Nzdf and Ministry of Defence
Cabinet CAB Min (10) 39/8 Copy No:";).l Minute of Decision This document contains information for the New Zealand Cabinet. It must be treated in confidence and handled in accordance with any security classification, or other endorsement. The information can only be released, including under the Official Information Act 1982, by persons with the appropriate authority. Defence White Paper: Final Draft ~r?~ ~ Portfolio: Defence ~~ ~ • 'I. On 1 November 2010, following reference from the Cabinet Exte hRelatlOns and: efertce Committee (ERD), Cabinet: 1 noted that on 26 October201O, ERD noted: ~~/J~ 1.1 the contents of the draft Defence Whi e ape 'QO 10, :ache 0 the paper under ERD (10) 48; A. 1.2 that the draft Defence White Defence White Paper 201 1.3 2 endorsed ~V{~l¢ ..",nPrn Ol0, attached to the paper under CAB (10) 581. ~ kdatUfl- Secretary of tlt~abiItet Reference: CAB (10) 581 8 Distribution: (see over) t:CMS i[, ', , 1 Udtr.? .................., i F'oider r\l{] , , , , i I i ~'~~~.::'!_:..:~ec) ,_ To '•. :.:,~~,,~:::.::.:_~.~~.~:.:.:~.:.:..:.:..:.;,::.~:~~ 1'7'1'100,,1 Cabinet External ERD Min (10) 11/1 Relations and Defence Copy No: aci Committee Minute of Decision This document contains information for the New Zealand Cabinet. It must be treated in confidence and handled in accordance with any security classification, or other endorsement. The information can only be released, including under the Official Information Act 1982, by persons with the appropriate authority. Defence White Paper: Final Draft Portfolio: Defence On 26 October
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