
)בהר בחקתי תש"פ( Derasha for Sefiras Haomer 2020

Rabbi Sariel Malitzky

Rebbe Akiva had 12,000 pairs of students -שנים עשר אלף זוגים תלמידים היו לו לרבי עקיבא...

and they all died during the same time period -וכולן מתו בפרק אחד

.because they did not treat each other with respect -מפני שלא נהגו כבוד זה לזה

One of the most beautiful aspects of study is the fact that there is no minimum age or requisite experience needed. A seven-year-old will learn the same Pasuk as their parent. A nine- year-old will learn the same Rashi as their or Morah. A sixth grader will learn the same statements of Chazal as the brilliant erudite Talmid Chacham. This poses a challenge though. Often times, a previous simple or superficial understanding of an incident in Chumash or a statement in Chazal hinders our ability to think maturely, analyze complexly, and comprehend Torah material with a greater level of depth and understanding.

The Chafetz Chaim likens this to the way we view a butterfly. Imagine a blind individual is miraculously healed and is now finally able to see for the first time in his life. Everything he sees is new, exciting, and beautiful. A few minutes after opening his eyes for the very first time, he sees a colorful butterfly fluttering above. He is completely mesmerized. He can’t take his eyes off of the rich colors and the magnificent sight of this butterfly. Now think about the last time you saw a butterfly. When most of us see a butterfly, we barely notice it. We have seen it before so it does not amaze us or cause us to pause. The Chafetz Chaim says that this is why there are so many parts of Torah which we still take at face value and do not ask the questions that could or should be asked. We learned it when we were in grade school and have seen it or heard it many times since, so that impression or understanding remains with us.


We all know the story of the death of Rebbe Akiva’s students. We know we mourn their death during the period of Sefiras Haomer. The Gemara (Yevamos 62b) records that twelve thousand "שלא נהגו pairs of students died between Pesach and Shavuos. The Gemara offers the reason of .they did not treat each other with respect) for their death) כבוד זה לזה"

From the time that we were young, we were told that we have to be extra nice, courteous and respectful during the time period known as Sefiras Haomer because of what happened to the students of Rebbe Akiva.

Now we are older and wiser.

Being respectful, sensitive, and caring is certainly important. Nobody could argue on that. However, is the failure to do so punishable by death? Why such an extreme punishment?!

Furthermore, how could it be that all of the students of Rebbe Akiva faltered in this basic Middah (character trait) of according others with respect and honor? Every young child hears love your neighbor as you love yourself) and the phrase of) ואהבת לרעיך כמוך and knows the verse proper behavior comes before the Torah)! Every Jew institutively) דרך ארץ קדמה לתורה understands and knows that we should treat each other with respect. Is it really possible that twenty-four thousand students of one of the greatest teachers of Torah who ever lived all just missed the boat?

How is this possible?

Where did they all go wrong?

The Medrash (Medrash Rabba Breishis 61:3) actually suggests a slightly different reason why the students of Rebbe Akiva perished.

After relating that Rebbe Akiva had twenty-four thousand students who died, the Medrash tells us that Rebbe Akiva restarted his efforts by teaching seven new students (The Gemara says there were five new students). The Medrash tells us what Rebbe Akiva told these new students:

-the initial (twenty -הראשונים לא מתו אלא שהיתה עיניהם