The influence of on rock and society

The influence is still evident decades after the separation of the most famous band, The Beatles. The Beatles, with artists as or Jimi Hendrix, are one of those who permanently affected the rock. Their influence is still evident decades after their separation. In the 90's, a band called Oasis was particularly inspired by The Beatles partly because the third drummer of the band was the son of Ringo Starr, Zak Starkey. Zak was first in the band called The Who, who were also inspired by the universe of the Beatles. Zak replaced his godfather Keith Moon on the drums on concerts.

In the 60's, some artists like David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, The Velvet Underground or Black Sabbath get inspired y them ; like U2, The Cure, The Police and Queen in the 70's ; Radiohead, Green Day Or Nirvana in the 80's.The latter was really inspired by The Beatles, and more precisely the singer of the band, Kurt Cobain. He said that when he was a child, his entourage bought him a lot of records of The Beatles. That's why we can hear in songs like "About a Girl" or "Dumb", Nirvana' songs are naturally influenced by The Beatles. They also inspired bands like Blur, The Verve or Coldplay in the 90's and more recently Panic! at the Disco and The pretty Reckless in the 2000's. We can remind that without them, a part of the actual musical movements like metal, hard rock or punk would not exist. They have also been the subject of several films such as « Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band » in 1978 or « Nowhere Boy » in 2009.

In the time of the Thirty Glorious, a lot of changes came with the Beatles. It is the time of revolutions, first the sexual revolution with the legalization of contraceptive pill and the sexual liberation, for women in particular. It is a real social emancipation that occurred.

John was the foundator of The Beatles, but after their separation in 1970, he still continues to making music like his famous single « Imagine ». The Beatles, especially Lennon, were really open to differents cultures, they went to India and they met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, usually called « Beatles' guru ». He teached them meditation and the art of relaxation, which is a fundamental principle in Hinduism. The influence of that civilization is felt in their music and it influenced a lot the 60's youth.

John Lennon also appears in a video of Apple advertising. It says:

« Lunatics, misfits, the rebels, the mavericks, dissidents, those who see things differently, that does not follow the rules, you can admire or disapprove, glorify or denigrate them, but you can not ignore them. Because they change things, they invent, they imagine, they explore, they create, they inspire, they make advance humanity. Where some see only madness, we see genius. Because only those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, succeed. »