5? Tropical Cyclone Province Imagery analysis: 14-31 January 2021 | Published 3 February 2021 | Version 1.0 FL20210113MOZ

34?0'0"E 34?10'0"E 34?20'0"E 34?30'0"E 34?40'0"E 34?50'0"E 35?0'0"E


ZA M B EZ IA S ande M O Z A M B I Q U E

SOFA L A S " 0 S ' " 0 0 ' 5 ? 0 8 M AN I CA 5 ? 1 8 Map location G O R O N G O S A 1 IN H AM B A N E


M AP U TO Muanza \! S " 0 S ' "

Satellite detected waters extents 0 0 ? ' 9 0 ? 1 9 between 14 & 31 January 2021 in M A N I C A Lonquice 1 Sofala Province of Mozambique Guengere X erene M U A N Z A T his map illustrates the floods (cumulative) Mucaicai aggregated from S entinel-1 in S ofala province of Mavuna Mozambique between the 14th to the 31st of S J anuary 2021 and using an automated analy sis with " Negrier 0 S ' " 0 0 ' 1 Metuchira ? Artificial Intelligence based methods. T he most 0 9 1 ? 1 9 exposed districts are mainly located in , 1

S ofala province. W ithin the analy zed area of about Carabandua J asse 30,000 km2, a total of about 1,400 km2 of lands Nharichonga Ny amakamba appear to be flooded. Based on W orldpop Nhamatanda population data and the detected surface waters, Bofana about 80,000 people were potentially exposed or S " 0 S living close to flooded areas during 14 – 31 J anuary ' " 0 0 ' 2 ? 0 9 2021 time period. By taking into account the building 2 ? 1 N H A M A T A N D A 9 footprints from OpenS treetMap and the cumulative 1 Muda satellite detected surface waters (14 J an. - 31 J an. Macopa S avane Nhaufu 2021), at least 10,000 buildings were located within Tica or close to flooded areas. Muda-Mufo Nhamataca Nhapalapala T his is a preliminary analy sis and has not y et been S " 0 S ' "

0 Mutua validated in the field. Please send ground feedback 0 ' 3 ? 0 9 3 ? 1

to U NIT AR-U NOS AT . S O F A L A 9 Mafambisse 1 Important Note: Flood analy sis from radar images D O N D O may underestimate the presence of standing waters Magação in built-up areas and densely vegetated areas due Dondo to backscattering properties of the radar signal. S

" Nhamainga 0 S ' " 0 0 ' Legend 4 ? 0 9

S avane 4 ? 1 9 City /T own C I D A D E D A B E I R A 1 Nhangau Ĕ? S chool Inhamizua ĝ? Hopsital Manga ğ? Airport Beira Airport S " 0 S Primary road ' "

0 Beira 0 ' 5 ? 0 9 5 ? 1

S econdary road 9

Guara-Guara 1

River Vila Arriaga Buzi Province boundary C H I B A B A V A District boundary Bandua

Reference water S " 0 ' S " 0 0 ? '

0 António 0 2 ?

S atellite detected water [14 - 31 J anuary 2021] 0 2

B U Z I Barada


Ampara Nova S ofala S " 0 ' S " 0 0 1 ' ? 0 0 1 2 ? 0 2

S Panja " 0 ' S " 0 0 2 ' ? 0 0 2 2 ?

Chuquela Ambanhe 0 2 C H I B A B A V A

I! Map Scale for A3: 1:600,000

km 0 3.75 7.5 15 22.5 30 34?0'0"E 34?10'0"E 34?20'0"E 34?30'0"E 34?40'0"E 34?50'0"E 35?0'0"E 35?10'0"E

S atellite Data : S entinel-1 Administrative boundaries : U NOCHA ROS EA Analy sis: U NIT AR - U NOS AT AI Based Methods T he depiction and use of boundaries, geographic names and related data shown here are not warranted Analy sis conducted with ArcGIS v10.7 Imagery Date : 14 - 31 J anuary 2021 Population data : W orldPop [2020] Production: U NIT AR - U NOS AT Resolution : 10 m Reference W ater : EU Commission's J oint Research to be error-free nor do they imply official endorsement or acceptance by the U nited Nations. U NOS AT is Coordinate S y stem: W GS 1984 U T M Z one 36S Copy right : Contain modified Copernicus S entinel Centre a program of the U nited Nations Institute for T raining and Research (U NIT AR), providing satellite imagery Data [2021] Based data : Open S treet Map and related geographic information, research and analy sis to U N humanitarian & development agencies Projection: T ransverse Mercator S ource : ES A Background : ALOS Global DS M Datum: W GS 1984 & their implementing partners. T his work by U NIT AR-U NOS AT is licensed under a CC BY -NC 3.0. U nits: Meter

UNITAR - UNOSAT - Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10, S witzerland - T : +41 22 767 4020 (U NOS AT Operations) - Hotline 24/7: +41 75 411 4998 - [email protected] - www.unitar.org/unosat