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Sandspur, Vol 102 No 06, September 28, 1995

Rollins College

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Rollins leaders gathered at Cocoabeach this week­ LEADERSHIP 95 end for a leadership retreat sponsored by Student Activities. sandspur

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Sign up in 1996 TOMOKAN Student Activities Office UNDERCLASSMEN first floor Carnegie PHOTOS Pictures taken in Student Center Questions? Call Tomokan office - extension 1594 Student Center Oct. 3 & 5 - 9 a.m.-6 p.m. No personal photographs Oct. 4-11 a.m.-7 p.m. wilt be accepted for the yearbook October 6-9 a.m.-5 p.m. No sign up necessary Photo times Oct. 3 & 5 - 9 a.m.-6 p.m. • Oct. 4-11 a.m.-7 p.m. Questions, contact Tomokan Oct. 6-9 a.m.-5 p.m. extension 1594 <5S> Scholarships for Campus Leaders ron IN CHIBF tudents from across the state will vie for more than $30,000 in scholarships S and prizes donated by First Union National Bank. Winn-Dixie, EDS, and Eastpak in the prestigious Florida College Student of the Year Award sponsored by Florida Leader. Applications must be postmarked by February 1, 1996. You don't have to be nominated by your college to enterl For application information, send a sell-addressed, stamped, business-size envelope to Florida College Student of the Year Award, c/o Florida Leader, P.O. Box 14081, Gainesville, Fla. 32604- 2081. Sponsored by Florida Leader and these outstanding co-sponsors:


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ADVERTISING STATT VAJSHALI MANEK September 28, 1995 news Students Witness Fall from Crane QUICK BITS SUNSHINE CLEANING EMPLOYEE INJURED by Heather Wise Orlando Magic ready for NBA season. Shaquille Marcus Writz, a win­ pm. move and to remain calm. "It was really negli­ O'Neil , Anfernee dow washer with Sunshine There he was admitted "If he had moved, he gence on the pan of the man," Hard away, and the rest Cleaning Systems, Inc., cata­ into a regular room and suf­ could've fallen off the roof," he said. of the gang have bulked pulted from the basket of a tip­ fered fewer injuries than Roberts said. Saturday evening, a up and are ready for ping crane into the roof of the antcipated, according to Cam­ "It was a very dan­ few residents of Ward evacu­ training camp. The NBA French House around 12:30 pus Safety officer Keith Linsley. gerous situation and really ated their rooms when they at­ Finalists will be working P.M.,Saturday. The Fire Department scary." tempted to move the crane. on improving their game Katie Roberts and secured the crane and stabi­ Linsley received the "The fireman said they before the regular season Megan Malone, residents of lized the gas leak in the lower call from Roberts and Malone. had to get another crane to pull begins in November. Ward, heard the crash and portion of the crane with He immediately called 911 and the crane," Roberts said. called Campus Safety. chemicals. rushed to the scene, he said. Apparently, the crane According to Roberts, Roberts and Malone When he arrived, Writz's left was resting on the French a rescue team from the Winter heard a thump and saw the cheek was apparently gashed House' and firemen feared that Gloria Estefan was Park Fire Dept. arrived to as­ man falling from the .as well as his arms and one of it would tip into Ward Hall, she involved in a marine sess Writz's condition and re­ basket of the crane. He his legs. "When I arrived, he said. accident. While boating move him from the roof. The appeared to fall onto his face was sitting up on the roof with "It was directly in with her husband off of paramedics slid Wirtz down and forearms, breaking both blood covering both arms," he front of our window and Miami's Sou'h Beach, the latter by two suspended arms and his right leg. said. would have totally smashed all the singer and ropes. "It sounded like egg­ Linsley said the left the stuff in our room," she said. was hit by a Then they lifted him shells, his bones hitting the stabilizer on the crane was not On Sunday morning waverunner over the into the helicopter on a roof," Malone said. secured and Wirtz was the firefighters returned to weekend. The rider of stretcher. He was transported Roberts and Malone allegedly not wearing a safety successfully remove the crane the waverunner, a to Orlando Regional Medical opened their window and strap. The fall was estimated and residents were evacuated Howard University law Center at approximately 2:10 encouraged the man not to to be 20-25 feet. a second time. student, died from his injuries. The Estefans PROJECT GOVERNANCE are not being charged in by Robert Dunikoski

Recent public opinion possibly build a Center for Ef­ ment at Harvard University." Project Governance involves ?nme Bain regarding the operation of our fective Governance on campus. These workshops will be held the institution of a policy con­ Minnviile, government has been charac­ Mr. Foglesong spent last year on campus, the first one being ference during J-Term. This Tenn. began this week. terized by increasing cynicism developing the grant proposal. October 19. Invitations to par­ year's conference is entitled Bucker is beiii g charged and disbelief towards its effec­ After being notified that the ticipate will be issued to area "public journalism." Public with the mm der of her tiveness. Project Governance, grant had been obtained leaders, including the mayor of journalism occurs when news two sons De 'in, age 2, through funding made possible around Commencement of last Orlando. organizations help further the and Dustin, ossess "a Nor is the campus a "sanctu­ tim and the suspect demanded The current enrollment tional students oc- spirit of wanting to get involved ary" in which you may com­ money. When the suspect ob­ rests at 1422, with 412 of that num­ and connect with their college," mit crimes and not be held ac­ tained the money he made the ber representing freshmen and 55 says Erdmann. 1 countable for your actions. The victim lie face down in the representing transfer students. Erdmann notes these Winter Park Police and Florida parking lot and proceeded to Erdmann says this number nearly changes are even more commend­ Beverage Department Agents perfectly matches the target enroll­ able when one looks at the height­ ride away on a bicycle. The have been making many ar­ ment at Rollins, which is largely ened anxiety about college that suspect was described as a rests for under-age drinking based on the capacity capabilities many young people face today. black male, approximately 6 ft and fraudulent identification. of the school. On the whole, it appears students tall, weighing approximately Several of those arrests have A significantly low num­ are becoming concerned earlier 180 lbs.- the bicycle was a 1' been Rollins College students. ber of students (not more than 25) about their choice of major and in 10-speed that had a water If you have a form of fake iden­ are expected to replace those stu­ the wake of today's hectic pres­ bottle holder but no bottle. It tification that you use to pur­ dents who withdraw from the sures, are less sure of their futures you see anyone on campus school mid-year. than students were a decade ago. chase alcohol, remember that matching this description DO Diversity remains a Erdmann stresses that under the laws of the State of NOT APPROACH OR AT­ strong point at Rollins College, Dr.Greg Alman, Conference Rollins continues to select the Florida, a police officer may TEMPT TO STOP THIS INDI­ with 15-16% of the students rep­ instructor, enjoys the Freshman same kind of student- one that is charge you with a felony crime. VIDUAL please call the cam­ resenting minority backgrounds, goal-oriented, involved, and There have been some pus safety office and let the of­ as compared to the 5% of minori­ cupy 4% of Rollins' enrollment). shows an ability tob e competitive serious crimes reported on ficers know where the indi­ ties that attended ten years ago. Erdmann stresses the in the working world. campus including an armed vidual is located. Erdmann expresses his pride in "new generation of concern" he There may be no "news" robbery, and several sightings Also, on Saturday, Rollins College's receptivity to dif­ finds in the class of 1999. Placing^ about enrollment at Rollins this of a streaker. This streaker has September 23,1995, there was ference and maintains that "diver­ aside the number aspects of enroll­ year. The numbers hover around been dubbed the "sockman" a serious accident involving a sity is a priority" of his staff. He ment, Erdmann focuses on the the norm. "The news is in the and is believed to be the same crane parked behind Ward says there is "a lot of room at class' admirable personal at­ trends," says Erdmann "It is all individual that was making Hall. If you witnessed this ac­ Rollins to be different. The student tributes. Such attributes, says about what I hear from young appearances last year. We need cident, please contact Camp"5 body is tolerant of difference." Erdmann, give the class "a marked people going through the pro­ your help to catch him - he is Safety at extension 2401. There has also been an level of sensitivity about issues that cess." described as a white male, be­ Remember: Rollins* increase in the amount of students I find positive." tween 5 ft. 11 in. and 6 ft. tall, YOUR home! Help keep itsafe September 28, 1995 opinions

RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY by Teresa R. Greenlees It seems that we are be­ ship and extend their focus to I feel that my abilities like impressionable children, or honor system. I believe that ing underestimated, and I am more personal and responsible and intentions are grossly un­ prone to irrational, irresponsible this would be an excellent addi­ ashamed, because it seems that ways of delegation, motivation, derestimated every day. Every action. Otherwise, why would tion to the Rollins tradition. As we have begun to underestimate and programming. time I see a sign reminding me the administration feel the need Dean Neilson said, the institu­ ourselves. We were being asked to not to pick the roses or walk on to shield us from such issues as tion of an honor system "is pri­ If you were to ask fifty be more responsible leaders, to the new plantings, my intelli­ drugs, sex, and alcohol in college marily a cultural change that is of Rollins' student leaders what respect the members of our or­ gence has been insulted. When publications? an issue of respect, integrity, and has been lacking from their col­ ganizations and expect a certain I am reminded about a Everyone at Rollins honor." I am convinced that lege experience, what do you amount of responsibility from professor's attendance policy, complains about the lack of com­ Rollins is ready for that change, suppose would be the response? them. Give them the feeling that my judgment and my responsi­ munity. I propose that this is an and that it will impact life on Some typical responses come to you trust them with responsibil­ bility as an adult are being ques­ issue deeply rooted in our lack campus in ways that can only be mind: a more lenient B.Y.O.B. ity, they said, and delegation will tioned. of respect for one another. positive. policy, extended hours at Beans, cease to be such a problem. I can be told that I am a Said Steve Neilson, Some argue that an and more parking for students. These words of wisdom respected member of the Rollins Dean of Student Affairs, "If stu­ honor code would just lead to What I did not expect to made sense to me. This is the community, but until my stu­ dents are treated as adults, then chaos. Some students at Rollins hear was the heated, intellectual way I try to run my own organi­ dent leaders can allocate our stu­ they will treat one another as need more guidance, they say. If debate about community, re­ zation. Respect is such an im­ dent activities fees themselves, adults." Neither the faculty or people aren't mature enough not sponsibility, and respect. portant issue in leadership situ­ and until I am allowed the edi­ administration can expect adult to pull fire alarms, will they be This weekend I at­ ations. We all need it to perform, torial license of creating my own behavior from us when they mature enough to handle an tended a leadership retreat in and it is my firm belief that advertising policies, I do not feel continue to treat us like children, honor code? If they are not, Cocoa Beach. The leaders there Rollins students are not getting respected. incapable of making responsible "they don't belong in college were challenged to defy the enough of it from faculty, staff, This institution does decisions. yet," says Danielle Cohen. paradigms of traditional leader­ or administrators. not treat us like adults, but rather I propose that if stu­ Rollins should not a dents are treated as adults, that "dumping ground" for students new-found responsibility, incapable of acting like adults. BEANS IS CLOSED? though challenging at first, will Therefore, it is our obligation as promote a sense of community, trustworthy adults to come for­ by Jenn Grant honor, and general respect for ward and accept the responsi­ Picture it: your stomach I also talked to Dr. during late hours has increased. the persons, ideas, and institu­ bilities that come with being ac­ is growling, due to extreme hun­ George Grant, Director of the The 1995 spring term decision to tions on our campus. tive members of this college ger pains, and you have a report Olin Library, and Mr. Wenxian close the library at midnight Greg Mullins sug­ community. due in the morning. You make Zhang, Head of Public Library might have bean made gested the use of an honor code your plan of attack: first, to Services, about the times that the prematurely in view of recent Beans for an appetizing dinner Olin Library is available to stu­ use counts. and then to the library for some dent. The library administrators If students have a spe­ FOOD SERVICE HOURS serious studying. You walk over are in a process of experimenta­ cial project due and need to to Beans only to find that it's tion to find out what the opti­ work at the Library for a longer closed. What do you do now? mum library hours are for stu­ period than it is open, they are Beans: Tiurs7:00-i0:00am Does this sound famil­ dents. They are conducting sur­ encouraged to ask their profes­ 11:00am-1:30pm iar? If so, you are not alone. veys and handing out question­ sors or faculty to communicate Many students are confused as naires periodically in the library with the Library so. A lack of to the hours of Beans, the Stu­ to find out what time students communication caused the clos­ dent Center, the Down Under, will study in the library. Librar­ ing of the Library over Labor the Cornell Cafe, the C-store, ians keep a nightly use count to Day weekend. The library staff and the Library. I took it upon keep a record of how many stu­ were unaware that homework myself to help clear up this mat­ dents are in the library at night. had already been assigned. ter for you. After muddling If yOu were not aware, last night Another concern is stu­ through the eating service the decision was made to change dent safely. It is potentially dan­ schedule and the times and days the Ohn Library hours back to gerous to have a small amount the library is open, I've discov­ being open Monday through of students at various, separate ered the following: Thursday from 8:00am until locations in the Library late at Do The reason Beans is 2:00am, on Friday from 8:00am night and it is also dangerous to 8:00pm-12:00midnight only oper. until 7:00pm is be­ until 5:00pm, on Saturday from walk back to the dorms late at 8:00pm-12:00midmght cause the amount of business 10:00am until 5:00pm, and on night after leaving the Library. 8:00-11:00pm Dr. Grant would like to encour­ drops drastically after that point. Sunday from noon until 2:00am. C-Store: rs8:00am-l 0:00pm This is also the reason given for Dr. Grant's goal is to age students to study in pairs or the fact that the student center, have students using the library groups at night. He also dis­ 8:O0am-8:0Opm the Cornell Cafe, and the Down to study and it is up to the closed to me that a proposal was 10:00am-8:00pm Under are closed on the week­ students whether or not the being considered to expand the 12: OOnoon-10:00pm ends. However, the school is library continues to be open Library to include a smaller fa­ Cornell: •s8:15am-8:30pm cility for late night studying. inking about keeping Beans until 2:00am. "If the students use 8:15am-8:30pm e This decision will be made by °P n in the evenings until the Library regular until 2:00am, Saturday closed 8%m, buts this will decrease it will remain open until the Olin Foundation, founders the times that Beans is open dur- 2:00am," Grant stated. Since the of the Olin Library. Sunday closed m8 the day by one hour. start of the term student use sandspur opinions

as a Benedict Arnold or Juda^ To the Editor: are not becoming or expected with me because if they lost the To the Editor. Iscariot. That's fine. But 1 For several weeks now from such a diverse group of monetary support of 37% of the Soft music playing, candle light lenge you, if you disagree, to I have been closely following the people. Why should he be an students of this campus they illuminates two shadowy fig­ would feel an immediate and have an open dialogue with me ures lying close together in front concerns of students on Bits 'n "asshole" or "Just keep his big rather sharp difference. There­ and not behind my back as some of a raging fire, sipping cham­ Pieces, mainly Seniors Craig mouth shut" for merely speak­ fore, I feel the Administration is of you are well known for do­ pagne. You lean over and are Johnson and Jeff Dattilo. I have ing his mind? Is this not the raw­ justified in responding in the ing. You all know that I will be about to kiss Pamela Anderson. also been listening to the conver­ est form of the censorship most manner that they did. Thank delighted to speak with you at BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. CRASH!!, sations about the entire situa­ of your letters alluded to pre­ goodness that someone is think­ any time. SLAM!!, BANG!! As you wipe tion. First, I would like to com­ venting? You have made his ing about the Rollins society as Dario J. Moore the sleep from your eyes and mend the healthy dialogue be­ opinions seem as if he wanted a whole because it is clearly ob­ Senior Theatre Major contemplate why it is you al­ tween the two seniors and oth­ the show to be banned from the vious that there are people in the ways get roused from sleep at ers who have said their piece in school when in fact, he never Theatre Department who only Dear Dario: the same point in this fantasy, a responsible manner. However, once made mention of this. Mr. have their personal interests in I fear that you may not have mi you roll over and glance at the I need to call some individuals Johnson only stated his opin­ mind. Of course, I guess if they alarm clock. 5:45 a.m. What in on the unethical manner that ions. last week's retraction of our Sep­ the world could be going on out­ they have approached this con­ I understand that it is believe as Ms. Morrison does tember 7 Beans Poll results. Tk side, who could be ruthless troversy. I need to do this be­ ones prerogative to agree or dis­ one can see why they are so original chart should have reai enough to rob you of the mo­ cause in contrast to Ms. agree but what I want to know closed minded and yet argue 62% not offended, 1% offended, ment you've been waiting for so Morrison's statement "not rise to is if the responses are truly cen­ rather eloquently that they are and 37% did not see. Thanksjor long. You stumble out of bed, protect every homosexual, tered around the issues Mr. liberal thinkers. your opinions, and keep reading. four hours of sleep just was not woman or ethnic group ... [Be­ Johnson pointed out or are they By the ways Mr. Dattilo Ed. enough, and stagger to the win­ cause] it is neither 'my' respon­ focused on losing one of the The- inadvertently looked over the dow. The sun rises over beauti­ sibility, nor 'my' privilege, to atre Departments traditions? fact that there have been three To the Editor: ful Lake Virginia. You scan the speak for them." I owe at least Furthermore, I would like to (not two) African-American Smoking is disgusting, horizon searching for any sign that much respect to my fellow have someone respond to the Theatre majors in the past two With the obvious increase in the of life. Sure enough there it is. world citizens because I would one factor that Mr. Bean or years. I wonder why there are numbers of smokers (especially The white tilt-bed pick up truck, hope they would do the same for Dattilo neither mentioned nor such low numbers. I guess it women) it is difficult to walk fully equipped with the Rollins me if I came under attack. addressed in either of their ar­ might be too much to challenge around campus without breath­ College logo, the immortal Mr. Johnson's opinion ticles considering they were the Theatre Department to incor­ ing in someone else's exhaled words "Fiat Lux," and "Facilities in the SANDSPUR has been met rather thorough responding to porate the necessary courses or smoke. But this situation is a Management boldly embla­ by responses on his dry erase every other point. What about sufficient amount of time dedi­ result of the Florida law t zoned on the side in those attrac­ board which are derogatory, the 37% of those polled in the cated to the African-American bans in-building smoking. In tive peel and stick black letters, unsigned and unacceptable and SANDSPUR who felt Bit's 'n experience in theatre to recruit taking that into consideration, backed up to the compactor. The has also had prank phone calls Pieces was offensive? Obviously more African-Americans to the STILL don't want to breathe attendant is not so quietly cram­ on the matter. Why couldn't this there must have been something Department. your smoke. But, if you choose ming garbage into the hungry person(s) express their opinions) wrong with the production. I Finally, I am sure that I to do so, at least have respect for machine, cans, bottles and other in the same public forum that know some may argue that 'you will be met with intense oppo­ others and put your butts in ash­ miscellaneous objects that create Mr. Johnson did? Furthermore, can not satisfy all the people all sition for this article because I am trays and not on the grounds of quite a racket are being wrestled certain Theatre majors (and you the time,' but 37% is extremely a Theatre Major who cut against our beautiful, expensive cam­ into their final resting place. Af­ know who you are) have spoken high. I am sure the college's Fi­ the general consensus of our de­ pus. It is litter. ter the seemingly endless of Mr. Johnson in manners that nance Department would agree partment and may be thought of Frank DiGiovanni struggle you see the last bag suc­ cumb to the pressures and tumble into the pit. "Ah," you think, "The truck is empty, at last some peace and quiet." But it's not over yet. The machine roars to life, aluminum shrieks, glass shatters and wood splinters un­ der the enormous pressure. Will this ever end!?!? Class starts in three hours and you would re­ ally appreciate the sleep. The ruckus continues for what seems like hours, but in reality is only South Winter Park & fifteen minutes. Finally you see £it«& hefytfoa. ttnw tU PerfectPfea Party/™ fiyop thefel&wiif (jmtity J&mfo the attendant climb back into the Downtown Orlando cab and pull away. You stumble 1501 North Mills Ave. 5-500 Pizzas back over to your inviting bed, marveling at the beauty of si­ 895-PAPA (Large One Topping) $5.50 Per Pizza Prices Do Not Include Sales Tax lence. You ensconce yourself in (7272) 51»" the comfort and security of your blankets and feel the first, elu­ Perfect Brunch or One Large Carryout Special] Late Night Munch All the Meats™ Family Special. sive waves of sleep coming over One Large^wjthJb e V\rqrte« One Large .you. You search for the images One lOVPizzaTwo Toppings, & Two Carts biCo&-G^dassic' & One.La?g>Jwp>JpKwri§ A of candle light and Pamela. YES!, mwpmm she's back. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, so is facilities management. /A" mm*+ Tax • (MofL-Thuri. 11am-4pm. 9pm-dose) Additional toppings 70< each V^^/^ddrtional toppings 9St each Not valid with any other coupon ^^MS<6anA toppings 9S< each Tom Bowden ^-jam Not valid wrch any other coupon a ' Nott valivalid witwith anany otheotherr couponcoupon . _ ^-^ Not uaiw ^.^T ^1_ "> '^Aooroonai toppings »*«~- Valid only at participating stores Valid only at participating stores Freshman, McKean resident L P Ml Valid only* participating stores Valid only at partcipating^o^ £Jconl^if^^'« °" I Not valid with any other coupon oroffer mmm 1^mt aa __ ^^_ ^^^^— ^m ^^i B^^_ valid only at participating stores Valid only at participating stores I September 28,

HALLOWEEN HORROR HAUNTS Tickets are on sale now for this Special to the Sandspur ORLANDO, FL-- No­ the all-inclusive spooktacular enough??? The Crypt Keeper body "hauntertains" you like is $37 (plus tax) for adults; himself taunts and jeers you Universal Studios Florida! $30 (plus tax) for kids (ages with his maniacal laughter as "Halloween Horror Nights V, 3-9). you come face to face with 'The Curse of the Crypt "Halloween Horror your deepest and most Keeper," the most Nights,^' cited last year by •dreaded fears in "Knights of "defrightful" party of the Newsweek Magazine as one Hell," a brand new frightful year, returns to Universal for of the six best "haunts" in fantasy lagoon adventure a fifth terrifying year and the country, features more featuring a thrilling combina­ tickets are on sale now! haunted attractions, more tion of pyrotechnics, water Unearthing the deranged demons and the curtains and death-defying Monsters are emerging, ready to spook the masses for Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Strudios held on October 13-14,19-21, hair-raising terror of some of most thrilling interactive stunt Work that will haunt 25-31. the most horrifying movies rides and shows in the world! your dreams for months to in history, "Halloween Horror Descend upon Universal Stu­ come. frightening trepidation of een trick-or-treat, cool-dude Nights" comes to life for a dios crazed 444-acre studio In "Terror Under­ these movies up close and time-travelers ever meet up record-breaking gamete backlot,. amuck with may­ ground," new for '95, a host personal. with this year's most nights of monsters, mystery hem, madness, mind-blowing of demonic tunnel dwellers Joining these all-star bodacious, news-"worthy" and madness beginning Fri­ music, and over 500 mu­ await unsuspecting victims thrillers are comically cool celebrities in "Bill and Ted's day the 1 3th and continuing tants, monsters, and mani­ as they travel through a sin­ and totally new renditions of Excellent Halloween Adven­ October 14, 19 through 21 acs. ister labyrinth of subway two nerve shattering, ture IV." and 25 through 31. ! Florida The Crypt Keeper tunnels filled with spooks and side-splitting favorites. So Halloween Horror residents can take advan­ emerges from the ghouls located in the de­ come on down, you won't Nights is the most diabolical, tage of "spooktacular" sav­ netherworld in a starring role serted confines. of want to miss Beetlejuice, the dynamic event of the year ings by purchasing their tick­ at Halloween Horror Nights Universal's New York backlot. ghoul with the cool, as he featuring unusual, ets in advance at Florida in the all new crypt Keepers In Universal Studios Florida's returns to host "The Price is one-of-a-kind entertainment Ticketmaster outlets for only Dungeon of Terror," a newest addition, "Universal's Fright," a hilarious, interac­ you don't want to miss! Get $27 (plus tax). Day of event horrorific journey into an evil House of Horror," guests will tive game show spoof that your tickets early and save! admission for Florida resident crypt of unthinkable horrors be immersed in the eerie is sure make you laugh till For Halloween Horror Nights adults is $32 (plus tax); $30 which includes the legendary sights and sounds of you die. Bill S. Preston (Es­ ticket information, call (407) (plus tax) for kids (ages Universal Studios Florida "Rat Universal's classic horror quire) and Ted Theodore 35-HORROR. 3-9). Regular admission for Lady." Think you've had films, experiencing the Logan, the hippest Hallow­ CABARET AND GEORGE GROSZ'S PANDEMONIA by Wendy Speake Before a play is even into a burning furnace; col­ lation, stabbing, shooting, Come to the Annie Friday October 6 - Saturday cast a team of collaborators lecting pictures of Germans battering - sheer hell on earth. Russell Theatre and experi­ October 14. We hope to see (directors, producers and de­ during the war, with their hol­ Researching CABA­ ence CABARET, running from you there. signers.) find the ever evolv­ lowed lifeless expressions. All RET has equipped the cast ing truth or theme of the of this research supports and with knowledgeable and ­ piece. Research is done on the deepens the outline first set tional responses to what was taking place during the action era historically and socially. by the original collaborators. "*r ^B The goal is to have a finished One of the original of the play. Responding to ac­ product that sends a strong, pieces of inspiration for tual voices and artwork from IM- unified feeling out to the au­ CABARET, shown to the cast Berlin, such as Grosz's, allows dience via set design, light­ on the first night of rehears­ CABARET to be fleshed out -M ing, costume design and char­ als, was a sketch by George into a frighteningly real por­ acter development. Grosz entitled Pandemonia. trayal of an era of hatred and fear. The cast and crew of Research for the ac­ "What I saw filled me with hor­ ror and contempt for human Cabaret is working hard to ^^ V tor consists of studying a show such an honest reflec­ W\^M German accent; learning kind," Grosz wrote of Ger­ ^L '" il many in 1914. In Pandemonia tion of a time that no one can about the night clubs of Ber- forget. Be touched by the W -** 1 Grosz presents everyday life •in during Hitler's reign; rec­ love stories and angered by JeffDattillo and Meredith Inglesby star in the Annie Russell in Berlin as incessant warfare; ognizing the political attacks the ignorance of human kind. production of Cabaret, October 6-14. that began subtly and spread arson, rape, hanging, strangu­ sandspur PACO'S: A DELIGHTFUL MEXICAN HIDEAWAY •••• by Rhonda Neuhaus "Paco's" on roundings. The simple is the Jalapeno Pop­ stream of people enter­ restaurant. For anyone great Mexican feast Fairbanks Avenue may Mexican decorations pers. These cheese- ing and exiting. The who loves Mexican food that doesn't cost a for­ look deceiving from the with hats, wreaths, filled jalapeno peppers good quality of the and who hasn't tried tune. outside, but inside lies blankets, baskets, and are absolutely delicious, food as well as the "Paco's," you are miss­ one of Winter Park's maracas, create a com­ down to the last bite. prices (which any stu­ ing out on a rare treat. NEXT WEEK: best kept secrets. This fortable ambiance for Other recommenda­ dent could afford) I defintiely recommend ? ? ? Mexican restaurant at eating. tions include the bean makes for a four star visiting Paco's for a 1801 W. Fairbanks Av­ Our waitress enue (between Hwy. was speedy and patient 17-92 and I-4), high­ when it took us a long lights delicious foods, time to actually decide &cutys wonderfully low prices, what to order. The ROLLINS REVIEWS and a casual atmo­ menu has pages of by Rhonda Neuhaus sphere perfect for the dishes including enchi­ college student! ladas, tacos, tostadas, and cheese enchiladas, Walking in you burritos, and quesa­ chicken tacos, and bean may wonder about the dillas. These tempting tostadas. Guacamole quality of this choice, entrees come in all va­ and Spanish rice make but wonder no further. rieties including bean, excellent side dishes You are seated imme­ cheese, chicken, and and complement the •* diately and will soon see beef. In addition, they main entrees amaz­ how many people actu­ have the all-time favor­ ingly. ally know about this ite nachos, chili It is amazing to little hideaway. The rellenos, as well as me that "Paco's" has chips and salsa placed many combination been serving this com­ •* at you table is a perfect plates and dinners, munity for fourteen beginning; not too which allow to sample years, and that most spicy, but just right. a variety of many de­ Rollins students have While waiting to order, lectable choices. never heard of it. For a take a good look •* One appetizer, small restaurant, it al­ around at your sur­ new to the restaurant, ways has a steady ANGELS CAN'T EVEN HELP THEPROPHECY •• by JoAnna Boylan The Phophecy. An autopsy of Madsen) discovers imagery. In this movie another place where is a supernatural thriller the victims body re­ Simon and tries to force they are as ruthless as they could do this. The NEXT WEEK: of a heavenly war veals its unearthly na­ him out-but Gabriel humans, at least Gabriel special appearence waged on Earth by an ture, bringing Thomas arrives to punish his is. It was interesting to from Satan at the end Brad Pitt's army of renegade an­ to the attention of rival for his betrayal. see angels coming to did shine a little light to new thriller gels. When a priest no­ Gabriel played by Chris­ Thomas and Katherine Earth to fight other the already dim move. vitiate Thomas topher Walken realize that Gabriel is angels for power. Of Not the best and not Seven is Daggett, played by (Wavne's World II. Pulp actually the Arch-Angel course there was not the worst. Elias Koteas (Look Fiction. Batman Re­ reviewed Who's Talking Too. turns) and Simon, Tucker. Some Kind of played by Eric Stolz Wonderful), has visions (Fast Times at tick. while he is taking his Ridgemont High. Some vows, he abandons the Kind of Wonderful- by JoAnna Boylan church at the order of Mask), two supernatu­ his ordination. Thus, he ral forces who descend Gabriel, seeking to turns to policework in­ from heaven to lead a control heaven over stead of the priest­ war on earth over hu­ God's servants and all hood. Years later, as a mans. humanity. His key to homicide detective as­ Simon, first to winning the war, the signed to a murder find the Colonel's body, dark soul of the Colonel, case, Daggett uncovers seizes the deceased the most ruthless a series of clues with man's soul and hides in military mind in dark religious over­ the attic of an old existence. tones: the obituary of school house. Knowing The Prophecy a dishonored Army Gabriel is not far reminds me of the Colonel; a copy of a behind, he conceals the typical B-movie, but book on angels that he evil soul in the body of not as low of a budget wrote, and an ancient a young girl named B-movie. It is a boring bible containg a chap­ Mary (Maria Snyder). flick with blood and ter of the Book of John Mary's teacher religion mixed. The never known to exist. Katherine (Virginia angels aren't portrayed as your traditional Christopher Walken stars as Gabriel in Gregory Widen's The Prophecy. September 28, 1995 uff UPON A MORE ENLiqHTFNFn TlMF .A/

This week we The rest of the story is these terms is accept­ Persun of Better-Than- If you loved offering opposing just...well, entertain- able, and making up Average Attractive­ Politically Correct Bed­ points on James mently challenged. some new buzz term is ness," the modern day time Stories, you Garner's Once In fact, almost not going to change a equivalence of "Sleep­ should definitely try aJore_EollShti all of the tales were dis­ thing. It seems that ing Beauty." Other PC Once Upon A More En­ -Time- appointing. "The Tor­ Once Upon a More Fn- stories included in this lightened Time. If toise and the Hare" and liahtened Timp and ,rge Melendez compilation are "The you've never read ei­ You are never "The Little Mer-Person" James Finn Garner are Ant and the Grasshop­ ther, be sure to pick up j to read fairy were two of my favor­ anything but enlighten­ per," "The Princess and a copy today. It will ing. "Especially if they ites, but even those the Pea," and "Puss in leave your stomach etold and written lacked that Je ne sais Boots." aching with laughter. Finn Garner in quoi about fairy tales. ilitically correct I was very dis­ appointed with Once worcts. ier_ Ah, the 90's: Upon a More Enlight­ ge if politically cor- by Kim Hanisak terms which were ened Time. I think that From the begin­ the "politically correct" ,ted in order to ning of the book where copies feelings. terms are more harm­ Garner introduces the You have prob- ful than helpful. Just politically correct alpha­ ieard how James something to chew on, bet to the last fairy tale Garner's retold would you rather be "The City Mouse and ics are hilarious, called short or vertically the Suburban Mouse," beg to differ. challenged? It makes it Once Upon A More En­ had a couple of sound like you have a lightened Time brings a is here and there, handicap. Whatever humorous look at some t bust a gut. happened to saying familiar fairy tales. ansel and Gretel," what you feel? The follow-up tory begins just as Give me a to Politically Correct expect, but break, Whether some­ Bedtime Stories. things change. It one calls me horizon­ Garner's new farce that the witch tally inclined does not shines as an amazingly Instead of matter, because I know talented sarcastic witch, Hansel that they mean to call writer. I particularly retel befriend her. me fat. Neither of enjoyed "Sleeping MO KING POPES DEBUT Smart, fast, throughout history." melodies are so solid," spite -- like their music, just a bunch of regular y, and bursting With brothers Josh, says Josh. "But then, the young guys aggres­ emotion, the Matt Caterer, 24, on we have songs which defy sively looking for love (mg Popes are a bass, and Eli Caterer, are that good and play stereotypes. They are and understanding. i of young musi- 20, sharing lead guitar them in a really con­ poised to reunite honors, along with temporary, tough way. world of punk friend and neighbor In the way that the ica 1995 with its Mike Felumlee, 20, play." less pop roots. playing drums, the The Smoking a classic ap- Smoking Popes are Popes are appealing to songwriting philosophically aligned ijecting their pow- with the lo-fi, do-it guitar-driven -yourself approach to tUYl&S with undeniable music, yet their crisp, by Capitol Records i the Smoking tight sound rings loud sare returning the and clear. The songs on because they defy )e universe to its , like "I expectations. Josh's lost past. The re- Gotta Know Right strong, lilting, and available now for Now," "Rubella," and melodic vocal style hear on their Capi- the album's first single, stands in sharp relief to :cords shut Born "," are the powerful, surpris­ larequintessen- distinctive, instantly ingly complex guitar reat songs. recognizable, and stand parts and in-your-face The songs apart from the quickly rhythms. This stylistic n are just love accepted cannon of contradiction brings ]< explains Josh today's alternative the lyrical content into fer> 23, whose dis- standard-bearers. focus, giving well- deserved attention to ^vocal style and "We're trying to the tales of loves lost Siting prowess base our songwriting, and found. The music lamered the band the structure of our and the lyrics give Reserved atten- songs and melodies, on UJlJ insight into a group of st like all the the really great classic The Smoking Popes burst into the music scene with their teft songs that young men who are not tunes that are stan­ debut album Rom to Quit. bored, angry, or full of been written dards because their M jfe sandspur

Campus Crusade for Christ @ Sullivan .House, 7:00pm Poole @ The Junkyard Central Florida Film and Video Feitivalfebo lounge>i7:30pm "Improving Skills of Disability Advocates" @ Center for Independent Living, 1:06pm Jessie Colin Young @ Sapphire Supper Club, 9:00pm Bluesberry Jam @ The Mill Securities Investors Club @ Economics Lounge, 7:00pm

Big Sandy & Rocket 88 @ Sapphire Supper Club Central Florida Film and Video Festival @fprlafdb Museum of Art, 7:30pm Bush, Toadies, and Hum @ The Edge I Meditation / Relaxation @ Chapel Parlor, 12:00pm

Soccer vs. Stockton State @ Sandspur, 7:00pm. Sam Rivers Trio @ 32 W. 4th St, Apopka (benefit concert for the Big Potato Academy) Central Florida Film and Video Festival @ Loch Haven Center, 6:30p|n Chris Tucker @ Bob Carr Perform|pig Arts: Centre Habitat for Humanity Groundbreaking (alMethddist fJoise, lloug&s 1&tree% t0:00|rm International Drive Craft and Wine Festival @ The Mercado Wekiva Clip 'n Hike @ Wekiva State Park Entrance Station, 8:00am Walktoberfest @ Winter Park Mall, 8:00am - Phi Mu Car wash @ McDonald's on 17-92,10:00am

Weekly Worship @ Chapel, 11:00am Catholic Mass @ Chapel, 8:30pm Central Flonda Film and Video Festival JS Go Lounge, 7:30pm Riga Dome Boys Choir from Latvia @ Chapel, 2:00pm Doris Leeper @ Cornell Art Museum, 3:00pm Internation Drive Craft and Wine Festival @ The Mercado "An Afternoon Tea with Lori Shiller" @ Maitland Civic Center, 3:00pm (see pg. 13)

, . .•.•.-.-.-.•:•:•;•:•;-;•.-.-.•.•.•, . "Self Assessment; Discover Your Skills and Interests" @ Career Services, 12:00pm "HIV/AIDS Instructor 101" @ American Red Cross of Central FIGHda, 6:00pm Aerobics @ North Balcony of Field House, 5:30pm Joe Popp, Tripple D, & Flanders @ Sapphire Supper Club "Understanding ADHD" @ Lakeside Alternatives, 7:00pm

"Resume Writing" @ Career Services, 12:00pm Yoga @ Field House Classroom, 12:30pm

Country Line / Ballroom Dance Lessois @ Down Under, 5:30pm;1 J«™ti"g ^lence in the Workplace" @ Women/Minority Business Enterprise Alliance, 8:00am I Infant/Child CPR" @ American Red Cross of Central Florida, Mbpm" Advanced Sailing @ American Red Cross of Central Florida The Freddy Jones Band @ Jani Lane's Sunset Strip "Managing Your Mental Health Through Stress Management" @ Lakeside Alternatives, 7:00pm

Volleyball vs. North Florida @ Fieldhouse, 7:30pm Soccer vs. Webber @ Sandspur, 7:00pm Aerobics / Body Toning @ North Balcony of Field House 530pm SGA Meeting @ Galloway Room, 7:00pm : "Community First Aid and Safety" @ City Hall, Sanford, frOOpm i % I ri V Basic Sailing @ American Red Cross of Central Florida, 6-30pm Depression" @ Lakeside Alternatives September 28, 1995


jean Woodbury The Festival guest artists on Sunday The series opens Sunday, fifteenth season, the Haydn's Quartet No. 4, blended, most sensitive, and intelligent piano trios oncert Series pre­ afternoons and two Fri­ November 5, with The Mendelssohn String Opus 20 and String yed by the Bach Festi- day evening choral per­ Mendelssohn String Quartet has established a Quartet No. 2 in D Major in the world today" (The jSociety of Winter Park formances by the Quartet augmented on reputation as one of the by Borodin. This concert, New York Times), the .ounces its 1995-96 150-voice Bach Festival one piece (Clarinet most imaginative, vital as well as all Sunday group will perform trios ason. The series m- Choir and Orchestra un­ Quintet in B minor by and exciting quartets of afternoon performances, by Beethoven, Turina, and Brahms. four concerts by der the direction of John Brahms) by clarinetist J. its generation. The begins at 4:00 at the Annie Making its first ,tionallv acclaimed V. Sinclair. Lawrie Bloom. Now in its quartet will also perform Russell Theatre on the Rollins College Campus. appearance on the The first Festival Concert Series is choral concert is Friday, the Empire Brass on November 17—"Roman­ Sunday, March 31. This tic Russia". The Bach Fes­ brass quintet, renowned tival Choir and Orchestra for its brilliant virtuosity will perform Rachman­ and the diversity of inoff's The Bells, repertoire, is the first Rimsky-Korsakov's Rus­ brass ensemble to win the sian Easter Overture, and Naumberg Competition. other works by The '95-'96 USCHEAP. Prokofiev and Tchai­ season concludes with kovsky Choral Concerts "Joyful Germany" as the begin at 8:00 in Knowles Bach Festival Choir and Memorial Chapel. Orchestra recreate the IT'S NOT EVERY Drff January 7 finds genius of German Cuban-born pianist romanticism with Men­ Santiago Rodriguez, delssohn's Die erste YOU GET A COMPLIMENT whom the Baltimore Sun Walpurgisnacht and has called "among this Brahms' Academic Festival LIKE THAT. country's undisputed na­ Overture. tional pianistic trea­ A ticket for this ll financial companies charge operating fees fees aside from a very modest operating expense sures," on the stage of the outstanding series of six A..and expenses—some more than others. Of of 1/4 of 1% of annuity assets. Interest and divi­ charming and intimate concerts is $90. The two course, the lower the expenses you pay, the bet­ dends are reported after all operating costs have Annie Russell Theatre. choral concerts may be ter. That way more of your money goes where it been deducted. Standard & Poor's calls TIAA's A favorite group purchased for $30, and should—towards building a comfortable future. costs "exceptionally low^:"4 returns on Sunday, Febru­ tickets for individual Of course, expenses are only one factor to ary 4—The Kalichstein concerts are $20 each. Call the Bach Festival office at We make low expenses a high priority. consider when you make an investment decision. Laredo-Robinson Trio, "While we're committed to keeping our expenses who has appeared on this 407646-2182 for tickets Because of our size and our exclusive focus down, we spare nothing in striving to provide series before to rave re­ and more information. on serving the needs of educational and research top-quality investment choices, financial exper­ views. "One of the best communities, TIAA-CREF's costs are among the tise, and personal service. Because that can make lowest in the insurance and mutual fund indus­ a difference in the long run, too. 1 tries. Rollins College Chapter of Habitat for In fact, Morningstar, Inc.—one ofthe. TIAA-CREF seeks performance, hot profit. nation's leading sources of variable annuity arid Humanity is starting a new house in mutual fund information—says, "Size"isnV.a con­ At TIAA-CREF, we believe people would Winter Park! straint; it...enables CREF to realize a remarkable like to(sper*d more on retirement, hot on their economy of scale."1 According tor Morningstar s retirehient company. If you'd like to see how We are laying the foundation on data, CREF's "minuscule" 0.31% average fond our approach can help keep more of your money Saturday, September 30 and we expense charge was less than half that charged. working foryou, call us at 1 800 842-2776 (8 need Volunteers!!! If you want to by comparable funds.3 aim. to' 11 p-.m. EX weekdays). We'd consider it TIAA's traditional annuity also charges no a compliment. help, meet in front of Mills at 9:30 am on Saturday. If you have any questions or if you can drive please call Dr. Siry (*2648) before Ensuring the future for those who shape it." September 30. Securities Investors Club

1. Siangan) dPoor* Insurant Rating Analysis, 1995; Lipper Analytical Services, Inc., Lipprr-Directors'Analytical Data, 1995 (Quarterly). If you have an interest in the stock market 2. Source: Morningstar, Variable Annuitics/Lijc 4/12/95. 3. Ofthe 2,358 variable annuity funds tracked by Mormngstar and want to learn how to make money, join the average fund had annual expenses of 0.78% plus an insurance expense of 1.24%. Source: Morningstar, Inc., for penods ending July 31, 1995. A. Standard c? Poor*< Insurance Rating Analysis, 1995. us in the economics department lounge this TIAA-CREF expenses are subject to change and are not guaranteed for the future. CREF is a variable annuity and its returns are not guaran­ Thursday at 7:00pm. ty The value of your investment can go up or^down, no matter what expense levels are. CREF certificates are debuted by ™A-CREF Individual and Institutional Services. For more-complete information, including charges and expenses, callII 800 842-2773, extens.on 5509, Call Frank at x2841 for more information. for a prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before you invest or send money. Date of first use: 7^5. sandspur


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Promotions excluded house honey! 1-800-COLLECT is a registered trademark of MCL © 1995 AT&T st.aL September 28, 1995 RATIONAL MENTAL AWARENESS WEEK bvjanKlooster, Contributor The Mental Health As­ Schizophrenia" on Sunday, including ABC's "PrimeTime tober 7 at 6:30 p.m. Illness Awareness Week was sociation of Central Florida, October 1 at 3:00 p.m. Lori Live", NBC's "The Today Participation at all developed to raise awareness Inc. is joining a nationwide coa- Schiller, author of THE QUIET Show", and CNN's "Larry three of these events is encour­ of the unnecessary suffering of f treatment facilities par­ fitjono ROOM, will share her King Live". aged. millions of Americans from ticipating in National Mental electrifying * Partici­ Mental illnesses ad­ illnesses that can be treated. ^5 Awareness Week during story of descent pation in Na­ versely affect not only the in­ Senator Ted Kennedy said, ^ week of October 1-7,1995. into the tional Depres­ dividual, but society in general, when touting the American In recognition of this nightmare of sion Screenulg and families as well. It's impor­ Psychiatric Association, "No lationwide mental health schizophrenia 1VENTAL Day ill conjunc­ tant to diagnose a mental con­ population in America has jutreach program, The Mental and her ILLNESS tion with health dition early to prevent unnec­ been neglected and abused as health Association of Central care facilities essary and lifelong damage to (the mentally ill) have been. No forida, Inc. is sponsoring threebaZto^ejoin 3 AV\^E^ENESS across Central both the individual and the population has been as worthy najor events in an effort to the real world. Florida on family. Most of these conditions of our support, or received so ducate the community and Nancy Schiller, WEEK Thursday, Octo­ can be treated and help the per­ little of it. " ling further understanding of Lori's mother, ber 5. son learn to cope. As part of the National he mentally ill. Those events will discuss the * A Surprisingly only one Depression Screening Day, ie as follows: impact of October 1-7,1995 candlelightc - in five mentally ill people various hospitals and mental * An Afternoon Tea at mental illness er currently seeks treatment; health treatment centers emony at Lake he Maitland Civic Center with on the family. Lori has many choose to remain silent, throughout the Greater Lilly and the Maitland Civic Juest Speakers Lori and appeared on several national or do not recognize the Orlando Area will be offering Center honoring people with Jancy Schiller on "Surviving symptoms for what they are. free assessments on Thursday, radio and television shows, mental illness on Saturday, Oc- Coupled with the fact that October 5 for people to talk to relatively few health insurance a professional to help THE QUIET ROOM HITS BOOKSTORES policies cover treatment for determine if they have by Jerri Ann Yzanga, Contributor mental illnesses, mentally ill symptoms of clinical In October 1992, The goals. Then, at age 17, "the professionals whose lives Americans are not getting the depression. Ml Street Journal published a Voices" entered her mind and have been touched by mental help they need. In addition, many highly acclaimed front page slowly and insidiously began illness, and it becomes clear Doctors say the highest centers will sponsor feature story by seventeen to take over her life. Although this is a subject that demands number of admissions to educational lectures on various •year veteran reporter, it would be many years before to be talked about. "If I can inpatient psychiatric facilities types of mental illnesses at their Amanda Bennett on the sub­ anyone realized it, Lori's har­ help just one person look into during the last decade were hospitals to raise awareness ject of Lori Schiller, a schizo­ rowing battle with schizophre­ the avenues that will make people between the ages of 25 throughout the community. phrenic who credits her recov­ nia had begun. By age 23, her them well, it will be worth it, and 44 — the ages of our To make a difference, ery to the hotly debated treat­ hold on reality had unraveled " says Lori Schiller. nation's best workers -and that call your Congressman or ment, CLOZARIL (clozapine) to the point that her desperate Lori Schiller, the suicide, which is a possible Senator and let them know you Instantly, both Amanda and parents persuaded her to com­ official spokesperson for the outcome of untreated mental demand support for the Lori were inundated with mit herself to a private mental Mental Illness Foundation, illness, is the eighth leading mentally ill in all their health from publishers, TV and hospital. The next seven years now teaches courses on cause of death in the U.S. care legislation. movie producers and hun­ of her life wo"1d be spent in schizophrenia to doctors, National Mental dreds of readers. and out of institutions, waging nurses and patients at Based on this high- war against voices that told her hospitals around the country. profile story, Warner Books to kill her family, her doctors, Drawing on her personal will publish The Quiet Room: and herself. experiences, she teaches a Do you feel that you don't have time to workout? The "quiet room" was variety of mental health Alournev Out of the Torment Do you want to improve the way you look and feel? Of Madness by Lori Schiller the padded isolation room, the subjects. The primary Are you currently a member of a health club that you don't use? and Amanda Bennett, the equivalent of a straight jacket objective of these in which Lori was confined in presentations is to reduce the electrifying story of one After 12 years of competitive body building, and young woman's descent into mental institutions when the stigma of mental illness and personally training hundreds of clients, I've developed the nightmarish hell of mental voices overtook her. The Quiet to emphasize that it can be illness, and her courageous Room is Lori's own story: grip­ -controlled. a system that gives our clients maximum results in battle to rejoin the real world. ping, heartrending, and finally, Lori's personal story minimum time. We train you one-on-one. We also Drawing on journals triumphant of her journey into is one with a happy ending. give you.great results and teach you a life-long fitness -ori Schiller kept throughout the madness and then from Her bout with schizophrenia program. That's the difference between our club and iw illness, and months of madness back to reality. Offer­ began when she was 17-years the others. inmate interviews Amanda ing hope and understanding, old and was manifested by Give us a call to schedule your FREE Trial Workout. knnett conducted with Lori, this spellbinding book pro­ several attempts at suicide and multiple hospitalizations. ner family, doctors and vides an astoundingly vivid / personally guarantee your satisfaction, fcen Today, half a lifetime later, she ds, The Quiet Room takes view into the inner life of a is in a positive position to "Dave It******. waders on an incredible schizophrenic and, in doing so, make a positive mark in this journey into the inner life of a fills an important gap in our owner world. She has appeared on schizophrenic. It is knowledge of the disease. several television shows, remarkable not only for its There are roughly four including ABC's Prime Time eloquence, but for the fact that million people in America \ Live. 679-2669 [°ri is able to tell her story between the ages of fifteen and ttself publicly. thirty who are affected by A portion of every hard cover sale of The Quiet Winter Park Athletic Club Lori Schiller had it all: schizophrenia and 38 million Room will be donated to the 1865 N. Semoran Boulevard • Suite 235 • Winter Park • Florida • 32792 oying family, devoted people with mental illness. Upstairs in the "SeiUf Building Mental Illness Foundation. ^nds, intelligence and every Add to that family members, °PPortunity to pursue her friends and mental health sandspur

THATCH by Jeff Shesol


'tn^ B WILDCIQES 0PW5 THATCH by Jeff Shesol



Interests: swim, team: "I love the water!" reading, studying CHI PSI ELECTION RESULTS religion, Pinehurst The Brothers of Chi Psi are a group of gentlemen who Interesting facts: She has an angel would like to announce the strongly support each other's fish tatoo on her left shoulder. outcome of the executive individually, respect each elections that were held in early other's needs and desires, and Goals: To be a social organization,Septemeber . Bill Green will are willing to make sacrifices in a place where people on campusserv e as President, and Drew order to help fellow brothers can get together and feel McGuire will serve as Vice- succeed in their quest for comfortable together. We actuallyPresident . Congra-tulations! excellence Moreover, as a have a few non-Jewish members We, the Brothers of group, we seek to encourage who are just interested in learning.Alph. a Mu Delta of Chi Psi, membership from students distinguish ourselves as a with diverse ethnic and Motto to live by: "To be warm and group which, strives for the geographic backgrounds. loving is important, but it equally common goal of excellence. For In this spirit, we seek is important to be fierce when this group, excellence means to initiate and support necessary, and come out kicking being the best we can in endeavors which will promote ass." everything we do. The strength the unity of our brotherhood of our brotherhood is charac­ and the betterment of Jen Lassoff Things to look for: Another trip to terized by our desire to grow academic, atheletic, com­ Blue Springs, holiday parties, and adapt in the ever changing munity, and campus life at \Junior / English Major Passover Seder, Coffee talk on. Rollins community. Rollins College. Tuesdays at 8:45am on the Beans The Brothers of Chi Psi patio, meetings on President of JSL 6:00pm in the chapel lounge. Phi Mu "Topless*" Carwash Saturday, September 30 Logo Oontest for me Office of oulbstance AWse Prevention ana. Education 10:00am-3:00pm McDonald's on 17-92 Wky Enter i $50 Prize for test Original Logo Design $3.00 per car This Logo will oe used to represent me uulbstance All contributions go to charity. AWse Prevention and Education Program on We don't wash the tops of the cars.

Deadline : November 1,1995, Submit All Entities to Box-2 73 7-Winner and Prize will le awarded at me CLASSIFIEDS Winter Park 2/1 ZPO Healmy Holiday Bask November 15,1995 @ 12:15 Fitness Hotline: 679-2669. $49,500. Wonderful set up Free. Fitness information on me Green. for art / design / and ques-tions answered by photography / busi-ness Dave Thomas, former Mr. student. Rental property Orlando, personal trainer to Rules: Entries will be images conducive and consisted investment. New appli­ hundreds of satisfied ances and carpet. Delightful cutomers. Call now! witk a nealmy lifestyle, attitude, belief and actions of inside. Finance available. Limited time: 10:00am - file campaign of me National Collegiate Alcohol Contact Sherry at 647-1674. 8:00pm, Monday - Friday. Awareness Week. Extra Income for '95. Earn For sale: 85 mb IBM $500 - $1000 weekly stuffing Compatible hard drive. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT envelopes. RUSH $1.00 with Perfect condition, $50 or SASE to: Group Five, 57 best offer. Call Jordan at PATSY @ 646-2347. Greentree Drive, Suite 307, x!981. Dover, DE 19901 9 9 9 9 TAKE SOME TIME AND BE A PART Do you want to reach the 'HE WELLNESS STATE OF MINB^fiu Wanted: DJ to work at entire Rollins community? sorority formal in Have your classifieds November. Respond at placed in the Sandspur. x!925. Oct. 5 - 8:00 P.M $24.50 & $28.50

Available at all TICKETMASTER Outlets, UCF Arena Box Office & Charge by Phone 839-3900