THE TEESDALE MERCURY. Wednesday, July 2 2nd, 1931. eall e'll° V.

STARTtt illTlf v. BARN 1/2 BD C.\ S'11,J.: CRICKET. SC.Flotti, -26,1. DRAMATIC INCIDENT. TERRITORIAL RECRUITS played oti the School ground on Saturday. IMPROVEMENT IZAST MONTH. Raritan' Castle School. 1.1A1ZN.ABIt C.\ST1.1•-• v. ZETLAND FICNT. REVOLVER THROWN AT KING'S HORSE. \Villiiiiiison II hick,, _I ... ... lt This annual match look place at Ba•uartl BUT STILL A DEFICIT. Hare ;• Allison I, W. •llision 1 Castle on Thursday and was described by riiii 1011 ... ...1 .., ... 11 the most inter- Johnson incident which caused the gravest alarm 4.3L9a3 tti•vstunti•eittsur\t‘_es res1:2• t will .1,, , Ilially One Of lhicridi.,i-. c .\110-4oi b \\,.I .\11r.son 9 h at Zetland _ ...... , . concern throughout the empire esting matches of the season. "r Taylor I, 1/2v. .‘to son I anl spread Hunt team took to the wickets first, and the Territorial Arm ',0eaisiitiared llohstat h hi•ks ... ... ... .. 4 occurred on Thursday when. the King was \c‘: tea time had obtained a svo•e of 165. This Yss'ari \Illusion lbw b Kicks ... 0 leading it procession of Guards back to was increased after the interval to 197 f(-a• i iiDjuutleiittg 19t1315e. quarter, April to Ju Pearce I' il1R1 it hicks ••• 0 Ituel:ingliant Palace after the ceremony of ke , , the loss of ten wickets. A few mituties t‘%1 jethitti(7,1k.thei4 offorrecurieuit .‘11iS011 ... 0 11:1104 \Vent in. :Intl 1.100.1 .;01 .1 1 , \V. presenting the colours in Hyde Park. .1 45, 1( 11\„ befOrk• six the holm. side 11 . ;illter 11(11 o u t ... .. .. .n1111(411;11 F. DaWS011 WaS 50011 11111 (11.11 - for 111011 pushed his way tO the front of the an increase of 61.4 per cent. Ito ,. sl Itolr-on II \•. .\11i:-.011 nil H. W. Yielder and J. T. floe made a - crowd which lined Constitution Hill. near The number of recruits obtained it, ( grand smolt. the former contributing t13 .01a1 a missile was llalm•H Command during June was as follow:, To t al 24 1/21/2* (y hingtotk • - runs t iocluding IG 4's and a couple of sixes. ill the direction id the King. who was Eastern - Command ...... before buttig caught ova by Dr. Anderson. S ta t 111 the London District ...... ,,'. 11 riding oil horseback. The crow‘l surged and the latter 41. h. Jackson made a useful. .1. 1/2 1 1islai ... ..- Northern Command ...... 111111 Deeli decided ■ • I'corro 2:1 round the main aml police officers rushed 31, and by 7-311. when it .I. Huttrson .1 Scottish Command ...... ',‘' ) t) to draw stumps. the home team's score .had \\•. 0 John-on 1-1 1 , 1 0 Preserve order. Southern Command ...... just exceeded that -,of the visitors. At .1. Niel:Wn b Pearce Itt the cot fusion which followeil a loaded Western Command ...... ;1.; only Live wicIo.ts thAvti, . 10 volver \vas picked lip from the roadway ' -' 213, ht.\\I'VVE, With C. t:a•ter h Bost. re Increase 2,172. - the match (-woe to an -end, -. .\. \Vatson r \Valker 1p t. , Ki ng turned his \\*acre it had fallen. The The strength of the T thanks to Yielder, having re•o\•cred the NI. Dohsoit lo Pettit e erritoria. f A,, F. • head on hearing the confusion. but other- (other Tanks ; on July 1gt was 131.399. b ttolisiat He u.i , position marvellously. Score : \\'. \Bison . \vise appeared to be quit,. utuno\•ed. 4iisiigi:)13111:ft.iitt,(47s40-,III.tisti,git, jius .1. (:lose r .1/211deridge It Ito-e " did notelet the incident interfere in any .14,1,1. Zet la tut Hunt. 0 The increaseasein strength.:ngthe during,g, the if.:„ : 34' T. E. \Vill:itison, not out ayway with his platesn for the rest of the day.. Todd c K. Jackson II Yielder \vas 2,172 • the deficit was still, lt owe„. , r R. 65 \\.. Kicks h Ilobsolt Subsequently it 111011 named George W. \Vaddletou 11,w b Dawson • • • 6 , , ■ lriei niti 14 Ex; ras 11/21e1/21:11too was remanded for eight .1 I). 611-Niihau b Yielder her su1111: 7 days at Bow Street Police Court on a lit Isli Jul S. Lowstat lbw I. Javkson t ,71, 5 charge of Awing unlawfully in possession for her Dr. Mulerson c ltd it Yielder ... ;•IttlilidiSnis4ann 21t Bowling: For Slartforth. \\". .\11israt. 5 of it firearm with intent to endanger life. it teil(1;1.: 1: H. ltriti c Metcalfe 1. -Dawson. Til on July 1st, 1935. of F. \wicl:ets for 6 rims. \V. 1:cks 4 for is. Among the exhibits was 11 silver-plated 1519:11,t,I.I‘ileiltiti•igi e moniker of otti,.:;: none Fleslop b Yielder ... ..• ::11:h0e:1:11(.:11011:151!4)11 • revolver and scant. ball aimitunitiOn. There Of establiShfielt1 . u p into W. l'Orler 11,W 1) IMINsop ... 3 Strength of \Diisvio TEESDALE MERCURY CUP. \vas also all envelope which vontained isiiiosaso.ii juls * s, cue W. Stark b 'Watson 11 1 9.367,. ,,s 1.1•Aiv s c. postcard portrait of the Bing. NI• Berstein, ,::::11glislls fo(01 :101:::rs 1 cOotririeesrf:::;,,,,, her fa c 11/1111S011 t, \Vatscat \liN ‘ST1.1:. 11Itt FISH ► who represented McMahon. Said that his of the 13 puddio Ilaygat•th not out ... ••• • I P. \IIN.\11D t: \STLE .A1.1.1.1N(:E. • (tient denied emphatically any attempt ou It. Lax not out ... ••• ...' 13 , nu The Alliame gained ati easy victory the King's life. ras The Legion were s wicliets Whiliicsday. The Nile.; was the recipient of numerous for 14 runs. lout at good stand by otesstiges or•riatilation. The senders r1:11.4siti'k(1'iS-l ig'' 1:■ laltd) IliVisioti Totot (ror to wickets; ... 197 98:18: 'toe. Boardman atul 4t1111(1is. the latter included Herr Hitler and Signor 111ussolini. 50th (Northumbrian) Division; 8,tts.6 (tly one Improved matters. Barnard Castle. ; who has \\lint exactly took place WaS 1101 Very 53rd ( \Niels'', DiVisiOn EET. II. NV. Yielder i• A11i4• -rsoli I. Il•id .. 123 British Legion. clear. for as soon as the Mall produced t the 4211(1 (East Lane.) Division 8,77 11 F F. Daw scat 11111 out 0 0 from 52101 tl•owlalldi Division Pe° .1. !lodgers It P. 1/21orrell Missile a Mollified they go a ■ . ••• 41 49th (West. (tiding) Division J. T. Ito. l 110 Flouter In 1/21orrell his horse upott him. and he was immedi- 8,159 46th (North Midland) Division 8,091 Some pe K. Jacl:son run out Hoe 001 001 . 1S ately surrounded by other police and the 0 55th (West Lane.) Division and there K. Thompson v 1/21(.11111;w 11 Reid. 1) P. 1/21(u•rell ti v•owd. lit die sl;irmish 1'0110111A a 8.057 not out 43rd (Wessex) Division have fee T. witkinson N. Irvine I. P. \lorrell it Olall was arrested. while MO11104-1 police 8.(7.; ••• trouble, AV. 11/21elcalle not out .1. \w.ii\\iik run ill It .crowded round. His INIajesty as if to protect 48th •Sotith. Midland) Division 7,673 ,,.:„. ..• • P fitting or Extras ... .1. .\sclue,11 h INIclvor ti hint. and other officers restored order 41th 'Home Counties) Division 7,292 c7.-:1,, - 54th , East _Anglian) Division all the y S. Bailey run out 0 among the spectators. 7.091 (6.s, for 5 wickets'. corns all Total , J.' Branford i. 1/21orrell 0 The pollee passed the Malt they had 6,sas .6.:16, 43XPOSe F. V. Bohiuson. E. Jackson. It. W,`arso n, T. itozmtee,,, meh.c.,. 1 t) 1 arrested to oilier police behind the vrowd, 'llIli'ini..-°rIstitt°•eliligilliivisoiof il the 1st. Anti-, is somet C. tirellett and J. 11. Young (lid not bat. a‘v. cita.1.1., I' H i ll 1 , Taylor Anil he was taliert to the police station and Division (the air defence units in Lott4 B. it yourse Vviras . 1 ,later charged. add the surrounding districts'„ •wa s fiei His Majesty meanwhile had set an officers and 5,981 other ranks, compar,.,1 make a 11 \ MU ) (ASTLE V. (:Ot:1:1•1111'(IN, small am 11 -‘ 'Total ... 43 e xa mple of calm and unconcern, riding on with 454 officers and 5.757 other •an6 . -.1 ,110• Barnard Castie team journeyed to with dignity as though nothing untoward June 1st, 1936. Two hundred Always c Ila•tiard Castle 1/2111ante. and Ilila. , littrlittgltat on Saturday to inert old 'Helots had happeued, He glanced bail: SeVeral recruits joined the Division ,I!, .SeVell fingernail 11 and Ovals iii C...clo•rtott., It was fortunate L. Taylor II 11(u. limes. lnovever, at the spot - where the the Moroi'. but the strength is at from you that the gam.. \\as played .al Darlington 1/2. Item In l ine 4 incident had occurred and where the 10,268 shor• of establishment. Th.•.• your whi and not at Illatitard Castle. Had it peen 1" u TltiSllctlnVaile t• aural h Ito( excited crowd' surged round the police and in the London air defence units aim,. better an at. the latter place this season's all too ‘V. \VarkVick the arrested man. July 1st, was 1119 officers and 6SX (..: but for corn:eon notice would have heel' seen Cal It. Hall 11,\\• 11 Hunter 11 The news of the incident spread like ranks. to be dra the u0tict 1,011111--"Iiroionl -unfit." -The P. Murrell not out \vildfire along the length of the crowd of your f COili•rton \viekel was terribly soft. but it It. \V:111:cr not out 5 waiting on th e route to Buckingham are inelin was decided to play the game, as this W:1S • --- Pitlace and as His Majesty continued his MIDLAND BANK LIMITED. the most Total „. 49 the [oral 1,elietit Match, The journey lie WaS greeted with tremendous foot and, ttonie ..-4ers tlre 10S, and tot& tir , t \. Morrell. T. Ilzitelle, D. 11/211.1v1• and enthusiasm as the first rumours that he The following is a summary of .0, ordinary kftOtk on a wi..1:et which gore the howlers 'ley. h. V. IIobiWsI n i dill not hat. had been attacked and injured proved to given in the statement of accoittli- ItO \V1LliteVer. 1-10WeVer. the Bowling : Fi,r .\lliance, P. INfortell 5 for be false. 111iilland Rook Limited, made at. Barnard Castle tickled and botvled so 14: tot 1.12111 il. Itoe 4 for 15. The hick:lent was the subject of a state- 30111, 10.:i(1. in comparison Willi the rema•katily \Yell that 'title wickets \\ ere shown by the Bank on June § CHRISTIE CUP. ment in the Hoitse of Commons by the tto\vo for 41 111111, '('hey had not. 'inform- Home Secretary later in the afternoon. Liabilities. Julie 311. .1 5 . ieclioned (tit the Coclo.rhat •ist L•xicioNs \ )4:11.1 The House would be deeply moved. Said 1935. 11I 'r-, for this pair added 411 1110.,1 V11111- At Bain-tot Castle on 'ft estlity Sir John Simon, to learn that during the is V ER before the innings elOSisi for st. 1 401 Lexicons. retoro journey of the Royal procession Capital paid up s l.r u\ed the moll sncresshll 1 ,MVIer. 4 from the presentation of Colours to the Reserve 111101 11,:-,1110.011 ! or mislai 4;. Charlton •4 - ;mil 11 Edell • • • ;i•* toiiiting 101 live kets fm• 21) Itt•igade of Guards a 1117111 pushed his way Correia. Deposit and ..r a gas .1. Clarl.e I. 1,(.11 • • • H e was well 1,0 ehed ti by excellent 4 to the front of the crowd near NVellington other •Accottuts wives to ■ 1-1.' Johnson 11111 Out • • • catches by Tl+ooat.sou 1111 1 16 Arch, in t:onslitution Hill. 1 it (1 i 11 g Profit the bank T. Boardman It Eden .. 1E "soil. Cnslle tout' 11)0 " Exactly \\hat followed. - said Sir :101111. Bala itce) 416.106,00 to go, ot A. Shields c Earl 11 Eden • • • Wei!. l'Or !IV!' 011 the 1 ,00rd "1111S not yet been precisely ascertained. Acceptances and i S. Wilton-tat b Fell ... WaS Wit hi'" ll roadwviy. firmed " . "I"' It was 0 But -a re \-(11 yer fell i the The Ct•edits on are the a „tit' 1 .11.t, the gante G. Crake 11 Fell . . ... 2 hliiit was immediately arrested. No shot account of Customers 9.• ,. 0 ' trust wort rotit•.1 to Barnard (:aid•'s favour. These K. Iitinidei , It Fell 111 \vas fired. but the ro-olver was found to Engagements on it. and ■ ■ ■ 11 , 1y. b( , (11:- •'. Hughlf nor talt tV t , 1 , 111.i . 11 :0111111' he loaded in font. of its five chambers. "The llecOUllt of Customers 6.: , provision -1•ii11. 1 The Coclo.rtott S. Gladder, •rut out 01..4 : noel :;"..! .y. \vhole House. - said Sir John. "will be pro- other wa total \\ passed \vith seven wi•lo.ts down. C. N. Walton II Etlett 5 foundly Maul:1W that the risk to which of prevet itt his total or 10. t2..'11 .'.1 Extlas His Majesty was exposed was so promptly. Assets. clothes wiatting Sco re: 66 averted." Coil). Bank Notes and put your •-• ••• \ sitnilan statement was made in the Itatant-es with the Itockliff• k. quite tidi f.Ottergait It yielder House of Lords later by Viscomit Halifax, Bank of ... 30,:: weather Fell lbw h id.ailders Job-fl 0 AVai son 5 Lord privy Seal aful Leader of the House. balances and can get N. Eden v Shiekls 11 Gladthrs 45 ".4•0,\ , 1.1atti t Greliett I. \\•alsoit 1 • FlleglIeS ill course of so. and 11(1 out 5 scot; Haw soli walsolt 9 i.olleetion tut other deserted s ... H•• 1 ! , v b Yielder ... 5 11. Kershaw 11OV Banks in Great the main latt Mit 4 Britain and Ireland 11 , 1 , 11,'...1", ‘Vitt-on HOME OF THE EDENS. ■ many di. El t • I. WatSOli 6 I loney- at col and the aeria Total 'for 3 wicket and b Yielder Short Notice that you For • itoemirre park. N. Edell lilvestments 127.110.: rAit oat .. Bowling WINDLESTONE HALL SOLD. been left Dave. not out . 11 'k for :16. ii. Fell 4 for 15. for Lexicons. S. Bills Discounted ... 13.1 4 •i. 1.4 111a‘‘s011 16 (;ladders 3 for British Treasury Bills 19.5411. • : Exlias 5 \Vindl•estotie Hall, near , the :Advalives to Customers CRICKET FIXTURES. family mansion of lire Liens. has been sold , and other Accounts 191<0 St. \V•lltiesilay to-day : by Sir Timothy Eden. W.. elder brother of Liabilities of Customers . 1111• Foreign Minister, to for At•reptan•es. (:011- E P S lutt.1 4 • Barriard Castle 1101 v. Darlingloit St. Mr John Todd. of Northall•rton. • Cuthherrs. firmed Credits and tO1 ful'•p`on) was lam 1:(•:1)4Iffiall11,\% j. .1/211 1 ,stato covering 1.51111 acres. including Engagements 16.116. I - .; fiedley Saturday : tit H. Y • aler h about 10 farms and the village of Rushy- flank Premises l: ■■■ 1, L 11al11e0rd Caslle School \\*Itill , •.. rleb J. O,tati ford, goes \vith the stile. Other Properties and i!i:Iqy f.44, ■ dreg visitors F.. N S(/14 I. S1;11110'14' V. A great deal of house property and land NN•ork in progress for • Shil(1011 Council \ Cotherstone. K. Tie.nipso .n I, Halinn,,nd at the surrounding' villages of West Auck- extension of business -Lats. 4; C!:11 ke .1 III; Teesdale Mercury Cup. land. Merrington, 1.easingthorne, and Shares in Yorkshire 1$, l 'ep\4-"" Y in the F. H L. \V•llatao 11 T. gat Friday. 14th July.--Bololly park . v. Barnard Middlestone. and also the sites of old Penn Bank Ltd. 7511.14 j( at ,soinf; there CAD. Ja.1: - --on not out . (.,kilt collieries at Windlestone and St. 'Helens Capital. Reserve. and J. Maths b 1,0;zatt 1 floittlay. 17th July" (Semi linak.-Ilarnard Auckland. have also been sold with. the Undivided Profits of t:xti us "so,..\Iliance park or Ciw- 'London home of Sir Timothy in Hyde Park Belfast Banking CO. o01d Castle hanks. Gardens. The purchase price is not Toth, s • divulged. Christie Cup F nal. The Clydesdale Bank It. AVatson and I:. c. (indict! did not bat. The chapel and private 'burial ground STRAIGHT Thursday. 13rd :Illy.-11o•kliffe l'arli Bowling : Fro . Barnard Castle. B. Watson near Windlestone Hall. it is understood. North of Scotland itaby Castle or Itokeby Park. have been excepted from the sale for pre- for 2S. H. 1"ield•r 3 for 35. For Cc,ckertort. Bank Ltd. ... Ateor Logan 4 for 19. Hammond 3 for 25. servation for the Edett flintily. Old family Bank Execu- `i1k1 is ding to remitters living rent free On the flushyford tor and Trustee Co. an Next Saturday Barnard Castle have Scala Cinema, Barnard Castle. estate will be undisturhed. attractive visitors in Stockton Reserves.. 71:1 Humour will reign triumph:tilt at the The Eden family date hack to the 12th 7.421. -Groundsman's Benefit Match. Scala on Thursday when Imperfect century. Windlestone Hall has been in .136 As usual. the Barnard Castle Club have Lally" will he shown. Cic-dy Courtneidge their possession for several hundred years. 41 457.SS given their (groundsman the ettoiee of a and Frank Nit-mg:in, who figure promi- It was rebuilt in the earlier part of last Contracts running for nently.. topresent the fume est entertainers century. The hall at present is leased to pin..• for benefit. He has wisely sale of Foreign Cur- ,a„pdP Tally burn selected an excellent game, probably the oil two continents. the tit 11 is a gale of the Wayfarers' Benevolent Society as a rencies. covered by V.ilf409" most pt•ornising- 011 the fixture list-with the laugh-ter front the opening- scene to the hostel where young vagrants are trained purchases to a corre- Fireflies. from Edinburgh. it is to he One or the Iwst comedies ever seen and fitted for jobs. The lease has seven sponding amount 14.61s.3:16 Hoes ■ for years, coneernitig the 17tio_,Itable advert- 'years to run. eadiA-ecrigOrdill' eg n e 111.3" , • 1 It! Saturday week, :August 1st. In Iris l on iJI Mr Hunter the club have an excellent tut•es of four would-be swindlers. is ote A journey Of 14,000 miles, mainly on • grotrattsmart. The ground. in its present " Welcome Home," the attraction for Mon- Or hack. from Australia to Loudon by 0 condition. is proof of this. it is hoped that day, Tuesday and 'Wednesday next week. International circumstances are more Coronation next year is to be made -41'4,14.1,7111:11,:11 1 the weather will favour hint and that he The cast includes James Dunn. Arline pregnant with danger to peace than at any - tirl"8. :101.1'61%!_eettrYligia'aitts i M. Reid. who leaves fdelbe .• will have a bumper benefit. for he well Judge. Raymond \Valburit and William time within living memory.-The Arch- R. `41)1e thin -deserves it. Frawley. bishop of Canterbury. July 31st.