The Case of Kathleen Folbigg: Medical Expert
THE CASE OF KATHLEEN FOLBIGG: MEDICAL EXPERT TESTIMONY, A SYSTEM FAILURE ‘People are … convicted for the illegal acts that they do’1 MICHAEL NOTT2 © 2014 ABSTRACT This article considers the two discredited hypotheses of Sir Roy Meadow: Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (‘MSBP’) and the ‘rule of three’ in relation to multiple infant deaths. These hypotheses are controversial. While appellate courts have either rejected them outright or called them speculative, they have been used to achieve convictions in other courts. This article considers how these hypotheses were used in the trial of Kathleen Folbigg, specifically in the prosecution’s questioning and eliciting of witness responses. Although not acknowledged specifically by name, the hypotheses underlined the expert testimony of the prosecution witnesses, thereby creating a presumption of guilt. It is argued that this presumption was compounded by the use of exclusion evidence and the implied use of discredited statistical calculations previously utilised, and rejected, in the trial of Sally Clark. 1 Interview with Richard Refshauge, (then) director of Public Prosecutions ACT, (telephone, 20 July 2004. 2 Michael Nott LLB (Macquarie University) is a former journalist who was employed in the media and communications sector. He has a specific research interest in Meadow’s Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and/or the ‘rule of three’ murder theories. The author has not spoken to Kathleen Folbigg concerning the preparation of this article. Contact: The author wishes to acknowledge the support, suggestions and advice of the following people in preparation of this article: Charles Pragnell, Bob Moles PhD, Clifford G. Miller, Ron Cahill, Robert Gregson PhD, DSc, Gary Edmond PhD, Emma Cunliffe PhD, Paul Goldwater FRACP, FRCPA, Caroline Blackwell PhD, FRCPath DSc and, particularly, Helen Hayward-Brown PhD.
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