The Scotland Act 2012: summary of responses to the consultation on Scottish Government bond issuance May 2013 The Scotland Act 2012: summary of responses to the consultation on Scottish Government bond issuance May 2013 © Crown copyright 2013 You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or e-mail:
[email protected]. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to us at:
[email protected]. You can download this publication from ISBN 978-1-909790-00-1 PU1507 Contents Page Chapter 1 Introduction 3 Chapter 2 Summary of responses 5 Chapter 3 Summary of responses to individual questions 7 Annex A List of respondents 13 Annex B Glossary of key financial market terms 15 1 1 Introduction Scotland Act 2012 1.1 The Scotland Act 2012 implemented the work of the Calman Commission, which provided a comprehensive overview of the role of tax devolution to the Scottish Parliament within the overall UK macroeconomic framework.1 The Scotland Act 2012 preserves the benefits of the fiscal and macroeconomic union between Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom, while creating a direct link between spending in Scotland and the level of taxes raised in Scotland.