Haircut's tour grows HAIRCUT ONE Hundred playlnQ Hammersmith Odeon have added ano1her London on Apnl 1, in addition to date to their hectic tbut schedule. :e,~r!~~1~~t!hp~~~~e£~.'~tt The band will also now be • £3.25 and £3 are on sale at the Box Office. Because ot ticket demanp10,ct1 to $~ll. lhrsit~:i:si:ri~~~ ~~~m, out pla_yed In 8rit.atn since 197*. should b& made paytblt to Recotd Mirror's editor, M1 Heckle And Mt Jive: Sul despite the luge arenas, she has promised to gin Mac Promotions and th&r& ls All Mattirl showed the comm11- the shows an "intimate tee lwo stories from 1ht national ShT~~~~u~g;v!~t~~ on atmoslhere" . A speclal before the concerts - 1fleb:~ :i~~~~~ ~Trd~~:•t. l)ttss reierrif\~ to 11\e slo~er' s March S. They oo on to play: 1 shouk:t also be encloHd. slmulated sex a.ct in t play. :::~:.:f:th~t~~~::.t~.~h. somi~::~r.~:ra: London The tickets will also be Nothing ~uDllshed In RtCOfd 8ra:dford University 6, Minor WU tver 0bSCtt\8, he Manchester Aotters 7, halls, giving equal vision and 'WtmbltV Arena (June 2 and avaitable lrom usual ticket Ukl, Liverpool Warehouse 8. sound from all sides. 3) and National agencies. M1$ Davis maintained tlla1 t11e Newcastle Ti«any's 10. Fans will have to pay a Exhibition Centre (Sand 9). Blrmingham tickets ue cartoon was pornooW TO BOOK: Tlc'-ets for ~ioc m:~: ~:::b;:d lbt day. Tile Press Countii Glasgow Nightmoves 19. from her new album, aII foMur,,cc'?."ce rt,• ~,•ic"e"s ••1•, ft:, t: wou1d contldet any Implied currently In production In 00 " 8 P1 10 SAE should b& enclosed restflctlon ol U1a1 tr~eoom only 2t. along with choice of evening. wllh th.e greatest 1etuc1ance. No i~{~~~,~~i~:r:~rin~'s New York, plus son,• from ~1~l.':?'$, :,r2~~: an:tto~20, Credlt card booklnqs ctn be $11¢h iuue ts r11ltod by thit 23 Oo Fools all ll'I fin !hill NCC they 1;oat tt5, ca$e, ~fl~tr~ir3~r~esc:~ie ' t~~;~r,. 780~$:V. phono by ringing 021 "The C questiOn.was Cheltenham Town Hall 26. The new album is ,due just t 12,S0 and £10. upUc1L. It rela• ii wat unsullabte"' or the young readership or 1ne maguine a, the complalnanl has claimed. It was tl$O ehe:aply ~~i3{~:~... ~~ women, tu1e1us "The edltofs decision to Qv1>11al' It eann0-1 be justified at l commef'lt on tfl.e publicity given earlier il'I other ~e:;rn'::/~010;::~''ft '~ei':~~~ had appeared. lhe comp1a1111 aga,nst Recor Ml'flor >& upl'utJd "

METAl IIA0GlStOC0 1.00 ,.. .!WOAO Of CIIAOS ,,.,ex 1 oo ,.. $TICC PIH tO, ,.. eOMP\ff'( Mn•, PO 8•• 5S7.$tMctr.. ·,. T.SNllltt.M&~ 40I .., IA04(COUlCTIOll Blr•lnfih• 810<0[8 (P.M11 11,PIICUI 1M ... NEW TALENT? Would you like the opportunity to audition for the ll?ILA\ZIE major record companies, clubs, Independent label~ and promoters? For turther Information contact Martine on 01-26702,lS

Slt'l'tltOYSfU CVlT (JI\I \/lDErJ :uo

Recold Mlrroi '· SPANOAU BALLET have Seventies now confirmed some of 1helr 5 1 ~/:!~?.:•~; A~~~ Mitror, The group play two package bumper shows over the I Easter weekend at Brighton A GIGANTIC boxed set ot 10 and Bournemouth. albums. tracing the music of They play the Br1ghl0fl the 76s. is 1eleasecl thi!> Con(erence Centre on April wee~. l he _,p ackage con1alns 9 and Bournemouth Winter 160 hits spread over nine Gardens 10. Those shows hOurs playi ng time. Each ;~~fb!fo':g•: FbJt~rflP at album traces a particular Theatre on April 3. i;a;,:~~ei~ire~~~~in~1~. Manager Sfeve Dagger individual track details plus SI)'$ mort dates wilt be lmponant news events year li~ed but lhese are b'eing bv year: ktP,{~::=:i!n•t a full tour as ··The sen:sauonal such." he said. " But we will Seventies' features a ~alaxy be ptaying Qcret i\vs~~i=~ ~:t~~=~e al Top ~~Kt~:~:,'a:»~~i::,o:,~• The set which sells for of mouth. urhe EHier shows should ~~=fn~nf~u:J~1Yatf::f: aM be special becau,e so many • cassette a1 the same pnce. ,?o there and can be bought by man :!!~,,~:~i1d~•;,~ or

uso where's the Yankee Doodle Boy?"

are suange even by New York°,$ Wtlitehouse Jnd the Fes1ival of Light KALEIDOSCOPE of distorted standatds. . eithef. It's just a case ol becoming bizarre images is So we're in a stflP bar with aware of th-e pathetic a.s well as the abou t the only way to designers Liz and Huw - he's the 'We've been funny side 01 the lite that fascinates A describe a couple.of man responsible for the lamous them. padded cell stege set - and lovely smutty and It's We're down on the street ol a days In New York with Soft New York rapping singer and thousand &0mething oc ot.hcrs, Cell and their eccentric ptesent Almond paramour Cindy time now to be Christophe, Street. :stepping out of a manager Stevo. Ecstasy, This place ~s wonderf.ul little leather shop where Ma,c has sleazeville w1th a stnppet who s a little more been buyl-ng some tiny silver ·Tainted Love' is the latest rage In aoout as sexu11lly attractive &s a cuffs for his jacket when he's the city - even Jackie Onassif small rhino on heat wrlthino and, . spotted by a couple of muscle picked up a ~opy the other day - contorting away to 'lalntecf t.ove 1n sensitive' bound and matho construction . and It's playing In e\lety cab. club front of the bar. When shG bends worker types. "Hmm, whaddya think and disco. And everyone wants to over like that she only needs two ot him " coos one. eyeing the meet the faces behind tho sound. W's painted on her che-eU and , •. ne•s been wo,,tinp on all day. True Almond deliberate sexual ambiguity, So one minute you•re watching a WOW! 10 Soft Cell°-s minimalisl and ''Not bad •· minces the other. ·l'but sensual dancer in some club on the The stripper take$ a fancy to nortl'lern soul roots. but more too pretty lo play with." lower east side. and the next you're expressive and emotive th11 n whal's Marc. She's winking and smiling 0 ''They stand there on the corners having tea with pop att supremo ~~:=t~~~o:e,}1~r;t~r!~1i~:st li1tle all dressed up hunkt," says Marc Andy Warhol. Or you·re witnessing, ~:~~1P.~og~~no'IPa~~~ei~i~,~e:umber later. ".and say 'Hi, George, how a,a singer Mare Almond 1reak out a tighter and plcks out items from a rapette between Cindy and Marc and you honey?" in these ,eally mine.I ng 1 some glorlous votees and It's so tunny. Bui I think ~i~r~fa~~~l.~t~y st~ik~;nha11en &f~1~?l.f!.i~o~ ,d~~~'rr::r,:;~o wear Recording is !he real reason the it's rather pathetie 'cause they club. this, I bet you're Into this," she group are here In America with their all look exactly the Nme, dress the "Gee are you reatlyweltd." they mouths in mock seduction as nttte entourage and the re-recording same &ntl use the same gaze in 'awe as the de.Iii. snd sinister and remixing of some old numbers expre-s.siOn.s. They're even called by carries on playing pinball for s disco EP. 'Non Stop underwor1d figure in rings and or dnnking. One mim's even sitting new the same m1mes and everything." bracelets and mascara makes an aloot enuance. "Yes. I used to be a ~~o~~~~~J.e.,t~~fd'&:!fi~:oing a ~~~::;~ i!~~nt,r1:a~!r:~1r tr:,~s mate prostitute," he lies nonchantly, 111 1 ND later still we're back at the something good," s~e transfers her ~":~~tt~i~n~;!~ r: :b:r: at a studio where David's mixing trying lo 'keep a straight face. affections by ptonklng l'letseU on his Atapes and the deli-clous Cindy is •·!'' lh~y gasp. c1a~ou1ing to head. He doesn't even bother g~~e~~~~!gr~~!~~m~e~:rsi:~~~"Po, popping in and out and I finally gel a discover the 1den1lty of this looking up. cha.nee to the new visions ol decadent. "What'S: your name, ~hat ente.nalnment. probe 1 Now Americ11's ri,chest city is lhe Soft Cell. R$~:C,~ f:ii:-Ji b~~a~e6~~:i.• , NO we're back at tl'le group's • trash ol the world and the Sig .., think now. I'm iust !hiding 1 apartment, a touch ol Apple with the ro1ten core h8S go! ~~:~~ i~erg~~1fot~ ~~~'Yi;;,~ii~c~~g ACoconation Stteet and a bastion everything: riches and glamour.• dirt i~~s:/,~:~ "J~~=u~d~~~.a,:;islng ~s our legs In the air .and spraying beer of high northern csmp over Central and sleaze. And with Leeds bemo to like soda syphons. Yes, Soft Cell Park. Oavid plays us trio new single creativity whilt Herod was to CONTINUED PAGE 6


,.,.-.,< SA· ,. I.., @TDK.The great name in tape cassettes.

Recor~ Mirror, 5 year when another album nus our side and 'Memorabilia', 'Chips On racks. "I'm writing things now that ~t!hi~~l~i~~dai: ~~~~~::;~so:, the S0f'T approach 1t 1n a, more sensilive the end of next month. 1 But enough of this. serlousness. :Vi~,n~~rnse~sa~~·d"tt: ;~g;t~~~:~s the essence ot going anywhere with 1 Soft Cell is having a good time and :~;:~·,~~tr~~ m~:cew:~~\$1~tug, 11's such a shame the decency laws GELL smuttyness on 'Non Stop Erotic won't allow me 10 write about some Oabarel' but now, well we·ve been of the goOCI limes we had. Andy smutty and it's time now to be a 1 1 little more sensitive. I mean the ~~~~oi~~=... ~ ~:l1ry so I won't FROM PAGE 4 smuttyness there was more like a bore you with that. I've go1 images sarcasm ot smuttyness, like saying of Marc Almond -Stripping in some here's giving you what you want, club or other when 'Tainted l..ove' here'$ givir,g you tits and ass, if you tomes on, Jackets and jewenry like, And there's nothinQ wrong with flying everywhe,e; Slevo almosl 8 1 }~,~e;i~s:o~:[~~~•,r~~ ~s~t· ~!'Ul~"~r~o•rt ~~:U!~~f::3n~\~~ rose tinted windows and everyone _ &~a~~{~~~du11!~~~fa~ksb!~"fh:ne of laughing at Alan Vega because the album, the one that wenrdown well 0 in the clubs.'' ~~g'k~:~'s ct~;;1\~:~~~~:;\J ~:~h~[s But what ot now? "Well we. never bas$ player and singing without the microphone. ~1:~re l~~:i~de t~;:;~~?-!:tew Now there's a lot of pressure on happened," says Marc, •!and 11ee1 it Sott Cell to perform in New York at is much moro 01 a sensitive and the moment and Stevo, when he's deeper and personal song really, 1 even than -something like 'Say Hello ~?s' ~~!!rB~~: a~z::,~1~1,e srJ:ang Wave Goodbye• which Is like the The The, is sounding out some film 0 options. But after he stilches up one :"~t !:i:'lo!:rnshr,::~~e Inhsi~t·a 'business ancx:ialion' (I swear she 101 more toming ~TOl1J the he8rt than was Divine} who wants to gfve a coming from the stomach ••. or toming from the groin . .. (giggles f:~rv~o:h:: iri~~


•t, Recbld Mirror MARITAL

STORY ree,c:hes our ea,s cooceminp those tot11,b e chaps The Member.a. currently working with MartJn SAX! ARuahent and tt!us presumably due ror a return to ir.e publie eye: guitarist Nigel Benne-It was quoted iri a recent interview as 11-,~ng that he'd en,oyfJd work.Ing o-n Paulltie BIKk't sOfO recording becauae: 'At teaat she can smg properly." Oops.I Arm.rseo but somewhtH Miffed il his colfea.Que s eHroMery Membera wai1er Ntcky Tetco coolly mtocmed !he cress lhat he was. &bout to lo.n the !~t:~"1:r'!~;s8:1a,~i~,~~!eMV1:ir:~~ ~;!~o~ Wow'to opM tor 0Uffn a.t tt\eu UK st\ows? You'd better believe it . a"' uousu1illy csim and polite St.we Oagger called last w&ek to deny that Sp1nd1u are dumping roduc-er Richard a_.rgen. No mis-spelt polS0I'! pen r.ene,s lf'liS ti(tle. St&ve? \hose wilful bOys The Stranolers 1n1end 10 release 'la Fou~f as follow•uo 10 'GOider. Brown· This is cau$lng some consternaUon since 11'18 opus In quesoon is palnlully s•o~·. and sur"g en1irely in French - hardly i.n o-bvlous ch-c11ce $Ulf 1nese chaps v,ill tta"e theif way - Yank manager Ed Kleinman has gweo up ltle and feturned. to the USA Chris Stein to have hi$ Photoarapti1 sriown In London i.1 • spec'81 exhlb uon latet tl'lls year Phll Oakey recenlly & ,equested to endorse the motorbike boots he favours in RECORD TAPE MART 11'1 ad for then manulactut'ers: wonder whetMI' Fr• Har(Sy and Wims w111 make a similar otter regatd1ng his. stiletto.& . Orange Ju~• have b-een billing the HIRE CASSETTES Scousers again; on theit la.&I appearMce ttier& the ne.wly o.,fut•tr••lfttllrorr-10-o•nffrtM, 1,111w cropped ~dwyn ColHn•, frequen.1 y ,ccused of copying JOIN U'le dead-cat comure of the Bunnymen'• Ian McCuUoch •,oil.WO,.,'"'' u quipped. ''I've nad m7 hair cut .s.o·s riot 10 be como1fee1' * ,,... ,, ..,.~ "''"''" -....., ..., with one ot your IGca ROP stars - I really don 1 loe>k like CHOOSE top 1S chort tnlriet ''" 1,100'• of .td'-1 D1tkl Balfe 1ny morel The 1uC11ence lMludlng * ~'•!~ticofl ,,,.~ fro• it1I McCvlloth h1maa11 ~intlng from the biwn the sax lick stomact\ complalt\1 hours be~ore ttleir appearance before T an 8.000 crowd at Bremen ,n Germ1oy; support act A.tier the drl~1~i ro~~~ i~e'~{R:'rhe and t.he vocals, .a.llhough she MISSED THAT HIT SOUND WHILE IT WAS AROUND? The Fire rent lh•ir drummer to help out, and he played group Ouarterflash. who are dktn't even know the wor<:Ss GtT IT FROM TH£ OULII\WlfH ALL JIU CUS$tCS 1he er,tlre set, ctesplte never ht'l"il'IQ had tYt-1\ e>ne currently enjoying a goOd - In facl sno baslcalltlust All THt SJHGlf$ ll1f£01fl0WAIH8Ul ASMA.ll wtth ·em. Tei!.& you aomethlng -abo-ul ELO's deal of success ln the Sfl[CJIOH IROM ovu t.OHSINCLl!.S.ANO um LP• 1 State$. 1~~~t::ro! !~~e~~(~ndnfhe LISTED AT IHClllfOllll PftlCU.SEN O SAE f"O._, LIST repenotre. eh .. 8th• UHy•h1t• to product Unx? . All. THE RECOAO$ HSrto IEtOW AAE#tt EACH, why on earth did Toyah WUcox ,1 ow herJell 10 get mind And it's Rlndy who number had amaz.lng energy. most of the llmelight with SFO1tt4 , l•FO/f tf, OR IOFOR fJ5, up ln the auoclous 'Dear Hearl'? It's a mylhlefy . a ;~~~~tv~~~aaricf';i'eg1~\tus MANYOTHEJf$Otll.lST lootball fans wondec-ing vrhy young hotshot Justin her charismatic sax work Ot.o... ,.,o ...... the elbow from Nothngham and alluring vocaJs, u1at are we should at least have · ,...... ,.., Feah1nu ,s geu 1ng w,11 c;:., ... interested to reasons well disptayed on the US hil s.ome kind of record to b• know that It's tor o,ne, than ~H arden My Heart', which Moc•-•••"' pro~sslonal. Justin ii one of those young men who do promote. So, against my w.i~"°' nothm~ to funh,er the population exptoaton. and The BoM last week entered the British wishes, because ii was r"a..c...... ""' u,..,,,.,_,..""' -!>Mr singles 111,\,fll'-'!Mf.AITIIF\lll T""llt1l,lloll,..-C,#ftl.., 8 ''We original!)' recorded ~:l~e~r'fu !~sper~:=Jlfne, 0,111,oon•no , Oi ~5!~~,1~~~: 018$011 ••0$' ... 11:r:.rou:: ;:u:::h ~~ti~: ~1~ the song basement =~r in ou, a inllial 1000 copies.·• HCl CMOCOUTt 1"o.,•• ,, ..... whieh reachH vs from J1p,n; lilUe Mr Alfldav1t has tew years ago," ex.plains At that juncture, ' ,.. , ..,.., .. p,,.. problems. Not so much personal onea as aQcJal ones 4'.IOl.$0/rl ·~·..,.,...... ,, Marv... And we did ii in a Ouartertlash were a popular ltOtt'.""IUlt act In the North • West 'Ml"'*•••ht"o, ...,,. and . u,-,...... ,.,.. when 'Huden My Heart' was .....JIOtOIUiU,OtOIIUCMOOl ...... o..r.. , ..",.. released on their own l"OUC-l Offffff•, ..,,. .... Whitelire label, 11 bec,me an l\\'ISH:Wrt N'l"O,. .. M•fl ,-tTENOUt .,.. ,IIIHOlfl OUUII c ....,11111.1111ioo«11Nio,, l~~:~nhJ~~f~~~'if/he • •UUH.AltE '111...... 1 BOY'S VAll0l.118Allff ,...... "Wewere distributing the t.All8U,SUfflAIIO Josi"lt'"°'a;'hf•,tf•" record out of the back ot our l.CONll(CtlOJI c:...... cars, .. Rlndy f&e.a:IIS. " We'd m AUOOttAr ,,.•cuit:•ol>f•••"'•"""• TALK drive aroun(I to the stores 1 1 and radio s1at1ons - :: :g.,~:-w~oti.:::: .. :.. :::::::::~: : ::i~[Gl~Lu:::::::::::::::.:.: basically doing everything ier;:=:m!cVi°oli,~·.;_;.·l;t:o - 14 U-.lfH_,: ..,n.,_-.,_,e,• 11,1u1,..1K ourselves. II kept selling and in the end we went through tt H: ,._. ~~~it~~1r:r.:,:;;~:,.,,::.:•;.i~,::1~.:,•-.11~ O.ff; m., a~~i::;:,~~e,.s~~f:·.'' OLDIES UNLIMITED subsequently snapped up by DEPARTMENT R, TILFORD, SHROPSHIRE TF2 9NQ Geffen Records and in December 1880 began recording their first album. However It wasn't tinished until the summer ot '31 . RECORD & TAPE EXCHANGE According to Ma,v: "We weren'1 acluaJly In the .fil RECORDS, TAPES, RARITIES, studios all that time. In fact VIDEOS WANTED what happened was that we took a couple of breaks, because our ptoducer was ANY LPs, singles, & cassenes (home or pre• involved In a number ot recorded) bought or exchanged. lp - £2.50 other projects ... each paid (more for rarities & videos). ALL Rindy: "Getten actually had ii taken oft the market accepted in ANY condition - absolutely NONE whe-n they signed us. · refused!! because 11 had been selling­ so w&ll lndependenlly. To Bring ANY quantity to our shops at me there are a few ,easons 38 NOTTING Hill GATE, LONDON W111727 35391 THE WAITRESSES: "guys are suckers" why people picked up on the song. Firstly. the sax hook at 28 PEMBRIDGE RD.NOTTING HllLGATEWl 1(7273538) remains determlntd: the beginning gets your ear, 90 GOLOHAWK RD, SHEPHERDS BUSH W12 (749 29301 "We're not a New Yort Bui also there are a tot ot people, especially women, 229 CAMDEN HIGH ST, NWI ~~~~!~~ !h!~~~l~t;~ who've identilied with the We matt d1nce records lytics." Or SEND any quantity by post with SAE for bllt you can also sit back cash to Record & Tape Exchange, 38 Notting wllh a brendy and analyse M~·~~,.~et'::r~ !~~e:~ow Hill Gate, London W11 {None returned once lhe lyrk:s!' not so long ago and As for lhe Everywom1n atterwar(Ss a woman came sent - List + SAE for estimate if required). Butler's cre.ated, he finds up to me and sa\d ciulte f!r,t;tr(lly: 'That song still All shops open 10-8 EVERY day of the year :!i!!t~~J l~i~t~ ~'.r the affe-cts ma - It was my for many 1000s of cheap used/unused record situation she faces are divorce song! And during my llnlversal: crisis It helped me gel tape & video bargains (wholesale discounts through'. for dealers/ RARITIES are bought, sold, " She's ttying to taJk the 40 world Into being a litlle im'~!~r~~e~~; ?1~~~re exchanged UPSTAIRS at 38 Notting Hill i~~e{v~~1~:;~:~:r:c~1ns, amazing how personally Gate, Wll. someone can take a song. g~•z!~,,~~ll~~~~"o~d:,!nth I've actually played ii tot so long that' rva lost touch with FOA LP MAILOFlDER UST S[NO SAETO R£CORO & TAPE £)(CHANG£. now, MARK COOPER it." STEVE GETT 28 PEM8RIOGE RO, LONDON WI 1. NTfRTNf ?• Who ••r• tlw othe-, tao a,11t1• •l\o dleCf wltll 811ddy Hon, 1ft U3t. • • • • ••• , • • .. • , ., , ...... 4. aywi..1n... el ,P,-Gt"1 t1•1t~~no•• ...... ~ARATNON $. W'ho••• tM IIHI 81fUU entr1nt lo win tlle(llfo'rition $0!10 C♦ll-1'1,I

~USIC QUIZ 10. Wlutwnt1ostiy$tilltu1d Nutlonly l•lti$h hit •••·.••.,, .• •••·• QUESTION MASTER - MIKE READ 11. Wllatw.. lMUl,eolJotlnl.A!IIIIOft·so,eJ,IHIHll~lP ...... ~ ...... ······-···" This is your cha nee to come to London, all eJt­ penses paid, and take part in a marathon pop 12. WflllttlOVf ..., ttw 11,, Bd.SfTHll,WH!IV Polkedol llklnl . .... , ...... , .. ., ...... quiz o,er Easter weekend jthat's Aprlt 9/10 - just ln ease it's not marked n your diary). •

The quiz Is chaired by Mike Read and will Int a 14 N•ffitlll\tlWObfOIMISWhOffllke11pSp,dt . .. ••. staggerinq 30 hours (gasp!) with extensive 11-. Whow••Ot Win.s,o,,o•e"oit ...... broadcasting on Radio 1.

THE TWO COMPETING TEAMS Mike Read, Nipper, Paul G1mbaccinl If, WlloOfla01hl]wltfl"NOClitf'OCillt' ...... , •.••". , ...... TEAM 2 The ttcond IHm ~sHng wUh music bit u. A.l'ltfl$1trd1Hlffi1Pt Whlc.1tlebel !l~fim Mt., ...... ' ...... celebrities. Not only could you be part of alt this by answering the quesllons but you could also he1p a ve,y w·orthy charily namely the Nordoff. Rob­ ll. On .tllch lebe-lwH Ade111 ,..,. !tit Anll r•.st $l!19't. ,...... ,. •. bins Music Therapy Centre, wh,eh helps handiCIP• ,,. w11,,.,.c11ueNo,"·",..,.,.•111.,.. ped chJldren. NOW READ ON! WHAT TO DO 1.Answer the 20 questions Crighl) to see how you shape up as a pop expert. It you're one of the 12 people whose correct entries are drawn out ol the b•g on tht cioslng dete you will be Invited to London to YOUR OUESTK>N ...... portocipote in one ot tho star · studded leoms. t. You e-an al,o lhink UP., your own question for use In the quiz and •rite it in the space provided. If your i~e~:i:rti~eu::g leo,u,_.w,l ,eetivt a name cheek on Radio 1 and, who knows. you might slump the comb,ntd 3. Jinally, most im/iortant of all. each entry mus1 be aocompanied bb £1 Cyes just one little pound) which ~1!1,rcoT~o.::e ~~n:fe Irci~RAPY CENTRE. Malte your cheque Of P•• payable to the NO(dOlf. Robbins CLOSING ottE FOR ALL ENTRIES IS MARCH 2,, m2. ~f~ll/IbeNb°G,f~\ed the coupon cut it oul and send to: MARATHON MUSIC QUIZ, MAIB, 57 DUKE

N'/DRAULIC ··· puMP $0.UAD I I I •••

8 Record Mirror HAT A silly start to the week. I'm chaullered Wacross town to that sc rutty ex-bombsite The lyceum for the millionth al"lnual Rock and Pop AW1ard&, which ls pred~tably dt.111 and full of drunken Radio One DJs an taking their trousers down and breaking wind. The minute I enter the dtJrnp it's !double g1ns. sony I double chins, au round from the dlsgustlngly OYerfed pop suirs all gorging th emseJvu on the fat of 1he land. Poor Has Seen Haul o •Connor needs an invisible sung hung flom the ceiling are so hard up 1hal they can just about afford those busty :~8s5u_rg~;~ hae:l f~a~lng Jowls triumverate of pathetic i'g.~W!~~\~~~::~i~~!nH,m posers Shakin Stevens and makers. demand a Pllir of Steve Strange au look the leather boo1s for a scene, same: 010 and tat Of course the hignllgh1 of !hey have to crawl all t.he the evening.comes when the way to Human Le-ague's ndiculousty overrated Toyah ::i~lan Wright to scrounge i picks up Mr prize for serv1ces to speech lherapy. The stupid gul looks THURSDAY absolutely lllOeous with that hairdo which suggests she's AlKING Of lumble sale had her head in a sandwich ra g bags, if$ off 10 see toaster for lhe last 1ew Tthose scruf1bags years. Tenpole Tudor. TM only lainUy interesting person around is the baftoon • like TUESDAY Kim WIide who's seen canoodhng with Tenpote s ORE NEWS on the resident lecher Bob awards front. Hlls time Kingston. After all 1hat PR Mfrom the lunatic Americans. Th& moronic hype about her and pasty podge Stne Strang• it's fQtOls act1.11lly saw fit to give nice stte·s found a real man Police a couple ol Grammys at tast. - whatever they are - THE SPEARHEAD r:c~~S~,~hye:,~~ I ~g~!:Yknow t FRIDAY MAGNEX HQh T~ C~ 8111 available ncNt from 1118 but apart from that 1ne only ·Speamead·dealersal$?00alltM'~priee$: other person's. I 'M LOOKING forward 10 a Slocllo 2 (High Sias) C9). £1.29 060: 00.94 recognise on lhe lisl Is John juity lew days in cour1 this Stualo 1 ~Nonna181as) o»t1.09 C60: £'089 Lennon and he's deaeh Imonth when IOX.Y PR AltO availaDfe MXL (Melaf} C60; tl '3 Patl'le1ic lsn·t it? person Keith Attli,m takes Fenon:Je(LowNolsa1 0)0·£0.75 C60'0065 Sti11 in America I receive a those silly llllle oo:,s Th• LONDON AJIOSOUT'H desperate call from that Stray Cats to receive a fail EdgWaNAoad -T...... judgemen1. The old fool Ml~HIii - AlwJtl• Sedronlca. Fortl•GtMrl Aotd. N10 ii:~~hl~~~n~i~nb~e--~:r;v· claims. thal he put them up producer of her latest film on bis floor when they we,e =~'::"9==-K~Ki9hS1,__E& ues her up, submerges her unknown, inttoduc&d them 5'rulham -A.C..Y, ~Courtno.d, SW1& in water an<:I then proceeds to the Rolling Stones and Strealtlam -Fr..ncltof~, 1-.173$trwtt,.amMighAoad,$Wt6 10 whip her In one scene. 1 then helped lhem get a MIDI.ANDS record Cleal. So what. I hear try telfing her she shouldn't Bwmitlgham - U'Wlti'• played him her you cry. Well, lhe old 8irmingh;.m - B.A.. T.S., COrpctM10n street atrocious solo album. grabb&f s because he Evesham - AeconSTapt•l'ld Yideoc.rrtte.o.tStteet ~~~~ ~T-~: :1,~~ t~~tde:a~~r t':glon Spa =~Record-. Regent Street l810861er - Alta, Guildhall lMle :~~~gk:Yt~ .1~:~~sr1~o~e l8IO&Sler - L.9wil'• whateve, happened to Lichfield - R.T.T,$., TamWOf'lhStreet friendship and good deeds? Mar)ow - Chllwm Sound, Spiltall Stffft Nof1hamPIOO - H, G. Rlpldn, ~ Road =ham : ~H=.=e.ntuyAoed °""""Strabi:HAugoy •• xwMvon --Cl>omltt.-St--A.V.S., StllCou.-1 ~o.xeter - Kay-~ HlghStJMt Warwick - J.C.V,.'Whar1Strat Wolveth~ - KarTn11AudlctYI..._ School StJ'NI -™ a,_, - F&en'911, Winttleld Aoact a,_, _...,.I•'• Bum"'1 - PtndleHI-A,~A09d - TIIIN ~c.nn, Kin9cross Street "Leeds'"'ax, hHNdrow Leeds -Suptrll.Ou.enYlc:tioriaSttwt Leeds --T--.~L.ewia'•~·· Manches1et _,....,.. .. &lefllekl - Quocnpl-.nlll,NurN!YSUWt - Failrbo4tMtms, Lowet HillgMI, = - UOyd Paton, Moortleld s,­U!M­ w• SCOTLAND

EIRE Dlblin -v1c1eo,:..,c...... ,s1w.i11ngoon0Uey MAILOAOER -MAGNEX~are avilllabte t:lfpo$1 from lt'-.iolio'Mng e.m,ngtwn - 8.A.T.S,no2 Co_,.,_, - P,~ - AecfSwrVldrifo, ~ -Geo,ge'•c.ntnt. Friargate W•lk

.HAZEL O'CONNOR "-lr,~lota PIVO P08o1t '9 S!lidord~·AVOn r•hearses hir parr as KIM Wvl'lt:ksh.-.CY3?6S"' WILDE's Ugly Sister in a new producUon 181 S11&1tcm,•til)O'I-All(ltl((li'8!1)685711 of Cinderella; who's the ugliest of them all (see above!/.

Record Mirro r 1-lelp • SUSANNE GARRETT

some ~d. and some who lo use. Rou~h Trade in downright indifferent on dO· 1 ~r~~~l:~lJu~.~r,: stock ~/u0rui1i~~ e:'J~:f::: · London as well as elHwhare lnlllaUve win add nesh to in tha UK and abroad, Rough th• bones. Trade, 202 KensH1f ton Park: Self-employed 1 1 ~ia: ~r.•don Wt , (Tel: 01 dl!~rl:~;~•0~ :~n riS~°m~'?1to 2 54 rudimentary exercise in self, For stage by stage detail Damp More freebie literature Is publishing, beware of using on how to present )'our ~~;,~ r~:~·~~~fn on offer from the Small other people's copyright copy, how to handle layout dreams Cbooklets and pamphlets Firms Information SerYice, a pictures or photos though. ani:I page--

ON STIFF, SEEZ 40; CASSETTE -ZS I tl h tt::• 10 Record Mirror

Sin2lcs. THE DB's: 'Nevertand' (Albion). Sealy American SINGLES OF THE pop with ringing guilars, slightly whiney voice and WEEK: GRAB THESE swee1 backing vocals. THREE AND WHACK Unremarkable, especially UP THE BASS since the llkes of the Shoes XAVIER: 'Wort That Sucker and the Pop were turning To Death' (Llbtrly 1Zin). So out this sort of stuff years compulsively danceable 1hal lQO. II had me bopping round the GODLEY AND CREME: boudoir. no mean feat, I 'Snack Attack' (Polydor}. 1 Kevin Godtey is so smug. le~tuieh~~~a&r!~1:nl clumsy and altogether :::~{3 unatt,aclive that he makes t~~~r~~l~~~~~~ta~~ this 1 as a point of Interest, no1 a ~~~re~i~~t1~~f~?~ra llke ,ecommendation in ilsell, for ~alnfuUy smar1y-arse s1utr, ~~~r,·~~ ~~1ra1:~t!~~?c~"a~~fl d~ns~~~:r',~ii~~e':::ro~1;ta!k lhls Is thumping good Stull than 'Under You, Thumb' and Its SUCCGS$0r, Which at rn~iii~~:r g~te;g~s~~~~ of least had tunes. Oh, for the a massive dose ot ingrt1-dlent witty, wonderful days ot X, that special guts and drive 10cc. Ufe is a minestrone. thal makes an except1ona1 GENESIS: 'Man On The dance reco,d. thlngummy? One devoutly Corner' (Chatlsma). Quiel hopes not, or they'll be and Inoffensive to begin ' MAXIMUM JOY: 'White And digging up 'Eve 01 Green Place' (Y). Fof $0me Destruction' next. Mind you. :\i~•,bg/ .i~t~=lf~C~~~~~ reason lhis keeps ma.king I could stand hearing 'Days predictably bOrtng me ltlfnk of lhe 852's. but Ot Pearly Spencer' again .• • lhtouahout. Before you that may be simply because THE SINATRA$: •You Make reactlonart old bozos out !,1~~~ff~~•••~~~i:~~he word Me Fnl Like I'm Wearing 1 New Clothts' (Transmano,). ~~~f,:.r::;e l~~ ~~~rf~si°' somewhere. The girl singer tove the sentiment; bit 0 is a little colourless, but sa.x. dubious about the record. It :;:rn~rJ~~:\r:(o~ ee:~~ ternfie bass and some gu1ta1 MAXIMUM JOY:no flies on th•m lacks nothing in verve, but Small Axe - just a little In stealthily snitched from 'The its synthy bits and rather Jezebel Sphit' more than will have to stop chucklin9 l!ghtwelght. especi.atly if Re.leased on their own label, t~~~}t~~~e!fi~ !~/,.o~J:%g1~e compensate. Rhythmic, into their sleeves ebout him you're still haunted by lhe it shows the Pulse lo be Oflh.odox poppinen are 8 now. rm ahald. for he has Specfat AKA's ~st offerlnij, unweakened by adversity distinctly short on originality. g::':i~T~~o~~:~Y~i~s ~e definitely proved his worth. I but the virtuosity, musicahty and still true to their own Oulle pteasanl, though. God, r~:::e~.. c3~:1tfy ~~~s. aren'I I benign this week? pressed, but their current do have reservalions aboul a.nd good humour on display sound and style. Which is output is. sadly soporific. LEISURE PROCESS: 'Lo,e his voice, mind; a HUle more here commind respect. A not to say 1het they haven't Don't worty, 11 won'l last - Cascade' (Epic>, Ross personali1y and a litlfe less lovingly c,al1ed ,ecord, for prog,essedi they sound next week I'll be malignant JAMES FREUD: 'Modern Middleton, ex-leader of toned•down SIiiy Mackenzie an Its air ol spontane1ty. more assured and polished again. Girl' (Carrere). RUDI: shOwband-for-moderns would have been preferable. than before. but they are SPIZZENERGI 2: 'Worl<' 'Crimson' (Jamming). Positive Noise. comes up undistracted by fashion. Competent. average. ltumps with a very strong 0 ~:~a:n~~;~!ta~~r~adness 8 1 1 1 single indeed. The Martin ~:~~!a~ o~~~ ·;~~gfa~~lon from the ebulllen1 Splzz. ~=~~ F~lu~ i'~~ r~~ t~~ter Rushent pr-0duct1on is THE REMAINDER: aided and abetted by original name and the more laullless. the arrangemenl RIGO AND THE SPECIAL ~:~;Jaf~~~ :~i~.d~~!~ft~ partner and aspiring teen matnstream. manufactured nods loward electronics and AKA: 'Jungle Music' (TWO• GEORGE JONES AND heert•throb Pete P81fOI, record; Rudi wear their funk but avoids the more tonet. Extremely jotly item amongst others. Smashing social conscience on !heir 1 8 5 whose lively bits sound fnL¥t~ i~:!i,lleiic;~t':il:r .sonq; shame about the sleeve, as befits Weller :~~ ~Re !~~ssi: b~\:~~~ more sunny Caribbean than 1 hOfuble murky prOductlon. prologees. Neitne.r bears the confident. .'..ftddleton·s peers jungly, Essy 10 shrvg oft as ~~~r~~!~i~;d~l~ngherrlll, The instrumental section slightest air of Inspiration, a1mos1 deUes bellel, bu1 excitement or freshness. ~~~, ;:s:~~i~~~rt~ii~~~ stick with it: you'll love ii In oepresstng. to be in on Elvis's countty the end. Mo,e please. VENIGMAS: 'Stran9elove' doings. Hls contribution lo A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS: 'I (Blba Music). A lilt!e more this rendition of Costello's Ran' (Jive>. Oeflnltety spirited ttlan the last two, sad, evocalive song Is pretty 1 but not much to write hOme THE BOOMTOWN RATS woeful: when Elvis sings it f:rs~r;e:;sf~f£!~u~~f~~~ 1 SIMve I've ever seen, but e~~Y~m~~'s~~~?R~t~~:n~d ~~lP:pi~rPr~!'~~~e~ liltlo, otherwise ifs nondescrJpt chaps wilh ideas, but sentiment 1here's no reason enough. Pretend "MO


marketedl:!v0 pf'1onOgrWn t2 Qi,co,.d,Mlr<

14 Reebld Mirror

HE INTERVIEW takes rlace In a basement flat. The basement fla belongs to Terry Razor, who Is minder, manager mate and Tguru to Kirk Brandon. Kirk Brandon Is singer with , who have Just had thetr first hit record, and It Is he (to begin wit~, anyway) who Is the subject of the Interview. I flt into thls scenario as well, of course. Somewhere. I arrtve, •pprehenaiwe but btarMg a bo111• of Cotta du Rhone to dfsarm them. I'm wery much aw1ie that I don't know thtH people 1nd that I'm on thtir home ground. SHU, t~~l r:.: ~~~~!l.~:~r:~:.~r.~doot"-~~::o~~~r:~rm lhl lmusemenl? I'm not l{lrt, but I continue to a.crutlnlse Iha pair of them while they flni1h their il•m•. When we get down to bu1lneu, wine poured and tape rolling, 1t's with Brandon ,nd me tHltd polllely apart on the 10fa, and Terry, benlQn but watchful, opposite. A. dHP bre,th. and the llrtt qu11Uon: when you formed Theahe Of Hate,_dld you hne I very clear MiH ot what you wanted to do wnh tt, and what you atood for? "Absolutely. from th• inceptioJJ, It WH organlied, planned. Stne, lhe 9ultart1t, wu In old mite; St1n used 10 follow my okf band, U'I Pack - •• won't t1Jk aboul lh1t. Lute, u,• drummer, used to work fof Terry, 1nd John lht a,x player turned up lrom an ad l.n the Melody Maker; 1ft,r the audltlona had tlnlthed, thlt g1111r fu1t walked tn and started, and that was lhat~Lukt ltt1 quilt rte.inti)', Steve left - and we did a tour with me 011 guitar.'' The nucleu-1 ot the group are, with s,,ndon, committee to an 1ttl1udt - he shun, the term phHosophy - wh~h. !:'~~~\g~!i:1~1,°:.~~i:•~::;.~•1helen the aplrlt upon

SSENTIALLY, It seems to boll down to thl:t; 9t1ndon btllll'IH thtl the mau con1ck>u,nn1 of the people• of Ethe WOtld hH been building throu9h tt'le 1911; I po11ttv1 spiril, oftep e~r.s.nd In youthful r1b1Ulor1 but ~~f:r~l~~17o, ::t.:r:.o by 011 prenurtl Of lltlng In. IM A, this con1clou1nff1 grows, runs the theory, more ar.d ;:~•of::f~•.:1\~'!;;~hufr:1: ::l ;~~:';1!:~~::::::,P!!::' (infIn the ftOt too dlstant future) we will arrtv!I 1t &0me 10-ri of mYlenlum - a hither age: 1n age, If you 11kt, of 1nll9htenment. lest this seem • lot of hlgll. fafutin' hot air, let me 1dd that this Is what I under,tand by his (and Razot't) highly fnvolwed arguments, and urn you Brandon's very r•rUnent example tn 1up~rt of his cue: namely, the -vu grass roots support for CNO all oYer Europe. People are, he ln1l1t1, thinkJno fa, themselves. Learning to say "No". 1 1 10:.•~~u:?ebn.:~:::dh:·.:.•1.i:10 :tJ::bc:uutl~h~:;:r-~ft\ ·~,. 1 "lmport1nt' • 0011 he llnd fl easier to be puslonatt 1bo11t CIUHI Ind tssues thin ebout lndtvldu1l1? 0 A11 that stuft hH bHl'I done belofe, too much 1nd for too long," he repU11 firmty. "AU this Boy Meet• G~~ Succe11 Equala Money - you keep pushing those ia11s, keep pu1hlng the control that this ttilno and that thing have' (tie 1ndlcates the ,tereo and TVl "1nd you t•t people $lnglng along with It, believing II, pull ng themaetvn ln Ille fOle or .... oh, Mort And Mindy ••• and befote you know u. you"ve ~• 1 whole ctvllisation lh•l's become - I mNn, lhat thing" {the TV 1g1Jn) 0 11 the moat fantastic lorm of c.ommunicaUon in ttie wo,ld, but U-1 uttd to hold ptopi. b1ck," The opiate of the ffllSSH, Indeed. O Jt's not love you're •ndtfferent to, but the way 1t'1 trlwlalfsed by your contemporart11? S "Llatel't, •• ••Y• Teny. "Thl:I man 11 lncurabty In lovt. they aald they'd get him a Job In th• fllm o•m•~ props man, bet they' did. So much for growing up, t11:c1pt to mention He's alwaya In Ion.'' mowing stufl around. one Interesting ,phere of mu.1lcallnflu1nc1. Apart from How old ate you Kirk? I 1 ,..Corda and 0 "H• told mt mu.m one day that we were buying a t\Ouu: llttenlng to blUH playlnQ the guJta, hll lite "Twenty.. ffve, he anaw,rs with• am lie. "You won't htld he'd .scraped up the money for a deposit tomehow. It w11 mother bought him when he waa twelve Brandon rec-aJla It 1911nt1 me, wlll you, my deu?" 01 courtt not, I ,eply, I by the SH - Torbay, Otv·on. See, this It going to sound like 111mmer hofid1y1 with hls mum·• fsmlly ln Ireland, "Where simply wondered what influenced you II you we,e growl,g 'Herah1m Soya• or aomelhlng. but the Oafs where we'd "someone would pl1y pllno, out would come a fkfdle, -and up. Pvt read rnott of your interview,. but thete•s never been llvlng had some real nasty pieces of work - I w11n1t a ~":.!~~~~ g~~ 'Z,~'!.ld be alngtr19. It und to make me cry, been I word 1bout your backgtound, your chlldhoOd, where wery nlce kid, either. You'd get a h1dln~ at least twlc.1 you came from. Hls heroes, lhen and now, are boxers. and certaffl movie "Westminster," saya Terry crypUcalJI. "Go." ::r.~t•~i:::i ,~: :::r~~i:.:i::c~iv~~lng. I'm not" ac:tora.. a prime currer1t •••"'Pl• being Robert de Nko, "Should I rHlfy do tbls?'' wonder, K rk. Terry nods wllou auperb performance a.a the fkihter Jake L• MOit• fn ueut 1nyw1y1 from that aet•up we went 10 Tofbay1 quret 1111nt, tho09h 1pparently up unto now It h11 bHn 1gretd and full of retfted people. A coupte of the nuns who t,u9h1 'Paging Bull' he 1pe1.kt of wllh QlowTng 1dmiratJon. that the slngu•• past ahould be dwelt on III nttte u me took I shine me, helped me, and I pa.111d my 11 - plut "rm• sucker for 1om1thl~ I c1n fdefttlWi with. Like, that possible. As he b09ln1 to tell the atory, Wa 'tery apparer,t to and wePI to gramrHr sehooll wflkh w11 run of mkldlt - ;n:,h~a,:~t~:!~t~.~1,::~:;~n~: th1t this has been expounded upon teu then an the come - ctau kkft - l wal 1hunned or four Yllrt, I WH jutt I ;~~1:i!t~ :z,:other the - mllJtnlum 1tuff1 tor ti's freth and fHclnaUng, told stupid bastard; talked like I dkl - the only th'"e I wonderful people, but mad. R11lly oruy. I ooukln't w1Jt to simply and directly\ end while I tlate" I atoi, thlnlllno about wH oood •t w .. •port•• I ••• 900d el ru9by. I w .. ~ottom Qtl out. Le Motta could only5t out ot hit 11tuaUon by U\e r1e,11 quHtlon. 'm sorry to have to condense ft for you, In •H7thlng, e'ttty year, 109 lddl In the year, and I WH ~tghUno: he dkfo'I know th• ht thlnot or the riQht p.aple. but here't the gls-1: talk to hJt wife, even 189th. • ••~ to h•t• th• IOI of t!Jem. Ht couldn't co