
1 2 3 4 5 6 National Dairy The June birthstone National Running Spend 30 minutes National National Trails Month! is a pearl. Do you ! reading with your Doughnut Day! Day! Can you think of 4 know what living Have a family child before bed. foods that are thing pearls come race! Enjoy a yummy Take a walk from? made from dairy? doughnut today! along the Rooster Front Trail.

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 National Best Friend Day! Drop Chocolate Ice Everything Make up a secret Bake some Play a game of Roast some Cream Day! Call a friend or And handshake! cookies or soccer of kickball marshmallows write them a Read cupcakes together. and make a Enjoy some letter! together! s’more! outside! 30 minutes

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Today is Flag National Nature Eat Your Go Fishing Day! Family Movie First Day of Day! Photography Make some Vegetables Day! Night! Summer! Day! lemonade! Try to catch a Make some Recite the Pledge Go on a walk and Enjoy some yummy fish! popcorn and Have a picnic! of Allegiance! take pictures of summer veggies! watch a movie nature! together!

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Father’s Day and Tech Free Dinner Family Game Turn chores into a National Selfie Go to the local Invite your child Visit Steele Creek Night! game. Day! library and check to help you Place all tech Park! out some books! prepare dinner devices in a basket Have fun playing For example, who Choose a way to tonight! and enjoy dinner games together! can match the celebrate! together! most socks in 2 minutes?

28 29 30 Go outside and Rock, Paper National Meteor play a game of I Scissors Watch Day! “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, Spy! Tournament! you will land among the stars.” Look at the night Who will win? sky together! -Les Brown-