A little extra TOTI to while away those hours.—Pauline


1. In Sicily, Italy, citizens decorate the town’s main street with gigantic and elaborate archways and other structures made of natural elements like breads, willow, and more to mimic the feel of the inside of a cathedral.—T 2. In Poland on you may be soaked with buckets, balloons, and pistols filled with water.—T 3. On the island of Folegandros, the Easter emphasis is on the Virgin Mary, and people clean and wash their homes in preparation for the passing of an icon of the Virgin Mary.—T 4. People all over the island of Bermuda head out to fly vibrantly decorated homemade kites together, cre- ating a beautiful display.—T 5. On the island of Madagascar lemur spotting is a favourite pastime for children. Fruit is laid out in back- yards and the more lemurs you attract the better the following year will be.—F 6. In Russia chocolate Easter eggs, in the form of Matryoshka dolls, are much loved. The world record for the number of eggs, one inside of another, is held by a confectioner in Vladivostok who made a 15 layer egg in 2012.—F 7. Norway celebrates Easter by reading and watching stories about crime. This tradition is unique to Nor- wegians, as no other country around the world celebrates the sacred holiday by obsessing over myster- ies, murders, and violence.—T 8. In John O’Groats, Scotland, a combined band of 100 pipers heralds in the new day on Easter Sunday.—F 9. In Antigua, Guatemala, elaborate designs made using coloured sand and sawdust are laid on the streets in preparation for a solemn of large sculptures of holy figures to be carried—T 10. In Juneau, Alaska, traditionally lumberjacks run naked down the main street to plunge into the Gasti- neau Channel.—F EASTER GENERAL

1. Which calendar is used to calculate the each year? - Jewish (Lunar) 2. Easter Island is the special territory of which country? – Chile 3. Who starred alongside Judy Garland in the 1948 movie ? – Fred Astaire 4. How do you test whether an egg is raw or hard-boiled without breaking it? - spin it 5. What is the name of the in Alice in Wonderland? - White Rabbit 6. Why are many Easter eggs dyed red? - symbolising the blood of Chris 7. Which official workplace and home in America has hosted an egg roll since 1878? - The White House 8. What animals are banned from travelling on Brittany ferries as they cross the English Channel? - (story goes that a rabbit ate its way through the hull of a wooden ship and sank it) 9. What world record did Harriet, a hen from the United Kingdom, break in 2010? - laid the world’s largest egg which was over 23cm in diameter (poor girl! 10. Who is Eostre? - Anglo-Saxon Goddess whose symbol was a rabbit or hare. 11. Why are older eggs, which have been boiled, easier to peel than newer eggs? - older eggs have larg- er air cells. 12. Who voiced Bugs Bunny? - Mel Blanks 13. What is competing with the chocolate in Australia? - Easter Bilby 14. What is the significance of the pleats in a chef’s hat? - Traditionally how many ways to cook an egg (100) 15. According to many surveys, where do the majority of people start when eating chocolate bunnies? - from the ears