Western Community Engagement Forum

Community Development Plan 2011-2013

Produced August 2011 Updated January 2013

What is this plan for? This plan has been written by the Western Community Engagement Forum (CEF) and sets out what the CEF and the community want to do to make the area as good as it can be. The plan covers a period of two years but it will be reviewed every year so that we know it is still relevant to the community.

The CEF area – where is it? The Western area is a large rural area within the district of in North . It reaches to in the north, to in the south, Hambleton in the east and Leeds in the West. It is made up of the parishes of Birkin, Brotherton, Burton Salmon, Byram, Fairburn, Hillam, Lumby, Monk Fryston, Newthorpe, Sherburn in Elmet, South Milford, and Sutton.

The A162 corridor runs north to south through the area, connecting Tadcaster with Sutton and beyond. The A63 corridor runs east to west connecting Hull to Leeds and the A1 runs through the eastern side of Fairburn. While Sherburn, Monk Fryston and South Milford is well served by railway connections to Leeds and , those wishing to use public transport in the rest of the area are reliant on bus services.

The people who live here The Western CEF area has a population of 13,9521; the Western area is generally affluent. A significant number of those living in the Western area commute out of the area to work in nearby Leeds.

The NYCC Area Profiles give an insight into the profile of the CEF area (http://www.northyorks.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=10726) and highlight the differences between the individual wards.

We asked you what you would like In July 2011 the Western CEF undertook a consultation with the community to help shape what should go into this plan. Members of the CEF partnership board assisted with the distribution of a questionnaire asking local people for their views.

In a nutshell - what you told us The questionnaire told us that the Western area is a good place to live, where there is a sense of community spirit and where people get on well together. Crime and anti-social behaviour levels

1 ONS mid-2009 estimate are generally low. Although there are community events going on, there aren’t enough things for young people to do. The area has pleasant countryside which is relatively clean and litter free. Although transport links by road are largely adequate for most people, for some people, public transport in the area is not adequate. For a significant number, road safety and speeding was a problem.

Whilst most people think the local economy of the Western area is important they are looking for further investment. Indeed, whilst most people have easy access to local shops for grocery shopping, when it comes to buying clothes and electronics, people in the area will generally go to Leeds or York.

Priorities for the Western CEF area As a result of the consultation, seven key priorities have been identified for the Western area. They are:  Community Safety - Reducing crime and anti-social behaviour  Activities for Young People  Clean Environment  Traffic and Transport  Sense of Community  Local Services  Housing Development

The CEF has a small pot of money which it can use to give grants to community projects. Grant funding will be given to projects which help deliver on any of these priorities.

Page 2 of 9 Our Actions/Projects - what we are going to do?

In order to make sure we deliver on the priorities in our plan, this is what we will do through our projects:

What we are going to do Priorities Progress 1 Brotherton, Byram and Burton . Activities for Young People NYCC continue to provide the senior club at Brotherton but have Salmon - Assist Osgoldcross forum . Community Safety - withdrawn from Fairburn, The senior Fairburn club has been where required in establishing it’s Reducing crime and anti- taken over by the Osgoldcross YOTM project and they have Youth on the Move project. social behaviour added a junior provision 8 – 11 years. This junior club will also Create any complimentary services . Sense of Community service the junior requirements for Brotherton/Byram and Burton or provision across the western Salmon. The project leaders will visit all primary schools within CEF. Research what additional Lead the next 2 to 3 weeks to promote the project. provision is required for youth of all Cllr Andy Pound ages in each village. Sherburn is a thriving club with around 70 children however it Why? struggles to get leaders. Funding may be available to work on To provide facilities and leisure other things this will be discussed to see where it is needed. An activities for youths and children; to idea would be to pay a lead worker; also a minimal charge for reduce anti-social behaviour; entry would allow it to be self funded. Bob Packham will liaise increase community spirit and with Sherburn voluntary leaders to arrange a meeting to see how provide youths/children with things the project needs to proceed. to do. 2 Establish an HGV Toolkit (post . Traffic and Transport Currently work is been done to create a proforma to give out to Trading Standards involvement) and collect data, facts and figures are necessary. Sharon Fox from work with Fire and Rescue Service Lead NY Highways will speak to trading standards about an informal to roll out the tool-kit to Brotherton Cllr Chris Pearson (in lorry watch. It was noted and discussed that there was consistent and Byram - Parish Councils/Village partnership with Dennis problems at the lorry park. The operators need to be targeted, Groups. The HGV problem is Tredgett – Southern CEF) Sharon will send out a tool kit to the parishes before the next common to all the villages meeting. Cllr Pearson to have toolkit completed for next PB Why? meeting. Road safety has been raised as an issue in the consultation; concerns around HGVs within villages have been raised at the CEF meetings.

Page 3 of 9 What are we going do? Priorities Progress 3 Establish a Toolkit for . Clean Environment There is a new leaflet on fly tipping on line from the Hillam News Communications to ensure action The council will react quickly to complaints of dumping waste if it is taken in a timely manner to clean Lead is not on private land. up the environment. Work in Howard Ferguson partnership with SDC, Enterprise Prices are required to find most efficient way to get this and Brotherton, Byram, Fairburn information to all parishioners. and Hillam Parish Councils and village groups. Why? Litter and fly tipping has been raised as an issue in the consultation. Concerns have also been raised within the CEF meetings. 4 Extend the “Alcohol Free Zone” in . Community Safety – Brotherton and Byram, working in Reducing crime and anti- partnership with the Police and social behaviour Parish Councils, to other villages which may benefit from this. Look Lead at the provision of signage. Mel Hobson with support from Why? Tim Grogan Issues of drinking on the street and unruly people due to alcohol have been raised during the consultation. 5 Public Transport is an issue for . Traffic and Transport A constructive meeting has been held with Utopia regarding a many villages particularly Sherburn . Local Services youth bus to Xscape, Castleford. It was noted that the service in Elmet and Brotherton. As this may cost too much and private hire would be another option. The issue spans all the CEF areas then Lead service would need to be sustainable and an individual charge we need to be working in Jack Crawford levied. It was felt that more services both in the evening and at partnership with the other CEF the weekend are needed. These would need to be targeted to the areas to establish a solution. right audience and advertised. Why? This issue has been raised during the consultation process and is an ongoing issue for all the area and all the CEFs. Page 4 of 9

What are we going to do? Priorities Progress 6 Fairburn: To investigate and . Traffic and Transport establish the future provision of road crossings including a Pelican Lead Crossing. To be advised Why? Road safety when crossing the road has been raised in the CEFs as a concern and has also been raised during the consultation process. 7 Brotherton and Byram: To . Sense of Community investigate the possibilities of . Activities for Young People working in partnership/ providing support to the annual Carnival. In Lead addition look at role of CEF at To be advised similar carnivals and galas across List already existing? the CEF. Why? There are a number of events throughout the year and we need to ensure support is provided for these. This was raised in the consultation process. 8 Provision of a Community Hall in . Sense of Community Burton Salmon - by assisting . Activities for Young People Burton Salmon in securing the former Methodist Chapel as a Lead community hall To be advised

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What we are going to do Priorities Progress 9 Lobby for Transparent Housing . Local Services Cllr Pound is due to hold a joint parish meeting to discuss Policies and Procedures including . Housing Development concerns regarding the information available; he feels this is likely enforcement by working in . Community Safety - to be of interest for public forum. Depending on how the parish partnership with SDC. Reducing crime and anti- meeting goes will indicate the future progress. The board feel that Why? social behaviour there should be more information available on how the system Brotherton, Byram, Burton Salmon, works and how properties are allocated for tenant selection. Fairburn, Hillam and Sherburn have Lead There is a new policy being developed by the end of this year. all raised concerns regarding various Cllr Andy Pound aspects of housing policy, procedures and enforcement. 10 Progress Winter Gritting T&F plans . Sense of Community It was discussed that most villages in the area had winter gritting across all villages. and that there is a plan for the safe location of grit bins. They are Why? Lead available at a cost of £50 + VAT and can be collected from the This will reduce the problems of Winter Gritting Task and Finish depot. Ringway are looking to develop a training video to cover isolation for the most vulnerable Group all aspects of gritting. Cllr John Mackman to check if Monk people. Fryston PC is to take up gritting scheme. 11 Establish YOUTH board/forum . Activities for Young People We are still waiting for a response from AVS. Some schools have /section to work with and advise the already set up successful youth forums in the area, discussion CEF. Lead took place about the need for junior forums to be set up and Why? Cllr Mike Jordan with support promoting to schools can be an option. Cllr Jordan will contact The youth are our future society and from AVS the schools about youth pathways and youth clubs. this will provide evidence of future needs and aspirations. 12 Establish programme of marketing . All and PR. Why? Lead This will enable everyone the Inspector Richard Abbott opportunity of finding out about the CEFs and participating in their community in a way that they wish to participate whether attending meetings or from their armchair.

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What we are going to do Priorities Progress 13 Walking and cycle routes . Some meetings have been arranged for a local discussion to take The group discussed the availability place to encourage this to take place. of local walks in the area and the popularity of cycling since the Olympics. The U3A are always reporting on short walks and have their own website. It was also discussed that routes need to be selected carefully and that some public pathways were in need of repair and could be dangerous after rainfall. 14 Suggestions were made for a . bowling green and a tennis court for public use. It was noted that the schools are supportive and some facilities are open for public use. There will be a questionnaire for the public to complete. 15 Sherburn High school is looking to . open up its sports facilities to the public and the PB wishes to become involved with the project. 16 CEF support to write to all PC’s to . request a list of actual or planned projects that the PB could assist with.

Page 7 of 9 How we will make sure we do what we say

In order to make sure we do these things we will treat each one of the items as a project with a project lead and a project plan. We will try to recruit local people to take part in these projects and some of you may even wish to take a lead on parts of the work!

At each of the Western CEF meetings we will look to see if our projects are on track and try to help those which may not be doing so well. We will also look at which community projects we have supported and how they have helped with the priorities in this plan.

Every year we will look again at this plan to check that it is still relevant to the community and to make sure we are working to help get any new ideas off the ground or tackle new problems.

Issues Requiring Action November 2012

Burton Salmon Burton salmon are not sure if they can keep the village hall on due to it not being a viable option anymore. Nothing has been done with it that has generated any kind of income and it has come to a make or break decision at the next meeting on the 22nd November

if they keep it on the library that was in discussion has the go ahead and may need some funding to get shelving but apart from that the books will be sent from NYCC and they will change them every so often. So a positive for that one Other things will need to be put in the village hall for it to be self sufficient and I have attached the newsletter for you to look at and they are trying to get a committee to take the hall on for them to put some work into making the hall a place that other things can be done. The youth group can’t be put into place because of the decision of the hall.

They are wanting to put together a website which they are making enquiries for at the moment and I have asked Hilam who has done theirs where they got it from and if you have any ideas of who or what company is reasonable at setting one up it would be appreciated, the site needs to be controlled by one of the cllrs

Village Design Statement or a neighbourhood plan is also an area that they want to do which I have made enquiries for and Andrew at NYCC and rural Yorkshire has offered help.

There was no standing orders, financial risk assessment financial regulations and the hall has had nothing done for so long it is running at a loss. It needs some work putting into the village and quickly for things to be up and running.

I’ve just sorted the HMRC out as they were still chasing John for tax payments each month and I have had to transfer some of my allowance over so that tax payments are not required and now nil payments are to be given every quarter. The amount of salary for the village for the year doesn’t need to have tax payments being paid. The precept is only 3900 for the year so you can imagine the salary. That is sorted now but it has taken a while and phone calls along with me having to give tax returns over the phone for the last year and digging out paperwork etc.

The trouble is they want everything doing all at once and sometimes when there are only 6 meetings a year and not a great deal of finances it does take a little longer. Page 8 of 9 Brotherton Brotherton are in the process of trying to get some village stones for the village and this has been going on for some time. Funding is needed to get the stones and set them in. I have brought the information to the table when the idea was first put in place about the Burton Salmon stone. This now seems to be at a standstill and needs to be pushed forward

The website is at a standstill as we are dependent on somebody else doing the site for us which I think should be for the council to be able to do. A new site or access to the website is needed to be able to put ideas on there when and if required, also pics etc. The website is a good idea and does have followers that get in touch because of it. But access and freedom to do the site as and when required is needed to develop it.

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