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Salient Features: • First solar-powered mission to • Eight science instruments to conduct gravity, magnetic and atmospheric investigations, plus a camera for education and public outreach • Spinning, polar orbiter spacecraft launched on August 5th 2011 – 5-year cruise to Jupiter, arriving July 2016 – About 1 year at Jupiter, ending with de- orbit into Jupiter in 2017 • Elliptical 11-day orbit swings below radiation belts to minimize radiation exposure • 2nd mission in NASA’s New Frontiers Program

Science Objective: Improve our understanding of giant planet formation and evolution by studying Jupiter’s origin, interior structure, atmospheric composition and dynamics, and magnetosphere

Principal Investigator: Scott Bolton Southwest Research Institute Liftoff!

Atlas V August 5, 2011 Kennedy Space Center Cape Canaveral, FL Why Juno? Jupiter is by far the largest • How did Jupiter form? planet in the solar system, • How is the planet arranged on the inside? and we’ve been studying it • Is there a solid core, and if so, how large is it? for hundreds of years. Yet • How is its vast magnetic field generated? we still have major unanswered questions • How are atmospheric features related to the movement of the deep interior? about this giant planet… • What are the physical processes that power the auroras? • What do the poles look like ? Juno Science Objectives Juno will improve our understanding of the history of the solar system by investigating the origin and evolution of Jupiter.

To accomplish this goal, the mission will investigate Jupiter’s Origin, Interior, Atmosphere and Magnetosphere.

What we learn from Juno also will tell us how giant planets form and evolve, helping us understand the evolution of planetary systems in general. The orbit: the key to the whole mission Spacecraft & Payload

SPACECRAFT DIMENSIONS JunoCam Diameter: 66 feet (20 meters) Height: 15 feet (4.5 meters) UVS

Waves (2 detectors) JEDI JIRAM (6 sensors )

JADE (4 sensors ) (2 sensors) (2 sensors, 4 support cameras)

MWR (6 sensors ) Juno’s science instruments

GRAVITY SCIENCE & MAGNETOMETERS Study Jupiter’s deep structure by mapping the planet’s gravity field & magnetic field

34 meters (112 feet) Juno’s science instruments

MICROWAVE RADIOMETER Probe Jupiter’s deep atmosphere and measure how much water (and hence oxygen) is there Juno’s science instruments

JEDI, JADE & Sample particles, electric and radio waves around Jupiter to determine how the magnetic field inside the planet is connected to the atmosphere and magnetosphere – especially the auroras Juno’s science instruments

UVS & JIRAM Take images of the atmosphere and auroras, along with the chemical fingerprints of gases there, with ultraviolet & infrared cameras. JUNOCAM Take spectacular close- up, color images The Juno spacecraft Juno’s key components: Propulsion The Juno spacecraft Juno’s key components: Communications



ALGA TLGA The Juno spacecraft Juno’s key components: Radiation vault The Juno spacecraft Juno’s key components: Solar arrays Preparations for launch Preparations for launch Preparations for launch Preparations for launch Launch Juno’s Flight Plan, or Trajectory

• A five-year trek that loops once around the inner solar system before heading for Jupiter • Why does it take so long to get there? • Direct path would have required a much more powerful launch vehicle • Using Earth’s gravity for a boost makes the trip longer, but saves a lot of rocket cost! Deep Space Maneuvers

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