Designated Security Duties STCW A-VI/6 (1+2) WELCOME  IMO Model Course 3.19 – 2003 edition

 Designated Security Duties Structure of the Course • Welcome and introduction • Maritime Security Policy • Security responsibility • Ship Security Assessment • Security Equipment, • Ship Security Plan • General Threat Identification, Recognition and response • Ship Security Actions • Training & Emergency preparadness • Exercise

Uppstart Upsurge in pirate activity

26 August 2008: Gulf of Aden warning:

To all ships transiting the Gulf of Aden Within the last 48 hours four ships have been attacked and hijacked by armed pirates in the vicinity 12 / 14 degrees north and 046 / 053 degrees east. All ships are strongly advised to maintain a strict visual and radar watch. Early detection will allow ships to take measures to prevent boarding and request for assistance.

Intelligence sources revealed that there are now three suspicious vessels in the Gulf of Aden believed to be pirate mother vessels looking to attack ships with the intent to hijack. The description of the suspected trawlers - long white, Russian made stern trawlers with names "BURUM OCEAN or ARENA or ATHENA". One of the trawlers is believed to be operating at approximately 60 NM NE of Bossasso, Somalia in the Gulf of Aden. Also intelligence indicates a blue-coloured tug operating in the same vicinity

The centre has received information that the suspected pirate mother ships are at the following positions:

BLUE-COLOURED TUG: 1159N 05056E at 25 0500 UTC Aug 08

Fishing trawler BURUM OCEAN: 1411N 04951E at 25 0930 UTC Aug 08 18.Nov 2008 on India 'sinks Somali pirate ship'

The has said that one of its warships in the Gulf of Aden has destroyed a ship belonging to pirates operating off the coast of Somalia.

The INS Tabar opened fire on a pirate "mother ship" after it came under attack, a government statement said. There has been a recent surge in off the coast of Somalia. Pirates´ links to terrorists

The MV Faina containing tanks and other heavy weapons for Kenya was heading towards an area of Somalia controlled by the ICU (Islamic Courts Union) . After its hijacking by pirates before anchoring off the Somali coast. The Somali pirates – in a standoff with US missile the USS Howard – asked for a $20 million ransom for the 20 crew members it held. The pirates have threatened to sell tanks and other weapons to terrorists, if ransom demands are not met.

Why know the law?

• Your ship has been detained because PSC has “clear grounds” for believing that the ship does not comply with SOLAS XI-2/4,2. • PSC uses ISPS B/4,33,5 as reasons for “Clear Grounds” • Loading and discharging of cargo has been stopped and the authorities want to expell the ship from the port. • Your ship is a 10,000 TEU container ship • It is 3 a.m. The charterer wants to know what is going on and the ship owner has been dragged from his bed. They both want an answer from you. • What is going on? TERRORISM Perpetrated for a religious or ideological goal Is your ship secure?