HSC English – Advanced – MODULE C – Representation & Texts – Sample Essays – Wag The Dog | Where Angels Fear to Tread | Fog of War

Collated Module C Essay’s

Question: Politics and media are about power rather than truth and reality

Truth is a socially produced power. That is, the premise of a truth is culturally and socially constructed. Truth cannot be defined as an objective quality, rather it is a part of, or embedded within, a given power structure. This idea is made evident within ’s Wag the Dog as Levinson suggests each society has its own politics of ‘truth’, of which is conditioned and exploited by media and politics, to craft compelling and persuasive narratives. Through the satirical nature of the film and the power plays that emerge, Levinson challenges the power of politics and media by overtly detaching the power of truth from these institutions, representing their corrupt nature. However, this is merely a truth conditioned by the composer himself. Levinson explores the power of the common assumption of ‘truths’ that are portrayed by the political and entertainment spheres. Kate McClymount’s speech ‘Where angels fear to tread’ similarly subverts the universal conjecture of values correlating to well respected institutions through an exploration of the processes that exploit the falsehoods constructed. Thus both texts investigate how our subjective perception of truths are influenced by power, relationships and perspectives of others, thus provoking the audience to reconsider the validity of the truths they adhere to

^^truth and scenarios?

Both texts explore how the discourse of society can both an instrument and effect of power, and attempts to discover how our view of truth is influenced by power relationships and perspectives.

Composers harvest values from their audience to construct narratives that manipulate and elicit a desired response to their representations. This notion becomes thematic of wag the dog amounting to a trope about truth becoming a liquid and transformative construction, in which politics and media’s display of values are crafted to influence public perception. This

Page 1 of 29 HSC English – Advanced – MODULE C – Representation & Texts – Sample Essays – Wag The Dog | Where Angels Fear to Tread | Fog of War is elucidated through the construction of the patriotic anthem, in which the composer Johnny Dean has harvested traditional American values associated with freedom, patriotism and security to elicit a desired response. The anthem supports the fictitious campaign, contributing to Motss’ war like scenario and thus portrays an explicit representation of representation itself. Motss’ ability to manipulate filmic devices in order to create a war like scenario and evokes responses from an audience, such as the clips of a crumbling city or the “Anne Frank sirens”, further emphasises Levinson’s point. The external audience can see the manipulation that is occurring to produce an intended meaning that will be interpreted in a specific way by the audience. This explicit representation enhances irony, as the external audience is watching the reality and truth of the “war” being textually constructed. This event explores the contextual construction and manipulation of truths, suggesting that truths are merely a language of power. inviting the audience to engage in the act of self- reflexivity. Thus, Levinson represents the extent to which scenarios can be manipulated to elicit a particular meaning and investigates the liquescent and conditioned concept of the truth in the realms of power/politics and media.

Composers harness the convention meta-representation to draw out similarities and relate implications between opposing spheres, enlightening the audience to uncomfortable realities. The satirical parallels between Hollywood and politics within the film, provokes questioning and draws attention to issues associated with the credibility of power within the relationships of people and politics. The use of hyperbole and exaggeration in the film, such as that of choosing which cat to use in the production of the war, to the concept of creating a war, reflects the nonsensical nature of the situation and allow the audience to question how such manipulations of the truth could be believed. Similarly, camera shots from underwater, reflect the distortion of the situation, and shots through security cameras, show that cinematic devices themselves can be manipulated in order to represent a particular idea. Satire requires a conflict between prior opinion and the subversion of this. Neither side is concerned with the truth, whether the president committed sexual misconduct is irrelevant to the satire. Moreover, the likeliness between politics and Hollywood is made explicitly apparent in Motss’ “that’s show business” comment relating to the unpredictable nature of politics. The narcissism within the comment relates to the

Page 2 of 29 HSC English – Advanced – MODULE C – Representation & Texts – Sample Essays – Wag The Dog | Where Angels Fear to Tread | Fog of War political situation. It suggests that image and representation has taken over the political world, and in all aspects of life for that matter; we don’t remember history, just the slogans of history. This message resonates with the external audience, as a vast majority of the audience will read a film superficially for what it is rather than what it represents. Thus, through the parallels between Hollywood and politics, Levinson harnesses the tool of satire, suggesting that the political world is equally as fabricated as the entertainment industry, in which truth and reality become dispensable and a well-constructed popular image is the ultimate goal.

Representation essentially becomes a language of reality/power, as composers craft and rebuild audiences perception and values. Authors can choose to represent particular ideas about and marketing. They can manipulate us by shaping how we imagine what propaganda is. Within wag the dog, Levinson has constructed a negative perception of the role of marketing and political spin representing both with a lack of moral concern. He has depicted powerful institutions (the government and media) as manipulating the oblivious, innocent population. Levinson also represents the myrid of roles both the media and politics adopt, however these roles are often overlooked by the external audience through their initial superficial viewing of the film. This is evident in the construction of Schumann’s character to suit Motss’ war narrative, and the satirical device of verisimilitude. In this way, Levinson is making a comment about the power of the personality within the realms of public appearance, and the tool of propaganda as a means to exploit this. However, Motss’ construction of this typically heroic caricature is satirically juxtaposed by the media girl, in her heroic sacrifice of her own sexuality to ‘leak’ information about an old record. She presents the invented song as an old folk record suggesting a valuable linkage between it and the campaign to retrieve Schuman, in effort to further the campaign. This provokes questioning of the position of control, and suggests perhaps politicians prostitute themselves to the media. It further enhances the idea that within politics truth is crafted to manipulate, suggesting the industries primary purpose is fueled by corruption and power.

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Adversely, McClymount constructs her speech ‘where angles fear to tread’ to represent investigative journalists as enemies of distortion, their primary aim to reduce manipulation and corruption crafted by those possessing power. The thematic concept of these ‘ethical representations’ is explicitly referenced as McClymont states “it is our job to bring light to the thing that those in power don’t want the public to see”. Thus, investigative journalists shed ‘light’ on the dark truths/realities of the relationships between people and power. McClymount orchestrates a positive representation of the media, as they battle to divulge falsehoods, contrasting to Levinson’s representation of the media as a merely a tool exploited by corrupt political manipulation.

Analogous to Levinson, Robertson represents his point of view principally via an analogy to the theatre through The trails of Oz: The Justice Game. Robertson constructs his essays to represent justice as a game, shrouded in mystique of which individuals are fooled into a misguided respect for the fairness of a process, which is deeply flawed and occasionally corrupt. Robertson conflates the law with a game, reflecting the hollow nature of British constitutional law itself. The extended metaphor amounting to a trope about justice as a gamble, in which a ‘display’ of fairness and transparency are crafted to influence public perception. This provokes the audience to question how such manipulations of the truth could be believed. Through the chapter Robertson explores the archaic nature of the law which resembles theater for all its costume, pretence and ‘show’. It comments on the fictional and constructed nature of both the trail and the legal argument upon which it was founded. Therefore its nature is something invented, suggesting that it is equally as fabricated as the entertainment industry. Alike Levinson, Robertson invariably engages in the ‘tricks of his trade’ even as he claims to stand aside from them. These essays are essentially a type of political tract written in the attempt to re-balance the public perception about the judiciary’s treatment of its litigants and defendants.

Truth is a language of power that is exploited by the media and politics. Representations of power are constituted through accepted forms of knowledge, scientific understanding and “truth”. Levinson’s Wag the Dog and McClymont’s ‘Where Angels Fear to Tread’ displaces representation from genuineness at the very outset. The extended metaphors and meta- representation established within both texts, suggest that representation is a language of

Page 4 of 29 HSC English – Advanced – MODULE C – Representation & Texts – Sample Essays – Wag The Dog | Where Angels Fear to Tread | Fog of War reality. Thus, both texts explore how the politics/regime of truth are conditioned through social discourse reinforced through the media and flux of political ideologies. They attempt to discover how our view of truth is influenced by power relationships and perspectives, provoking the audience to reconsider the validity of the truths they adhere to

Question: The Relationship between media and politics is one about power rather than truth or reality.


Truth is essentially in the eye of the beholder. That is, there is no one absolute reality, but the significance of a truth is determined by the purpose and power of its pursuer. Levinson’s Wag the Dog subverts the assumed role of truth within reputable social organisations. Through the satirical nature of the film and the power plays that emerge, Levinson explores the power of the common assumption of the truth that is portrayed by media and politics, provoking the audience to reconsider the validity of the truths they adhere to.

Composers exploit preconceived values of the audience to manipulate the audience’s reaction to their representation. This is elucidated in Wag the Dog through the construction of the patriotic anthem, in which the composer Johnny Dean has harvested traditional American values associated with freedom, patriotism and security to elicit a desired response. The anthem supports the fictitious campaign, contributing to Motss’ war like scenario and thus portrays an explicit representation of representation itself. Motss’ ability to manipulate filmic devices in order to create a war like scenario and evokes responses from an audience, such as the clips of a crumbling city or the “Anne Frank sirens”, further emphasises this point. The external audience can see the manipulation that is occurring to produce an intended meaning that will be interpreted in a specific way by the audience. This explicit representation enhances irony, as the audience is viewing the “war” being textually constructed. Thus Levinson represents the extent to which scenarios can be manipulated to elicit a particular meaning, and in doing so questions role of truth and the degree of reality in realms of politics and media.

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Authors can choose to represent particular ideas about propaganda. They can manipulate us by shaping how we imagine what propaganda is. Within wag the dog, Levinson has presented a negative slope of propaganda based on moral terms. He has depicted powerful institutions (the government and media) manipulating the oblivious, innocent population. This is evident in the construction of Schumann’s character and the propaganda surrounding him, as he is represented as a war hero. Schumann is a personality that is created and constructed. In this way, Levinson is making a comment about the power of the personality within the realms of public appearance, an idea which strongly linking to the president. However, this typically heroic caricature is satirically juxtaposed by the media girl, in her heroic sacrifice of her own sexuality to ‘leak’ information about an old record. She presents the invented song as an old folk record suggesting a valuable linkage between it and the campaign to retrieve Schuman, in effort to further the campaign. This provokes questioning of the position of control, and suggesting perhaps politicians prostitute themselves to the media. This enhances the presented idea that within politics truth is dispensable, suggesting the industries primary purpose is fueled by corruption and power. However through Levinson’s borrowing of propagandistic techniques, Levinson is able to make an ironic comment on the nature of propaganda, whilst representing it in a negative stint.

The satirical parallels between Hollywood and politics within the film, provokes questioning and draws attention to issues associated with the credibility of power within the relationships of people and politics. The use of hyperbole and exaggeration in the film, such as that of choosing which cat to use in the production of the war, to the concept of creating a war, reflect the nonsensical nature of the situation and allow the audience to question how such manipulations of the truth could be believed. Similarly, camera shots from underwater, reflecting the distortion of the situation, and shots through security cameras, show that cinematic devices themselves can be manipulated in order to represent a particular idea. Satire requires a conflict between prior opinion and the subversion of this. Neither side is concerned with the truth- whether the president committed sexual misconduct is irrelevant to the satire. Moreover, the likeliness between politics and Hollywood is made explicitly apparent in Motss’ “that’s show business” comment on the unpredictable nature of politics. The narcissism within the comment relates to the political

Page 6 of 29 HSC English – Advanced – MODULE C – Representation & Texts – Sample Essays – Wag The Dog | Where Angels Fear to Tread | Fog of War situation. It suggests that image and representation has taken over the political world, and in all aspects of life for that matter; we don’t remember history, just the slogans of history. This message resonates with the external audience, as a vast majority of the audience will read a film superficially for what it is rather than what it represents. Thus, through the parallels between Hollywood and politics, Levinson harnesses the tool of satire, suggesting that the political world is equally as fabricated as the entertainment industry, in which truth and reality become dispensable and a well-constructed popular image is the ultimate goal.

Through Wag the Dog, Levinson suggests that within representations truth and reality are ultimately subjective, and of which are exploited by the media and politics. The film displaces representation from truth at the very outset. It is through the satirical nature of the film, it is suggested that representation is a language of reality. Truth becomes a morphing concept that has no definitive structure. Thus, the film explores the superiority of power over truth and reality, particularly within the media and politics, provoking the audience to reconsider the validity of the truths they adhere to.


‘The perspective that prevails at a given time is a function of power rather than truth ‘

Discuss this view with detailed reference to Wag the Dog and one related text


Representations are essentially determined by the purpose and power of its pursuer. Within Wag the Dog, Levinson’s explores the superiority of power over truth and reality, suggesting that truth is a subjective construction exploited by media and politics to craft persuasive and compelling perspectives. Through the satirical nature of the film and the power plays that emerge, Levinson’s explores the power of the common assumptions of truths that function within politics and media. Thus, Levinson provokes the audience to reconsider the validity of the truths they adhere to.

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Representations are essentially determined by the purpose and power of its pursuer. Composers craft persuasive and compelling narratives through a subjective construction of a truth, that shape and re-shape their audiences perceptions of reality. Thus, there is no one reality of the truth as it is determined through the eye of the beholder. Within Wag the Dog, Levinson explores the liquid and transformative/adaptable nature of the truth, and employs the media and politics as a vehicle to suggest superiority of power over truth and reality. Similarly, Kate MClymont’s speech “where angles fear to tread’ subjects the universal conjecture of values asscoiated represuatable insituttions, suggesting that power prevails over truth and reality. In this way both texts provoke their audience to reconsider the validity of the truths that they adhere to.

1. Composers harvest values from their audience to construct narratives that manipulate and elicit a desired response to their representations.

2. Composers harness the convention of satire to draw out similarities and relate implications between opposing spheres, enlightening the audience to uncomfortable realities. 3. Representation essentially becomes a language of reality, as composers craft and rebuild audiences perceptions and values. OR Composers craft and rebuild audiences perceptions and values of reality, thus representation become a language of reality.

Past essay plan… question unknown:

INTRO - focus on popular culture - marketing

 Define democracy as an impassioned response from audience

 Power has shifted to Pop culture in accordance to shifting changing realities

 In 21st cent political and entertainment spheres are colliding - new means prop to rep political perspective

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 Introduced to the power of the entertainemnt sphere

 Balance of power between poltiics and hollywood revleaed in aimes line 'My god this is bigger than the white house"

 Motss epitome of entertainment industry - hypoerbolic exageration of this

 "couragw mum" capitalising on american values of family and militarism

 Expliting communal values

 Conventions of entertainment what allows motss and brean to manipulate public opinion

 Motss is a symbol of the entertainemnt industry dirivng forced of the most successful persuassion

Influence of entertainment sphere with popular culture through external consumption of levinsons text

 As satire levinson wants the film to be questioned in order to inflience the audience inadvetaintly the audeine is filtering opinons - medium of text to purpot his perspective reveal the power of pop cuutre

 Versimiltatude results the audeicne inviting levinsons perspective in own reality - jay leno and jim belushi playing themselves - directly imitating reality

 Satire - fundermental element of- exaggerates tand reflects the filmmakers interpreations of societal flaws

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 It collaspes with crash of plane- levinsons draws attention to the textual nature of the film and its subjective construction

 Altered to how film is representation of reality

Changing realities of contemporary society have instigated an imperative for political forces to capitalise on the influence of the entertainment sphere

 Reconception of the film as a persuasive text

 Pop culutre and entertainemnt is becoming the most effective medium for the audiecne to consume representations political perspectives

Discuss the representation of people’s political motivations and acts and the subsequent impact that this can have on both individuals and society.

You must refer to your prescribed text and at least one related text of your own choosing.


 Thesis: politics has an undeniably powerful impact on individuals and society in general as it dictates the shape of rights and responsibilities oeple can have within a system.  A by-product of this within contemporary society has been the influential relationship that the media has within politics and politicians.  We are dependent on the media to disseminate knowledge and information; this is a powerful responsibility that must be transparent.  This influential position though has lead many to question whether we can always trust this relationship.  Film makers and wiriters alike have chosen to explore this relationship in order to expose the political motivations and acts of significant members of the media and politics in order to highlight the impact that they can have on individuals and society.

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 Within the film Wag the Dog and the magazine article America IS a Joke, Barry Levinson and Chris Smith highlight the manipulation and morally ambiguous influence that the media can have.  In the film Wag the Dog, Levinson creates a scenario in which a political advisor hires a political ‘fix it’ man and a Hollywood producer to fabricate a war in order to divert attention away from a sexual assault accusation against the President.  Smith in the magazine article demonstrates how the current media and politics relationship has seen an erosion of moral ideals that is being challenged through the satire of Jon Stewart.  Ultimately both composers are attempting to position that audience to consider the fabrication of truth and what that means as we move forward into his media saturated environment. 1. ..  the representation of political perspectives is paramount as it allows the audience to be positioned to accept the point of view of the texts composer.  For both Levinson and Smith their political perspectives are clearly demonstrated through the premise and tone of their respective texts,  Within the opening scene Levinson established the premise of the film; to dover attention away from a sexual assault accusation by fabricating a conflict.  He quickens the dialogue so that the audience is swept away with the intellectual excitement of solving the problem.  Connie quickly becomes likeable to the audience as he is obviously smart and witty.  Within a darkened room he set the stage frot he film; that being to divert the attention away from the sandal and in doing so Levinson diverts the attention of the audience.  This positioning is done so that he audience can reflect upon how the film is merely reflecting society.  Comparatively, smith demonstrates his political perspective through the tone of the article.  From the onset he uses absurdist elements to demonstrate his disillusionment and anger.

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 He quotes Stewart directly to establish this tone as Steward descried the changing narratives that the media is reporting in the primary elections to be ‘like dresses that they feel like that cant wear to more than one movie premiere’.  Thus use of this simile is to establish the absurdity with which a serious news story is not being reported in a manner reflecting that seriousness.  Both the premise and the tone of both texts establish the political perspectives of Levinson and Smith, that being one of disillusionment toward the current practices of and relationship between the media and politics.

2. …  whilst the political perspectives of both Levinsion and Smith are established early their anger permeates their texts ad the ideas are developed.  This anger is clear through the representation for the media and politicians within the texts, as they thinly veil the manipulative nature of both.  This is never as clear in wag the dog as when stanelt motss creates the war scenario with a young girls running through rubble.  Levinson creates a sense of falseness in this scene.  There are people running through the shot everywhere, cameras are set up all over the set and there is absolute nothing authentic; not even the young girl qualifies as authentic, she is an actress carrying a random bag as they are going to ‘put in’ the kitten later.  The artificialness of the scene permeates everything as Stanley sits in the room with his team editing and deciding on the footage.  This sense is concluded later as a newscaster responding to the ‘footage’ states that ‘America has seldom witnessed a more poignant picture of the human ’.  The audience knows that this is not true and levinos is poisionting them so that they can become enraged themselves at the complete fabrication of the truth.  Comparatively, smith demonstrates his disdain for the handling of serious issues by the media and politicians in a more direct manner.

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 This is inherent thought headline ‘TV networks havr steadily shed seriousness and viewers’; the insinuation that being that TV news reporting has less to do with reporting the news objectively and more to do with entertainment.  The final line likens politicians to actors through thru e of a simile with the insulting notion that they seem to be reading scripts created by media members rather than thinking for themselves.  Both levinson and smth are concerned with the political motivation and acts of the media and politicians; they form representations of them that cause the audience to question the moral positions they take and our responses to them. 3. …  any action has subsequent reaction and this definitely true in regards to political motivations and acts and the impact that they can have on individuals and society.  Whilst both composers establish their political perspectives and represent the motivations and acts of the media and politicians, they also culminate their texts by demonstrating the impact of it all on the average person.  Levinson concludes his film wit the death of the hero.  This scene represents the films overall message: the fabrication of the truth in order to manipulate the political process.  For a country that is so proud of its political processes and tradition this is particularly damning.  Levison through the use of American imagery is positioing the audience to question whether the those American ideals are still realties or whether the are now fabrication.  This is further emphasized as the scene concluded with a tv show of several political commentators talking about the American president where the brilliant line ‘the president is a product’ is spoken.  Levinosn is clearly positioning the audience so that they realize that this continual manipulation of us all leads to an eroding system that stands for nothing in the end.  Smith also emphasizes the impact if polticia motivations and acts as he uses example of steward directly attacking the media, particulate the Fox News network, of bing overtly subjective in their reporting of the news and in particular of creating agendas and narratives they represent their own best interest.

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 He calls them a ‘perpetual emotion machine’, which for the media is partiality problematic as they should be objective.  Through this metaphor stewarrt has brought into question the objective integrity of the Fox news network and is demanding that the American public start to think more critically.  By highlighting this smith is demanding his audience see the impact that a biased media can have and is demanding that the general public hold them more accountable.  It is undeniable both levinosn and smtiha are very concerned with the impact this manipulative and morally ambiguous relationship can have and they demand throught he power of their imagery and words that we care much as them


 As leon trostsky once stated ‘art, it is said, is not a mirror, but a hammer: it doe s not reflect, it shapes.’  Both levinosn and smith are attempting to shaped the discourse concerned with the contemporary relationship between the media and politics.  We live in a media saturated society and poles political motivation and acts can have wider ranging impacts in individuals and society than ever before.  Through their representations of the media and politicians within their texts levinson and smith are positioning their audiences to look more critically at this relationship and begin to question the truths that are promoted.  Politics effects all of us and levinosn and smith are demanding that we bceome active agents in this rather than reactive and easily manipulated ones, as we must deiced what kind of world we want to live and participate in.

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Question (from 2015 catholic trial): How do composers construct texts that reveal both the reasons for and impact of peoples particular motivation?

In your response, make reference to your prescribed text and one other related text of your choosing.


 Politics encompasses a complex network of motivational power and control across all levels of societal structure.  It is through tests that we are provided with representations of people and politics that enables us to delve deeper into an understanding of individual political motivations and how it will impact on certain groups of people.  This is highlighted in Barry Levinsons’ Wag the Dog (1997), a film that strongly uses the technique of metatextuality and varying camera angles to construct a commentary on the corruption of the government and the power of the media to manipulate the publics perception of the truth.  In George W. Bush’s Address tot eh nation (2001), following the terrorist attack of 9/11, emotive and persuasive language is used explicitly to drive the President’s political motivation, to rally and evoke a positive response from the Americans and the wider world. 1. The functioning of satire as a means to express Levinsons ‘political motivation  wag the dog is a political satire, which follows the work of several spin doctors led by Conrad Brean, whose primary mission is to save the reputation of the President in order to have him re-reelected.  Through the careful construction of the elusive ‘behind the scenes’ story through meta fiction and camera angles, Levinson is able to provoke his audience to see they possibility of manipulation and hypocrisy within their own society.  In the scene where the spin doctors are gathered around the tv broadcasting the live report, on they are shot from a low angle, asserting their dominance and god-like power,  By simply saying a few words into the telephone, Brean is able to dictate the dialogue of the government representative, retracting and dismissing the power he has as an official representative.

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 This, alongside the continuous placement of Stanley Motts within the darkened production rooms, builds the idea that political motives can work at such powerful levels that tey are completely secretive and unknown to the public.  Motss face is usually illuminated from below, casting a cunning shadow across his face that further heightens the idea of manipulation behind the media.

2. the construction of the president and the emotionaly loaded message through conventions of a speech and its construction

 In George W. Bush’s address to the nation, the purpose and construction of the speech serves an explicit purpose in delivering an emotionally loaded message.  Speaking as the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world, bush sets out to rally his people in a time of fear and mourning, as well as to establish his significance as the president.  “Americans are asking he constantly repeats, allowing his words to speak as the voice fo all Americans, an by default, the rest of the world.  He extensively uses inclusive sounds such as “our: and “we”, which effectively gathers together the people of the US as a unified body of people.  The anaphora of “our freedom’ in his litany of rights; “our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote, our freedom of religion” asserts his acknowledgement of the shared values within his nation and sites up an atmosphere of pride and patriotism.  In doing so, bush is able to appeal and comfort the people of America through forms of emotion and persuasion, which can impact on his audience nationally and internationally, securing his reliability as a leader to understand the needs of his people and to “protect Americans” reinforcing their trust.

3. characteristation of the president to deliver a message

 Levinson also constructs a representation of the president, that simultaneously reveres and mocks his power.  His voice is conveyed through secretaries, receptionists, phone calls, television and radio,, significantly muting it.

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 However it is still always present, affirming that in the end, he still is the source fo the political motivation that drives all the other characters,  The only time the presidents voice is directly heard is when he is recording his tv appearance. Even then, levinson hides his face, using an over the shoulder shot that places his back to the scene and attention on the scrolling telemprompter instruction as tedious as “pause, take a sip of water” are shown in an attempt to make the president appear more natural and human.  The mocking nature and exaggeration of this scene is crucial in heightening the absurdity of the actions to which the productions team and president will go to create an authentic message  However, ironically, the audience can recognize that the public portrayed within the film will certainly fall fort he constructed message, which in turn urges them to consider the power of texts that can have upon people.

4. language techniques crafating a demonic view of the presidents opponent to sway public opinion

 In his speech, bush also utilizes language techniques to further demonize the enemy, making his political intentions of rallying a power response clear.  ‘”the terrorists temporizes and traitors to their own faith” he states, asserting his own judgment upon the ‘group of people.  “they kill, not merely to disrupt but to end a way fo life”, he continues, the stagnation of “disrupt to ‘end’ creating a sense of fear and finality.  This hyperbole serves as one of his persuasive techniques to evoke a defensive nature among the world as his country, so that we can justify a means of retaliation.  The emotive language further drive an emotional response in turn.  As his speech draws to a close, Bush states “you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists”.  This establishes a dichotomy from where he has placed ‘us’, meaning the Americans, as the superior and morally right following his persuasive characterization of the terrorists.

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 This again rallies and cumulates affiliation and alliances with not only his people, but the rest of the world.


 By carefully breaking down and evaluating he construction of texts we can come to understand the reasons for political motivation and the impact these carefully designed representations have on people.  Both texts serve explicit purposes, Levinosn film evokes a reflection of politics and media, and bush to deliver a powerful speech to reaffirm his security and build alliances against his enemy.  This is done through the construction via metafiction, camera angles and persuasia in speech form.

Question One

Analyse how the representation of people gives us a better understanding of the role that personal motivation and ambition play in political events or situations.


Often, through understanding the representation of people, an individual engages with the motivations of those who construct and shape a version of reality and conclusively the truth. In relation to people and politics, composers enforce awareness behind the personal decisions and purpose of representation through various mediums that may possibly be skewed in a manipulative manner. Furthermore, power and ambition are critical as influential means to ascertain messages that are modeled through conscious decisions, affecting the individual and the broader society whom adopt these ideas in a specific manner. In Barry Levinson’s Wag the Dog and Errol Morris’ Fog of War, both of these texts identify impact of representation fuelled by motivation and ambition that ultimately create a broader view of the ways it can formulate reality.

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In relation to people and politics, composers enforce awareness behind the personal decisions and purpose of representation through various mediums that may possibly be skewed in a manipulative manner.


In the film Wag the Dog, Levinson explores through the satire the extent to which individuals and the broader society are manipulated by representation choices, which comments on the ways in which it can skew the reality of truth

 Exploitation of the concept of American heroism and patriotism in the construction of a ‘pageant’ which is the war with

 Producing a version of reality which is bought by outlets such as the media – selling the story and commodity of lies which lead to the favourable outcome of getting the President reelected

 The means to which Motss, Brean and Ames try to cover up this manipulative representation in an innovative way to ensure the means of reelection and appeal to the American concept of democracy


Similarly, in Errol Morris’ documentary Fog of War, through hindsight of significant historical events audiences engage with the faults driven by personal decisions and recognise the lack of awareness with respect to how often truth can be manipulated.

 Ascertains ways that decisions have been justified as a part of personal motivation by McNamara to do what is best for the country – depicted in a different way by McNamara

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 Morris interrogating with the support of archival footage the ways that truth is accepted when it is in fact extremely complex

 Offering the interrogation and investigation behind McNamara’s self-realisation of the ramifications of these decisions made in an attempt to understand the calamity made from personal decisions


Furthermore, power and ambition are critical as influential means to ascertain messages that are modeled through conscious decisions, affecting the individual and the broader society whom adopt these ideas in a specific manner.

BODY THREE Wag the Dog identifies the ways in which ambition is reflected through the portrayal of reality, which asserts power over the representative process and the audience that receives it

 Motss and his desire to get credit for what he has done and the conscious representative choices of people that determine political events and situations

 President protecting his self-interests rather than those of the countries through trying to cover up his scandal regardless of whether it is true or not


The role of ambition in dictating political events is outlined in Fog of War, where individuals holding power are represented in a way that determines and controls certain situations

 Exposing the means to which McNamara and his colleagues try and bring about victory of war and the extent to which they are willing to pursue it

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 Alluding to McNamara’s desire for duty and responsibility for his community through identifying his decision to leave Ford motor company to become secretary of defense

 Through Morris’ assessment of this situation, he represents McNamara in a way in which he realizes his own ambition and how it controls the outcome of war and its consequences

Question Two

As an act of representation, explore how individual, shared or competing political perspectives are produced on an event or situation


Through a variety of perspectives, there are ultimately many different approaches to represent a single idea. In Barry Levinson’s film Wag the Dog and Errol Morris’ documentary Fog of War, composers explore the way that shared political perspectives which through manipulations of the truth that impact the dynamic relationship between people and politics as they adopt highly biased ideas. Alternatively, in identifying the competing perspectives between characters and how distinct ideas are juxtaposed between one another, the reassessment of power is affirmed by the use of textual forms to represent political ideas and which of these portrayals is more effective. As a result, the representative process embodies the outcome that truth can be shaped at the disposal of individuals and the motives and values they hold.


Composers explore the way that shared political perspectives which through manipulations of the truth that impact the dynamic relationship between people and politics as they adopt highly biased ideas


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Though the common goal of reelecting the President with limited competing perspectives, in Wag the Dog Levinson identifies the extent to which manipulation can misconstrue the truth and exploits the relationship between people and politics

 Continual creation of lies that is ineffectively challenged, allowing the depth of manipulation to be at the hands of those whom construct (Motss, Brean, Ames)

 Introducing new idealisms (war with Albania – what is Albania?) that have obscurity that limits the retaliation, therefore promoting a mediated representation of reality

 Manipulative ideas which adopt subjective slants generate interest through stimulation by the media and construction of the whole package; anthems, heroism, slogans


In hindsight on different events and situations, Fog of War demonstrates the significance of shared political perspectives to produce outcomes that have ultimately affected history and how they are manipulated with secrecy.

 Showing the collaboration of government officials mostly in secrecy towards decisions made on Vietnam War, Cuban Missile Crisis during the Cold War – a time of fear

 To what extent these shared perspectives allowed the justifications of outcomes

 Exposing McNamara and his concealment which manipulate American popular values/history


Alternatively, in identifying the competing perspectives between characters and how distinct ideas are juxtaposed between one another, the reassessment of power is affirmed by the use of textual forms to represent political ideas and which of these portrayals is more effective.

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Wag the Dog alternatively explores how differing ideas can often collide which is seen throughout this presidential scheme, measuring the operative use of power and how a set of particular ideas as portrayed by composers can dominate others

 CIA challenging the validity of these schemes – questioning if power is controlled by institution or a specific party trying to maintain personal interests

 Media vs. Motss – the ways they contribute to the reflection of reality, the ironic comment that Presidential reelection is attributed to campaign rather than the efforts of Motss that outline general unawareness of public

 Brean vs. Motss – identifying the difference in understanding the purpose of this project and how their individual understanding of power (Motss for credit, Brean to get the job done)


Fog of War outlines the lessons and reassessment that can arise from continual competing perspectives and how they question the power and portrayal that drive political ideas

 McNamara ultimately reflects on the ramifications of his decisions, which allow him to question his strong individual held belief that his decisions were justified and correct

 In interrogating this situation from a renewed perspective through accessing archival footage, Morris can educate audiences on the ways which power can be abused/corrupted

 Decisions are therefore portrayed by McNamara as a reflection of power, which exposes his guilt and regret on the ways that his contribution to politics is presented

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Question Five

Analyse the ways the representation of people and politics generate diverse and provocative insights


The representation of the relationship between people and politics can bring about a variety of messages according to the way ideas are constructed. Both Wag the Dog by Barry Levinson and Fog of War by Errol Morris assess through diverse insights that embody the way that power can affect political outcomes. Similarly, the means to which different ideas are presented can offer provocative insights that demonstrate the underlying manipulation occurring behind conveying reality. Through projecting these insights, audiences are able enrich themselves with various perspectives that allude to the representative process and ways that ideas can be constructed.


Both Wag the Dog by Barry Levinson and Fog of War by Errol Morris assess through diverse insights that embody the way that power can affect political outcomes.

BODY ONE In Wag the Dog, Levinson creates a platform where he ultimately exposes the importance of power and how it is embodied in various different ways to establish outcomes, which support the personal motivations.

 The way that Brean asserts power in a subtle way, through avoiding vocalizing the power he holds in comparison to Motss which allows the balance of the two to surface an effective plan to reelect the president

 Parallel to the concept of wagging the dog, power is seen through the ways in which a small group of effectively use spin to construct an illusion that draws on the appeal of American values

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 Through representation Levinson through Schumann creates the American hero and the impact it has on sustaining the story and legacy which public buys into


Similarly, in Fog of War, through viewing political issues from diverse perspectives, Morris is able to surface renewed insights regarding power and the ways it is exercised through its manifestation in history

 Morris through offering a competing perspective can show the various elements in controlling power and to the extent it is justly used by McNamara

 In questioning the effectiveness of deploying mass troops in the Vietnam war, the representation of McNamara with power therefore reflects upon the impact of these events

 Interrogation to the ways in which power can be manipulated from the perspective of Morris question the representation of truth and its validity – was there secrecy involved?


Similarly, the means to which different ideas are presented can offer provocative insights that demonstrate the underlying manipulation occurring behind conveying reality

BODY THREE Levinson is effective in exposing the idea that audiences may be manipulated as a result of representative choices in Wag the Dog, allowing individuals to assess the construction of truth in the complex relationship between people and politics

 The characters as constructed by Levinson are shown to display techniques of manipulation that exploit the gullibility and acceptance of truth by the general public

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 Constructing political spin to win over the perspective of public by implementing certain ideas – anthems, slogans and ensuring the highly complex ‘legitimacy’ seen by audiences


Furthermore, the critique of the truth evident in Fog of War through a renewed historical context allows Morris to question a provocative stance on the ramifications of McNamara’s political decisions affecting wider society

 Through using various forms and mediums, McNamara is juxtaposed with his actions which demonstrate a representation which may exaggerate the impact of his decisions

 In assessing this decades after the events occur, Morris interrogates and represents people in a communal outcry of the necessity of his decisions - in demanding the truth McNamara realizes the gilt of these decisions brought about by provocative stances on situation

Question Six

The relationship between people and politics is more complex that it at first appears. Is this so?


Through engaging with the representation of people and politics, an individual can identify its complexity by understanding the relationship at core is multifaceted and is determined by many elements. This intricate relationship is demonstrated by power held by both the people and those who govern them mostly through how adjust according to subjective slants and biased views. Furthermore, the investigation into these continual process of representation generated through personal agendas conveys political ideas and how they can shape popular opinion which may deter the validity of truth. In Barry Levinson’s film Wag the Dog and Errol Morris’ documentary Fog of War, the growing complexity of political

Page 26 of 29 HSC English – Advanced – MODULE C – Representation & Texts – Sample Essays – Wag The Dog | Where Angels Fear to Tread | Fog of War decisions made by individuals is understood through these texts as they expose the representative process that undermines the fair portrayal of seemingly accepted beliefs.


This intricate relationship is demonstrated by power held by both the people and those who govern them mostly through how adjust according to subjective slants and biased views.


Wag the Dog in a satirical form outlines the projection of biased perspectives that are engrained in reality through conscious decisions of individuals, which challenges the extent to which power is asserted

 Biased views of the President covering up error with a decoy to draw towards distraction

 Through following the representative journey that aims to reelect the president, audiences are ultimately drawn towards achieving this outcome like those who plan these events

 Media as a means of transporting these ideas from those who control to the public and their inability to question motives behind representation


Similarly in Fog of War, the protection of personal and political self-interests detriments the ideal equilibrium present in the relationship of people and politics, creating a means of exposing ramifications of power

 McNamara justifying his decisions as Secretary of Defense as those that benefit the country

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 Motivations to retain his pride and reemphasize his sense of responsibility and duty to the people first, rather than having access to copious amounts of power

 Clarifies specific aspects of the lessons he learnt from war which are directly affiliated with people, but at the same time exposes his involvement in controversial political situations which are questionable


Furthermore, the investigation into these continual process of representation generated through personal agendas conveys political ideas and how they can shape popular opinion which may deter the validity of truth.


Elements of representation that are seen in Wag the Dog places Levinson as a critique on manipulation behind truth fuelled by personal intents – by doing so he questions the validity of these opinions assimilated as truth

 Motss wanting to expose the truth and alluding to the overarching illegitimacy between people and politics – it simply is a lie when all are oblivious to these elements

 Levinson urging to see through complexity one is able to enforce an active engagement with texts and the ways they can subtly manipulate through various mediums

 Extents of concealment and truth, enforced by social models which reflect well upon favourable ideas


Fog of War shows through the impact of people reflecting and interrogating upon the presentation of truth from renewed perspectives and insights, demonstrating an inflection between how people dictating decisions

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 Giving insight into the way equilibrium must be sustained in the relationship between people and politics as complicated as it is to surface an outcome of mutual understanding

 However, in many cases, intent can be exploited therefore trust affirmed in those having power can be ultimately questioned through assessing the representative process

 The insight towards creating meaningful presentations of truth – a constant reassessment Morris urges audiences to adopt.

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