Ewelina GUDAROWSKA, Adam SZEWCZUK, Department of Horticulture, University of Agriculture, Rozbrat 7, 50-334 Wrocùaw, Poland. E-mail: [email protected]

In the spring of 2002 one-year-old and two-year-old apple tree cvs. ‘Fiesta’ and ‘Pinova’, budded on M.26 rootstock, were planted at the distances of 3.5 x 1.0 m. The planting material was produced in a nursery using chemicals (Arbolin 036 SL, Arbostim 100 SL), pinching and pruning at the height of 100 cm. Those agrotechnical practices were applied in the 3rd (for knip-boom trees) and 2nd (for maiden trees) year of production in nursery. Two-year-old trees were not pruned after planting. Some of one-year-old trees in control treatment were additionally pruned at the height of 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm and 100 cm after planting. The highest total yield was obtained from ‘Pinova’, planted as knip-boom trees, produced in a nursery by methods, which stimulate feathering. In the case of maiden trees, high yield was noted for control trees and sprayed with Arbolin 036 SL. For ‘Fiesta’ two-year-old material had more flowers in the first two years after planting. However, the use of chemicals in a nursery had positive effect on the yield in the case of maiden trees. The lowest yields were obtained from maiden trees pruned at the height of 40 cm and 60 cm (‘Pinova’) and 80 cm (‘Fiesta’) after planting.

Key words: age of planting material, apple trees, methods of tree production, tree training, yield.

Introduction. The feathering of young trees is an important factor inducting early fruit production. One-year-old trees without branches need at least one year to produce crown (Bielicki, Czyczyk, 2004 b). The main factor determining branching is (Basak et al., 1994). Several well-known apple (‘Ligol’, ‘Alwa’, ‘Gloster’) produce laterals in insufficient number (Gudarowska, 2002). Traditional techniques to promote branching not always give satisfactory results, so application of bioregulators may be necessary (Csiszár, Bubán, 2004). Benzyladenine is applied very often for training canopies of planting material (Basak et al., 1994; Hrotko et al. 1996). Benzyloadenine in combinations with gibberellins are also used to overcome apical dominance and to stimulate feathering (Gàstoù, Poniedziaùek, 2004; Jaumieñ et al., 2002). Such chemicals as Arbolin 036 SL can be use as well in nursery for

90 production of two-year-old trees (Gudarowska, Szewczuk, 2002). However, bioregulators may have different influence on initiation of blossoming (Gudarowska, Szewczuk, 2004 a). In the case of gibberellins, the possible role of these hormones in flower initiation is discussed. According to Basak (2001), the spray with gibberellins (GA ) could reduce flower initiation of fruiting trees. Jaumieñ 3 (1999) introduces results of experiments, which were carried out in Great Britain and New Zealand ant show diverse influence on form of bud flowers. According to Bielicki and Czynczyk (2004 a), heading back one-year-old trees at the height of 65 cm above the ground level produced high quality of knip-boom with the most shoots longer than 30 cm. In Gudarowska and Szewczuk (2004 b) experiment, the pruning height at 60 cm and 100 cm in nursery, positively affected the blossoming of young apple trees in the orchard. Materials and methods. The experiment was carried out in the nursery in 2001 and in the orchard in 2002-2005. In the spring of 2002 one-year-old and two- year-old apple tree cvs. ‘Fiesta’ and ‘Pinova’ on M.26 rootstock were planted at a spacing of 3.5 x 1.0 m. The trees originated from nursery where as one-year-old material, in the spring of the 3rd year of nursery production they were pruned at the height of 60 cm and 100 cm above the ground level. At the beginning of July one- year-old and two-year-old trees pruned at 60 cm, were treated as follows: pinching (below the 2nd leaf) and spraying with Arbolin 036SL and Arbostim 100SL. Arbolin 036 SL containing 18mg gibberellins (GA ) and 18 mg benzyladenine (BA) in 1 l of 3 agent was applied once in dose 25 ml/1l of water. Arbostim 100 SL contains 100 g gibberellins in 1 l of agent applied one in dose 5 ml/1l of water. After planting into the orchard two-year-old trees and part of maiden trees were not pruned, another part of maiden trees was pruned at the height of 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm, and 100 cm. The inflorescences and yield were recorded of each tree. In the first year of planting all flowers were removed after counting. The experiment was carried out in a randomised block design in 5 replications. Each experimental plot consisted of 4 trees. The obtained results were statistically processed by analysis of variance. The significance of differences between means was evaluated by T-Duncan’s multiple range test at P=0.05 Results. During the first three years after planting there was noted the most intensive blossoming of two-year-old trees ‘Pinova’ (Table1). Pinching and spraying with chemicals reduced blossoming of two-year-old trees as well as maiden trees of cv. ‘Pinova’ In the case of maiden trees, pruning at the height of 40 cm, 60 cm, and 80 cm also affected less number of flowers. The highest total yield in 2003-2005 was obtained from cv. ‘Pinova’, planted as two-year-old material pruned in a nursery at the height of 100 cm and 60 cm and additionally by using of methods stimulating feathering (18.3-19.7 kg per tree). In the case of maiden trees, high yield was noted for control trees (19.2 kg per tree) and sprayed Arbolin 036 SL – 17.8 kg per tree (Table 3). Two-year-old material of cv. ‘Fiesta’ had more flowers during the first two years after planting into the orchard. However, Arbolin 036 SL reduced the number of flowers in the first year (Table 2). In the 3rd year after planting, the number of inflorescences from trees planted as knip-boom and maiden material, and additionally

91 pinched and sprayed with chemicals, were comparable (Table 2). Despite of the initial differences of blossoming intensity, the significantly lowest cumulative yield was obtained from ‘Fiesta’ planted as maiden trees and pruned after planting at the height of 40 cm and 80 cm (Table 4).

Table 1. The influence of age and methods of planting material production on the number of inflorescences on apple tree cv. ‘Pinova’ during the first three years after planting 1 lentelë. Sodinukø amþiaus ir dauginimo bûdø átaka ‘Pinova’ veislës obelø þiedynø skaièiui pirmuosius trejus metus po pasodinimo

Treatment Number of inflorescences / Þiedynø skaièius Variantas 2002 2003 2004 Two-year-old trees / Dvejø metø vaismedþiai Control 60 cm / Kontrolë 60 cm 14.5 e* 10.4 bcd 98.9 de Control 100 cm / Kontrolë 100 cm 35.3 f 16.5 de 106.0 de Pinching / Pinciravimas 5.0 abc 35.1 g 110.0 de Arbolin 6.9 bcd 31.2 g 127.6 f Arbostim 8.5 cd 28.8 fg 87.6 cd One-year-old trees / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai Control / Kontrolë 10.4 d 21.1 ef 65.0 b Pinching / Pinciravimas 1.7 a 12.2 cde 69.5 bc Arbolin 1.4 a 17.6 de 68.5 bc Arbostim 4.8 abc 20.4 ef 66.6 bc One-year-old trees after planting / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai po pasodinimo 40 cm 3.7 ab 0.3 a 32.4 a 60 cm 3.5 ab 1.0 ab 23.5 a 80 cm 3.5 ab 11.8 cde 73.1 bc 100 cm 7.6 cd 3.1 abc 32.5 a * Means within a column marked with the same letter do not differ significantly at p=0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test. * Tarp ta paèia raide paþymëtø reikðmiø skiltyse pagal Dunkano kriterijø esminiø skirtumø nëra (p=0,05).

Discussion. The obtained results showed that age and method of planting material production affected the bud formation and yield of apple trees. But the observed reaction depended on cultivar (Tables 1-4). Using two-year-old planting material positively affected the yield. These results confirmed earlier reports, which were presented by Bielicki and Czynczyk (2004 a, b). However, the use of chemicals containing plant hormones for maiden trees in nursery had similar influence on the yielding in orchard. It was clearly visible for cultivar ‘Fiesta’ (Tables 2, 4). For cultivar with tendency to the spontaneous feathering and blossoming in the year of planting, such as ‘Pinova’, agents containing cytokinins in combination with gibberellins could reduce number of inflorescences in the first year. This is important for cultivars, which after blossoming and fruiting in the first year could start biennial yielding (Gudarowska, Szewczuk, 2004 a, b).

92 Table 2. The influence of age and methods of planting material production on the number of inflorescences on apple tree cv. ‘Fiesta’ during the first tree years after planting 2 lentelë. Sodinukø amþiaus ir dauginimo bûdø átaka ‘Fiesta’ veislës obelø þiedynø skaièiui pirmuosius trejus metus po pasodinimo

Þiedynø skaièius Treatment Number of inflorescences / Variantas 2002 2003 2004 Two-year-old trees / Dvejø metø vaismedþiai Control 60 cm / Kontrolë 60 cm 6.5 bcd 8.3 c 66.8 d Control 100 cm / Kontrolë 100 cm 6.8 cd 15.0 d 33.8 ab

Pinching / Pinciravimas 4.6 abcd 5.5 abc 61.2 cd Arbolin 2.7 ab 14.6 d 63.5 cd Arbostim 8.1 d 6.8 bc 62.3 cd One-year-old trees / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai Control / Kontrolë 1.1 a 5.5 abc 39.6 abc

Pinching / Pinciravimas 2.7 ab 6.8 bc 61.6 cd Arbolin 3.3 abc 6.9 bc 61.0 cd Arbostim 2.8 abc 5.4 abc 51.2 bcd One-year-old trees after planting / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai po pasodinimo 40 cm 1.2 a 0 a 23.4 a 60 cm 0.7 a 0.4 a 23.0 a 80 cm 1.1 a 2.0 a 42.4 abcd 100 cm 0.8 a 3.8 abc 48.0 abcd

For explanation see Table 1 / Paaiðkinimus þr. 1 lentelëje

According to Mika (1997), the pruning of young trees can reduce number of flower buds. This opinion was confirmed in present study, first of all for trees pruned at the height of 40 cm and 60 cm in the case of ‘Pinova’ and at 80 cm in the case of ‘Fiesta’ (Table 4). On the other hand, strong, well-branched planting material should be planted only in very good soil (Bielicki, Czynczyk, 2004a). In bad soil conditions, pruning one-and two-year-old trees after planting should be necessary. The obtained preliminary results point at necessity to adapt the nursery technique to genetic features of cultivar and the methods of training of the trees after planting into an orchard.

93 Table 3. The yield of apple tree cv. ‘Pinova’ on M.26 depending on the age and methods of planting material production 3 lentelë. ‘Pinova’ veislës obelø su M.26 poskiepiu derliaus priklausomumas nuo sodinukø amþiaus ir dauginimo bûdø

Yield, kg/tree / Derlius, kg/medis Total yield in Treatment 2003–2005, kg/tree Variantas 2003 2004 2005 Suminis derlius 2003–2005 m., kg/medis Two-year-old trees / Dvejø metø vaismedþiai Control 60 cm / Kontrolë 60 cm 0.7 b 8.1 def 7.7 def 16.5 cde Control 100 cm / Kontrolë 100 cm 1.5 de 9.1 f 8.5 efg 19.1 f

Pinching / Pinciravimas 1.7 e 8.6 ef 9.4 fg 19.7 f Arbolin 0.9 bc 9.0 f 8.4 defg 18.3 ef Arbostim 1.2 cd 8.2 def 9.1 fg 18.5 ef One-year-old trees / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai Control / Kontrolë 1.7 e 7.5 cde 10.0 g 19.2 f

Pinching / Pinciravimas 1.0 bc 7.0 cd 7.3 cde 15.3 c Arbolin 1.2 cd 7.2 cd 9.4 fg 17.8 def Arbostim 1.3 cde 6.7 bc 6.7 bcd 14.7 c One-year-old trees after planting / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai po pasodinimo 40 cm 0 a 3.9 a 5.5 a 9.4 a 60 cm 0.2 a 2.9 a 4.4 a 7.5 a 80 cm 1.0 bc 7.6 cde 6.9 bcde 15.7 cd 100 cm 0.2 a 5.6 b 5.6 abc 11.4 b

For explanation see Table 1 / Paaiðkinimus þr. 1 lentelëje

94 Table 4. The yield of apple tree cv. ‘Fiesta’ on M.26 depending on the age and methods of planting material production 4 lentelë. ‘Fiesta’ veislës obelø su M.26 poskiepiu derliaus priklausomumas nuo sodinukø amþiaus ir dauginimo bûdø

Yield, kg/tree / Derlius, kg/medis Total yield in Treatment 2003–2005, kg/tree Apdorojimas 2003 2004 2005 Suminis derlius 2003–2005 m., kg/medis Two-year-old trees / Dvejø metø vaismedþiai Control 60 cm / Kontrolë 60 cm 1.3 e 10.0 e 4.1 abc 14.4 de Control 100 cm / Kontrolë 100 cm 1.8 f 7.1 cd 4.2 abc 13.1 cde

Pinching / Pinciravimas 0.7 bcd 8.1 de 3.5 ab 12.2 bcd Arbolin 1.1 de 6.4 cd 4.0 abc 11.5 abcd Arbostim 0.8 cd 6.9 cd 2.5 a 10.2 abc One-year-old trees / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai Control / Kontrolë 0.6 bc 4.5 abc 4.8 abc 9.9 ab

Pinching / Pinciravimas 0.6 bc 7.9 de 7.5 de 16.0 e Arbolin 0.8 cd 7.5 de 4.6 abc 12.9 bcde Arbostim 0.6 bc 6.4 cd 5.4 bcd 12.4 bcd

One-year-old trees pruned after planting / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai po pasodinimo 40 cm 0 a 2.7 a 6.0 cd 8.7 a 60 cm 0 a 3.2 ab 9.3 e 12.5 bcd 80 cm 0.3 ab 5.6 bcd 3.1 ab 9.0 a 100 cm 0.5 bc 5.8 bcd 7.2 de 13.5 de

For explanation see Table 1 / Paaiðkinimus þr. 1 lentelëje

Conclusions. 1. The age of plant material and methods used for improving feathering had an influence on the intensity of the blossoming and on the yielding of apple tree cvs. ‘Pinova’ and ‘Fiesta’. 2. The high cumulative yield of cv. ‘Pinova’ was obtained from two-year-old trees pruned in a nursery at the height of 100 cm and 60 cm and additionally pinched and sprayed with chemicals. 3. Chemicals and pinching of young trees in a nursery positively affected the yield obtained from trees planted as maiden plant material. 4. For both cultivars, the lowest total yields were obtained from maiden trees pruned after planting at the height of 40 cm and 60 cm (‘Pinova’) and 80 cm (‘Fiesta’). Gauta 2006 05 04 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13

95 References

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E. Gudarowska, A. Szewczuk

Santrauka 2002 m. pavasará vieneriø ir dvejø metø ‘Fiesta’ ir ‘Pinova’ veisliø obelys su M.26 poskiepiu buvo pasodintos 3,5 x 1,0 m atstumais. Sodinukai buvo iðauginti medelyne naudojat cheminius preparatus (Arbolin 036 SL, Arbostim 100 SL), pinciruojant ir genint 100 cm aukðtyje. Ðios agrotechninës priemonës buvo taikytos treèiaisiais (dvimeèiams su vienameèiu vainiku) ir antraisiais dauginimo medelyne metais. Dvejø metø vaismedþiai po pasodinimo genimi nebuvo. Kai kurie kontrolinio varianto vieneriø metø vaismedþiai buvo papildomai patrumpinti 40, 60, 80 ir 100 cm aukðtyje. Didþiausià suminá derliø davë dvimetës su vienameèiu vainiku ‘Pinova’ veislës obelys, iðaugintos medelyne taikant ðakojimàsi stimuliuojanèius metodus. Auginant vienameèius sodinukus, didelá derliø davë kontrolinio varianto ir Arbolin 036 SL apipurkðti vaismedþiai. Dvimeèiai ‘Fiesta’ veislës sodinukai pirmuosius dvejus metus po pasodinimo sukrovë daugiau þiedø. Cheminiø preparatø naudojimas medelyne turëjo teigiamos átakos sodinukø derliui. Maþiausià derliø davë sodinukai, po pasodinimo patrumpinti 40 ir 60 cm aukðtyje (‘Pinova’) ir 80 cm aukðtyje (‘Fiesta’). Reikðminiai þodþiai: sodinukø amþius, obelys, vaismedþiø dauginimas, vaismedþiø formavimas, derlius.