Passenger Name Slips 1. Miss Grace Scott Bowen

2. Miss Caroline Louise Endres

3. Mrs. Madeleine Talmage Astor

4. Colonel John Jacob Astor

5. Mrs. Bessie Waldo Allison

6. Mr. Samuel Abelson

7. Mr. Edward Beane

8. Mr. Eugene Joseph Abbott

9. Mr. Rossmore Abbott

10. Miss Marie Catherine Baclini

11. Mr. George Owen Allum

12. Miss Robina Maggie Ford

13. Miss Ruth Elizabeth Becker

14. Mr. George Frederick Sweet

15. Miss Alice Herman

16. Mrs. Ada Doling

17. Mr. Frederick James Banfield

18. Mrs. Mary Emma Corey

19. Mrs. Claire Karnes

20. Mrs. Mary Eloise Smith

21. Mr. Lucian Philip Smith

22. Mr. Anthony Abbing

23. Mr. Wallace Henry Hartley

24. Miss Ruth Hardwood Bowker

25. Mrs. Irene Corbett

26. Mr. William Angle

27. Mr. Anthony William Sage

28. Miss Mariyam Tu’mah

29. Mr. Marshall Brines Drew

30. Mr. William Thornton Carter II

Name: ______Block: _____ Passenger Profile Use the website to research your passenger and answer the following questions. 1. What is your passenger’s name? ______

2. What class was your passenger in? ______

3. How old was your passenger? ______

4. Did your passenger have a job? If so, what? ______

5. Where was your passenger from? ______

6. Where was your passenger headed? ______

7. Did your passenger survive the sinking? ______

8. If your passenger did survive, when did your passenger die? If your passenger did not

survive, was the body ever recovered? ______

9. Was your passenger traveling with other people? Who? ______


10. Give two interesting facts about your passenger: 1. ______2. ______

Do a Google search for your passenger. List 2 new pieces of information you found out about that passenger and the website where you found the information. 1. ______Website: ______

2. ______Website: ______

Titanic Postcard Home Now that you have researched a Titanic passenger and learned about life for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class passengers, you are going to use your Titanic Passenger Profile to write a postcard home from your passenger. 1. You can make up a person and an address to send your postcard to. Use the home state/country/etc. of your passenger.

2. Write 7-10 sentences to someone at home. When writing, remember the AGE of your passenger and the CLASS of your passenger and any other important information you learned about him/her. Tell the person back home about what the passenger has experienced on the Titanic (this is BEFORE the sinking, obviously), where the passenger is going, etc. Think about the activities available to your passenger’s class and refer back to your article if necessary.

3. Draw a picture of something related to the Titanic on the front.