December 2008 Published by NAMI Mercer NJ, Inc. www. n a m i m e rc e r. o rg Vol. 26, No. 4 Our Mission NAMI Mercer is a nonprofit Hughes Will Chair Night Out organization of individuals s we enter our 25th year and families working to improve of serving the communi- the lives of those affected by mental Aty, NAMI Mercer looks illness through education, forward to a special anniversary advocacy and mutual support. celebration at our upcoming Night Out With NAMI, 3 p.m., Sunday, January 11, 2009 at NAMI Mercer Calendar The College of . For regular support meetings, Mercer County Executive see back cover (Page 8) Brian Hughes will serve as hon- orary chair of this milestone PU B L I C ED U C A T I O N ME E T I N G S event. A T T H E NAMI CE N T E R Mr. Hughes will discuss his 20 years in recovery from substance Jan. 15 (Thursday) Start the New Year with abuse. His personal story speaks a Laughter Workshop to NAMI’s mission of hope for A b o v e , back row, l - r : Development Committee Chair John Marsland, Abbie Katz a n d Amy Layng those affected by mental illness. President Bill Hayes, County Executive Brian Hughes. Front row l-r: Abbie is a licensed Like NAMI’s In Our Own Voice Executive Director Sally Osmer and NOWN Chair Elizabeth Pilliod. Laughter Leader. presentations, Night Out provides an mation about sponsoring the event or Amy is an M.Ed. at IFSS opportunity for us to combat stigma. contributing an item or service to the 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Dr. Richard Kogan, distinguished silent auction, please call the NAMI Laughter improves immune functions; pianist and psychiatrist, will return for Mercer office at (609) 799-8994. For up- vibrates muscles for an internal mas - the seventh consecutive year to explore to-date ticket information, call us or visit sage; improves cardiovascular func - the life and genius of an eminent com- our website at tioning; relieves stress and discharges poser. This January, Dr. Kogan will physical and emotional tension. present “Music and the Mind: George George Gershwin: a fascinating life People who laugh together work Gershwin,” a study of the psychological “Gershwin led a life that is fascinat- better together. influences on the creative output of one ing, and especially fascinating from a of our best-loved composers. psychiatric perspective,” Kogan told Feb. 17 (Tuesday) “Psychiatric News” in a recent inter- Video Night According to Kogan, “Porgy and Bess,” considered the quintessential American view. Born in Brooklyn in 1898 to a “Documenting Our Presence — close-knit immigrant family, Gershwin Multicultural Experiences opera and Gershwin’s masterpiece, con- was a boy always in trouble. Today, his of Mental Illness” tains some of the most anguished songs diagnosis would most likely be a conduct 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. of the 20th century. Come to view and discuss The concert will be followed by a fes- disorder and possibly ADHD. NAMI NJ’s new video. tive dinner and silent auction. For infor- Throughout his life, Gershwin was intrigued by fast-clipped sounds Mar. 17 (Tuesday) Ticket Information Encore $10,000 (considered noise by others), Concert only: $ 7 0 Intermezzo $5,000 which he incorporated into his Current Research on Schizophrenia Overture $2,500 Full event: c o n c e r t , r e c e p t i o n music. “I think he heard them and Bipolar Disorders and dinner $185 Musical Notes $1,000 Karen Marquis, Ph.D. Concert and table for eight Minuet $500 that way in part because of his hyperactive nature,” said Director of Schizophrenia and Bipolar (8) for reception and dinner, Program Advertisements Disorders in Discovery Neuroscience $ 1 , 4 0 0 Full Page $500 Kogan. When he was 36 and at at Wyeth Research Sponsor Information Half Page $250 the peak of his career, Gershwin 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Grand Finale $20,000 Quarter Page $125 became severely depressed. It Continued on Page 2 Executive Director’s Message The Holiday Gift That Keeps On Giving

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