Action Contre la Faim Canadian Africa Canadian Physicians Canadian Red Cross Canadian Society for GlobalMedic Health Partners Medecins du Monde Medecins sans Frontieres Medico Medicos en Accion Voluntary Service Operation Rainbow Source: Medical Post Canada Community Health for Aid and Relief International Health International Canada (MSF) Overseas Canada Canada September 9, 2008 Alliance (CPAR) (CSIH) What does the Part of the Action Against Small, international International Canadian branch of A national, non-pofit Two types of missions: HPIC provides Canadian branch of World's largest Provides humanitarian Non-profit, completely International Established in Vancouver. organization do? Hunger International health NGO that development the Red Cross whose NGO that works capacity-building and Canadian MDs with humanitarian organization independent medical response to Central volunteer organization development agency Provides free Network. Works in food specializes in working in organization that works overall goal is to help domestically and rapid response. Physician Travel of Doctors of the World relief organization. MSF America through field that rents a medical that develops programs reconstructive surgery for security, nutrition, water rural African areas. to build health the most vulnerable internationally to Capacity-building Packs (PTP) which that works to provide provides humanitarian teams that include a facility in Guatemala for with local partners cleft lip and palate and and sanitation, and Organizes humanitarian communities by people, through reduce global health involves training medical have essential medical aid to people mecial relief in areas medical, eye, and two weeks each year to (ranging from burn scar deformities to advocacy at the medical missions several developing water and relief or inequities an personnel from different medicines and anywhere in the world who where there is no medical dental clinic and provide medical and community-based needy children and young international level. A times a year to provide sanitation projects, food longer-term strengthen health NGOs around the world. supplies than can treat don't have access to infrastructure or where pharmacy. Does surgical care to the groups to ministries of adults in developing world leader in preventing basic health care to security, environmental community projects. systems. Each of The Rapid Response hundreds of people. It health care, both by the existing one cannot seven week-long surrounding area. gov't) to help fulfil needs countries. Provides and treating malnutrition. isolated African villages projects and primary They work with the CSIH's projects Team, which responds to consists of two boxes directly providing medical withstand the pressure to missions every year. that they can't meet training to physicians and Runs therapeutic feeding including providing health-care projects. local national society contributes directly to , is with $5000 worth of treatment and by training which it is subjected. locally. Main goal is health professionals in centres to help severely training and equipment Their programs are in the country to an overall program that GlobalMedic's main donated Canadian communities to provide Work includes disaster poverty alleviation. Also developing countries to malnourished children. to these communities. 90% run by Africans provide primary health emphasizes capacity- function, having sent 30 products. It is packed their own medical care. response and support in works to improve health achieve long-term self- living in the areas. care and to develop building for health relief missions around in a format that can chronically unstable service delivery and sufficiency. CPAR runs 2.5 week and implement systems strengthening. the world in the past four be carried as checked areas. capacity-building, in study tours to expose community-based years. luggage. Any MD can some cases training doctors to development rograms. All positions apply for a PTP. A local MDs to boost their work. are paid. $540 donation is skills. required. Stipend for living Travel/housing covered, none none Salary starts at All expenses covered Travel/living expenses PTP costs doctors All travel and living All none none Covers pre-departure none expenses monthly stipend $1500, $92,000/per year (no including travel, covered. Most capacity- $540 expenses are covered. travel/living/accommodation training, vaccinations, pre-departure training, field experience). accommodations and a building missions also expenses are covered. health insurance, insurance, daily per diem Travel/housing per diem have a fee paid to housing provided plus a $20 covered, plus trainer. monthly allowance. vaccinations and monthly allowance of $1700 to $2300 (varies by location). Length of work one year 2-3 weeks, can be 6 2.5 week study tour short-term missions: 10 days RRT: 10-14 days; PTP contains supplies one year 6-12 months; exception is one week two weeks 3 months to 2 years 14 days term months to one year 4-6 weeks for capacity building: for approximately 800 surgeons and emergency response anywhere from 9 days to treatments; MDs tend anesthesiologists: 4-6 teams; long-term 4 months to be deployed with weeks missions: 6 months to the PTP for two weeks one year Nations in which wide variety Benin, Gabon, Tanzania, , Malawi, wide variety Currently: Bosnia, wide variety; in previous Anywhere in the Currently: Haiti, Nicaragua around the world Honduras, Nicaragua Guatemala Currently: Cambodia, India, , Cambodia, they work Uganda Tanzania, Uganda, Cambodia, Guyana, years: Bangladesh, developing world Malawi, Nigeria, Mexico, , Herzegovina, Laos, Cambodia, , Tanzania, Uganda, Lebanon Mali, Serbia, Thailand, Democratic Republic of Zambia Ukraine, Vietnam Congo, , Mexico, , Pakistan, , Vietnam Kinds of MDs psychiatrists, all, but mainly general Those interested in All are needed, Public health, infectious All, Emergency Medicine Any Canadian doctor Depends on the project ER physicians or GPs; All Gynecologists, general GPs, pediatricians, Surgeons, ENTs, needed gynecologists, doctors practicioners development, and particularly specialists, disease specialists, but an asset. but mostly general team-oriented and who surgeons OB/GYNs, especially Dentists, GPs, nurses, with a background in interested in Africa but the biggest need depends on project practitioners. It is primarily have experience those willing to take on a pediatricians, infectious and tropical is for a francophone travelling developing training role anaesthetists diseases, or experience anesthesiologists and organization, but they do countries in psychological trauma doctors with field need bilingual and or malnutrition. Needs experience, especially anglophone doctors for French and English in war zones and with many projects. speakers. Spanish helps. war zone surgery. Website www.actioncontrelafaim. www.medecinsdumonde. www.medicos-en- www. ca ca operationrainbowcanada. com