E704 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 7, 2014 RECOGNIZING THE BURKE VOLUN- Team Leader Catherine Owens. teer of AARP from Illinois. Recently, Sue was TEER FIRE AND RESCUE DE- Chaplain Harry Chelpon. named the first ever winner of the AARP Di- PARTMENT’S 66TH ANNUAL IN- I also wish to recognize Assistant Chief and rector’s Award for Distinguished Service. This STALLATION OF OFFICERS BAN- Lifetime Member Lawrence A. Bocknek on the award is given to an outstanding volunteer QUET occasion of his retirement following 29 years who consistently exceeds what is asked of of service with the Burke Volunteer Fire and them and provides exceptional service to the Rescue Department and 40 total years in the community. HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY fire service. OF VIRGINIA Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join Sue Magner preforms many different activi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES me in congratulating the department for 66 ties as an AARP driver safety volunteer. She Wednesday, May 7, 2014 years of service and in thanking all of the is an instructor, trainer, and VMIS data man- ager. Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to join brave volunteers who do not hesitate to drop the Burke Volunteer Fire and Rescue Depart- everything when the community calls in need During her time at AARP, Sue has jumped ment, which is hosting its 66th Annual Installa- of help. To all of these men and women who at the challenge of familiarizing new volun- tion of Officers Banquet, and in thanking its put themselves in harm’s way to protect our teers with computer systems knowledge and volunteers for filling an essential role in keep- residents I say: ‘‘Stay safe.’’ computer-based technology and is always ing the community safe. f looking for new methods on how best to teach incoming volunteers and optimize their experi- The Burke Volunteer Fire and Rescue De- HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- ence. partment was founded in January 1948, and SARY OF THE GEORGIA SOCIETY for more than 6 decades it has provided life- OF HOSPITAL ENGINEERS Sue’s colleagues report that she is eager to saving fire suppression/prevention and emer- answer any coworker’s questions and does gency medical/rescue services to the residents HON. AUSTIN SCOTT everything she is asked with a smile. Her kind- of Burke, Fairfax County, and the surrounding OF GEORGIA ness and ability to her help others is truly communities. It also provides, houses, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES commendable. Through hard work and tireless maintains firefighting and emergency medical dedication, Sue Magner has helped make a Wednesday, May 7, 2014 equipment; provides opportunities for profes- difference in countless lives. sional growth and development for the mem- Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Mr. Speaker, and my distinguished col- er, I am honored today to recognize the 50th bership; and maintains and fosters a strong leagues of the House, please join me in con- anniversary of the Georgia Society for Hospital viable organization. gratulating Sue Magner on receiving this dis- Engineers (GSHE). It is appropriate at this As one of the County’s most active volun- tinct honor and wishing her many future suc- milestone to reflect on and celebrate the im- teer fire and rescue departments, the Burke cesses as she continues her work with AARP. Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department works portance and achievements of this organiza- tion. in cooperation with the Fairfax County Fire f and Rescue Department to serve the commu- On October 1, 1964, the Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) launched the GSHE at a nity. Last year alone, the Burke station re- IN MEMORY OF CHIEF ROBERT meeting in Macon, GA. The GSHE owes much sponded to thousands of incidents. KNIGHT OF THE SAYVILLE FIRE of its success to the strong foundation laid by I am honored to recognize several of the DEPARTMENT dedicated men and women of the Burke Vol- the original charter members: Billy Wise, unteer Fire Department who have volunteered Dewey Moon, Wendell White, Jerry Adams, for extra duty as officers or as members of the Darryl Goodwin, Mahlon Hill, and the first HON. PETER T. KING board of directors or who are receiving awards GSHE president, Mr. P.J. Wise. These men for their superlative service to the department showed extraordinary foresight and wisdom as OF NEW YORK and the community. It gives me great pleasure they established a forum for hospital engi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to introduce the names of these individuals neers, supervisors, maintenance managers, and other hospital and medical center per- Wednesday, May 7, 2014 into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: 2014 Award Recipients: sonnel from across the state to meet and share ideas on improving patient care. Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, today Founder’s Award—Kevin Grottle. I rise on behalf of the Long Island delegation Rookie of the Year—Chris Smith. Throughout the years, the GSHE has of- fered a number of programs to increase effi- to offer our heartfelt condolences to the family, Firefighter of the Year—Paul Stracke. friends and loved ones of Robert ‘‘Bobby’’ EMS Provider of the Year—Emily Fincher. ciency and efficacy in hospitals. The earliest programs included ‘‘helping hand’’ and ‘‘spe- Knight, former Chief of the Sayville Fire De- Officer of the Year—Mike Powell. partment of Suffolk County, New York. Con- Administrative Person of the Year—Nancy cial tools’’ which allowed hospital engineers to gressmen BISHOP, ISRAEL, MCCARTHY and I Stone. offer assistance and resources to one another. As innovative technology plays an increasingly had the sincere pleasure Of working with Career Member of the Year—Mike Istvan. Chief Knight on important fire services issues Chief’s Award—BVFRD Maintenance Team: major role in health care, the GSHE continues that directly impacted the safety and wellbeing Larry Bocknek, Kevin Grottle, Shaun Kurry, to help hospitals keep up with new tech- of our constituents. His tireless service to the and Alex Budd. nologies and provide exceptional care for citi- firefighter community has been invaluable, and Board of Directors: zens across Georgia. With Mr. William A. Elrod at the helm serv- his counsel was always sought by lawmakers. President Patrick Owens. ing as the 50th president of the GSHE, the or- He honorably served with the Sayville Depart- Vice President John Powers. ment for 35 years. He was also a former Secretary Greg Fedor. ganization maintains the same objective of the member of the East Hampton Fire Depart- Treasurer Sheryl Gilhooly. original charter members, to unite hospital en- ment, 1975–1979, and the North Patchogue Larry Barnett. gineers so that they might collaborate and Fire Department, 1968–1969. Rich Guarrasi. learn from one another. Mr. Speaker, please Alisha Sunde. join me on behalf of the great people of Geor- Bobby was loved by everyone who knew Officers: gia in wishing the GSHE many more years of him. His selfless commitment to the safety and Chief Thomas Warnock. continued success in transforming the delivery security of our state was evident in his work Deputy Chief Tina Godfrey. of healthcare. as the Legislative Committee Chairman for the Deputy Chief John Hudak. f Firemen’s Association of the State of New Captain Melissa Ashby. HONORING SUE MAGNER York. He passed in the Line of Duty doing Captain Keith O’Connor. what he loved—advocating for the needs of Lieutenant John Rose. HON. PETER J. ROSKAM our first responders. I know myself and many Sergeant Jennifer Babic. of my delegation colleagues met with him just OF ILLINOIS Sergeant Kevin Grottle. hours before his unexpected passing. He IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sergeant Mike Hertig. didn’t feel well, but he was more concerned Sergeant Mike Powell. Wednesday, May 7, 2014 with carrying the message of the Long Island Team Leader FF Paul Stracke. Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to firefighters than he was for his own well being. Team Leader Paramedic Dave Horne. recognize Sue Magner, an outstanding volun- We have lost a true advocate and friend.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:31 May 08, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K07MY8.014 E07MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 7, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E705 HONORING COACH ED STEERS living independently, and it offers programs National Nurses Week is dedicated to rec- that supply opportunities for enrichment, learn- ognizing the work that our nation’s nurses per- HON. MARK SANFORD ing, and socialization. form each day. We must also realize the po- OF SOUTH CAROLINA The center works to support older residents tential that the nursing profession has to be- who want to age in place in their homes and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES come the premier leader in preventive and to engage them in social activities. Every year, public health. No matter the certification or Wednesday, May 7, 2014 approximately 200 volunteers for the Shep- registration, each nurse is important each day Mr. SANFORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to herd Center serve as medical drivers, com- to each patient. Help me celebrate National acknowledge the outstanding career and ac- panion drivers, friendly callers and visitors, Nurses Week by recognizing nurses in your complishments of Coach Ed Steers. At the health and wellness counselors, fundraisers, community and nationwide. conclusion of this school year, Coach Steers and grant writers. These volunteers run pro- f will be retiring as Athletics Director of Porter- grams such as Lunch n’ Life, Adventures in WASHINGTON COUNTY, MIN- Gaud School after nine great years. Under his Learning, trips and outings, special events, NESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY’S leadership, Porter-Gaud has consistently had and caregivers’ support groups. Services are 80TH ANNIVERSARY one of the most successful and well-rounded available free of charge to anyone age 50 or athletics programs in the South Carolina Inde- older who resides in the local community. pendent School Association (SCISA), winning The Shepherd’s Center has also been rec- HON. BETTY McCOLLUM twenty-six state titles, as well as the SCISA ognized as ‘‘One of the Best’’ 2012–13 by the OF MINNESOTA President’s Cup for three of the past four Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Wash- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years. ington and the 2012 Nonprofit of the Year Wednesday, May 7, 2014 award from the Vienna-Tysons Regional As much as Coach Steers has done for the Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, today I rise Chamber of Commerce. The services and pro- Cyclones, many do not know the details about to pay tribute to the many dedicated volun- grams offered by this extraordinary organiza- Ed’s career prior to his arrival at Porter-Gaud. teers of the Washington County Historical So- tion help to ensure that our seniors stay con- As a student-athlete at the Citadel (Class of ciety in my State of Minnesota as the organi- nected to the community through promotion of 1968), Coach Steers was a three-time South- zation celebrates its 80th anniversary. Since active lifestyles, ongoing social integration, ern Conference champion in wrestling, never its inception in 1934, the Society has played and availability of resources for older residents losing in a dual meet. He entered the coach- an invaluable role in preserving the history of to use their experience, training, and skills in ing profession following a brief stint as a tank the county and educating today’s citizens officer in the Vietnam era, coaching for the significant roles in society. Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join about past generations. Army, then as head coach at William and Eighty years ago, a local women’s group me in recognizing the Shepherd Center of Mary and later at the U.S. Military Academy at identified the need to protect stories and arti- Oakton-Vienna for the services which enable West Point. He is still the winningest wrestling facts from Washington County. Working to- coach in the history of both programs, and has older adults in our community to age in place gether with the Stillwater Rotary Club, the been named to the Citadel’s Athletics Hall of and enjoy their golden years with dignity and group formed and held its inaugural meeting Fame, the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, independence. I thank the many volunteers on April 11, 1934 where it elected its first and the New York Collegiate Wrestling Hall of who generously dedicate their time and efforts president and received its first donation, a Fame. He also was named the Citadel’s Alum- to the welfare of our neighbors. The value of copy of the ‘‘History of Washington County nus of the Year in 2002. their contributions cannot be overstated and and the St. Croix Valley.’’ The Society still has More important than all of these accolades are deserving of our highest praise. the work in its collection today, in compliance has been Coach Steers’ influence on the f with its policy of permanently keeping all do- coaches, athletes, and the entire Porter-Gaud NATIONAL NURSES WEEK nations. community. Ed models a lifestyle of personal After first operating out of a single room in fitness and discipline by squeezing in a run the Stillwater Public Library, the Society has HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON steadily grown in size by increasing the num- every day. He knows the name and the story OF TEXAS ber and variety of items and locations in its of every single athlete and coach—and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES chokes up in telling the best ones every sea- collection. It purchased the former Stillwater Wednesday, May 7, 2014 son at the athletics assemblies. He is present Prison Warden’s House from the State for when buses pull out at 5:00 a.m., and he is Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. $100 in 1941 and turned the property into a present on the sidelines of almost every ath- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of Na- museum. The Warden’s House museum is still letics event, whether bantam, junior varsity, or tional Nurses Week which began on Tuesday, in operation today, making it the second oldest varsity. My boys Marshall, Landon, Bolton, May 6 and ends on Friday, May 9. During the house museum in Minnesota. and Blake join me, the Porter-Gaud Athletics first full week of May each year, we recognize The Historical Society continues to grow to Department, and the entire school in thanking nurses across our country. Nurses represent this day. It recently purchased a 14,000 Ed for his service and wishing him all the best the largest single component of the health square foot building in Stillwater, MN, that will in his well-deserved retirement. While his lead- care profession with approximately 3,100,000 be made into a state-of-the-art museum and ership and guidance will be sorely missed at registered nurses in the . research facility. The Society currently has Porter-Gaud, his legacy at the school will re- This year’s theme for National Nurses Week about 700 members, operates two interpretive main long after he departs and we wish him is ‘‘Nurses Leading the Way.’’ Nurses not only museums, and provides educational, research, and his wife Sally all the best as their next provide essential care to their patients, but and historical preservation opportunities journey begins. they are also health innovators. Nurses are throughout the county. Mr. Speaker, the valuable efforts of the f constantly bringing themselves on the new technologies and new medical re- Washington County Historical Society during RECOGNIZING THE VOLUNTEERS search required to effectively serve their pa- the past eight decades are commendable and OF THE SHEPHERD CENTER OF tients. We must support our nurse leaders by worthy of recognition. In honor of many people OAKTON-VIENNA recognizing and thanking them for their daily who have built the success of the Washington work. County Historical Society, it is a privilege to With a clear commitment to wellness pro- submit this statement in honor of its 80th anni- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY versary. OF VIRGINIA motion and illness prevention, the Obama Ad- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ministration and Congress must support this large contingency of our health care commu- CHIEF ROSEMARY CLOUD Wednesday, May 7, 2014 nity. There is convincing evidence that the Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- health of our country can be dramatically ad- ognize the volunteers of the Shepherd Center vanced by deploying our greatest and most HON. JOHN LEWIS OF GEORGIA of Oakton-Vienna and to thank them for their trusted national health resource, our nurses. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many contributions to the Northern Virginia Given a clear leadership role, the dedicated community. Organized in 1997, the Shepherd nurses of our country provide key services Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Center of Oakton-Vienna is a non-profit that and preventive guidance for effective health Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to provides services to help older adults continue care, not ‘‘sick-care.’’ honor a very special woman, Chief Rosemary

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:39 May 08, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07MY8.018 E07MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS