University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, December 13, 1962. Vol. XLVIII, No
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......••. '- I''''' , Series BF.1 Z552 Cindnnati"Ohio~Thlir~day, December, 13, 1962 ~ Vol. XLVIII, No. 13 ~Threepenn v To Premiere $1 Miami: .,'G·ame In;' Cineinnati At Wilson- Irks UC·Students 'DC students were forced to Mr. Sinclair and n;'Iyself t~at ef- cough up a dollar admission pricefective with the 1962 Miami-UC , at ~bepC:,l\1iqmi,ba~ke~l>allga~~ ~as!<~t~atl 9ar11~' that no.-,char,ge . last Wednesday night at the Cin- would be made to students from cinnati Gardens. ' . either. University' for this' game, The students had. been informed but tha't students would ~be 'ad- that there wOllldbe no admission _t:nitted .. !JRon pre~entatiofl of. charge-this year and a-notice had their·ID cards at the gate. Uni- appeared in last" week's issue of versity of ·Cincinn.ati students the News Rec()rd:to that effect. were' so informed . .In previous years it ba,d been. ~ti~ the practice with Mi~~i to,' . the practiee to alternate each alternate the two .tearns ras tile 'yearas to which team \Vasto be. "home" team. The 1962,. game the' I·~home" team. The home: with Miami was .theirvr'home". team was to charge the students ' game, "In the past 'years the fror:n the 'other: school $1. " "horne" team students did not Mt~r la~t.year's;. g~uIle,it was P?~. an admission }ee w~ile the decided' to discontinue this prac- yls}h,ng .teamstudents paid $1. tice 'and honor student iD's from', Que to a. misunderstan$l,ing both. schools. '.," .M'ia m i, University 'as ,.>the General student feeling on 'the' ."ho~e" team advised the Gar- - matter,was one of anger ,with ',den officials thatthe,UC Stu"l ., some confusion mixed' in. Ath'letic" dents $1.' The)Uh- Director George" Smith, released leticD~pa'rtment regr~ts this,. _ this statement to the ~ews Rec- ·incident. ." .. ord: . '. ··In all Iuture igames, Cincinnati . "On Septemberzs, 1962, a meet- and Miami students 'will' 'be in. ing .w-as . held at' the Cincjnnatl formed. of. ,the exact po1iF~. in Gardens-attended by John Brick- force. .' ':':. ,'" ". els, .A.:ttl1et~~ . Director of Miami, It is the present policy that for University; Alex Sinclair, Gener- games with Dayton 'University, al·MaIfager~of· thefG~lrdens,f and December 20~ and. XavierUniver-' by Nancy Pundsa~k theIines. This is why few. ama- They say itisex,Citii).'g,"3's:well as; myself .to discuss ticket- policy 'sity ,February 26" that UC· sht •. '( with respect to the UC-Mia.mi bas-. dentsiwill' De' 'admitted "without teur groups have the facilities tc different. Since it .will probably The "ThreepennyOpera" opens ketball game, 10" charge by presentation of ID produce" this show, never appear in Cincinnati again, tonight. This will be the first time it would be well not .to miss it. It was the understanding, of cards. " that' this show has appeared in ~'l'hreepEmny Opera" was Cincinnati. Last spring, after a written by Bertold Bre,c'ht and record run' of over two thousand Kurt Weill composed the "mu- sic. 'If was originally written Jn ~. Attendance At Cou neil,' performances off Broadway; it Germany and" was a big sue- closed and was released for pro- cessvthere before here. duction by amateur groups. In It is based on,lIThe Beggars Greetings, and'-$pecial ~ffers Go~es 'To ...' "0'·:W-'i~ . order to bring this show as quick- Opera'~ an ~igliteenfh ,'century Surprisinq l ly as' possible to Cincinnait, the play by Johri G,ay. It is essen- are shown on page 20 of this by Glenn St0u.p . Veranda- ,Christmas party could' J.Wummers, G,(fld decided to '-1go "tially an opera for beggars a.,d be held. against>their~ual policy and pro- takes place in fhe London un- issue from scme of the mer- Student Council registered the poorest attendance of the school duce r<mu~ali i~ Dece~ber in- derworld of, 'beggars, cfooks, The committee report con- ; year -"Monday 'night with just ste9dQ)~ a _mahc play. and petty law officials. chants near campus, cerning the last Student Unio.n- ,j barely a quorum present at the Student Council Pops, Concert 'This- sho"- is not just another The famous ballad of "Mac' the meeting. ,mu~al. II is a unique type of Knife" comes from this show .. It was read by Jim Siler, A&S.>'He Absences were attributed to reported that the Four Preps productio~.hflt has not been duo, tells of that suave, debonair lover , \ '. , ... pre-holiday tests arid the Iact ~i~ted' and most probably will and thief Mac Heath. Roy Babich ~"""',,:~.,.' ..•.• ",'"'' ..,.''''' concert absorbed ,a loss of t I . • ....', e. .that the meeting, started a 'half- .q'lo~be duplicated. 'It is a mood will play this role in the Mum- about $500 bringing: the total ~•• •• ,< "~- hour earlier than' usual so that a ~~. This means that the sets, mers production. His women in loss for the year to $70Q. -cQj'tlJllles, and staging must be this show will be Mary Paul as Ken 'Elder, president, made a ....,J a,Jefate ~eside~ the music and Jinny , Jenny" Shirley Pitzer- as strong appeal to members ot ~ .. (.) Lucy Brown and Cynthia Benne- Council to boost attendance by z urging their various organiza- field '<fS 'Polly Peachum. C'I(Jrk~~---- _. - - .:::;; Name~Davie- - tions to not schedule activities _0srirN The keeper o.f'the'beggars and on the nights of the concerts. ~ ,>- his wife will be played by 'Eb' I,t.$-.;:: Social Board reported that ! Scharf and R~salind Ammons. As .':EI'listo';' 'I.ecturer the Pharmacy Dance was sane- \ 0(;;~ ':5••... i The street singer will be Fred tioned because it was nefsehed- - <i '~J ,~ l Rissover, Policeman Tiger One of the newvoices in post-, tureship vproqram has brought uled to begin,. until 10 p.m, ~~-; .;,; ,;: Brown is, -Buz Slavin, the rev- war English poetry-DonaldDavie, many distinguished, poets' to ~ ~ 14'k whereas the Concert was sched- ) t.J ••..• erend is Ray Gr'ueninge,r. _ has been named George Elliston the campus, 'C:J uled for 8 p.m, It was also q Mac Heath's cronies are David Poetry Foundation lecturer for <:> In addition to the five British thought that only pharmacy ma- ~ Herrlinger, Royce Brown, Philip 1963 at the University of Cincin- poets, .e i g h t Americans have jors would be attending the nati,' -~(1- Michael and Joe Hoes!' Their served at DC as Elliston lectur- dance. women are .Kim Hathaway.TDi- Dr. William S. ers. They were; Robert Frost, ) .. In other, business.: President aneiHall, Shirley Grauman and Clark II, p ro- Robert P. Tristrum Coffin, John Elder reported on the city-wide- -N Rita Ramundo. The policemen fessor and chair- Berryman, Peter Viereck, Robert leadership conference at Xavier are David Zaus" and Mary Merri- man of UC's de- . Lowell,Randall Jarrell, Karl last Saturday. lat. There willbe many others' ap- partment of Eng- Shapiro, and Richard Eberhart. / . One of the prlnclple topics lis h, announced pearing in minor roles. Native of Yorkshire, Eng'- Mr. Davie will de- under discussion Saturd'lY was The orchestra will be directed land, Mr. Davie has been a lec- the National Student Associa- <> liver a series of •.. by Gordon Franklin, the show turer in English at Cambridge tion. Elder recommended that ~' lectures at the by Paul Rultedge. Sets are be- University 'since 1958, and fel- an N S A representative be r'~ University begin-] ing executed by the Mummers low of Cambr'idge's Gonville broughrt to campus sometime in .- •• ning. March 13.. j •••• u, ~ Guild Board. ' and Caius College since 1959. the future to speak before Coun- ~ 0 N Mr. Davie will "Threepenny Opera" will ap- be the f i f th "Donald Davie,-,- He is director olf studies 'in cil and other groups. / W- >- pear in Wilson' Auditorium.' to- English at that- coliege. ' t- .-. British poet to serve as Elliston ,., Hank Sheldon, chief justice of U•• « night; Friday and' Saturday at lecturer at DC. Others were John Educated at "St. Catharine's the Student Court, 'explained the 0 -(I) ~ fl: ~ 8:30. Tickets may be purchased . Betjernan, Stephen S pen Cl e r, Call ege" Cambridge, Mr. Davie revised by-laws of Student Court . l.i4 ...• at the door or -outside the Grill _for the purpose of outlining pro- U David Daiches aridJohn Press, served with the Royal Navy from -', >-> from 11 until ,I. Reservations' may cedure in ID card cases. \ z Found~d in 1951 by a bequest 1941 :1946 in north Russia, Cey- -\If'~-. ";e- be made by calling. 861-8000. - Q from the late Mr:s. George EI- lon, and India. From 1946-1950 A .full explanation of the re-. ::> ::> u- This show has been called by ljston, Cincinn,atiJ:,ewspaperwo- he was a research student and col- vised by-laws will appear next -..", the critics a classic of the decade. mari and poet, UC"s unique lee- lege teacher at Cambridge.------------~~---..,--'~week. Page Two UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI NEWS RECORD Thursdcy, December' 131 1962 Committee Appointed,T9Direct~r$- Approve- Changes ' ';- . t!i • 'f' II, Numerous changes in title, am,o)lg the University of..Cin- ,sociateprofessor of art; ,Frederick n cinnati administrative. ·.staff. and,promo.tions in fa.cultyrank yv.ROg.ers, 1927, ~~s~cIate pro,,~. .Stu ry' ". Cotivocaiio, , L PO.' '··!'.cy -, th . d b th UC B d f D' t t it thl sor of mathematics: Dr. Alfred d . ' were au orize . y e .' ,oar .. 0 tree ors a I s mon y, K. George, ~939, assistant profes- The Administration cabinet has Dean of Mew 'Dean Krueger, Uni- 'meeting last Wednesday, Dec.