Start the Thrillinl Fa ~\.ou


Nothin~neater \ Nothin~ sweeter\ Nothin~ ever approached it for lau~hs and lassies, son~s and sen­ oritas \ The world's funniest tWO­ some rollicl

A GLANCE et how some of the top- wood itself is e 11Irge, sprllwling vilillge, flight personelities io Hollywood lind meny sters end film-workers hllve olre<'ldy heve been forced to chonge migrllted to Beverly Hills, Burbenk, the their woy of living lind working os 0 Sen Fernendo Velley. Driving thirty or result of the w(lr brings to mind ., forty miles to work deily hes long been young lady of our ccquo!Iintonce who e Hollywood hebit. suddenly [eerned the supply of " car· Thet cen't go on. So- tllin soft drink w/!s to be rotioned in Mery MlIrtin, the Peremount thrush. the building in which elreedy hes moved into she worked. Hollywood from stylish This young I"dy wos Bel-Air to be neerer accustomed to teking studio. She hos teken " "breo!lthing spell" a simple two-bedroom FROM on idee conceived .,d rrincipelly carried through by Walter Winchell from her duties every house. (holding a gigantic Navy relie show in Madison Square Garden) came the morning ond "fter­ Cecil B. DeMille, the thrilling spectacle above, $100,000 for Nevy relief. Contributions still roll in noon. She'd join other prbducer, first shocked girls from the some "I studio atteches when building. h(lve (I drink. he arrived at work gossip e bit and return one morning with his fa her desk refreshed. office-boy end his sec­ WALTER WINCHELL To be deprived of retery in his cer. The these few reloxl!tiontll reason, it developed, end conversotiono!!l wes thet ell three lived He's the Navy Now! minutes seemed to her in the seme generel di­ " ctltl!lstrop~e. rection, so DeMille was "Imogine. ' she reported bre"thless­ picking them up in the morning end RITICS of Wal­ official announce­ ter Winchell are ment as to its future Iy. "only two coses 0 doy for the entire driving them home et night. C after him again. As plans for Winchell. building. Why. WHAT will I drink?" Richard Arlen, who lives on e rench usual, the chant is Since this is war, We ere heppy to report this young end drives e stotion-wegon, esteblished why doesn't Win­ Winchell knows no ledy's belence returned es ebrutly es e regular "route" to end from the chell do this? Why more about its plans it hed left her. She still tekes her reo "Wildcet" set where he's working et doesn't the Navy do for him than any­ lexetion period. The girls still gether present. He carries two electricions, e that? How come one else. end chet. When soft drinh ere eveil· moke-up mon, on assistent cemeroman this? How come Meantine: eble, they heve them. When they're end a secretery to end from work that? And why? The Winchell was the spark-plug tor the not, e few gulps et the weter-cooler every day. These instences ere only 0 idea, as usual, seems seem to suffice. She reports the girls few of the many. to be to try to &et Navy relief benefit him of! the air. held In Madison ere getting elong "just dendy." For the rest, stars who used to go As broadcasting's Square Garden on In Hollywood, the soft..{!rink problem riding for amusement now hove teken stormiest petrel, March 10. That isn't importent. But the problem of up hiking. And they report: "We're get­ two-fisted and ra­ benelll raised $160,- conserving eutomobile tires is. Holly. ting 010n9 'just dondyl' "-The Editors. pier-tongued Win­ 000, which will be chell does a pretty used. to aid Navy good job of de1end­ men's families ing himself, and this which may tind publication is not LT. Commander Walter themselves in need. one to take sides in Winchell, United States On Saturday, a personal contro­ Naval Reserve; he has March 28, another versy. as~ed for active service benefit was held in MOVIE -RADIO GUIDE The only difH­ MiamI. Winchell culty is that the was again on deck. current controversy raging about Win­ Following Miami, there is talk of CONTENTS chell (whether he's in the Navy or another gigantic Navy relief benefit to isn't, on active duty or not, and what be held in Chicago. Should this event The Barbour Fa mily, a~ See n by NellJhbor Mc-5, Carlton E. Morae he, Wincbell, as well as the United be staged, Winchell undoubtedly will ( P art 2) ...... ~J ....••.••••••.•• 2 States Navy, is doing or not doing) have a hand in it. Another may be Movie· Radio Guide Recommend.: "Rio Rita" ...... 4 has ceased. pretty much to be a per­ held in San Francisco. How to Win. Service M. n'. He.rt .....•.....••... , ..• , ..... ", •. 5 sonal thing and bas become an issue. As a result, hundreds of thousands Americ. MU Ne. Up Mon•. Jean G.bln ...... 5 The Movie Front, by Eva n. P lummer., ... , .•. , .• , .•...•...... , .. 8 Here are a few facts: of dollars will accrue to Navy relief. The Radio Front, by Lleut, Col, Curti. Mitchell, G len Ander.on, Walter Winchell is a lieutenant com­ This is war. Each man must serve Don Moore a nd Arthur Miller ...... 10 mander in the Naval Reserve. the best he can. Walter Winchell, on ClaRlcal Mualc, by Robert BalJar .....•...... , ...... 12 Walter Winchell, by his own state­ active or inactive duty, In uniform or Short Wavu, by Charle. A. Morrl'on .• , .....•...... •...•..... 1. ment, has applied for active duty. It's out of uniform, on the radio or off, Frequency Modulation, by Dick Dorra nce ...... 15 no secret in ilie radio world that he u in the Navy! Progralna Broadca~t Mondaya Thro ugh Frld.y ~ ...... , ...... 18-19 has advised his sponsor to have a sub­ Let's leave personal opinions out of Other ...... , ...... , ...... 20-31 this. Should a man's throat be cut by More Winners In the "Defense Bond- SlolJan Contut" ...... 32 stitute ready to take over his broad­ Feminine Forum, by Alberta North ...... , ..... , ... 33 cast on practically a moment's notice. red tape for doing the job he's best What's CooklnlJl by Georgia Scott ....•...... • , . . " .•...... 34 The Navy Department will make no fitted to do-to help us win this war? COUe7' bll Bruce Bailq.t Volume 11, Number 27 April 11·17, 1942 AMONG the literally hundreds of performers who jumped ot the chance to "n<>al~"'~ "''''''''LU'O. o.... 'e .. ' appear on the Navy relief show were Betfe Davis (left, below) and Tyrone IU P_Ur. (loan. ~ 1U~ Power, Kate Smith (right, below) models "Navy Relief' pin, onother money-raiser ,.OD...,.'Ol< .... I<~_, bUr. 81-U

01y ...... ; 00R:.:r:tg~,'::~~~::.. _ • ___ ...... ,.11.: :=0.'-... a ...... :-=-~o:" ClontnI 1III...... ~~=t~~~··~.~.:i 1c. ... 1TIIeaU ..... I ...... NorIh 8rood S''''l. I'IIU.h. 1...... 'I •• nl •. !.;dn.... I.' _ a ..... ,.u... ~; U. f'I~lb C..,rt. CIIleOlo. IUlfIOI •• f:n_ .. _d·d... ",olle' .. lilt ..... OM«. C~Iea,o. ltUnol•• " oI>",orr U. lUI ...... , .... Aet '" M.,d. J. 1111. A~''''''' ..d by 1'00' 0_ Dopon..mon •. ••. C.n.d...... d· ...... CO\>y" .h, UU '" T,""" l .... bU ..Uom. I .... All 'If;hlf; ...... 0<1. U_Hated ...ouscrloto ."""'d bo _panL"" bl ...... , ••• II·o''- ...... Su"otrlptlao o.p..... L III 1'_Ur. Courl. Cb .....o. nt"'-Io• ... ,..,..u '. u." ... .. • WORRIES mount in the Barbour family when Claudia becomes estranged PLA YBQY Clifford. Barbour ge~ a r~sin9 jolt when he meets one girl who PHILOSOPHER and family mediator is Paul Barbour (whose role is enaded by CLAUOIA turns from a weafthy, restless widow into a woman who finds from loved ones a~d g08$ to Europe. But a generous gesture on tne r.'" refuses to f~1I for his charms. Hs readlons prove III tremendous surprise to his Michael Raffetto), who finds the answer to loneliness in his life when he herself when love and marriage come to her a second time, leaving her old of. her pa~enh brings about ill reconciliation. Above: Claudia (Kath een f~ther. ~r . Barbour., but Motner Barbour (played by Minetta Ellen, above), adopts ten-year--old Teddy Lawton (Winifred Wolfe), a~ove. Each tempers home a matter of family speculation. Above: With her new husband, Captain Wilson) with her new love, Captain Nicholas Lacey (Walter Paterson) Nicholas Lacey [Walter Paterson), and daughter J oan (Mary Lou Harrington) With Cliffcwd (who IS Barton Yarborough), understands, takes it in stride! the other in all problems, and even in just plain, old-fashioned talkfests!

The BA RBO UR FAMIL Y As SVV'I'II by Neighbor Mrs. Carlton E. Morse--Part 2

LEFT: Neighbor Mrs. Carlton Mone, papen began to print gossip gleaned her love. He was Captain Nicholas say, ''Wait, Haul. There is something ford's life, a seeming unending stream hard-headed business every day of his deal, but such a litUe girl and so author of this story about America's from Claudia'. letteTs to friends about Lacey, a young Englishman on leave we don't understand here. This is not of them. The ones in whom he had life, and the success of his book, whicb hungry for a home and family ties of oldest radio family. with her husband a Captain Nichola$ Lacey, Britilh from his duties in the Indian army. Bill's way of doing things." lost interest, the ones just looming on bad been recently published, made it her own. She loved Paul at first sight Carlton, whose fine radio scripts noblerrum, Mr. and Mrs. Barbour de­ He was fine and steady, and Father They waited, doing what they could the horizon and, most important, the plainer than ever that it would have and he found his interest in her grow­ make Barbours live for listeners-in cided on a bold .tep. Now go on with and Mother Barbour approved of him, to keep their secret Crom the family. one of the moment. The Barbours to be Clifford who would carry on. ing into the deepest affection. the .tory.-The Editors. and waited eagerly for their marriage. Then, when that could no longer be could not keep track of them, and it His membership in the firm was a Lindy's decision to return east to He would follow them to America done, Doctor Thompson was consulted. was not until Marian Galloway came splendid thing for both Clifford and marry brought adoption to Paul's OT many weeks of Claudia's ab­ shortly! It was three happy and ex­ Doctor Thompson bad brought all the into the picture that they really con· his father. It widened Clifford's in­ mind. Teddy had gotten a firm grip Thi.J is the second instalment of sence went by until Father and pectant people who stood. against the Barbour children into the world and centrated on this side of CMord's life. terests immeasurably and brought on his heart. Daughters had become Mrs. Carlton Morse's jictionized ver­ NMother Barbour went to Europe railing of the great liner as she hove loved them as his own. Hazel's grief 10~ ~,serious. Clifford was in about a new and close companionship as important to Paul as fathers were non of the radio serial "One Man'. with no other purpose in mind than to slowly through the Golden Gate and was a paintul thing for tum. Medi­ between the two. There were times, to Teddy, and they sbared long walks Family," heard etJet1I Sunday night at persuade her to return home. Her home again. All the Barbours were cally he sought a solution to the His romance with Marian was a of course, when Clifford's high spirits and talks together getting acquainted 8:30 EWT over NBC, under the JpOn_ absence, her estrangement from the there to meet them, including Hazel's mystery. And thanks to his efforts it tender one and would have culminated and his ready response to all things while w;titing tor aU the legal arrange­ sorship of Tender Leaf Tea. family, was one of the deepest wounds young twin sons, Hank and Pinky, wun't long until the weeks of anxiety in marriage had Clifford had his way. feminine enlivened the dignified offices ments to be made. In la$t week's instalment, "Neiah­ her father had ever had to bear. who were wild to tell Aunt Claudia and doubt were dispelled. At last the The girl was wise beyond her years, more than necessary, but the legend bOT" MTS. Morse introduced readers to The months went on, with Claudia about their ranch and all its wonders. Barbour family knew the truth, which and as the engagement wore on she on the door, ''Henry Barbour and THERE were various reactions to the Barbour family: Elde't son Paul, making no effort to reach an under­ Hazel and Bill and their sons had was that Bill had brought his share of saw Clifford for what he still was-too Son," compensated Henry Barbour for Paul's announcement. The expected suave, charming veteran of the last standing with the family, and every settled at the Herbert ranch down the ugliness home trom the war. Amnesia! young for l1\!arriage and responsibili· much. opposition .from Father Barbour did World War, who will carry a cane as week brought greater despair to peninsula and they were busy build­ The kind ot amnesia that would come ties, too fond of every girl to coneen· Preparation for Claudia's coming not materialize. In fact, Mr. Barbour a result of toot war aU Father Barbour. Then he,.and Mother ing a home and a fine dairy herd. and go. One day a normal mind, the !rate for long on one. She knew that marriage to Captain Nicholas Lacey said, "It's the first sensible thing he his Ufe; Hazel, a beauti­ Barbour decided that the ri'hlin thing Such a place was sheer heaven, of next blankness. this marriage would never be success­ were hardly under way wben the news has ever done in his life. I have seen ful girl, obviousl'll her was Claudia. Claudia with money if course, for two small boys. Life was From then on this was to be a ful and so sent Clifford away. This about mUe Teddy Lawton electrified this developing over a period of dad's favorite; CUfford she insisted on keeping her fortune! interesting and full of happiness for shadow over Hazel's bright happiness. decision of Marian's was the first the neighborhood. Paul was going to months and I like it. Teddy Lawton is Continue Movie-Radio Guide's and Claudia, the twiTUl; Claudia with her foolish restlessness the young and growing family until Never would she feel completely se­ really sobering moment Clifford had adopt her! Paul of all people, with a a fine little girl. She is deserving of a Jack, aged fourteen, and too, if that was necessary. They were suddenly something terrible hap­ cure, though there was always the ever known and either on the rebound child! A ten-year-old girl at that. Of good home and I don't know of any­ Father and Mother Bar­ willing to accept anything if only p4!ned. Bill Herbert, the steady, salt­ hope, the prayer, that this frightening or because he felt it was the best course, we all knew the Lawton girls, one who is in need of someone to Fictionization of "One Man's bour, who are gravel'll peace could be made between them of-the-earth husband, remained away thing would not return to steal Bill answer to the problem of earning a Teddy and her older sister, Lindy. take his mind off himself as much as concerned about Claudia, all once more. Perhaps if they went Crom home all night twice in six again from the wife and children he living, he entered his father's stock­ They were orpbans and had come to Paul is!" left a rich widow with to their daughter and with love asked weeks. He told Haul "bUSiness," but cherished so greatly. Hazel's good and-bond house as a junior working live with their relatives, the Carters, Mother Barbour was secretly pleased Family," Famous Radio Serial. one child, Joan. Al_ her to return, she might do so. It his eyes told her that wasn't true. sense, her courage and the long and partner. whose home was close to that of the at the thought of baving another though the famil'll netJer was well worth trying! And so the No one knew but Paul. Desperately, restful trip prescribed by Doctor Barbours. Lindy bad been one of Clif­ young chick tor the nest that was be­ aired their problenu to trip to Europe. Haul turned to tum for help. The Thompson were the greatest factors H E ACCEPTED the daily routine and ford's numerous girls, but that hadn't ing so rapidly emptied as her children In This Second Instalment the neighbors, it was The elder Barbours saw Europe and whole thing was so strange, so shock­ in what promised to be a complete to all appearances had found his lasted long. grew older. Jack felt it would be plainl'll etJident that found their daughter! The generous ing. She needed someone to reassure recovery for Bill. Slowly life at the future. Clifford's interest in the busi­ Betty Carter and Jack Barbour had wonderful to have someone younger there W4S trouble at the loving gesture of her father and her, to make her know her suspicions ranch resumed its even way and went ness pleased Father Barbour. He had been constant companions since cradle than himself tor the family to harass! Trouble Is Exploding on Every Barbour home after mother in coming to her melted the and fears could not possibly be true. on to a new contentment, and in 1937 begun to fear that not one of his sons days and Teddy was now the always Hazel and Claudia were happy for Claudia took her daugh­ last bit of uncertainty and revolt. Paul did what" he could to comfort and a daughter, Margaret, was born to would care to be a part of the Barbour painfully evident junior member of Paul, and Cliftord thought it very, ter and went oJ! to Once she had seen them and talked help his sister, but Bill's actions grew Hazel and Bill. Stock and Bond House. Jack, of course, their adolescent group. She and very funny. He wondered who was Front for the Barbour Family! Europe in a huff, accom­ with them she was fired with eager­ more puuling as time went on. Bill's Clifford's various girls had not been was really too young to be sure about Father Barbour bad formed a strange­ going to "give Teddy her Saturday panied b'll PaUl's old ness to return home. Claudia, too, sudden drawing into himself hit Paul getting the usual share of family at­ yet, but it was evident beyond all doubt ly warm Criendship, as she frequenUy night bath and wash behind the ears friend and confidante, made her offering toward peace of so hard he could find nothing to offer tention during these months. There that Paul would never be a stock­ swung on the gate while he worked in and button her UD and Ji!:et the snarls Beth Holly. When news- mind for her parents. She had found as explanation. He was only able to had been innumerable girls in Clif- broker. Paul got further away Crom the garden. She was under foot a good (Continued on Page Facing 36) 2 3 LEFT: The real romantic interest and the singing in ABRon and Costello are at their goofy best in this new version of an old favorite life furnished M·G·M's "Rio Rita." Above, Patricia Oane "goes by lovely Kathryn Grayson and John Carroll for" comedian Costello in the forthcoming picture

Movie-Radio Guide Recommends ...' 'R t'o R'tta "

F IRST picture made by Bud Abbott and Lou tures. As a team ot footloose burlesque troupers Costello away !rom their home lot, Universal who stowaway in a roadster to ride into the midst Studios, is forthcoming laugh riot "Rio Rita," in 01 a tumultuous spy plot, the pair hoist another ex­ which they appear under the star-studded banner tension on the ladder 01 their success. Romantic at M-G-M. The streamlined musical is made to leads are played by Kathryn Grayson and John order for the harum-scarum comedy that zoomed Carroll, with Patricia Dane and Eros Volusia, Bra­ them to screen fame in "Buck Privates," "Hold zilian dancer, prominent in cast. It's directed by That Ghost," ''Keep 'Em Flying" and other pic- S. Sylvan Simon, who did "Whistling in the Dark."

is the guinea pig for Abbott to A SOLO flight hanging onto the rear of a ABBOTT takes his partner to a cleaning! In the experiment with Mexican moonshine. Though roadster is jud one of the many effec+ive-if modernited "Rio Rita," familiar music will be they've been in big time only II few years, the unconscious!-dunts by which Abbott and Cos­ heard. but the plot has been made over. Recom­ pair lire celebrating twelfth year of partnership tello help round up a spy ring in the stOf"y mended by Movie-Radio Guide as ill laugh riot . enthusiasm OLiVI. DE HAVILLAND wins her over bond, stamp sales wins so r· way by ''giving scores of auto· vico mon's hearts in Los Angeles graphs at Beverly Hills USO dub

How to Win a Service Man's Heart

E VERY true American girl wants to do all she can for the boys in ser- vice, and while every girl can't be a movie star, she can take a leaf from the stars' books on how to win a service man's heart. Selling bonds as Lana Turner, other stars do (Lana gave a kiss to each purchaser, and this week's unusual cover shows Sergeant Hy Markowitz "priming" the little M-G-M star for her next customer) is one way to a service man's heart. Another is to give freely ol any talent you may have l or enter­ tainment, just as Arleen Whelan did recently when she sang for the first time in years at the opening of the USC clubroom in the Beverly Hills Hotel. Stars sign autographs. but a letter from home with your signa­ ture attached is worth as much or more to most men in service. So on your toes, girls of America. put your wits to work to think of others:

~ ...., •••• h ...." D ••••.•, ...... ,.~

(o·ato ••• d In CECIL B. DI MllLl'S "REAP THE WILD WIND"

-a Pa.amount PI~tu •• in '.~hnlcolo.


'ROYALCROWN..... u ... , ... o". COLA ~-----8~6¥ r_m-7Ba"/ _____ MOST American girls can tob ARLEEN WHELAN recently dust· leaf from J eanette MacDonald's ed off an almost.forgotton t"lent, :l Ol 1 aUT 2 FUll GlASSIS S~

book, win hearts via dance rou~e 9ave bo~ a treat of several songs .D~". , •••••• ~ ... , "O.~

I' IJ tT 5 MASTER of smoldering passions, Jelln Gabin runs gamut of grippingly dramatic action in his first American-made picture "Moontide." Story is an earthy one, woven around th e Ijfe and love of II bait.barge own er. Gabin's lo ve.scenes in role of Bobo (left) with Id a Lupino (Ada) so impressed studio heads. they added $100,000 ... and fifteen erira shooting days to schedule for added love-scenes between pair. Scene above, in wh ich Bobo rescues girl from drown ing , and one below where he attempts to strangle Tin y (Thorn. as Mitche ll) , iii murderer, give hint of t he "muss­ ing up" Gabin takes to bring stark realism to role!

America Musses Up Mons. .J, EAN CABIN No Hand-Kissing Lover, the Matinee Idol 01 France Makes His Hollywood Debut in a Rough-and-Tumble, Highly Dramatic Film 01 the Waterfront!

A CCLAtMED for his superb work In such foreign Too. when he arrived in America's movietown, glance than many actors w ith pages of dialog. pictures as "Pepe Ie Moko" and "Grand Illu­ Gabin refused pointblank to be put through the Born of stage parents, Gabin as a boy hated the sion," one-time foundry worker Jean Gabin, who glamorizing mill. His hair had become streaked theater. In protest, he got a job in a foundry at became the movie idol of the Old World. is be­ with gray during the year he worked aboard a four teen, worked there for six years. and then ginning a new career in America. "Moon tide," for mine-sweeper in the English Channel, but he joined the marines. Desperate need of a job, after 20th Century-Fox, marks its opening. balked at having it touched up. his term of service was up, drove him to become a One reason for Monsieur Gabin's outstanding When a scene in the script of "Moontide" called song-and-dance man in Paris cafes. That led to role success is his love for "muss-'em-up" parts, and for him to kiss Ida Lupino's hand, he said no-­ of leading man with Elsie. Janis, and one in a the fact that he believes in living his roles before and definitely. To him that was just Hollywood's movie. Soon he was Europe's greatest romantic star. be actually begins to eoact them. To absorb realism idea of a Frenchman making love which existed Granted the privilege of selecting his own stories for character of Bobo in "!\1oontide," he spent only in America. It wasn't true to life. at 20th Century-Fox, Gabin chose the role of weeks along, the San Pedro waterfront in Cali­ Archie Mayo, who directed picture, likens Gabin's Booo in "MoonUde," gloried in the realism of the fornia, hobnobbing with barkeepers, junk-shop love-making technique to that of Rudolph Valen­ part, in the opportunities it gave him to portray men and tenders of bait-barges. tino. He talks quietly, can do more acting with a two-fisted action! 6 11tH P

THE ENTERTAINMENT WEEK The Movie Front Lew Ayres Declares Himself Against War; Mickey Rooney and Hedy Lamarr Will Be Teamed In a Movie; Studios "No Slacks" Rule Tabled for Duration

Montgomery, were making plans for brities on its eligible lists than any tor. Chnracter actor Twitchell, veterr.n HOLLYWOOD such a quick wedding ceremony that other in the world. Could be, too. Reg­ air pilot in real life, was sought to By EVANS PLUMMER it may be over- at Las Vegas, Nevada istered there and awaiting calls are playa pilot in Paramount's forthcom­ --even by the time this paragraph is Gnry Cooper, Mickey Rooney, Nelson ing "Wake Island," but was discovered EW "DR. KILDARE" A YRE$ has read. Their honeymoon plans include Eddy, Brian DOlllevy, Neil Hamilton, to have joined the Ferry Command at been sent to an Oregon camp as a trip to his Montana mnch .. , Waltcr Abel, Frcdric March. Cyril Long Bench. That lot, 100, heard from L a conscientious objector to war, Hume, Zeppo Marx, Oscar Old know, RIchard Webb. who wrote to say that He had appeared before his draft Shirley Temple, her mother Ger­ Roger Pryor and directors Henry he is now a sergeant and attending board after having been classified I-A trude and father George, Sr., are all Hathaway, Alfred Hitchcock, Willinm the officers' training-school at Fort and had told of his earnest conviction celebrating because Shirley's big Wyler nnd Norman Taurog. If they Monmouth, N. J. Sland-in Schumach­ that war and participation in war is brother George. Jr., weight 205 all got into the same battle they er finished work with Tracy on "Tor­ wrong, Movle-goel'S remember Ayrcs pounds. may return from Pearl Har­ could cnact a stellar newsreel! tilla Flat" and quit to join Uncle bor to take na\'al avia­ tion night _ training. Service-joiners since "Junior," 011 December last week include Bu~.. 7, a Marine private, dy Rogers, Archie wellt through the Pearl Twitchell, Spencer Harbor incident Ull­ Tracy's stand-in, Jerry scratched, nnd lately he Scr,umacher, and almost has been a~signed to writer-director John the post of gunner on Huston. Buddy Rogers. a bomber, . , who learned to fty fou r­ teen years ago and has Speaking or the ser­ four hundred hours of \·ice. there's one draft flight to his credit. cas­ board in West Los ily passed his physical Angeles which. since examination. but owing the recent twenty-to­ to his age of thirty­ rorty-four-yenrs regis­ seven years will be as­ tration and lottery, signed to a naynl air clnims it has more cele- training-base as instruc-

FILM villain J ohn Carradine (Ll, LAR AI NE DAY, W alter Brennan, hero Tyrone Power are fast fr iends Edward Arnold combine dinner in real life, enioy a n evening to­ with work on bigger and better gether at Manhattan\ Stork C lub, defense plans by way of the e nter­ Ty emceed N, y, Navy relief show tainment route at Brown Derby

in his first film triumph as a young Sam's pnrachute battnlion, with a German soldier whose soul rebelled gold-mounted rabbit's foot as a girt against the inhumanity of waf in "All from his long-time boss, and John Quiet on thc Western Front." Those Huston had to get a deferment ftom who know Ayres well arc conscious acti ve duty momentarily to complete of the striking parallel. for they know "Across the Pacific," a J a p-spy pic­ him as a scholar with dcfinite con­ ture, for Warner Bros. studio, .. victions and ideals, Certainly none will question that it took plcnty of Which reminds me to remark that personal courage to make such a de­ the war has hit the girl studio elll­ cision that will undoubtedly ruin his ployes. Although for yenrs It h:l~ dramatic career, cven though it isn't seemed to eastern visitors that the the kind of courage America asks now, slack suit is the "uniform" of H o1ty~ l\1-G-M's future policy on the popu­ wood women. these always h;l1;e been lar "Dr. Kildare" series in which Lew bmred from the offices of the lots by starred is indefinite. They do havc the studios. Now the wnr has caused onc untitled [lIm on the shelf await­ serious shortages in hosiery and foun­ ing release dation-garment material, so the studio girl secretaries and clerks served no­ Jlarumphhh! Mickey Rooney is go­ ticc thai they wanted the no-s1;lek~ ing to make love to Hedy Lamarr. rule abotished. It was tabled for the That. aside from Hedy's recently an­ duration. , • nounced engagement to ex-cowhand George Montgomery. is the most ex­ Abbott and Costello have figured citing news story of the week from out a clevcr way to boost the sale of Hollywood. Joe Pasternak, the little defense bonds, which people are 100 dynamo who guided Deanna Durbin prone to fo rget about between Jap to stardom and millions. is having a ,;ictories, Bud and Lou, in "Pardon story w rillen entitled "The Countess My Snrong," their next Un iversal nnd the Bellhop." and Hedy will pIny pictu re, are being pursued by a the former. who meets up with Rooney process-server, nnd to escape him, as the latter, leaches him the niceties masquerade in the clothing cf a or European hand-kissing, etc" while REAL FREE-FOR·ALL argument wai allegedly staged recently in Movie­ Frcnch magician. The process-server he puts her "hep." But that is some town by Betty Grable and Victor Mature between sce nes on the "Strictly corners Bud backstnge, and in his time off. Meanwhile, at press-lime, Dynamite" 20th C entury-Fox set. Scene above is not a part of the word­ half_French, half-American slangul'i(c, Hedy and her fiance, young George battle, but a dance scene fr om th e pidure-in which they co-star Bud tries to appear convincingly 8 II,U I' THE ENTERTAINMENT WEEK Brief Picture Guide Find Your Best Entertainment Here

EXPLANATION : R.liog5 01 pi~turu Ut io Vs-"Ior Victo')'''_nd VVVV . ., fou,-V r~ling. 'S "corded only., top·'ink,",. llmost ptrfte! prDducl;on. VVV is 3 w'nnu. uctllonl 1,lm hrt· VV 's ;lVUigt. ind V, uolorlunllol,. is bolow I~or.g • . NIIIH.I..;oler I'lms Ir. so indicUtd U "In colo," nght dt" Ih. tiU •.• nd ALL fIlms are judg.1f n 'Idult:' ·llm,I,. or s,mply ·luno,I." br •. _THE EOITORS.

OUTSTANO[NG BORS TO SI~G IVVV) \·i.· OTHER FEATURES 11[;111. W.idler and H~y M.cDoII. BAHA'IA I'ASSACE (V\'): I" ADVEl-iTIJIlES 0 .' ,\I,\IlT!\ ak! ~uq"i,pd .,'." II-C·M "ilb rolor. ~hdelein. Canoll and Slir. Ihi$·n.-Fa,uil}'. EOEN (\,V\,); GI.nn Ford. E.-e­ ling Ha)'den fall in Ion on a I),n Ke}'es ill ,,,utiny_-Fa,,,il)', (\'VV): Jack Oaki. "ith \';tlor CAPTAl~S OF THE CLOUDS' BLTCII .\II "'D5 Till': »ABY (V\'V), lI. C, A. f., Jimmi. COli[' Matur. alld hul. air! UeU) Gr.· blo.-fa",ily, (\'VV): B,<>tf 'ra,,·r"rd " ".y, a"d ."ePi.",."I. AI,o Urt'H.I.> "Uulrh." Virgi"ia IJru~e. Ille Mar>hall,-Family. COMEDIES air!: bu. .\Iicllarl lJarnm $lui, lhe .h"w.-Falllil) CHESTER LAUCK, Norris Goff C1TlZEX K,\",E (Vvn'), Or­ BALL Of f illE (VV\'V)' SA8U, s~ns his turb~n, for role of son 1\- .11" plap the IiI. 01 • JOE smTH. A\IEHICAN GJry ('oollOr, .. J 10,'e"la,,',.r got out of Lum 'n' Abner movie­ cel.hraltd chain n."'pallO' pub­ IVV\,) A d.fens.-worht mtlo, Mowgli in Kipling's "Jungle Book" b.,.,k"",,,,. bll. in ~)\'. "iLh r ~dio roles, declare w~r on coyote ]i,her,-Adult drollla r•• lurino:- J\uiJ.erl Y"uII~ retorns with skin of fierce tiger, ""I' Ita,,"~ ule ,ill~.r ."d ~""­ ."d M~r,ha HUIII os hi, "·it~ __ HOW GIIEE~ WAS ~I\' V.\L· ",oil Barb... Sh",,)·rk. ..ho A Kord~ production in Technicolor th~t robbed L~uck hen-house (\'\'\'\'V) LEY (S....,ial) Faith "puh h"" I'~t> ... ·-Fa""!l Fot all Amulean,_ lui, I"",irrd p;~lurlntio" "f Itich , JQII",\\' £.\GER ("n'): uno:\", I\f n'\'): Ed ard 1.I~"~nrn· . nOH·I.-Faltlll),. Rnbtrt Ta}'I"r i, Ih un~,cer Rob"" .. " lurn. 10 r",n('<" lUll' KIXGS 1t0W \""n') Trul} nel, a lu~~a~ •• (..,. (0 '~"I~'s "r~ , .... "ut "t'"I"r~ an') "_\LI:: A\I\I.\1. (\-\-) Ofil'a caught in the gears of a tractor he •• 1 "r.eke .. "ho pt.)·tI lIurin. ...rl .. rallch h.",I. '" ,\ri'(>"a d,' 1I.,·illa"d and H.".), F,,,,,I. mysleries and jungles, Is gloriously was operating on his ranch; the finger -F.,,,,i" ,r,.,,, )"U h".. l'rol~'""s !il-p­ t"rl. 'Gule a re",ur.1 a~o. It., captured in color in this spectacular will be saved, surgcons believe. Lyle \hllan,\. John \\a)·"t. 1' 3""II~ IlII) fliT" In'\\') On. of "ilh l.u~t".-Fa'"".1 Talbot and the i1\-starred Veda Ann (;",lIlard_ -F'lIIil)- I\hI.. .u a,,,1 ('0 Itl".-_ l,t,1. \lilh '1,\\ IHTIJ TWO LI\'E~ talc of an infant boy who is lost to a 110 •."M ... I trnt "I ~,,0<1 , ROX IE 1I,\IlT (\'\'\'l T.,I~ ",i,._ (\'\,\') II~·. 1::,101,,,,1 \,.. ri wolf-pack and reared as a cub to Borg (who had to h(1ve her entire F~",ih in~ "pc,lo" "f th 111,\ ,il,,,( crll"~. «i."co a"d r~'U"~ lo,,~hir 11",i•. - ·,\,1,,11 IIA1WY tV\ \') \,,,,thr ""h,' _\IISTER " (\.\'\-) War ("ur escaped serious magnesium bomb "LEEf'Yl'l\1E (i_\I ,\\n Il""",') wilh f,·,..Io. I'a,-krr I... k 'I'" rnrlnd,am. 'I~rrl,,~ I.p,h 3,,,1 nO""" 11r .. 1 i"I"H1II ...1._ 1I"",,,l P•• ked lIilh Ih'i!J,.­ This t 8 the Story: Who doesn't read burns dm'ing the filming of a de­ J"," (','''''', a",\ <.rI".. 1 "I Kipling should; but the SIO I'Y, to re­ fense training picture, and the sev­ '0""" in fur;o". h'It\." I, F~"'il) ,h"",~ ~irl ,in~.r w, ""i, a) rIIF ~LFn"s {~, (s... Oul Sm:PJlERD OF TilE O/,\lIKS fresh staled minds, is of the woll-boy eral hundred members of the Wo­ E,mi' h,n'L-FaOlil) .t'lnrli,,_~,) (\'\'1 "'"') "'J .. ~u'·~ ..... It.,,1 who is driven from his jungle to men's Ambulance and Defense Corps SO\ OF n'R\' (vnn A W." ...·r Bro', & £I,-ir)' '0 b<-li~"~ civilization till he cels his "tooth" (a ~;II. h.,.. bttl\ 11I1'a,t ..1 \\Ilh who were present aided in extinguish­ mixlllr. of .xCil;"~ w,·. anot sharp knife) with which to return ..".h)·_ Sror< T"-r .. ,,. Po,,·.r In.1 \\.",1)11 Ibro, Fr."k ,\IIIO.t,on ing the burning clothing of Miss Borg -~·a ... ill·. and slay his arch-enemy, Shel'e-Khan, and Talbot. Charles Farrell and Bar­ C.". Tirtn"'_-Fll"ily Tm: FlEET'S I .... (Vn'\') SlLLlV \X 'S TII!\\-ELS the tiger. In a way, and a very slight bara Stanwyck registered at hospitals. I)"rn,h L."M,,,r. !JPI!I' 1I"lt, (\'\'n l'nu lui JMI "r('ru_ way too, "The Jungle Book" resembles the former for an emergency ap­ E.-iIc,·in~ 'Clo.-Famil)- Till:: GOLD Rl'SIl (\'\,\,\', nR/A\'S ~EtIlET THUS In practically every way thinkable, foot ... Th. fa",ouo old Chaplin .i].nl l·R.: l\'t') John'" W .... ,,,II. "The Jungle Book" is a poem of .... ",.,I}, lalk., A f.i"ut of 1"1,.1' )~II, no, .. in mu-rh Ih. m. .. n hmi])'_ photography, a Rembrandt of color, Hall of Records: Myrna Loy's sud­ lill" 1925 .." .... hit.-Fan,il,- ' and, of course, a Kipling story. The TifF """\;\DERS tn'\'\') TilE BASIIFl'L B\OIHOIl den second announcement (the first (\'\'\') Lurn Abn., latter has been embellished with the I.... ,h. IIO"lIro4. t..ur~r.c~ OhOf .,,<1 fa'" one was a year aco) that it is all over nbbil'- 11[" .'ap"lick. knock .11 er ami II~) w,onrl ","e)' I" a" i"t~. intolerance of a group of villagers betwccn her and Arthur Hornblow. "Iin~ _. "._ ralUil,' who do not want the woH-boy, and that she has taken her own apart­ harb.. ic nni"n 10 "'I,..""r d~­ Mowgli (Sabu), in their midst, and ment, was fO I'eshadowed by her film noo~r.<\-.-I'.mil..- TilE Bt'GI.E SOt·c.:DS (n'V) "Ghost of FrMken­ Th. tank tI ",Ih Verdict; This is one of those pictures IV\,V): lurili. B.n a,,,1 Jamts AI.I\_\\'<; 1\ \lY H[\RT Ol-~"Il''''' .. ro, BptLfI th." that no one should miss. Il has every­ /\'\.\-, Glnri~ fift ..., r .. ,.: in a suJltr t"di~1I ,1,,,,),.­ 11'."... ·'Pi"M.hio"; ""I "I' 10 '~,,,, .. F.",ily. Don·t stop saving defense stamps '".)' I.t .o"th... I).a"". nurh;" While," -F .."il)· thing in it, plus remarkable color, and buying defense bonds, but how ~ it.-F~"'il-,' wild animals, beautiful jewels, ad­ \111 aUG GOES TO TOI\N SHORT FEATURES about figurine out a few ways of BABES O\' BIIDADWAV (\'\'\') In ,,,I,,, Th. botLle nl venture, animal fights, romance and a raising funds for the Army Emer­ (\,\,\'\', llirhy R",,".)' a,"1 Ih~ 1,,"1)' ,n •...,,, aui",1 110. COl'\TRY HIR (\'\'VV): forest fire. And take the entire fam­ gency Relief Fund? The doughboys' JUdl- Guland, or .""thrr I.. huon"" r.,o--\\hi, h tbi"k~ IT You ,·,.il • hir lull "f nlki,,( ily to see U. The youngsters will i.h d.".illl 'm"j<"m,.d, "f Ih h~_ • b"Ult 011 ill h., ,11.­ a"j,n.l! II""~.I and Inl,~­ dear ones need dough! fhbt, '.r;p•. --f'amily. Fan"I}', F3mi]y love It. l'Il,'H 9 THE EtcTEIITAIHMEHT WEEK The Radio Front America Wise to Nazi Short-Wave Propaganda; MacArthur Talk Grabbed Out of the Air; Benny Will Do Special Shows, Not Broadcasts, for Camps

our American democratic system. WASHINGTON You will hear those sentiments ex­ pressed on German stations and then By LT. COl. CURTIS MITCHELL you will find them echoed in our press. You will sometimes be amazed On Sunday, March 29. Mother Na­ at the prominence of persons who ture almost accomplished what Hitler will spread those Axis seeds of dis­ and Hirohito would like to do. Wash­ unity and distrust. But you will know ington's war slowed, almost came to them lor what they are. a stop. Eighteen inches of spring­ This war will be won. This peace time snow was the cause. No other will be won. This nation, under God. March in Washington can equal that shall not perish record, and those who are engaged in turning the wheels of war production That last sentence. I hear, may be hope that no other month will at­ the theme of the new Army haUl'. tempt it. Abraham Lincoln expressed it durinj;!" Sunday is a work day In this town. a time as black as or blacker than this. We know one man living in Virginia Many men. big people and little peo· who went to work on skis. We know pie all over this country, are resoh'­ many others who didn't get there at ing their own private resolutions in all. We park our cars out of doors support of that sentiment. It is alway!> here. They sit at the curb through heartening to find men of courage every night. Imagine waking to the and humanity, sight of more than a foot of snow on Such a one is Vlck Knight. Lis~ top of your chariot. Imagine attempt­ tellers should know him for his pro· ing to puB into a lane knee·high with duction of Red Cross and March of driHs, Dime programs. Or for his production Ordinarily. this would be cherry­ of all recent Fred Al1en programs. blossom time, but the war effort and -c..... Loot.' Several weeks ago, the Army invited crowded local hotels have ordered a WRITER Don Quinn presents Jim ond Morion Jordon with the first script Vick Knight to direct its program postponement of the Cherry Blossom for "Fibber McGee ond Many's" eighth yeor on the oir. The top.r

SCHEDULE CHANGES The following uri,,!s .re now to bt hlalll at new timts indicattd: "Story 01 Muy tN-r1in" (NBC)-10:45 ~.m. [WT, Monday thro~gh rrid"y: "Tht Bartons" (NBC)_l1:QO a.m. EWT. Mond.y through Friday: "Vic lind Sade" (NBCI_ll:15 lim. EWT. Monday Ihroullh Friday; "Road 01 Lilt" (NBCl-lI:30 a.m. EWT. MondlY through FridllY; "Right 10 Happiness" tNBC)-3:4S p.m. EWT. MondllY through rriday.

SAT URDAY. APfUl 11 AS 11111 TltAlr:Ui(i "hi,h y",~" l",r'r.},,1 .. "d Ih f"nh V,a\ i"',,~I,,~ .. d 1.,,1 S",,,I .. ,· I.~~O <.""i .. ~ L"u t;eh,i~ drli"N,i",,). l-U I ~E RAIXEI:, '"i,·~ "i,,,,pr 1i"C"tr~ 0" " l>iell"~,,,\I(, an.! ,·i ll appear "" "I. .. , Itadi" The 01 all A~adel~ /",arl M"u",r,1 _.. ," .... "...... ," Pori IIr,I,,,,. '-.;o.".Ik. A"Kh.". P"lirt." ill "",ell ht "arrcd 0" Zif"!l:feld.-' "Th. (;(><"' Earl"",. ALICE FROST, familiar to listen­ M",lu'3 .. nd "Ihfr ',oli,·. tie'" Ilw CBS. win al'I"u a. Ii""~" ~,'i,' Ihi, ,ere"" BETTY W IN KLER hilS succeeded r".1~;nt "POT'" ", II,t I'.. rifir. c ••"., ers chiefly as former star of "Big Salu"l~y on "Thuler of T .... b) "00 ...... ;'IIt". ~ •.,~< Ann Shepherd liS star of CBS' Sister," now plays lead in the ("Ih ,. .. c,.,•• , .,00 ...... ~ ...... ,.. 4", ..... "Joyce Jordan." She also plays .. 'oo_~ "" ... . CBS "Woman of Courage" serial _...... -" ...... • '"".~<11 p .... THURSDAY. APRIL 16 the lead in "Abie's Irish Rose" .0"'0 ...... ' ...... SUNDAY. APR IL 12 EDWIIRD G ItOIlI"SOS. CHA"D PRIZE \\I\"'\C <'IF tH:rl"E IH\'I~ "ill a"~", bo. "hMt dramatic unol'~i~"i,,~ r", utt"l ill WG"·, Grtal ,\",~ri'.n 'l."Ii~h'~1 '" o,,~ "I .\T<"h Oi~,1 'af.I)· hal ohtn b(.e.. vublid~' o.~,"lIa q"""t "ill b~ ,"'rr"',,,~1 .,' "I~~·_IIo;, ~,oHla,· in ..... ,lil """"","hd"" and "lIicj~lIy •.,.-"" in a promiqenl role, had been killed 'h" Sa' ni~", Iro,", (10;"3 "'1Ul "ilh Il~allo" "" --I'b.,. "If "i,ed. "iii <10 a "Bi~ T,,"h" tl,i drafted to f'urt Ord originally, then in action. Ironically, only a minor t:,,', ("i,·i( Opo'a !lOU't. Th" A".~ri,~", ...r .... \1\1' 00<1 ...alltd "Gra"~l"ar" S!,ifl. K...... ~ e.", •• , "hid, "u" "i,h rec~I~," dri"i,,~ assigned to the radio production de­ script change was necessary-adding :;!"",::::,' 4l!.t.,.. · 4,·,r i"j .. ,,· 01 d~fe".~ ""r~t" a~ partment at Moffett Field Army Air Newkirk's name to those of two .,:>0..... ~,...... ,," .... Ii'''M .. t" our "ar err"r'> 1'.\tUIT!" GOf)J).\1tO "ill w (BS. Training Base. But a couple of weeks others who had died. But the simple ...... ~ Con".' ,h .. ~" .... , "., Ih', ~u"d., 0" ' .. 30 •. _. ., ... ~."'. ago, the Navy needed a radio pro­ revision was a striking epitaph fOI' 'Silnr Th.-alr, . {"II'" ~...... _."'.. '.)0 .... . ducer here in Los Angeles, so they Tiger ace Scarsdale Jack and his lOa,,"" e.., •• ' 7'30.... .·oo~...... 00 .. ... EO.\,\ ~IAY OU\'ER ,,)11 pi ..· made a polite request for Christ to buddies ... _.Ia'" ~ ...... 4,00 ..... • 00 •. '" ~ '''~,)t·',,·or.-ltr r ... lt a' a all the Army. He was released, then, to HEO ~I\H.T()\ SUI', Tu"" ''''\II .." ..ial I.. ,)er a_ 2Vr_, ... n ,ht llu,1> \"all~t 'h"" SBe-. the Navy and now wears a snappy Spectators al a recent Fred Allen .1".,· ,,;,,111 c",,, ... h.,, "I"".. "I'l!I~ ...... ~ c~., .• , t"a,"" a"d vi"', d'ar~tl ..i.ali,,'" '0'00 .... .,00 ~."'. ensign's uniform. John is now wonder­ broadcast got an added treat. When ...... ~,.;~ ...... "" bH ta,,~hl ,.,*. llot li''''II~r' "po ...... ,00 .... . ing if he couldn't intcrC'Sl the marines they were about to leave after the lu, ",I",,, • .., .,~I" "I' I,!')'" a".1 in a spot of broadcasting ... program. they were told that if they '·"""r '''' ..... '·rp'·" (;lId.' Th •• 'N· cared to they might remain and II,i' ~11""al in Ih. ,,1.,. "Ti,h, A song. made to order on request sit".,. t n~. watch a special transcribed program ..... 'n Co."., or the soldiers, is going to be a guar­ '.'O~...... ~o being made for soldiers nbroad. .0"...... ~ac.,...... • antced, foreordained "hit"! Even be­ ",O •. I'ih. (hi"o-q Al11b.".,Io. 10 .'_...... ",. 4· ...... promised. Bandleaders, such as Kay , .. ~ l'"il"') S'3t"'". \\ill W .m,,"t . clutched him and sleered him toward 3, ... *..... J .. :oe *.'" Kyser, are helping it along, too, as her husband, insisting: "If you need ,I.t ,,"'akono "n a .pKial (·nil...-I p.\SII. 1t.\TIlBO~E win 'I.' r RIOAY. APRIL 11 they have a habit of doing .. [hin. Iltlicl 1''''.'''''' ,hi, :ia,,,' ia .... \ fo"""."ul l'ni'"n,," "" fOR~'ER 1'".lIhUltr someone for a consequence. pick him. dar Purl Bd"N. . .,e"'i"r"l .ulho, ("anlra.lf of "", .. iu." "Bt. Jam" J.· "ill hlrQ a~t'" ...... ~ e.."., I've never heard him tcll the and Upet"1 "" Ui,h. ",II I... o"~ ...... , ...... I" rtlUr" ,,, poijti~" as a u .. ,jj Because of war conditions the ra­ truth!" ... "r Ih ""nlribuli"~ "Tilpr'. H.II dalt for fontrtO, i" \Ialliuf' dio dramatization "Captain Flagg and .'...... 7,~ ...... 01 lilt ont hou. p.....,ra,n "ill G.\fO--" ("(I(ll't.rt "h" .... ,ullin Ban"int', --Tht I'art~ t, Sergeant Quirt"" has becn cancelled. \la"" on tht new lthril\· Tht tom. fronl St" ro.~. half fro'" OUT 0"" «Iu"tr)', .utt:f'1 ·-r .. Any girl would be willing to change H,.II,·"O<>

By ROBERT BAGAR ners declared. "There has always been finished my job, still without nerves. isters (Edward J, Slattery, director), in the back or my mind the sneaking 1 guess you can can me unique in that the St. Patrick's Choristers of St. New York World-Telegram MIl,ie suspicion that r might make a decent respcct." Patrick's century-old cathedral on Expert and Associate Program opera singer. So I've been experi­ Radio is her genre, she feels. "There New York's East Side (Seranno Bo­ Amtotator for New York Phi!- menting. For several months now I is a. mysterious something about sing­ gatto, director), and fift.,y youngsters IHlrmonie Society have been making guest appearances ing to countless invisible people that selected from the New York City with the Columbia Opera Company. gets me," she said. "Oon't think that I public school by Geol'ge H. Gartlan, UCILLE MANNERS has one stock Not many, you know, but enough to wouldn't like to do eight or ten opera head of the music department of the answer for all those ambitious give me that pracUcal experience I performances a year and a few dozen New York City Board of Education, youngsters who write to her, ask­ would need should I ever want to do concerts thrown in, though. Things will be the participants. Erno Rapee, L the thing permanently." ing advice. The answer is "Make sure like that help to round out an artist's will have the gigantic task o[ con­ you want to follow the career of a We pressed Miss Manners for fur­ equipment. If it's to be, naturally I'll ducting these impressive forces. ther details, but all she would say was follow the operatic and concert star that she was satisfied with what she exclusively. From where I'm looking had accomplished. "Of course." the now. however, it's el\~14' radio for soprano continued, "I don't consider me." myself an opera singer yet. How could Her work on the Cities Service pro­ I with the little experien

Guide to This Week's Fine Music Programs

SATURDAV. APRIL 1\ :>it:\1 \Ollh l'IIIUI\JtI[()~](" TUESDAV. APRil 14 OJ!( HE ... TIIA, OJ... Joh, Barbi Ii. S. '1\H1~E H\\]). (US. ",IIi .•"",I"rrur. l ~. ,IR:I-I\ B\\I). Hlu~ :>ie, .&O, •• ~ .... ~'.a' "~rk. ('al", Th",,,., F ll' .. \rr) .0'00 ..... '.00 .... t:I.·t r;~M~ ",'0''''',· [)e,,"~h ,US ,',,,,,.,.,,,, f", "[','" ('I.,,,,, M .... n".n .... ". E"st,,,bk .,00 p."'. • • ,00 _" .. ,.. ~ c ••"" au.' "'li.!,'~'tra I" ~: II~' >,30. ~.m, 2,)0" m. ~ 11""M' ~.. ,.< ,,,.J,,,,, ...... , ...... ot M""",,,...... ,. .. \',,1 .... , ..r "l!""~" 1I"0Lio. .."' .....d ..' • .~!,"" .• I',u .... [, THAT IIEFIIESllF.S JOHN BARBIROLLI, brilliant ~ .. ,.. " c ••, ... OS THL ,\[[!. I'U!" A"d,~ 1\0' VERA BARTON, new singing star, S'OO p.m. .,00 •. ",. Idauetz' O.chp,t.a. A,tri.)0 ~." 2.:00 .... . style results frolli Ihe combination !'ka .. 1I.·,t.·" -'""" ~, zart was perfol'med for the tirst time IIB!-. Alfr .. 1 Anlonini', Orrhe' I.· H., A ••• '.... N ot ...... "" ... .. ,. of meillory. music;!1 buck~round and .\ ",.. In 11,. "'''~ 1t .. ,10 in Vienna on November 2-1. 1781. The '1":1. Jo"t'])hi"~ Tumiuia, <010", ...... c"""., (C<'ling. FUI·ther. .. he avers. it lakes tu'a·-op,ano; m;,,~1 ~hnral troup ')0 .... s,>o ..... <." \\\1 IH~I). \11\ composer and Josephine Aurnhammcr _~IM. years 10 d('\'e1\II). I\liss Barton says, l l ~'.,. 11.ker-· no.,·.· (; 2.M> .,,", ,.so."" ...... played the solo parts. Fraulein Aurn­ I\'IIL 1"ou I:~.'~m"".~, H.. ",I_·.c "You don't just begill with an un­ I ... \",10 ..... "... .In,·~,i''l usual style. In yow' early phase of hammer, it develol)S, was Ihe young }/y ll""',li~bT 1I .. ,louua TlU: .... AltliS Ilm'fl fll"; woman whom Mozart described in i\ r'~~"""I' singing. you'l'e l)robabh inl\uellecd by Wnltz f",';-;:·r.",," ,r""In,"1 CIa,I)" Swa"I".,,,, "~u,, '''1'''''''. f"iE.IT MO\[E\T" 1\ )!I"'ll r ..... L., )"",'1 Ta.dor•• •'''Untlll;>'',r; ,\L somebody you fl(ltnil'C and uncon­ letter to his father as being "as fat as I).,.."" (U<., \;..,r~~ '><-ba,lia". co"01,,,· I',,,·,.,, G'K"I"'a"', O.rhr,lra, sciouly echo his III' hel' manncrisllls. a pcasant girL" She had had. what's , C<., .. , 1",- Ja" I'.e.e~. J pa" T.",,) ,,," . •.. ... ,~ 0.00 •. '" 7,00 p.," ..... However." she continues. "if you have more, the temerity to make love to ... ,. ~.., •• < ',00. '". ~Ola"". "'Ie". 11"""'1 1\· .... lp i" _ ,~ • ,00 p.m. "00 ., ...... ".. "Ta,,"h~pu'e'," br WOllne, . him. a maUer that brought thc fol. s,oo .,,". Co."., ;111 ol'iginal mind ami H well-grounded b.'.'ft .,IS " .•' musical lI'alning, you soon outgrow lowing "encomium" on her hcad. just '0.' ••. "'. SATI'ROA\' \1{;tIT ~rllF: M ..... ' •• ~ to look at her f.. ce, "which would MONDAY . APRIL .'15 ...... u .... itnitntion !lnrt IJcc,mle ,HI idenUfiable \,\I)E. CIlS. J."i,·a I),a~,,,,",'~' 13 singing pcrsVlwlit~·." have scrved a painter li S n model fOI' "'I'r'"o; Hill P'~rr)·. Le,,,,,; Th THURSDAV. APRIL 16 thc Evil Onc," WIIS cnough. he said, ~r,~"",lct~; f,,,<'a\'P lI"",,·' 1£1(;1'"- O~· fO\LI'(~"lri~. VeL'a Bat·toll. olle of Ihe. surprise "to make one wretched for the whole Orche",a. CIlS. ('oh"nh;'. ('0""1'" Ord,.., succcsses of the )"e:1I" be~nn by win­ 1'101111", \In,I,,,·' nr"''', \'0, day." Obviously Moza rt's apPI'C" .,,,", ...... ~..... < tion, it has becn said that it is "{rce TIlE \·O\( E 0 .... [1I1~Srll\1 .... , .... ,..... "0' h .. ' •• '. with Enoch Light's IlI'chcslra. then and cheerful." Jahn. responsiblc fur \\lErIl(,,~ PllF:FfItIlEn, "B~ \81' \If,,,,1 Wall~".I~i". ,.,," with hham Jones rtnd litler with Dick ,iun,,, nid,a,.1 ('".. ,~. IrI'" \If.,,1 \\'allrn'I(';n. <"".lurI,,'; IIHS. .111, .. 1 Ballou al New V<'lIa ('ho;, 01 in point or the mechanical aspects. .'·,o,IItL"".1 IHllTNI \\lElW \\ FL~'II point. VicWr. in ttlI'll. offel's an albull1 70 ,. .. i.e. tlir~t ... 1 I". II ... Hu,h The work, one 01 Debussy's los\, is a 11'1 .. ,', n,,",," lIa,,,,, r", \I,' \At. tU... , IIt,,,.,,1 lI~rn"""" of comj)()~itint'H by Sigmund Romberg. signal example 01 a creative technic Kl~I'J,.,r ~,tI~: Uill.. n",k 1l,~I, W"lft w",I",·I",. These havc becn sung by thc Victor Srh.. ,,1 ('oneert Ih",J "f 96 I';""'" IlHU·. 1',111 1'.,,10 I (,,,,,,·,,,1 .. I;,,~.., .hl· , ~liro:ed brought to an amazing fines;;e. The ,lir,..Le<1 Lv I. Bru.~ J"" ..... I.. ,,· I~·.,. U,,' t'."I, f,,,,,, Ih (1101 "' •.• 1\'.,~, ·k Chorus. Emil Cote. director. Chicago Symphony Orchestra. led by .... ,.. ~ ''''1'''1> ILHV"" "tn" \'111"",· .,,"';, ,10". The items include "Luv('r. Come Back ".')0 ..... _no" R.... '" Co .... , ...... ,~ C<."., Frederick Stock. does nobly by the .,)0 ...... • 00 ... , .'00 .. .. >,)0 ...... ~.'" to Me:' "011(' Alonc." "Wanting You" •.. ,~< .. ~~ .. ;~ ...... •. 00 ...... • ,00 ~ ..... ' and others, The ~()l()i~ts arc Mal'garet Paganln! "Mota Perpetuo" (in a tran­ ....- ~ ...... - ...... ,.. scription by Mr. Stock) and the Pn:/­ flAOIO (,ITY '1[''''1(' 1111.1. D<1um. soprillw; Frank PUI'kcr and (]Tll~ ~EIl\1( f UJ\'( Fin or TilE AIR, HI". 'I;.t".,,~ ",\I;. cession 01 the Sardar from h)j>olitofT­ FOR A\1Fllln 'Il-: ~ IK il •. hank lIl~ct... <," Floyd Shermull. tenOI'S. Waller Pres­ l"tn<> Ilapfl'. «>",I"ninK. s..1",. Ivanoff's "Caucasian Sketches." (Co~ lJl,,~ \'t"'",t... II, r'.n~ 1lI;"k. I<,r. Lurolle 'I.""en "" hU ton. baritone, K".,e an delicioush' R.'r;,,; I .., .. · JnIu, lIerri,k. .')0 .... t ... \\';,,", (Or ~.,,". ll.,,,t.L Th\>. "ht lOf Vou" (Cniumbia 26546). hasil" ... L,,~r .. "'r Whi apt. r'''J \I. II•• ~ .0 'I,~ 1_. the Gavotte from Ma!'Senel's "Manon" ",...I,it. ." .... ' which is cuupled with ··Goodnight. ,,~. llicbu.1 I .~I,.., •• o~'''''' I'n'lant. f"" . :.,,:, 1: ...t .....1 CO\'Tl\'TEI) 1I0l1l. ~H( Sweetheart.'" anolher memory-wring­ and the Waltz from Gounocl's "Romeo p·.-.,r,oln .eM.,,'~ Ih. 5(YI,h I'" I...... ~""., ,. WiLli .. " ",II.r. t~""'. n.i"b,,~' and Juliet." She is accompanied by an j"..a,lu.t. 0" .. 'l;1~M 0' " ••. "· ... ·'I~;n er. WelJ dOllc. too. Hal Mcintyre, a t:;~bll, ...... "1' '"Th,' .'<,. <",'h,,,i.h, ha '." flo",o ••,,<1 0, 1'.11 II la I.",· w"O; I.,,. new Victor artist. ~hows off his band orchestra conducted by Erich Lelns­ ,.I'''U1 ~r ~"" .. ),"Ld~ ,h~",a, .j" .. lfrl hy I'r,,'" Fai'h It.,~, dorf, also of the Metropolitan (Co­ ~~" ~ ..... ,~ b ...... in "J'1I Pray for You" and "Do You '2.')0 .'.., '0.00 ..... • Co.""00 ~ ..... •. 00 p.," . _n",. ~ .. ".< .~ .. ,.,. Mis~ lumbia). '0,)0_."'n .... • 00 ..... 7 00." ..00 .... Your Sweetheart?" F II/IT 13 TH! !HTfiTAINMEMT Will Short lfaves

A Free India Caribbean Isle Has New Voice; ,ames of the preceding day and, in addition, from time to time guest OKYO radio Is fond of making 8J)Cakers on various sporting topics. such statcments as the following: CBS Hits Back at Axis Propaganda T"Rangoon Is now brcathing the life of new Asia under the protection of CBS in All-Out Offensive the Japanese Empire." According to Instead of resorting 10 the lies, in­ Tokyo it would seem that cities and By CHARLES A. MORRISON nuendos and distortions of Dr. whole countries magically burst Into Goebbels' Lord Haw Haw breed, the lull flower and bloom of a new President. InternatioMI DX 'ers Alliance American short-wave operators a rc and more viiorous existence the mo­ hitting back hard and trpe with in­ ment the conquering hordes of little conll'overtible facts plus appeals to brown men take over. Those lands the decent inslincts of theil' audiences not blessed with the divine example of Important undercover outlets for the New Voice in Caribbean within the Nazi regions. Typical are the supreme being-the Mikado-are rrcedom-loving pCQples of Norway the five German-language feature on the other hand withering away, and Finland. "Suomcn Vapaus Asema'· The Curom short-wave station programs which the CBS short-wave CQrrupted by the infiuences of arro­ (the Finnish Freedom Station) is be­ PJCI, located at Willemstad on the division has Just added to its sche


W ar News in Englis h Short. Wave Broadcasting Stations Doily MClrning Guide to Programs of the World CWT MW T CITY "STAT ION OIAL 1:00 '.m. 6:00a.m. Tokyo JVW 7.251 Th o p,o,rom, li,ted her . 0" thOio b,,,,,dcOll d nll., 01 110 . somo tl... o. l.e.ptloRs G'. i. dieGtod. I Alplrc:rbet;c: oll 7:00 lI.m. 6;00 •.m. MO'tow 9.567 Tlmo s ~ ow n II CWT; s lI btract all. hO ll r far MWT 7:15 •. m. 6:151.m. Melb'rne m 9.58 7:201l.m. 6:201.m. Ch'gking XGOY 11.90 DAILY A"'er;c~: 7:30 '" 9:30 ~.I".­ Tbls il lhe ~eeond ~eetion of II e"mplttt I,st 7:301.m. 6:)I) •. m. O.I~i YUD3 9.59 \"e", (E,,~li,h): 2fW3 (9.63/ 01 tht wo,ld'~ ~hOr1,wIY. 5UI'on~ ~r,,'ng~d 7;SOIl.m. 6:50 I,m. K'bY5hev 10.04 Satllrday, April 11, through 21\04 111.81) 2Ro-- (11.95) Ilphl~etiClllly. For ~t(\ion Ih'tt 01 Ihi~ .. Iu· 8;15 iI.m. 7:15'.m. Moscow 9.567 Fridoy, April 17 1:30 p.m.-I."" do n-"Oril3i" .. bit II~I 'tstryt you, nut wtek'~ iuut of 8:101.m. 7;30 ,m. M~nill KZRH 9.64 "I'U~" (;~f (9.58\ r."n MOVIE·RAOIO GUIDE no ... 8:30 l.m. 1:30 ,-",I. Berlin 15.20 CWT City Progfilm SIIII.on (11.75) 9:40 I.m. 8:40 ... m. Mtlb'rnt VLG2". 9.54 6:25 l.m.-\1,lbourn_Broarl.", 8 p.m.-lon,I(I"-II~,,,IIi,,~ \'~,,~ Perth VLW2 9.615 for n_,.", )l;orth A"'Niuu ill E,,~li'h; (; ...... (9.58) r. .... n COLOMBIA 10:00Il.m. 9:OO ... m. Stockh'm 58T 15.155 li'lfn~" \'LG2 (9.54) ell.15) A,mtn;1I HI:3O loin. 9:30 I.m, Am~I'd'm 15.22 6:30 I.m.-Ddhi--~It',a!:., lrom 8 p.m.-O",'al'",t-\"",.,h .\nl" HJFH 4.875 10:451.m. 9:45 ... m. Sligo" 11.715 !'i"~31'0r. Ilelu(fe, \'1103 i \\ -E,,~lir(l~rlln I"""" NB C In terna t io nal /.inc Fa",ih , (;,., ... (9.58J ."""1 CueUb HJBB 4.815 4 :15 '.111. 3:15 p.m. LOndon GSC 9.58 n.;,,~ )l;GOY (9.635) for l atin Americans 9 p.m. (u. Mon.)~"jto. Ecul GSO 11.75 9:30 ".m.-T n .... ,. _\".". (Eo ,Io ...... ·,icm•• hip 11"",: IICJB M~njules HJ FB 6.105 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 8ulin 0" 11)543 (Ii,hl .IZJ (11.80) (12445) Mtdtllin HJDX 4.195 HJ OU 4.805 DX L7 11.885 9:40 l.m.-\1dboum. Perlh_ 9:45 p.I'I'I.- I.(In,ln..--\"cW, bnne' HJOP 4.8B5 HJOE 6.145 5 :45 p.lII. 4:45 p.m . l ondon ,SC 9.58 \"e'" (E,,~Ii'h): n.{;2 (9.54) 4:15 ,.m.-)1" se 0" - 1 ·:,,~Ii'h Ii". in E,,~li'h GSC" (9.58) 11.75 HI\2 (9.615) pe.i",l, (15.23. 11,885) (;"1. (6.11) HJ FA 6.054 HJrK 6.091 Dally h e ni" , '" 10 ... m.-Slock~.-.lm- P''''I'3m lor 4:50 p.m.-O •• I i n,-(;",,,,,,")", 9:SO p.m.- I 'anam3 -\"~'" (En COSTA RICA 6 :00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. MO$to .. 15.23 S"... Ii,h "ati"",l, ." I"'oi~" 1"OI(r3'" 10' NO'lh .\" .. rir~: 111i,h)' 1II'5A (11.70) Hertdll TI4NRH 9.860 11.885 ll"'" In, S,n Jo~ t TlGPH 5.90 TIRH 6,ISO OXL24 9.62 11:30 ... m.-Hcrlin----.()fliclal IIi~h 24 (9,62) li,Ien".. in we'I"", NO,Ih TlLS 6.165 TlR CC 6.185 7:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. Madrid 9." (" .. """."cI Com'lIIln;,!". ;" En 5:55 p.m.-TQkyo-- l' ro~ .. "\ (0' "u'Prit~; 12,30 a,m.-)I;.,,. TlEP 6.696 TIPe, 962 7 :10 p.m. 6:10 p.m. Finland OFE 11.785 (Ii.h, III, pre<" IlJII (15.201 U"~f!I \',,'Ih America; 6 ". (I;,,~lile (Eneli'hl 21106 -U",li,,-\'e"~ (E,,~li,"): I'll (11.97) UltIp ...... 7:00 p.m. Be,lin 7.24 (15,30) OlD (10.543) DXL7 (11.885) 11:30 p.m.- I..ondun-I.ate :-;t"'~ COCO 8.11) COCQ 8.93 '" 9.62 2:45 p.m.- OI7l ..a,'ill, -F.".I',h DX124 (9.62) I)XJ 0.24) and Vit"" GSC (9.58) G"I. C080 8.96 COBZ 9,025 1:15 p.m. 7:15 p.m. MOS(ow 15.23. 11.885 N"",. 'rom Fr..., Fre.,eh .\I,;u. 6 p.m.-\I.... o"~s.. .. ~, l'rotI,alll (6.11) COCX 9..27 COCH 9.435 9 :00 p.m. 8;00 p.m. Bern HER4 9.535 .7:1 (11.97) in En ~li,h fo' North '\"'~,iun II :55 p.m.-".'·lln~" ~ltJho"rn_ COBC 9.70 9:10 p.m. 8:10 p.m. Tokyo JlG4 15.105 3:30 p.m. (u. Sun.)-lIa,·ana­"e" 05.23. 11.885) f. ...,li.h 1""'Iram I", ".,.ten, COCM 9.833 J ZJ 11.80 \"e", f,o", th .\n'tr;'", •• 7:30 p.m.- I: 0 In., - .. \'''Nic,,, 'IO"rlh \m~rira: VLQ2 (11.871 CO K 11 .616 COCY 11.74 9:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Rome 2RO] 9.63 W., (rn~li,h): .0" (11.616) 110"'," fo, li_tfl\~" in '\oTlh \"I.r.3 fl1.11) M't.ln~u COGF 11 .805 2R04 11 81 5a~tl Clull COHI 6.45S 9 :45 p.m. ! :45 p.m. l ondon GSC 9.58 GSL 6. 11 SPECIAL CURA CAO 10:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Be'lin DXJ 7.24 PROGRAMS WlliemSlld PJ CI S.9i6 PJCl 9.11S 10 :15 p.m. 9:15 p.m. Mo~eo .. 11.1lS; 9.567 DENMARK 10:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Tokyo m 11.80 Saturday, April 11 /9.58) <.;SI) (11.75) 'iu." Li~II'. Com, Woo."I, ... ,lIt: Silt IIl1known- D ,ni~h FrtHom Stltion 9.11 9.m m CWT Clly Pro9'~m SUllon 6:15 p.m.-1Je,I'"-",,,,1 Itt'Prt CSI 19.58) G"I) (11.75) DOM INICAN REPUBLIC 10;45 p.m. 9:45 B,·u·¥'e. 1);'1) (10.54) OXI.7 n1.885) 7 p.m.-I. 0 n d 0 "-"In,id,, "ni 8:30 i.m.-I..ondon ("II, EII(","'" Ll ROmln, Froe Af,. 11.97 1 p.m._ 1.0" tI 0" -"'\"'tri~a" .:""" ..... , GSC (9.58) G~" HUC 6.15 (,~I:: (11.861 (:~\" (11.82) 11 :00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 8erlin 0" 1.24 \"i(hl" Gs(; (958) t>"'I) (11.751 PUtrto " .. " HI9T 6.174 '" , p .....-I~""I"..--'"T", War 0.1 OX> 6.03 ,11.75) .:15 p.m.-II~,lin-Frtd Kahrn S.n Ptdro Ma." II. L Ft,ral,.,· G~' HI1J 6.026 6,175 11 :30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. London 6.11 1:15 p.m.-Otrli..--Frttl I\.h~n h~ch' nw (10.543) D\L7 (9,58) (9.83) G~ I J 111.75) SII .. lj190 HUU 6.015 6,19tl GSC 9." (aw h~~h. nZll (10.54) 1>\"1.7 (11,885) DXL24 (9.62) HilA"'" 12:00 mlel. 11:00 p.m. Melb',ne '"VLG3 11 .71 7 p.m.-I. 0 n d 0 ,,--"I..ilt 0, u c11,8S5) 0.\"1.24 (9.62) 9 p''''.-lon'lon-S<>,nethioe Go HI9B 6J9 HilS 6.4~ 11~,t" G'>f (9581 Vl02 1181 7:30 p.m.-I. 0 n rl 0 II·-'·II.-i,,,i,, iot On in B,ita'n "Olf: GSt: S.. nli'90 dt LOI CllblIlieros HilL 6.485 8:15 p.m.-I.(In.lo,,-\I'~t~I" "i_il 12 :00mld. 11:00 p.m. BeMin 7.24 !"-Ilp HIIN 6.245 HI2G 7:45 p.m.-Lundon-·· t:"'''I'~ iu -E,,~Ii,h I'ro~"'" fo' ll. <:. 6.28 in .he It. A. F. an,1 ;'II"'lh !re· lImi,," cst (9.58) CSU li_'t"N ~: HII 2S (5.947) HIl Z 6.316 " rc~. ORO." II .S! VUD4.·· 11 .13 I'ZX5 (15.395) "'uP,iun T ... ,.., .. in .'I,,(" (9.58) GSI) (11.751 (11.15) londOn GSA 6.05 GRR 6.08 6 p.m.-I..ornlon-··Thc Wa, on OS'9' , 11.'1 WCDA. li'ew York Cit, 6 p.m.-Lo",lo..--'"Tht F"'''UM,i, FrldCl y, April 17 GSL 6.11 GRW 6.14 H AT4, Hn,.. , 1.ln I'.~' ~.11 land."' hl' 'bio,;, lla.· Fron.:· Dona1ot Tl .,nnln, GSC 6:35 I.m.-\ltlbou,,,~ "Thp HCJB, EI:\I.4.. It,tt WCltC. New York CU .. tin(' (;'-0(' (9.58) GSO (11.75) GRO 6.18 "RH 6 195 HEllt.lw1t:aiOrl • 1113 (9,58) G~n <11.7S) Trulh 01 It I~. . p,npaun, ..a 7 p.m._I."., d 0 n-··n~,,,ot,at., GRS 1.065 1 . .:16. 1I.S45 WOEA. Sth~no".dv, 7:30 p.m.-I. 0 "rl 0 "-··Rril.i,, .13 rnit" VI.r.2 (9.54) GRT US )I.,,,"hh,·· cu"ent tnll": G,,(' H PU. . Pua_ n,Ta N. T. tl.~. U~. '.U ~1"'3k.·· "S(' (9.58) ..,>1) 5:15 p.m.-London-"O"~r!(l GSW 7.23 GRJ 132 HP5G. ,. 11.11 WGEO. Sellon ...t..., •. nU5) /9.58) (;SI) (11.75) HSP5. U1t N. Y. U33, ',U "011." I", tho n.,\.F, in ("alia GRI 9.42 GRU 9,~5 TlI.nall« 8:15 p.m.-O e, lin-lord lIa" 7;30 p.m.-Lo n d 0 '1-"Rri'li" BVJ. Vatican CII1 '.M WI.WO. Cine!nnUI .I~, GS<' (9.58) G"I) (11.7S\ .GSB 9.51 GSC 958 Indo·Cllia. 11:n6 Ollio la.I!. !l.11. lIa\\. nx.1 (7.24\ n\"1.2~ Spra~.·· GSC (9.58) C"O 6 p.m.-I.(Inll,,"-"Th lI'a, (In n04. 1&.106 9.69. 111.751 GRY 9.60 Japan '.06 (9,62) I)XL7 (11.885),',"· '~I>I. 'nil Fall_ CS(' GRX 9.69 J V." '.&6 WNBt. New Yo.k Cit. 8:30 p.m._ "atiuu n,,· -'IOp,,< 8:15 p.m.--·B~tliu-T"lk b~' E. I), (9.58) GSIl (11.75) GRH 9.825 GRG 11.68 JVW. 7.25 1l.89. 6,100. 11.7' w,,,! OXJ (7.24) OXL7 1Z1. 9535 WltCA. N. Y. Clly (1':II~li,h) !/n (9.56) 7 :30 p.m.-I .... n,l<>n-"I\·o,M At GSD 11.75 C;SN 11.82 1Zl. IUO 9.1tt,16.U 8:~5 p.m.-B~rli,,-Tal~ I,,· J."'t (11.885) IlX I..24 (9.62) lai,•. " II. \\"i .. kh~m "1'-"'11: GSE 11.86 GRV 12.o-t JZK. IU6 W1tVL._WlIUW, ,\"dt""n: D~.1 (7.2~1 D\"L7 9:30 p.m.-Qllito-Endj'h \1ail GSC (9.58) (11.75) KGEI. Ban Tn.ncloeo. 8001.. 11,11.11, 11.n. (11,885) 1)I;124 (9.61) Ba, HCJ1J (12.455) GSF 15 .1 4 GSO 15.18 c.ur. 7.15. u.n .•. 70. 11.79. 8:15 p.m.-Ot.lin--F,.. J Kalitn 1.1tt, 1$,33 11.73. UK 10 p.m.--(;uatemaia-S,'Il",hnn,· Imh OXJ 0.24) I)XI.7 GSI 15.26 c;.SP 15.31 KoZRK. PhlllllPln.. 1,84 XOOT, China O,eb,.t'., TGW.\ (9.68S) W.dnlldoy, April 1S "1.885) OXL24 (9.62) UK. I,M6 11.90.I.Mb GRE 15395 GSG 17.79 If_... 4:30 p.m.-lo"don-'"\\·om,,, m 1:30 p.m.-London-"Win~ II'l'CT.... chkuo 11.7' Ilt03.Ital.!' 1.13 MO ll doy, April 13 GSV 11.81 GRP 17.89 OFE. Fbtlad 11,7' IR04. " 11 ,11 War Time: GSC (9.58) CSO Abro ...." weekly p~m r", 6 p.m.-v.odo...... "The Wir in (11.75) ,~~ R.A.F. n,·p ... · G!'(" (9.58) GRO 18.025 GSH 21.47 ~~·H.~u" t,'U gg:: .. :;::; 11" "'i" 01l~n ..;1 ... · ar. G<;f' 6 p.m. I.... n.. " Th~ II' ," 3' /,"0 111.75) GST 21.55 GRZ 21.64 T 11111 15 THE EHTERT"'IH~EHT WEEK Frequency Modulation

Read How Men Now Molding the Future of FM Turned Fantasies Into Facts When They Built an FM Stat,on ,n the Arctic Eyrie of Mt. Washington!

By DICK DORRANCE Miracle on the Mountain NYONE who thinks that build­ Guide to Programs Power for the :".i,Ooo-watt FM trans­ ing 11 casUe in the clouds hap­ April 11 through April 17 mitter comes Irom two giant electrle pens only In drcams should go generators operated by diesel engines, A 5:00 I\tllO have talk with the Yankee Netwol'k W45BR 3:00 IVaill Time delivering thirty and lilteen kilowatts a 6:00 "rlll; {]a"i~ Fa"oril" 3:15 nub ~Iali"",,; Sew. of New Eneland und Icarn bow it.s Flit 6:30 I.~t's Go l)o".i,,( 4:00 A,II,,,,ur. S(",i6 respeet ively. All gasoline, fuel oil and 'n _.t._ ...... ,~"'. ,; ...... «- 7{1(1 N.".; l'i."o 1>;'lItr~S station W39B came into exlstencc. ".n ~'" ... _ ...... - .,~ .. t. ,~o ":15 \1,,<;. br D• .\1.1l0 water-pumping units were installed in W39B is a fabulous achievement, ..~ ..... ,~ 1:30 1I()"la"y Tnil 4:30 ~·I.,iu~ 1'01001 duplicate so that the station wlll not &:00 l>i~".; ~b.-gurrite. h~rp"1 ",:45 ThrH I'.M . Sah/rda, Su". be built in the lace of innumerable dim­ 11:30 \1111;' " Mr,,,o.i ... 5:00 \Iu";" b) ~Ior~I"ik; ...... forced otT the ;'lir by breakdowns. culUes aud skepticism upon the wind­ 2:00 ~."s; .'laIUlU on 1I11)Ih,n 9:00 N .... 5:30 To IJ<, aUtlo""'OO Storage tanks holding ten thousand bald summit of , 2:30 t>.:>ld~n )Modi« P." Friday 5:~5 :'porcs ;\.". and two thous..'l.nQ five hundred gallons 3:00 :o;~w. ; Dante .\ 6:00 l)i"ntn~usi< New Hampshire, 6,300 feet above sea 3:30 \·ou IIw'~mlH:. 2:00 ....""; lI()u,,Od;e. 6:30 0.. 1·..... 1.. ~I"rif' OI""let.I the only adequate mdlo reception 9:00 \~,,_ 7:00 '~'H; Dlark " Whilt IO:IS b)' Heavy steel girders for an antenna 7:30 Ga'li~hl lIarn"",iu 10:30 Enri • .\I",tri~,cra·. Orch. they've ever known. I ',~ I. SlIlIda, tower werc dragged skyward In the 8:00 ",''"; LeI's {;., Pa"r.n~ 1',.'1. Wedllud~y same painstaking fashion. Not so many years ago, when fre­ 2:00 ..... ew'; o~ Melod,c' 8:30 Ili .. itla"d Ba,~1 2:00 f'ia"jral Mu,;c quency modulation was questionably 2:30 ~Iu>i~ for lIelaxalion 9:00 News 2:30 Xewl In case you're worried, radio per­ new and even scotTed a t, the Yankee 3:00 'c".; GO'locl 'oi"~ero 2:45 Walu Tillie Cormers, artists and announcers don't 3:15 /{hythmi~ I'aucr", 3;00 \\'all. Time Network-which operates a chain of 3:30 !lulUla), So:re,,,u.le have to scale the frigid fastnesses of 3,151'1,," .\I.h".... ' ,.1" regular AM statIons throughout the ~:OO :O;~\I'; "'lfrOOo Anlon,ni W471-4V 4 ,00 \tu.ic by nan' this mountain just to broadcast over (o"duelS six Ncw England states-began to 4:30 FI),in( 1"1'01 W39B. The programs themselves come 4:30 lillie \"ari~tl Show T~I ....., ..... o~ ...... 11 .,"', 1:45 ('ity from FM studios In Boston, many look uround lor Ull ideal :nn trans_ 5:00 XC\I' , . .. p_ .. _ .'''' .." ... , Sy ...... ,,".n ...... ,," ...... ,. I...... ~:OO \.'·Y Halld: \C". mitter site. 6:00 "tw.; ~Iar~"~rilt. harp;!! 5:30 11 0111'''0<><1 "",,.,;i,1 miles to the south. W39S receives 6:30 F al·ori\~ lI'allus Those or you who have become 5:45 "!",ri. :'ie'" these progra'm~ via Its sister station, 7{)O ('Juh Trio Il a--a11a: s~,... 1'.\1. Saturday acquainted with the lundamentals of 7 :30 h"'1;'1 Ch"reh 2:00 na;,iul ~Iu.i. 6:00 IJi "".r M"'"r W43S, at Paxton. Mnssaehusetts (ncar & 1"1\1 know that height is fully as im­ 8:~5 Sol",,,x s,.",,,aJc 1:15 Ibl11 Till" 6:30 111110 11']) l.i,,"I.r. "c'" Worcester). wh Ich , In turn, gets them 9,00 "~II< 6 :45 rla«i •• 1 \1u'i~ portant as power whcn you want a 3:00 nub Mali"ee 7:00 Qui. l\i,l, by a special radio relay. beamed over ~,oo Jill,mr Ilu"~)'" {lr~h_ station to sel've a wide area. And that I' " Monda), 7,30 T.i~hl n ...;" a Corty-th"ee-miJe path Irom Boston. 4:30 M"~;f31 l'u""IUrri 2,00; " aul Haron'l ~:OO A'''~ri.a" \lrI",h Iiour was why the Yankee Network saw 5:30 (Ialer (i,ie Ord, these, of course. would quickly break 6:30 Ethoe. of Ih. o,,,,rl 10:15 ("[a"i ••1 'Iu';e Harder Than It Looked 7;00 \ • ..-"; I'ilno I'atl~rnl 9:00 &oline It or \'01 under the toad of rime that the elouds 7:30 Ln's Go ll."dnt>; 9:30 ('a""ffi C..-.II,r,,·' O•• h, 1'_" Thllnday on Mount Washington deposit. So the Oil paper, it was all quile simple. 8:00 X.... ~; h.,,~ie "".'Icu· 10:00 \~WJ 2:00 ('I ...inl \I"'ic But in the wind and the snow and the o..h. 10:15 ~I',ri., by 01"",,,1 2:30 \ew" W39S engineers devised a ditTerent clammy clouds that lie like wet blan­ 8:30 Ii."" (ooeerl 10:30 I:;,rrhoal R.,d. 1:45 Earl Wri~hl",n kind 01 Fl\1 antenna, husky as a wres­ 9:00 ~ .... s 1' __\1. Sunday 3'()c ('h,h \hlin.... : 'rws tler, built of steel springs such as kets over lhe rugged top of Mount 4:00 \I",i. b)' D."~llo 1'_\1. Tn,day 2:00 \\~~f l'l~ A,,,cr;~. 4:30 ~-J"in~ I'.tml you'll find on thc back axle o[ a truck. Washington. it became another matter 3:00 l.ithl CIa ..; •• 2{1(1 \'.,,,; "oius in Son. 4:45 " .... r~ rilr They carry the load, and even though entirely. In the first place-to give 3,30 &ohind Iht Mi~~ 2:30 ".,1." of MU'k 5:00 Indiana I n,l~ 4;00 lIay O.. Orch winter ravages W39B with Its most you an idea-the highest recorded 3:00 So..-"; T"nr. for TuHd., "....n', 5:30 1'31\i Chal,i,. ",np ! 4:30 Danr~ Tim .. arctic Cer()City. PM listeners in those wind velocity In the world was 3:30 II r •• ~Irino 5:~5 ~I"'rl~ \'tI'I~ 4:00 ,,~"~: !:lob l·heste.·, Orcb 5:00 O.~a,,: To "" anllOllncOO three stales of New Hampshil'c, Ver_ clocked by the .Mount Washington 6:00 I)in" .. '1<"" ~:30 I'iallo Pall.r". 5:30 l'u ..... " '" Atl." 6,30 lIill,n." &, l.i,,"ley. nCW. mont and still enjoy the pure weather station during April, 1934, 6:00 "eI'!: "',"!:ucrile. ba'pisl 5 :45 "~I",li~, for \·<)u 6:30 Thi. \\'C<'l·. Ili IS 7:00 rio"'" fidelity of FM broadcasts relayed to when a gale traveling at 231 miles an 6{l() \"\l'~ fm'" Fllr"t'" 7:30 fla ..;r.1 "".ic 7{1(1 Nr"~: John)· Shtr\\'ood. 6:30 To bt-·."""un ..... 1 7 :45 Borulh! Th... ,,,,,,,,,, them from the lonely I)cak. hour howled over the summit. Snow pianist ;{I(I T""""y Oo".y·, Orth. ~"'~rir:.. In all the unpredictable history of can be expected any month of the 7:30 I.i~hl rI".i .. 8.f\1) :t ....,." 'Ie.tin! 7:30 G."" of ~rclody ~:OO ('1;,,1 Mu", 8:30 CI."j"al MII,if American broadcasting. there are few year, the winds exceed hurricane 8{1(1 N.w~; J.rl·! Go D ."ri "~ 10:00 ,~\\. e:30 Mi~.d Chorus &,",5 Ili".10 ~hore achievements to match the construc_ velocity about Sixteen days out or 10:15 n.<,i.31 'h"ir 9{IO I\~\\'I P.M_ ,,",olldo, tion of W39B for daring and the every mOllth, and have all uverage 10:30 .Ii"",,\, nor .~,··~ Orrh_ 1'.~1. Wednesday 2:00 (·I.<>ifal 'hl,i. velocity of fifty-rive m.p.h. from De­ r M. Friday stanch belief that no obstucle can be 2:00 "e\\s; Mood. 2:30 \'~\\S too great. Somehow It epitomizes Ihe cember to March. 2:30 lllxirla"d Hand 2:00 \I".kal I'oll>ourri 2,45 T" !,(, ""~O""Cfd 2:3() ,.". 3:00 ,,~'''; . "'-orit. Walu" 3:00 Wall> Ti",. spirit of progress that has carried And so it was hel'c, in this aJ'ctie 2 :~5 ....,mll~rnaircs 3:30 !lu.t !'Irinn 3:15 (1,,10 \1alill'~: \'.". FM so far so fast the past year. eyrie, that the Yankee Network de­ 3:00 lI'alt' Tim. 4:00 N.".; Con •• rt Minialure ~:OO .'III,ic b)' Ilo,..oo 3-1~ n"h '(,lio.... ; "~ws cided to build an FM station. But a ~:30 I'alterns 4,30 FJ,'i"" I'alml 4:00 \100<1. ror radio transmlttel' needs elcct.ric power, 5:00 I".\\" 1 ,~5 -;...·rel Cily Moon". 1·30 Fhill~ I'alrol 6:00 ...... ; InlNlud. 5:00 ~tu'ir loy Shr.,ln;k; ~."'" and thc men who run it must have ('ily This weekly col limn of FM 6:15 l'ln .. ntd.l. }'oIks 5:30 IIlIyll"" Tim .. 4:~S !'~r~1 rood, warmth and waleI'. The first step, 6:30 \Ia. 8:30 "alTh of Tim.: :O;e\\, 2:30 MemM)' Tim~ 9:00 lIann Time (llId, if vou do not lIet have FM inch brick wall and steel frame. The 3:00 /'ie ... ; rc~ nkic "lasters' 10:15 n •. II'~' by (,\10 _led 9:15 hr;1 I'i~no Quulel Teception in YOUT 10caHry, advile roof is I\!qually substantial, and the On::h. 1'."'- TII •• day 9:30 Oden.e in Aclion entire structure was designed to buck 3 JO \lelodit Moods 2:00 ('b·"ul "'Iud. 10:00 lIifWS; Carmen Cn~llar o ·. you whether any i.s in pro.pecf. winds of three hundred miles an hour. ~:OO "ew.; To be annonnn'd 2:30 S .....s Or.h. ":30 ""'te" of 2:~5 A".trin; Continent_I, 10,30 (icnt Krupa's Orrb.

16 II/U I THE ENTE R T A INMENT W E EK Education and the IIftr By JAMES C. HANLON EdilOr, Tile Journal of th~ Association for Education by Radio

Religion in the Army Camp EXPLAHATIOH: In the-se bluk dlyS 01 bloodShed Ind trlvlil. it Is In tuy thing Washington's Pan-American circles. lor mlny ptoplt to tonttntriltt on wit Ind WI< ne ... s w,lh hllit Ihoullht 01 Iny· Viewed as a forward step in the culti­ One of Mother's greatest worries thing .Ise. Lut Wt lorlltl Ihlt rld,o is i ....lI·round.d mtd,um dintminUin9 vation of Pan-American relations. it when her son bundles ofT to camp is tnttrUmmtnl Ind duulion IS ....11 IS news, Movit·Rldio Guid. h.rtwilh pre· is anticipated that the projeet will "Will he go to church?" s.n~ tht hi9hligh~ 01 ,nolher ,nd importlnl fi.ld in "di_lh,1 of edutilt'on seck to acquaint the Americas with Contrary to popular opinion. a man by tnlerllinmtnt. This Pili •• highlighting progrnia I" .",,1. ,,/ T.d"."I,,~,·.) ancl Portuguese script form. And to ,.. . e ••, •• , times. If you have brought your boy ..... >0 ...... '0,:00 ~ .... 111(;1111.1\:" '10 111:\1.111 eliminate the production problems SUNDAY, APRIL 12 _0 ... . ~ ,'"' up to go to church, the chances arc ('Ii" 11",li.,.1 I .. I~, .rr,,,.",~1 h, .. :00 ..... 10,:00... _ .... which might present obstacles to th(' that he will continue to do so. Wil­ III'VlE\\[\"G ST\\"IJ. \III~ tl ... "ow \ork .\u,I,'"'' "f 1I,_1i presentation of the programs In som(' '~IJl.. d"eu",,," ~I p(-' liam R. Arnold. Chief of Army Chap­ 11,,,,,,,[ £i",.. «(op"'" "t I"I~. ,,,... '" Religion .i"cII' l",hll~ i'·"9' bl ",c",I... ,.. ~,·u,t.ll" ."i'i,," I<> t .... 11,·.1 .. I ('ountries. the possibility of providing lains, has this to say on the subject: transcriptions In Spanish and Portu­ ~I .ht ""rth"c·,<,r" U"i ...... i"· ,,,I"""d,io" H""·~". 2 E ... ! 103.J SATURDAV. APRtL 11 "If I w{!re writing letters to the I.'fllh, a,,,1 ~"c'''. ~I.. " •• " Y<>rk ..S Y.) guese is also being considered. ~ e.n".' ", , families back home. the one thing I ... '...... m. .0· ...... "'.0"',...... •. ••••.... , 111eI.!(;l!)." 1\ 'IIIE \E\I~. To sup('rvise the opcratiolls of the -"" ,~ ~ ~. " ... ;" ~~.~ .. \'Ul Wdh"r 11". \"d" I\lTk ~;"C> would like to tell them is this-as (ill" ' ...... a· ...... m. ...•.•• ..... • U ...... 'lor rdi~iou •• ,",,, '" 01 project, a permanent inter-American as religion goes-a boy is as safe in II,. """ ' ''I\'EnS1TY OF rllICI(;O 'Iw ,,("<.~. Il'r".luccd in ",>01"'" board was organized in Washin~ton the Army <15 at home. You know they Stories tor Children Ii"" ";110 Ih~ Fedcr,1 ("ouncil "I recently by NBC's Public Service lWI \"IJ T\lJl.E UI~("l·~.,IO"~. (·h"rd" •. ) say the devil finds things fOl" idle \11\' Ili •• u"i",,, "I ~"rrrll,l~ ""~ C.. "., Counselor, Dr. James Rowland An­ SATURDAV, APRIL 11 •_.. ,~o ...... ,n . .,30 •. m . hands to do. Well. the 0 ...... Il\ I"cidon!> i" .11 .. p,,,'h "I ~""' \lE"~.\f;E OF hll.\~:I.. Il". bassies. the Pan American Union. the .. '30...... I"'t.iu·, h ...o.-, ~II" "0..... 'O,H .. ... '.>0 ...... on this subject and others relating to ...u ..... " -.~< ('"UUIl­ . ,:00 ..... cultural relations between the a soldier's life In the handy little 1"'~'lrn,<. "i,h TI"".I,, .... Gr;"'i~ •-"...... 00 '.m. • .....~.... ".", ... • ,>0 .. ... ,r'i,,~ ". cI,~irm.". tries in the Western Hemisphe,·e. pamphlets thoughtfully preparoo by e.~"., ~,,,,,...... ,_ ...... ,ft. m. u:r s I'flI:TF\"l). (II~ Il" SUN DAV. APRI L 12 t he Wa r Department's Bureau of Pub­ "''''''"n ,,,I.I".li,,,,, 01\" •• In, • ' .... p .... ., ...... ,i, lic Relations: Tile So((/icr fll1d H is . ",,1 "ri~in'l '""'a,ir, hI ":il" N.lnO;';IL 11-\0[0 1'1'1.1'1"1" . Children's Theater Religion, Tile Soldier flfld H is HCII U/l. THURSDAY, APRI L Hi "," k.• ndo,cd 1" Juni"r SI"< ..... i" rOOl"".ti"" ... .Iot on successful radio, stage and scre('1l Tlte and •ro""",;. ~"d polili,>1 p,ohl.,,,­ ~· ..ltr.1 (""u"eil of Ch~rrh~,) . Hou.ekeeplng. Soldier His ~, careers, pulled another promlsin);( d,~i'nt...... "i,l, I.''''''' Drl>Ol'l a.. n. .0,00 ...... '00 ~ ... . Recreation. ..._~ c.~ .... SU HDAY. AP RI L 12 ~ program for children out of her magie ...... H~ ... . -...... And (or listening there is the new _n"'n ...... v •• ,•• ,...... va., ... .. bag of Ideas last Saturday morning •. :00..... O'H .. ... (,O.\~TTO("O\<;T O~I I II'~ Blue Network series. ';Chaplain Jim. II\" <;.'''~, a".1 •• or;". I"r Clll'nCIi elF TilE AIR. ell'" when the Blue Network presented the U. S. A .. " II Hve-a-week daytime \\11111(',\'''; TOil \ IIU:TI\f;. ,I, .... "i\1, Ilil",,, J Crt" ~. ~,·;oc, ~""'["'I~ '" '"11ft·." first program In her new series. titlecl 'I,u. dri.·" serial chronicling Army life as seen Il\". ""."" .I'··.h.... l"""rlll Ihrir I~I;H'''' "f 110 .. major f.ilh •. "Little Blue Playhouse." With young­ ...... <:o.,,~, th rough the eyes of a chaplain. r,,,,flit"'" ,·i.", 011 Ih,. >',,,...... "" .... • ""n"":0 •• _. 10'...... ,00 .... . _n"'~ _"~ ...~ ....5< sters in full-d ress acting roles. the J.blf"'m. p,.-entcd in .nol""'" HO' H ot._- ...... Av." ...... 00 •. m. '0.00 '.M. Ii"" "i,h To"'" 11.11. I"•.. ";110 series will present plays built around GNtI1r \. n~nn)" ~. "".lr'U"r. childhood experiences of Amel'iea's ...... n c.~"., WI7"GS OVER JOHOAS. ("Ih. "Inter-American University" ., .... p.m. 8,00 •. m. olld Selenee. Arts Rdi~I"u, lal~, an" 'pirilu31, 1" heroes and heroines. And, borrowing a _u ..... " ~ .,,,". With the endorsement of Secretary " .... o.m. .0'00 ..... "ul0...... Air" are gaining wide attention In _...... ~..,.~. screen as guest. ,10. II .. /lill !'c1l'",1 01 J"",,, .. li_,, •. • :00 .... . '.:00 ..... SATURDAY. APRIL 11 ""r,h"f"n" l"nin.... ih·. r.,i.·". 0\' Tile IIO\!E nlO~n. 7"11{" b<>o'~" ;"'~r,·jt"·~ 1"""";"'''' Ll'TIII-:IlA .... HOl'lI. IIHS. 0 <. ,""_' .,mho,_ l)r•• "a. Ind di'cu __ in" b,' ~u ... l WIllcr A. "ai~r. (S!>OII'''TtJM' .... ,i,,,, "i'h Ihr • 201 ..... • . :00.... I2'H .. ~'OO ..... _..... ~-.... ".1;"'".1 (on,t,,« <>1 I'.,""" .w" 2.00 ~ m· ...... ~ ..... Tud",... Parke. Whr.,I,..,·. ,...Iiu Tm: GOLDE~ !'.I"E. (B" di'.r'''' 01 N",lh" •• , .. " l'"i r."I.. ",. Frederick. bon,IoH '0 N\TlO'I!. \·E~PEII". B" ,,. dui'lIIall. ,I,,,.r "I", foil",,· "Of \1.·" Awl Or. lIu,.,· E",~,.on Fo·di.k. ~., •.. ,.. ~ c ...... ' 3". ~.m. 2 .. .. m. Il(l<,h.·· i" lhi. op.i" ••o'"nlpn', "" "I ni,·er,i.l~ (hurd.. :\'~" ...... ,...... (Proou<~,1 " ...... 12. •••. m "" Ih~ l"'l"d... and III1U'"dl \'ork ("i"·. ill «>ope .. "",k. "I 1I",",i~." li'er.t",... "I '10" "ilh Ilot F"" ..,I Council 01 ·ori.1 hi,.o,)· ra,h.,. II,,,,, .I,~ DO(TORS AT II'O!!K .."11(" (h"reh.,) ,~ e.n".' h"" kll""" a"d .b,'1e "·,,.k...... 3,00 _ .. "" A drd", su,,~y "I 'lor T"I,"I ...... n c ...... ~ ••• n ~ .. ,h • • ht ,Iooto, in Ih~ tum",,,,,;,.,·. I"~' " ...... m. .0' ...... ,00 p."' . ~ ~...... 'f"I~,1 ill rooflfr~.i"n ,,·i,h lI,r ....-..... h." •• ,...... ,.... IImr,i",n \ledioal I ...... i.'fi'... YOI,;S(i I'EOPLF."S CIIl'R('1I ...... ft e...... _ ....,ft __ ,h< •. 00 ...... ·00 ~ ... Of TIlE \111. lIS" IIfV. p .... n SUNDAY. APRil 12 ) ...... ",. 2'00 ~.". (r~"I",d ....••• ft I"\'[TATIO:-; TO lEAII"I7"C; • >0 .. .. ~ (Il~ I)ir~n a",1 ("1II1.1)flIC'i '" \\.\IlTI\IE o'hn d"lin~;.h..J lilera,,· tril ('''TIIOU( HOt:Il ..... B(". (Pm liS T.U... b)' rue •• 'J)<· .• k,.r, u, ., <1" ...1 j" '0011l'r41ion "i.h th" Sa ...... ~ c..... ' dtr .h .".pitco of .ho thild,~,,·. ",>0.. , ...... 0,,,", .. .. l'O"ul {'""".il ul rotholi. M~n.l _... .. ~..,.". .."'.n eon"" Il"'~lll. rl'1>artmc'" 01 t. ,t~'r 8,:00 ..... '·00 ...... ,00 ' .M. I ..... ~ ',ao •. m. e ...... -,,"to,. ~... ;.< 2' .... m. .,'.p". 4.00 p..... S, .... p ...... v" .... ~ ~><."< ,",15 •. m. .1 ,11 ...... FRIDAV. APRI L 17

tl"LtI\l"l"E[) 1I0R1Z0"~ ..... IlC MONDAY. APRIL 13 WEDNESDAY. APRIL 15 1"lr,•• li"l a flf"<"'~ 01 . lar.ruthin~ i, CIIII.I)II[7" .IL~O ARE ['EO· A Mun.l.y .h'uu~h Fri.lay s.:rial M A DG E TU CK ER, who has DR . JAMES ROWLAND AN. n"""'f on mooe", li"in~ I"t· G Ell views N BC 's "I nter-Ameri­ 1'1.1::. rH~. T .l~. bl 'I"'CO ,11,10 'I<""I..J in d''''nI and «,",m .. " d.pirli~~ .\rII')· lile .'

1r WJDX:-; ew.; Theltn 1r\\Ul!r St"' ~ (IS) Woman 01 Coun~; K~lOX WMC.~o'lti",t (15) 11:45 IMPORTANT NOTICE s~ (IS) WHT·Cuolina in the Morn KRLD KTRII KWK H wsOX .\I~ 1'.rki", (15) Na t" Fi.m & Home Hour: WLW·Aunt JeQny'. Storin ;"0;; Al1tn l'rt>C\ltt (30) WAPI WBT WOOD \'IOPfFarm " lIoml lIour KTlIS KTIIS WDSU * Every Pl'O!Iram hsteel on then pates i5 brudcut ( IS) IIHA~ )Iulicalt (15) WGST II'IIAS WLAC (15) WJBO II"JI)X WMC WSB live times w~k'" Monday throuth friday. * W"C·Nn" (IS) * II'L<\C-Newl 01 lhe World WNOX WREC WW L II·ROL-Ridi .. ' th.. R~IlU \I'~\l (1,,·1533) (15) * \I~IPS·:-;tws; I,u,'" (15) (15) 1I"\v~C (15) (lS) An other network and Ioca' ,rotrams not l1$teeI on O UI Gal Sundar: K:'>IO."I( * * WSOX·/liewl, GOOJ 111.11" Vir & S.d~ (15) WTJs..R.dio Bible Cia" WG:,T WIIAS WLAC these p.lges-,and aU ,rDtrntls broadcut alter p.m, Story of Mary Ma rlin: 6 ","pj.M>Of (15) II ~IC \lu.itale (15) (30) W~O:-; (IS) --may be lovnd In the rttll~r protr.r.m SKlion 011 the II"ROf...Dkk Ltim-rt, OI"!l:Ir" 1101'1 l'frlOflal S hop p t r l\I'HC KI'OO WBAP WWL·.lta f'.:rkin. (15) WORC WJDX \I'LW K.\RK Ol1:an ~1.lodir' (15, day 01 tht wttlt and U the time of the day broadcast. ist (15) ( 15) hRI.O T~us n<>undup (15-) . \\'S"B·:-;"., (IS) & Oob 115) Inl(' WSU II'S" (15) II the $lIlion in which )'OV art InteTet" Is NOT KWIi.II The GoldbeI'I' (151 * IVTJs..St:un", Radio fly. IISBCou"lry ChUfO"l; RffOrd, WROf...Sonp of the South WAf'O.A Momin!!: Thou,Cht WBRC·Latnt In \l ... ie "KI'IIC ~EW' (1S) .KARI' N"" (IS) WAPI Pot e' Chalt,o,r (IS) (30) KLRA·DaWTI p.trol (IS) (15) KWTOWhat', Ntw (15) (15) KRLD ~tulielle (15) WtlRCScrtrn P anod~ 115) WROL·llut Comes lbe .weOA ~~, (15) KRLD·SuoriH lI;t Puad. WSB-PrtltIOJH Pin (IS) WCOA·Devolional (IS) I\Tltll\";lL~le Bo)" (15) * WSM-N.,,·, (IS) WDOD·Radio Reviul (30) "" Band (15) II FAA Guidino: I.ick (301 .WTJs..SEW. (15) *WGST·Churk"lCon; /iiI'" \\ TJS·HaVl Yov Got itT WJBO·llym". 01 All KWTO·Sinrin' Sam (15) (3<) (15) (15) *Kt:OAN ...... (15) WW[..Timl to Shine (15) Chur"tbn (15) *WA I>() ·~ ...... s (15) .WHAS·News (15) WLAe-Cu.bltone Colltle *KWKII Ne ..... ; Trall'l(:ribtd (30) II"LW Ed i lor' I Dau~htlr \VBIIC-To"n Talk (15) WLW·Lioda'l First lArye 10:t5 05) I'r&m.; Marktt. (15) 7:45 • 1I')lPS·New.: Womtn'l 1I"00l)Prilrii Rh)·thm • \\~Ml::.;I.rll Bi.lI, (~5) (15) WOPl.Noon Tunn (15) (15) WMC·OIiyia B«Iwne (IS) Wo.ld (15) Vic & Sade: KARK KPRC WIIA~.Morninl F«Ihc (15) *Elwyn OWln. erginlst ; * WNOXNewI, VIII'le KI'OO I\'SAP \llIRC *IIROl N~I\': 'Iu,ie (15) WFAASinl;n' Slm (IS) WLA(;.V.rietiel (15) New.: \\,05U ( .... ·21.5) IVNOX.llome folks ~'ulic WJDX WLW WMC WSB 1rIVSB·Nr". (IS) .1\ JllO '; ~e"" (IS) (15) ChOir (\5) WLW.Timt to Shille (15) (15) WS~I WS~lB (15) *WS"H·Newf (15) .W M P ~.Ne"l: Mu.ic (15) . WROL·3· 11 Club; New, WTJS·M 0 r n In. Mtlodill . WML ~t"'l (IS) *lnlC ·N~w' (15) KAIlK-Time 10 Shine (15) (15) (30) Amanda of Hon.ymooll Hill: *WI'OX·NtWI , Early W.rm * KMOX·New, (15) 11 :15 *11'SOXSc"s; Fum Re WSB·Li"t~n, Ladiu; Band KnlS II'I)~U II'JBO porter: Mtrr)··Co.Uguoll; ",,, *KLRA·B I t wee n Adl; Today (\5) ':15 IVMPS (IS) Words & MD,lc : KPRC *WSB Good Morni"li New. NtWI (15) Ne ..... (90) ,3<) WS.\I·Ja(k '" Hi, Buddito KUIA·Quarltt Past tht KTDS WALA IYA'>() *WROt.N e w.; Ddrnse I{1lLJ) lIit p •••() \l'COA WDSU lIout (15) \\ 1I11C 1\ COA WMC (15) Talk (15) KTUS·Oo~ Warren (15) (\5) KTRlI·J'.Lu5;cal flork (15) WJBO WMl'S (i5) Kt;OA Woman', Club of tILe Big Sister : KLRA KAlOX WSM·UII;' of Ttnnes· WTJS·Jam for O.eaklnt 8:30 Air (60) Sf<' (15) KUOA Heavtn & Homt Hr. Slor;u AmerIca Lons: KRLD KTlUI WAPI (30) (lS) KWTO·Hl·nm Sine (15) IYBT II'GST WHAS WTJS·Tlrrtt Slar Rev~~ WWL-Oawn lIulle.. (3D) Rhythmic Mtlodi": WS~lB KI.ItA K\IOX KIlI.D WALA Tin Pan ALlty (\5) (3<) KII'KHFirst BapH", KTRH WOOD WGST \VLAC WREC WWL (15) OS) WAP I·Do".n Mdody Lane (IS) 7:15 WLAC WNOX Wllt:C (15) 12:15 KWTO·Slim &. Tin)' (IS) Brukl.n C I u b: "KTIIS (15) KV()().Guidin, Li~ht (15) WAPI·Time to Shinl (15) IVJBO WMPS WROL WLIC·Old Dirl Dobbe. Womin 'n Whitt; K.\IOX Do Vou Remember?: "TOS Buhelor', Chlldrtn: KIRK (IS) KWKlfllighl to Ihppineu 1\~'11I (lS) WBT·1I3mlll 01 All Church- (15) (IS) WAPI IIIlT WGST u (15) KI'RC KVOO II HAP W~OXC .. idin( L;'-hl (15) I\"IIAS WLAC IYREe )(ARK·~lulieal Roundup .WOPI·Ne,"; Cu.I)· Kill,C, 11'001) Ri!ht to Ifappinelt Pi,es 01 Melody; WDSU *W l)()I)·~IW'; BruU.. ! WIIHC IIJDX \\LW (IS) WII" I. (15) \.",.21.5) (5) 50niS (IS) Club (15) K)lOXEditor'1<3" Dauchltr WMC IIOPI IYSB \I~'I 1\·FAA·Licht 01 the Worlli Edward MuHugh: KTI1S WS~18 (15) II'TJS~lusic 10. You (15) h,IUI\·Sunriu ::'erep,de .IIHA· ... tw. (IS) ( 15) (15) WAP() W!tIPS (.".15.33) ( 15) IYC5T·IIJ.H R.nch (15) . KPRC·R.d; 0 Spe<:ials: KWTO·Axtlbf.n~n (lSI II"JBOGuidino; LiJlrt (lS) (15) hUIAllu barll F.lllil,/ WUC· 'tusk for Brukint N~ (IS) W8TTh~ Gold1w>1"lt1 (15) 10:30 II'LW·l.t>n~ Jo"r"~y (15) Ii..UIKII.I Bu.",' Vlrieti~, (15) KRlD·Silhoueues (30) . WOP1·~t"Ws: Tun.. (15) ( 15) IYLW-Con.umers' founda L on e Journey: KARK KLRADwe Jamboree (30) hll(lX·Ou.k I·.,,,liu (30) * KTRlI·Ne...... (IS) ':30 K\'OO KPRC II'FA.\ (IS) WSB \!tLor!io (15) KTlIS S,nole), nunn,/ .nd tion"" OS) K\,oo Dr: T. Myron Webb: WS~I.lVindow Shoppin, *KltU)/Ii..... , (IS) A House In the Co untry: Gano: (30) WMps·pJtriotic Prtm. (15) P<,«> Gre)' (30) Ro.d of Ule: IVBRCWJDX (15) . KTRIIN...... (15) Kl(J.\ Tr~le Winds (15) * IYRF.C-~Iulical Clock; KWKII.Il,ht of Ihe World KTB5 KTIIS WAPO WLW WMC WOPI WSB \\'S~IB·Beuy & Hob (15) *KrOAN"". (IS) ""I"" (45) (15) WCOJr WDSU hw·21.5) II'Sll II'SllB (15) \\TJs,Jam.. AHell. pilnill KIVKII·11l1 D"rnl' h HlO Mom'n~ Walch (30) (15) I, II 1\11 L~hl Cr'.IIt Oouch IY~B On thl Air; Mlloditl KWT().Ne_ue.; Sd,.Hu (15) (15) {IS) Bright Ho rizon: KMOX '''''' (1$) ~i'ltrs (15) Stepmother: K\lOX KRLD KRLI) KTlIII KI\'KII KWTO·~liSiouri Flrme" \\.\l.AFla'hes of Lfe (15) WTJSPopulu ~rtnlde WAPI·Navelti",,; Pot 0' (15) (15) KTUIl KWK H WAPI WAPI WBT II'GSTWHAS 11:30 WJrI'IRu.hill' Rhythm. ChaUer (15) WUT WGST \VIlAS liLAC WIlL (15) WALASin"n' Sam (15) (15) WWL·l)a,,", BUlltrs (15) WAPO·MorniIlK Dtvotion, WIlEC WWL (15) RO"",nu 01 Htlen Trenl II' COASill~in' S.m (15) II~l'U Bre.kfalt Club (30, ,3<) JOhn 's Other Wile: KTHS KMOX WGST WIIAS *'\·OOO.Music; Newl (15) II HUC Let r ...edom Rin" WBRC·Diana OnlinK (IS) * KARK I..."t & found; WALA WAPO WDSU WLAC WNOX (15) \VJUO·J.inda Let', Soci.1 WFAA· \'O\Ir MorniUII Pickup NtWI (15) IVJDO WMPS (15) olumn (IS) (15) N ~t'l Farm & Home Hour: W("OA·llilLbilL) Roundup (15) KPRC· WOml1l in IVhitt *WJDX·Nlw. (15) 8 (15) KLRA Woman', I tt"aKazine )(TB5 KTHS WDSU (30) WHAs..Ptpptr YOUII,', Flm (30) , ""\ W\lC Hal lJurM' V.,itti .. KVoo· V. u, b n DtLuth, WJBO WJI)X W~K WSS (15) WGST lIal Durns Varielles ily (15) WCOA·Lilhn, Ladie, (15) WSM (110·15.33) (15) A,M. wn~, (15) WIlOf...Matln~e (\5) (15) WJOX.ln the Womao'. · WooD·ThI Goldbe ." (15) World (15) KWTO·~h.kell: Mornin. *KARK·New", MUlical Mo· *IILlAS New. (15) ""NeW$ : KLRA KULD WBT WNOX I.i ~hl of the World WLW·Woman In Whit' Mvod. (30) ments (15) 'IJBOFu~ilivn from JUl' IVIIEC IVIVNC (f",·17.83) (15) KLIlA.Arki ...... I), fin •• lic"; Milkman', 'btin.­ (15) *IVUAI'·N e w.; Markel. 12:30 (15) (15) WOPf·Church in the Wild , 3<) ( 15) WMC·Singins Saltslnan (15) Vi~ & Sadl: KMOX WAPI ,,'00<1 (15) .K\'CO·N e w J; Musi~alt \\JI)X·Mu,ieal Clock (30) Breakilit Club ; Don Mc' WNOX ·Top Notch Tunto WDOIJ·SonCI & ThOl.l,bll WGST WREC (15) (15) WREC·Marketa; lAt'. Dane. (15) WLAC·Chu.k W'KlIbaodu (15) (lS) *WAU·N ..... ; ~p.... h (IS) KTRH-The Mflte.,. Mu WSMB_Str;nl EPHmblt (30) On!. H"lIm: KPRC KVoo (15) .WCOA·Ne..... ; Studio Brief In'AA II'LW (IS) *WAPI·Newa (l5) (15) *1\-"1'JS. Ne_. (15) WFA~·To be .nnO'lnted (IS) 00 Vou Rememlltr?: *WOIIC·:\".", (15) KWKH·To be announced KWKII·P e P p e. YoulII'. OS} WOOl) Cnndp~ppy " Hi. WaRC W'"!04B (IS) WfAA "usic 80" (15) (15) Family (15) .WLIV-Ne .... ; UVtstoclr. l1riLl"n ( IS ) KARK -"~Iod)' Boyl (5) WG ST·Jutl 110m. Folk. KWTO·J{anul Hands (15) ':45 WAPr·Guldin, Light (15) M a rketl; Everybod)" , *II'OS1}·NI'" (15) *K1.HA·World Tod.)' (15) (l5) WAPI-Hollywood ;n the Chaplain Jlln, U. S. A.: .WORC·New. (15) F."" (60) *II"IIAS·NI"I; S'ViRC' *KMOX·Ne"'s (IS) WIIAS.(;ooa Creek Girll News; Rhythmic )Iood.; \IAU. WAP() (1 .... ·21.5) WOOD ·Life Can Be BUilt;· WMJ>S.WomHl" Club (30) Talk (IS) *)(RLD·Ne.... ·• (15) (\5) Tbi ~ ll"r"u,1I (i5) (15) lui (15) WWL-5in~in' Sam (151 *II'LAl··Nt.. ·• (15) S-11 27 THE ENTERT ... INMENT WEEK : ..... ItIL 11-17 Broadcast Mondays Through Fridays-7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

*111\1' s.". (15) KAIIK ~1U$ MU'''tlll; K\I'TO-I\'On1ao o' C.... rlle KnE.J); ~Iu~i~ (IS) Club Matm«; KTlIS WALA The JDII~lon Family: IV~IX Secrft City: WAPO \\(0,.\ II nor. •• (15) Look ill Your Mirror (IS) (15) * JoiTIISS .. w,; Tran'Nibtd \VAro II'COA WOSU WTJS (15) (15) * \\..,1, 'I;~,,, (15) KpRC·Judy & Jane (15) WBT-Rilht .0 lIappinn. I'..::,,,, tiS) \\"J80 WMPS WROL KARKEditor's Oauy,ltr hl'He o.,n Win.low (15) *II~IIU ,,~'" (lS) KVOO·J"dy & Jane (lS) (15) * KTIIS 'I;~",.; Rao:.: lie· ( 15) ( 15) Kl'OA Vic & Sade (15) *l'o'TJS 'I;~". Cl5) KW1'Olb PNkins (IS) II'IIAS·WOll1w', New. «lSI IUlt. ()5) KMO'l: Linda's Finl Love 1\ lfOX 1.0111 Jnumey (lS) KII"1'O \Te.-. the S~nd (15) WIMP,Judy " Jant CIS) \\~OX·Yo"nl Dr. 'hlont KCO,\ "",,ulhHn 1I~!1t (15) (15) WAPI,Carter Family (15) IIURC I ...... ,t in Mu!i~ (151 12:45 (IS) (15) KRU)·Radko Rt"iul (30) l\tlT,Uriarboppe., (30) W DSl' ·OpllO<1unity Ti",e ROlG ot L,le: II ST (15) WBIICliomemlker, Clob K\"OO~ke'ch (15) 11'01'1 Rulletin Rnard IISI II.~!..\ Thr ,"'I'lh~'l' (15) KIITO-Blue Rid~, Mt. Ro). IVIIA$-Thp O'Neill. (15) (15) *John W. Vandercook: WIIOL·A to Z in Nonlty * WAPI·Ncw, (15) (30) II'UV Life Can Se Seau.i. IIIIT1"o be announced (15) 3:45 I,TJlf; WAPO \\'01'1 \I' _IIC·E d i lor'. O~U~hl.r (15) WlIT T h~ O·Ndll .. (15) WAl'lThe Forl y.Niners ful (15) \IHOl WS~IU Cl5) (5) * 1\·SB.Ntw,; Over Iht * 1I'J)SITS.w• (15) ns) * Club Matlue; NeW5: W\'I'~-Kay & Bcd (15) VOur Cnzy Prgm.: KpRC II'SOXlif, Can Be Buo.l· Buk rtntt (15) \VIIAS·Hi,ht 10 II.PI,;ne .. Il llT I'i~ & Sad~ «15\ II'ALA WAPO WCOA W!.,I, \Tarhu (15) llllAp (15) ful (15) \\"SIIB·Moylt a.:",ip (1S) (15) * \\GST-St",.; lid. & En· I\'DSt: 1\'J80 (15) II"TJS-Top Tun", (15) *KA.ItK Ne"', (15) WWL-Tb. O'Neill, (15) * WJDX·N. WI; lIarhl. co~ .. flO) * News: K1.II... KIlLIl *KIIOX Se"s (15) (IS) WI/""·\la I'Nki", ,15) KWKII WAPI WLAC KIIU) Siamps Quartel (15) * \\,"OX "~,,,.: ",,'i~ 115) WOPITta TIme (15) WilE<: WWI. wwse II \\'l \Iartha Ada",I' Kitch (15) 5 * KTlIf; · "~". (15) 3 II"OPI8ullc1i" Board (15) * \\'.-\l.A ".,"; SllOrl:I1 St".; S/lOrts(ISI \1' 1.1V· II .. ru in Harmon, * I>:TBS·r-!pw.; Tran,critocd * IIAI'O-Ne,," (15) (\5) * II'BIIC.\""". (15) rr~m. (15) p * II"PS-N ws; Music (IS) * KIIOA New,; Guttte (30) LOG OF STATIONS II Ill:>U V."Mi!ian. (15) * llnEC~ l u.;c; r.e ... (is) 4 In'AA-lillle Orpl,. .. A"",e KII'TOLone Jou'ney (15) (15) 11"'10'1'1_ 01 A~ncul.urt *\I'B'r Ne,.-. (15) Listed in Edition 5-Gulf States " ,M. 115) \llIA."'IJ~rbi, K""h (15) 1\'IIA.."lIeatU in lIarmon, When • Girl M.,riC5; * 11 ..,\l1l 'l;e"', (15) (15) *lI'lW Ie"'; Kno,," Your \\'TJS Rnllin~ Alone (IS) KAnK KPRC KVOO AI"~nca (15) \\"XOX Th~ Goldberu (15) Call Kilo· Power Net- 1\lutC IH'AA WJDX Il~"d Mu'i~ \\Wllbl Hurns Vaneli", \\"~~IB·5Irin! En~ntolc letters cycles Watts l outlon work IINO.\ (lS) II'LII \\~ I C 1V0pi WStl (15) (30) * II'OI'I-X'''', (15) KARK 5,000 l ittle Ro(k, Arkanlas NBC·B N IVS.\IB (15) II II l·The Goldberll' (15) \IUOl.lliUtoill;CI (IS) KDKAt 102" 50.000 Piltsbur9h, Pennsylvania NBC KUOA.Neighborly Ne ..·, (15) WS~I On tbe Balltl'I.,,\! KlRA "" 5,000 l ilti. Ro(k, Arkansas CBS * KWTO'I ..... (15) ( IS) ,.'" WAP I Lo,,~ Man, Short KMOX 50,000 St. Louil, Missouri CBS WWI.-A"'~rin ~Iarch. 0, P.M. 2:15 KPRC "'" 5,000 Hou5ton, Texas NBC·TQN Ptice (IS) 0"1,, tiS) Preuott Presents: hTIlS KR l D "18<1 5<1,000 Oallu, Teus CBS II'lO.IA!! Il"'luest Hour *Ccdrl( F05ttr, comm.: "" (~S) \\1)5U (15) KT BS 1,000 Shnnport, Loui5i~na S:1 5 \\\IPS IISIX (15) IH>OD-Salule (30) KT HS '"'' 10.000 Hot Sprongs, Artan5-a.s ON * Joil!l"~I'(jttl; Mu, . Ma P ..tins: KARK KI'It( KTRH ""CBS IIIIA!>-Vic & Sade (15) VOUnt Or. Malone: KlRA ''''' 5,000 HOU5ton, Tuu r.~",. (15) K\lOX I\UlD KTRII K\'OO II'.\LA \\U"I' KUOA 5,000 SllOIm Sp,ings. Ark, Loul WI.AC \I",iul Memorin 1I'81lC I\'COA WJI),\ "911"'" (15) KI'III-Oll,han An"ie (15) I\IIKII WAPI \VDT KVOO 1110 25,000 Tulsa.,Oklahom, ' BC KTUB Tpu~ n",,~C., (1St IVl\1 IHIC WOP I WSU * Wr.OX New.; .\larcb Timt llDOI) WGST WIIAS KWKH 11 30 50.000 ShreVI"rt, Louisianl CBS 1\'III!!, Harltm Jlar"'Ol\i~. 111Il(; II'II'L (15) WSM (l5) KWT" 5611 5,000 SpringHeld, Miuouri loul (15) ( 15) *N, ..5; K~IOX KII'KII WAlA 1410 5,000 Mobilt, Alablml NBC·BN WHiX-Stt Your Dial (lS) lIght 01 .he World: IVLW WUOl,nhythmaire. (15) IITO,I \1~lody ~Io",.,,'. (15) WOOl) II'I.AC WII.I( WAPI mo 5,000 Birmlnthlm, Alabaml COS (IS) «,,15_27) (15) WAPO 5,000 ChatUn~l, Tennessft N8C·BN Wl:>~ I ~hoppin~ Around * \\FAI Ie"" flS) * KI'IIC':'"r \·oun~·. hm er.... 1.. IUIl KII'KII 11.11'1 Tu'..... )'. AI',II 14_ ~u~_ WSUNt 5.000 St. Pelers~urg, Floridl ON IIREe (.w·9.65) (15) Ily (15) WIlT 11'1"\00 Illsr ~ct_ "T"" "".traN )10<1. WTJS .'" 1,000 J utson, Tenneslft MBS KAIlIi.-U"b & Civic Hour e."t.u·' "911 1\1I.1S "'''OX WI!!':( 1 :30 WWC 8)' 50,000 New Orin"" louisilna COS (15) II'w,,,,.da,.. April I~_ Asheville, N. C. IIIINC (15) GUld,n. Light: II' LW (15) l'Iuto) .... t: "Oate... ,. to tI,. WW NC· 57' 1.000 COS KRLOMus.i<; Sports (15) 1'I"'ltn..: ~un." KVOO-Mu- BN_Blue Nttwork (15) ~puln Mldnl!Jht: I\'~I. Kpne·The Goldbo:~ (IS) }HI' "n", £o.opUft TQN-Tun Quality Nttwork IIIIAS·Joye. JOld3n (15) (IS) * K11111 I~ ... (15) III",ule." l out-Not Affillllt-d With Any Nllilon,1 Nt,work WJOX·1ohlinH Dance (15) * KMIK ~ew~ (15) KVOO-Four Star Kitthtn K\\'TO-Judy & Jane (15) t-Nlght.tlme Program5 Only WLW·The GoJdberp (IS) * Joil'ltC \'PW~ tiS) (15) * WA I'I:-Iew"; Model Ki'th --Network PrOgram5 Only IIMC-ln Ihe Groove (15 ) KH!.!)Te" •• Ita,,~c .. (I), KWK II M~ Perkins (IS) en (30) WNOXOontil1j; j'any (IS) * KI'OO·Nc,,< (lS) I.WTO netty & Sob (lS I IVBT,p'ppet Youn,'. hm NOTI CE: The Information conilined In the program 5Chd- II"IWI. ("'y l'emple (15) I{II'TO AI""n Urau D,,,, II BA I'-AI the T",ig: Is Btnt lIy ( 15) utes prestnltd In these UgH Ii supplied by tht 'Iltions (lSI (15) WII AS Editor's Olulhler broadtillin, Ihost programl. MOVI E-RA DIO GU IDE shOUld 4:45 WUIt, Spo,," (15) IIBue I~I'I Dtftnd Amer (IS) nol be nn5 dued responsible for errors In announcements dUI Thr" Sunt Trio; KARK * Wt.A("-Sporl~; ~~". II'. in (15) * WLAC \lomenl, of Mel 10 "nure of slltions to of wutlr program thlnta. KTS5 WALA WMC * 11\11' IMI" 115) II 000 !toad of Lift ( 15) ody; N"., (30) If your favorite sution is not lilted It qUlrtcr- or h,ll· WSMB (15) III\I'S Jane \rUt\> (15) 1\ \lC,Linda.', fint Lo ... \\'~OXIIO>Id nl l ife (IS) hour periods, {On5ult the time llitints immediate-l, ~"udint. SClUtr,-0o4l Baina: KLRA II ~II ~""m 115) n5) WOPI RttI, White & Slut The chlftcn In thai I nflwork progrlm of 30 or 60 ml nula' KMOX KRI.O KTIIII W~\I All E.'tn;n! at II, II 'l;OXA. Ihe ""ill Is Dellt Rhythm (15) dutltlon Is on the ,if It I quarlcr-hour when you do not KWKII WAPI WBT (15) (15) * WSIlB N,... , (15) lind your sution li5hd. WOO~ WGST II'UAS * WS\ltl 'I'e"s; <;/lO' •• (I~, WII' I.·Vle & Sade (15) WLAC I\'NOX II'IIEC II"IS n ",,~~ Tinw (15) PI Nt · S~"1Io11 In pao-tnlhtHs. lueh M (JW·'.5l), 1:45 ease 0 e. aflff a prOl"'" tllllni Indiook KWTO·Land of tht F .... WRAP·Earlv 8ird_ ':4$ "',M. Club 1\1101. Tropir.1 Mood, KLRA KTltH hllhll WBT Hlnk liwsen'l Kni,hll 01 !h. *11'11.1'1 ~ .... ; \ltl<>ol)" ~hrl *"TJS N.w.; Vuitll" \l'II'SC WItEt· KHLO WG~T worl It..-J, Whilt '" Blue Rbylhm W6'f-The Rlnlfrs QUlriet *WDOD.Ntws; Mu_ie WII'I.Sincin' Sam KMO_'\ (0,,11..83) *II'SMB-St", WCOA.)'a"ll I'.trol Itoad: WMC WOPI of WTJS-For Ddtn.e WOOO-lJr~.kb.t <:tub BrUklut Club: KTBS WALA *WGST.N' .... ; Sc ...iet 11:45 .... M. ~"IO)' f;lbPtl II, n.o-. 7:45 .... M. WS_\I I\'COA *WJ60S.",.; h,tulud. Colum~LI En~emblt: II'r.EC II'WL ('I.b ,,-Ill "I .. -".~ I, .. booik. 2:45 P_M, *\I'L\C·"'.... ·., "(I(Inl Amfr;n WGST I\"lAC W'\OX •.",.,"' .. J~I!' • ..,.'n. WorM Utl- *News: WJDX r. O. B. OttrOll: KRI.D KLOA Dr. ~Iutin, piawsl Club "''','' AI... '~ll ..... 1 0_ I_I. M'Utrs Golf Toumlmtnt: WS\lB *Strinl EnKmble: NeWi: WDSU K\\TO Uornt! !bnds Wl"OXKul Wietman KPRfT.,.•• EJ:ltn.ion Scnice ~~"'.'!'f':~~~~ :;;""I'~:.~; K\'OO WSB W~IC KT65 (.,,- 15) *1V8RC·NI'W' IITJ!;-Old F"hi'm~1 \'«Iin_ KRLD Cotlon YatlS >1,,,.1 K. I",I,,~ •••• ·1'IIO.n .. J.f_ Morn,ng Rhythm: WW"'C WooD-s"lult KARK KPI!C WCOA WFAA KTItJl·Fum $fturiLi... r~'''''n.'' l:I>IIrl, .• f:. l'Unolo,_ WJIlX WAI'O I\'ALA WSM *"""0: "\00 KI'IIC KMOX WLW,My Uullh 10:1 5 A.M. KWTO-C. 1'. rDtI~ ..on I _.nt·~ "Tlb",r),J' U"·I~~'.·· l'bll_ IVNOX.\ltmory Lalle Tht B1nd Pllyed On: WIll'S II'Apl Farm'" hn,ily ~-orurn "1 ... 11.1'.0" •• '. """. 1.lbrol7." KUOAltanch &~ WFAA KWTO-S..,in, " S~ftt)' 11me 10 Shine: KflnK WAPI WSB.Crac~u Barrel (.w-15.33) W811(:.ln lhe Groove ~~'I~·,,~-e~:Q"·~~;I· '~;r;:",~k!;; \\"fJ"·De""lional God's Country: WRT WREe *\I·C01\·Sews: ~u'l .\boul Noon; CII".-(,·. '1'1". World W~ \Iant WBltC-lIonttlllak~rs' Club *K I .nA.lJeh\~.1I Ael.; New. IIGST WI)OO WIIAS WII'L MarkelS 10 I .I.~ I"," 11'01'1 lIullet'n ao.rd KltLO-Sunrioe llit I'arade *WII'L-Ne"l 9 :00 .... 104 , KTItIl KMOX KUI.O WWNC *\\'FAA6a"d of Today; N~lft M.rint B1nd: KT8S KVOO WSB ] :00 P_M. KTBS-To be l"nOUlIU.! KWIW (-'" 17,83) WHOI.-l/ilibillie. \1'~\'lJ K\IlK 11'01'1 weo" KTtIS·Doc W.. rrell Mi.ine Bind: WIIAS WREC ODwn Muico Way: WORC WSB )tUlOQ ,I •. "", t~!l• • t Ibe \\'TJS·CI ...ical Gentl WSII I\'JDX WAI'O WAU KAItK K\'OO WS~IB KTBS KTIIH-Mu.ical Clod; KLiIA II\lSC WG:.T KItLO urll 401' ot o>.IDo,. Ot..h. 1I'1t01. WLII' KUOA Amttiu & Dd.... l1 I\\\KII (sw17.83) "I'RC WFAA WCOA 11'01'1 lind lbe """-~I to"u of 1I10001r. AFTERNOON flnusy in Mtlody: WMPS WIIC WAI'O WALA WS\' KWKI!·Victor) lJ~lI' It lIomt Andrini ContinenU": (s,,·215) KI,;OA.Jury'. SlrillCi I 1 \IOSU (.w.1533) fimi1l Pal1y: KVOO KI'IIC \\'ItOL WLW KWTO-Slim " Tony WAPI.J,. Gardt" (lut.., L...:....:.--'-='-___'-_--' KPRC-f3mil) 1I'0..,.hil' flour * Ntws; GINrge Olsen's On:h.: WALA.-Wlkt l"p " Live Vnterday &c TodlY: II'S"B WSB II"J8O,.'.• - A. Pnrm KTIIS.Dio:it Mounllinet .. W611C·Your B.. nktr W:.IX WTJS WJDX WO.II WALA WLA(".O~I t>irt l>obbt. 12:00 Hoo. KWTO,Mu';uLe Glen G ~y's KRW WBT,Morni", Mu.ic KIlliK KiS WALA. WJBO WGST WitEC WOT WDOO·Sa!ut~ ("",,·9_65) WUC-Mu'li<: for 8reakfast Girt. WLIV-Conlumtn' t'ou"datio. l tl', PrUtnd: WaT WLAC WUC WWNC WOOD WAI'1 IV liAS V~ilin .. FUM Folk *Clllb MltlnH; NI!'WS: W~'PS KT/t11 To"" Hall Ittl'Ut Whtch Know, Jot?: WSMlJ WJoo·I•. S. U. Ar.;cullural ChaUi WJBO WOSU (IW 9,53-15.33) WMC:tIusic; ~la.tha Tilton Kl'OA God. lIalf 1I0ur KIVKII WGST 11'11.1'1 WHEe WMI'S·ratriot;c 1"Kro1. KltLU KTIt Ii IIWNC II'OO!J KTBS WCO" WJ!JX II'ALA WL\C-~Iom~"t. 01 Mtlod)' *KTIIS_Nt"l; Race Rtlul!1 KWTO·Sumby Sellool LtIJOIl I\'MC-y.... .,1t Amtriu Sin,l1 KUOA-Southe.o Belle * WIt ~;C-M".i(a1 Clock; N~"'. \VilAS (,... 17.83) Man Oil Iht .-arm: WS.II WlAA WAI'l Tht Ga,M>oul. WTJS.Jun. Jane" Joan \I nOLMorllin( ,\Iu,i~ Amtriu the free: KTBS KPRC II'WL KMOX II'MC KW'TO'Booh " Bobby * WAI'O-Ntw. WHT,lnvitation t. ulrnln.­ WSUOn Ille Air; M~loditl WII,II' D._ II. N. William. W~~IB K\'OO KAIIK WBItC * N... ., WAI'O K\'oo KPRC 1 :15 P. M. WSM-Mtlodiu WMC WS.\I WLiV Wt'AA IYSB IVSIJ flntlilY In Mtlody: WJ80 * II'JDX.Nt"·. IVHIlC Good"ill Illdustr't. WNOX.Model Mutlc WS~ 1 6 ~hU We \VaUlt win Iltcorded I'.«ro.; On. the * Nt ... : WTJS WII'L KAHK·Mtet Ihe 8and Muint Bind: WIMP WSUN-You Call't Do Ilus,""" Back .'''ICt KMOX BooJc. '" Th.,;, Authon * KI.RANt".; }'arm Nt.. ,. WAPI Biltmore Ro)"s 3 :15 P,Iol, witb Hitle. WCO.\ De,-otionar KUOA,Uniled I'ru, on Ille Air KRLOSlamps Quartet: Mktt. WBRC·R.dio Reviul Rice from Jlmaiu; W'iIX WTJ S WTJSPopubr s.rtnlld. WDSU-Slory Tellt. WAI'I).~lickty Mou ... Club KTllII\'iU;\j(t Boys II'H,\S·.'ann lIiChJi~ht' Glen GflY's a rch.: WNOX WWL-D.wn Bu.len Woofl-MomiOC 1'09 Tunn KlJOA.~'idday Mdodiu WWl-Any Bonds Tod .. , II'JOO~brint Carpi P~ Down Mexico Wal: IVJDX 1:00 A. M, WUC-Curbslone Collette WDSU·Grab Ba, KWKII-We !H:lievt in Ameriu 1 :30 P.M. *HIP/lY Jack T~rner; Hews: WLW·F.imdship Corner. WJOX.Rhytll", in the MorniJll:: KWTOl.lJMh~n L)'riu Ohtrlin on tht Air; WTJS WSIX KUOA-Robtrt KrltC 11'01'[ WAI'O WSM IUIC-ltal Burnl Markel' WORC·Town Tllk \1')lPS K\'oo-Pleasanldate folln KWTO·Blut ItHJte Mountaill 80). *Ntws: WII,\>; \l'U.:C KItU *WMPS-New," Music WOPIM.looy Itoundup WESR-lItnry KinS'1 Orth. Brush Crttk Fallin: WWL WBT WROl,City T~mpl. ] :]0 P. M. WII'~C hllU) KWI\II WGST *WNOX-Nt,,"; I'illage Choir WIIAS-Un;y. of K~"tuck)' II'I..AC KWKJI KLRA WAPI WBT (s\\'.17.83) WO I 'I.M~lt~r Sirllt" 10:45 .... M. *WJBO·!nltrlude; New. W\V,,"C We!;T KHW KTUII *Htws; Glto Gtly's Orchntra. IVWNC WUC WNOX WAP I WROL.Church in lbe Wild"ood KMOX-Saftly 8ri~3de * WMPS·Nt",; MUlie WREC (s.. -I1.83) Brelklut Club; Orch. &c VDt1 1_ * WSOX·Ntw.; '-arn> Htpo.t'T WOOD WGS'f WREC KWKII II'S\I IJOlntmakor~' 0111 KllO,\ l'ol'ul~r Tu,,~s *News; Elwood G1ry, tnr. : ish; 1)0" ~Ir~'.ill. m,c.: WD:.U 1V0PI·Rev_ !Jan Graham KLRA lVI/AS KRLO KMOX wro.'\ WJBO KT8!; (.,,-21.5) WTJS-Morni"~ Melooiu KW1'O Ih),I(}f\ Frolic wmo K1'HS WDSU ( WII'L I'egay IIi!! * WllOL·New.; !Jdell" ... - WWL KTRII WUT *N,,,,, 1i,\UK II' llRC WMC WAI'I.Juuior Garden Clubs 15.33) 9 :15 .... M. WTJS·Radio Bibl. Clan WTJS,Thrte Star Unue Mllin.. in Rhythm: WMC KAIIK "'Ir Youth for Victory: WMC II'AI'I w:.~m liTH!; KT8S KARK W,PltC K\,oo Cadtts OUlftct: I\ALA WMPS WWL-~Iarvtl of Vision 12:15 P. M_ KT8S WS.lm WCOA KPRC KMOX Jollv J"",lw.r~. \\"('OA IVSM WAI'O IVO~U WhiCh Know. Jotl: WROL W6AP K\,OO WAPO WALl\. WS~IB WFAA KPRC WOPI *hl'OA ~'.",: lIorl,1 Kook Man 11 :00 A.M. Vincenl lopez' Orch.: WMPS WSB WCOA WJDX WAI'O K\'oo ""n,i" W.tch h"Z1.5) four Bdln: WJBO II'DSU WAPO WSM WLW WIlOL *X,w", KTIlI! KRLD KtiOA KMOX·Gunt 600k WALl. WS" \\'1I0L "liTO (;ool.!~ .. *Ausl"lil" Ntws: WSIX \I'\lI'S (.w-I533) A ", .. "",Uutlo_ fit llioe _.11· KIIIlK-Land of 'he F.u KUO.IM.rbtcraml; Bu';nu, r.. *W,\L\ '\f''': "pn,," *"'C"": II'ROL WBItC MUSic RDClm: K1'6S KPRC UOD3 01 U .I.u..., IUd til... ,. WFA.\ ~t,,_;~ IJOK KI'OX \';\j(ic Kitcbtn WJDX KLRA·Brincin, Music ~. ..J"" It rude.. In .....·lIlIIe "'II! K!'RC·Market Kl"TQ·Atlist 6u,nu Jlmbll.N be PrMtnled. Gu~.t; W_ j" *"'JD,\ "',"': No," K\\TO-Sons of th~ Pio_. Thtlltr of TUll: KWKH W\I'L !'.u...... pr-eooillut of Onll ... 1 \\'I.\\'·\I.,il BI( WBAI'-\IarLtu; Music IIREe KIII.D WIlAS KMOX K\'OO·The MtrrYIIl,kel'l WBRC·Let·. Ot>f~nd America Air Uoe._ KWTO-)Ii ...ouri Farm.. WHAS-Couri.,r Spornmlll *II'.\'I'S ~""'_; .\lu_ic WUT-Stllt Board of IInlth \I:o;'OX KTItIi WAPI IVBT *Club Mitin«; News: K11iS *II'SOX "' ..... : (; ... '" S";l{hbor WJ~O IVI'A I''tnl. KlltA IH.AC I\IINC WG!;T WAPO·"uture .'armttl WJOX-Trail Ridt.. RIY Herb«k's arch.: WSIX II'ROL·lJirk tAiloNt, oruoin WUC·To be announ.r' Hadio Five WNOXHome Urlpt *~·.\\'s: WIlItC WrOA WSMB WLlV·EnrybodY·1 Fa ..n '" t :4S P. t.! _ WI. W·To be announced * \\,WL SO'''_; D""" austtn WOPI JunKIe Jilll \vALA *WNOX Merry Go Itound: Ntl'ts Matinee in Rhythm: WSB WJOS KAIIK-Nuartnt Church WSBGtor,ia Jul..rce ]:45 P,M. B: 15 .... WS6 I'._T, A. I'r,m. Brush Cretk follies: KMOX 104 _ WWLCa.. of J()Iln Mill., *Kl'llS-Ne ..,; Skylintn 12:]0 P. M. Muttrs Golf Tournlmtnt: WMC MornIng Market Buhl: WS~'B Kl)OA·IlD![tu 8roadelll WOOO KT85 KIIRK WSItC WSM O ':]0 A. M. AI &c Lit ReIser. pl~no duo: Her.·s to You: WJBO WDSU KI'ItC w"n 11'01'1 *K"oo·f.rm Youlh P"m.; WJ80 (tw-I533) WFAA KI'ItC 11'01" WCOA To bt announl~: WBT WOOD (5,.·1533) CallUsi)n Mtl"its: II'II'NC Ntl'ts Advtntures In Scltnce: WOOD II'Jf)X WAPO WALII. W!;I' WHtx: WGST KWKB KRLO I{uOA ,010 Lieber'''d WSU WIIOL "RI.1) \\'1~lC II'GST (,"- WFAAAtdrich Familr KLitA WWNC WWL WGST WBRC·Homtnlahr'. Club 17.83) \\'11'1. WUC KLRA ( ...._ WLW,llomemaken' Itni.... KliOA-A",~rican Ltcion 17.83) (~w·Il.83) WIIAS-Land of the F.H BruklUI Club: \\,IIPS WALII. WMCC.pta;n Fowler Dr. P. W. ".Id~"", • • t D.... K\'OO·Plu~nldalt "olb The Wilt SIVer: WLIV WSB WOPtyou Spell It unl U.h.... !17 dl__ Ibe 2:00 P.M. KWTOllan'.-.t Ibod. KTI'" \\''''11 \\'.0\1'0 IIIId I~'b"lqafl W.I,C W~.\lli W6nc *WROL-Nnos: In!trlude pr-oblfllla ot bllb from Htw EngLlnd 10 You: .:00 P. M. KARK·Jant Ada"" Speakinc _are III ~~.LolM'd ,,, lb. KT6S WsM KAItti: Billy MDClrt TriO: WALA KTIIS WSB-_llan on Ihe Farm Weo.'1 Doctors a' Wort; KARK WOPI KI.nA T.1h 1""li .. t 1."".. 1"'7 .... "ltuM, to) • J1I'eII­ WFAA WOPI KPitC WS~IB WS),t..lunt Moody'" Owtn B... d· 'UN' of 100,000 KT6S KV()() WS~'B WS.II r~.tloi WS\I WAI'O (lw·21.5) .t_"" .... KCOA Storl' ...... k I., To be Innouneed: WALA wmx WSD WAPO WALII. WSB \l'MC WFAA KPRC t\WKIi Btlly ('_ker String Serenlde: KTBS KPRC 11:15 .... t.4 . The Red Hlwkl: WBAP KpnC WLW 11'(,011. WBRC WJOX WAPO KII'TOntv. II' [.:, Dowtll KUOAVolce. in Son« Counlr)' Journal: KRLO WAPI Cons~me"' Tim,: WS\lB KTBS *N.w5: KWTO WUC WSMB WALA WROL /1 ... -9.53) lI'API·I'ot o· Cbatler KVoo Ou. I'ublic School. WBT WWNC KWKII WIIAS Clutlind Orch.: WWL KRLO IVBIt('-S(t'ctl Par.olr WiIIC WJOX KI'ItC WBltC WDSU WTJS WSM KWKII KWTO,Market.; Morninl' Mood, (0\\'.15.33) \\',IIC WWL KTRII K~IOX \VUC WREC WGST KUlA KWK!! WilT Brllv Muo", WBAI'-6etty Crotker KAIlK-Il(Iv,hboyt WREC WNOX WOOD K"LRA WWC BrH.ln ..... Olber KWTO-Flrm Chili KTIIS'Mlon Orcb. t'"Ufli ~.U6'" "III be I<>ld. KTltS WLIV WJBO *"'I.ACN.". W1DXKiddi, ~bt;n" WCOA,South Amtrino Wav W:tIC-Olivia Brown. KTRH-Radio Go.ptl Fellowship Mllslal Potpourri: KTIIS WJBO Gltnn MiII.r's Ouhnln: WTJS WMPS-Planrollnd V.rittlet WDSU-! A,ricullvl't KUOA-Fllytttnille Broadcllt WDSU WMPS WMPS WI"OX,IIOUl' Folk. Mu.ic WNOX,Sonll That Uve *WOPI-Ne",,: TunH .wnOL-3 It nub; ~ ...., KYOO-Bob Wills' PI.yoo,.. University Lilt: WSlX WTJS KUOANri,hbor17 Hit'ln WOf'I,Sb"pp"u' Guide WROL·RilTthmairti WAPI·C.rttr Family 1:)0 A, M. KUOA·Ark_ Pbybo)'l *KIITO-Ne.... WROL·Pope)·e Club WS.II Minoie. Purl" M.. ri. WAPO-Chur.h of God KVOO-You CaD't Do Breakllll CIII~: \\'ItOL hw-215) WBTlum " Abnltl' *WTJS-Ntw'I WTJS.Gtneral 6apt;.t 11"". WBRCStanbac:l· Amrri~a" Tilt Creen Hornet: WALA WCOA ' :00 I'.M. 5-11/27 *WNOX~·.ws; March Tim. I\QI'I-u.w... nce Welk', OrcJo.. WAPO 11'1.11'5 WROl WJBO 4:15 P, M. II'SOX·Danct Ord!. W!,{;N KTIIS Sports Newuetl; WSH WMC Gknn Miller's Orth.: \\'SIX * "ItEf,Musicale; Ntwi Trusu .. Hour 01 San,; WG~ Wlllle KARK KPIIC WCOA .... cl_...... ~" ...._ KDKA KTllS WALA KVOO SATURDAY, APRIL II KUOA-To M announctd WROL-Sporll 11':-;11 Country Salute KUorR::'~ri'; TI;~'-- WS)lti WHoA WMAQ WOPI K\\"TO 'hrktl~; Tonic Tun.. WHT lIolly"ood lIeadlin.. WTJS Front Pa,e DUIII. KWTO-To be announced \l'OAI WUAP WI.IV \~O~t; Prof. Jo •• Schranllll Robert Ripley. B~I"'vt It or Hot: ' ______WIJSU·Dom .... lic Nn•• w\\,L.IO·2_~ Rancb \\'\OXl)anu O.-.:b. 5:45 '.M. W~·LA.Brilish Ai. Cadets WAPO WJBO WSUN WROL *WTJS·N.... ll UW, TomlinHn, newS: WALA \\ "alley I\'I)SU KTltS (sw·953) 10:00 , ..... *KDKAN".ws 4;] 0 '.1-4 . WJBO WO~U II \U'S WROL IILS:\"at'l tiarll Llanu * John Cunther. news: I\'SIX Eddie Oliver·, Orth.: KTIIS K\lOX Old t'.,hinuffi Darn Oan~e Clntland 0r<1I.: \\,IIAS \\,W"'C *The Worl~ TocI,y: KTRII W/liOX·l.tst We }'o>rJt\ IITJS K~I.:N I\MI'S (.w.953) h TII~ IUue :-okin KUlA WGST WII'[ KWKII II W\C \IGST WOOD WHAS WOI'I-Work lor Viclory; Salur· IIl;~C'I~tal Comment Hal Mcintyre's Orth.: II!lEe llfill\[ '[..... h l. ~Iu.k WIIEC KIILI) KTIIII WWL WilEI.' W~OX WAPI KLRA day ,",i,hl !:.hinw, IIJI1XTo be ,n"ounced WWL IIIJT KIIKII KTRII WG:<,'-Ji",ony Joy'. Oreh. K'10X KWKII KMOX IIBT KRLD WSM·OI· Timen' I./uartet III'" Ibrnyud hmbor... IIW;\"C KlRA WOOD WAPI WLW ·Dallce Ord,. Ricarda Tim.: KTBS 1\"00 h .. 11.83) 7:15 ' .M. *W"I'S-"e". *New:s: W~IAQ WOpl WROL WltJ:;t-I'~',,· e Oro'h, Johnny Ri(hards' Orch.: WSIX "AllK Weo,\ lil'Re \\!-~1lJ KUOA Evenin,; Vari~tr , 15 P M W~IC \I'FLA "",n~ 8ird. : •• *Sews; KARK KpRC WTJS 11 :00 , ..... I\FAA \\JDX WAI'O WALA *\~"I: II\lC KVOO KPRC *News; Bnt of the Week; 1\ 'I( 111101. (s.. ·9.53) KTIIS KAItK IVNOX-Trea~ury Star I'aratif Publit Allalrs: WHEe II'BT WLAC WHnc \vAPO WSB \b~l-llig htddie Millt:r KI\ KII KUlA II'WSC KTRII K\'OO II'LW \WAA WOA I KTUS K\'OO 1\"-,\IB II:-oti Glenn Miller's Orth.: WMPS * :-;[IIIrt.; N~s: WLAC KTBS W.\IAQ 1101'1 K1'IIC 11"0,\1 I\'S[X \\'TJS WWL II'TJ~-SJJOtU "'lOX II'GST WUB~I KRLD WJDX WFLA \VilAS WBB\! 7:30 1'..... (.w.I1.83) II'COA W.'AA II HOL KOKA WHIlC ErSkine Hawkins' Ortll.: KTII:) KWTO·Alp .... DMlu Prgm. * WAI>(l·Ntws; nfUtr IiItw. Truth or Consequencu: II,\IAQ Charles Oant'. Orchestra: WJDX * KDKA·Newl; Bernie Arm *NtlOs: Tommy TUCker's Orch.: WJUO W:;~I Wl.ISU \\~IPS WBA1'·Swin, for SUppe!'; l iqk WOPI KOKA "Tas lil'lte KlillK WALA KI'IIC WOpl sirong's Dn:h. WE\lI WUSll KUO,\. ,Ilauh of Melody ~bn KARK WBAI' II'OAI KVOO liTllS W'-LA WAPI WSB WMC KMOX.llank KHnt's in Town *Hews; Lou Brftlit's Orch.: KI\TO 11.001. &. Bobby Willie-Sport! Swop Hight: WHOL WMpS WMAQ * KRlD.Tbe World .t 1I"e WOUM KLRA WIl£C KWKI1 WIlIIC-Excursions In Scitnte WCOA·Thi. Rhythmic Aft WSUN WCOA WALA KTIIS Ameriu Preferr": WSlX WTJS KTBS·T.anoeribed Prgm. WOOl) WNOX KTIII1 WIIAS *WHT.Nc,,": Twil;~hl in Dixit WJDX.A to Z in Noytlt)' WDSU \V,\II'S WALA.World .t La'ge WAI'I II' UT WWL (sw6,12) *WDOD·Ncw,; Salute WOI'I.Trtalury Pl1'~nb *Hobby lollby; Hews: WUIlM _ e, .. ,I.. 1 "u,l. "_"'. WD·Nat'l Barn Dance *WLAC·NiKht Owl Club; New, WO I'I-Rhythm RaUy Chiu.,. Thuter 01 the Air: I\'G!>! WAPI,Critic', Corner W~IB·Worid at L"'!l:t * WLW.New.; This b War IVSB·D •• lIull WIJI{C·Gue.tinJ . NIGHT WSLX \VCOA.Treasury Star Plnde 10:15 II'SUN,Suloshlne Salutt 4 :45 P.M. WA1>()'Sporu WG , E~dit Ollnr's 'Orch.:.M. WDSU * WWL-Ne.u; Artbur Ravel'. Erskin. Hn~klns' Ortll.: WeOA WBRC.Catholic Hour N· lill ::;."del1l I.e GUy Savall IVJBO Orch. 'h,. II •• 1I1f1., WIIAS·Renfro V,lIey 0 WAU w•• ,. II'H.A.J. lI.nlin Ptltr... n WLAC.You C,n·t Do Business mlilt4·s Story Dramas: WSB 11:15 I'.M. * Wn Rtportns: WI.W KVOO , . , 0 If.fl... Ita p,.nd"" WIlAS-Renfro Vallt')' Barn Dance with 1Ii1ler WJDX W~IAQ WHOL WooA * WWL·News KPRe Wf'AA WJDX WBRC p,.,' .111 Is • • f'. o fr. WJBO.Cidlia.n Dtfen.e Pr~. WLW.J!)'mn SinKin, TU'tIe \\'OAI WAPO WSMB WOPI \\,AI'O WMC WSMB WSB ' :00 * WJDX·Ne ..'. Pa",de WNOX.Jllnbortrls "\ tile mu.le.1 po.tlon: Wen. WLAe.Strictly E"tutai"mlnt WSMB WSB \VFLA 1'0'01'1 WSB KVOO WMC WOAI K1'nc·you Can't 1hI Buain_ W1'JSl'c,u,y·,·Day de I wm""t •• 0<1 QI,tnc ...... , ..... WLS-10I Yea,. on the Prairie WMC KPRC WOAI WAPO ..... ith Uitln WBIIC WROl ' :30 , ..... ~"'Ol~~~ l!:,u~'!~' lpu.ker... \\ 1.\\ lIa.n U,ncf' WMAQ WROL KVOO WALA *Henry Klng't Orch.: News: *KVOO·N~; Piduru Tillie thf Toiler: \\,WNC KTRH *KWKII·Nt\O·,; Sports You. Hit Pltide: Barry Wood. WMAQ.EJlery QlIttn Frtddy M,rtin's ORh.: KRW WDSU KVt1"().Junglt Jim WBT KRLD WGST WIIAS m.e.; Joan Edwanls. 'oClI. \\'OI'I.Allen Rotb'. Ord!. WWNC KTRH WHAS WLAe *IVFAAThulnbs Up, Amerin. WAPI KWKII KLRA WREC N~, WAPI·Suptrmln ist; lIit Parader'. Ow.... : WNOX KWKH KLRA WOOD l\lOA·Har,a;n Ruue (1'11-11.83) M.,),; W.rno"", Orth.: WNOX ':45 '.M. WGST WWL WBT ( ...-6.12) 12:00 Mid. WIlSU.Versalili.ns Meuate of huel: KTIfS WJBO WIIAS K..\IOX KWKH WLAC Lto Reisman', Ordl.: IVSUN Ray HtrbKlt.·$ Orch.: IVSIX Dult.t Elli"tlon', Orch.: W\II'-> WFAA·Land of the Free \\'~UN WAPI \\'GST KLiIA WREe * F""vtr Hunt. news: WBBM WTJS KRLO·Dance PI",de; Musie Emma. Ole'D. lOp.: KARK WFU \IIIAS.otf Ihe R~rd KTRI! KRJ.D WWNC WOOD " " OX "LAC "WL KRLD D., ~ h~ KT"S WCOA K"OO u_~ Will,' Pia,'·,', WBBM W'T "WL (".",83) n<' .. .. e urC ~,rI: ...... WUCCcDtT'lI Church of Dlrlsl KPRC WJDX WSMB WMC KTRII K\I'KII WJDX KIVKII To be .nno<,nftd WOPI ChitalO Thuter 01 the Air: IVGN _News: \VBT WOOD es".IU13) *News: WREC WBB!>t WGN WBB\1 B.tOll Elliott', Orc-h *WLW·Ntws; Evain', Nt\chbor Sports: WSO KVOO W~OX·Band Music WSIX *N~., WJBO WLS WGN KDKA·Mu';c You Want WESIt CI'I! David",,"'. Orc:h, 1\ ItOl.lli11!>illiti *10"'1: \I'TJS IYLS WfAA WROt. WGS WOOA WBRC Alka·Stltur Hat'l Bun Danct; KLIIA·Tre:uury Star Par.cIt KMOX-Sports *W(;:-' Sews; Orrin Tucktr'. II ~'[ On lhe Band (l·Speci,J; Spotts KAUKOHp South Boy. WJl)X WMC KTBS KARK WBaM.Johnny Dully. Oru. K.\lOX Ihrnya'" Follin hw·9.53} * WOOD·NewI; Sport, WFLA.T ... "ury St.r Parae!. SATURDAY'S BEST LISTENING *Ne,u: WFAA WSB WDSU l'ie Du'our WJBO-Ca~alcade 01 Amerl(:l WIIAS-Mett tbe NaY)' *KLRA·Spom; Music; Hew. \\"JIIX ('leH Ba .. pro,re"" I1dll1g . for more d. foll ood "ddltto"o' .. IW, prog,om. KI'Ut,;-lIor~cc IIciJ~r Metod;o DanCi P.M. KYOO·Nat'l Ddense PtpL WOAI·Justice Rides tbe Kanel W~!>I·Grand Ole ()PI')' News and Discussion W!,M Irelle Rich 4:00 Doctor. at Work. IIAI'I R.dio Rlnlel1l 1 :15 P.M . WBRC·llarlem lIumonle. WWL-B.m DIIICI '.M. 6:00 T hl. I. Wa r . KARK·Cloaed Door. 4:45 War Re porter •. 6:30 E l1 er~ Queen , WCOA·Melody Momenll ' :45 P.M. * WH_A :-"t"S WOOO·ReliJljous Report" 5:3 0 W. A. O'Clrtoll. 7:00 Able. Irl.h ROle, *H. V. K.ltenbom. UWIi: WSB WMA.Q-PromeDade Cancut 5:45 The Wor ld T oday. WDSU·Reeorofli Rhyth .. WBnC WSM WROL WJDX WOPI·Dance Music 6:4S Edwar d T omlln.on. WIIAS-Dr. Wflch WCOA WAU WLW WAPO II'TJS·Ousical Gem. *WNOX.N~w.; Sportt WOPI KAIIK KTBS KVOO 6:45 H. V. Kaltenborn. Classical Music WOPI·A to Z in NOVfll)' ' :30 I'.M. WMAQ WFU WOAl WMC Rochestct Civic Orch.: WJBQ 9:00 John Gunther. * WltOL-Danti Ord!.; Ne". Insid, of Sports; WGS WMPS WSUN WAPO (.w·6.19- 9;15 P ublic Afral r •. II ... " R.dio I'~trol *Ne.. : WSMB WBRC 953) WWL-Alrunooll Mflodia: Sporls *KDKA,WIr ReporttT'l Spolh,ht 8 .. n4.: WGN WS IX 5:30 1' .... . KI'IIC-Anny Re Lniy. 01 I.ouiwille I\'JI).\·A ('ill (~1I .. 1 lIu.. " *Ntws; M,lnlonn in AmericI~n W\II'''- "arrr¥I'~ II ...." MORNING "'\\'TO·~""b~ ~uq",,' WHV.C WLIC "WKII h" WL\\" Bo,... JO""'ton "'''CW. C ·h,.,,"f 1101'/ Odin lIa.. k ') tt II .11'0 ~""dav Sc-hool Lt-s ...n 17.83) \I'lli'... .-;,,' n"I'Ii.1 (,b"reh *WSO.\·;"-.,,_; Iladi" Un;\'al *'HWI. ~.'" so. CI ...... , ,"",I. o.~"_~,, 111:]..0 ",,,~i,," .,d"nahr 1\·UIlI" H~PI'Y Hiufr. ....,. u ...... "'" ...... II"TJ~.S,,,,,I", b,'orit., \\ 2:15 ' . 101 . 8:00 A,M. Ilrnl Church of 11011\-"...00 'litHe ... : \\,I/..\ \\'J:OI. WAI'Il 11 :00 .... M. \1·1l0L·Odd 1-'~lIo". *H. V. I(ll(enborn. newS: II':-U \\,D~ll·fhurch of Chri't 1..... 11 (Urtt'" br"l, CENTRAL W ... R TIME ,.Rtvoewing SUnd: News: \\''>,,\ S~nd.y Oo .. n So~lh: KI"OO II' ... \IB hTlI, I\JIIX 1\101 IYGST Morn;n~ M,lorli~, *"."'_ WJl):I. W5\IB \\O.~U W~\l1I WSII WJ[)X (1..... 15.33) 12:45 I"'lte IllIltl' IHII'I 1'111(1 *World Ntws Ro~ndup: \\,!:oB ' .M. \\,11o\~DtYOlional WllV Syncoplltlon Piece: KMOX WAI'1 Tht World Is Vaun: WI:QL In.\1 11.\1.1 \\11( Ibll 11.11(: \lUI w:)m~ 1\1.:\{·To be IlInou .... 111.1' .lr.,,'1 WJI).\ KPlle (.,,21.5) II SOX Itc'. HJ"d..,ll'h & Jon" n'n' I""", *h.1'1:! :'le 2:)0 P.M. *W"-" ... CJ." * 1\111.0 X.".; 8ible CI. ' Fi.,1 1· ... I,,'lrrian ('Io"roh; I\T I I~ 11'.11'1 II'JlI> ·ro",,· I\W~C 1\.,110.\ \\,In 1\1'1111 WS\JB Go,,,,,1 lIour Army Hour: h\lI ... \lUI" KT Il!-o * hTl(:o,·'\e"'i !:iu"day "d,,~,1 WI)OI) \\'eo.\ Chcr~~rLo,,",d Tu ... \l'lI1' \lTJ~ lIi~Iob",j ('hu .... h of Chri.1 IIALA IIIWI. 11.,,'1 1\1'1:1.: h II III ('"",-crl Ib"N KII:" \'''M~''~ fhutch \lD!:>L··\"o;"t 01 1I"~r * World News Ro~ndup: KTib WIIT.X.v;er Choir I\HI(' 11111(1 h" 9.53) \\.\1'1 :-;f'II'o r6U1h l:"u,dl~blr 1'111.1 Ilfth"d._t n'ur~h * 1I'JlIO'\t\< IIJOO IIfOI IHH KI'OO Wake UP. Amtriu: "Hh \\O~L 9:15 .... ~ . WUW l.:I.L~,t ill \Iu.i( K(()I \I"''';I'~ 1I",.hi)...... r .. i,·~ II \II. ~'a .... I.. 1); ... "",,,1. 8:15 A.M. \ ,,·15.33) \" tiT ~1"1 n"".h of I h ... t KWKII "-,. II.'r~·' ,~,_"·,,,~I rio Wlt~:r 111111)·""",1 1 hWT1) Whr,hil' ...... 'ip~ (," 21.51 1:00 P. M. 11.\1'0 ~n~ ~I)I~. "TU~ IIHlll 11':-'1 "'(X) *\\Tnl \N". Ikloil) "_",,1., IU\1:1 1".11, "~lh",h_1 I·h" .. h KAIlK 1\,101. Slo,it' Sporit Df '42: h.IILV W.\OX W( \1.1 Amer; .." {'h.II,.,,~e W.IIC WFAA *IU)O!I \ont; \ali"", Mu" .. From Iht Olglln L.Dlt: I\lJT *KUI.J)·,"~,.. : Gell"'~ lilt ,\lMI *" tiT \'0'" \111.\( \llIl 1,11'1-<11 II"G!:oT II'h\.\ T~~I Fju·ltilo', O,ch. Oul of I,;f¥ IIT,\ \ ""1.",1 •• ,, E,Ii!u' WI)SI'·F,,,, n.",eh \I' liE(' K~IO\ l\'l llll \\I.Al 11'.11'1 \lUI' ~,\\ 11.83) II'JlIO·{;.",,~1 "'iJ\~""" * \H:~T '\ t·".: Fi"t B.ll'l;_' * \\·1;"1' """d",· 'Id,wli~.; \·t... KlO,1 Ittv. ~IOO'f Blue Thlt" Playeri: \I .ILA WJO~ Ur(a,,' JI""'e W\\\(' 11'11.\" Chu«h IHI I'· Rr1i~ih"_ ~.,'ke CO.III 10 COllSt on , BU$: \\,OSl' 1'. ,\1'(1 J)r FrO(! Joh"""" I\Tlh WJlIO \\l·O.\ II'O:,t; IHIt b~n""'1 IY'O.' (hAI>"l ~,,,,,. II I~II (~"I,..~I I hu,rh fh".1 W(O., Ol"(an \lt1oI"I"'r .I,I\·~"IU<,., 8:)0 A.M. 1~:;Ji hr.1 l'tt>b)'I~ri.n ("IlIlf.h II \'fl\' I'r~'~ I.riall ('hu .. h Wl\l' WI).i,l. Windo" \11101. Ih\IB WJI)X KTB") 1·.lJ~ Iln'e" .. f .·A""'lb Wor~s .. Music: \\:-8 WJD'\ 1I·ItOI. n,urrh of tlLt-i'l Inl L 1I"ly (hurch 11"01'1 l.i_ltn 1(' I..,il,..", (,,,.15.33) \lU.1 KTO~ 11m' Iluue 10:15 A,M. II 1:01 l\ ..... ,h,.,~ n"I.,i., Chu,ch 1:45 ' .M. ' :30 .... M. II·"" 1'1 ..1 Pre,b'l¥ti:", Chur,lI lw",h"",'e'" ~I~" KA1tK Hour: (,,, 15.33) Flom the O r g ~n l oll: KWKIf P i~no Rnl t ~l: W.,..,I' KTlb K\,OO W\I I. \lGs'r ... B1.1J Sou\h,,"alrts: IVCOA KTlb StIU(iv. Stryict Systtm: 1151.'; WAI.,o\ \\'AI'() (.w.I5.l3) 11 :15 .... 101 . Sloor'l~w Dr. Ihpl: W1'J'> I\IL\~ II'S" wosu 11''''1'0 WLW First P;IOO OUUlft: IVALA KlU,1 t:oo"rt lIiJl~,,1 C.",·21.5) Rhap ...dy 01 Ih' Ro,ki.~: I'I'JDX KMO.\·OtJ;~n \I~~ir KI I:.I A'>tmbly 01 t;od 11'1:01 * 1\1,1\ II. I h~II~""",,, Thrill.n, Starin of America: II'~"B WLW h.1·1:1 ~· .. ~1~ 11.,1 t.,,_,.bL. Ii.TII~ Bapli.1 110'" Syncopalion P,ut: 11"111' IVAI'I Inu \lu_;c31. IIJIlX I\TU'" hlOO W~\18 WAl'l fur All l'.rnll·\I,,';cal (,nler IItl(NIJ .. K1'nll·Funn)· P~l~r Pari ... \lltEI KTltll \I~II':'·~la"d of 1·"10" W..,11 10If KAlIK Wl-I \I' GOJpel Sinefr 1\'1;(10\ 1'"" \ ""e,"1 K\"oo·.IliniOle.ial A\I'."c~ II'~\IU·J~,,"~ "roble", W,nts Ovtr Jordan: WGST WUII( Boo"if \\'_if * '\111'1 \""J KlnO'lalin"" i\lrlOOiu ':45 A.M. WMf lIubf>rt Ihrpo:r "\II. 'Iu.iul \lpI ..d'" WM~\ .Jolo" ~a~Lt 3:00 ' . 101 . 1\\\ ... 11 11',"0:-': 1I'1I\l' WOOf) 11 :30 .... M, Gypsy CUIYin: I\ILI'> IIUC I\" II'I K\lO\ KHI.I) KLUA * W/l:O.\ Nc",; Baud ,\l." •• * WlIltC·;,,-.w. N al,on~1 V.lpers: II(UA Kill" 1\tIKII WG:)1' Wil l, WlIT I,TltH WltEe I\ ..... C (lw \1'1:(11, ~'".ic for Mode"" Emml Oltro. ~op.: Coour\ Or, \I'OUJ)·CtIUli,,1 ~rc"adt Illbl IIJIJO IIAL.I (.,,9.53 II II'\(' KHLO K\IOX 17.83) * ""L'J~ r>.t'" .h .. tr~' W"- U K\'(J() 1\·"'118 IHAI \·o~ \I,~III lI,' I:~hl 1533) Words &- Music: \\'~.\I *BBC Ntws: W:,LX 10:30 .... M. 1\\lIK WJnx 11"11.1,,·01(1 h,~,"f Todav lh.. k> "J I .... 1,ltlle I","'k 4-" 9.65) .... f ...... ' ••,; ...... ""'.nl. II'ltH. l.IIu. 1:""", 1\ 01'1 \ "~k.n wone B ..... thr Brya,'.. n",rd, ,.lr~08"" lII~h ... ·1'''''1 .1 ,'.". - II. '" .... oct...... Army Hour: Inll \\:>lI KTlI ... WR.;C·O,ri"hn ~cicnc~ WUT Pr. J. 5. N. Tn>" po·lI; 1'1,,,1. ,,,,,I tI'~ UIKI, !Wh<><,1 "11(1.\·0" (;",,,<.1. ~ •. loui,; Key In·.1-.. Ln,,~di_1 t;oo. E. Bol.n IIlIlI(; ':00 A . ~ . IVFAJ\ llarry f. Wilher. I '""('~,, 11.,"1. 10 t!lt Cil)' 11'11'1. To be """ou"f.d To be anoou~ud: \\·~IX lo.'"tion 10 Lurning: K\lO.\ Nat'l Rldio Pulpit: 1101'1 WMC WII"'~ Htporl to tho 'Iati_ l\"rlIIlClourd. $',,1 1I311.i •• 1'1101 .... " Ceor,t FISher. Holly .. oo~ Rt· KU),I ""'''110,·". lltll~ \\1t.~(' II UC WOOD IVAI'I II "-" \IMP.., naliu Bibk 0 .. , WII.IS·l'ninn"-," of '".li3"' I .... rltr: W\II·... II rA,1 Dur.lle ,ll.ou",Lor Uurch 01 Iht Air: \I HEC W8T ( .... 1783) 1101'1 "".iul MenlOrie, *11'01'1 :"if..... r ... nkllm \', .1".01' "nd I ....lft "'IOX·SI. (.r)ui. Ittj ... rttr II'Jt)X·Qu,.u, lI.-tl.~1I \c"'; lt~i,,""" KTItIl KIlO.\: WAPI WOOO WItOI.S"nt ",,·17.81) II'T.I~ Su"'h,,,c ~jou" o II; .. ,,,,.,,," or II",..'·P·. ··tld... 11 :45 A.M. K1'I:1I Tun. ·Ii''' • Wl.W I.etter. Ir.. ", L ,,(I~nd Btlthl &- Euly Choir: WFM Inl'!. K. "f r. Fou"'Ii"~ • ",1 ~UI"',." Salt Lakt City Tabtrnult: \\,\0.'( WllIIC·lladi" It~.'i\'al 1I'.11i'~ Thi~ h Wu Review in Minilll~rt: II'JIlO I,IIKII KI'IW IOUI.\: Talk II .111.\ \1~k~lic M""d; \\ t Jl'~ E,,~,,~t!;_1 II,·""." Qllill." 9 :45 A . ~ . "'1'IIS 11'11'0 ! IYl:OL * ".,\1: KI;OA IIJIlO Inll' S \I'M.. WII'L·l.rl". I' r~rtod * \I'I.\\'·Se\\~ \I ~,'IU (urr~'" t:..·pnh 1I'1l0L v, &- Vllml, son9S: I\TIlS IV:.!! 11'1\,,11 (,,' 1533) \\\11 ....11,,1~ I" IIfll WTJ~ Ok! Fa,hi".,flI (h"rch h IJ:1i. E .... ,,!:,.Ii,t f""" ,,, 01<1 IIJ!).\: \I'''\l1l \101'1 wn,1 Klll.llllil l·u,.,I, 11'01'1 \h;,t¥dn<, Mu.if I'rg, ... ) ;1S P. M. Kt"IU~l~ 1I,,,,,t KIltI' \I \1(" KI'O,I (onftM 'lini~lur.~ AFTERNOON· 1:)0 P. M. Army Hour: 1\-..\10 IhO \\"~" "LIlI I.iltl~ ('",n"r) Church Southtrnlir": WnOL h. WTO !-o)'onpll<"') 01 \I~to \lJn.\ WOP I kr;,. ) :30 P. M. Church of lilt Air: 1\i:tX 1101 Un,vtrsily of ChiClIlO Ro~nd MlIlle.s Golf Tournllment: IVII.II' program 'or more deta;I a n d additional lie programs See list;lIg' WI hT1l1! 1111 \l K~IO.\ \IA,>t Tahlt OiKU,';"": KTOS W~IC K,\llK hTih 1\"\1{ 1V,.,8 h" w,o.\: 1\1I'h.1I KUlA WI.AC II'JI)X KAI:I\ \I'Blle KVoo 9.53) WI\"L I\,..,MH 1\01'1 ""'~I WSH (IW Bthind Iht Mih: Grahlm Mc. * .\e"" KW)() IIJtOL 15.33\ I\a,,,~. "I.~.; Jil"'''}' [,,·r~lr. 6;00 Jack Benny; Mary L ivingstone. Sliow 01 Vnt.rdlY &- Tod,y: News and Discussion * X~,,~: ~I".i,· II'\'I'~ II'TJS o",1>.: K1'II... wn... r 1\ ,\1'(1 6:30 F itch B andwagon. K1' H ~ Ile ...~ Kiul', Orch KTII.., 11\1..\ \IJIlO W(,OA A.M. WJ IIO \\"CO.I WILl 6:30 Daughters 0' Uncle S a m. KlO'\ .GII, "'It"I 1\1'1:( Chri"i~" ""itn" h"",: IIIH II"Ll.l \\,11'1 8:30 Amtrican Album of Familiar 1I((I.III.1f " lIa1f; Ttan'lj,,_ Kl'OA ''''JI(ri~1 !:>ing,rs M usic. Kt:I.L.I K1'H II 1\(, ...,. KUtA 12:00 Upton Clo.e. * 1I'1)()lJ·,\lc,,,orJ Melodi~": N,,,. KIITO \'1,,,,<), of ('hriS! II ItEC I,II'K II 11'000 II'IIB'. 1:30 U niver.ity of Chicago Round 9:00 T ~ke It or Leave I t. WII<;I··l'm(. J""I>h Sd,ramm WAI'O·Aftcr""nn Var;~I;e. \\,WL T ablt D i.cuuion. 9:00 H our of Charm. WG~'r8;blt Qt,i. 1'.t}OI! I",.il.""" 10 Ih W.ln ..~ c, ...;<., .~ ..< o ... " ...~. 9:30 Keep 'Em Rolling. WF.\.I From Ih~ M,,~i< Room _ u. '''' ... "".,.~., 2:15 H . V. K alttnborn. \I'IL\~·l'"i,· "f Kenlucky Voung People'S Church of the W JIlO I1u.;e,k II'LIC 1:i""~'I"n iJ3.I~\,,; \lel,wl)· Time ''',~.; GUht Ordl.; W~IC I\'SU rad TI'ibaull, 1» •. ; lIel lI'ai". * KIlLD·"e".; ~Iu.i~; ~porlJ h II'TO ('hal'.. 1 i" Iht ~ky InliS KIllK KI'IlC WOI'I Chomo; ('irl. "r "anhauan: K1'U"· Tn"o<'''w Lasr WJI(.!-~II L~I.. Cit)" Choir ,,..-h'·.'n>_ Frtd "lItn Show (Tuaeo): Ken· W.. tk * 11 I.\\' I'ell'l<)l' .t ,Intn "y Ba~fr. Portland Holb; SUHn Guild Thulcr; Rogu Joe &- Mabtl: WJIlX I\ALA * WDSI- Tht War Today II' ·\I . .-I.(;r«k I"dop_ I",.i.~ \IIIf" Oi"i~ four I'.)or. m,e. WHT KTltJI WIlL IIIlIS hTlm "'10); \\-UUII II(;~T hUI,1l \\Il~:C KWKII I\,~\IB 1\\IAQ I\UKA \li5\1 1I'!.I\lIar \ithoh' Or0;" \11)00 "un hw 9.53) II~" IIi, 'b031 Un,11 KRLD KLiIA W,\I'I (>.. ·11.83) 11.&3) WII'Q.lh. I'ann Churfh IITK)lJ ho,,"""( \\,11'0 lIiJlhil1y lIil I' ..adt 1!M1 !'k"lton 10 "'n~b, ~" .. 10:45 ' ,M. Il lhl- 0,1",rIU",I\' T,,,,. 1\ ]lAI' (" 1I .."kJ Double Drh Nobody's Children: W~IX Vaughn Monrat', Orch.: WilE\.: Uuh"""J_ WIlOL )1ar)..-ille Collqc II'J1MlbouMi"nl in SeieHte * WI)StlSewl K.'oIO;'; Burns" Al1tn ,', ...... WLAC ""OX W!JAS __ * WSt::«s ..... WLAC-,\rtn,l I'rlm, WI_\\' Thr~'I,rr Si'ltTl KlO." l)inllN Music ,..'. H * KOKA-",,,. KTIIS f..ditorial1y S""3kin~ WTJS-Radio Biblf Cia,. \\,I.W-Spri"~Ii"'. Concel1 11"01'1 ~t"di<> ,'f'pers KWTO·Fronl Pa!:e D.ama IVlUlII "00.1. and Mu,ic I\,"DO-To bf: announetd \\'WI.-Qui, 01 T",,, Citi" \\~I("-~IOAT Audilions IVIlO!. T«I SIfl'le WG\'~s,. MOll.y II'GN Eddy Ouohin'l Orch. WM'O·5tar I'.radt Wllps·Rty. B. Il. v"i~ 5:30 r.M. WLW ·Truth 0. Con.equen~" III.I\' \ircinii lIay •. Y(M:31i,! "'I'("OA 9 :45 I'.t.! . * WXOX,New.: J,,", Rdu Cene Autry'. Mtlody Ranch: II'JS·Todll·" Top Tune. !>',.,., 1I~~1ll Sporll WllSI/·P.<>f_ Jos. Schramm Putter Family: WBRC KTBS * lI'ltEC·NI!II'; lIawaiian EchOfS WilT \lWI. WIIEC KWK H 6 :45 I'. M. Wn:A·!sla Glrda II"OAI K\"OO WMC KAnK 11:00 I'.t.!. l\'llOI.·Oa"~~ Muoi~ WAI'l WI.AC II'XOX KTRII KWTO·Fo. Mother &. Dad WSB WOI'I \\,WI.-Iload to Y."terdlY lI'lIAS K'IOX KIlLO KLRA II'(;S Orrin Tucke"1 Lilwrtnn Wtlk.·s Orch.: WSIX II'HBM lIa"k KH"e'l Show \VJUO Muoi. WSUN.Popular i\luli~ WGST WOOM * WTJS-Ntws WTJ!;i 4:15 r.t.! . 8 :15 I'.t.!. *Newt: Clb C.llow.y's Orell.: Tht Crn! ClldcrSltevt: KARK 7 :001'. M. 10:00 I',M. Ports 01 the Pacfllc: WJDX The P ar~tr Family, with Lton W1'o1 I'S WJIIO \VENn WI)Sti WeOA WLW WSM8 WBIlC * H t~dlinn & Bylines: WWNC Tommy Dorsty's Orch.: WAI'O J~n".y :\\ F.SR WSMB WSM *News; Francb Cr"t of I Kind Francis Cr, Amtnea WS\IB .. n. II'DSU \\RBII·Tht'. Cave PIMIl!>," ,,",,InK II~II' 7 :15 I'.M. \\'Sl'\'OHr OUT Curfte Cups WI.W.JI\- Sim, \\·(;S·Dick JUJ1!t",' Orch lIut WnOL-Mu,ic You Wanl Tommy DOl1Oey"s Orch.: WHOl 8 :45 I'.M. WMAQ·Dinnint Si~terl Dance Orch.: WTJS WSlX *II'WLNe"s NIGHT h.IJOA-Or~an Mu.i~ Oln~~ Short. $lings: Plul Lav,I'1 WMPS·Old Fad.t'~ O"h.; WUC WIlAS KLRA KMOX WIIC KTBS IhlIR KDKA T,kt 1\ or Lun H. quiz prgm.: WfIllC·Your U~oktr WGST WHEC KlRA·Columbia ?ola.lfnfOrln Phil Bakfr. m.t.: IVOT K\IOX WllSU· Veraatilian. ,,~"o KVOO K,\ttK (,,,·9_53) * KTIl<;-Ntw. WI;\" Ji",,,'.l' JOl"S Or.h MaSlen; Goll Tournamtnt: WOPI CDr' n,,1 !lk.lI..... ""to u" WBOM WREC KTRII KRLD WGN-("hir'~ at Nifhl WJDX IVALA WCOA KPRC ... q ...",,·JI ... WAf'O.Al1an Roth WlIA" II API II'GST KLRA WGST"lIlie You Want \\111" U".,,, " ..."'''f WIlOL KT05 KARK KVOO '.loin 01 Prophecy: WtoIPS WSTX WooD·Salute WWL KIVKII WLAe WOOD \\"lIASl'hilllarmonie Chambtr 1\ I.W """D Ili,'" WJIlX,S)'mpIlOl1:W of \lelody *11'''11 ~lfrl'Y lI~llo... ; Nf\I" W~IC WSII WLW (lw-9.53) WTJS (lw-l1,83) Music *\\,1\'1 J".. II", n'. Or~h .• KRLD,Y<>u Cu.'t 00 BlIslneu *1',,,' KUOA WAI'O WLA{,·Liltle Country ChllrLA WJ I)X KPR(' \\TLA WAI.A * WOOJ)'irw,; Sport. *W

Kl'nC,Di" JUl1:tn,' Orc:h. I\RLDCndlc Oub WI.W·Tn bt "''''''''''N K\'OO ~Iornin( Watch MONDAY, APRIL 13 I\TBS-WOIRt:n in the N"~wl WI!ll1. 11"1"" 11r· 'i"e TIme MORNING WfOA TIme Ie Tlln~. II"ALA·\ltlody Torn, , :45 4101 . WLIV-Ilonny "'.... fi.ld. .. ..ellist WCOA.DevOlion.aI C~lplain Jim. U. S, A.: weo;.. 7 :00 .... t.! . \\'01'1 Re\"fille Roundup WooD-lntfrio. DKOtalin. K \RK " .... ", ..11" f CENTRAL WAIt TIt.!E Bru~IUI Club; Don MeNelll, KtOA UIII. Concert WDSU·Bilil ero.b~.• liOP •• KI'I).\ 'IA (', rlnn 7 :45 "'.M. moe. KTBS WS~I WOOD W~O E, id Day WGST·Momlnl Mtlodit1o KIITO IIlrvest Itands Rnf'"c Roundu,: Lou,se Musey W~IPS·DanCt 8 :45 "'.t.! . WROL·Listfn. Ladie. 10:00 .... M. II' OIlC-Chckerboard &. \\'utrrn,rs: WBIlC WAPO \I'IVL-~zanne J,nau \\"JI); WAI.A \l'MC KTOS .. W:,;8 ;\,.,.s: Band Today Sw,ng Vour Partner: WWNC To be ~nnou"ctd: W II. I 7:15 "'. M. II nOL II ~'tB \\lOA KLRA 9 :15 .... t.! . Vitlory Be"ns I\TII~-".".) n .... ruilinl found in our new Monday-through­ 2:)0 P.M. II'h'A ...... ,,'" "t noma .. ,~ MONDAY, APRIL 13 Lesltr Huff & I\SIX II'JIJO,\I" ;t.1 h,itti., Friday Section on Pages 18·19 Lugut of Compostrs Serin: II'JIJ.'\ Uall. Call I\'_ II ... ('c, ... ,..,., ".". "._""e.' WOI'I ~"IM'''''''" _. U ...... n. \\'-.Il IIrn of Ilel'M'" *Ne...-s: \\'\II'~ 5:00 P.M. Crosby Contribution Kl'OI ," .. ur 1I •. ",~ *Mu,i. ~y ShrHIlIIt.: Hc .... ~: (10;00 ~.m. Contlnud) Kll1l1l1, Q"" W.IllO II, '", K,',' KTil-. 11\1( 1\.111_\ II ~n Li-"lcncrs kno\\" that onc of Bing Cro~by's hI 0,1 b)PlI.,,\I~ 1I,t 2:45 ' .104. 1\ 1/lI, (",9,531 * II"\OX \t·" II d Ilu 11'111' J.l<·l Hnth's G~,,~ $outhcrn,j"s: KTII~ \\,J)~I' .S. S. StrcoviCI, ntWS; 11',,1\ most I)opuiar offerings is his rendition of II"WI. S.r~,,~,I.· \\'JI)X Tht~' •• "e" . Ilu,,-,( WA1.\ II-M'O \IIH' ... 1110.1 *Edwin C. Hil!. ntws: Store· 10:15 A,M. Int(" ",,,'ell) Il.,·uc 1",.,,( IHIT "Silent Night:' But not so many. perhaps. Tunu from the TropKs: I\'IOX r." 9.531 Ihn (;"<>rg'i, J"hil. King 8ard Prtl-tnts: \\Th 1\.;1 X 8,lIy Moore T rio: IITOI \I\II'~ know that Crosby's "Silent Night"' fecol'diog I\m.!) KTllli I\111i.1I \loon * 1\\\,1.·\,,,,; H"und"p \lJIlO\\'11.1 in \ll;~T W/ll., \\IIH.: WIll h\ 01 t.a""".t Qui"." sold 300.000 copies and raised $8,000 royal­ 12;45 '.104. \\"11' " "1" " Ti" L.. ", 11 rrr "'I!U 1\,(:,,'1 WIJT '".,·.i,., ties last December alone; or that Bing is tnw'\II,on to the W,ltz: "TIIII * \\'\0\ ,,~,,-,,~,It; ''"' 1\ \1'1 Ii.UI.\ Qu~rC,"," I' u, .h 110." 1\ 1.11\ * "01'1 'I".ic -.,'''''; \t. 10} 4 U,."~t, 1\1'lIl IIIM.n spending his royallie!l from the record to liTO" (Jrlu II~ ~Ci. fr .t \'o"lwt \Ill' lor II ,. Vin(tnt LOp.l· O[(h_. I\TB.; 10 bt In"Gunc(d: i'" 9,5~ IS.HI 5:15 P. M. 10;45 A.M. 1111'0 111101. \\\I.A \'" KII KII Tra,,,,,nbo-o,u' Ey.ry. 11'.0.1 n."n ~hHi. \\'11" KI'OQ·J""i", 11;01<>" ,h~ It.,,~. *Cal Tinnty; we" 11'''11 Cr~thr Ihrr~1 'hi"~; 11.1 ... 1i .. II"l)on Sail". Kfyboud CIP!"'; \\' II'ALI·G(k~1 h-o"i,,', Judg. KLItA·h', \our 'Movo W"II .·a.hi""... hrC' " Hob" IIJliO L, S_ U.I~ri(uh"ral Ch~t. WGST 1·lori.,i"n s.i~".~ I 'r~m_ *Hews: Johnny RiChards' Or(h.: 1\'AI'O"',!Orl" fhal.r -, ~". hI O.\-nne,·it Ti",~ 11:00 A.M. \l"Jl).\·St~'t·. "'I.i""5 WJIllII". F 1\' Fh'''1 r;Ul~l ' II III',", \\'8.\I'-J".tiOf 1I~1., Ih~ It., ~~ KlnO,Ju'lit~ IIK~ th Ibn,. \I.IL\ .\o, .. dlo"Ji~ KPRC-Jark Buch IHII'I·I'uhlir ~O'\·;.f r.I,,,d.. WRO! ..~ In ~ in '<,,'~lly HcddJ Hop per's HolI~~ : * II'WO-.'I:.".; "I)().h I\'JDO L S, I '. ,,~, Chato W,,1l \lu," 80_ II'\\'I.-I·.n "f O~, otran "'V) KIIO'l: 1\111\11 Kflt.O II l); 'I 1'"I;li.-..1 r ...... 11' ..11'1 \'our -r""u '" Ou .. \1',,11 !'Itktly Pt"",nal Ih\lI1' ~ r ...ddi. Mil"'r W~'L \ \"Hil,e. II'("OA-T.ltllho". Qui. 1024 n~ n(h linE. "I}T II'JllO Ud.",., (-.,,,,,.il WIXlI'·'olu",l!ia l\'url'hDp 11:15 A.M. II'~IIII ("I,..inl Fhori, n 3:15 P.M. S .... tli9hl on Asia; KUlA II'II'SC 1\1 '(I I IINPr '" Melody II'LII·(;rec:ur li(mer; m'lmc IntAQ·To be ~nnou"ced Words & Music \\"JDX 1 :15 '.t.!. KII'TO Tn tho Colo .. l.i n~ 11''''0.\ "l"rea,ur)' Sur I'arodt Aim, Kil.htll: WIll'S KTBS wur KTnll ElwOQd Glry. Inr.: WI>SU WMrs 11",11,.1 n.ner Ti"'t * \\"\1(' \1,,"": ~.,. . WitH!. II". iera KCO_I.lrm.- 'hnt! IV[)(HI ~.hut II MPS Palriu!i,' !'Ill"'­ 11'1>[' ,\ ,.alu'~ IU th "mtT'us 11'''0'1: Ti" P." ,,",_.' (~" IS_33) 11' .. 0\ Wha'-- \~W in Al,ifUI 11'11.1' ' Iaret. 1~1lt 1:15 '.M. WTJS- ..... ' IV, hre" WIl.\f'To M annouh«tu: Jladia Rank 6:30 P.M. KII"TO-To ~ ."nounr"" hllLD,Jack B • ...,10 \\I~IlT"t Mu.'c Bo. Kill I KIIKH KTI111 IIHEC I\'SII Jam"I' 8: lIoQty KTIlI! nuri",: II "" • WS" !'hylli. L~"t; Orch_ WIIW' II"TJ S 1'''l'ular Mu.i< Con~~rt & OJn.t: WALA *\I 'ALA.· Il~dio ~'o rum; Nt.... II'A t'I·GeurCf t'T~r KI '0"-~ l a'Ctrbuild .... nf Amtnu t:]O P.t.! . .Club Malinu; Ntws : WALA 11'I1"I.1I",i(; Wa. CoonrnrnCa .. y; ."'t "'s Here" Abro,d : KTIUI 1I"t'.\ KI\hll \\'JBO weO.1 Sport. lIu(\(ll. l\'_\I..\·~h"ical ~Io",~o\. *Ne ... ,: WAI'O WIISl! II'JBO KTII" ~l"'rlS 1\IWI· ... ov.'in,( 5:)0 P.M. Blandit: Ptnny Sin,leton WFL~-Thi, I, Our II.,. KTIIS II"{,OI \\".11 ~ 11'1I0L K\'OI 1'<>pUI~. M".i~ WGX-Th( 1Io<>ple HQUt WllfC"To bo- ~"" ...... nctd C." lS.33) 11"000 E'·a"r.. !i'l 1... 1 ,,,I M~s i. for BrI"l: KTl:b KI'ite "'rll,ur I.;th: II'IIT WGST "''''OX''pul "~n;"" WROL ..... f Ih.h Ra",h Colwmbi, En$~mb lc: WnfC \\"\0.'1: Rt>"_ Jolon A_ WFlllr C.. ,9.53) hl-o a' 9:30 p.m,) "1t0r. " ",iul Qui~ 11,,\lB lIaw,- 'I""~"f 'hm. 1i:1.1I" 1\'01'1 "han W. Waltz' r rln~ Puker, Inr.: KIIO.'\ We PrtU~I; \\,,,11 KDKA WSR 11'(;"1 \I'~l':" llI"I"'od~ ,n Br;ou 11 :45 A. t.! . NIVII Audtmy 8lnd: WTJS 3:45 P.M. II 1I1!( WTJSSporla \\"S" II lIPS Dltk O'H(r(n, Inr.: IISIX John Sturgus. hr.: \\TJS IISIX Lum & Ab ner; WAPO WLW *i\~ \\, IIF.IA WI." II"TJS II'GS KI'Il{" To> h. a"na""",1 KI'It{'·LiI'<""rit~· KPllr _"'nlltd ....,,·,.t, \I" \\ll~l; \\JIlO \\'~l'.~ * II'G..;T ..-.....-..; Mlrlh nllon, 4:00 P.M. "e ... ; KlO,1 WClt :-'how *GJY Hinel!ts R.y~e; Joe How ""'~.: \I".i. Mu si~ ~, BourD: I~,\I'O II"ALA hll'TO I., ,Ibotr *hlt l.l} r.~c·· (; ... \",erin; N~w. ~rtl; 1I •• trin K,); Silly ~I ~1'(11'1 r ... t"~ ~'ar"'.r·. Wil, Inn's WJHO h"-9.53) "Til ... Good heni"'. Judg( IhAFTERNOON *11" 1\.1'1 "".;,.: N.\\~: Sp(>"<; Greent; FI",.,lora {;irl~; Four I_ W"II On " arad. AUtnl on Music: KUlA IVAI'I \~\\, KTII<; oath 11o"." .I .,'n (iul"".,,; It~)' 1J1n<'~" Orch_; W(;"T K~IOX WIll. * K t:o.l .<:,~'rl'; 'I".i~; lI ..dJinto 1:45 P.M. WilT E~.)· A<~' EI",tr lIa'i. n~", WBlJlr 12:00 Noon AdvenlurtS 01 Skull John: WTJS KI"OO·F.,·tl,'n Ll·nH. Iln R"hhH Ii.Ut.D K\\I\II II'\OX WltEI KTII" \\"nol (,"-1533) II \0\ "",,,,,,,,.n WAP I 'I~I,-"h (·ru''''''; Jo;>bll "tw K,IOX W6T (,,,-1L83) hurly M~hr, hr.: WOP I KTIl'" T.. I... ~n""n..,.., ",,_\11} Hy mns 01 All Chv.chfS: WIll' \\'01'1 nh,'II>,,, R~lh ok.. II".; Conr,·" Orch KAJtK Cht("ktTho ...d l 'ionf G~n l II'S_IIII Jill J.,~k.oo' II'HIlII Chi .. ~" lI ... i" Ibttlt K('{l\ ... i ..ta <;",..,,,a.'·' 11'1'0\ (;~n" ~nr lIill; ... ~w. Cent.. t & Dlnco; \\",\1.'\ WII'-\S-C,,~' 1"",,,b.,,Io'. Orrh Wn~T "tt y,."" Oial KOKA Sllon Oreh.: \\,,\111 1\(11'1 I\"USS . 11 ... 1\ \tl": Mu.ic 10-2-4 II."... IITO,\ KLR '" \\'JO,\·K"m K "t.I,l~n _ c,._ ... , ...... _.L 4:15 P.M. WIlOL II'JIlX \\'[.,\(":f(oood Iht Wf,l Hy, ... u [ il«n Fnrtll. songs: KI.R-" 1\'HAP'''''''< I"r Ihnc;", MONDAY'S BEST LISTENING """\ ".,," "TOm W~K \I'll L KII'KII .,, KTH5-1090 WLS·190 II'WI.Old rorr~1 KTRH·IUO WLW-700 6;15 Edward Tomlinson. To be announ.otl: II'S" IIITJS KUOA-I2VO WMAQ·610 6:15 News of the World. *Nt ... s of the Worrd: \\iSIl KVOO-ll10 WMC-7110 11'01'1 KI'IIC KTIIS 11",,118 7:00 P.M. KWKH-lllO WMPS-IUO 6:30 News Here and Abroad. Drama KAIIK I\UKA WBlle W]olAQ VOK Pop ; Pirks & Wally: WII'L KWTO-560 WNOX·!IPO \ .... -9,53) WALA-1410 WOAI·1Z00 7:55 Elmer O~vl l . P.M. 11'1.,\(" KlllO KMOX Klltll WAPI,II70 WOPI-HIIO 8:00 National Radio Forum. 7:00 and 9:30 Cavalcade of Amerlca. LlnllY floss, tnr.: WUC WilT 1\'11\<; I\I\KII II'BB\I WBT WAPO-lIJO WREC-600 7:00 I Love a Mystery. IHoST WAPI WHAS 1i:RLO weST 1\111::(.' WBAP·UO WROL-UO 9;00 John Gunther. KII'KII WIlEC 11"88\1 WWL 8:00 Lux Radio Theater. [~nlud t of Amfrlc~: KTBS WBBM-JlO WSB_150 9:30 Morgan Beatty. K'IOX KMIK \I'J!)X II'APO WBlle WBRC·960 WSIX-1Z40 *Edwud Toml1nson. news: KT]lS WBT 1110 WSM-6S0 WAiC \I'~\IB "PIlC IHAA WDW WCOA·1l7 0 WSMB-I3JO Variety Classical /vi usic K\'OO Wl'J." WO,\l 11'<;\1 WDOD-1310 WSUN·620 A.M. *\'.", KTRII WCO" WJDX WI.W WSIJ WOPI KOKA WDSU· I2BO WT1S·l3g0 lI'nUL B•• II natl,I>"," tu ''\ l'u, WEHR 890 WWL-S70 8:00 Breakfa't Club. '" D.'o/l Oil I'ogls 12 olld 13. Sf' I I\II"TO WGS li~~hlal r " rMa, .. WFAA-110 WWNC·J1D The Telephone Hour: James Contenled Hour: Chorus " \l'LlI' H;d,li~hl ... ;;had" .... Mickey Alptrt', Orch.: WSIX 5-11/21 Pit. 2.5 \lellon, Inr.; ~'rancia While, Orth., dirtdio" of I'trcy Failh: WRO[..Oln(t Mu,io IITJS ">Gp.; K~" l"h.hli~ (hOTU$; Don WMC WSMB WSB WI.W WSBAW<. Ihe Sd.llli.1 *\'ew" KMOX WMAQ WI.IV I'oorh~' Ord.: WSM WFAA KTBS WFLA II'BRC W\lAQ \\"SM tlre,;dt S;lIltU 11111£ WWL MONDAY, APRIL 13 II"B IDIAQ W;\IC K\'oo KARK WSM KPIIC WYAA WTJ~Plta"nldlle Folk. SPOrl.: Kl'RC WUB\I II'IIAS 1I1IltC KARK KTUS wS~la KVOO WOAI KOKA WJDX KAIlK-Sport.; II"IOX WCOA WFLA WOAl (lw..6. 19·9.53) 9:45 ... ~ . * KTHS·Nt'II'S; Variety ll"UV KpRC 11"01'1 WALA Fmldy Marlin's Orch.: WWL Jun C,YIII. songs: WALA WHOL "I'OO·Annl Man. Trotlnow II nol. WAI'O ImK" WGST WLAC KLRA KRW WI)SU II'APO IVSUN lVeOA I-IHAP IIh),thm .. Itomlnee .... c ....' ..' M.o' __.~" _ 13 ...... ,...... KTRII KWKII KMQX WAPI M~si( Thlt Endures: WSIX 1I1l11(" \'""r B3nktr KTIIS-Blue Ski .. InIAQ·X.I$On Olm$\w Lux R,dio Th ell.r: KiltH KRLD IVIlBM WBT WREC IHIAS WTJS \\'IlT·Mutuw"rh KI'OO·)·our Ki"dlv l'h,I"'ophu \\ItOt..Mu.ic You Want WLAC \\"111-; WUlnl WREC IVAI.A·Popular MUlic *Ntw. of Ihe World: (.w.ll.83] WOSU-l't~lili3n. II'UB~I \11>0<1. alld ~Iu.ic WTJS·Oan •• Allhil. \\"IIT 1111'1. \l'API KLRA WApO ~hktB.litvt lhllroom KTII S·Oanu Oreh. * WFLI·:":,.",: SlrinR E"Sf'mble *WE",'IIi'.'"",; Rh }lhm ., Ran. *II'WL.News WCOABoJ'~ Town II·BT.It~.ord~1 I'",iod WC\' ("hic3gG al Ni~ht dy Album WLW-Danet Oreh. HII Ltonud'S O.. h.: Klint )1~URl~UNSun~hi"e JOt WSU\I ••"" of "tlod} Club Ntil Bondshu's Orch.: ),"0.\ 1\ \0.\ I'a'ri""e Pnlde W,." Bit; "'''''die Mill.r; Sport. *N~W5; Buslty Smith'S Or(h.: W88\1 8 :15 r . ~ . 9:15 ... ~ . 10:00 ".104 . KTBS \I'IC WII-\P WOPI *Sonny Dunh'm's Orch.: News: AnllySts 01 Proplglnda: I\-TIS 10:]0 r.M. w~ny Johnson's Orch.: \\MPS Fred Waring 'n Plusure Timt: W:-\1Il I~"AQ WSM WBRe \ISU:-< II"JBO KTII!> IIIII'::. \I'~l.\ \\ MI>S \\"TJS II"SIX W\H.Q Guy Lombudo's Oreh.: KTRII WROL *P~ul MlTlin', MUSic: News: *"{;' ,\" .... 11000;\1_ ;'II";c Denn~ Thomun's Orch.: WSUN \\\0\ lll>O[) KI1I.I) KUlA *Ntws: Buddy Franklin', Orch.: K\OO WS\1Il KPIlC K1BS \I \0.\ U,ble 1I0ur I\W'\f 11'11'1. (,.. 6_12) \lJ80 W\!I'S WOSU II'BAP W.\IAQ WO,\I KUKA WG~ I/ill Slnd~r, .. Cuy SUq;1 KTIl!> KillS IIMI'" II"JUO 8 :10 r.M. WOPI,wt We Fo.,d *Elm" Du's. ntWs: KTII.II Jimmy OOl1ty', Orch.: WSUN *News; Dick SUhlle', Orch.:. IVI.\I WS~I 11'01'1 WIIIIC WRO[..You CI,,'I Bu.ln.,. WW~(" KWKII W~OX WOOD WJBO \\,~II'5 (.",953) WOOD W/liOX KTIIII WftEC II'MC Dr. I. Q.; J im MtCllin: 1\100 t>o Down Memory l,ne: WooA KI'HC WM.A WS;\IB KTBS with IIilltr KtRA IIAPI \VBT KMOX KUlA KWKII KRl.D *BBC Ntws; JOt C"roll'l Or· W.·LA WBRC Wt'AA WJDX WSUNThompson Four *1\cws: I\AIlK KI"OO WAPO II'S\! 1101'[ WS\lU WII.OL WBBM l.w·6.12) eh •• t.a: II"GN II'SIX WTJS WOAI WOpl KDKA WLW WIlIlM WIIJlC" WJDX KPRC WFLA KTitS KTBS KARK Ttd Wetms' Orch.: WGN WSlX KpReShop .·ieldj' Or.h. KMIK WMC WSB WMAQ 9:10 r.M. WTJS WfA'A WOAI Wl-IA$ wsa WAPO WMC WTJS *WDSU.New. Rl.dio Newue~l: II'S IX IVTJS For Amult, We Sing: WENR Cavalcade of Amerin, 4.raml: lILAC WLW WMC WOPI WS8 *N.,,-., KARK WENn II'JOX *WENR·!I 0 w, r d McCretrio Don I'oorhett' Oreh.: WlIt.~ WCOA *Ntw.: WR~:C KWKH W1l8M KDKA·Trop;eallIIoods Oreh.; New. WSUN WAPO WI\OI. WJBO WCN (s.. ·9.53) (.w·9.53) World at tl"e: KRI.I) WALA *KPRCNew,; Mi«in~ Persoll. IYHAS·Ortam Sere"adt 11'5\16 Spo.ts: KMOX WE\'R WDSU *K\"()().Ntwo; Nalio"al Delenll WSa·SwinC Noclurne Spothght BInds: 11''11'5 WSIX Blondle; Plnn~ Slngltton .. WCN Arthur II'AI'1 KRl.D *KI)KA.\' e .. ": Btmit A..... KOKA-Serenade in Iht /..:;(hl *WAPI·II'.w.; Rhy(hm Rhapsody *WWL-J", flti,hm.n', Oreh.; KTIIS\lcm...... L.a.n. WNOX KI.HA IVIIAS WLAC s'ron~'. Oroh.; Mu.ic KPRC-Guudi,nt of Frttdom *WBT-N.,u; D."cin& l'lrll' /lifWS hid ~hQW KTlI'iO.nee On:h. II II'COA·A""y I'r~m. KTRII KWKII KMOX WOOD K'IOX tk" HAS-M.51.rworkt KI·OO·Tomorrow·s Pr~"' •. ff:45 " . M. WI>OO-V"iv. 01 Ch,lt,nOOlI WUU~I WHEC WII'L *WOSU·Wu Ntw, *\\LAC ·Ntw~: Sia;kl Owl Cluh: WE\'RM .... ' Ilonorlfd Mu!ie IYALA.HnrlCf Heidi', Ouh Nows *Sonny Dunh~m's O"h.: News: *WDSU-War Nt... LUm .. Ablle.: Wf:'U II \OX ·S"i"Oltf Time WJOO WMPS KTIIS 1\'1\,\1' (;"~rdia"s of "'~om Orell. II'~II For. Jatk"",,, on 'he Air *II'GST·Ne".; Mu.le 12:00 loIid. To be announced: \\FAA WMC WREC"-Otar Jobn WBR{"-Elilt Club 1ItJ.\! _"am. the Band 8:45 Ollnn O.. h.: II'JRO r.M. WOPI. Wt'LA WOAI WSM8 \\'1101. &.we-tn lilt Lines WCOA·Johnoy ~bck', Orell. *WSB·Ntws; Slttpy iloilo,.. Miss Meld,'s Children: WTIS Loul$ Arm$lron~'s Orch.: \\(;~ KI'OO KPRC KARK WBRC WSM·II'orki In R~vlt .. WllAS-Ler. lint Musk *\\,W[.."'ew.: Arlhur RIVtlle'. WSI.X ' KTUS WMPS WWI..Ju,'iee Rides Ibn(e II'JOX·D~nu Oreh Oroh. Afler MidlUgh, WllnC·s..."I!! for "on Jtrry Wlyne, s.ongl: WWNC WLW·8illv 5nidrr·. Crth 11 :1 5 r.M. WIlS(;·Mnry Mtlodies Music Thlt [ndurtS: WSIX 10:15 ... ~. W.lIAQ lIot ("opy KWKH·To be >nnoun.", 11'1;/": S.If'clive Service lIusley Smith', Oreh.: KPRC WUBMArl. Goldl,,"rthy'. Oreh. *1' ~",,, WBT WSUN Denny Thomsen's Orth.: WooA II"OAI Cuudi~n. "I Fruiloon *WMI'5·Nt"" KDKAPeacdul Valley II ROt WAI'O (.w-9,53) I\OKA WOAI I\"BT-Danein~ Pari), 9:00 r.~. WALA·Gtory I'lullanli Trio Olmsl~d's Story Drllma: WSMB 10:45 P.M. Bu~d~ Franklin's Oreh.: IVENR y,," W.nT Mond,y M~rry·Go·Round; BU WAPOlla .... iiane IIJDX 1101'1 WAPO WOAI Guy lombudo's Orth.: KIVKII KTIIS WLW·RId Niohol.' Orr1l, Wain; Vlrlor Ardrn', Oreb.: WCOA.TrUIUry Star Parade WAI.A II'SB WI..M· II'BT WA I'I *KMOX.N ... , Ana!}'lis. Elmlt WMAQ~I~tty M.lne<:k· Oroh. W[~R WIlSU WJ80 KTHS \\IGN-" Th.1 Endur •• Johnny MtGee 's Orth.: KRLD Jimmy Dorse~'s Or(h.: WDSU Davil *WROI.·Ne ... ""John Gunther, (omm.: WGN *IIGSTTh. World Today K\\,KII KLnA KTIIH W\'OX *"I)KA ~e .... KI"OO,Sllute 10 utin Amtrlel \\ISB·S ... int Xoelurne I\"TJS 1\ \IPS WJDX·Dlnet Tomt WWNC WOOD WAPI K~IOX ,Moonligbt St ... na

lI'ooO·Sinurtly You .. KI,;OA-.llarkt •• ; T.ylo. Ki"l 1:15 ... ~. WFAA-Modtr" Ilomfmaktrs TUESDAY. APRIL 14 KTiIS-Popular MII.sie Uving Histof)': \\III::C KTIIII MORNING *WGN·John Stetle, ntw. W8T·Arthur Godlrey WW:":C KI.IIA 11l.."\(; IVXOX-'l".lr,1 Vorl'ht' *WGST·New.; Dr. f.lloll Wil· KliOA-~lilitary lland 7:00 ... ~. WROL·Forbldd,n DiaJ1l' Iiams; Mu~ie WI\OX -\'al;,,,,al !Jtf.n.. PUld. IVSIl Arlhur Godfrty Wsa)brk~1 Nt,..; Frtddy *WOPI.For Iht Fanntt'l Wile; WTJS Sin~ It CEHTRAL WAR TI~E ':00 ... ~. WS,\I·I' ••hio"', F~eU .. Flicker. lin', Oreh, N~w. 1 :]0 P . ~. W!>MLum ... Abller II nEC·D'nc~ Or(h. I'; II'TO·Gnod ..;1I family Clark Otnnls, Inr.: WAPO WAU JOty Keuns' Oreht$lrl: 11'[1011 1IIIlt{"_Jimmjr Brown 11 :00 WSK-S ..ann Ilil-er Boyt Songs In I'" Wind: WIlEe ".101. 12:10 ... ~. KUlA KnUl KII'KII III!J-.I' KRI.OC.. dlt Club \\,W1\C 7:15 ... ~ . Bnwt(n Ihe BookendS: WJBO 1:45 r .~. KTB5·Trlnlcribtd Pip!.. Words " Music KpRC MUSic for Everyone: W"C WOpl KL-OA Poplliar "u.i. SWing Your Pirtnel"l: WWNC \1' AI'I-C.mulon Ur,,,,,Utl Hymns 01 All Churchs: I\'I.IV IVXOX·Nul"nll I ... f.r,.. I'a' "I~ WJDX-MukflJ; Swett .. Hot: \V\lPS in Care of Anlt Horn : KTBS WAPI "!tEe WDOD·Atlhur Godfrey II-OPIO~.r Mo," W~~I·Music lIour Inner Drama of Lifl: IVAPO WAPO WCOA WROL WJUO hl'ItC,wu" M~ ...y & tht WDSU·lnltrlude on. Rceorns KHLD·Pullet Man; Music WGST,Lt:Ftyre Tn.. II'DSU KTlIS (ow-15,33) ]:-45 " . 101 , W.. tt"" KTRIl-Melodi .. To lit ~nnounted: \I'~IX II fh KII1·0\l,.,,,,,,. !-o.I:r.~ode .. WOPI·Caret. of Alift Blair 11:15 .... ~. KUtABrin,illK ""usic KL'OA Fo)ttttvlllc lIraatkasl KUOA,B. J. Fan.ltr *News: llDOI> WBT-Chl"CkerhOird Time WROL Church In Ihe Wikl"ood Words & Music: WJOX *KWKII ·~ews II llOP Lhecktrboard Tim. \\\H.-Life o( P,"", Hill *WAI.A·Pelil. Mu iul: New. KTIIII T.,... Co"l M.Jodies by Miller: W::. IX \I' .. \L% ·',...... d.y Mflodi .. II'JDX-Pub1i( Stt-vin Kl-OA Amer;uII 1.1"(;'" I', ,"", Jimmy BI~ir, songs: IVDSU WUT·Carnalion Bouqutt WMf'S..Patriol;c Mu!;c \\'BT To be an",,"n£(ol 7:10 9:15 .... ~. ".101. W\IC \I'~IPS WJBO·I."".h~(,,\ S~rf"~e *\I·S8·:'lc WS~IU·A 10 Z in 1\o.tlly IIIISC W:":OX Carnation BOUQutl WOI'I·Trot';eal Mood! Wliller Gross Prts~nls: Kl.IIA WWL WGST K_llO.\: IILlt" \\'I\L hl'l!"y Kart's Orch. Parali~ II'ROL Mu,ic for Modtrn, W~B Ctor,ia Jubilee WAPI 01 Stam"thln~ About EveJ1l'· WROI. I10rninJ ~Iu.i. 2:10 r . ~ . lun 1';"i~ly 10:00 KTnll·Mu.kll M."u Ihin~; AAA Spkr. 1\·,.11 1I3nitl Qu~r.tI ",101. \I':":OX.D~no~ Orrh * IVHT 1\~w. WJI)X·Tol.r Trail !lidr" *News: WJBO 11!'.\1 K Ilkk I,fihl'rl. orcan;.1 M.ry L.. nylor: WOOD KTRH II"II"I.·C,,, ... C",,'ro] W~.llII""hlou Fur. 1I'0PII'ublir Srn'i~ (".lendu [liftn Fu .. 11 & Robl. Nichol· II'NOX WLAC KLIIA WREC ':00 ".M. IVTJS·Pen"y,.-D~)' IVSB F,rm 1' ....." .. Vi ..... SOli, son~1: WWI\C 4 :]0 ".M. K"'KII Klol0X WHAS IVUT WS\I Bi( ~-rlddif \fill•• AIrliners: WSIX \\"TJS In!ps undt Trio: II(;"'T KTItIl KUlA 8r"kfist Club: Don McNeill, II'\VL WAPI KRlO WCST 11'<:'18 ("lI"io,1 Favorltt. KUOA·Your Wtlllh Thi. Wftk WWL 11.\1'1 m.~.: KTBS \\"~~I WOOD K\'o'TO Poull!)' Top;cs; AIr.... "1 AFTERNOON KTBS,T .. " ••ril .... 1 1' .... , *W!'.U S~, Ibnd Today Ibnds 2:45 r .M. 1:15 ".104 . *WIlT ''''''. I'"r;~' ' :15 ... ~. WALA·)!..,. Let TI)'lor Andr;n;$: KTlI~ WooD-~I.Io,li" Ir"", Hawaii IVCST,~ftlodl .. 12:00 1'400. Ch,ld ... n In Wu Time : KTBS IVALA WAPO II'CO.I I\'I)SU W~II \\i .. ,> • r GoO J Symphonelta: KRLD WAPO IVDSU WROL ")IPS (lw.9.53) W!'.\lB \I.".cr .... , KUlA (olObay. 10:15 ... ~ . C.EHTR ... l W .. R TIME (,w.15.33) \""TJ'i·II"w- .\11 pi'ni•• KWKll DfI~ .. ~ Bond. & Sum.,. Brld Reynolds, Inr.: WS.IIB Tuu S(hool of I'" Air: IVBAP KtlOA Botdtrto.. n ll"hequt WJI)X !'.lim !'. ..,,(inl· Co,.. Tune Time: K'IOX KRLD \V8T KlHASt"timtllt ;n Son~ WJ80·Vari~ti~ -4 :-4 5 ... ~ . KTRH KWKH WOOD II'GST KTR!> 1101'1 IISU WJDX Th". Suns Trio: I\SB II'I.AL·J'''I'I (".. bo)', KUOA Farul I\t"$ 1\ (ILl )[clodltl WIfAS WREe WWL 1:00 r.M. I\TIIS \1 ,t;lI~ [l,·",,,;t;, WHEC C""OO)'. *KII·I\U-N."s; Mu"e IIJIlO·p.n·American P~m, IICOA-Lo:w IVhile. orJl:Jnisl WJI)X,Jimm)' Davi,' Oreh, Tunes from Ihe Tropics: II'REe \\"FAA-\\~ II'ho .1,,· Y""n. 8:30 ... ~. WCO ..I·lhtckt rb"arJ Tim. WROt..Musie lor Moderns II'SIl·O" Parade KTRII WWNC KI.IIA II'(;ST WJBO·B31,'i·" 'il",kll. U,,'o" Bruklut Club: W,II.A \I'~)[ Franl·i. erai,', Oreh *Club MlIllntt~ G,rry Moor., II'JDX·U""rd "f 1I~~It!, 1\1.0,\ .IN/")' 'iUrt ' ..... "'0\.1 12:15 r.M. m.e.; N~ ..~: WAI'O WeOA 10:30 ... ~. 5:00 ... ~ . 1I'~11 Enid Diy WJBO WnOL (s",·9.5315.33) *KTRII·Nrwt Edw"d MuHuth, songs: II'DSU 1:10 Music by Shrtdnill.: KTIlS \l'MC Music lor Everyont: II"S)IB ".101 . *Richard E,lon, ne ..s: WTJS . :45 ... ~. KWTOlolary Let T,ylo' KpllC WS~1II II'JOX 1I!'.11 KTBS WOI'I KtybOird Clptll'"$: KLiIA (IW. W\IPS KAItK ( ... 9.53) Hlrny " D.U : KMOX KLRA·Jaekie Rurrls 11.83) KWKH.We Bellt\'. is Alllfne. Aooli.1n Enumb'e: KTRII KnU] SontS In tho Win~: II'WNC 10:45 .. , ~. KPRC·~1a.k~1 Basket SchOOl of Ihe Air: WSIX WTJS KIVTO-Boots & Bobby Choir Lolt: IVSlX W1'I"0X KLRA KI"0I1 \I.rr~·n,"hrl *NtwS: WAPO II'COA WROL WDOD8ibit Cilia *B. S. 8trcovlci, ~eWl: IYTJ" MUSic RCKlm: KPRC KTSS KARK·Mu'ittl Grab B.,. WBRCStt;"I lilt Amerle,. WALA KTBS WJOO II'DSU II'I.AC·Campus [mon I"SI."( KL'OA-J'II Uub.lll KWTO·lhylolt Frolic IV~·AA-Cou';n Il~told WMPS (1.. ·1533) WWI ... CaIi of Dlm,""raey; Slook WCOAFla.hq 01 Lirt IVJDX·Mlry I..ft 'hylor \\'I.IV-Curly &0 Ruby KRI.I),C""'",,"'t$ Rirrh .... y Markd (Conlinued on Next Pa,el 'if" U 11 /27-5 *\\',,11 lIudh"". " llu,U", ...... \\ ,11"1 \I~,,,u'y l. 1:00"'''''' Programs not li sted here may be WS\IU S~non'l Ka)'~', O'~h EI",.r Davi. WSUN T" he annaun, f"d * WI)()O .... t.' .t. S..-i" ... F.1",tr found in our new Monday-t hrough­ TUESDAY, APRIL 14 WKlUl·To he ann".. ucr.) \I\;X TIl<" ",,,rllt.,,,,·,, 1\1"11" BI". Ski". II liT frtd W~nng ,n PIUlure Time; KInO (0...:1, Thr~. B"Ule 01 thl Seus; .ond. by II'I.A('·S!,i .. tl., E"'erl.i"",,nl 11111111 \10 •• 1. ""II .II" ... hl\ 10 1' .."" '1"",1, \\01'1 I\~II \\'(0:1 II~.\I WlW \I H.II· Il ra,IIi ... " \I \1 .. 1 \IIIHe WllOl IVJI).'\' Fn"~ Cn,mit & Juli. Sancl~ •• II TJ,.. 1I."r~ .~"Iti1~ * In:\1l \ .... nh\llo" at fl ." \I ,II'I "'''I .. rm~n Wl!'.·S,nil" " ..hI 11.11'0 11'11(' IilOO h.TIIS <'On 1\'\I\Q WOII """ WIIC 11'11(1) fan~t'l GrillO . " "I'~ ~'ul1<>" I."wi_ Jr,. camm. ". Ih\lH h. IUK KI'1IC IIFLI\ II.!)X KTIIS h.l'fl' II'SI.8 ' :45 ''.i00i . In;., Laurelt •• II'.I~·, O.-rh. II L ...T ·... ,"'tJ..,,"" ~r.~"_ IVOI'I·Sh"" ri~kl~' Orch. \\'0.11 1111,11' I,;oKA (also al KITIO WHite KA I1K "Oh.A *r.u,1r Hunt. ntws: 1\ 111111 111.11' I·i,..i,,,., II" ••. v""'.t", IV I .. \[· "1""li(hl ~" lrh"h,n II' s t ·\ J,. n'''Ql~' "f Commfru 1I't.1I' \\,,\, 1I0AI' 11:\10\ \\ 11,\-' \\ LAC Joi.UL!) 1\ \I.IQ· \.-1"." 01,,,,, ... 1 *1\'1.11'·\."" 1\",,,,. hour '""u· 10 p.It,.) WTJ"AI You, Requ.<1 * X.. ", KII'TO Kl'OA F,mous Ju.) Triils: WE\!! 11'\0\ \\111. ,,·rtal ""KII IIIIF{ Ud"« (J.d, '" *K L1tA· Tht 1I'0rid To,lay 7;00 ". 1004 . IV~II'S KllIS II'DSU IVJIIO P.. n Amtl'iun Oa, P'gm.: II'SU", 11114 \"a"dH~ill A Cappella Johnny PrtSlnlS; Tall~(ih B.. nk· ('Io"i. 11000 !-."inl(in' "" Ai, Burns & "'Uen , P,ul Whitlm.. n·. I\TlI ~ 11;00 " . 101 . WG\"O<>" Ilin,l_ hud; S .. in~ Fo"ttun; Ray *Ntw,; Jtl'fY W,ld's WilEr Chul~, II. "a"lf', Orch. HI""k·. Orch.; Kl'Re IVSB O",h,. ~"or Lu; Jimmv Cub *N~w s; hlllA \\'J)OU (.w Dlth.: WM ... Q·S" .... , " S~ni.h II III II I}()I) \\ \0.\ I\UtA W\IAQ WBW WOpl W~'LA WI'LA \1'01'1 WSOC WPU 11.83, II:"\OX S"iQ~IIU Tomt IIlll::C "TUIl IIH811 h\\h.1I 5;15 ".M. IYLW WCUA II'BRC WlolC WALA Popllia. Mu.;~ *\ ~,,_ \\'1::\11 \\'JtlO WI)Sl Jchnny Richuds' Ol(h.; WSIX IISI.;X ",,;Or Robin ..... K\lOX Un 6.12) \\"LA WJDX 11' ... " WSMB \1'APO·"".i~ fa, I)."d,,~ 1\'.11'1 WIll'S WTJS WCOA Arm" ~'"h,; 1I,,·i~ H, ~ KlIl.I Tr~.'ur) ,,'ar 1'.,.de *N ~ ..s; Ro, Shltld " Co .. Ntws 6;1 5 ".M. II'OAI Kroo KAIIK K1H!:I WJI)X W ... 1I1l KTIlS Inl,IQ JOII Bethincaurfs Bind; KTlb KDKA *1\'( ;\ .Fo,~i.u Mfa;" 11111' I',,\.oli,· .\f/ail" 1I!I~l' To bt lnnOUnltd: W"IX WTJS WIIOI"Yo\l' M."'QI'Y II.... WG!>T O." .. t Orrlo. II'IIHC 11'0,11 W~\I 11'1101 CU9~t Rumh Re"ut; Margo. *Mu$ic by Sh ltdnik ; Nt w$; Mr. Kun . Tllter 01 lost PIr­ W~I'~ !:I,,".I,int JM \l'H.I!'. h.cJ.",~r"·("o", .. l~ II'~·.IA W~lf e.rmon ta<\ill0 " MI¥"tlilo Eddy Ouch j,,'s · Orch.: W~I;" WAPO so,''. dram~, WIl!'. t ' WJIIO *1\'\11'-. \t",; It,,,;.. Val,'"l, ~""aliB II'SlI~ Kl'O" KTII~ W!)"l' II \1I'S IIIJ,..l' IIJ80 KlIlO II"L\, III"L "lolO\ K.IRK KTBS \\'II\Q WS\lH I'tTJS W!'.IX KlO\·llit. & Enn.," w lI~n My N.. me:l Arltnt rru· *II'G\ \.". 1 0 :00 '' .i00i. * N",": 1\(0\ IIE~!t W"" "I'IIC KOKA fsw9.S3) e,.: \\LX KDI\A·T'nl,iul M"",I, h\l rO·Ma.ehi"~ Ako,,~ unny Ross. Inr.; WilT WIIAS WSI'~ I'op"lar '''"ie rrtd W.. "nfs Orch.: II'\lAQ WALA,Oanc~ r", ... A'I You. M ..sing Hel.?: IVt.AC *K\'OO \""'; \;,Ii,,,,,tI Il ~ fe" •• *N ~ ws: II'I'I.A WOI'I (.,,9.53) WDon·l"ap\ain I)au(t< II'(;~T 111..I( WAI'! WREC KLiIA K'-II11 II'IIAS Will. 8 ;30 " . 1004 . *1\ .1 1'1 N~",; 111",1.", Ilh!'.... lv KWI\1I Kill.!) Il'Blnl KMOX *1I'.II!O·Wa,,\ A,I ('"I"",n; n~nrt II AI'I hllLI) II(;~T K\I O~ Clyd ~ lU~lI' Orchnlr,; IVsm~ *I\'IJT l)an~jn .. I'~,", ,~,,~ \\111. (01,,, al 10:15 p,nl.) Symphony (onnll: GUtst Cond.: "Tih hTlh .Ilu,i.; \""" WlltI\! KII'h.1I l\'ItE(" \l'IIS( *W/;\ Nt",; Ji""m' J o,"< O ..h 5""rl, W\;\ KI\'TO II'XO.\ II'JOX 1I,\ t.A W~\i 11""11 ""'V," IIJIIO h .. WLII' Ji .. ,,,,ic Fi.". 619) *W ,Il'~m Sh,nr. news; "'API \1 liAS lla.It<""r~. . . \"''' 11'1111, II(OA WIIOI. lIaT 11\1, WOI'1 A 10 l ,n \0' .111 \\ll~T WIIOU \l'1I.\C KUtA * \\''--IC \p" \;~!" 0,,1 n,,1t \\JJ)X 11:';0\ Ti",~ W~" 11."1,,, l',o\T,,1 KtO,1 IItH,it f ,bber M~CIt & Molly: Jim &-. J,:lH'1I h.IIKIl IIXOX IIIIT \~'l< Ju.hl'1 Ri,I~, tlo~ R ... ,~: WOAI KII'TO·JII,lj~~ 11;,1" tilt I{.n~e ~I.ti . n J •• "I ..... 1\31'111, Tiiton KlIlO * "'1.11' "'e"'~; R",""i~ ("hild,' 5;30 ".M. 1\\"00 WHIP II M'O·r ... ,,,I'} Slar I'a.-adt \11.11 11:.,118 IISH KTII~ O... h. *~ e", hAl:Joi. KI'OO IIAI'f' Vera Barlon. sonu' KIVK" "I.IIA (;0101 .... ,.,.1 Five WOO I)·To "" Inno\ln WA!..~ Gov1/(! Rtpofl to Ihf Nil,on: KTRH .Ro, Shield " (a.: News: II'FlA Tru... " .. 'r""~'. Ollh ••• <1 I,. r"~'rl' ,,,I 1". "...,11... 1/"", 1\'1101. IFt~Uh '-pol \\lI'xt" Kllhll I'I:E(" III.1U.1I hill\.\ "nlO 11'1.\1' 1 1.0Vt a ""t~'" K\lO\ 0" ... ' .... e n ,y.I,,,> .1,.", r" ... ·i"~ ... 10' ~:"n\ 1\81 \\~l).\ h.UlA Jerry Wlld's Orch.' KlltD I.'IT •• 1:,... \1 ".Ih·e m... lc II"TJ'" ~1"'tI· * IIHII\I 1.,., .. ",,,. I"'" \.,.. r * \\'~IC·~I; ~~~I WWL will I.· b, ~nL KRI,D II'nol) "'11'1 \." II'Il"l'I",,".,lja'" w\,,,.: K\lOX \\"!'.t'N·D~ s~tl ... 51"dtl 7:30 ".M. 11,83) L~m " Abn!" II ,\1'0 I\"IIOL Ntd Jordan. Stnel Agtnt: II'SIX IIE\j: 11,,,1 '1"""rt,1 ~I,,>ic * 11'.\1'1 ~I,,'ie 1'"" Ibnl; S"",. II'I.W I\II'TO SpotlIght Bi"ds; 11'(;\ \I\II'S \1(;\ Ji",,,,.,· Jo{, Urch. II'D~(' Ibpp" Gn I.''''h Tim, 6:)0 P.M. Horlte He,dt"s Trt~n re (hesl: 1\ IIOX a"" hi" !'oh" .. II \1.1<1 KDh,l, 1101'1 IIru. \1,,1\ \\TJ~ * "!; ... T \,.," II".", Wr:~11 B",ld.,· FI'a,,~Ii,,'_ Orch Jlnt Coutns. sop.: WAI'O II(OA W(;\ O,ri" T. ,.~, ... , Or,", KTlI"·Popubl' \I",i~ \\ll\' KTlb 11","b3rd ~·.",ilv \\JIIUT..... -,,,l' !'.la, I'a'~t II BIIC h.t ('1 r.~'~i:ht Ibn '.' * WO~t \tw. 11".111' ... \\hl' "I S'~'''~. * 11'1:01. \I, \"" II N~ • *Bob BUlns Show; Elmtl On~. IiWlO·Bill W,ill>" .. 11, SHand H ...hnd. drim,. sbrrinq IIG!'>T G., ...... Trrh I'n- \l'1/1lI. lit''' .... '. tht I.i,,~. KUn \\ II II LAC \It; ... TT,~~.,,,,, Ilunl 1I,le" ""John: IIIIAS WilEr "r'" r 11'11.1'" rorl h,,,.~ 1 1 ;30 ".1004. "MO.\ 11"1111'1 II lUX WIIAS "," 11'-..11 \I'.,~I i" 11~,;r" WJIl\ A In l in \"",~t" W\\'~C h1"I:I1 KIlI.I) KWKI1 W I .Af·G31~",· of Sta" 11'1\'1. J"'lir~ lli,I~. It''''~e 1\\(1'\ II\;~T 11111. *Oon Btstor's O'th.; Htwl 1\'T,h lIarr,· lliller, W;\'OX II'CST K\lOX WLAC WII'I. 1-'"""I"i" I.oo,,~~ I",' Tk.1t Ring Tim ~; l\ltOl_ IYW\ .IISI'\ 11'.100 \\~II \I'IIP!'. WII'1. ~r"'TI~ WAI'l I\'IIU.11 "LilA \\'I\'l \\L\U ,,10"" \111'0 ].;1'11 ... 8;45 " . 1004 . 10:1 5 ".M. Rlymond S~otr$ O.(h.: IITlo(lll 5:45 P.M. \\ II'r Burn. & Alltn; P.ul Whittm.n·. WO"t' WJOO \\,MI'~ M, .. Mudt's Ch ,ldren: WTJS Olmsltd's Sto.y Or .. mas: 11'01'1 II\!)\ hl.l:'\ IIIl1T KTIll! ["011$ " Betty; 1\11"',' IVJRO 113".-\, 1'~I'l' h.PIt( KII h H W,..L\ \IJIl.\ \\0,11 W... IIB 11::,11 h.1I'''1I KItU) IIHT (." 6.121 Bill Stt.n. s,.,rts: IIJIl\ Orrh.; St,,'. I. .... ; Ji,n"'l C~,h, h.HIS "1'00 KAItK W\iC 1\ lIAI' WOAI KAnK 1>,,9.53) R~mon RimO$' Ore h.· K\IO\ h.1 It I-('i~il;"n nel." .... Wn'-l l1('N>rd ... t W",10 \\JIIO "It].l) Tr~"·"'1 SI~I' I·.. ~'" Shtp f"lds' Olch.: KI.UA \l'M'1 WB IHI *"TII'" X",.; ~I."" *1I·\.i\ .-Irth'" Ita" 11'.\(1\ WUU' 11'1)(11) WIIW * \,... ~: "l~ II'TJ5 II"BA" K'I II" (:ow heni,,~. 1u,lc~ 1111.11'''",,,,, I", ,'""I' ",,,,.~,-: Wl.I(' lIe""l) T" ,t *Roy Shield " Co.; Ntws I\(;~ KTIllI \'ai.~ 01 Bro~d ....y 1111'1. KTI:II "1I'h.1I Ji".I~ Man *11"" .... ".,,' KI'OO 11'\1, K!Hi,1 \I'\tlQ !'. I ~"U; \\FI.A 11'1101. I': 1(1) .Ia. O·Ntilt·s Orrh. Clydt Lucu' Orchtstra: II'AI'O \\'('CI.\ \I~N lit, 1\;t",1 WWL \'"i'"",il)' Ti",e I\"SI1B KTIIS IiBA WOAI l\111(A·Tap Tlln. *11' .\1 .. 1 );.".; POI'"I.I' ~I""c III1St' W\I.\ IITUA II'J80 11"1101. lhnf. Ortlt \\,TJ::, WHile hl'1](' .1""... 1 ~.I'vi,'~' \ .... ; \1" II"AI'I 1(,,11 l'I' Iht Ii"~ & Ilan,·t ' :00 P.M. Louis Prima's O"h.; IYBIt('·Q"t,ti"n B.,~ To be .. nnounctd: hltl.!J 11'111.1\1 W... IX *BBC Ntw" Cltn Cr~y's Orch.' \I1JS \\,SIX I, ms Bath Ho,,~ A.. 'o W("O.' "",ifal. \\ Ilf hUll WW\C \\IIA'> *'.,,, h.\l0.\ IVLW NIGHT * hl·O.I~I"'rI'. Oin"~1 MII.i.; \I'OOJ)·IJ",,~kl 1';PI,i" o."n"t II'!;,..T h.TItIl IIl:l::t H", !;j"'I't" hl'IIC 11811\1 * WO"'U·\cw \r". IHi' 11~i.1 "I .I,.,erira 11.83) hARK "1><0"_. \Iu,,~ *\\-':\"11 lI~nry Kin ..', Ol'oh.; KIlK.I \lu,iul,' Where th.,. Is no /lstin, hll'TOJukt Bo. Ja"'I.. ".... IVJ"\ Soulhland Sin.. 9.53, *II'FL,\ \t"'; Slri,,~ b,..,,,,bl~ *Oon B ~sl or's Orch.; Ntwt: hlll\lI I\HI.II hfl:1I h.\lOX II'OI'II1",i~ r", You hll:II",,,,lell! "",i",lt lIe\ l'hi.. ~~" at ,"""hI \I II"U 11811\1 11\\1. 1I'~1I It~,,~ Il, .. h \\' "'I .~ )awol Symphony Concerl: II'JlI() \\T~ 11 I\'GST·Mu,ic YOII lVant 12:00 Mid. ______, lI'~ t l\ \\11'0 \l'1I!>1 WH.IS-Wal'h Look. 'Em O .~r \\'LI(' 11~1,"1, ,\lh,,,n l ou.s A.mstrong's Orch.: WG\ * John B. Hughs. ntw.: \\\II'~ II \1(' ,,10.,11 II't ''""II,! h.\lOX \""'~ ,Ifttl' M;,lnight TUESDAY'S BEST LISTENING K::,;~":.:,T::", 0"" II II.I (} lI'h.t", SM!' u. tho X.... ,1 KItl ,1l \lu'iult _ WI101A.. ..,'~"'ol' ('~. KII'hll T" 1., ,nn(o.",~rd ____ "TIIS O~"n Or~h, Piano 1100<1. 1I'IIIJ\I·llatr)· Winto"', Ol'~h \\'.\1'1 Itil' " 1·:" ..... «. 11''''' 5 ee \1'1-:\1: \1" if y"" \\'3nt p rogro m fjsHn9s fo r more d.toit II' nd II' ddlt ionll' l n ..... pro9r o ms 1\ IXIll "~Iul~ '. 1I'Il ... r "I>Or!O 10: 30 ''.i00i . II'Lli' 11«1 Xid,ot.· Orfh. - \\,~I.IQ lIo"ard ~lrC-r~Nr'" Or h.,lltK IV~IAQ WOAI II'LW·l'iuwn Thai's Orrh, WBT·llIO WSM·UO KI·OO II'HOl WOpl WlW WO.-\I·l)aTI~t Or~h. WCO ... ·1170 WSMB·IHO 8;00 Breakfast Club. WOOD·UIO WSUN·620 Classical M us;c IiPIlC IVIlAI' IVAPO IV'IC WSB·Soulhern Stl'~"3)' Words &c MU5Ie: WJOX K'·OO·NaCI Dden... ; Yampire WOOD·Swi ... ,in' On Air Grunlitld VillX-Time to Shine WGST KARK-Spor"; Smil .. P'Im. KVOO·J .. stiu Rides tht R"n,!~ IVLAC·Jtwel Cowboy. WAI'O,lIillbillit. WAI.A·Gooci Evenln'. Judg.e WBT·Ztsta(lui~ KTRH.Serenaclu, 4:45 P.M. KTH S·Ser~nad. 1\ Jl £C -(:owooy. II'API Alabama Collece KIJOA-Littl. Show WAPQ·Sports; Thut~r N~"" WRECCheck.rbolTd Time WUA I>·Justict Rides the R,nl' WTJS-ChIUen,er Jambor« WOOOExetrptllrom the Op.or. ThrH Suns Trio: WSMB KWTO'U:5t Wt Forlet 8:30 .... M. WBT·Eny Acea *WOOO·; Sporh KT II S,I'opular WF I.A-Viob Todd: Noy~lties Songs In the Wind: KTRH WFAA· llugh Waddill * \'IJIlO·Mu.ic; Sews 2:15 P. M. IVJDX ·Listell to kibert WLW·Greror Ziemer: Rh)'me a WJnO·Mu,i~ in a Senlime ... tal Lint BrUkfut Club: WDSU WAU L AFTERNOON .J Prescott Presents: WRO L Mood WNOX·Superman * II'MC·Music; Nt'" *News: WREC KTRH WJDX·Col1ect Hour WOPICharii. Barnet', Orch. KUOA·Little Connrl WSB·Men of Melody WOAI-Jullioe Ridt. the Ran~. I\SS Enid Oay 12:00 1'40011 KTBS·Tnnscribtd Pr~m. WOPI·SuptrJl' .... WSUN-To h •• IIIIOUllCed WAPI.Army Prgm. WSB· YOllth & the Htadlln .. WSMB Jill Jackson W\\CL·DI ... n Bllitorl CENTRAL W ... R TIME WTJS·Tr ...un Chest 6:)0 P. Io4 . WWt.--Ja~k Btrch Carlbbnn Nights: WAtA WOI'I 8 :45 .... M. B.~trly Mlhr, songs: WSMB 5:00 P.M. WSMB WAPO WJDX KT8S WSB 5:45 P.M. B I~~ Struk Rhythm: WWNC *Edwln C. Hili, comln.: SCOtt KIJOA-)[jdclay fohlodin 2:30 P.M. V'9"bonds: WOSU WJSO Thll Brewsttr Boy: WRH' KLRA ~rd: WBT WGST KWKH KTRII WAM *K\\ KII Sow. K.ybo .... d Concerts: WWNC 10·2·4 R;nch: KLRA WCOA Melody Souv""ln: KPRC WFAA WCOA.Noon Tunn KII'KH *H '~y B~nd; KTBS IVJDX WROL WHAS KRLD II'LAC KLRA WMAQ Worrtn Wn,bl. II"MC WSB KARK WWNC WWL KMOX \1'81.1\1 Harny &c Doll: KMOX po~tlClI TbrH for Tu: WSIX WBAP.DadC' Tunt; Fmd th, WBT (swll.83) tllk * B. S. Btrcovicl, news: WSIX Woma ... KUOA·Thr_Quarter Time * Hows; Men of the Su: WMPS (sw.9.53) * WOPI.S,," (Continued on NUl Pagtl WOOl) 'Iornin, Tunos 12:15 P.M. KUO.\·Your Homt I\·SOX-Mu.ieal Vnietitt Sketches in M.lody: KTBS WOPI WJDO-Radio Kllchtn WROt-Forbidden Dial"}' WSMlI WTJS·For fkl~n .. Chtckerboaro Tim.: KPRC WI)SU WEDNESDA Y'S BEST LISTENING 9:00 .... M. KLItA-DiJit Jamboree .. 2:45 P.M. KI'OQ·}·arm Profit Bllreall ", Clark Dennis. Inr.: WAPOWDSU WBRC.MII.;c From Paradise Lowry Kohler. songs: WMPS s •• progro", Jbt l_ gl 'or mo,.. detoll olld o ddltloffof lI e w. "rogrom. BI~e Struk Rhythm: WREC \\FAA Mr •. Smil. P"",. WSIX WSB.Mukets; Orch. Southern"ir": KTIIS WALA KRI.D-Cradle Cillb WSM·Oanc. Oroh.; Nit Burch WAPO WCOA WDSU WMPS KTUS·Women In the N.... ( ..... 953) IIAU~t.iody Tim. 12:30 P.M. KUOA·Arkin'u Travel .... News and Discussion Drama WAPI·Coff~ Tim. To be Inno~n(ed: WMPS KWTO·Woman of COII"'~ A.M. P.M. WooD·Ot~an Rdleelion. Homespun: WAPO 11:00 Boake Clrte r. 6;30 That Brew.ler Boy. WGST-LeFeYre Trio 3:00 P.Io4 . WItOLLi,ttn. Ladiu Checktrhou.:! Tim e: WALA P.M. 1:00 Adventurel of the Thin Ma n, WWL,Su1lnnt JaYnu WJBO MUSic Wilhout Words: WWNC 12:00 H. R. Baukhage. 7;30 Dr, Chrl,tlln. KIILO·Pulid Mall; Music; B,IIk- WREC WUC KWKH KTRH 12;00 J oh n B. Hughel. 7:30 Mlnh,ttan a t Midnight, 9:15 .... M. era' Talk KLRA 12:45 J oh n W. Vanderc::ook, Symphontttn: WWL WBIG KTRH-Mu.ioal Quiz 8:30 M,. lc::t Attorn~y . KUOA.lnler·Sllle Quiz *Rlchard Eilton, (omm.: WTJS 1:00 Cedric Foster. KTUS·Tran5eribod Prcm. WMPS 10:30 Author's P layhoUle. II·TJS-Ptnny·.Oay WBT·Jlek Buch, 1011&5 6:00 Fulton Lewis, J r. WMC·Novelty Rtvue KWT().Son~ 01 • 6:15 Newl of the World, WSR·Georl'la Jllbil« WAPO·Mu.icale 6:30 New. Here a nd Ab road. 9;30 .... M. *WW[..Nows; ROllndllp WCOA·Dan;OX Navy CI,auer KI.H.\ .News Here & ADroad: IVSUN I\'.IK II'SII IIUI WOAI IIJBO \1,\Pl Your To"" & Ours *Ntws; P ~ut MHtin's MUlit: WSIIB KI-oo KPIlC WBIlC WOOO.To b. 311nouncw 9:]0 P.M. Ctyd~ Lucas' arch.: WJ(lO (sw. KTBS WMAQ K\-OO 1\ LlAI' KTBS IIJDX KMIK KOKA 9.53) *,,"ow,: IVlS IITJ~ \\FAA WGN WeST Gle. nub * Morg~n BUlly, ~ews: KTIIS WoIIC WS~I WOAI WIH1C WOpl l\,'\HK-S;l; 1I'.11I'S * :-I~w" WBRC K~IO\' WMAQ Jimmy Joy'$ Or~h.: WSIX II'G:>! I\l)h.\ The Gre.l G,lde"lee'-. *Clt Tonney: WG~ IVMI'S-Mu,i.~t. KI,IlA·You Can'l Do Bu.ine•• II'LW II'TJS KPUt ,i\...""d Servioe> "."',; Mu- II'",OX L'. 01 Tenu. 1I0unJ Table wilh Hitler SpoT!; KAIIK KPRC * Xe"" WALA WJDX WEN II Kl'O,\ He"eri. Tim. II'Sl''' To' 1.>< announced I(Tlts·Arli".I"n Orrh KDKA _"",ioale WS~1B KI\rOJu,tic. Ilide, the lIange "L'" U~·Good i::I''''''Ut. Jud,e 8:15 P.M. * II'DSU,Ne"'s * KIIOX Vi~win~ Ih~ :-Iews KDKA·Tol> Tune. KrHS·llalh iluu,,, (;.ng 1I',ILA·J<.>e Sporl>; ilin""r MUlie; WAI'f) The ~""lhla"d !ii,,~. *Frink Cuhtt, new~; sporU: We); Radio pl.\'huu,~ I\AI'llIelodl' Go Huu"d tim,: New. """5 WCCl.\" r elet'h(,,,~ Qui. WTJS IVSIX II'fIASS.h,t. froln Sh~lby WDAp 11I\\'thm & Ho",~nct * KWIi:II "ew.; Club Coronado h\'(JO 1;;.,,1)-,. L)""., ",,"g, WI(OL .Ilu"e;ol F.,),i",,, KLIl,\ Ca" & C3"ary WJBO.I).ntt \h'sio WUB.\I tt.n;'.,am, *11''[1'1 \e"s; Rh)'lhm 1I1,al",ody hl\ Ill·Juke llox JJIlLlooru WSt''''-To i>~ a"nounc,.d \\'M'[ Uih""H~ Uo),> WLAC-StriCIIJ' Entertainmenl WBRC \'i~h' 0,,1 R~vlle * WIIAS·New.; M.. lerworb \\8Ilf G) I") Trail> * WG\' New, Wi'\OX·D.nct Orch. II'BT-~I3 .. eT"orko * Wl.AC News; Night Owt Club: 1\ <.:0,\ S.y II "ilh 'lu,"c WI.'\r-Forei~n ll<'fu~ees \\'TJS·E"eni"~ M('(litalion. * WDSL' Th~ W~r Todl)' No,,~ 7:15 P.M. II'H\:T,P"I' Concerts \\DOD·ll;n1\~r \1",;c Cumen Can!taro's Or~h,: 1'1'::;1.\ 9:45 P,M. W"\·Chica~o at "'i"ht * II'LW:-Iew.; Ret::~;e Chi[d.' WD~l'-Pie OuF II'\I.\S I\'~t'h Look- \-:",O,'er WUOI.·Betw.,.,n Ihe Lin" K II'TO T .... he .""""n,·";! Mr. O,striCI Allorney, dr~mJ: *News ot the Wortd: \\'\\'L \\JOe>; Kuru Kobbler. WLAC-'I.I,~I)' Ath",n *II'SB :-ItW!; Sletpy 1I01l0w * I\'Al..l-t:~di" h,m,,,; "'.WS II.\IAQ KAHK II'S\18 W~'LA WIlEe W...-O\ KII'KII KLIt,\ IIcrb~rt ~L,c,halJ W\O\ I'Jlrinlic Para,te WlW IICO\ l).H<~ \I'I'ic I\'FAA IIBtte WJDX KI'OO WAPI (.w-II.83) *1\'II'I.·",."s, .Arthur flavel', Wsll Th'ff·Q"lrter Tlmt Oren 1r\I,\Q·_\lu'ical E,,~re Wl,;'i The 1I000'l>te lIour IHlI'l I\'O,\t II'UV KI'RC Our Mo"to: WTJ~ II "CTh" (;'''01 Gil,lc"l~t>'t II'S_II A",,,ic3 & IVortd Cri,i~ 11;15 P,M. II HOI. Itu>ie.t (,Iuiz \I'~tI \\'It(' \IS'\! KTf:\S II'COA *,\.,," WEXtl WJIlO *\\'~!I'''';\e'''; S\I"'" P~ut Martin's Music: WSMU II T J:> ::'VOrli lI''\l'\ 11,\1'0 IIII0l KDKA Tre~ sur~ Star .Parade: WLAC 10:]0 P.M. II.-':O\: Tr~",un- ~t~r Parade 5pott.ght Bind" I\(J/i WMPS 11'000 "'I)h.,\ II'OM-Jimmie !';dlN . Freddy Mirl'n'S arch.: News: *11.", K\lOX WWL 7:]0 P.M. WSIX II'TJS K\10", t1ank Ketn.'s in Town ,,\'()\ IH\,\( IIDuD KTHU II' HOI. :>Ioorl> R~n'om ShermJn Show: \\'REC * Kl!l.n \'ietory Hide, on Ilub- *\\''\l't'lu;ie You Wa"l; :'Iewl W"Il-HeniUe in Di~ie Un C t e W~l!er's Dog House: K](I.D KLR_I I\'I\'L (s",6,12) IVI::"'H·B,,,tdy Frankli,,'s Oreh, Ii:PRe WF,\'\ \l'JD'" K,IllK IIDT IItlAS IIBIlII KMO,\ her; X~ws \\--\1 Burns & Ali." IIN().\ 11111. WGST IVDOD KTJI .." Or(h Author's Pt~yhou",: KPIIC WSB 1\'ItOJ.~lu::;U WSml Jean He"hoh, Etmer Davis, WHEC n ••" WUI:nl WGST WAPI IIHEr \\'II,\C KIIKII W1I:0X KI'OO WMAQ KDI\A WSMB 1i.,IHK,U. S, ,Ibri ... Corp, 8:45 P.M. II liT 1\ API Dane. Orch.: KTIIS WJDX KTH... II'FI. A WS" IVOPT K'fIlS 1O-2~ R"nch II'HLC II'LAC WWL II'IlT '\'(!AI K!lI.D KUtA KWKII WIIA::; M,ss MUdt's (hitdru: WS[X CI~de Lucl<' Orche~tr~: WSli/o; 11'11,\1' II'MC WOAI WBRC K\'oo!:'ports WTJS 1\'\11':; K I )KA·"~r."acl. in the "'i~ht *Henry King's Orch.: News: [.;11·H)'''ul'P",I[c[O~: "ampire IVLW w'le II'BAI' 1t'0AI *\\'.-\1'1.:-1.,,'": Sports * WD,.;\'_);.,,'. II Gl\ )lo[odiou, )IU\UIU WAI'O·\lusic lor Danc;"1 K~y Kys.,', Prgm,; musitat 1\'1\.1[' 1',.j."" Bro.. tust quit; Harry Babbitt & Sutly WROL j\.PRC WTJ~ WSB we\' I)ance Orch. \\JHOGood EH\\in', Judg~ WI)O[) \I,ri"e" Pr~m. * lVorl..! al tarlW IVALA WS~lB WBlle F.litt Ct"b WII,\S·Drnm Strtnad. WJDX-Anita Bo)'", Ma_on, "orali,t.: WFLA WLW *WXOX-S"ingster Time: I::lmer KRI.D WCOA-D'"te 1I".ie WG'.; Oanr~ Oreh_ * WLAC.Sport.; "'.,... Da"i. WAt'O KTIlS I\'JOX WBIlC II'ENI! '1'''Ue'' un Sp"rts KI'OO KARK IICOA WHOL Ir~ne Hi(h: IVIlRC I'HIAQ \\'1.\\' lloon River \U,s·S""t~ ~Iarhl WIlOL·Symphony in Melody *KDKA·:-Iews: Bernie Arm, WIIAS-Great "'nm.nt, in Music WSB-Swino: \'o(turne W5UX,Sun.hine Joe \\''''18 II'OAI KPHC WALA *W~IAQ·Ne""·5 '!rM~'S Oroh. WUl' 110100), TImc *WWI.-Orrh.; N~ws 1Ir W\II'S.Fullon Lew,s, Jr: *WTJS-Xew$ WS)I 1I'~11 WFAA WO,\1 K~IOX 0" Slage \1'1.1\' Pierson Thai's Orch. 1Ir\\/o;OX,World F."tnt~ WMAQ WIIC KDKA ('1'1·953) *John B, Hughes. news: WTJS KTBS-Tn be announo.,;! 11:45 P.M. wopr. Virginia G<>e~ 10 War 7:45 P.M. *KTlIS-New.; Danoe Orch. 10,45 P.M. *Htnry King,. On:h,; News.: II ROL-On the lI"u0<1, and KII'KU-To I>e .n"ounted WDSU WJBO KTIIS WSG:>! Strl (Mad HU"5ian) Gordon; WIlB" Baron Elli"U'. Orch. (1360 kt) WilMA (1450 ke) II'wo,;c KLlIA WGST WNOX * 11'<;" WorM in lIeview *; OIl tbe Rteord Ed~.r Fairrloilrl's O .. h.: KTBS WGN-T";! Weems' Orch. W£.'IH·'lu,ic You Want .,,, ,"",or', .~ • .". • ...",... j ". KMOX WBB:tt WBT Wi'lL WWI..Justi.e Hide. Range ~M"n W,\IAQ KAHK WSM WBIlC (.w-II.83) \l'LlI'l'iro:i"ia Ih)'s. vocalist *WGX-\'ews: Orrin Tucker'- Powerhouse with R~ymond Scott: WJDX WS~IB wLw WSB WSUh'-f).n~e Musi~ 10:15 P.M, WREC ·Dant~ Orch, Oreh. \1'",0", WDOD WAP I WHBM Wrt.A K\,OO KYHC WOAI Thrte Romeos: WJDX WS~!B WLII'-tl.,l Nicho'" Orch. KRI.D WGST II'L~C WREC 11'01'1 II'FAA IVAI'I wMe 9:15 P,M. WOpl KAllK II'OAI WI'lA 11:00 P.M. W,\IAQ ,\loUy ~hlne-ck'. Orch. KLRA KTRH WBT KWKH weOA WIlOl KOKA WAI'O Pancho's Orchestr~: WS[X WTJS W(,OA II'ApO KTtlS KI'OO *News: Tommy Tucker's Orcll.: WIL\S KMOX trWL l'iAI.A InlpS WROL IUIC 111,11'0 WALA \\DSU II'SUN WJBO End nl Wednesday Progr~ms

8:15 A.M. 12:45. P.M. MORNING Ch~sing the Btues: KI.RA KHLO THURSDAY, APRIL 16 AFTERNOON Vinctnt loptz' O"h.: WDSU WJOX-Stilll S(Gggins' Cowooys I· I 1\'LA(·Musi. B.". ('heekerboard Time: KWKH 7:00 A.M, \\'REC·Mu.itate 12:00 Noon IVJIJX 9:30 A,M. KAHK,~!uo"elly "m. KUOA·llenton Co, Farm New, 1:00 ".M. Kt:OA·J~rry Sears Presents Words &. Music: KPRC KWKH-SulOshine BOlS Vinctnl Lopez' Orch.: Ambassadors of Hote: WWNC WLAC·Tex.s D.isy KTBS 9:45 A.t.!, WJDX-Markds; Mu,ic WCO,\·Chechrooard Time WI\OI. WAPO WOSU WJSO I\REe 8:45 A.M. Hour '. 11'.\1..\ (.,,15.33) Che-ckerooard Time, WET WOOD Brukfast Ctub: WAI.A WCOA Cher Up Gang: WSIX KJ'HC,loui .. Massey & We.t· (.,,21.5) KAIIK-The Shining 1I0ur 12:15 P.M. KARK-\Ielody floYI ernerS 11~15 A.M. WBAI'_So,,~~ 01 a Dreamer In termezzo for Strings: WWNC K "OAGt." Gray Edwud MatH ugh, liongs: WOSU KI\'TO-Serenaders WW ,"C KLIlA WCOA-Mary Lee Taytor Sharron Torrens, ,ongs: WJBO \VCOA Somelhing About Ever]'. Thus We live: KMOX WMpS WOSU ('1"15.33) Sketches in Melody: WSM8 U'iJl~; )1tlorlie. 7:30 A.M. KTBS \VJDX Toler Trail Hiders Mu,it Room: KPRC A.M. Words &. Music: WROL (oflee Club: W\\'\'C 10:00 KPHC-lII~rkct Bashl WOPI·Bouquets to You KUOA Ja~ Hubati Intermtuo for Strings: WWNC KPHC·l'int~"t Lopez' Orch, MirY Let T,ylor: WLAC KTRH K Voo-~Ierrl'makers WOOD Sinoerely You .. KVOA-M.n ... 01 "usic WBRC-S",,;ng the Americas I\I'OO-Wij(~i"s Ilottow f olk WNOX·Memory Lane KWKII II'IIAS K~IOX WGST WJOX-Lei'"re Melodies WBT WAPI WOOl) WNOX WFAA-Cousin Hat FREQUENCIES WBT·Ra~gers Quarlet WHOL .·orbidd.n Di,"l' IVNOX-earn~tjon Bouquet WCO,I·Y.wn Patrol KI.RA WIII::C KHLO II'ltBL IVLW·Curlr &: Huby KARK·920 WFLA·910 KDKA·I020 WGN·120 WLW·Girls 01 th" Gotdtn Wul 9:00 A,M. WWL WSB-Marhts: Buddy Cole 11:]0 A.M. WS~I·lum & Abner KLRA·)420 WGST-920 8url hes, song" WREe KI\'TO-PouhTj' Topi~ ~ KMOX-ttZO WHAS'840 7:4S A.M. WAtA·\lary Lu Taylor Vi &. Vilm~: WS'18 (sw·15,33) KPRC·950 WjlSO.IISO KRI.O,Cradte Club KPRC-Work lor Vktory, Shall KRLO·I080 W DX·UOO * I>NS: KPIIC KI'OO KTSS·To be announced 12:]0 P.t.!. KTBS-1480 W AC'1S10 KTBS-To be .nllou"",d 10:15 A.M. We Waltz IV ALA·Saton Ortll. KRLD,Stockmen'. Trall. KTHS·I090 WLS·890 • WAL'\·lI'ak~ Up & Live Invitition to W~ltz: KRLD WWL The Riddle of l ife: WApO KTRH·IJ20 WLW·10Q WAPI·Carnation Bo"~uet KTRH·rt.arin~ Homt WIlRC-Your Banker KWKH KMOX KTHH wOOD Sketchts in Melody: W~IC WOPI KUOA·1290 WMAQ-6io WAPO-Gotden Galt Quartet K[JOA·l\IaSterbuitder5 of Americ. KVOO·1110 WMC·190 * II'JBO,Musie; New. WOOD-Arthur Godlrey WGST WIIAS WHEC WJOX-I.isten 10 l..iberl IVALA-M'rching Alolli KlIlO·Pullet Man; Music ,KWKH tl30 WMPS·1460 WOSU-Bing Crosby, ,ong' WilT-Tn be "nnounc.,;! WOpl·Novatim. KTUB·Faroning Service KWTO·S60 WNOX·ggO WMC·Mu,iclle Moruin~ ..,,,~s WALA· HIO WOAI-t200 WGST Seunad. \VCOA·Joan EdwaTds, WREC·Trea.ur~d ilymnl *KWKIl·News WHOL-Morning Mu~ie WAPI·lliO WOPI·14QO WOPI·Caner 01 Alioe Iltair WHOI.-Knox.'ille lIi~h School WHOLTrol'ieal Mood. Kl'OA Fareltev,t1. Broadc.,1 II <'\ Son~, WllOI.-Church in tho Witdwood WALA·Mdodi.1 WAPO·IIS 0 WR EC·600 II'S~!B·Dick Leiberl, organisl WBAP-820 WROL-620 WWL·Lile of p.~gy Ihll 10:30 A.M. 11:45 A.M. WBT·Carnat;on Bouquet WBBM·780 WSB·750 8:00 A.M. KWTO-~I'TY Lee Taylor WJBO,Lu"ch'on Serenade WBRC-960 WSIX·1240 9:15 A.M. Navy Band: II'SIX WTJS WJDX·TI,taler '1eW$; /o;ovetli.n WBT· IIIO WSM·6S0 Brnkfast Club; Don M(Hcilt, I"vitition to Ihe Wattz: WWL WCOA·1316 WSMB-I3S0 10:45 A,M. KPRC·Novatime WMP$-D.".e M"sic m.c.: KTSS WSM WOOD WREe *\\'IlT-!'I.",s WSB-Georgia Jubilu WOOD·lltO WSUN·620 WOPI.Virginia IIigh Sthool WOSU-1280 WTJS-1390 WAPI Parade of Star. To be announctd: WS~I WREe-l.illte Show * W\I'!. ",ewI; Odditiel iR tbe WENR· 890 WWL·S70 *1\'SB,:Ve.,.: Band Today WROI.Teorts; Thutu Ntw. THURSDAY, APRIL 16 stamps, Joan Blaine, star of "Valiant Lady," IVBAI'.J .. ,ti« Rid" tht Rang. recently bought ten thousand of the ten-cent W.'U Thi. I. Our War stamps and mailed them to members of her 5:15 r .M. *WDOD.NtWI; Sporh fan clubs. \\"fl.A.Sonltil'l Wh;tt WI Ani fig""'" For: WlW·B"rnt '" AIIe~ WREC \Vue KRlD WIIAS *WMC·Mu,ic; Ntw, Tomm~ Tucker's Orch.: WMPS WAPO·Unde. Wt$\ .... Stars The Major Gives Again WAPI WWL KMOX WOAI.JII.ti« Rid •• Iht Rangl WLS *lyooD.S... «t & Swinl; Elm.r WSUN·E:o:curlioni in SciHu ,.~r.~: .. ";:,u:te~~'!'l\t;.", lt~ Maxwell Houn Coffn Time; F() WDSU WALA Wlt~:c KWKll KTl\tI KlRA KAIlK·Acron the Footlight. WDOD.Rhythm '" nh)'me Time \\S8 KDKA WAI.A WLW (aw.iS.33) Wlttc WLAC thing to Thin'k About KI>HC·Armed Ser~ieu Nows: Mu· *WDSU·News WOPI·A to Z in Novelty MOX·To ~ Innoun(ed *Hews: WAPO WCOA WAU New., IVALA WAPO WCOA & lum Abner: WLW WAPO \I'COA IIh ythm R~nduvou, KTtlS·Aclion on Ih. Home front WTJS·Blnk 'iile of the Ai. WROL WJUO \\DSU KTBS WDSU WJBO WMPS IVROt WROL WMPS (ow 15.33) WooD.Dinnt. Mu.ic KlJOA-Enninl Variety WWNC·A,hHilt. Coline Prf'Hnt. KI'OA Am.rican l.q:;on Au~ihaT)' Vorl & Abn .. IVSOX·SuPP"r Melodi" "'TJS·C"tlee Pot 8:30 P.Io4. Knowu *WAPI.Sports; ;-I~, *WOAI Wlr Anal,·,il *Ntws: \\,1>00 WJDX·A 10 7. in :-;"o~clty *\I'CS't-Sew.; Tun. Tim. KTlIll·Tuu CowboYI 11·01'1 Erh...,. of \·elt.rda,y 81t Town, with Edward G. Robin· WOI'I For the farm~r' . Wife WLAC.Wandcrin'l: Tun ..mith WWL·Old Corn] !(In '" Ona Mun,on; woon Kll0A l'" ErdNly \\'OPI·Rhythm Ran}· 7:]0 P, t.! . WOPJ-For tht formu'o Wife *\\,(0,\ Dane. Music: KWKII W:"OX KIILO WLAC II·nEe·Danc. Orch. \\"SB lI)'mn, ror Homt Sur les 8ouleurds: WMPS IHIT WAI>1 WGST WBlnl WTJS· ln.piutlonal Hour 6:45 P.t.!. WSH·Swane. Ri"tT DOYI 4:00 1' .104, WSUN KTRII KMO.\: WIIAS WHEe WT JS·I'enny·a·D.y WWL·Spa.h InSid. of Sports: \\'C:-I WWL (0" 1183) Swttt & Meltow: \IJBO II'ALA For Yo~r Information: WSIX TOIIII~I,t'. drom •• ··Gr.. e.\"Ord WAPO W\tI'S (~w,9.53) *H. V. Kalttnborn. nows: WS\! Ahttl." dul. wltl, r~,'kI,'_ dr;" 1:45 P.M. *People·, Plnform;. Elm 0, Eddie May.hoil"s Atqut1il Bu· 5:45 ".M. WJOX IHIIIC WAI'O WHO I. tn., In Care 01 Aggie Horn: WAPO reau: WeST KLltA WAPi W("OA WOPI KI'OO I\MAQ Oavi.. ntwo: WBBM WREC Spotlight Bands: I\"SI\: WTJ" WJUO KTBS WltOL WeOA KMOX 8il1 Storn, sports; WJOX WFLA WAl.A KTBS WMC W\\';o;( KRL!) KTIIH KWKIi WCS \nlPS WDSU KTIIS (.w·15.33) Dan Chtskln·s Gilng: WTJS 9.53.) IIl,W WCST KMOX WAI'l WHAS K[.IlA·Ma'terwo.ko of MuSIC WWL KLIIA WNOX Hymns of All Churches: WI.W *KHI.I) ·N~wl; Sketohe. in \lei. Cid.1S Quart.t: WDSU WJBO *HudlinH '" Highlights: KPRC 8 :45 P.M. School of the Air: WTJS ody Aldrich Family: WOAI WMAQ KrnSTo bt nllMotOCW KI.IlACivilian Dden.e WOAI Miss Mudt', Childun: WSI.'I: Kt.RAThe J ..ler. 11'1,11' WiIIC WBRC WJOX WTJ5 KTIISSmohy, S"noy & Gan~ * KTBS·SlIOru; Nt'" Fun with the Jesters: KDKA KVOO WOPI KTBS WHOL KI:OAB J. F.nOX W\\"W· TunH from tho Tropics; KLRA *WMPSFulton Uwi .. Jr.. comlll. WC:-;",Shor\ Storiu .uu: 11'11,\" WRt:C W!'IOX·WnrW Event. KWKII WLAC K\IOX WIJB'! WW;o;C W(:ST WHEe WUC WII . r. t •• r. II no I/otl. g WJfIO·J. Y Sand ...... Jr. Sweet'" Meltow: I\·JOX WOI'[ Vinoent Lopfl. Or~b. KTRI! "liAS IIOT WOOD WAPI (lw,]I.83) for 0 . totion Its pr.ndl., *WI.AC·"e]ody Tim.; Elm.r WeT Varidy *w"'m·;-I~ws *John Gunther, ntws: WTJS Davi', n~. PrHcoll Prestnb: W~lPS WJ80 progr am is oe tit. a l,.. WG:" lI'~ll'S WLA(" To "" announo", WTJ<; AI Your Rtquesl WLs.-Prairie Furner Discu ..ion MolUill Got'! C,It,nl; WSIX \I' ."OXDan~t Orch. 6 :00 " .104 , WWI.,Fountain T."ue Club SUltest Rudy Vallee Show; John \\"TJS *WTJS-".w·. B.,,)'more; Joan Pavis: WSD KTRll,Screnade~ 4:]0 I'. t.!. CENTRAL W AR TIME 7:00 1'.104 . WMC WI.W WROL \\APO K\\'KlI·Tn"scribtd 1'""", - WIIRC \\,S~IB KDKA Wfl.A *Fulton Lowis, Jr" news: WTJS 7;45 I'. t.! . WS\I WCOA WMAQ WOP] II·LAC·HarmORY Home LIndt Trio: KTRH WAPI WSIX Dnth Vill.y Days, dram" \\,LAC KRLl! Ou~.t: "~I". 110, otl.~ ..... "" 2:15 1',104. KTn;; To "" announ~td WMPS WDSU WJBO WSUN ...Itt l>,· t ~~ " ••1 01 ••",.11 WOPI wsn WCOA II'S~t W!.W *II"BT NtwS; V•• i~ty WBB\t 1,,,·]].83) WLS t<;> ... a __ Ial lud"r, *Hew.: WREC WSRC WJDX WALA, K\,OO TOl,I,M·. dUmo: "lir, Plok. WOOD ",Iodi~. from HawaII .rlon 01 I'JaC'e.-.lIle.·' \',·ALA·Ala. MaTch", On (Conllnu", on Hut P.. ge) KTlJS·JalllU Sto"~, bar. WOI'IAloh. Land WMC WS"B KDKA KTBS KTRlIU. s. l'avy \1~\ICt..ud. ShalT>"; Kay Po]· KARK WAI'O WROL WOAP r------­ WAPI l·niv. 01 AI.bama wiler; WOAI WH.A KI'RC WWL.Ju &. Jill Juk!(lp WSMBli'Vn to !.tibert Euy AtH: Jane Aco: WMP;; \\'Tl<: ,10",.lp .lim WDSU WJ80 WENR KTIIS THURSDAY'S BEST LISTENING ~:3 0 I'. t.! . WII'J.·Rall'lh Shaw Camp Grint in Review: WSIX Amos ·n· Andy; WOT WIlAS S.e program IIl flngs for more d. tail and addlt loll al new. p rograms W;\IPS 4 :45 P.M, WLA( WCST WAPI WIlEC *Grorge Hick., neW1: WMPS W811\1 KTIlIi KMOX II'AI'I WJIIO To be announced: IYMPS WSlX KWKII KRLD WW!. (IW. 11.83) (al!(l al 10 p.m.) KTIIS·To be announcod I\'TJS P .M. Kl'OA·'·ou Can'l Do KTtlS F. f, A. Forum *:o;c", KrOA KWTO News and Discussion wlr!" <;cal!.r~oom~ 80b Armmong"s Orch.: \IS~IB 11 :00 ".M. KTBS InK 11"-111 IHI.\ 1II:KDKI :". w I; Bemit Arm· KAIIK KI'Rt· KTaS Wi'LA *Ntws; Byddy Franklin·. Orch.: K'-OO WS\IB tillKA 11"0\1 .t...,,,~·, Or~h. WIIOL WAPO WOAI WOPI W\II'S \l'DS\" WJBO WS\1 II"BIlt: *News; Oanu arch.: KWK!l K"O'l: nO. "'I"~ W~B II"ALA InK *R~y Kinney·s Orch.: New._ (9,00 p.m. Co"~;n~Id) *Morgln Btllly. news: WSU:<; K.IIOX WIIEI: KTIlIi WOO)I *11"(001. "f"'; Iloftct Or.h. R~ymond Scotfs Orch.; WBT WI'OX WHf:r IHlQU 1\ TllIl l\o~L: I"e"ali],.n. WBT W:"O.\ WOOD AI Pur~t's Glng: Inlh KVoo Vou Otlenst Reporler: WSlX KULD WDOI) W\\':"C WWL WBT (",·617) KAIIK h:1'1Il' II BAP WOAI I\"TJS WE:"I\·Wor11 HonorEd WLA<- ,",,6.12) *Ntws; Frtddot Ebtntr', Orch.: Music lIimon R,mos· Orch.: 1,111\11 11'~I)\1 IIAI..\ (." 6.19) *"8T'ie'" '" Vitws I"K IIS'1 11"0011 wow KTI.I5 WC,\ Ji",my JOI"~ Ot.h_ Jimmy Doney's Orch.: WSWI 1I"1I13~t K\IOX Bils In the Belfry: WSUN WFL.I l'r~a'III"}' Star I'nld. II"JI.IO \\,AI'O II"I)W (o",-9.53) K\"OO InlAQ II"IlI{C 1II:IH:ST :".".; "",ic 1II:Sonny Dunhim's Orch.: Ntws Ilnll \I".JI\() WG" lIur", & Alltn Tropiul Serenide: \\,SIX WTJ5 Jimmy Joy'$ Orch.: WSIX WGN k rll" 11., .. ,. o,d,. 1V01'1 Sull"" an Ih. lIill WJUO l'f~.""~ Star I'atade II'TJS I\JlIO IHlPS \\~IPS .I",... i,., Tu"" ~\HI;IIJ WJDX (;a"K U,. I~rl 1~11'i"( 'Iu,i. in Ih. Air *:"~'" IIIIIT II"(~S KWKII 1II:WDSl: :",,,. *"'..,\1 lIorl,1 in Ht,·,.", 1I"1I1H\ III1L "tll,\ 1II:~ t'" WF.SR WS"B KOK..I Tod.y·, Top TUh~ *WE:'>IRHen,)' Kinc', Orol>.; WWL-Jy.lice Ri,lto Ibn•• KJ)KA ~rt,,~dt III Iht "i~ht 9:15 ".M. 9 :45 " .101 . *Kl.IlA L'nIO" 1\"011.; The HUIII- I'e.. , G"U W,I."ms· Orch.· \nlPS Eddie Olinr'. Orch.: WSUN 10:15 P.M. KlIOX·Sport. WC'i (hud fO \VIlA" Dream ~utll.,I~ KTiIS Johnny M(Gti'S Orch.; II 1\ SC KTIIII E"ltrlam• .-. KRLD o."C"'( Parly The First Lint: WBB" KTRH 1tNews 01 the World: WWNC WLII" ·\1oon Rin, KLlIA KTIlIi WOOD KWI\II K VOO 1'0',"0"""" P'<>IIrlll>' 1II:II"AI'I :"t'I'<.; Rhythm Rhal*ld.J KIIKI\ 111l.\S KIILD WG5T I\RLO (.,,-11.83) 1111 L 11.\0.\ IIIIEC 1II:WF-'_1 "ie ... ; T h U fII b. U .., WSB·S"·in~ "iorlu~",. II,(OA·Jnh,,,,y "~ KIOO II'LII'·I'it.. ,," Th.r. Orfh WIlO!. Bel"''''' Iht Lin" 1II:WBT Se..... ': RKON" '" R~,,'me * WSO S ..... ; SI'~I'Y lIoliOw WGS lIill Sa"der. " Guy Savar8 *Ntws: KMOX WMAQ WMAQ·AI l'nrct', C>,,~ 12:00 M,id. WGST G<'Or~e Dull)'" h. * \I'II"L-~.".; (harl,. Wi~ Alier M"hliKht W;<;O'\-f'alrioti. Parade WOSU K\'OO Boo Will." 1'1.,00)" 9:]0 P.M. KAIIK Sporl.: Millie 10:45 ".M. 11 :15 ". 101 . KDKA ,,,.. inl. KII"KI1·To M .nnQunc""" LYm " Abner: IIF.'iR WMPS 10:00 ".M. Bob Armslrong'. Orcll.: II'JnX Buddy Franklin's Orch.: WESn 1V8B\1·B ...y Wint",,·. Orch. * KRLOS"H; Coli Srhool II'OSU II BTDan,i"J Parly KTH5 WDSU II'JBO Clydt Luu.' O"h.: KT8S KTMS KTIIS Buh tlou ... A.,'n Raymond SCOII'S Orch.: WST WSl'S KII KII II API Fredd .. Ebenti. Orch.: IH·AA 11"["11 Ilu

WROL L"leu, J.adiu Adventures 01 Skull John: IHJS 11"1.\1' E,..nin·. St,~hbo.; On th~ II'WL·~UU""f Ja~uu FRIDAY, APRIL 17 * l\lll.D Se",: '1a.,ha Tilton; lIoone Fro"t MORNING 9:15 .... M. Virl! Kl·OA ~Iid'iay "hlutli~. WLAC 1101'1')' '"t "mt KIVKI1 ('OU,," Markt~.; Tran· h II 1·0 Ibrvut l1amh KTlls T"",triNd 1'<1'" 5:]0 WBRC.Ch(ckeri.ouard Tim. 9:]0 .... M . *KIIKII-N"",, 2 :00 " . 1-4 , '~riNd Pre-m. ".M. IllOA "00" fun .. WBT.ton. R."ur Ted SI"le·1 StudIo Club: KPRe 7:15 .... M . hc~ lJ 1181le 1\\IC To b. innounctd: \1",,1\ WTJS IISB KTBS (,," 9.53) Orll,n Mood.: WII':"C WAPI K!.H,\ S"o"drill Sinler 12:15 Inll'.., IVDSI YF\\ A,niliu,. ".M. . Soulhtrn S e r t n a d t; KLPII lI'ooD !>.llM ...... " ", .11~Ioo.l)" S~ttchn In Melody: WOI'I KTB::- E,I"n Farrell. SOP.: WI\ "iC WLW·Tu be ."nounced II"S'IB 4:15 ".M. KII"l\lI KTRII I\PRC·Gi,·c 1.:. S. Stre'-'llb KLRA 11"01.1'1 T,m( Oyt for,ng: 1'0'1101.·11'1'1)' M"lin~ Time Lh"~C(lN.rd Time KI'IIC WOSU WIlAS Ft lIands 1~\I"I.·Jac~ Btreh WTJS a D.y II"JllX :"o'-a!;m~ WLW·Ronny Man.litM, ,·oh Shaw II L_o\t So"lt Ihu 7;45 .... M. II":"O:\"·~uJM" WROL IV8RC 1II: Richatd E~lon, news; IV'IPS II"TJ" TruSU1.",. 12:4 5 P,1-4 . IITOI II'D'>l IIIII'~ ($" 9.53) II"JBO I'ariel;" in StUll \\'G~T WILlS Wnu.: 11"1'0'1. IIHIX II·ltOr. II"OPl8rt3kfa,1 CluL AI &: Lte Reistr: II"I)SU KrOA Il.,,,Ie"·' 8 :00 A. 1-4 . KIIKIl II'\W Ibl'lll· \'.N"'~ Ti,,,. KII"TO lIayloft Frolic *W"OX·,lr; 'iP"" 5:00 ".M. I\'SII Sr>(Ir!< HiPPY JlCk Turner: II"S)I KII"TO~li,", u.,nt. & Ilohby WSI >';·lr. 'i,,"d 10:45 .... 101 . Striuly from O'~le: hTnS W\lC Bruklast Club: II"l:H)O KTSS WCOA·S ••n~.r ~ntn.d. *WII·1. SI'(HI.tiOTlt; C'l'tWI John Mttcalt'. Clloir Lolt: WSlX 3:00 ".M. ""11K \\"SB 1<,,-9.53) *\\"~U .... ,,\; /.land T,,.jay WJO.X-Trail lhdtrs W,ller Gross· Orch_: WIlEC 8 :15 .... M . KAHK·t: ••h ,," iiI! Li"e II"II"T I\\I"KII hLRA WI.A( Run Brown. songs: Scoreboud: WJll.\Jack B.nh 1:00 P.M. Brn~bs\ Club: KTRS KTllli KT/tlt ,,' NIGHT Song1 in Iht W,nd: KLRA KRLD WSB l·firku Mu.ic AppreciU,on Hour: liS" Ru Maypin·s Orch.: 11'("0,1 1>,,·17.83) 11 :00 .... M . lID!>\.; KTIl, 11".11"0 1I-,'1B To bt lnnoun(~: h" 9.53) WJBO WJBO II'RO!. WOPI 1\'''6 \\F.\oI·~1i, inc P.<.""$ KPIl(·Juk 6erch K\\'fO-Trn'u<~ Slar t'ar.>dt * C. Hill. 5(0'1 Wh ere there ;1 110 Ib t lng So._ " u...... ' "'.,, .. ,._, ...... WJDXTimt 10 :;hi"t WJOX l"iClory Dinie IITOA·llanc~ Mu,,~ Bo~rd II BT lor 0 , totion III precedlllq II"S'I StricllJ P..... nal WOOf) Salul. II LAL-My.'c Box KAIIK \lagic 'hlodit. *B. S, nr>l gTom ;, Oil t he o lr. WCsT ("al1;,,~ Ih. Co", \l"1l£C~lu.iNI \' ..i~Iitt 11 ;15 .... M. KTIIS D,xie Mou"t.i,,"r. II"SI:\" Words & Mus,c: IINOX WJtlO Ihn&er; 11 .. \1'1 WC51' Rhylhmi( Melodies: II"LOA WALA Diane CourlnlY. songs: \\~II'S II'ALA M.Iine.- Mrlodit' CENTRAL W ... R Tl1-4E IIn~l" (.".15.33) \\\\"L{·.U olll''''QfJ"3n. Ilukels ~S"B "1'IIS (,,, 21.5) II'B .. \P.(hckerhn,,,,1 Tin,. 1024 Ha"rh 1\1'111." W[)On *Fulton Ltwis. Jr•• "ews: WTJS Songs in tht Wind: KTI!II WREC KIUo\ ,"nioe of I\lf"in. 11'(001 ·SomNhi,,~ AI~,u! ~~vprv­ W",O:'l: li" Pau ,1110)' 3:1S ".M. KlllD \\"~IX ",llIK \lu,ic~1 lI"u,,,I<,1' Ih",~: U, S. '1 .. i,,. Il.",rl * Club MUinee: News: II'ALA hll·TO·Trea,un· SI.r I',ora'!t Amos ·n· Andy: W(;ST IlllInl Wl!OLCloick M~rti" 1,t'0IlLiUI~ ("oneff! * \\"G~l' N.w.; I'r(m. HN"i~" 11',I!I'S ""0-\ \1.11'1 III. 1/' WII.I;; 11 :30 .... M. WAL,\ Ca"~t' \\"~BbiSL' KWTO-560 WNOX 990 * Ri(hard Eaton. news: Inips WALAI410 WOAI 1200 PotlIC S\rings: IIlwe II "'11\ F~,hi",' f.1U Laml. * Melodic Strings; Hews: KTBS II-T,I" \\"~I"i WAPI-1I10 WOPI 1490 hlll.n "0.1.. " 11",,, .. ,,.kino: W_II.,\ fa.hio"air •• WM( KAIlK WAPO-IlS0 WRI,:C600 * II"G<"T "ie"" \Iarlha Tilton, 1II: News: II"LIC 10-2-4 Ranch; II REf WST "lllS Won't" in the "i,W! KTlIH·" .... i'... Ft"I"<, NBAP-820 WROL 620 II I I.A )ld,~ll Tim. AFTERNOON KTRII Tu .. R~"ufl WBSM 180 WSUi50 """"', Mu,i. KL'OA lIla;r & ilcalh II .11'1·(""lfn Ti",~ WJO.\-.Icr,," Iho ~- ... ,tI;~"ts IWO,I \ Itter '" \Ielody WBRC-960 W!lIX 1240 4:00 ".M. WBTIIIO WSM-650 II" .\1'0 (;ol,l~n C'I~ Quarlo 1;4 5 ".M. KllTO To II,.. Cnlo .. 12:00 Nooll T!mt Oyt lor Dancing: WCOA·U70 WSMR 11511 WOOO·hHtrioc O .." .. tin( To be announud' IVI.II' KI.RA WAU l·nd. Tom PfOple'. WCST K.1I0X II"II"L WOOD·llIO wsurl·6l~ wn~t: Bini (,, SOIlP CENTRAL W ... R TIME KLR.II:I IbB KTIIS·SOX WGST WAP I \\,Sl'\ To to<- a"nou".td WW"(' KR I.I) II HAS KI./IA The Enterfa",menf Week 7:15 P.M. WII'L h .. I1.83) What Pritt Vitlory: WSIX Teen-Age Veteran Fil'5t Pi~no Qu~rtft: WROL Kl-OA Et~nin~ Variety WSUN IVAI.A II'SIX WA I'() KWTOTo w announCfl! 11'[\R·.\1o.t lIo"o.(d Mu'" *Ntws; El'5k'~e Ihwkins' Orch.: Cornelius Peeples at the age of seventeen * WAI.AJu Radi" Forum; N.w. W(,OA 11'1)<"0 WJBO 1I'l>II'S WGX·Chuek Fo.l~r·. Oroh. 11'1101. II'JBO \I'I)SU WIll':. is the veteran actor, in point of service, in the II'APO lli,ldl. Man KMOX·II""k K~~"~'. in To .. " *II'CSl'·Nows; Mu,i. "Stepmother" serial. "Corny" has been heard KTlIS_J)."" Orch. Eddy OuUer GU~'I' 11m: II'MAQ KAIlI\ WAI'l IIIIA'i I{TIlIl KI."A IIJI):'; W~IC WFL\ WS~IU .1 Il.I~ .1t."N" "k. WJI).\ 11'0,11 WtOA WHHl KMOX W])OI) W8S'1 KIIIW K\'OO "TIIS W('O.I I." 953) * IVI.AC-"i~;'t 0,,1 Club; SOl" KIOO I\TIlS WS8 Kl'lle Kill.!) 1\'1\'1. * WI.II'·'>e,,<; I',"'.on Th. Watch Those Women! \\',,\IB 1101"1 wnOL IItAA Lum & Abnu: IIJlIO KTIIS O,ntt Orch.: 1\'<.,1" II'TJ"; Orch II ,11'0 II II!,\! I\I)I\A Sh~p ri(ld~' Orch.: KllI.O 1\'\\1. n." \\,11P:-. 11'11<"1' II-E\'R 11':-'8 II." "r 'I~I."I\­ Maybe the women of yesteryear weren't up II'ALA II'I.W Thf Night Of April 17lh: WFL.A llll'iC WOOl) 11\'0.\ KI.IU * II-Wl._" .. " Orrh_ K\\KII WIIEt on current events, politics, history and practi­ Song~ lor March'ng Mfn: I\TII!, 11'01'1 cal matters, but the American woman of 1942 III)"l lIMPS IbON WL~ G,and C~nt ..1 Su.tion: II'MAQ * '."$ KMOX II'MAQ 11'1.11' 11:15 P.M. II'SIX • WJL>X 11'0,\1 KI'OO l{rHe <")""1" KPRC 11'1I1l11 1111,,11 Is smartel' than her sweetheart or husband-,- Dark Fl.nta,,: \\'''~IB Kplte l onf Ringer, drilm~: WGN \\,BAI' KAIIK 1I']lll(' \\'~~1B KIHK-Sport'; Mu'i~ 11'0,\1 in some respects. ... "I WZlOI)·Harm""l Quarttl WMC KUKA-'Iu,i.alt Ers~'nt HawkiM.' Orch.: WDS1,; Authority for this statement is Dr. t. Q. WJIJO·Ju h'hing fa,. B,lIy KUlon's Varitty Show' I\TIlH-Wr.."tlin~ \ialeh.. (Jimmy McClain). But mere man can take II'SIX II'TJS II'Al'l·)1",,1,l)- Go Hound * K'IOX \~'" I"al,·,i. 1Ir Il'TJ!) ".". * \\'AI"I·~lu,i. y(>u 'Wanl: ,,~,. C()nso]ation from the fact that the cash prize 7:45 P.M. Olga C"lho &c Burl !Yes, lon9s: WH.-\l'llhylh,,, & Ro'".",. WDSl'·Far b<, ..- .... money given away each Monday night on the Songs lor Marching Men: W~!X WII'''(' I'" 1l.83) Inul(' Yo"r B."ke. WEI'Il·H.".)· Ki,,~·. Orrh. * \\'nOI) S",el & S"ittl; Elmer 1Ir 1\'~W" 11'81 IISON I\'BT ('ol"",bi. Ma-r:hi<"~" I, ,\ , ~Ilt among men and women. \I'T.JS I)",,~. 11".it 1\'JllO na"ee Mu,i~ KT 8S To h~ "nnouncO!,\! (,,.-·6.12) RlmOn Ramo~' Orch,: KIII.I) 11'01'1 9 :45 P.M. Unlim'ttd HorilGn~: WSB WALl IIOB'I K\IOX M~rth 01 T,mt: WD~U II~\.'N Shuron TotlfM. 'ongs: KT11~ K'r8S II'fl.A 1I0PI \\'.,IPO T«dy Pcwell', Olth.: I\ARI\ Frfd Wuing in Plf.lult Timt: 11'.11'1 .1"1,,. ~~""''''.; ~I.lodi< J,TII" IIJHO WE\R IIA I'O WSl'l' II'AI.,\ 11'(0.\ 1\'~1'0 1V~~18 KI'lIe 11'1101. 1\,\IlK KTIIS 1\1'00 IWI.A \\'S~1IJ W~IAQ \\'~1C (,,,953) WOI'I I\~U IITO,\ II'!'~I I\'.\IC \h""e",' "IIl'<" *NfW ~ of the Wcrld: (,,,,11.83) WBAP IV.\IIIQ KnKA WOM *Gabriel HUller. n(ws: \I'G\ "'our Son gs: I\'~r\ IIT,IS WJLlX l\flOl. II'AU \1]lltC *\I·.I/'O ~."s; ·rh •• !., \cw, * "'''w, 11'.1110 II'DSU \I'\IC IIIlIlC IV",,, \\'1.\1 I\\'OO II<.,ml I\TUS \\'Illl\! ('ot,ar I'.rrill,,·, 0«10, BUll" & AII~" II'A!.A IITO.-l * "~'" WG'> WHEC 11'88'1 *\\OSU-",,,.s 11'1101. Tr.a.1t·, "r" in Ih, ~.w~ WG" La"·,,,,,.c II'.I~'. Orch 111)~l' 1'0< 0,,1, ... , \1'\(1.\],,, on ,\m~rinn Onluio Show; COl. Sloopnlgl~. WGST n.nre O«h_ I\TlI~ Ila,,<~ Orch WII'~ ])rp~", "e,.nadr WCST·Su,,,I""n ~er..".clt 8:15 P.M . m.e 111::\11 1\,\11'" IIJBO I\'J.AC \Itl".!)· Ti",~ 1\ l'OO-1'"",ofa Ilag~,,, •.•u,,~. *Np"s: Kt'OA KWTO \\'NOX·Pat,ioli(' I'arade II'JIAI' Ha l»h R~~', Or~h. *WlI'l-Jo~ I!,irhman', Ord' WI.AI' HI,) Ih,n 1I0u"d,,» * II'{;\ \.". News *KlllA Th World Today 10:00 P. M. IHIR(Elit' nub II IIMI Ilu,in Air *N ~ws: IIF!.I (, ... 9.53) *11'\11''0 \.,,': S»ort. CI"b * 11'11.\<'; l..I·, IL,ve 11".i~: ~e ... ·J~an ('~un 11:45 ".1<4. WOSI' \\'\0\ :-'",,,",,.r Ti",. 8:30 P.M, *Willillm l. S~iltl. ntwS: \I BT II'JOX·D.nrt OrC I\Tllll II'Il~T 1'_", _\",crin L~, T.. "'a ...... ; Gil"'~' :-."""'~: WDSU W\OX·Lon~ Ran,N W~IJ \1""",1. KTIIII K~IOX \\'11 l II nEe Leo Rfrsmln'l Olch.: KTII" 10:45 P.M. II·CI\·Orri" Tttrht·. Ortb. II-'/)SlI KTIIS II-'J80 WSl'N 1\'\\ I. Tu hp ~>I"ouncO!ation~1 J).r.,,~ *News 01 lh~ World I\ARK C~I,bmy Thulu: 1\I)!>l' 11<.,t:~ * \t"s: 1I1lE(' IIROL Jimmy Oor~~1's Orth .. lI'<.,l·.-; K\-OO II'APO 1\'118" 1100<.1- 01,,1 \Iu'it Kl'l(C 11~1AQ l,TIl:-' Ih~!S 1\'11\" I\JM) IIE~1l \\',11'0 * ~'''' KAlil{ KIIO.'l:-\Iu'," After .Ihdnigh, 11'(111(' \VIlAS liLAC 1I' 1!A1' 1Ir Il'EXIl-S.,,-.; Ilhylhm 11'01'1 WS" WSB KI>KA *\... , W<.,\lB I\~IC 1I'!,8 Jo''',·, J. rMI"j' "Ill 1'10',\ II,,· K II lll- ~I,,';.alt I"WI \nlAQ p"rl or " "'"" "",,,I,,,, r,,. ,',,n. IVI.W II'\IC IIJOX 1I0Al I\C.I' Your Dd.. ,.e llePOrt~r I{\\'K H·To he a''''Oltt,re, "Ill , ... * \~"" WHItC WCOA WJDX 1I'0<1d a' WAlA \\''o.IIB K\\'KII J",,,,,i~ .-idl.r "",h"rl,,~ II.h, ..\r1~,,~ .'ra",.)o lI'E'>Il-'1u' Oreh. KI,.RA·GoW~It't five ,I"",,.', Orch *Nfw,; Olrk ranulY: K\,OO W88M 1I."k K".,rtt·. Show I{I'IIC KTIlS W~"I II'OA I 1I'~1AQ ~la1l~' \laJ"t<:k's O«h. *KTRH·Op"" Forum; ,,~ ... IIJDX W_IIAQ \\,\1(' K\IOX 8.n r.l,1 Sh .." KT6S \\01'1 1111(' II 111l(' 11'1111(' I.~,', Gel Goi,,~ KI'OO WI!C·])anoc J"hilpt KI·OAC1",.i~ Iinu. WMAQ IIHOl KDJ\A II'('OA P"I'''\'r T"".. WIlIIC KAIlK 11'01'1 IIFI.A Kl'BS·To b, ~n"o""c!'n II'JlIO G..... I h."i,,', J"dlt W8T I>anc Bu'l.r. WI,.W-Gr~or. Zi.'''~r; Rhyrn, a WI..\C Col<>"'41 Quarltt 11'("0.\ Tn ],.. .. ""nttn<~ Lin. WooO·S.)"lt to Ihp S(I,,,,,I. See program Ibt;"g' for more detail and addItlanal " ...... programs * 11 \It \1u,i~; \,.".~ WL'i·<"tnil~'" 'larht II \OX ], ,,, an A"'NiC .t 9:30 Cili~1 Strvi,~ Conctrt; lu,ill~ 'H;'>·~h"rt <"tori,_ P,M. ("I.~ 7:00 Kate Smith Hour. p.m.) M."n~", 'or.; 110" G .. ltam. * ,nlJ''' 1',,,,, W,>OX·ll,lUtr Or~h. 12 ;00 H. R, Baukhage. 7:30 Information. Please. Grand Centnl Sution: 1V5M bar,; Frank BI. W.II.A 8:00 March of Time . P,M. WilE{' WGST I(LIlA II'LAC wns(' WJ80 KTH!, 1\'\II'S K IIlK,Moin StrtOX KTnll 118T Gltnn MiJlu's Orch.: K~tOX KOKA Ihmi, Arm'l1on,', Orch. 9;30 Morgan Beatty. 8:00 Playhouse. "III IlIi~h"'.,· Dep~.Cm",1 WWI. 1 \\-11.83) II'IlB'1 1\'11.\<; WOOD WIlEC 8;30 Firtt Nighter; (8:55) GInny 1\ "n\ '1 100

" *~ """ W[)St: 1\ RO !. 8:00 Broakfast Club. *KUOA-SporU; ~!; Ne"'. C.I T,nn(y. ~umoriSI: II'CN KTIlIl F"n', a Flyi,,' K\,OO Evely" I.),'''''' ...n~. KI 'OA llfHrie Time II' ll'O_llu ital. P.M, Classical Music KII'KII-Ri~. Brlllh"., G.n~ KII'TO J, tire Ri,I •• the Ranl~ WCOA Lali" .\n,~riran ~alutt K\\'TOJuh Box J ••bo'f~ 11'\1. I S" h" CoUq:e II'G\ T" bt a,u,,,ulO,eJ 6:()0 Amos 'n' Andy. In Detail a" Pag •• 12 alld 13. featured more sound than all other The Radio Front shows combined for the past two years. He's spoiled, of course, for (Continued from Page lJ) usually a phone~ring or a door-open­ ing Is his daily work. BfC contemplated, but meantime Peary will also work in the next "Fibber McGee and Molly" film. And GENERAL Gildersleeve's brat nephew Leroy on the air, played by Walter Tetley, Is ENTERTAINMENT now at work on the M-G-M lot with Winners in Movie-Radio Guide's 8th Mickey Rooney and Freddie Bartholo­ By ARTHUR MILLER mew in "A Yank at Eaton." Defense Bond-Stamp Slogan Contest! It hasn't been definitely established Bo nd·slotln wi~ntr in the 8111 weekly conlHI wu Mrs Henry D. Smith yet where the name "juke box" of Grun hllnd. New York. SllImp·slogln winner: MoIdrtil E. Brunelle 01 originated. This much is certain CHICAGO PJtmff, Mus. Mrs. Sm.tll·s slotln WIS: "v.ctory Se9.ns u SI8.75!" Her though; May 1 is the date Juke-box By DON MOORE five rusons lor buyin9 bo"d~ were: I-It i~ tilt but wly to Uve money. production must stop. It's the war. 2- 1t if the beft WJy 10 invest money. J-It is tht best wly to give The juke box-referred to by man· Many listeners probably remember money. 4-11 is tilt best wly to push dtlen,e prOduction. So-It is the ufacturers as "automatic phonograph bHt w~y to prUtrve presont ,",'Ct of mind ,nd future pent on urtll. about John Hench, a young Chicago machines"-enjoyed a remarkable rise Mildrtd Sruntllt'~ lUmp slog,n wiS: "Buy Sumps 'or IS Low n , Dimt; actor who played Stan in "Those YOU'll Own J Delense Sond in No Timt:' Fi •• rusons: I-For. chinn 10 to popularity. On the American scene Happy Gilmans" and roles In other serVt. 2-To go ,11 tht wly with the U. S. A. J-A mt';C~'f liberty myst only a couple years, juke boxes can sketches several years ago. But they win. 4-To buk our boys with cash. S-Work. fight, Jnd gi.e lor Irte· be found in exclusive dubs, taverns, haven't heard anything of him for the dom to live. For information of JIl future contestants, $25 Defe~se Sond rond-houses, restaurants, stationery past yenr. (or John isn't in radio now. 'nd J $1 Defense Slimp will b. awarded nth wttk for Ih. btU Itog'"S stores-almost everywhere. He had become a proficient aviator submitttd, untit furth .. notict. Euh s1091" MUST be ICcomplni

I1ka Diehl, actress of slnge and die and Fannie may well recall them radio, now appearing as Gertrude with affection and pride. For the Stone in "In Care of Aggie Horn," pioneer team is still going strong can tell you a thing or two about the (currently in WGN's "RhymSler South Pacific that you probably Tyme") after having just passed their haven't heard. During the days she twelltieth radio anniversary. In those was under contract to David Belasco two d~ades they've nieeived over she toured such plnces as Port two million letters and '1 n~rviewed Mot'esby, New Gulneil. and other over one thousand top-rank celebri­ spots that are in the headlines now. ties. Mae West made her radio debut During one period of vacation she on their "Gossip Club," and the first contracted with the Sydney (Aus­ lime violinist Rubinoff, Eddie Cantor's tralia) Bulletin to write a series of silent stooge of years ago, ever spoke articles on hygiene among the na­ over the air was during a "Gossip tives of New Guinea. She visited the Club" broadcast ... wild jungles of that island. and for a month was the only white woman Jack Baker recently sang a concert among thousands of savage natives, for convalescent soldiers and sailors yet was never treated rudely-which at the O'Reilly General Hospital in is a far cry from conditions as they Springfield, Mo., and made a big hit. are today ... The "Breakfast Club" tenor made an­ other hit with thc patients when he There was a time when Eddie and gave them a public-address system Fannie Cavanaugh were broadcasting for the hospital auditorium. Bob over a Chicago station and they had Guilbert, who used to play "Don "DR. L Q." (NBC) has a new to leave the a ir and race to the roof Winslow of the Navy," is now a con­ JOHN HENCH, former Chicago ~pon~or and is broCldcast a half­ of the building to hold up the antenna tinuity writer [or NBC ... The sound­ radio actor, has been commended hour later than formerly, but Dr. during a storm! Those were make­ effects man for "Vic and Sade" Is by the R. A. F. Mission for I. Q. is still Jimmy McClain shift days, but colorful days, and Ed- complaining that a r~ent broadcast rescue ad. (See item this page) 32 11 /21 f' •

PEPSODENT , I POWDER makes teeth IWICE AS BRIGHI SATURDAY is manicure day! Set GET MOST out of every beauty aside one day II week to go aid. Busy fi ngers will find a color­ through basic grooming routines, tess overcoat on III manicure pro­ put them on an efficiency rating longs wear, prevents chipping

Jackand AJan, lhe Sampson Twins, FEMININE FORUM o f Norwood Park, Illinois, By ALBERTA NORTH champion swim­ mcn,lourn.arnenr ~ol{ttS. team up Priorities on Your Pennies In .. new conlest,

ETTING the most out of every Remember to keep your penny one spends is the smart­ polish standing upright to prevent G est way to practise economy we leakage and find a cool spot in which know of. To do this today is practically to keep them. a patriotic duty and you can slart right Because it smooths the nail polish in at your dressing-table. You've been and helps polish to cling, buff your told, over and over again, that keep­ nails well before you apply polish. ing up your glamour will help keep Also, always use a colorless polish up our national spirit to win. Do this over your last coat to prolong wear. without waste, for waste is weakness Even better, give yourself a line line of and we'U have none ot that! white tip at the end of your nail by Cutex has some suggestions for fin­ wiping off a bit of the polish. Then, ger-tip economy-how to get the most over this, to the very end of the nail out ot every bottle ot nail polish. Fol­ and over the edge to the underside of low these religiously and you'll dis­ the tip, apply the "Overcoat" of color­ cover that conservation, besides being less as a guard against chipping of patriotic, will yield dividends on your polish. glamour. It you're the busy woman we think Here are the suggestions! When you are these days, you've already applying polish to your nails, drain found out 'for yourself the wisdom of the brush against the neck of the bot­ wearing your nails "in moderation"­ tle to guard against waste. The divi­ an eighth to a quarter of an inch be­ "Honon are usua lly prC1:f)' even befW~n us, "11 ..... E.So't evtn close! Same ties Ind shi m, dend tor your glamour is in the fact yond your finger-tips. File in shallow in swimming, golf, or {rack ... almost any Si me c1olhes; bul It school, fliends knew that your polish will go on more rather than pointed ovals and practise spon (or which we can fi nd the time. But Jack .t • glance ... because his tttih .... ere smoothly and evenly if you have just "nail savers" to keep both nails and when we made the t()()(h powder lest ... fw;" III hi!hl! No quesrion .boul 11- the right amount on the brush-no polish from splitting. In other words, wow! l id b~ me a mile because he wu Pepsodent made tbe difference! Thac', why globs to fiow over the edges of your use your fingers rather than your nails using Pepsodent ... I h.d chosen .nother lhe family began using it, 100, even befort nail, staining the cuticle or encourag­ for grasping and liftina:. Use a letter­ we ll-known I ~ i ng brand." Ihe tnt wu over!" ing early chipping. opener on your mail and a pencil for Be sure to wipe the outside of the telephone dialing. Wear cotton gloves bottle with tissue before returning the tor housework and rubber gloves when IT!; A PHOTO-FINISH cap when you are fi nished. It you don't, you're taking on the week's wash. TIE ••• WE'RE SAMPSON TWIN TEST the cap will never screw on tightly, BOTH USING thus permitting evaporation and the EVEN though polish may hide a CONFIRMS THIS FACT: drying-up of your favorite shade long world of sins, the condition of your PEPSODENT NOW: before you've used up the supply. nails will eventually catch up with INDEPENDENT lABORATORY TESTS What's more, once you've learned you if you don't give them the proper how to keep polish properly you can care. Remember this when, in the rush FOUNO !::!9 OTHER DENTIFRICE afford to branch out with the new of your day's activities, you're tempted THAT COULD MATCH THE H IGH shades as they are introduced. A col­ to put off the daily application of a LUSTRE PRODUCED 8Y P£PSOOENT. lection of s.hades to match every mood cuticle oil or cream. Nails that split and every ensemble is not an extrava­ or are brittle to the breaking-point will BY ACTUAL TEST••• PEPSODENT PRO· gance if you will keep them always cost you dollars and cents in the waste DUCES A LUSTRE TWICE AS 8RtGHT ready (or use, well preserved. of polish that has to be removed tor Speaking of new shades, by the way, repairs on a broken nail. Remember, THE AVERAGE OF ALL calis tor a mention of the two honeys too, that all the time and et'lort spent LEADING BRANDS! CuteJf: is ot'lering. They're victory on the appearance of your nails is to shades and done in the true Yankee no avail it you spoil the appearance by spirit. The first, "Alert," is a ringing neglect of the cuticle. Keep it pushed clear tone of true-blue red. The sec­ back, or clipped it you prefer, to give ond is a rich-brown shade titled, as a your nails a completely weli-groomed ...... , twlc. 0 ".y •• • matter of fact, "Saddle Brown." appearance. f.r ,h ••• f.ty .f y.w _U• •• • ••• y."r ..... tI.t twice 0 y •• , . 33 WHAT'S COOKING! By GEORGIA SCOTT

Broiler Meals F ALL the ways to prepare foods, broiling is probably the O ~implest from the standpoint of time and dishes to be washed. More often than not, broiled foods are tastier. too, because there's something about cooking with a direct flame that brings out the full, individual flavor of a particular food. There's nothing better than outdoor-grill cooking, and your kitchen broiler is the nearest thing to that. Most every cook uses ber broiler for steaks, chops and broilers, but unfor­ tunately we can't have those 'delecta­ bies as often as we'd like to nowadays and we have to look to thriftier cuts in the markets. This doesn't mean that your broiler will have to go idle. It should get more use than ever i1 you're intent on saving time and gas, as well as providing' your family with tasty, wholesome meals. You can plan a whole meal under your broiler, practically, because not LOUISE WILCHER. only do many meats take well to di­ rect cooking but there are also many CBS organist heard on vegetables which gain flavor prepared "School of the Air" in this way. Meats that broil best, of and "Southern Sere· course, are fatty meats. nade," likes Southem And i1 you broil your vegetables food as well as music. along with the meat, you'll get a pleas­ One of her favorite ant, effortless meal together in no time. recipes (see below) was Besides potatoes (sweet as well as given to her by " CBS Irish), other foods which turn out porter. R_: Bacon strip beautifully when broiled are onions, mushrooms, canned asparagus, par­ teaser is name of dish_ boiled carrots, apple slices, oranges, Swirl bacon around grapefruit, bananas, peaches, pears meat pattie, broil and apricots. Here are a few suggestions for time­ saver broiled meals: This recipe will require a litUe more rc;:--:--~-::;:-::c:::-:::::--;;::::;o:::::;:::;o 1. Frankfurters split and stuffed care and patience than the other 3 in I RADIO TUNER with sauerkraut, broiled potato slices broiler suggestions listed herein, but (parboil) and sliced tomatoes. you'll be rewarded by your family's Only $1.00 Postpaid 2. B~f patties and bacon, potato enthusiastic response. Cole slaw, the ~ 1...... rkrl cakes, carrot slices (parboil) and old-fashioned kind with sour-cream Eli ..I.mor onion slices. dressing, would be a nice salad addi- 2 ...... - T ...... 3. Ham slice, sweet-potato slices tion to your meal. And if you really 3. w ..... T.crp brushed with butter, brussels sprouts. want to spread yourself, you might "', ..., ...... . "'''''. ~'O ~~~"+..!"tr.;";"'.,~= whip up a corn bread to go with it., T"" _~ :,,;,.:=-a,,,,""l:;!':.. ' =":!~: bunches of canned asparagus, parsnips Fresh fruit, or canned, would be the (parboil). "~'<>'~ "J~T~o;.t"!l!"'8~"'~':'".,:'& ORlK best complement to thls meal, since ...... ~~':'~ g,',~,~/ ·'::/t~:':':'''':r.'",r.. = UA1'W 5. Lamb or pork kidneys wrapped W"'N::~:~ E. ... C:~'''''''' ",...,on. RITA" pork is quite rich. •. N.. _, _. O•. " Pictures Star with bacon, tomato slices, Spanish rice. Co\um b IQ One of the most delicious recipes that's come our way for broiling is the Southern Barbecue supplied by Miss Cook.of.the.Month Club! Louise Wilcher, CBS organist, whose "What', Cooking!" offers five dol­ picture you see above. Miss Wilcher lars for the best recipe submitted comes from the South and word got each month which mes the basic around to the porters at CBS that she ingredient S'Uggested bY' ~is col­ was a gourmet of a sort. One of the umn. Last week this department porters gave her this recipe. The sauce announced the new basic ingredient is made as follows: for the month of May-tapioca. Buy a Defense Bond-Now 1 can tomato paste whenever Prize-winning recipe for Mati must 1 cup vinegar use tapioca as itl prime ingTedient. they'd Jike to. That's why 50 many of COMPOSED 1 teaspoon salt AU entries for May mm' be pelt­ them depeod on Grip-Tuth. (irip·Tuth 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper marked no later than May 1 and MUSIC TO POEMS looks like a romb-but iso't. It's a tiny 1 button garlic Send potm for consideution. Rhymine: pam­ addressed to "What's Cooking!" Ed­ phlet f~ee. ","0"V"'" (Ii..,trleal well,ocrlp'lo.. hair.prop that slides into your bair in a 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce itor, 551 Fifth Avenue, New York, _ch. 17.00 your word and music manu­ 1011 1 lump butter the size of an egg .cript, Any suhject considered, Patriotic, Love, jiffy-and stays there until take it N. Y. Home. Sacred. Swing. OUt! Try one to hold your wave. Try one You place these ingredients in a Look for the name of the April KEENAN'S MUSIC SERVICE to keep your hair high on the sides, Try saucepan and simmer for hall an hour. kernel corn. winner in the issue of 10. 2140, $5 one 10 anchor bows oc Bowers just where Take two whole spareribs (about four April Z5-May 1. }'()u want them! Two 00 a card (or one: pounds), sprinkle with salt and place AU recipes submitted become the under the broiler, brown the ribs property of "What's Cooking!" and exua_Iength) for only 2~. NOTE: if notion quickly on both sides, and then reduce cOUn'~r o. beaut)' abop an', supply YOU. Knd will not be returned. 2~ for card. SUI~ ha;. colo•• the fire so that they will not dry out. If you wish to receive a copy of Baste regularly while cooking with cas'-TV1lI:~. __ ,~. M...... o.t.1O Readers' Rice Recipes, send ten N"·H,,ire S".~ir;d VUlJi"II" " 0'" Itft/iltl.d ~o".. barbecue sauce. The spareribs should cents to ''What's Cooking!" Editor, """1. It .. o/u 01 u . ~o "",b'l/Io", 10 NitI/O".! V.fuN cook under a moderate flame for about 551 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. an hour. 34 (Join radio's quiz game! Try your 7. Both the Declaration of Indepen­ skill at answering these radio brain­ dence and the Constitution were busters. FQT cOTTect answers see page signed in Philadelphia. 36.) 8. Philadelphia once was the capital of Pennsylvania. From "Take It or Leave It" 9. The Philadelphians were a sect (CBS, Sun., 10 p.m. EWT) founded in London and based on 1. What is the name of the new brotherly love. Archbishop of Canterbury? 10. The Delaware River forms the 2. In what state is each of the fol­ eastern boundary of Penn;>ylvania. lowing colleges located: (a) Radcliffe, (b) Western Reserve, (c) Bowdoin? From "'Or,",}. Q." 3. W hat actress (NBC, Mon., 9:30 p.m. made the following EWT) line immortal: "That's 1. Besides having all there is, there isn't the word "city" in any more"? their titles, what do 4. Fill in the color the following have in missing in the follow­ common: Jefferson Don't c:over upa ing movie titles: (a) City, , "Men in --," (b) Oklahoma City? "Riders of the 2. Which is lighter: Sage," (c) '''Tom A forty-pound sack of School Days." flour or a ten-gallon POOR CD PlEXION! 5. If you were being can of water? ON'T think there's "nothing y?U an It (oonins mttiirllltti ingtedienu-a soothing, served a three-course 3. What country de­ D do" about externally4,.., •• TlII ...... ds I Roc ...... H. T. AppoI~t"'uh it Ru b rRy.E lis< or U. 8. Go> Tt.w. b.tko oltd .dlIar ...... "'" don'. Thompson, SIDNEY BREESE; Linden Lester Tremayne, CBS, Wrigley ..._ to ...... '" }loalo)l:O'O·er. All Mr. E. E. Charles, Newcastle, Pa.~ Ware, BRET MORRISON; Bill Evans, Bldg., Chicago, Ill. 1Il00 "rud«lUI ,b• • r . .. ol_lf. """,,",~Iy .....d to II>e 00I'T

HOLLYWOOD HOME MOYIES ...... ol/obl. I•• MIM • • " " MIM Kich,. KOliN. Donald Duck .lId. olber Dilnt,. ch.. cttu. O ....ld R.bbit, Mu",.. Min,. and Moe. Cornedi.. Weller... , D.amll, Sce"lc and Traul, Miuellaneoll' .ad loy Ilio" ...bjecu. Wrft. 'ar 'r•• ea19lot HOLLyWOOD "lM IHn.,.ISIS. IHC. '051 S..... Ilv" . HoIl;",,"". CoItf.... '" 1_', _'f .0lI;0...... , ond dl_fOri .._ .., _ ....,., ~I'I", A.... I, CIIOII"S JlIlLISt:II. 1ft. jlWl ...... pial' ftUo U~ ...... ad ,10,. l~" .u y~ t. o .....,~ ..... _.,.... __"" to ....ft __ _ ...... _ CN)w>< "- WI ...... "...... ' ::-!~.=..:'::;" ~';'.:" :':::,'·&:'4 "'7'",,:=..-:-:: ...... , ."""...... CROWN 1U:l..,,"" .~ __ ...... R...... "...... ""'" ...... ~...... ,h t~ "",u-• ...C...,''''',..,.' ... ,..., ...... ,...C' LOWN "'" """...... , ,,,,",, CIIOWN<"'n'''' IIl:L,,'U. 0_I, ...... T.' ,,• __""...... ' ...... ","on.. ..• _ _' ....•• ..... u ... "''''1 ".... t .... , ... , .. II ......

HORIZONTAL ". -- Hold" in '"11M R.· 7. Wi..,iaa call for belp ClOWN PLASTIC CO, Dept. 1704 I. finl D:am~. st:or ;11 lht por- markabltc Andre .." 8. Name trait, a bandlur!l:e --, bandludt, DE LUXE MUSIC SERVICE 26. Lina --, sonsslre» 3. Not It any tim. 35. Rain minlled ..-lth hail lox 3163·G Irldg.port, Con ... 28. Ntlt of an e"8l. 4. Born 31. Choow :10. Mllliu] nole 6. Slendu 39. Conclusion ~1. TIme rone pall 42. Ray --. bandleader 33. SUftl:h 43. Bt in dWI NEW WRITERS NEEDED RHODES' SHAMPOO •• H. Make a mistake 80lutlon to Puule ~5. Elongated r..h U ,...... -..-...... ,Io.mlOb jg 35. Short for sisler 46. Sured sons ""'._b"'oI_~I."'.biU., Given La.t Week Io..n ... u·. "JlU:1 Boll...... " " -- Eddy, in ''The Choco. 51. Sud --, in "Ride 'Em kIoaL l,at _.U!O ... ,.... NodI_ to- DYES HAIR late Soldier" Cowboy" ___ ... NOW) No...u...... r..rtLn'Z, dlf...... 8UA)lI'QO &lid COLOR GRAY HAIR 38. ~. buten and fried in 52. Sidt llane.. -.-~-., AT s.un! TIll&...... a ocalp d_. No apn'\fDee 53. La.1 nam.., Itl' in tb. por· _.,- FREE .,_...... MaI-_ .. _ ...... w. T ..t ..n ...... _..u. ltflIIlted. llftutll'td-.,.ta, LAS't'INO II>16II. La... bal. "".10" w.l:! ...... 10. To lrait '--10. M .. "". _Ib, U-. CAUTION: _...., .. dI~ c-.t_w_. -'_...... 41.·0K..,aw 54. French 1'.0nOlln l1li ....., PI'fSIU PtnUDI'III ...... _WrI.. fM Fill! tlLUSTIU.TlD 10000Lf:TS­ 42. MalCUlin~ name 55 Prove. or dpcl.ara ~tnt IHODlS CO•• It CANAL ST •• LOWllL. IotASS. 44. "-- Pllrple," 10"1 56. -- Olsen. screen star 47. Prop~lo", 57. Amcrkan V-..,tory (abbr.) ASTHMA RELIEF 18. Inoorpo",te. iIIlo one 58. Lie 1UI~1y WOfllltfvut nlld" r• .uu:.. dlslIw willi UM! IhIple _ 49. 1"0 -- Dr fIOt to ----J' 59. Got III' III .ulJsoar~'(. DUI'tmIll mabl1 ~ by P1Itmd SO. A sUle (abbr.) 60. Happtninv ..... No ..Uti what ,.... ., I>ue tritd, " ..k r- 51. Perl.inins 10 atoml 68. Unit of enom' to 117 tt1i1 .1IU1nt; mMp.) J. ,. HOfT. PII. C •• 0". n ..... U7~ hrwp, m. 61. Viulily n. -- Bl"flIdtl, KTHO .tu *BOYS! Bur" SHARE IN AMERICA! BRAIN-BUSTERS - ANSWERS H ...'I YOU. UOlice to ~ ••p yo,"," COD.try •• YOUR clHrlle. to hlp A.... Ie. ..III tile w"rl Writ. to .... TODAY oM I'll ...~ y .... FIlII 0_11. of .., en,. pl_..... ploll 'GO" "n111, (HeTe are the COTTI:!ct answers in this 5. True. Def._ S..109I Sto",,. CO" 10"".1 weekly quiz. Of the twenty-five ques­ 6. True. '. '1'011 «III .... '" Ip.. "I"'iI "'OD.y olld will .oh... ble tions on page 35, ttbelve were answered fll! prll" ot the I .. ",. tl",•• WRITI TODAYI 7. True. correctly. How do you rate?) 8. True. AL JONfS PAYS UPTD Dept. 27, 731 'I,,,,... tto C ...... , C ••c ...... 11110'01. "Take It or Leave It" 9. True. =,~.,=,_. ~325.00 10. True. .... -" HOSPITAL AND 1. William Temple. f:hi~'l: SURGICAL FEES 2. (a) Massachusetts, (b) Ohio., (e) .... ,. ... • u,_ ~'O~L' _ TO "Dr. I. Q." :r~ -~''''"",,,,, ...... y Maine. 1Mno _ II<>opl1.aI ..." "011' 3. Ethel Barrymore. 1. They are all state capitals. .__ ...I .....If• ,....____ U.....-l_ 1.-11, J>lu 1<1 .... ___ .., If 4. (a) White. (b) Purple, (e) 2. A forty·pound sack of flour. 00110100 ... _ 0 ...... ; ...... '" "" __ .....1"'1 Brown. 3. Sweden. ....-. ..... , 5. (8) Dessert, (b) appetizer, (e) t. A learned man. "0 MEDICAl EXAMINA.TION REQUIRED main course. 5. Dick is Tom's grandson.

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