T 1 15


Tbe P eat ent rted tho mflr · t., Houe •'14 -o ••d to bi• ·_lflc• •t L Wl'Y Alrc Force au•

• • • ln b.i• offi.; unt:ll 9:Q6 am. intment•.

9:06. 1110.· • · to the •• a,cf:q: P•niee d Mr. 1&m•• tra.aerty;

Arrive at

a p ro atu 10:00 am.. lOtOS f solf wltb the toUowin ~ 1ame• 1!•111~tr

l• oU t•m ea •taye4 ft dle til ltSO pm • . lr05 ·

&;05 pm .a

rrive at COLO. 7119. •

1:16. 1:

7:4 ri • Ti • ( ( • ( ( ) O · 9: ••••••• ••

10; til l FB.lDAY, , 1955 Page 2

The Pre•ldent w&•on the practice tee and green watU 12:55 pm.

lt02 pm The President played eighteen holet of golf with the following: Mr. Clifford Robert• r. B~:f'l'Y l.eithead Mr. Pete Jones

The President, accompanied by Dr. Howard cC. Snyde1', departed the Cherry Hille Country Club and motored to the Summer White Houae.

5e59 pm 'lhe Pr~•i ent departed the Bummer hite House and motoa-ed to the ro n Palace Hotel and remained there the rest of the niiht. 1... am

101 am rrive

&tOZ am le o r tr11th.

. tSO am

'h19 am T •

10:15 • · f 1olf with the foUowlaJ!

2· 0 p . foll lq:

the Chn~ Hill• CO\&D.b"y Club, r~ owtaa; ATUlU>AY, PT

Palace Hotel.

SaOO pm T Pr 1ident a &'II• Dteabow·•• ere '1f.ttte • the Brown al ce tel by~ J.,~ r. f. rthur Atld r. ay 'Ir.

Tb Pr aeuhowei- and :ra. Doud depart.a el an otol' t the el'

7:i9 Ardv d t e S mer hUe H"3U • 1H T NT 4-. 1 55

10:49 m

ttend the eS"Vic . 13:0) 1'11. enllower. d•pM"l• .. Cbunk the um e)." a Hou e .. ll:OS pm 4~riv at the um er !Ute H01.Ut•

-t:•2 p T ~, . l&:l a1n

7: • '

• ••

: a •


•• 19::49 • b.e MOND Y • .EPT _ s. 1 55 •••• z ai1a pxn eon ·ta. followto1 a\l••t•;


m" d at e 5U:&ntnet' The f 11 iW'lQI were ueate at so e time during th - Labc>st U.y weekend Ceh•ck SecJ'et l'vice to find out the oe.ea.•1onh

n. hUlp eed Barry Leltbead Slabs ater rlie Jo •• Cl ~~nee Sc oo l'e•man Qo.•d~ ob • ndf Jock ' · tMy ob1neon b rt• . F. .¢COlltJm • Lannc>ll 7: 1 .. •••••••

~hlO T

Ut. C

9:59 f itb. •

.12: p 1'

l;fl T • 1o1t wt • • &7 l •• ., ... teU..e• •:es .rri at "• 7t

• oUlc: al ••

Ardve e ry lll• C uy Cl •

T p~ai dlle 1••• a t ..

9: 2.

f .... lZ.4 Co

ltO la7e I f.



J' te oue.

.Arrlv • ·~ no



7:-tS a J'. r aide o eri~a P rcer o e

reai ent a ut •

epaf e Lo ry Alr :re• motor t the Cb.el'ry Hilla C Ul'ltry Clu • 9: 0. • een a tee Ul • 20 am.

9:20 a o1e of g lt wt th fi 11 ln~

11:5 am Te re1l r. 1 Ar t d ft I r n.e ole• of ~ lf.

12:SJ aoU.

hOS J)

1!. • 1 5 a• I l

1 Tl

DA ,

9:30 • •

\td •t

•r C(>,inm ~

1 D N'V . , COLO ADO

1:2 m T T

7 3 a

: 0

c it- 1 ad£ · ~ •

I'> rt L ry rce ... 9:1 a

e tl 10: l a ,

of o1t wt •



T • c 4200 . 1'.•

4:1& pm \ , COLO AbO

~urmn· .er · hit · HoJ.tte, .. Sha ey. t. d

.•QO a A •te by

01 and b~ea: att tort the e tollawtaa

w Je••ey • New e.teo l Mew To:r . SATURDAY, SEPT EMB 10. 1955 Page Z ';, ~o ilas 1 · 8:01 am R~publican 8reakfaat (Cou: nued)} Mr. Ray Jennin •• orth Carolina Mr. Oeorse Longmire, North Dakota r. Ray C. lies, Ohio r. Dougla• cKeevei-, ltlahoma r. endall yatt, Oregon Mr. ilea Horat, Pennaylvania r. Herbeiot B. . C. L. Richard Guylay, ashington 6, D. C. obert H phreys, ashington, D. C. Clarence G. my, a1bin ton, D. C. urray Choti er, Californi on. Dan 'Ihornton ayor cholao of Denver

9:14 am The Preaident proceeded to his suite, ace mpanied by: Hon. erna.rd • Shanley Hon. rray Snyder Hon. Leonard Hall

9d8 The President conferred ith the above. Later the followln j oined the group~ r. Clarence Adamy r. obert Humphrey

9~46 am r. John T. Diederich, epublican State Chairman~ Kentucky f reaented the President with a petition endor•ing the Preaicient to Rn tb,e aecond time.)

9:49 am r. Samuel odi e, State Republican Chairman. New Jereey ( r. Shan ey presented r. odine to the President) SATUR.ll Y, S PT R 10, 1955 .., Pagel ~o llas1 9:50 a.m MST on. uonard Hall an ~. obe-rt llu.mpbtey de rted the Presidentt l Suite.

10: 10 a The President, accompan ied by Hor.. Dan lb.otntc>u, dep rted the Brown Palace Eotel. efore gettiq in his tar, the resident shook hands with layton Humphrey, Jr . • age 11, from Dall••• T•••· He then departed for Ch~rt"Y Hill Counttoy Club.

rrived at Cherry Hills.

10~46 am The President was on the trac::ttce tee and gre•n until 10~50 am.

11;05 am '!he Pt-esident played eighteen holes of golf with:. M i-. :lar•hall Norling Hon. Dan Thornton Mr. ip Arnold

a:o3 pm Completed eighteeen holes of golf.

.As the President left the 18th green, h~ :p •ed for a picture with iss Paula Spencer, who w aa celebtatiag her 13th birthd y . Her broth.er at-k took the plctu••· Paula and M k are children of }Ar. a.ad re. Paul S enc el", members of the Club.

2.: 15 pm The President ha lunch with the following ~ r . arshall orling Hon. Dan Thornton r. !lip Arnold

3:35 pm 'Ihe Pre ident departed the Club and motol'ed to Lowry Ab Force Base.

4tio p The President l"eceived the follo'\ving in hie officet r. Guy ollet r. Alan liqbby

5:30 pm The President departed his office and motol:'ed to the Summer hito House •

.A rrived at the Summer bite House. 'IHE PaESl . PP01NTM T tJNDAYt BER 11. 1955

The ... resid~nt departed the Sum:m.e~ White Ho-use,. accompanied by Lt. Colonel illlam Draper, nd motQred to the ir F tee Academy to i-l'ticipate in ce:remt)ntea prepared fo1' thl• visit, including inspection f arrack•. da• • ... rooms. a mod•l plan of the eontem plated •chool at Colo~ado Sprin , a.nd the chapel aervicea.

'lht! President dcp rted the Air Force ~ase: •

.Ardvied •t the ummer hite ouse. · o fu~ther activity on thh day. THE PILUIDENT 'S APPOINTM.&NTS MONDAY, S.EPTEMDEll 12, 19SS.


7;10 am MST T e Pretldent departed the Summer White Mou•e, accompanied by Colonel llobeJ"t L. Schua, and motored to the office ai Lowry Air Fofce .Ba1e.

7t20 am Arrived at th• Qf!ice.

'l'he Preaideat departed bis office and motored to Ch•tl'y .Hill• C<>uatry Club where the Pl"••ldent wt.• job.ed by Hon. Dall ~rnton. •nd Mr. JUp Arnold. Together they motored to the Oteen Qable• Colmtry Club.

9: 15 IUD A rriv.d at Qreen Gable• whe!'e the Pl'e•ident •nd bh gueat• were &reeted by M~. Chad•• lloaenbaum,. theb ho1t ~

9:25 am 'Ib.e Pre•ident practiced OQ the pra.ctice ar-••n and tee until 9:40 ·=· 9:45 am 'lhe Pi-etident played aolf with the followln1:

Firat Four•ome iFir•t nine bole•) Second. Four•ome. . 'lhe Preeident Mr. !Up Arnold Mr. Charle• &o•enbaum Mr. B ol:» Kolm Hon. Dan Thornton Mr. Leater Frledtnan Mr. Jeaae Scbwayder Mr. Sam Si1xnan

Fir•t Fouraome {Second nine hole•) Second F~Ull'•ome '!he Pl"e•ident Hon. Dan Thornton . t. Rip Arnold M.r. J••·te Shwayder Mr. 8ob Kohn Mr. Chaa. l\.o•enbauro M.:r. Sam Siaman. Mr. Le• Friedman

Completed eighteen hole• of golf.

(Group picture• were taken by the •till and newu•eel photoarapher• at the 8th, 9th~ .and 10th tee. Picture• of all the tnembe.-a of the two foursomes were taken on the ltth tee.)

The Preaid.ent gaYe •ouvenir ball• on which waa in•eribed nMr. Prealden~' to all the playere. He also ligned a acore card for .Bob Kolm. ••• -_ lea <; Qah'y Cl a trt ct .. · O~ ·Y, ... 3

7:40 p ~ Prealdent. accoip ' ••• Do • ..,..,... ot - ~• to the -, -

?:42 p ey atttnlded the aedic:aU _ Ps-etl>yteria11. Church.

9:00 pm De _rted the C _ rell motored tb.e _urnmet -Mte H •• .. 7:05 am T Preal eat e arte a c.iom nle y C 7·1 • Al"riv at • o c:e at t. . 'tY .Atr J' .,c:e B•••· 7:45 am (Chief • .a) OF TB.JC CO D


9105 a.m 'The ,... • t e · ~d · ry .Ah" rce Ba•e aud e Cher'1"J' Hille Couatry Club.

94JS am· ;36.

9;56 lpteen l•• of 1•U with • followl111i le. au er f • . re> al•e• Hotel

12aSO pm

1:00 m 'Ille · real ea Jaa luc

1:4' pm ole1 f 1 lf wt r. ip Ar ld.

1:55 pm

he t C •*'~Y Hlllt C:ouatry Club and le Ol/l8e.

of rther Ile vt.ty • te. D

'7:2 • ..... 1: 5. • •• J.


9; • • •

T e


re , "· 1U na r .. tn-law• .. ) ED _ D.A • 14. 1915 .. a

111 5 JD,

ll$4I P• ,.. .. ai o

11)$ pm toGI m 11 T T e.

7:1 am rrbe t L ~ il' ore •• :• a • Ul • ; yor of o. :lS am p rted c e:rry 11• 0 try Clu'b.

9~10 .. racttce t•••' 9~S • of Uh e t'ollowta t

ll:OO 001' olf.

12:2 m whtent h ea •player•.


m mplete 1:10 ' l • 21•S .p T ' e untJ'y Cl

);00 p Aritved t w Houae.

,:35 l*h ~ • D d · . tore

5:4 .Arrive T DAY, 15,

l: l . l'U uite 903 dltm r.

Le oar

T ~ 11gmi.nuw11:1• a d ..... 1l 114 cle,.l't•d \ltam•r bhe ftouee,,

Arri t. . e 5l.lnuneY Mt Bou• • • c: ·L J)O

T.l5 a T Q e. •• 1:2.!S l'iV at ..... 7:4 Hoft. •rol <.

:lS a r c r 0. .,. 9~17 En TM fie a L t l"ce ••• Ult CountJ'y"' Cl . 9:32 a tty Club. J0:.35 a T e l'••l • • •a-c:tic: tee t 1 1:15. . l 1:5 • the !iv f I'• e• 1 ate · l.&:15 ' G ll wit e £ 11 w tt. e !o raom e

(playe la•t " ) (p yed fh·at l e) \____ F!Ut>A Y, ·aae J

Jt55 the C ttry · Ul1 CowllJT Ct . •

.Arl'iV . 5:20 p • •••• •

.Arriv.0 a.t tb,e -. Mii. Cba•lea



Tile ti :. · tthol'nto~ 1~••t.ed · •, lp ~. .... ,,. s . •f •• -••, ••, lace Hoiel..

:40 .m 1t • T

7:15 • ...... lil c .},,, .

l7 &l'lh

.OW!lll4 fi . . • -. ••t .... SATURDAY, EPTEMBER 17, 1955 Page 2

Before the Preaident departed Cherry Hill• Country Club, he met with the followi & on the ol! .course: r. Louie elch; California Mr. ll&y Dilaer, California Mr. Marvin Jenkin•~ Califorrda .Mr. Chuck Miller, Denver, Colorado

h20 pm the Pre•ideat epaite the Club, accompanied by General Howard cC. Snyder 1". Geoige Allen

1:3S pm Arrived at the Sutnmer White Ho se.

3~00 pm 'Ihe Preaident departed the ummer te ffouae with r. Qeorae Allen.

3:20 pm Arrived at ud Gordon's pri vale lake..

3:as pm 'lhe President autogr phed two aroup picture• for Mrs. Panko•ki hich were taken. la•t ye•r.

6:55 pm John Gordon too a picture Qf the Pre•ident at the bar ecue chuck agon.

7:15 pm Dinner.

8:45 pm The Preaident de rted Gordon'• lake with the £ollowin1; Mr. W. A. Jonea r. Elli• later Mr. Geor e Allen

9~00 pm .The Pre•ident dropped ofi r. Jonee, Mr. Slater and r. Allen at the rown Palace l!otel all.d proceeded on to the um.mer White House.

9:10 pm Arrived at the Summer te Houae. •COL .ADO 10: 0

ia:· a 11,at


1 0 ••C•All - re to ••• l

Ot An '· 0

8i00 a A riv up r. 0.••1• lle . 1. ,...... le oeatecl

:50 a • l: t20 • ea all. c - •l ... - •

6.0 p i l l'k. • C -L

: 1 a e

,...... t

Ol"k pel'toftl*l a e %" il(M s , COLQ DO 6c00 · . T • re•l ent ar • 1':00 .. •t ;

;r. r. r.

..• 5& The Pret eat 1 1 l : 5a ..

lOtSS a r. iel• t fi•hl ac

11;45 re t en.t r . Nl•l••n

L 2: tU J:SS pm.

S: 5 m e Pt>eai nt

•~JO pm r. • a c mpael by Coloael o ert L. Sehul•t ch. Colooel clull.a retu•a to n\rer

s.1 p The r••i acretary f tate le 0 the· tel phone.

5:4S p The re i • b ti wa• ••necl I: ue•t• ere: • nydei- 1;0 a •

7:3 • en a ed i til l :20.. .

1 : T e ith th& follo. i 1:

of th :real t . cau bt on Cit ).

4:00 p

:4 th f · lo n :


6t45 am MST The Pre•ident departed yera llanch, accompanied by Mr. Ak•el Nleleen Mr. Cieorge Allen Mr. obert Bi11er1 Dr. Howard cC. Snyder Ml'. Murray Snyder

8:30 am Arrived at the Summer White House.

8;32. am The Pre•tdent departed the Summer rhite H ouse and motored to hh office at Lowry Air Force a . e.

Arrived at hb office.

9:00 am (Colonel John H. cCann) OFF THE CORD (Colonel McCann h with Brig. Gen. obert Taylol", lll, Deputy Chief of Staff tor Intelligence Air Defeue Cormnand, Colorado Springe, Colorado).

11:01 am The Pre1ident departed hb office an motored to Cherry Hill •

11:18 am .Arrived at Cherry Hillt Country Club.

11:33 am The Pre•ident wa• on the pr-actice tee and green until 12:00 noon.

12.:01 m The Pre1ident teed off with the following! Mr. Rip Arnold (Mr. George Allen accompanied them in the cart u an obaerver). (During the second nine hole , r. John Culbreath rode "!ith Mr. Allen in the cart).

2;00 pm Completed e!ghteen holes of golf.

2.:15 pm The Preeident had lunch at the clubhouse with the following: Mr. Bub Oordon Mr. Rip Arnold Mr. Georae Allen

2:50 pm The Preaidezit teed off with Mr. Rip Arnold. Mr. Bud Cordon and Mr. Oeorge Allen, accompanied them. - 3:00 pm After completin& the firat hole, the President returned to the clubhouse where be talked with Secretary Dullea via phone. FRIDAY, , 1955 Page 2

4:00 pm The President completed nine holes of goli ~

4:25 pm Departed Cnerry Hills Count:ry Club.

4:35 pm Arrived at the Summer White House. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS SATURDAY, , 1955

Z:lO pm Dr. 1{oward Snyder phoned r. Jame• Rowley and inetructed him to brin1 the care to the Summer White House for the purpose of moving the President to Fita•imon& Hospital.

(~ Z:30 pm The Preeident, accompanied by Dr. Howard Snyder• departed the Summer White ffouae and motored to the Fitseimon• Army Hoapital where he waa taken to Room 8002 on the eighth floor.

7:30 pm Mrs. Eisenhower an olonel R.obert L. Schulz arrived at the ho•pital.

\.( \_~ L~_..,-• ~

Lt> ~-- ·L --ro- ~ ~ ') TH.E PRESlDENT'S APPOINTMENTS

SUNt>AY,, SEPT~El\ 25t 1955 ... FRIDAY, , 1955


Following the Presi ent ' ~ he rt ttack on Septembei- 24, 1955, he had no al)pointmen.t• and no vititoi>• except rnembers of his immediate family and thoae on the Hoapit 1 staff ho attended him. Y COtl ClL

T 0 T • PR · 101 0

Jton. n.

en i••i

t • c I' « c n. • CABINET MEETING, Fa.IDA Y SEPTEMBER. 30, 1955

The Vice President presidin1

Hon. John Foater Dullea, Secretary of State Hon. Robert H. Humphrey, Secretary of the Treasury Hon. Charle• E. Wilson, Secretary of Defenae Hon. Herbert Brownell, Th~ Attorney Oeneral Hon. A r thur E. Summerfield, The Poatmaater Oeneral Hon. Sinclair Week•, Secretary of Commerce Hon. Ezra Taft Benaon, Secretary of Agriculture Hon. Douglaa McKay, Secretary of the Interior Hon. Jame• P. Mitchell, Secretary of Labor Hon. Marion B. Folaom, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Hon. Harold E. Staaaen, Special A s shtant to the Preai ent Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. Hon. Rowland Huahea, Director, Bureau of the Budget Hon. Philip Young, Chairman, Civil Service Commieaion Dr. Arthur Burna, Chairman, Council of Economic Adviser• Hon. Neleon Rockefeller, Special A••istant to the Preaident General John S. Bragdon Hon. Reuben Robertaon, Deputy Secretary of Defenae Hon. Perd val :Bi-undage Hon. Sherman Ad&ms Hon. Wilton B. PeraonJ Hon. Qerald organ Hon. I. Jack Martin Hon. Fred Seaton Hon. Howai-d Pyle Hon. Bryce Harlow Hon. Dillon Anderaon Hon. Kevin McCann Hon. Maxwell Rabb Colonel Andrew J. Ooodpaater Hon. Arthur Minnich Hon. Bradley Patter•on Hon. Murl"ay Snyder