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10-5-1973 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1973-10-05 Wooster Voice Editors

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WTT(OTlCOLLEGE OF WOOSTER PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF THE 4 Volume XC Wooster, Ohio, Friday, October 5, 1973 Number

Fireoko SF author Ellison bosoles collective mind of McGaw lecture audience the other hand, he Is reputed to THE STAR LOST, the science ". Henley by Bill be The Fastest Temper In The fiction TV series he recently West (Coast), inspiring a wish created. j Those who attended Harlan to remain inconspicuous and stay, The "lecture", if such it can McGaw Echo Ellison's talk in out of the line of fire. However, be called (it cant) began approx- Chamber Monday night sot some course of the dinner I imately on schedule' at 8:15, mind-boggli- ng in the taste of his slightly attended with him, Ellison put before an audience that wast personality; but, alas, me relatively at my ease. He reasonably large for a McGaw they, caught relatively little of so by calling me a lecture audience, despite the range inter- did "blind, the writer's fall of ss was pouring down at smart-a- son of a bitch', and, rain that L- - ests and talents. The full as a component of the whole din-- the time (interpreted by Ellison Harlan Ellison .experience was "brain-damage- d. want . group, as "a sign that God does not lucky who ner reserved to the few For him, it works mat way. me to speak here). met him before or after the Ellison announced at the out- In the course of the talk, El- official talk, andor are familiar set that we should not expect lison wandered all over the stage with his published work. thoughts profound ideas up into the choir loft, down into reporter ap- great or Your intrepid to emerge from the talk. (It the first row of seats, and once proached meeting with two-thir- bis first must be said that he was bas-- ds of the way .down the Ellison with some trepidation; . ically correctJ The format was aisle (pulling his microphone out on the one hand, Ellison is A loose, not to say disorganized; of its socket as he went) to in- Big Name Science Fiction Wr- . officially tt was a question-and-answ- er quire of a girl who seemed to iter, inspiring initially In myself, setup, but most of the be preparing to leave, why she a small-ti- me science fiction to was . devoted to the answers was was preparing leave. He de- time, .reader, a slightly ridiculous spent, in. a long and involved delighted with the throne-li- ke gree of awe and an intense desire answer to a question about El- wooden chair set on the stage Harlan Ellison, noted sicence fiction author, boggled a Woos-te- r to- - making more an avoid of idiot lison's, current relationship to continued on page five audience in McGaw last Monday. of myself than I could avoid. On Wooster Art Center opens with 'Industry and Art9 who are dis- By Corlnne Rudman wish was fulfilled with the of The industries ficial opening of both services playing their products are Akron Brass, Astro Metallurgical, Wooster Art . this past September. The innovative & Howell, opened and located Center is Bauer Ladder, Bell Center lias is The Wooster Art Buckeye Container, Diebold, In- In the basement of Frick Hall the direction of Mr. Jon under ternational Paper, Magnl-Powe- r, on East University Street. Thomas who is an alumnus of Regal Thomas Ohio Metalsmlths, the Class of 1969. Mr. Sprosty Bag, assistance of Sally Patton Ware, Rubbermaid, This center, still in its infancy, has the Tlmken, Wooster Brush, Woo- pro- also a graduate of Woo- is a nonprofit community Tyler, ster Printing and Lltho, and Woo- ster. Together they are guiding an ject. The Idea was conceived by ster The exhibit learning ex- Products. started Dr. Arnold Lewis, Chairman of extremely diverse and perience combining courses in on Wednesday, October 3, the Art Department, who felt win continue until October 28. need art, drama, music, and natural II there was a definite for Invitations will be sent out to for both children and Of the combination of community science local Wooster schools, urging faculty Is and student participation in some adults. The school's to composed of volunteers and paid them visit the exhibit. type of creative program. When Wooster's student body is gymnasium was con- teachers who are commissioned 'fM the former strongly encouraged to get In- on the basis of one course at a verted into new headquarters for volved with the Art Center. FaU the Art Department, the original time. registration of course is now known Adult classes offered this fall building, as the Severance over, but winter sign-u- p will be adapted a - included Macrame, Sculpture, Art Center, was into held sometime in the beginning One of the Wooster Industrial products on exhibition now at the combination art museum and Photography, Drawing, Painting, of January. Student member- Art Center. community center. Dr. Lewis' Fitness Through Dance, Film ship is three dollars plus the Making, and Play Reading. enrollment fee for each Individ- Rock, discs Among the classes offered for ual class. The Center is also , folk the child were Mixed Media, on the lookout for talented teach- Basic Sculpture, Creative Dance, ers and would welcome college - and Astronomy. An enlarged students in. this capacity. (This Record co op opens Oct. 15 selection is planned for the win- might be one. good way to com- ter term, for the program is plete a required Independent op top twenty will cost less. The this area. and very re- i The Wooster Record Co-- win extremely flexible Study project Also, at this time op to tentatively start on Monday, co-- win get a profit of 30? sponsive to the community's tentative plans are being made This profit will p open ' October 15th. It will be located 50? a record. Tbeco-o- staff will be wishes. to "Invade" the elementary storage across from go into buying more records. to anyone interested. Bob New- schools in Wayne County with in the closet charged, concept Mom's Truck Stop. Remodeling The records cannot be man said, "The basic exhibits from the Art Museum op at the Frtck begin the week- they must be paid for "on sight." of co-- policy, like what to the new exhibit above the Center. Again, the aid of that area will sent from entitled, Wooster end of October 6th. The records are seU, win be determined by the Art Center is of students (possibly in the field They under the . bi-wee- kly monthly and Seventeen land and Bob Mew-ma- n, Cleveland. are people in or Industry Art. of history) would be much Martha Bo - art Warner-Atlantic-Elec- tra label are displaying who began the project, said, ' meetings. We also need six local industries appreciated in the undertaking. 40 to 50 of in various ways. can only order records we which makes people for a collective staff for their products "We and not necessarily a know will sell. We can guarantee all records sold. day to day bookkeeping "There is co--op gotten a total of wan Industry and So, the Wooster Art Center has getting almost anyjroek record. The has ordering of the records. These between art", -- : an arrived and is weU underway will be $750.00 in loans, $200 from people win receive no salary but explained Mr. Arnold Lewis, Most of the records rest charge of the into its first year of existence. popular Jazz, and folk. Lowry Center Board and the win gefrecords at cost. We also art professor in rock, Martha The exhibits are set It offers many possibilities for we have we can order with a grant from SGA. need people for selling records, exhibit. If dont it, sent in a typed pro- rec- to present different types of the individual interested in "a IT and you'll get it in under a and Bob have publicity, and choosing the $300 more from SGA, important. shapes, colors and textures. new arena for participation in - ? two to posal for ords, which is really week, usually in three by exhibited, the lively Please dont . products arts." days. Classical records win which has to be reviewed the Eventually, we hope to expand Some of the Special thanks was re- - daodIa want US finished, are as yet forget It is there, for, says its take about a week." Deans. bibt that are .others . slogan, It Is for YOUR quested for the help of. Gary -- possibly Incomplete and still others are "art. , expand crafts The records, win cost .$350 in, a ' ' thbmpsod ;HJJ:CJoss6o. inj "discards. sake." . . : .MdrVtecOrds listed at $5.98 TM :d or inMin coW 21cordingly. The key differ- it hard to believe, to say (Sept. 23) because there ence, was than good sportsmanship? however, that tne least. was no full-ti- me employee The Men's intramural pro- those who were for Billy to work, again up- Jean had a good reason for Finally, I would like to reflects gram at the College of Riggs: respond on the management. A good Wooster has wrestled un- being so other than just to the article by management should be able A identification with their Stanley Perdue on the sub- successfully for years with Loser of pic- to retain and manage their this question. The exis- sex. Riggs had spent an ject the Freshman employees.. Such Who entire month before the early tence of the Section's lost ture book, otherwise known closing demonstrates an Traveling Trophy has been match "putting women in as the menu. The only appalling lack of responsi- To the their place" over national question a factor in the in- Editor, I have here is why bility. tense competition that ex- I am responding to three televislon-- a spectacle of did they ever I reg- really lousy sportsman- include have been a fairly ists in "A" League. The articles in the September Freshman men in the book? ular --customer at Mom's 28 of ship. This is why there It only fact that there are ten issue Voice. The makes theprocessof for the past seven years. teams in League Foot- was by Bob Hether-ingt- on were so many men as well choosing "B" first appetizer, main Never have I seen such . as women who were ball this fall compared to in which he lamented rooting course, and dessert more poor quality of service and only fem- for Billy Jean. four teams in "A" ever the "loss of real difficult. failing quality of food. League indicates that a ininity" on television, Something must be done greater number of students, which he thought culmin- I thinkthat what 1 s needed to rectify the.pitiful condi- King on campus would rather play for fun ated in the Billy Jean But then there were this is a rede- tions. than "blood and Guts" and victory and the fact that fining of the female student Yours truly, those insecure men on this one the material honors that go Barbara Streisand could campus who fly- as who can expect to be Mrs. R. J. StorckV along Heth-eringt- stuck like with successful become a on judged on "A" star. Mr. paper to the Riggs side, as the basis of her. League competition.. Per- went on to suggest if would character and not her sex. haps that Streisand's only claim they have suddenly this indicates that the become impotent had they Intramural Program needs to fame was in the number Is to be of ugly girls who identify taken Billy Jean's side. realigned to increase This kind of attitude came" Who knows what ex- the emphasis on enjoying with her and take heart that citing things Omar Sharif Winning game can a to a climax, so to speak f the and learning how if she "get man" found in Barbara to get along in- then maybe there's some in what I call the Streisand. with people -- Sincerely, 'IT'? stead of turning every game "sign Co-chairpe- hope for It seems burning incident." rson do-or-- them. Kim Smith - into a die be- that our self --proclaimed On the day after the famous battle of N.O.W. Wooster . tween sworn Ob- Wooster movie had match, Andrews Hall where To The Editor, enemies. critic chapter (National Organi- When does winning a viously, there are teams better take another look at I live, hung out a large zation Women) what sign which read: "RIGHT for game on an athletic field that can compete at the "A'' talent is before he continued makes another -- comment ON BILLY JEAN." Ap- become more important on page three about a movie. parently, there were people The second article I'd on this campus who didn't Mom's like to take issue with is like this because, later on You'll go ape the one by Tom Johnson en- that night, I peered out my titled Bobby Riggs: "a window and saw a group of Service over the winner, who lost." Why was about six or seven boys Sound off loss. it that, in this match, setting fire to something Stinks everyone on campus, in- and laughing. It looked like The Sound of Koss Stereophone cluding non tennis-playe- rs some kind of ancient and Dear Editor, has always made music lovers go like the author of this primitive ritual. When I I was appalled at the in- ape. So, "Go Ape Shirt" with" article, suddenly had a keen heard one of them shout, efficient service I met at the purchase of any Koss Stop Stereophone. And for those interest in who would win? "chauvinist pigs for- Mom's Truck last who think it's possible to 30 It was the great "Battle of ever!", I realized that it evening. The quality of the ape without a Koss r the Sexes" that's why. and must have been the sign service has been falling as Stereophone, our "Go Ape - as Shirts" are available for only everyone took sides ac-- they were burning. I found regularly the prices $1 .95. At that price, they have been rising. may not blow your mind like - Last evening while on my a Koss Stereophone would, dinner break only one per- but they won't blow your son was working behind the budget either. counter. Due to phone Drop around today and listen to the Sound of Koss. calls, short order cooking, When you purchase a Koss and general counter ser- Stereophone we'll arrange -- w vice it took fifteen min- for your free 'Go Ape utes to get a carton of Shirt." Or if you just want the shirt, we'll show you 1 milk. But this can not be how to send for one. But blamed on the poor over- hurry, the offer expires soon. worked girl behind the-counte- r. 1 The blame must -- fall on the management. 1 There should never be a single student expected to 1811 BEALL AVE.' - run the snack bar. Where WOOSTER. OHIO 44691 was the fulltime super-- v visor or at least another student employee? The fact that Mom's was forced to close on Sunday THE BOOK NOOK

201 E. 262-628-6 Published weakly during the academic year except Member of United States Press holidays Association and and examination periods by the students of the Ohio Newspaper Association. Entered as second class College or - Wooster. Opinions expressed in editorials matter in the Post- Office, Wooster, Ohio. Subscription and are not Books For features necessarily those of the staff and rates: $6.00 per year, second class; $9.00 per year. should not be construed as representing administration First Class. policy. FICTION Special Needs

-- . Advertising NONFICTION National Representative: National BOOKS FOR Educational Advertising Service. This newspaper welcomes signed letters to the BIOGRAPHIES FALL editor. Letters should be typed, double-space- d, and CHILDREN'S The offices are located on the bottom floor of preferably under 300 words. Address all correspondence Gifts From The Kitchen ry G-1-8. 264-123- 4, BOOKS Low Center Box: 3187; phone: to VOICE, The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio 44691. Cookbooks ext.. 433. . . and Gift . Editions for Holiday All Books in Print Cooking I Richard .Klelbowlcz . .Editor .... Available PLUS- -. Heieif Tills, BUI Henley . . Managing: Editors STAFF: Chuc Caver, Jeff Adair, Stanley Perdue, f Paul Cope ...... Sports Editor Marry Knott, Eleanor DeWltt,Sue Tew, Barb Snyder, t Special Orders Always VINCE LOMBARDI ON . I Karen Hurl . Office Manager Welcome ...... Paul Cope, Richard Scales, Pete GUdden, Kim FOOTBALL ' Selena Crump ...... Business Manager Ruoff, Joe Hudson- - CorlnneRudman. Tom Patrnn Quick Delivery r. Joe Glgllerano ...... Advertising Manager Sue Flatte, Sue Graf and Carol Kreykenbohm. Bobble Brown Circulation Manager

aal ft . JL t . Friday, October 5, 1973 VOICE Pag thro

(Lraimj. US garb the hroctds of administrative chic reminded of an advertisement in it sometime , - By Chub idea is to be moody, and some- a recent B. Altman's circular: Admissions..."has it over shoes. what melodramatic, but without (the right type of material) ... Janis Smith Jordan looks like she One" of the most biting com- violating taste." for when you don't have to wait cleaned out Gucci's, Saks, and mentaries that appeared in the One is reminded immediately hours for a table at Elaine's." Franklin Simon this summer (just summer press was a " review of those crisp pant suits that GEOMETRIC WEDNESDAY "keep on truckin" Ms. Jordan). by Blair Sabol (the VILLAGE never look "cemented" on the There were green striped Certain things are totally lack- Dean of Student's lean frame. VOICE) (June 21; 1930) entitled . shifts, diamond print ties and ing to Two big off cool and or "out lunch". "What they're . wearing at The lady comes everything to and from orange hits in the fall collections have Watergate", which Included a -- clean having . violated precisely, plaid jackets. A spattering of no show our administrators nothing. in line about "a woman who tried Tuesday circles, squares, and Ms. Clark s wardrobes: OVERSIZE (coats in particularly hard with midi Sleeveless absolutely avant starfish ear- particular are supposed to be skirts and eight inch clogs". I realize that last week's wea- rings. Ms. Horsveld (from' the bulky and loose: .get rid of the I figured if Blair Sabol could ther was not exactly the begin- treasurer's office) pulled the skinny wind breakers) and cover Maureen Dean's "Impec- ning of fall, but I swear most of prize in a stunning print dress UNDERSEE (if a sport jacket is cably tailored blouse" I might the people working in Galpin with double rows of large ivory more than half an inch below the find something worthwhile in Sept. 25th looked like they'd be dots, separated by vertical chains crotch it Is TOO LONG and should the trials and errors of a more better seated at umbrella tables of double ringed blues and white. be altered or deposited at the local (if less clothes conscious than desks, the effect was strictly She gets three more points if nearest Goodwill collection site). andor corrupt) executive "sun-porc- h," functional, but she made it herself. The only thing undersized In Gal- branch. 'somewhat refreshing. ACCESS-SORRIE- S pin are all those pant legs crawl- WHO, WHEN AND WHATEVER FOR Ms. Clark donned a white shell men wear up " The don't bracelets, ing peoples' calves. -- I used the week of Sept. 24th (sleeveless) and a raving pair of or carry bags, and they must I didn't see a single pair of to research my subjects and rich red earrings. Ms. Turner read the AM A reports on the those baggie-ass- ed jeans Every-stude- nt concentrated on the three main turned up in a deep blue dress dangers of soaring shoes, be- bought in July (for $13V - areas of Galpin: the registrars (sleeveless) with a high collar. cause Galpin' s average heel and wore the bottoms of the cuffs office, the admissions staff and Carole Morrison flew in and out height is one inch (platforms are ragged before August was over. the second floor foyer into which so fast I caught her plaid jacket non-exista- nt). No banded baseball jackets, no all the deans and assistant deans ( was it seer sucker? ) but couldn't The women do wear bracelets Levi jean caps, and scarcely a and interns and secretaries and discern if what, was underneath (Nancy Cadle has a fine collection bow tie or tropical print. Jackie assorted titled persons pour. was sleeveless. Kent Shimcall of woven gold bands), and some- Rogers (for men) would have had Four consecutive days I sat as came clad in the male equivalent body in the deans office has a a coniptibn over the white on unobtrusively as possible taking of something sleeveless (no, not fabulous collection of wrist white 8port shirts all over the notes. a tank top), a short sleeved pearls. They must hide their Dean's office: (I suggest that each No one came to sight as having white shirt. pocketbooks, but the women are culprit be' locked up in the com- "tried particularly hard" but i And to make that day's investi- (ever so) into heels. I spotted puter room with one hundred several personalities were none- gation relevant, almost on Cue, an entire collection of clogs, clippings from ESQUIRE'S mon- theless impressive. Dean Cropp exited from a side pumps, crepe combinations and thly "Wearables" section) and office calling out: "You know sharp composite numbers. San-dl-es yet not a single grey flannel what they say about men with are somewhat common. suit! What are you guys going DORIS' DAY everybody If Wooster had a Best Dressed crew cuts!" Although he never Surprisingly, not to wear to the opening of the list. Doris Coster would be did say what "they" said. wears a watch, but those who do GREAT GATSBY?' ' have selected simple faces and BANNED FROM BON WITS bound to be on it somewhere. gen- She has. always shown the utmost Peter Have-hol- m slender bands. Jewelry in (Who shall remain shamefully even the face of fash- We are all familiar with the eral is kept to a stark minimum. nameless) committed the cardi- in tact in THE LAST FASHION SHOW ion which forced one -- to be more adage "you are what you eat" nal sin of haute couture, and kicky than elegant. NEW YORK and one wonders if the same Beyond a doubt, the registrar's wore the same outfit three days magazine now declares Ms. Co- does not hold for what you wear. office is the dressiest. One In a row!' Yves St. Laurent ster's time as come, as we are If It does, Dean Havholm would young woman in particular (with faints, Oscar de la Renta bites "entering the age of Swank." be judged a very creative, un-rus- hed the wire frames, rose tint num- his hand,) I wouldn't mention (Sept. 17, 1973) The fantasy is individual. Those muted ber one) had on such a striking this except as a warning: should in the texture of your clothes camel suits and often open col- black and pink and green flower WOMEN'S WEAR DAILY ever jiot in their associations. Color lared Turnbull-Ass- er (I'm giving print dress Thursday, that I decide to scan this campus, our and cut express ambience, as do him the benefit 'of the doubt) recalled a friend of mine's fav- administrators might be barred their styles and accessories. The shirts are absolutely itl One is orite remark "She's gotta wash from restaurants, X, Y, and Zl Bob & Janet & Phillip & Alice & Gordon presi- PLAZA FASHION, Teresa in THE HOS- girl friend from high school. AUDIENCE. He is also Neil Simon's comedy from Gary, Indiana, is dent of the Welsh American one-a- ct runs TAGE, and Eve in THE James, SUITE, three plays, majoring in economics. He Youth, an organization for those 4 5, and 6th at the College TREE. Last year she assisted Oct. in the direction of ORESTES. transferred here from Wilber-for- ce of Welsh heritage between the of Wooster' s Severance Art SDC 13 Madeline Speech She has played leading roles In U. and has" played in ages of and 30. Studio - 8:15. Janet Will, CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF Martin plays the daughter who from Oneonta, N.Y., is HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS 'major WITHOUT REALLY TRYING and AN AUTHOR. Bertha, from Can- locks herself in the bathroom. In directing the play, "Visitor ry first WHERE'S CHARLIE? at the ton, Ohio, is a senior-histo- high school she acted in THE from Mamaroneck" for her She has acted in SISTER MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT. At Wooster she played Oneonta College Community major, junior IS. summer SONJL and THE SWAMP DWEL- Her perspective husband is the French maid Millinette in theatre. Greg Long, In this production Jenny Mul-t- er LERS with the Kalamazoo College played by freshman Playhouse-197- 2. who appeared in several high MORE ON and Summer" Festival from Chatham, N.J. WEST Bob Hetherington from Corapol-i- s. Philip Scott also appears school musicals including Pa. are seen as" the couple in this act of PLAZA SUITE. SIDE STORY, FIDDLER ON THE who are having difficulties get- "Visitor from Forest Hills", ROOF, and THE MIKADO. WINNING IS 0 sopho- the last play, is junior for ting together. Jenny, a N continued from page two more Speech major, appeared Pam Pepper from New Concord, Tickets are available In Lowry League level who do not in last years children s' play, Ohio. At Wooster Pam acted in Center or may be purchased at have this attitude, but fre- TOBY THE TALKING TURTLE BLACK COMEDY and CAPTAIN the door. For reservations call quently they do not feel and THE HOSTAGE. Bob, a BILLY and was assistant direc- 264-12- 34, ext. 567. Prices: $.75 mat the involvement is senior Speech major, played in tor for FASHION. In community and $1.50. worth the extra hassles. BLACK COMEDY and FASHION. theatre she appeared in INTER- may appear to be He has debated one year on the VIEW and CHRIST IN THE CON- This' CITY and played Dolly an appeal for the abolish- varxity team and writes a col- CRETE Also, box office opens Wednes- y umn VOICE. Otjhers in In THE BOYFRIEND in summer ment of the TravelingTro-ph- for the " day, October 10th at Lowry Cenr and the creation of a the cast include Alice Taylor, theatre. THE EFFECT Ohio-Fren- ter for tickets for ch In play Karen McCllntock, MAN-IN-THE-MO- new award based on sports- freshman from Euclid, her OF GAMMA RAYS ON ON manship and attitude, and in major; Philip Scott from a junior who's majoring in relig- MARIGOLDS a Fra-se- r, Rod a sopho- a way. it Is. More impor- Pittsburgh, Pa., and Gordon ious art, and Owen, drama by Paul Zindel. This though, an appeal from Painted Post, N.Y. more political science major, are pre- tant, it is playing couple. year's Homecoming play to the values of the intra- Dr. Schutz is directing the mid- the harassed sented by the LittleTheatre opens dle play, "Visitor from Holly-woo- d". Karen has been seen in summer mural athlete at Wooster. appeared Oct. 17th and plays through Is winning everything? James Alexander stock productions and October 20th in Scott Auditorium. and Bailey in last years childrens' show. . Does winning justify the Anderson Jr. Bertha Opening night tickets - half sacrifice of human ideals? assume the roles of the dashing Rod has acted here in THE HOS- price. old . TAGE and OFFENDING THE Name . withheld Hollywood producer and his

r 9 v rag tour VOICE The Reel World Zeffirelli remakes 'West Side Story9 by Bob Hetherlngton on campus year Phil-listi- last over differ- down pastoral hills after leaving simply, that, for all the ne ent screen versions of the play, Juliet's balcony, and her great cutting of the text, this ; After a weekend of Charles let be no misunderstand- Foster Kane and Benjamin Brad-- there : forty-fiv- e line "Come vial' sol--. j version of ROMEO AND JULIET ing - this is the one with -- Tdock almost anything that Mateef the iloquy rewritten as J'Love, give is alive Vith a spirit and passion schmaltzy music, and the teen- me strength' Is no that is so noticeably lacking in presented this week would cause agers playing the leads, (but not better. withdrawal pains, but it opts Then there is the matter of many stage presentations. It is for as much music as WEST SIDE ,.. the same the cold turkey treatment by STORY). the reading of the lines. Olivia reason why I believe showing DEALING and GRAND Hussey and Leonard Whiting are that the Leslie Howard-Nor- ma Though I seldom succumb to to be - Shearer film is Inferior a a PRK. I know of no one who has unabashed sentimentality, I attractive teenagers, sure, paid money to see the former, must but I doubt if even subtitles could Shakespearean adaptation, to confess unequlvocably to a great cover .west side storv. . and has been brave enough to fondness for this film; since I for their interpretations and make us believe more -- admit it, and as for GRAND even their ; 1 less frequently give un- gestures. a SHORT SUBJECTS: regret PRK, the most you can get out qualified I have intense There is I did of something an praise, several gulf between their words and that not. discover what a it is of apprecia-- ', complaints about it. Indeed, there delightful film HAROLD AND Hon for what it feels like to be many their faces, between their in- run are reasons not to like nocent, unmarred bodies and the MAUDE was, until the middle " over. The crashes are the ROMEO AND JULIET. After a puckered wit and wisdom of the ui us iun at cue wooster Theatre, best thing In the movie, and they beautiful and textually reverent but highly recommend it to you are really gorgeous, so we don't three acts of screen poetry. More often then not, just ; mind losing adaptation, the camera has to give you some- the same. It is one of the some of the actors Zeffirelli says, "Well, you most under-rat- ed (though I could have been spared can't thing else to watch during pa- little films to have everything. Look at how difficult dialogue, come out of Hollywood in years: James Gamer, who seems to much Renaissance I gave you. rticularly a sentimental black a be taking the whole role much scenes. Juliet in her nightdress comedy, - The two hours are almost up. -- leaning very over the balcony, too seriously).- One is tempted Have to cut the text a bit, if far jerker, and a grisly social to get as much mileage as he you for example, gives the audience satire. : don't mind." It features Bud Cort as the intro- can out of jokes about auto- - So, potion (well, half the audience) a more - the scene is cut, verted youth who stages bizarre eroticism, but GRAND . PRK stimulating pair to watch than as is the apothecary scene, no the two youth reciting poetry to -- suicide attempts to psyche out just isn't worth the effort. Paris at the tomb, etcetera, to bis mother, and lovable old Ruth I would encourage you to stay whoop along con- each other. on campus us to a quick Gordon, as the capricious old this weekend and at- clusion. Now there is no use But despite all this I like this lady who instills Harold with a tend the Little Theatre-in-the-rou- nd arguing that these cuts do not movie enormously. Perhaps it sense of personal freedom, living presentation of - '-figh- Neil matter the plot machinations is" because I know that it was life to the fullest, and ting Simon's PLAZA SUrTE, but if and the poetry of the lines is made with my age group in mind, for the really big Music . you looking issues.' are for a good film, almost all there is to the play, and the filmmakers know what is by Cat Stevens. HAROLD AND - I might suggest the Franco Zef- and you had best stick to them will appeal to me. It might be MAUDE has suffered from er- firelli production of ROMEO AND unless you can come up with the combination of the gorgeous ratic distribution, but if it pop's JULIET playing - downtown. something better. . And I submit Veronese scenes and the Nino its head up around here again, Though there was some confusion love-stru- ck that a Romeo running Rota score. -- Probably it is try to catch It. Decline and fall of the Code of Conduct but was known 1 - by Stanley, Perdue it not why. sensitivity group that was given" 'same : purpose of the present would like to ask you if you have . a Code to play with for experi- code. What is most to the point - If you on read Code of I e have ever cheated the Conduct? mental purposes. I would even-b- is that the Code of Conduct is not an examination, drank Bacardi doubt very seriously if freshman willing to bet that originally the light, jef the student body, 151 in your room with minors or are even aware of the binding it had an honorable purpose. That even though if the Judicial Board used someone -- else's paper as power of the Code. honorable purpose has, in my stuffed mail boxes for days we. your own, you have probably not The Judicial Board is an in- opinion been lost with the time. could recover enough codes from thought about the little promise tegral part of the Code of Con- What we need is a revamping the trash to start a good barn you made upon coming to the duct. Did you know that . the of the. particular theory of the fire. College of Wooster; that promise Board has the authority to sus- college to suit the student body. being embodied in the Code of pend or expell any student found What to put in the place of the Do one thing for me this com- Conduct. The Code of Conduct is guilty of flagrantly violating the code? Well, it's not even nec- ing week.. Sit down and read the theoretically useful inasmuch as Code? The Judicial Board is essary to replace we in--, Code for , five minutes and see up it if do it sustains an atmosphere of trust made of students, faculty and deed find it completely invalid. how many cases of violation for who op- es, and honesty on the college com- deans never have an We may want to consider verbal-promis- the Code you can find. I think munity by dispelling all doubts of portunity to show their legal they may serve the you might be surprised. dishonesty with the careful finesse.. You are probably ask- phrasing of a few verbs, nouns, ing yourself by now why. bother, adverbs and adjectives. The with testing the relevancy of crossword puzzle r to Puub No. 109 Code of Conduct, in my estima- the Code, it isn't disturbing the T A I I (AC if SUH A f,S ACROSS sTOG tion, has to be called to question status quo. My aim in bringing t Sign of the pop p y so up this problem we je "jji-r-f ! cj since few cases of social and is that seem rcy everting it o nrfjafira itrjcj tiw us academic impropriety have been to be, in some ways, making a 11 Colon leddish- - 4 R ret. teb.l ytHsl Curses jg'C E H'TtlSEVt E CD reported to the Judicial Board. mockery out of the Code of 13 Tw 5 asil Icon.) prl C XffiHlXS tf ( C3 Conduct when 14 7 Sanil tear A t ft O I j A L I This paucity means one of two both professors and 15 Sign of the 2odiac at n ft r':TVlfSi: Kf"""r Wilt we fan- -- 2oj Epistle ab.l things. a s Either have students do not I Epac-peon- adher to the 17 lD JE T -L- PiiSjf4U tastically honest community that Code by either silence or ignor- 18 a-te" 10 Native of Houston low completely respects the rights ance. When we make a mockery 20 Carton 12 God of stNp 30 Htfl psrdMv of Tactics 13 or the college out of Code we 1 others, else the are mocking 21 IS CNd Pnmiaiujos 31 OaapbfcKk - " community is not reporting in- ourselves and I hope you do not Spring coins - Hoy 22 ( 19 With tea 32 I cidents of impropriety and there- enjoy being put on a pedestal and . 34 C 21 Oxford nwMMr 33 Transfix . 25 Candid 34 Sign of tha fore we live in the midst of having rotten eggs thrown at 26 Sign sf Hi. Zodiac thieves and beggars. You may you. Zodiac ntarchenge of . 35 EsariMna 2S South Africa --ttis cerefelry (coo.) disagree with this bit of logic Now the Code of academic in- My 37 Lubricator 29 Omen rarer A body -- 39 certain t but we are. somewhat shooting tegrity is based on the same 23 40 Babybad the when we to Con- 25 Liquid Dart 43 Quack as laam in dark try test principal as the Code of 44 Old French coin the relevancy of such a document duct. It should build an atmos- 27 I 47 Air Fores Ufa.) 31 Wtord 2S Long of tha 49 State tab.l as the Code of Conduct. phere of trust in the classroom 32 Sgn of the 2 ii u 5 p n- - As of Jufle 1973, the Code of between the prof and the students. 3 ' ' Conduct was revised and I ask I have on occasions experienced n 12 u the question: why? Why revise distrust among the faculty when it u ""it " " !"" a Code that no one takes the time taking examinations. The class ii ii 5 ;i to read? A recent discussion of were monitored and the students a "I aa. Campus Council expressed the were not allowed to leave the 2 n idea that we need to analyze room to go to another quieter H ; " whether the Code is of any value atmosphere. When I asked what in " u - - to the college community. Two was the reason for this particular prominent thoughts stood out in confienment, no answer was given 5 iiurp a this discussion. One was that and I do mean no answer. Either : L the Code produced an atmosphere we have a combined effort in " li ej . of trust in the college. The other support of the Code or get rid of . 3 -

-- -, was . , .- , . . that the college community the Code ' a ; ..V..V .V. DW.kaf 'YAkar, omoBm VOICE Poge five MORE ON CPPS Mow 'Starlostr got lost - to Quiz continued from page one either Ellison or ANYONE else (a form of chocolate Cream of v - for him, draping Himself over it, -- to do the necessary writing. How Wheat described by Ellison as ' at one point or-- ; another, in -- Ellison's cast ideas were Ig- "very heavy stuff, man") from " Yogi . virtually every position cohcelv- -' and ; saran-wrapp- ed a Bear bowl with a Porky nored, " COW ! - the stage he inter- - -- Pig spoon. able. From actor Keir Dullea was snuck into Career Planning and Place- tenuous : After Ellison disposed of rupted the somewhat the lead role behind his back. ment Service (CPPS) will soon thread of his discourse to greet How Idiotic producers and hack STARLOST, somebody asked television-relat- ed ques- be distributing a questionnaire -- another v latecomers and comment on the writers mucked Ellison's orlg- - to students. CPPS Is interested motives of early-goe- rs. ; lnal idea up and mutilated his tion, causing him to exclaim PLCCPT rather indignantly, "Hey, did "in' preparing a profile of the College men who or His main subject during the scripts, and made the initial summer experiences that Woo- episode a somebody tell you I was a TELE- member of the Marin first hour or so of the talk (too mishmash of scientific ster students had last summer. Corpi Platoon Leaders Clait and Idiocy. How El- VISION wrlter?M.most television much of the time Involved, really) storytelling the questionnaires have Civilian Pilot Training "" - writers can't write their way out After . was the story of the rul-- :. lison finally quit in disgust; and PLC CPT can horror of pay He then forcibly been returned and studied, the program earn nation of and his final departure how the final result is utterly toilets!" their civilian pilot license switched the subject to science-ficti- on following benefits are expected from THE STARLOST. . He told . without redeeming social value before they grodoate and writing, the subject closer from their information, accord- . and should not by any- Corps pay the cost. PLC how he decided to deal with (what . be watched ing to administrative Intern Kent the he considers a) 'dishonest and body. (I might watch It, anyway,' to his heart, by proposing that men can also receive $100 a newly-writt- en Shimeall: ' he read one of two month during the school ". -- , - exceedingly stupid TV producer: but if I do I will probably feel 1) Better and more relevant -,-represen-

gave tative "I did all these scripts with guilty.) stories to the audience. He year. Ask your'Marine counseling . can be given to . -- very fun- about GOOD producers and they never The above is entirely based us a choice: either "a , ny Yiddish science fiction story" students seeking summer jobs. PLCCPT. got on the air. So I decided I'd on Ellison's own, perhaps one- -' 2) more or "the ultimate science fiction students can be given The Marines are looking for better try a schmuck for a sided,, perceptions of what awareness to possible summer happened. Possibly LCB ought sex story". (A publisher is a few good men. change." How the producer sold putting together an anthology of ' job opportunities. THE to Invite the STARLOST producer WOOSTER STUDENTS: , STARLOST series idea to In 3) A list of possible summer appear . equal-ti- me "ultimate" SF stories var Meet the Marine Corp a syndicated TV without Ellison's to for an job openings can be compiled, lous fields; the ultimate space representatives in permission and without having lecture.". - made available. Of story, the ultimate robot story, and then Lowry (lower a twelve-minu- te taped course, much of that hour the Center more than - and was Shimeall stressed mat " was occupied by digressions, so on. Ellison chosen 9:30 a.m. 4:30 plot outline. How, just as the -- questionnaire will be a benefit to level), having , only tangential relation- to write the ultimate SF sex and producer was finally ready for both the students and Career pan., October H ship to the Starlost Horrors but story. Quite appropriately, too, 12, or cell 216-522-42- 68 J a fuller plot outline, the Writers semi-legend- ary Planning and Placement Service. highly Intriguing in their own as be Is for his tor an Guild went on and . questionnaires (collect) strike Ellison exploits, both fictional and non-- A high return of refused to write a word and how right. Such as the time Ellison office will greatly benefit appointment - in this area; he is to the at-tem- fictional, r- pted met two network nabobs dad In . the produce- frantically students, especially those who Malt-o-M- eal possibly the only fic- to con a towel and eating science summer jobs bribe, threaten or tion writer to have collected an may be seeking ever-growi- ng contingent of some time in the future. groupies.) Of course you know which one we' chose. The copy- to appear FlMay & Sawrdiy 3:39 9:00 Guitarist and courtesy forbid Stare Hoars: ts ' right laws r.(NEWS SERVICESVkalalGui-ta- l, . A recent participant In the my going Into the content of the a program of flamenco and master classes given by Andres story; you will have to wait for classical Spanish guitar music, Segovia at the North Carolina of the book or ask someone who will be presented Oct. 5 at 8 p.m. the Arts, Kalal regularly tours heard it if you want to judge for in the Lowry Center Ballroom at colleges and musical societies. yourself whether It was truly curie, .' The College of Wooster. One of his performances was the ultimate SF sex saga. televised- - on the series "Music powers of voice are . E. James Kalal is the former Ellison's from Michigan State University." incidentally remark- head of the guitar department at somewhat Classic crew-nec- lt Shetland from England the University of Akron and lim- - - The program has been distributed able; , In the course of the story - to all member stations of the Na- and the preceding talk he adopted, Ited service . Instructor in the ' - Youngstown State' University tional Educational Television for different characters or real Always at home on campus . . . this authentic showing throughout ' - Dana School of Music. Network for people, about ten different speak- crew-nec- k pullover from England. Traditional as the United States. ing plus a of voices selection the clock tower . . . new as this season's colours, very odd and unhuman-soundl- ng .- -h student of famed, classical' vocal sounds. especially created by Alan Paine. Sizes 38 to 46. ' guitarist Andres Segovia, Kalal Navy, oakwood brown, and tan, dove grey, A member of the Classical After the story was told, tak- earned a bachelor of arts degree cranberry, groan Guitarist Society of Akron, Kalal ing about an hour, and a half, we hemlock . In music from the University of -- some of found that it was 11:30 and El- - Akrons He also has been a stu- has recorded his music on an album entitled "Impres- lison found that he and his dent of several of the more re-v-." of Spanish Wooster co-e- d escort were hun- nowned Segovia proteges - Rod-rl- go sions the Guitar.' by gry. He and a few die-har- ds R Sophocles Pappas The program, sponsored terra, Lowry open to went to Lowry to patronize and Alirlo Diaz - while studying Center Board, Is the public. The charge Mom's and spend a few more - at the Banff School of Fine Arts, admission is 49?. minutes talking In the Pit, only attich Canada. to discover, that the grill was closed. Two other people and Zeitlin speech I followed him to Coccla House, SK to end the evening with a brief $20.00 'Chile under the gun but friendly talk. "The issue now,. Is to save socialist government. ' lives," says Maurice Zeitlln, Principle event in the teach-in-w- ill ; .featured speaker next week In a be a major speech entitled -

3-d- Mau- ay teach-i- n on Chile. The "Chile under the gun" by A teach-i- n will Include two panels rice Zeltlln, professor of featuring students and professors sociology at University of Wis- : . . t on the recent history of Chile, consin. Dr. Zeltlln Is deeply .a... . I Salvador Allende, and the politics Involved at the present time in of democratic socialism. Wo- raising money to ransom leftist oster joins many other ; political prisoners being held by - large universities throughout the the Chilean, military junta. He nation who are doing similar comes to the Wooster campus teach-i- ns during the week of Oct. having recently completed a panel 1 8 and recent over- . appearance with Gabriel Kolko at on Chile the J throw of a democratically elected the University of Toronto. j pea A!H I T! RESERVATIONS i STICIC CANDLES I i DRIP TKt sjsooth WAT i mm i and Other Goodies Men's Store -Main Floor , at -- r'-.r- ;" i Corner i ! The Gift ft 1 Bix Qsxdiij VOICE Friday, October 5, 1973

Davisson leads hooters ... to victory over Oberlin Both teams failed to score In of a two-d- ay tournament at fTTTT By Moore Jeff the first half although the shot Lakeland College in Mentor, . count showed Wooster on top Ohio. They beat Henry Ford 1- jt I 7-- 2- -0 Lakeland -0 II Saturday, the Fighting 5. The game's first score on Friday and mrni if illti last' Saturday. Bill Westhafer, a Scot soccer team defeated the came on a corner kick by Gary on to- sophomore from Lockport, N.Y., Oberlin Yeoman 2- -1 on muddy Davisson. The ball curved Memorial Field. It ward the goal and skipped off was declared the tournament's Carl Dale defensive player. (4 was Woosters first, and hope- the Yeoman keeper's hands outstanding V. r ! fully last, test under such play- into the. goal. Oberlin countered ing conditions. The Scots took minutes later in heart-stoppi- ng, In action this past

'-- A - not shot . the field about fifteen minutes if lucky, fashion. Wednesday, the Scot Booters l ' . .tT'- before game time for a quick caromed off the crossbar of the tied Ashland College in a game Wooster goal straight Into warm-u- p and were greeted by a almost marred by rough play and slip- most weapon the Wooster's goalie Howard Freshman Gary Davisson was the effective that downpour that drenched both team air. pery playing conditions. Don the Scot Booters had this weekend. Here he demonstrates his Cohen lost his footing as the ball In the and turf. Mac Rae scored . first corner kick which brought him a goal and an assist. me stop Although Wooster was the pre-ga- descended and was unable to half on an assist frem Gary favorite, the muddy field the following shot, taken only feet Davisson. Ashland' scored on proved to be an equalizer. A from the goal mouth. a weak shot that caught goalie Sailing team team that uses a ball-cont- rol Wooster seemed destined for Howard Cohen off guard in the ky strategy, the Scots were re- a tie until Craig Levins headed slippery goal-mou- th. On a snot peatedly frustrated by the un- in a corner kick by Gary Davisson that would seem easy for Cohan wins in Dayton expected skips the ball and about five minutes before the goalie slip- of to stop, the veteran Sailing Team sailed "of .Moreover, end of the match. The Scots, ped and allowing Ashland Wooster's slips their feet. fell, away with all the hardware at John Hallowell, Wooster's tough, presently ranked fifth in the state an almost unearned goal. early and still unbeaten in conference last weekend's regatta at Wright deep fullback, was removed University. game became ap- play, travel to Athens, Ohio, to State in the when it Dayton Area school hosted parent that he would not be able meet third ranked Ohio Univer- The Two men's teams co-Bu- rns effectively of a sity this Saturday at 11:00 A.M. the , First Annual Fets to play because Regatta. Wooster won pulled thigh muscle he sustained Last weekend, the Wooster Memorial open practices team trophy over five other earlier in the week. J.V. team won the championship the Tne men's swim team, wnleh schools, while Tom Price won A competes during the winter quar- Division and Ron Bgehm won B ter, is preparing for its season Division. The sailors won with now. With new coaches and facil- a point total of 22 points, fol- ities, all the team needs Is new lowed by Wright State (35 points), faces to complete a change of Ohio State (43), Kent (43), Wis- appearance. Captains Jeff Cam- consin (52), and Cincinnati (61).' eron, Mike Cleary, and John Team members were Tom Price, Sehnert have returned with 35 Ron Boehm, Mary Lous Dunn, others for what Head Coach Jim Steve Sargent, Cindy Skill man Stauffer hopes will be the first and Katie Swanson. winning season since 1963. The Wooster Team arrived at IT The team is practicing at 7:00 5:00 an. on Saturday morning, in the morning on Monday, Wed- after solving their transportation nesday, and Friday and kOO - 3:00 problem with the last minute aid P.M. on Tuesday and Thursday. of Arvo Vlrks. After 2-- 12 Concentrating on strokes and hours of sleep, the team was basic conditioning this quarter, fresh and eager to begin compe- the team is making use of weights tition. Though Kent State won r to build strength and the video the first race, the Wooster 3,s -- W tape system to perfect swimming sailors came back to win the ,.y "m form. second, tying the score. There- With the school's first diving after the team was never chal- ' s facilities, the team has a chance lenged for the lead, scoring five . , i ( i to Improve its diving perfor- firsts, four seconds and three mances. Dr. Austin Bush, MJ)4 thirds. After the first day of former NCAA and AAU (diving sailing, Wooster was 12 points i fora few , and Dave Bear, also In the lead. Winds were gener- a former NCAA diving champion, ally light, with several periods Craig Levinsky scored en this will be volunteering their time of rain on Saturday. The next type of play two weeks in a row. Here he heads the ball good college men. and talents this year. With a regatta . will be at Cincinnati in at bright new outlook ahead, the two weeks. m dtield in some heavy trdttic. swim team should be Inviting to those who enjoy swimming. Any Interested men should contact at PEC It's like Coach Jim Stauffer the $100 for each month of the school year. a or call him at extensions 500, $900 annual scholarship. If you qualifyyou can 348, or 349. earn it as a member of the Marine Corps' Platoon The wrestling team Is also pre- Leaders Class. paring for its winter . season. YouH also be earning a Marine officer's com- Practice, organized for several through PLC summer training at weeks now, is quite flexible. All mission wrestlers who aren't. Involved -- Quantico, Virginia. In fall sports are urged to attend Talk to the Marine officer who visits your a meeting at 4:00 on Monday, campus. October 8 In the PEC wrestling room. Head Coach Phil Shlpe . and Coach Gary Fowler can be contacted then. Captain Wes Dumas, who has. won numerous ! conference titles in the GLCA IS) and OAC, will also be available - (5 on October 8 for those who wish to speak to a team member. u The Marines are On November 10, there will be Doug Peterson and Priscilla Quirk lead John Aubrey and Mark-Poulto- n a wrestling clinic for high school in one of the races of the intro-clu- b regatta. Peterson looking fora few good mea coaches and wrestlers In the and Quirk won this regatta. which was held two weeks ago. PEC. Students are Invited to ...... v.vAv.vv.y.'oXvl'X.; . . . . get acquainted with wrestling stopping In for a short time, The scheduled speakers will be WEEK'S SPORTS Wooster Students: Meet the Marine Corps representatives in Art Connerton, one of the finest Lowry Center (lower level), 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., October 11 scholastic wrestling coaches in the nation, and College of Woo- (Oct. 9 Women's Swimming A Ashland, Muskingum and T2, or call 216-522-42- 68 (COLLECT) for an appointment. ster coach Gary a former Fowler, I H Otterbein 2:00 European and Greco- Oct. 10 Field Hockey Dentson, 9 Freestyle - Roman Champion.

. V 4 Fridoctobe; 1973 VOICE Pag seven

Wcmeis field hockey wins WEEKEND second consecutive game 2r0 SPORTS hockey team A John Carroll The Wooster field an assist from Betsy Bruce.. -- Football continued its winning ways. last May Forbush played a particular- 1 - 3 1 J. A Ohio University Saturday with a 2- -0 victory over ly strong game on the forward Soccer " Kenyon. The game was played line. Hockey A Volley -- wr 1 Tt Field steady and play was T V. in a rain The Wooster defense recorded Farm Weekend suspended briefly in the first its first shutout of - the young MOMa m half to allow a maintenance crew . season. Several Scotties were Cross Country A GLCA to goal . " sand the areas. The rain instrumental in preventing the y Championships Oberlin reduced visibility and made foot- Kenyon team from scoring, in- HI ing difficult, so the pace of the cluding halfbacks Brenda Meese - game was relatively slow and and Betsy White, fullback Addle 13 v- play was occasionally rough. Sapp, and goalie Pat Vittum. Ken- yon threatened to score several The first, half was a draw, times, but each time the defense with neither team able to score. cleared the ball from the goal & CHILE UNDER THE GUN Much of the play took place be- area after only one or two shots j MONDAY. - 25 on ' tween the opposing yard lines. goal. 3:30 LC 119 MovU! " Although team dominated The Scotties had great support neither 'Put midfield Wooster mounted from the reserve squad, who "Chile on play, Long more potential scoring attacks. decorated the locker room before Pants" game. steady cheer- Wooster threateded to score the Their 4 p.m. LC Pit Panel: times in the second half ing and support on the sidelines Melinda Weaver outruns the Kenyon College defense here. She several History & many throughout game gave did all during Saturday's game "Chile: and of the shots on goal the the this and scored one of the team's The Man" were only a few inches off tar- Scotties the extra desire needed two goals. S: get. Midway into the period to win. TUESDAY range The will in Michi- Mellnda Weaver found the Scotties be : 3:30 LC 119 Movie with an assist from Brenda gan this week-e- nd where they win play games "Chile Puts on Meese. Joann Stratton added an four against teams wins Long Pants" Michigan, Illi- golf goal (her from Ohio, and Fall Insurance fourth of the - season) a few minutes later with nois colleges. " 4 pm Pl by Rod Kennedy team beat Oberlin 2-- 1). & L,f Pon,: Next weekend the llnksmen 8 Polities of Demo- - The College of Wooster's fan travel to Delaware for the Ohio erotic Socialism" g V sr golf team placed first in last Weslyan Invitational. 0 weekend's twelve team Wooster 5. $ l?jsWf Invitational tournament with a total of 370 strokes. Steve Bam- berger led the team with a one 0 : d under par 71. Mike Schneider followed with 73, Mike McKeon had a 74, and Jeff Wiles and John JgetitallI Kneen both shot 76. f;-i-r-. - rvT'vr. Considering the accompanying TOGETHER rainy weather, the tournament was' exceptionally competitive.

-4 years I rr . "r. - -- Last low medalist would - -- ymr - . . . . ' have placed tenth. - - 1 . . . . ' w 1 . l 'V f -r--

, - - - -- 1 , . . ;, - . ' ; , . ' y k Coach Robert Nye was very pleased with his teams perfor- Marjo Forbush shows her mances. It was Nye's second defensive talents as she stops this victory day (his. soccer Kenyon pass. Brenda Meese looks on from behind. ' of the

K , ' As of October 3, 1973 I. M. Football. A League won lost tied 5th 0 2 0 Pay college bills with 6A 1 0 - 0 BSA 1 0 1 7A 0 0 1 I I.M. Football. B Leaobe won lost tied PERSONAL CHECKING ACCOUNT 1. Wide Open Beavers 1 0 Undergraduates always carry ThriftiChecks for

-- 2. 2nd Douglass . 0 2 important school expenses books, clothing, 3. 2nd Section Arming ton 1 rent, dues 'cause they're safe, speedy and low H- -l 0 4. Kenarden cost. , 1 5. The Jocks Your name is printed on each check tree ! 6. 3rd Floor 2nd Section 1 0 7. The Sheiks NO MINIMUM BALANCE IS NECESSARY 8. 4th Section ' 0 9. G Strings 3 0 10. The Birds 1 0 I.M. Bowling Points Kenarden 4 0 mam BSA 2A (Crandell) 3 Mugglefins 1 mmm 7AA 1 1A 4 awn 7AAA 3 3A 0 5A 3 4A 1 6A 1 OUR OFFICE NEAREST YOU IS AT 7A 3 1776 BEALL AVENUE S: Volleyball (OPPOSITE THE HOSPITAL) Starts this week with 22 teams.

. . 1 Kenyon Lords melt down Scots 7 WEEKS TIL rain-drench- in sloppy ed contest j - Thcn!rsgiving 10-- 0 12 BY Jon Hull half time lead. record. If you look at the four admittedly weak President's Ath- WEEKS TIL The second half started as interceptions, 1 Kevin did well letic Conference. Their offense t Last Saturday the Fighting poorly as the first one had ended throwing for 153 yards In 28 at- boasts of a thousand yard gainer 1 Christmas Scots suffered their first loss of as Dave Batchlor fumbled on the tempts. Likewise, If one can In Tim Barrett, one of three J the season, 16- -6 at the hands of first play and Kenyon had another forget Dave Batchlor's inability juniors who were an PAC last f Have You Made Your, the Kenyon Lords in a game field goal. Wooster finally got to hold the football, he also did year. If the defensive line con- - on f Reservations Yet? that was as sloppy as the weather. the board as Kevin Dickey well, rushing for 80 yards in tlnues its good work and the of-- Playing In a downpour for over marched the Scots 80 yards open- 8 carries. One run of 48 yards fense cuts down drastically on I ing '.. Call: half the game, the Scots fumbled the fourth quarter, going the saw him break 5 tackles. This mistakes, even on the road the i four times (loosing three), threw last 17 himself, recovering from also win be important as fullback ' Scots can roll. I four interceptions, and were pen- a broken play. Huff missed the Jumbo Dillon was keyed the Statistics are courtesy of Mews I FLAIR TRAVEL alized 13 times for 112 yards, point, hurting the Scots badly. entire game and. was limited to Service; Director of NewsSer- - ! (another 25 yards In penalties But things began to look up 40 yards in 17 carries. As other vices: Ernie Infield 264-650- 5 were declined by Kenyon). Ken- temporarily xs Kenyon fumbled teams may also key, a good tail- Chief Statistician: K.C. ' yon was a little better, being the ensuing klckdff. The Lords Jensen " -- ' ''. back is needed to remove' the or . penalized 5 times for 35 yards, recovered, but had to punt and pressure. Assistant Statistician: COME TO SEE US AT fumbling three times (but loos- the Scots began to drive again. Tom Isaac - ing none) and throwing one inter- This was as bright as tilings got, 346 EAST BOWMAN ST. I ception (picked off by Stark who however, as Wooster was socked Finally, there was the record almost executed a lateral for a with a killing 15 yard Illegal re- setting performance of end Rick big return). ceiver downfleld penalty and then Koeth. Koeth caught 9 passes Despite this Wooster charity, threw Interception number three. for 102 yards passing the old the Scots were in position to Wooster again got the ban light record of 7 receptions. Koeth ONE win the game as late as the end back but Dickey's fourth inter- has proved himself an exceUent HOUR MARTINIZING of the fourth quarter thanks to ception of the game set up Ken-yo-ns short receiver and added to Omm Cleaning an excellent defensive effort and final field goal with two Ned Compton's deep threat gives Hot some alert running on a broken seconds left in the game for the Wooster abig passing threat. The 9n J4urr it Until 4 p.m. Doily 16- -6 - "play by Quarterback Kevin final. Wooster attack, balanced for the Shirt Service Incited Dickey. The Wooster defense There were bright spots in first time in a long while, should was tough all afternoon holding the dismal defeat. First, was prove potent. However, the turn- booster's 0ns Hkj Clesscr's Kenyon under 200 total yards the defensive effort. The Scot overs and penalties must be Beall-Colle- (126 1855 ae Hills Shopping Center passing, and 62 on the ground defensive unit was able to keep eliminated or good individual ef- for a 1.5 rushing average) with a sloppy offensive unit in the go Next to Sears forts win to waste. 262-663- a longest Lord drive of 37 game all the way. - Such a de- Phono: 1 Tomorrow the Scots travel to Daily . 8 Set. . 8 cm. to 6 p--m. yards. fense will be Invaluable in the John Carroll. The Blue Streaks .u 1lp.n Unfortunately Secondly, 15 7- the Scot offen- future. completions were -3 last year (losing 20-- 14 sive unit's mistakes gave Kenyon by Kevin Dickey tied a school to Wooster) and runner-u-p In the the ball five times Inside the Wooster 40 yard line, breaks which lead to all four Kenyon COLLEGE 1 - . .-- I scores. In the first quarter, a Batchlor fumble gave Kenyon the I ball on the Scot .25, but the de- ESCORT SERVICE fensive unit held and John Bohan-n- an blocked the field goal attempt and the first quarter ended score- WEEKNIGHTS and WEEKENDS less. A 15 yard penalty for inter- r For night escorts from anyplace to anyplace fering with the fielding of a short ON CAMPUS Joe Grunda punt gave Kenyon the ball again on the Scot 37. A per- fect Clements to Myers pass thwarted excellent Scot coverage CALL SECURITY -- for 32 yards and a flare pass to the Kenyon speedster George EX. 264-787- 1 Letts went the five yards for a 590 or 7- -0 Kenyon lead. With only ' name be you by 2:38 left in Escort's will given to Security the half the first of when you an four Dickey interceptions gave call for escort. the Lords the ball again Inside Dave Batchelor, Number 42, carries the ball for a yard Escort' will wear pin-o- n photo I. Ds. Check the 48 gain Wooster 40. The defense in the Scots' lose to Kenyon last Saturday. run hjs name and picture. held and This was the the Lords had to settle longest of the game and put Batchelor at the top of the game for a 30 yard field goal and a rushing list. The College Escort Service is a student run HarriersTf o placei tiitnf 1 me relaysi I program. For more information contact John I The Cross Country team placed MacDonald and Captain Jay for the Great Lakes Colleges fifth last weekend In the OAC a Fiick," who combined to bring Association Championships with jf Relays with a total of 53 points. home 18th place. Jeff Stelner the other travelling to Oberlln LJii:1!Minglewood 0 0 Day Rick and Dave Brown placed and freshman Geof Miller fin- College for the regularly sch- D n an Impressive fifth to lead the ished a respectable 30th place. eduled BEER ICE WINE 0 meet. Rod Russel will D Scots. -- 0 The team ran without the ser- serve as coach for the group of B Sooth at Ptmu Railroad D a Mount Union won the meet vices of three of their top six harriers that travels to Oberlln D 0 a a with a band of potent freshmen runners, Andy Naumoff, Mark while Head Coach Jim Bean will D that will give conference har- Bean, and Doug Murphy. Depauw. 0 a All travel to Oberlln should D 11 I'Kr riers headaches for the remain- will be In action this coming ; present a good challenge for the 41 U a der of the season. In addition weekend. Scot second team. The GLCA, D DU D a to the performances of Day and Tomorrow, the squad will be on the other hand, will be one 0 J 0 Half Price Brown, the Scots received fine spilt Into two teams. One of the toughest meets for the 0 a efforts from freshman Scott will travel to Deoauw University varsity. 0 en any 0 1 83 83 83 83 Bal BM 83 83 83 83 E a 0 D i 7 LIBERTY I 5T. CREAAAg a 15v. fi 0 ICE D D D n D 0 DESSERT i?HSSza D SOUTH StA 0 a D D D . WITH THIS AO - LIMIT D 0 n SPAGHETTI - RAVIOLI D I D ' ONE PES PERSON a LT a g D 0 The Ice Cream -- Parlor a 0 764 PITTSBURGH AVENUE WOOSTER, OHIO a 0 11:00 10:00 Weekdays - jj D - and Restaurant 11:00 -- 11:00 Friday & Saturday it a 0 o D u D 203 West Liberty St. MONDAY, WED., THURS. SUNDAY 5 p.nw- - 12 p.m. Come on down We'll be -- Wooster, "Ohio a 0 Ffcg 3 252-71- 35 j 0 a TJ glad to see rou. 262-49- 0 p.m. - I - wAKKT-OU- T (216) 71 0 3 ajn. Friday, Saturday 5 p.m. 2 era. - ONLYj 0 262-812- D 6 0 n C -- II 17a D, ON--- itataiaafcij 383838383838383 r r-COUP-