Judith Heins Chosen Homecoming Queen KING 6OUTRA Kennedy

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Judith Heins Chosen Homecoming Queen KING 6OUTRA Kennedy Cool • • • Worst Thing ... MICHIGAN ,? ■In Cloudy and cool . about Berkey Hal! is S T A T E : L iL i''I Clearing Thursday that everything that looks High; mid 50’s like a stairway turns out S T A T E EWS to be a men’s room. UNIVERSITY “-Freddie N. Slippe Wednesday, October 27, 1965 Price 10< Voi 58 Humber 40 East Lansing, Michigan Judith Heins Chosen KING 6OUTRA Homecoming Queen Miss Judith Heins, Utica sophomore, will reign this weekend as queen of Homecoming 1965. The 19-year-old brunette art major M ore Rights Aid Asked was sponsored by Sigma Chi fraternity and chosen from 76 coeds for the title. She lists her interests as art and ice skating. She is social chairman of Mason Hall and has a 2.4 grade point average. Triggered Runner-up in the contest is Lynne Brockman, 19, Orchard Lake sophomore majoring in elementary education. Her Indonesian Mobs sponsor was Delta Tau Delta fraternity. By Wilkins’ The queen and runner-up will attend the alumni dinner Friday night, escorted Demand Ouster by Steve Powers, Livonia senior and homecoming chairman, and John Mc- Acquittal Quitty, East Lansing senior and ASMSU student board chairman. Of Communists Plan Appeal Miss Heins will be crowned and pre­ sented with her trophy at the home­ JAKARTA (UP1)—Thousands of demonstrators surged through Ja­ To President coming dance Saturday night. karta streets Tuesday demanding an end to Red Chinese interfer­ Contestants were Judged by three dif­ ence in Indonesian affairs. They accused President Sukarno's top From Our Wire Services ferent groups. civilian aide of anti-American “slander” and demanded dissolu­ A T L A N T A ■- Dr. A committee representing faculty, tion of the Communist Party, PKI. staff, alumni and students did the final The demonstration was the first directed at Indonesia s left- Martin Luther King Jr. Judging. leaning Foreign Minister and First Deputy Premier, Dr.Subandrio. called for a massive The contestants were Judged mostly for Thousands of Christian and Moslem students and a sprinkling of beauty and poise. Interests and personality anti-Communist labor unionists marched eight abreast through the new civil rights thrust were considered to decide whether the streets to the Foreign Ministry shouting “down with the PKI” and coed chosen would be a good all-Univer- Tuesday to pressure sity queen. QUEEN JUDITH "Crush Subandrio.” the government i nto Subandrio was in Peking attending ceremonies marking the 20th making the slaying of anniversary of the Red Chinese Communist regime at the time of the leftist-backed Oct. 1 coup attempt. The demonstration and a civil rights worker a veiled hints from Gen. Bdul Haris Nasution, Indonesia’s anti- federal crime. SPEAK AT 7 TONIGHT Communist Defense Chief, indicated the wily, Yankee-baiting He said he plans a personal minister may be the next target for the army’s three-week-long appeal to President Lyndon B. purge of leftists. Johnson on his proposal for fed­ Denouncing Subandrio as a "slanderer,” the demonstrators de­ FIVE-FINGER E XE RCISE — Chilly breezes and 8 eral legislation against attacks manded that he prove charges he made Saturday that the U.S. a.m. classes contribute to a complication of gloves on civil rights workers. Viet Students Here Central Intelligence Agency was fomenting strife in the country by and books--what to do with one when fumbling King, who cut short a Eu­ subsidizing some newspapers. ______________________ with the other. Photo by Cal Crane ropean tour, said southern courts don’t understand the situation meeting with 4-H Club repre­ and communities "have through By JOAN SOLOMON there," he said. sentatives. Proof should be presented dereliction lost the right” to State News Staff Writer The speakers head five of the Thursday evening two of the within a week or Subandrio should deal with trials Involving racial most important student groups ■speakers will be dinner guests be prosecuted, a petition from slayings. Five of South Viet Nam’s most in South Viet Nam, Borosage of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority the demonstrators demanded. A Kelley Heartened, D ism ayed “I came home from Europe influential student leaders have, pointed out. house; two will eat at the Delta second demonstration was held before I had planned to do so,” after over two unsuccessful years “The group includes two ref­ Gamma sorority house, and one by a few hundred labor unionists King said, "because I was so of trying, finally persuaded their ugees 1/ _.r. No. tli Vi* * Nar', an will eot at the Theta Chi fratern­ who marched to the Labor Minis­ outraged at the acquittal of Col­ government to finance a four- ardent Fascist and two ardent ity house. * try and made similar demands. By Current Social Protest lie Leroy Wilkins in Hayneville, week speaking tour of the United Marxists,” he added. The students apparently took Ala. St'.’t' «, including a visit to Mich­ Duong Thien Dong, a 25-year- Later in the evening they will their cue from Nasution, who had Attorney General Frank J. Kelley said today as draft card burning! He emphasized the im­ "No state has the right to do igan State. old medical student, spent three meet with faculty members at the announced he planned to reor­ portance of respect for Just laws that have wrong,” King said, "and I feel months in prison for leading dem­ home of Wesley Fishel, profes­ ganize the nation’s secret ser­ that he is both heartened and dismayed at that such states as Alabama, They will speak on U.S. in­ vices to eliminate slander. the stepped up pace of social protest that has been properly enacted by the will of the ma­ volvement in Viet Nam at 7 to­ onstrations against the Diem gov­ sor of political science. recently been displayed on our college cam­ jority. Mississippi and Georgia, in part, night in the Agricultural Engi­ ernm ent. The students will travel to Ann "Slander is more dangerous Urging a mature response to this problem, he have nullified their right to con­ He is president of the Medical Arbor Friday to speak at theUni- than murder,” said Nasution, puses. duct these trials.” neering Auditorium. who was wounded by rebels during "It is heartening to see the spirit of in­ cautioned those in authority at all levels to be 'The students hope to clear Students Assn. and expects to be versity of Michigan and will re­ tellectual Inquiry and awareness of the great temperate and measured in their actions lest Wilkins, a Ku Klux Klans- up misconceptions about Ameri­ drafted into the army shortly aft­ turn to East Lansing Saturday for the revolt attempt, "and we are one immature act be reacted to by another. man, was cleared last week in er graduation - f r o m medical the MSU homecoming game. suffering.” issues of our time that have become more the March 25 nightrider slaying can policy in Southeast Asia," The ftatement apparently was apparent," he said. "This is what we have Kelley also commented on the narrow scale sa.d Bob Borosage, East Lansing school. always tried to inculcate in our youth in our of selectivity of the activist students. He said of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo, a white Twenty-seven-year old Nguyen "None of the students has ever directed at the Indonesian Central civil rights worker from' De­ senior and president of Pi Sigma seen an American football Intelligence Agency directed by colleges and universities. there should be a broader spectrum of interest Alpha political science honorary, Vinh Due, also a medical student, "Such an awareness is certainly necessary that Included many more of the complex prob­ troit. Coleman won acquittal Sept. is editor of the Medical School game,” Borosage reported. Subandrio, which is said to have 30 in the slaying of Daniels, an which is sponsoring the talk. They will spend Saturday night worked at cross purposes fre­ if we are to have an intelligent dialogue in lems that face our society both nationally and "They fee! most Americans Journal and Vice-President of this country but there can be no dialogue state-wide. Episcopal seminarian from External Affairs of the Saigon at different homes in East Lan­ quently with military Intelligence "Perhaps if the issue is not one that has a Keene, N.H. sing, and Sunday they will go to organizations. without constraint and reason,” he said. King declined upon his arri­ Student Union. Wisconsin to continue their Red China meantime Issued Kelley expressed dismay over the few who certain degree of adventure then it does not "This is the most important have displayed their immaturity by such acts stimulate Interest,” Kelley speculated. val to comment on the racial and powerful student group in speaking tour. (continued on page 6) ______________ “You don't have to have a situation in northeast Georgia, Kennedy South Viet Nam," Borosage said. great issue, or go to the far­ where alleged threats by whites Due was born in Hanoi and also thest reaches of the country or have brought a temporary halt expects to be drafted after grad­ the world in order to improve to integration activity. King said, uation. man’s lot or contribute to his however, that such trouble spots Tours Viet Another refugee from North freedom,” he said. "There are as Crawfordville and Llncolnton, Viet Nam, Dang Thu, 21, is vice- State Finally M akes It—Ranked No. 1 plenty of opportunities right in Ga., will be discussed at a meet­ chairman of the Anti-Corruption your own backyard. ing later of his Southern Christ­ Mainland Youth Confederation, As an example, he cited one ian Leadership Conference SAIGON (UPI)—Viet Cong sni­ The confederation was star ed of the activities of the students (SCLC).
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