The Wave Equation on Asymptotically Anti-De Sitter Spaces
THE WAVE EQUATION ON ASYMPTOTICALLY ANTI-DE SITTER SPACES ANDRAS´ VASY Abstract. In this paper we describe the behavior of solutions of the Klein- ◦ Gordon equation, (g + λ)u = f, on Lorentzian manifolds (X ,g) which are anti-de Sitter-like (AdS-like) at infinity. Such manifolds are Lorentzian ana- logues of the so-called Riemannian conformally compact (or asymptotically hyperbolic) spaces, in the sense that the metric is conformal to a smooth Lorentzian metricg ˆ on X, where X has a non-trivial boundary, in the sense that g = x−2gˆ, with x a boundary defining function. The boundary is confor- mally time-like for these spaces, unlike asymptotically de Sitter spaces studied in [38, 6], which are similar but with the boundary being conformally space- like. Here we show local well-posedness for the Klein-Gordon equation, and also global well-posedness under global assumptions on the (null)bicharacteristic flow, for λ below the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound, (n − 1)2/4. These have been known under additional assumptions, [8, 9, 18]. Further, we describe the propagation of singularities of solutions and obtain the asymptotic behavior (at ∂X) of regular solutions. We also define the scattering operator, which in this case is an analogue of the hyperbolic Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. Thus, it is shown that below the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound, the Klein-Gordon equation behaves much like it would for the conformally related metric,g ˆ, with Dirichlet boundary conditions, for which propagation of singularities was shown by Melrose, Sj¨ostrand and Taylor [25, 26, 31, 28], though the precise form of the asymptotics is different.
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