Interesting Facts about the Rat

Chicken Snake!

The Texas loves to eat fledgling and . This fondness has earned it the name of "chicken snake."

The Texas rat snake is a subspecies of the rat snake. It is nonvenomous, mostly harmless, temperate- to-tropical terrestrial or an arboreal or aquatic snake. It is mostly found in the United States, particularly in Texas, but its range extends to , , and Oklahoma as well. It is found in various colors, and the leucistic Texas rat snake is popular as a pet as well.

Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri is its trinomial name. The name lindheimeri is used in honor of the German-American naturalist Ferdinand Jacob Lindheimer. The first specimen was collected by him in New Braunfels, Texas.

Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Class: Reptilia




Species: E. obsoleta

Subspecies: E. o. lindheimeri

Physical Features

? It is a large snake, around 5 - 6 feet long. The largest recorded length is 7 ft 2 inches!

? Although mostly it is yellow or tan in color with brown or olive green blotches, a lot of variation is seen in its colors and patterns.

? Some have orange or red speckling. Few specimens show leucism as well.

? Although it demonstrates color variations, it is distinguished by its prominent gray head. ? The underside is plain white or gray in color.


? It is found in a variety of habitats from swamps to , and from grasslands to even urban areas.

? The presence of and oakwood are major factors influencing the occurrence of this snake.

Other Interesting Facts

? The Texas rattle snake is a voracious eater and has a huge appetite. It eats rodents, , , and .

? It can reach nests of birds easily, as it is an agile climber.

? It has an average lifespan of 15 years. Whether it's a DUI attorney or Car Wreck Lawyer. Dallas has what you need. Males live longer than females.

? It reaches sexual maturity in 18 to 24 months. It usually starts mating after winter hibernation in late April, May, and June.

? The Texas rat snake is a very good swimmer.

? It gets very aggressive and starts biting if Texas provoked or cornered. But its bite is harmless, as it is nonvenomous.

As a Pet

? The Texas rat snake is a hassle-free pet. All it requires is a clean habitat and proper diet.

? Even people who are not much experienced in keeping pets can easily take care of it.

? Aquariums are ideal to keep it in captivity, but many other commercial options are available as well. The cage should be big enough for the snake to engage in natural activities. Make sure that you thoroughly clean the cage at proper intervals of time.

? Other essentials are a climbing branch, clean water, thermal gradient, hiding place, and proper substrate.

? Adult snakes should be fed weekly with one .