, 服务业对整体经济贡献占三分之二。我们愿意分享零售业、医疗服务和商业 服务等领域的专长。有很多新加坡企业已经在天津营业。

10. 第四、天津企业国际化。我们欢迎天津企业到新加坡设立基地,利用新加坡 网络拓展区域市场。我非常高兴看到这个领域的合作也取得一定进展。稍后 我们将见证天津知名企业狗不理集团和新加坡食品制造商第一家集团签署合 作谅解备忘录。狗不理集团拥有 150 年历史,是家喻户晓的品牌。第一家 和狗不理将合作生产并在亚太区域分销狗不理的食品。第一家的强大分销网 络覆盖全球超过 50 个城市,我们非常期待不久以后在亚太区的超市里看到 著名的狗不理包子。我认为这是一项极具意义的合作,它不仅对两个公司有 利,同时也能帮助天津向世界介绍天津风味以及文化。

11. 第五、教育和科技。天津市被指定为中国职业培训和教育改革发展的领军城 市。天津市政府非常开放,与我们在职业教育和培训领域的合作意愿非常积 极。我们为天津介绍了新加坡人才发展联盟,联盟成员来自 7 家公立和私立 教育机构9。我相信未来还有更多合作空间。

9 The 7 STDA members are Civil Service College, ITE Education Services, Nanyang Polytechnic, Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, NTUC LearningHub and Singapore Management University. A first of its kind, these institutions will bring together various courses to offer a holistic suite of customised services, catering specially to the Chinese market.

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12. 同时,随着天津父母越来越重视为孩子寻找高质量的双语教育,对学前教育 的需求也越来越大。新加坡企业,如科思达和艾毅,已经成功进入天津。新 加坡育脑教育(Ednovation)也将很快在仁恒河滨花园开设幼儿园。育脑教 育的幼儿园侧重提供电子学习解决方案。育脑教育运用信息科技辅助中国孩 子学习英文,让学习过程变得更有趣。

13. 除了开教培训以外,为了保持竞争优势,我们还要不断吸纳新技术。举例来 说,我们今天介绍的三维打印技术在未来可能改变传统制造业。我们的一所 小学10已经为学生介绍三维打印设计软件,向孩子们展示这种新技术。新加 坡建屋发展局也在运用预制技术和智能家居技术等。这些新技术能帮助我们 用更高的效率为新加坡人建设更美好的家园。


14. 在过去六年中,理事会见证了新津合作取得良好成绩,我们将继续深化和拓 展合作。今天我们将见证 12 个政府部门和企业间、涉及多个领域的合作项 目签署。

15. 在此我希望向黄市长和天津政府部门表示感谢,感谢这些年来各位对新加坡 企业的关注和支持。天津将继续为所有人提供巨大机会。

16. 和以往一样,理事会为我们提供了一个有价值的沟通平台,我们倾听彼此的 意见,并提供反馈。这一点对于公共部门与私营企业之间尤其重要。我谨代 表我们的企业和我们的人民,期待理事会一如既往地继续支持我们,我非常 重视两国人民的友谊和文化交流。

17. 谢谢!


Honourable Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo, Honourable Tianjin Binhai New Area Party Secretary Yuan Tong Li, Distinguished Council Members, Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. Good morning. Let me first extend a very warm welcome to Mayor Huang Xingguo and his Tianjin delegation to Singapore.

2. Yesterday, we had very successful meetings for the Singapore-China Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation and the Joint Steering Committee for the Tianjin Eco-city. Both sides re-affirmed our ties and outlined the areas we want to cooperate in. The commitment to bilateral cooperation remains steadfast and clear.

10 Radin Mas Primary School

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3. I am happy to say the same for our relations with Tianjin. Economic data show concrete outcomes of these relations. Trade and investment ties have been on the rise since we established the Singapore-Tianjin Economic and Trade Council, or STETC in 2007.

Economic Transformation and Quality Growth

4. Amid a slowing global economic climate, Tianjin achieved an impressive growth of 12.5% in the first half of 2013 11 . In line with China’s overall direction, the Tianjin government is focusing on creating sustainable and inclusive growth. There are plans, for example, to promote clean and high-tech industries, and improve quality of life by focusing on urban planning and social welfare.

5. These priorities are also our priorities in Singapore. Being largely deprived of land and resources, our economic strategy has always been to pursue quality growth. Over the years, we have gathered some insights and developed some capabilities. For example, how to ensure that we are self-sufficient in clean water? How to ensure that a densely built city is also highly green and liveable? We are happy to share our experience with Tianjin and indeed, we have aligned the work of the STETC closely to these.

6 Hence, next year, the council will continue to work on creating i) sustainable growth, ii) inclusive growth and iii) new avenues of growth.

7. First: the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city. We discussed this at length yesterday at the Joint Steering Committee. Marking its fifth anniversary this year, we have completed the start-up area. We will continue to help more Singapore companies take part in the project.

8. Second: SMEs. We have been actively encouraging Singapore SMEs to invest in both Tianjin and the Eco-city. In the past year, the Council, International Enterprise (IE) Singapore and trade associations have introduced opportunities to over 300 SMEs through missions, seminars and specific business matching. Some SMEs have seized the opportunities. For example, environmental solutions player Tritech has introduced a water quality monitoring system to the Tianjin Environment Bureau for the Eco-city. With this, the Bureau can collect water quality data, using remote senses. This has raised its productivity.

9. Third: services. As Tianjin develops, its economy will become more services- oriented. In Singapore, almost two-thirds of our economy is dominated by services industries. We can share our experience in areas such as retail, healthcare and business services. Many Singapore companies offering these services are already in Tianjin.

10. Fourth: the internationalisation of Tianjin enterprises. We welcome Tianjin enterprises to set up base in Singapore to leverage our networks to expand into the region. I am very happy that this collaboration is making headway. Later, we will witness the MOU signing between Tianjin’s renowned enterprise Goubuli Group ( 狗 不 理 集 团 ) and Singapore’s food manufacturer Tee Yih Jia Group. Goubuli Group has a history of 150 years old and is famous for its buns. With this partnership, Tee Yih Jia will manufacture and distribute Goubuli’s food products in Asia Pacific. Tee Yih Jia has a strong distribution network of over 50 cities globally. We hope that the famous Tianjin Goubuli buns will soon be seen in supermarkets in the Asia Pacific region. This is a meaningful partnership that

11 Source: Tianjin Commission of Commerce

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not only benefits both companies; it helps to bring a part of Tianjin’s flavour and culture further afield.

11. Fifth: education and technology. Tianjin is one of the designated cities to lead China’s vocational training, education reform and development. The Tianjin government agencies have been very open and keen to partner us in vocational training and education. We have brought to Tianjin the Singapore Talent Development Alliance12, or the STDA, which comprises seven players from our public and private education sectors. There is scope to do more.

12. In parallel, the pre-school education sector is also seeing rising demand as more and more Tianjin parents seek high-quality bilingual education for their children. Singapore companies such as Crestar and Ivy Group already have set-ups in Tianjin. Singapore’s Ednovation will soon set up its kindergarten in Tianjin through Yanlord’s Riverside Garden residences. Ednovation’s preschool services focus on e-learning solutions. It uses IT to assist the teaching of the English Language to Chinese children. This also makes learning English more fun for the children.

13. Beyond education, we need to embrace new technologies to stay competitive. For example, the 3D printing technology we saw just now has the potential to transform traditional manufacturing. One of our primary schools13 has introduced 3D printing design software to students to expose them to new technology. Singapore’s Housing & Development Board is using precast technologies and smart homes technologies. This allows us to build better homes for Singaporeans with higher construction productivity.


14. The council has seen good results in the past six years. We will continue to deepen and broaden our collaboration. Today, we bring together 12 partnerships among the government and business community, across wide-ranging sectors.

15. I would like to express my gratitude to Mayor Huang and his government for the strong support given to our companies all these years. Tianjin will continue to offer exciting opportunities for all of us.

16. As always, the Council has provided a valuable platform for us to share our views and voice our feedback. This is especially important between the public and the private sectors. On behalf of our companies and our people, I look forward to the Council’s continual support. I especially value our friendship and the cultural exchange between our people.

17. Thank you.

12 The 7 STDA members are Civil Service College, ITE Education Services, Nanyang Polytechnic, Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, NTUC LearningHub and Singapore Management University. A first of its kind, these institutions will bring together various courses to offer a holistic suite of customised services, catering specially to the Chinese market. 13 Radin Mas Primary School

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Chinese Terms

Singapore-Tianjin Economic & Trade Council 新加坡-天津经济贸易理事会 (STETC) International Enterprise (IE) Singapore 新加坡国际企业发展局 (简称:企发局) Mr Khaw Boon Wan 许文远先生 Minister for National Development 新加坡国家发展部部长 Singapore 联合主席 Co-Chairman 新加坡-天津经济贸易理事会 Singapore-Tianjin Economic & Trade Council Mr Lee Yi Shyan 李奕贤先生 Senior Minister of State for National 新加坡国家发展部兼贸易及工业部 Development and Trade and Industry 高级政务部长 Singapore

副主席 Vice Chairman 新加坡 天津经济贸易理事会 Singapore-Tianjin Economic & Trade Council -

Mr Huang Xingguo 黄兴国先生 Tianjin Mayor 天津市市长

Co-Chairman 联合主席 Singapore-Tianjin Economic & Trade Council 新加坡-天津经济贸易理事会 Mr Yuan Tongli 袁桐利先生 Tianjin Binhai New Area Party Secretary 天津滨海新区书记

Vice Chairman 副主席 Singapore-Tianjin Economic & Trade Council 新加坡-天津经济贸易理事会 Mr Ren Xuefeng 任学锋先生 Tianjin Vice Mayor 天津市副市长

Vice Chairman 副主席 Singapore-Tianjin Economic & Trade Council 新加坡-天津经济贸易理事会

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1. Memorandum of Understanding between Goubuli Group Ltd and Tee Yih Jia Group to distribute Goubuli’s food products

The partnership will see Tee Yih Jia Group become the main distributor Goubuli Industrial Products, Goubuli buns and other food products in the Asia Pacific. Production lines for Goubuli buns will also be set up in all of Tee Yih Jia Group's factories worldwide. Goubuli Group will be responsible for providing technical specifications, skilled labour and production related manpower and training to help the company to expand its operations and reduce production costs. Both parties will also work together to build Goubuli production factories.

2. Memorandum of Understanding between Goubuli (Singapore) Group Ltd and Tee Yih Jia Group

The Partnership will see share transfer of Tee Yih Jia’s TungLok Restaurant Group to Goubuli.

3. Project signing between Goubuli Group Ltd and Tianjin Innovative Investment Ltd

Goubuli Group will purchase two new retail outlets in Tianjin Eco-City’s commercial building to open a Goubuli restaurant. The restaurant will occupy a floor area of 1,116 sqm.

4. Project signing between Yanlord Land Group and Ednovation Group

The partnership will see the development of a kindergarten project in Yanlord Riverside Gardens residences in downtown Hebei District for a period of 15 years. Yanlord Riverside Gardens is a high-end international residential project and Yanlord Land Group’s second international community development in Tianjin.

5. Project signing between Global Logistics Properties (GLP) Investment Management and Tianjin Economic Technological Development Area (TEDA) Managing Committee

The partnership will see the development of a world class logistics facility to provide high quality services for other companies in TEDA.

6. Project signing between Singapore Manufacturing Federation and Tianjin Association

Both parties will enhance collaboration in manufacturing and related sectors through regular exchanges, missions and networking sessions.

Project signings involving the Tianjin Eco-City

For more details, please refer to media release issued by Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co. Ltd. (SSTEC) in Annex 4.

7. Land acquisition agreement between SSTEC and Keppel Land China Ltd.

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8. Joint Venture between Keppel FMO Pte. Ltd. and Sheng Heng Eco-Maintenance and Services Co. Ltd.

9. Lease agreement between SSTEC and Surety Financial Leasing (China) Co. Ltd.

10. Memorandum of Understanding between SSTEC and the National University of Singapore (NUS) Institute of Real Estate Studies (IRES)

11. Memorandum of Understanding between SSTEC, the Eco-City Administrative Committee (ECAC) and Transpacific IP Management Group Pte Ltd

12. Memorandum of Understanding between SSTEC and ECAC

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Singapore, 23 October 2013: The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City welcomed six new partnerships at the sixth Singapore-Tianjin Economic and Trade Council (STETC) Meeting held in Singapore today. The STETC, co-chaired by Singapore’s Minister for National Development Khaw Boon Wan and Tianjin Mayor, Huang Xingguo, aims to promote broader exchanges and cooperation between the business communities of Tianjin and Singapore. International Enterprise (IE) Singapore is the Singapore secretariat for the council.

The signing of the Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) and agreements between Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co. Ltd (SSTEC) and its partners was witnessed by Minister Khaw Boon Wan and Mayor Huang Xingguo, as well as the STETC Vice-Chairmen Lee Yi Shyan, Senior Minister of State for National Development and Trade and Industry and Tianjin Binhai New Area Party Secretary Yuan Tong Li[1].

Spanning the areas of collaboration in green building research; intellectual property; investment promotion; and investments into the Tianjin Eco-City, the signings represented SSTEC’s commitment to actively seek out new partnerships to drive the Eco-City’s growth.

Partnerships in Green Building Research, Intellectual Property and Investment Promotion

Three MOUs were signed at the meeting. The first, signed between SSTEC and the National University of Singapore (NUS) Institute of Real Estate Studies (IRES), aims to promote the development and understanding of eco-cities by using the Tianjin Eco-City as a basis to study the impact, benefits and challenges of developing green buildings. SSTEC and NUS IRES will also explore the possibility of setting up a Research Office in the Eco- City in the future.

Against the backdrop of China’s nationwide efforts to strengthen intellectual property (“IP”) protection, SSTEC and the Eco-City Administrative Committee (ECAC) signed an MOU with Transpacific IP Management Group Pte Ltd (“Transpacific”) on strengthening cooperation in the field of IP in the Tianjin Eco-City. Transpacific, a leading IP strategist and advisor based in Singapore will work with ECAC and SSTEC to promote cooperation in IP in areas such as valuation, certification, training and trade; and make joint efforts to build a comprehensive service platform for IP in the Eco-City. The signing of this MOU will contribute towards the development of the Eco-City’s IP ecosystem and make the Eco-City a choice investment destination for companies requiring professional IP services and solutions.

At the meeting, SSTEC and ECAC also signed an MOU to jointly attract SMEs and start- ups into the Tianjin Eco-City International Enterprise Incubator (“Incubator”). The Incubator, covering an area of 5600 sqm, is located at the Ready Built Offices within SSTEC’s Eco- Business Park. Equipped with high quality office spaces and comprehensive service facilities, it is designed to be a platform to launch SMEs and start-ups, especially in the fields of mobile internet technology, as well as to enhance the overall economic competitiveness of the Eco-City.

[1]The other Tianjin Vice-Chairman is Tianjin Vice-Mayor Ren Xuefeng.

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Investors Signal Continued Confidence in the Tianjin Eco-City

As a signal of investors’ continued confidence in the Tianjin Eco-City, three agreements were signed at the meeting. The first is between SSTEC and Keppel Land China Limited (Keppel Land China) which will see Keppel Land China acquire a 10.37 ha prime residential site in the Eco-City. Keppel Land China is expected to develop about 350 high- quality landed eco-homes on the site, which is located within the Start-Up Area.

The second agreement signed at the meeting will see SSTEC partnering Keppel FMO Pte. Ltd. (Keppel FMO) in the areas of sustainable facilities management and eco-maintenance services. Keppel FMO will purchase a 25% equity interest in a wholly owned subsidiary of SSTEC, Tianjin Eco-City Sheng Heng Eco-Maintenance And Services Co., Ltd. The joint venture will provide green facilities management and property-related services. With more than 27 years of experience in integrated facilities management, Keppel FMO will leverage its expertise in green building management to expand its presence in China.

In addition, Surety Financial Leasing (China) Co. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Cai Hua Investment Co., Ltd., which provides financial leasing services focused on the green building industry, will invest USD 50 million to establish its China Headquarters in the Eco-City. Surety Financial Leasing (China) plans to leverage on Tianjin Binhai New Area’s growth to expand its China market presence.

CEO of SSTEC, Mr. Ho Tong Yen said, “SSTEC is delighted to welcome these new partnerships as we continue to make good progress in the development of the Sino- Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. These partnerships reflect the important role the Tianjin Eco- City plays as a platform for collaboration between institutions and agencies from Singapore and China, as well as for companies from both countries to grow their presence in the North China market.”

(Please see Annex A for additional details of entities that have signed MOUs and agreements with SSTEC.)

Issued by:

About Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City (SSTEC)

SSTEC is the master developer for the Tianjin Eco-City. It is a 50/50 joint venture between the Chinese Consortium led by Tianjin TEDA Investment Holding Co., Ltd (Tianjin TEDA) and the Singapore Consortium led by the Keppel Group.

The Tianjin Eco-City is a landmark bilateral project between China and Singapore with private-sector investment and development. Located in the Tianjin Binhai New Area (45 km away from Tianjin city centre), the 30-sq km Tianjin Eco-City is envisioned to create a harmonious and sustainable community that meets the needs of an urbanizing China and will be a modern township where 350,000 residents can live, work and play.

For more information about SSTEC, please visit sstec.dashilan.cn

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Media Contact:

Ms. Lau Ai Lin Senior Manager CEO’s Office & Corporate Development, SSTEC Mobile: (86) 135 0202 0481 Email: [email protected]

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Annex A

1. National University of Singapore Institute of Real Estate Studies (NUS IRES)

Background: The National University of Singapore (NUS) is a leading global university centered in Asia. NUS Institute of Real Estate (“IRES”) was established as a University- level research institute, dedicated to multidisciplinary research in real estate and related fields. The Institute promotes multidisciplinary collaboration and high-impact research on broad real estate issues in relation to economics, finance, urban development, wealth accumulation, demography, environmental sustainability and public policies. IRES aims to be a leading global knowledge centre on Asian real estate, through research excellence, international partnerships and industry collaboration. http://www.ires.nus.edu.sg/

About National University of Singapore (NUS)

A leading global university centred in Asia, the National University of Singapore (NUS) is Singapore’s flagship university, which offers a global approach to education and research, with a focus on Asian perspectives and expertise.

NUS has 16 faculties and schools across three campuses. Its transformative education includes a broad-based curriculum underscored by multi-disciplinary courses and cross- faculty enrichment. Over 37,000 students from 100 countries enrich the community with their diverse social and cultural perspectives.

NUS has three Research Centres of Excellence (RCE) and 23 university-level research institutes and centres. It is also a partner in Singapore’s fifth RCE. NUS shares a close affiliation with 16 national-level research institutes and centres. Research activities are strategic and robust, and NUS is well-known for its research strengths in engineering, life sciences and biomedicine, social sciences and natural sciences. It also strives to create a supportive and innovative environment to promote creative enterprise within its community.

For more information, please visit www.nus.edu.sg

Quote: Professor Deng Yongheng, Director of NUS IRES said, “We are very excited about this research collaboration with the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City on green building research. Sustainable development is especially critical for Asia, which is undergoing rapid urbanisation. The Tianjin Eco-City offers a new city development model worthy of study as an example for cities of the future.”

2. Transpacific IP Management Group Pte Ltd.

Background: Transpacific IP Management Group Pte. Ltd (“Transpacific”) is a leading full- service intellectual property (“IP”) strategist and advisor based in Asia that specializes in connecting global IP markets and fostering the development of new technologies. Transpacific helps clients realize the maximum gain from their IP assets through its full breadth of IP services-analytics, investments, strategy and transactions.

Quote: “We are very happy to be able to make a difference and be involved in the Tianjin Eco-City project” said Guy Proulx, Chairman and CEO of Transpacific. “IP activity in Asia has increased many fold and having a comprehensive service platform for IP will encourage businesses to develop the growth of their IP in the global playing field. Intellectual Property is gradually developing as an investment of choice and we hope to play our part in making the Eco-City a choice destination for such transactions to take place.”

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3. Keppel Land China Limited

Background: Keppel Land China Limited (Keppel Land China) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore-based Keppel Land Limited (Keppel Land), which is the property arm of the Keppel Group. One of the largest property companies by total assets on the Singapore Exchange, Keppel Land focuses on a two-pronged strategy of property development for sale and property fund management.

In China, Keppel Land is focused on developing township, residential, waterfront, commercial and mixed-use developments in China. Over the years, the Company has been expanding its footprint in China to over 10 cities. To date, Keppel Land China has over 20 projects with a total GFA of 7.7 million sm, which translates to about 40,000 homes.

Keppel Land China is also an investor as well as developer cum project manager for the Keppel Group development, in the landmark Singapore-China government project, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City.

4. Keppel FMO Pte. Ltd

Background: With more than 27 years of experience, Keppel FMO is a reliable partner in the facilities management industry, servicing airports, hospitals, educational institutions and commercial and government buildings.

To help facilities achieve their green goals and targets, Keppel FMO also provides a full spectrum of green services covering consultancy, energy audit, engineering and project management, operations and maintenance of systems efficiency, and energy management.

Keppel FMO's facilities management portfolio exceeds 8 million square feet and operates with staff strength of more than a thousand. In Singapore, the facilities under management include landmark institutions and buildings like the Changi International Airport, five Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited hospitals, Grade A office buildings including Keppel Bay Tower and Ocean Financial Centre, and government institutions such as the Subordinate Court, the Environment Building and the Ministry of Education.

Besides managing more than 30 projects in Singapore, Keppel FMO also manages facilities in China, India and Qatar.

Quote: Mr Yeo Kong Nee, General Manager of Keppel FMO, said “Growing this partnership with SSTEC will allow us to build on our strong track record and leverage our expertise and experience in green facility management to tap on the growth opportunities that the Tianjin Eco-city provides. We look forward to contributing to the development of a sustainable and eco-friendly city.”

5. Surety Financial Leasing (China) Co., Ltd (Hua Hui)

Background: Surety Financial Leasing (China) Co., Ltd (Hua Hui) established in the Tianjin Eco-City in July 2013 with a registered capital of USD$50 million. Hua Hui will fully utilize its resources of existing customers and take advantage of local and overseas funding, adapt to the development trend of China's market economy under the guidance of the new macro-control policy in China, to provide project financing and leasing services to China's large and medium size state-owned enterprises, small and medium size enterprises with development potential, listed companies and projects which are approved and supported by the state in line with national development plans from the National Development and Reform Commission. Hua Hui’s targeted industries and sectors include

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the manufacturing of equipment, modern logistics industry, renewable energy, environmental protection, metallurgy equipment, new energy industry, health care industry, bio-engineering, optical technology, agriculture, and public utilities industries, thereby creating a more favorable financial environment for China’s economic development. Unlike other existing financial leasing companies in China, Hua Hui shall become a new unique finance leasing company with focus in the green energy industry in China. Utilizing its wide network of resources and relationships in the area of green energy, the company shall invest mainly in new energy-saving technology and projects, and at the same time, link up with international funding and investors to make a positive impact on China’s energy industry.

Quote: Gao Feng, General Manager of Hua Hui said, “We are very happy to set up in the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. In the near future, Hua Hui will adapt to the development trend of China's market economy, also relying on Tianjin Eco-City's growing green economic circle. Under the direction of the unique green financial policies in the Eco-City, we wish to utilize the strong financial advantage of ours to establish financial leasing activities in Tianjin Binhai New Area. The company shall invest mainly in new energy- saving technology and projects, and develop them into a new unique finance leasing company with a focus in the green energy industry in China to make a positive impact on China’s energy industry.”

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