Headline From kitchen to pharmacy MediaTitle The Edge Financial Daily Date 04 Aug 2017 Color Full Color Section Feature Circulation 15,000 Page No 21 Readership 50,000 Language English ArticleSize 693 cm² Journalist ANNIE GEORGE AdValue RM 11,122 Frequency Daily PR Value RM 33,366 From kitchen to pharmacy ognised therapeutic marker for the sea salt, while the other is an “anti- Traditional herbs’ health development of memory-improving oxidant digestive beverage”. benefi ts are increasingly drugs. Herbal with acetylcho- linesterase inhibitory activity will A diff erent take on Tongkat Ali studied and scientifi cally open new possibilities for improving Another Malaysian Kilham is proven. cognition and, therefore, memory. familiar with is Tongkat Ali (Euryco- Professor Suzana Shahar of Uni- ma longifolia), which he has worked BY ANNIE GEORGE versiti Kebangsaan Malaysia con- on for more than 10 years. His inclu- ducted a clinical trial on middle-aged sion of Tongkat Ali in his list of “Top populations, with one group taking 10 Hot Plants” for vitality, along with an extract of kesum daily and the herbs like ginseng and maca, has other a placebo. Th e subjects were contributed to its popularity in the US and spurred international curi- t is typical to find ulam (vegeta- given a series of psychological and osity. An apparent result of this is a bles, fruits or herbs eaten raw) intelligence tests at the commence- in a Malay meal, consisting of ment of the study, after three weeks long list of clinical studies that has ulam raja, pucuk paku, kesum, and after six weeks. Th e group re- proved the root’s effi cacy in boost- pegaga and petai, to name a ceiving kesum extract scored higher ing not only energy and strength, few. The herbs used in ulam in overall good mood, short-term but also immunity. Today, interest in are also used to make nasi kerabu memory and intelligence quotient. Tongkat Ali has moved well beyond I It was found that several parameters its aphrodisiac eff ects. or nasi ulam, and other dishes. Their contribution to the colour and taste of cognitive function improved. Th is Malaysians are subject to many of Malaysian cuisine aside, there 2015 study, reported in the journal viral-borne diseases, and the most Clinical Interventions in Aging, has has been recent evidence pointing alarming one at the moment is den- to the fact that some of these herbs piqued interest in the popular herb. gue. It causes morbidity and mortal- are high in antioxidants and possess Among those who have shown ity, and while medication is limited, health-promoting properties, and clear interest is ethnobotanist Chris a robust immune system protects have been used traditionally to treat Kilham (pic), dubbed the “Medicine the body from succumbing totally diabetes and high blood pressure. Hunter”, who was in Malaysia early to the disease. A study on stressed this year to gain a better understand- but healthy subjects, conducted by Case for kesum ing of the herb. In a recent write-up on Japan’s Orthomedico Inc, demon- Kesum ( minor, syn Po- this experience on the American Bo- strated naive T-cell and lymphocyte lygonum minus), used in laksa due tanical Council website, Kilham noted increments with Tongkat Ali supple- to its peppery flavour, is among that kesum is also known as pygmy mentation, thus enabling the warding the herbs found to have high lev- smartweed and has been linked to off of new diseases in stressed popu- els of antioxidants. Antioxidants several highly eff ective health-ben- lations typically prone to infections. are important in neutralising the efi ting properties. Published chem- In a separate study conducted damaging eff ects of free radicals by ical analyses and in-vitro pharma- by the Tropical Infectious Diseases reducing oxidative stress, which can cological studies, he said, suggest Research and Education Centre, De- otherwise cause cell damage. Ox- that kesum have antibacterial, partment of Medical Microbiology, idative stress is one of the culprits antifungal, antioxidant, antiviral and cytoprotective properties. And the Faculty of Medicine, University of that speed up ageing and age-relat- Malaya, the researchers have shown ed diseases, such as neurodegen- leaves are known to contain an array of antioxidant compounds. that Tongkat Ali has the ability to re- eration, infl ammation that causes duce the replication of four diff erent osteoarthritis, cardiovascular dis- In addition to meeting up with traditional healer Datin Sharifah An- serotypes of the dengue virus. Th is ease and compromised immunity. fi nding is novel and is currently be- Scientifi c investigation into kesum isah Syed Agil Barakbah, the founder of Nona Roguy, who observes that ing patented for antiviral properties. has demonstrated the ability of the While these are some of the lat- herb to protect living cells against the herb has been traditionally con- sumed as food for health and beau- est fi ndings on Tongkat Ali, earlier damage from oxidative stress. It was research has shown it to be eff ective also shown to inhibit acetylcholinest- ty, Kilham also spoke to staff of the Forest Research Institute Malaysia in increasing energy and improving erase activity, whereby the enzyme mood, especially in stressed sub- acetylcholinesterase metabolises ace- (FRIM), who shared the latest devel- opments on kesum. He understands jects, and also in increasing phys- tylcholine, a neurotransmitter in the ical strength and the quality of life brain related to learning and memory. that FRIM is developing two kes- um-based health product concepts in ageing populations, proving that Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase is this plant is one to be reckoned with. presently the most accepted and rec- — one is a seasoning comprising a mixture of dried kesum leaves and Headline From kitchen to pharmacy MediaTitle The Edge Financial Daily Date 04 Aug 2017 Color Full Color Section Feature Circulation 15,000 Page No 21 Readership 50,000 Language English ArticleSize 693 cm² Journalist ANNIE GEORGE AdValue RM 11,122 Frequency Daily PR Value RM 33,366

Other commonly used herbs laysia and other Asian countries.) It In 2010, scientist Dr Jay Udani of has liver protective eff ects and has Medicus Research LLC in the US been used in patients with hepatitis conducted a clinical study on the to normalise liver enzymes and liv- improvement of memory using a er health. It is also known to protect combination of seven herbs found against alcohol toxifi cation — alco- in Malaysia, namely sireh (Piper be- holic steatosis (reversible) and alco- tle), turmeric (Curcuma longa), pe- holic steatohepatitis, both steps in the gaga (), curry path towards alcoholic liver disease. (Murraya koenigii), selasih (Ocimum Making it to the market basilicum), kesum and ulam raja ( caudatus). A signifi cant im- As herbs and medicinal plants pro- provement in executive functioning, vide many different compounds cognitive fl exibility, reaction time that may be aff ected by climate, soil and working memory in as little as conditions and time taken to reach four hours after ingestion was ob- maturity, this needs to be taken into served when subjects consumed this consideration when developing nat- combination product. Th e herbs in ural products, so that they consist- the combination have neurostim- ently contain the active compounds ulatory as well as blood circulation — in other words, it must be ensured and memory-enhancing properties, that they are standardised when sold which lead to an improvement in a as supplements. broad spectrum of cognition. Many of these herbs are already Another herb commonly used is commercially available as supple- misai kucing (Orthosiphon stami- ments, including Tongkat Ali, Kacip neus), also known as Java tea. It is Fatimah, misai kucing, kesum and taken as a decoction that is able to dukung anak. Th e value of sales of rid one of kidney stones and has been herbal and traditional dietary sup- clinically tested to reduce high blood plements in Malaysia grew from pressure. Recently, it has also been RM424.2 million in 2010 to RM532.7 shown to help improve memory in million in 2015 (Euromonitor, 2015). rats by targeting the receptors typi- Th is compares with RM451.5 million cally stimulated by caff eine. Hence, in 2010 to RM622.5 million in 2015 the fi ndings suggest that the con- for non-herbal and non-traditional sumption of this tea may promote dietary supplements (which include fi sh oils, minerals and protein sup- alertness and short-term memory. plements), and RM315.4 million to Misai kucing contains many fl avo- RM423.7 million for vitamins. noids and polyphenols, which pro- Th e latest trends are seeing a shift tect the cells and are also known to of consumer preference to natural be highly antioxidative. therapy for health and wellness with Likewise, Kacip Fatimah (Labisia a high degree of convenience. With pumila) has been taken traditional- the proven benefi ts of its local herbs, ly for women’s health, especially to Malaysia has much to off er the world regain one’s fi gure and energy in the in this market segment. post-partum period. Recent clinical Perhaps Kilham put it best when studies conducted by Canada’s KGK talking about the benefi ts of kesum Science and Universiti Sains Ma- in a February segment of Fox News’ laysia (USM) with Professor Dr Nik Health Talk: “What has been ‘kitch- Hazlina Nik Hussain and Associate en medicine’ ... is also transitioning, Professor Dr Norhayati Mohd Noor thanks to pharmaceutical technol- from the USM School of Medical ogy, into forms that, if you are not Sciences have discovered that wom- eating Southeast Asian food, you can en on Kacip Fatimah are calmer, get also enjoy as a supplement.” back into shape faster as a result of reduced bloatedness and have an Annie George is the head of science improved quality of life. and research at Biotropics Malay- Another common traditional herb sia Bhd. is dukung anak. (Scientifi cally known as Phyllanthus, it has a number of species varieties, with P amarus, P niruri, P urinaria and P debilis among the common varieties found in Ma- Headline From kitchen to pharmacy MediaTitle The Edge Financial Daily Date 04 Aug 2017 Color Full Color Section Feature Circulation 15,000 Page No 21 Readership 50,000 Language English ArticleSize 693 cm² Journalist ANNIE GEORGE AdValue RM 11,122 Frequency Daily PR Value RM 33,366

Kesum, used in laksa due to its peppery fl avour, is among the herbs found to have high levels of antioxidants.