L e a d e r jg grgEggg

ÍANSENSAYS A< PRINTS ARE Thirty Three Hundred Cast NECESSARY Shariff Scares Plan To Mi tl-U -t IM- » -» Vote In Lyndhurst For Boai invvni rn|cr m ni / Bank Robbers Fled to Nutley, Hid Car System , , ■ u r t f f BaaJaadn Dum ir. to M day ■rodimiad hie oppoalUon to a caa Fur The Day, Then Divided lM|mi Jn n in th* law making mm Money and Escaped Heavy Votes in Several Districts tory iinurpHatiag requirements «rd ha asertad the County Poüm Chiefs* Asaoeiatieti about Um bill TeD H ie Story Under torma of Aaaemhly BUI la, introduco«! by A aeamhljmaan H o rn ■on. It would bo dÌacretlonar> for police officers and sheriffs to flnger- S t H w P W M « « a print persons arrested for on in reetertad . lictablo offence Hurty É m hashed Mim mM **1 think this bill ie wrong,“ Don to Ito peiH m m Um laraa« tam- •on iocMMod, “and it will opon U m door to many ahuere and eaten*** of politimi lavora in Um handling win happen If th# Legislatore fails «f fingorprtiMa.* to take art Mo aa toe enabling hill. Tina Sb#riff pointed out Uuu th* Mayor Ragle a p the ronmUMoA TWMraJ trond throughout th# natiop ars aro na« «Mièti Maialy on hie li toward anhom] fingerprinting aaaumoe*. ho ée^sred. the com »is ralbar than a reduction in Um mm- aionevu folt that their hodget will bor of prieto taina. not require last «a>‘ >-* honres "IVo always been in favor of Um “I think 1 can »ay-. Melayor R«v*.r enhmiuul fingerprinting," Dunoon bill will He explained. “nod I would hato to aoa Now Jersey diacoatinue ito proaont mandatory system of flngerprintii* criminal suspects H arrison’a bHl laid U»a axietm g law in too harsh aed often hrtnga injustice on persona arrostod and lator acquitted. To fight th* chonga Donavo this •tornlag talhod with Police Chief H. H. Voss of Boaway, who is pros ktont of tho County Chiefs Asm nation. Vow» prow teed to ro-operato to retain tho mandatory fltagernrtat- ing a tat utos sad said ho will no­ tify all tha police chlofa uf th# pro ?osod chango If any alteration of the mandator* ’•w if« mado. Danaon «aid, it w.mM W much hotter to authorise County JudgOSte V ro dlacretlonary power

The meeting waa nreelded ovar hy Assistant Prwerutor Nirholae A. C aí alia, who mtrodurod Mr A E. Km* Services Held •* g«*ersl ehaJnnan Mr KrkhdootWer rsvs s detallad aad romprchenate» report of tha progrese •nade thua far Me dstoiled the ar For Mrs. Fhihr raagementa «oda with Um llwiae B ut q a ä m *lag revealed amae- Oialet manaremant and nointoá mm Kraident of Township ^’ng elsa. M knew something U- Um fact that the n.m,mal suhürnp M'ut the t^padharst hank holdup tien chorre wootd he a "»agnei for ÍVir Twrtre Years IUa a«ory waa thoroughly investi a «uirk aad large dMt/ibutioo of rated. Brurttn picked «ut the choire ticketa. Albrecht Dies, "em bers of Ma staff, pu» them The remodtlee eamod thua far mio «ara aad aped into Nutley aaa whirh wtll he rnletgad la as fotuta "»»tit. Heoorarv sholrmen. James A Ürea- Was Lonf ID There be arrf«ted Mr and Mrs. Ua. Gaorj# Uoidan. Leu* * a v ~ e : ‘.eorge Ganger of T Union Arenos. Utephen <7el*mb*eaki. tra o a a ro r. tir- Nutley # kata, Cua Berg, «-hainoan Joe Cao- I'm nera I llarvitis To- Jefferson PTA To ocri, vire rhairman, ; '»jttaa eoao mittoa. Mrs Kdna Pavier Mrs A«m nicht At His Late Monda» and Mr» Margaret Carrol!. Give Card Party paM Iritr «ommitte* f eamM MiagOr John Rege ir M> transporta! >.« cwan- What to do to ralee money* We mlttaa. James Nwrera. Joaoph Cwtsil. hope that aad often wonder if one v A Malum, w<«ram rom m i« toe, hoff of the genuine effort and thought WUIian» J Burk. Mr» J Plyan p ut l«ehiod th e apparently «mail af­ Prouoeot mee« i na a wift b« hetd hf fairs whirh oeewr M small gnnjpa Uie variou. comm itteao Mt ordae la ia given to the majk»r problem s of •nanee rloaa eo»parat»on Moe«io«a the people If an. we wonder why ef tha general <<.mmitto« wlll Mrt |m (here are madr so Pian? mlatake% * ^ d Mitli ofter Mor<» tai, al wMdfc l'nquealionahty. it ta no Sme'l pcwh- lime tho «aor dow fe.tu~s leni this Irvmg to give peonie a happy «nooonead Thoae 4ae«rtM la puarhdfli time and full value for their money aro urgM te do ao eorty and pet make enough pndt for the _ l . i Cnm _.11 > -----« - » w "eueee", whatever It might he ftigttt now ar rather nett Monday evaaUng. Mrs. K. Gibbons Psbruory II, at I eVIertTln tha ief ferano M o s i, the *‘«a««e~ Is the Rad«o Shower Held For Pun*1 ir"rr* . r School: the sf Entertains Ckh fair*' ia a card parly; aad thoaa meh Miss C. Downie M» r»hiw KHtltHrtin« «f M W i j . K r tlw if iiC. M Im i m m * . 1 tk. Tm . Talk m l ■aiwfnnl .1 In In U « m l M m CmKtMh. D ..II, .1 m BMM* B«ad 1 ) M tm D * * n i. n . PA SÉ TWO THE COMMERCIAL LEADER ARY II, t«S7 ' " 1 JIM Wm The Commercial Leader Lentsn Services At “Pennies - From Mrs. Davidson Is Published Every Thursday by St. Thomas Church rennie* rrom

THE COMMERCIAL LEADER CO., I n c . Lent is a parable, an old, old atory Heaven” At Ritz Girl Scout Speaker told each year to a doubting world. Some yearns for its sacred beauty— 356 Valley Brook Avenue others have heard it before. Feb._13, 14, 15 Troop Two and Five A man planted a tiny seed, care­ Telephone Rutherford 2-4200— 4201 fully, lovingly be nourished it. It Hold Court In Wash­ Interest Bing * rosby’s latest comedy-witb- gres- through spring and summer. n.usic, “Pennies from Heavau” will ington School TOIL Fred S. Berner ...... Editor By autumn it had faded, with win­ open Saturday at the Ritz Theatre ter it died to the world above and for three days. Madge Evans plays Troop 2 and Troop 6 of the Giri Ernest J. Dabinett Sect y. and Treas sought refuge within the secret places the feminine lead whHe Edith Fel­ of the earth. There it stayed awhile, Scouts of Lyndhurst held court of lows, Donald Meek, John Gallaudet awards st the Washington School William E. Kaempl Adv. Mgr.- until the magic wand of a stray and others play prominent roles. sunbeam touched it lightlv and called Friday, Mrs. John T. Davidson, com­ Louis Armstrong and his swing, band missioner, spoke to the mothers. LYNDHURST, N. J., THURSDAY ^FEBRUARY 11, 1937 it back into the light Tpe man had are also featured. 8uch popular songs forgotten his friendly little shoot Second class badges were awarded _ until its green head nodded once by Captain Elisabeth Lindsay and agam to the playful winds of April’s m | K | : IJeutenant Mrs, M. J. Coles to the Forty Three Are Dead . . . day. Tlior. all the care and love which following girls of Troop 2: Jeanne hal been, was ictWred to life. Davidson, Janet Davidson, Claire Ni­ f It wtll be jnwrestingto learn how the record of American Lent is a parable—man’s inner chols, Muriel Kucher, Ruth Shoe- aviation deaths.cwupares wfth that of other countries. goodnest is the seed. His reaolutions, Wridge; of Troop 5, Diana Beveridge, his deeds, his Christion life blossoms Fiancee Lachnicht, Anna Lynch and Since December 15, 1936, forty three have died in air- for a day in glory wet** pri­ because forty three have died. * icate, yet piercing gleam of yellow sen ted to Helena Mazur and Doris Save Now At Our 31st Annual If it has been necessary for them to die so that aviation gold that, with ita warmth and light Colee. holds us up before our own eyes, Junior Citizens badges were pre­ progress, then their deaths are inexpensive in cftmparison to the waiting to be refurnished, readorn­ sented to Dorothy Dasler, Dorothy gain received by this country and by the world. But, H the ed and rediscovered. Lent is indeed Kiefer, Arlene Dell, a**d Elsie Eck. a parable of nature and life—God’s Obeerver badges to Dorothy Kiefer; February Furniture Sale drtadlul accident* arc due to carelessness, thoughtlessness, or Child nurse badges to Phyllis Der­ nature and man's life. BING CR08BV The ¿pedal Lenten Services at rick. . Purchase« stored and insure J FREE until you get married. stupidity on the part* of some officials, then a searching ax- "Pennies from Heaven ”, “So Do P , A social followed the meeting. animation into America's conduction of aviation should be made St Thomas' Episcopal Church, For­ “Let's Call a Heart a Heart”, "One est and Tontine Avenues, will be Two, Button Your 8hoe”, and "Skel­ held each Sunday and Thursday even­ W. Matthews Brotherhood met on We hoped we were beyond the stage when airplanes were eton in the Closet" are heard in Februai^ 9 for their regular business ing during lent pt 8 o'clock. Sun­ the film. The numbers were written uliafe. It was hoped that our rapidly advancing science had day evenings, the rector will give meeting. There was a good attend­ JOHN RAFNER by Arthur Johnston and John Burke. ance. It was agreed to bowl on U B en u s hnn\.mni ur ' i.v> jr.naei rapidly as others. MAN FOR SPEEDING B etw een K a a l Rkith<-i-f<.r> as tahl Holy Communion at 7:30 IA. M plaiaant. and Antoni «telimeh and Je ra « > . down m a certain map flled in tht Avenue was fined $2 Monday night 8tela Stetmach, hla wife, and State ot Beginning In the southerly line of Bergen County Clerk s Ottloe ,r fitted the male expert at Iaouis’ Church School for all agea at 9:45 Jeraey, Mfeodents. Ki fa. K.- A. M. M orning prayer a ra t serm on by Recorder Joseph Melillo before Jauncey Avenue at a point distant west- fl. lee«, entitled .( WMIJT Shop to render tnia almost magi, he waaa hailedhorn a charge tu m a M e . M ay 1, A. D . 1S3T. e •rl> o n e h u n d r e d and ninety-three six Vandenourgh. Sll, Elvira Rose Ricd tonsorial finesse to women seekjin; a t I I A. M UAKMY U Tf)WK. Kol'r thlrt.-en hundredths feet from where th» J." and more particularly of speeding by Patrolman Emmet By vtrtua of t»i«^abovU «tated writ U> same la Intersected by the westerly lint fo llo w s . the beat haircut possible. The Men’s Club wílTYneet Monday me directed and ddllvepvd, I have levied ••veiling••mng ata t H:308:30 P. M. IIt t will be an I*inckney. Afco charged with speet Of Klfth Street . thence running souU B e g in n in g at a point on t h e n o r t h ­ Weds Edward J. These is a low mannish haircut ing, James Borokus of 21 East Plei ueaa and will expo«*- for aale at public forty degree, twenty minutes went one easterly aloe ii( Klngsl.i a p p u rte n a n c e « th e re u n to b elo n g in g the northeasterly side of Kingaland Ave­ (21) and twenty-fotsr in Block C-A. Thomas Avenue, Lyndhurst, became in a recital at Elks hall on Satur­ 8:00 p.m. Evening p ray er amd Ad- Feb. IS, 14, 15 C In anywise appertaining, be sold to nue. and from thence running (1) North- Hal Together with all and «Insular the pnv and satisfy In the Srst place unto aiiuteri> parallel wltii tha «outheaatorly the bride of Edward F. Guszo, eon day evening. Following ia the pro­ <;r«*HK. “Talks on the Prayer Book”. rights, liberties, privileges, hereslltamenf th«- sa id c o m p la in a n t, th e su m o f |7 .- Une of Lot 2 on said map. three hundred of Mr and Mrs. Salvatore Gut»o of gram. Piano solos by Doris Jean ami appurtenance« thereunto belpnctn« tiS.OO, wHh lawful Interest thereon from •eventy-six and tw«nty-«even hundredths • SPECIAL MID WEEK LENTEN or In anywise appertaining, be aold to 6W Fern Avenue, Lyndhurst. Rev Pierson, Geraldine Zehm, Florence SERVICE the 18th dar of January. lf*7, until th (S7S.27) jfeet, mote or le«M to the north* pay and aatlafv In the first place unto •am - be pni.l and satlailed and also the Plot 8 on said map; Thomas J. McDermott, pastor of Reams, Dorothy Zahn, Howard Thursday, 8 p.m. Rev. C. W. Pop- the said complainant, the «am of $J.- costs tf the «aid complainant have been s K m n n th* church, performed the ceremony. Mayer, Harriet Gutheil. Frederick • 4C.CS, w ith la w fu l In te re s t th e re o n duly taxed at the sum of I2M J.V northeaat.rly line ef Plot hsm, Rector of Grace Church Ruth­ from the 16th day of January. 1 SIT until The bride waa gtven in marriage by BenUien, Roberta I*wia, Louise Han­ erford, special preacher. BENJAMIN HANSEN JR. sald niap ftfty (SS) feet. more or the «am« be paid and satl«0ed aad also R.K.red, -Coml l>lr. Sheriff, le«a. to thè dtvtdtag line between Loto her father. cock, Arthur Weiasman, Dorothy Monday, Men’s Chib 8:30 p.m. the coats of the «aid complainant have r . b ll-lt-ii-M a r *—rees 12114 2 am i S-A o a sa ld m a p ; th è a«« 11 > Mi«* M arije Ricci, aiatar of the been daly taxed at the sum of ft«S.?T. HBK 162S4 Southwesterl> along thè divldlng line Tronachel and Cecile Taylor. Composi­ M daf Jr. Choir, 7 p.m. BENJAMIN DAVHEN, JR bndp was the maid of honor and tions of MarDowell, Mendelssohn, Friday. Sr. Choir 8 p.m. between lx>ts 2 and S-A and »long thr BE. Red—Coml l*tr Hhertff dividing line between lx>ta X «ad I on Victor Levnti, of Lyndhurst, waa the “He who refuses to face his worst Peb ll ll U-M sr l Fee. |17.t* Mozart, Bach and Beethoven were ■s a ■ id m ' a o T h re e ■ hUndre.l ~ «eveaty-atew m t € ' s a d beet man. Mina F rances Gusxo, sla­ s b p u r n IN CHANCERY OT NEW JERSEY A fteea hundredths < 37C.IS » * - - — played, also several modern compoai- forfeits the possibility of finding his 1 Between Home Owners' Loan Corpora ..._ 1 M i L __ ter of the bridegroom and Miss Ann tlon* were enthusiaatictlly received. best”.—P. C. Ainsworth. north easterly side of K,m Kingal a st a n d A v e a a i ; tlon, a body, corporate of the t'nlted and thaaee (Si aorthiiw eaterlv Andronica of Lyndhurst were brides The vocal part of the program was IN CHANCERY OF !NKW JERHKY States, having its principal office In northeasterly aide of Kingvûnd \veaui m aid* ■ft»# Clark Bulldlnc and lyau Washington. D, C.. complainant, and given by Doria Pierson, Geraldine Enrioe Carpenter! and Angelina Car- K f W. . . n e eet r to * the point or piact ! Sl»f>" *a ‘ nnw ■nu.n .l TPrtans I , » niirnun -_ „ „ jpr»ipri ind of the s*i- Mia. J. Huthansel iWitort, hi« wife, defwidiaata. Ft. fa "n‘tnhrr with all Sad aingwler the cou*las of the bride»roorrt of New ifr daas Miss Vivian Sutton of Lynd­ A a n nr w s ra l l a% i_.._ .i. . 1 1 R .'tu m a b le . M«y S. A I>. 1S1T. - defendaata Ki. fa . liberties, privilege«, he redit» meni« Y«»ri City were uahera. hurst; Miss Edna Bredenbek of Hostess At Party COiUMSiA naMe. April WILLIAM VAN Bl'SKIBK. Ho|‘r. ' L • , r iC T u ti SOth. A. D. IMT. By virtue of the above stated writ tc or la anywise »ppertainina. b. «old to Mrs. Helen Hyatt, organist of Rutherford and Mr. Joseph de Panio Guest* were: Mrs. Wilmer Decker, ARTMt'R V. TAi.M VdK. M r. n* directed ami delivered. I have levied By virtue of the above stated writ to pny «n.l síttlafy in the Srst place unto the church played the wedding march pleaaed the audLerue with their poiae Mrs. William Schulte, Mrs. I/ouise —ALBO— upt/n ami will expose for sale at public the salii complainant the sum «»f and Mrs. Ida St. John of Clifton i nte dire, ted and delivered, 1 have levied vendue «t the (Sturt House In the City , Severaland i#lf assurance. Several Demarest, Mrs. Anna (Iravagna, Mis. I upon and will nxposu for aale at puldh- of Hackenaack, on 141.0«, with lawful Interest thereon from duets were also featured. The next George Goode and Mrs. Francis Bent- "Smart Blonde" vendue at the Court Mouse In the City WEDNESDAY. MAR tS. IMT of Hackensack, ea “ r t M M t looked p retty in public ratal will Im given in June. with GLENDA JARRELL St tW i o'clock In the afternoon. Standard cost« of we saßl com plainant have been satin gown wednksdaY. m ar ìe. t u r . Time, all the following tract or parcel of ivory G racia» I j at two o'clock in the afternoon. Standard land and premise« hereinafter particular­ duly taxed at the sum of i t l l t style and trimmed at the neck and Mrs. Jack Loos of 337 Stujrvesant , Time all the following tract or parcel of ly described, «étuate. lying BENJAMIN DAN8EN Jit wrist with seed pearls. She fttljffd Meserolls Have Son Avenue entertained at ber home laat Saturday Night ian.i .n.i promieos kareinsf|ai parttaulai uie Township of Lyndni RERcd-CtmdWr Sheriff I br deecrlbed. sMuate. lying and belag In C o u n t) i ----- * “ Keb 11-11 >«-Mar 4 Peas »31 »> a bouquet of white orchidsi and alita____ night at a party for thè benefit the Boroacn. ef rteeth Arlington la the of the valley. "* I A son was bom last week to Mr Big Staffe Show [ j p t e s s i of thè flood sufferers. She was as- Radie Winners la Peraoa The maid of honor wore <« orchid and Mrs. Allan Meseroll of Manaa- siated by Mrs. William Vivsm. 601 chiffon dress of Gnrisn style with qpan at the Fitkln Memorial Hos- g >ld slippers and"1 gold h#s

large efow4 attended the Amt ISA Y S BOYLE game of the Lyndhurat Elk* Bingo at the old Elks building at Tontine and Stuy Father Boyle Speaker at veaant avenues, Lyndhurst. Knights of Columbus Some novel gsm*-> were played ami enjoyed by th* Sarge audience. A A W ILL.. B reak fast special game was run for the bene« of the Flood Relief sufferer* The Abraham Lincoln waa hold up ss donation will be ™ads to the local » criterion of true Americans Sun ‘■h*Pt*r T Rt>! , d*> by th, R.y. Cornoliu. J Boy4, 111* *“ÜSwfnt,.• » ,l’* •» »>'«>*” is not .um l. erf Sacred H-.rt ( «tholic .< th* S < iM . |»rty T»*.d»> .SOUNDS LIKE A SWELl Chunk, th. Communion Br«*kf.»t n«ht »*'>> *""1 »<• Mil rou HAVE, *111. •i th. Lyndhurat Council. kni*ht. : dr^ T p m i ., M»n « »». Ijllimn af Columbus, at the Columbus Club. Suiton; folding ts!>le, William E. COULD SET ONE “Abraham waa liberal and cura Krancoour; small *ewin* cabinet, geous and kind, but fimt of all. i Vera Makowakt; ni .Wrr, chrome and ¿ E IR E IT Abraham Lincoln wss God -fearing," c o p p e r table lamp, HuPeare Halstead. A SIMPLE THING! Pather Boyfe asserted. Special I* .0®, Jeannette Tar lu FW * -It is not too much to say that «nee John*.". Mrs. L. H askell; I COT MINE FK0M HEADING Abraham Lincoln’s courage and ft- electric iron, Mrs. Alice Oetters; kit TME CLASSIFIED ADS IN Üettty to his country and all the ; eh**n. deck. Uk» JWUas; niusUmg A will is one of the most complicated, as well as one of THE MEKALD TRIBUNE . . people of bui country su?nttned dt- j tea kettle, Mrs. V * I**- smoking rmc\ the most important documents of a lifetime. THAT'S WHERE THE MOST a g e n c i e s * a d v e r t i s e . Here forethought is needed, so as to be fair to the family and dependents, to fulfill all wiahes ard meet /Thousands of good jobs are now open in ^New^York. If you are looking for one it all exigencies. The will, too, should be so deviaed as to will pay you to look first in the classified avoid all unneeeasary taxes and fee«. And then it nhould columns of the Herald Tribune. Every day he no worded an to be crystal clear in its intent, and and Sunday, you’ll find more ads placed by the better commercial employment proof again*! all legal technicalities that may be in- . j agencies in the Herald Tribune than voked later by interested parties. ia^any^other New York newspaper,* Corsult your attorney. Do not delay in axking him to •Caaanrwsf f mphymimt Af iw i n draw up your w i d , o r t o revise it to meet changina WWtn PO t P ill BOOKLfT “Mow to Answer o Wont Ad* Address Dept. 4S, 230 West 41st Street, New York City. condition:«.

s Woman’s Club Has Bible Class Holds «O'* A Dessert Bridge Anniversary Party A delightful des»ert bridge was Rutherford N ational Bank given Tues«tsy by the Woman’* Club E8TABIJ1IHKD IMA of Lrndhvrst at their club house. 311 Valley Br«>ok Avenue. RlTHERFORl) I-AST Rt’THEWOVKD CARL ST AIM LYM M M HT Candidates for the election for Member Paderal Deposit Insurance t'avpeetios tbe Board of Education had been invited to apeak. 'Hioae who came were Anderson Fraser, Mrs. Jacob P. Groenendyk. Mrs. Luther E. Berk- ey and W illiam Herbert. Letters were received from Walter W olf and John St. Peter. T he committee in charge of the event w ere M rs. Ernest H. McDede, Mrs. W illiam Herbert. Mrs. James* Harris, Mrs. Harry Fetters. Mrs. W illiam C. Odiins, Mrs John J. O’Neill, Mrs. Bendix Fredarickson. Mrs. Charlen Lobmayer and Mrs. John Walton. Their guests included Mrs. Roa- slie Rulon, Mrs. Ruth Jacobus, Mrs. Florence Lampert, Mrs. Nettie Sauer

Burton. Mrs. Edwnnd C. Atherton, MrsTildelaide Brown, Mrs. Martin Mjkken. Mrs. George Horten. Mrs. Yvonno Wengland. Mrs. James Leahy. Mrs. J, I t WhiUMHk, Mrs. Ell« Kreit. Mca. Charles Garde, Mrs. H. L. FamkofT, Mrs. George E. Terry. Mrs. Prank Spillane, Mrs. Willism B Kelly, Mrs. William L. Kelly, M*s. C.uv Bonatus, Mrs. Joseph Al­ dridge. Miss Catherine Petry, Mrs. baniel O’Connell. Mrs. Joseph Slo bey. Mrs. Q nr|i Ritter, Mrs. Wil- lisie Weboter, Mrs. E. 1!. Hodge. Mrs. W. H. Hendrickson, Mr.«. M, K Kearnya, Mrs. A. S. Swenson, Mrs. Agnes Woodman, Mrs. M. G. Gray, Mrs. A. C Crane and Mr«. E. ~Tl. Mays*» ______Bouquets of tulip* snd carnstfpna lent a festive air to the clubhouse moms, for the occasion. Souvenirs distributed among the guests were attractive relish* dishes. Legion To Honor • HAS JUST BKKX Ht iLT The executive board of the dub Civil Service met last Wednesdsy when fins! plans were m ade for the dub meeting to Jr. Baseball Nine he held oa Wednesday. January 17, Examinations «ban Mrs. Nonnarvna Bingham Bi nghsm of N«New- ark w ill ; on "Adventure* of a With A Dinner The UnHad Htate» Civil Service Cammission has announced an open Th# local Legfon Pote will honor competitive examination far the pom- »ah year than I he paas laiaas TWy their Junior Baaeball Team at a lion of Binds» Operative (hand and lv n il dinner at the American Legion machine) in the Gaverwnent Print­ nv.I.il. hi»«orv that 25 au llm cars al have seery right «• The enpeetesma Red Cross Collects Building on Saturday, February SO. ing Office. The rete of pay in « t Their team won recognition aa the rents an hoar, Veas a retirement dc- us* make, bearlo £ one asmr, have IKW Bergen C-ounty Champions a f ­ dsetm a of JMr p r m * L t $1,100 In Lyndhurst ter a hard fought campaign. By the Pall information may be obtained eh las I’ead Im p ew dm s as s ess m . TW SVMMIOOll» fard rar Lyiidh«n4 V u aa.w*ml th, »11 to lie the gathering oi the team'«, W M p t n m Ut» B o v i n f f t n n loyal supporters. » r n l W n tl ihr Fard Knsfr Pia»« f«a — with th* Ikssit in . itrwmiw matmcT During the Theoe boys deserve the oppioe oo pnst few week a, ft, 10 0 .0 0 has been nf the entire Township beta— of iIs H m i Une an J sanar y It, H 17. collected to he sent to the stricken the favorable notice they brought to 2 ' m iliu m —»s sisma m g srea through tho American Red Lvndhem. While wWmin* the Coen t y Crosa. Of this sum. $150.00 w as Championship against keen compe­ • I. .1 ..I «il ik# The 1*1? lasd V J . .»ntnbated by ttie employees of the tition. they won fav«ral»i« comm ent lasHe Compte»; the sum of flftO.l« wherever they played, by (Mb ÌmssM • • • arnwagh •’ es s t a I r ssm^mi# i • Im* was collected In the several schools . »ptrtfmamliii. m i r i uff tin flshl .1,1.«. ^ ag jg U n i sUÉS 1 nitidi *HStr« rates hndy m n . nni h iillisi W ake« Of the town; the baüües liai com* The l’est has srranged tha dinner in amsante ^nrying from 1 2 1 0 0 to not only In repay the boy*1 b a t to TW fc|Siw iv|Mr«rai s neaafkiM* wtlh e eh aine al la s V>lypa l*ihe> n n all briar them to the attention of the peonie of L n iH M . « («sltiU lM n la ila aarial a e Mar a. lW det raginas the w a nenieea tv pa j The tickets for the dinner are mU s Mi w I H sb .l.ly St»d (Ito genas al ml fawa« |4anl an lend. sea. as its V .lU y rapidly finding their way iato Che I c S , r . hand« of loyal rootete. Dentei r . j n * ! Cummins, who I« the chairmaa fee ; charge of the arrangements say* I ^ ' f r l r n d . , the seating capacity I mit* tho nan- know lard «ses t k m nsSrfials. lbs heel — >— ■>É» SI gaad as#rw. ti» Tha M hu*« p*.». • >ngtne gtsee *-»* TW» knsvw tlwse tltengs ara psssed fand jn»fc>nin * «nh ib |o a* s sbasg «a fardw ati ia 4» ir a al less lins entrane esw h ub ish s etere ids> ^aènrnll«. ibrt Uba Sa «ff - nmd aess* lassn faed y ssa ftl* *"■'*-* !* * '.!]. M d’u b as «su wh i s ta li e *'**• ourTTL, f»ru«r 4«* — I r a f t e f . l U U B » r I ha* ai tW «ab r»asas M has b an a a a * J k s 9 * * 4 .#*•

»yeifsl la f m à m * V> m ililaa «ara. • S . Ì É w l — e a d *ke * j f ‘ E n jo y G o o d Fellowship at ^ faVr* Hm m nÈh. ***■ » W t n y i M e -I • Pard see, saara A*s •s n d n b é h gm ila | % Everyman's Bible Class yieei Ihsa loot )«era> t e the R U T H ER FO R D HKiH SCH O O L9:37»* A. M. Sunday, February 14th POR» M O T o n I » IIP t K 1 It Is Vice PrenidentiT Day Remember our Concert March 12th PAOE FOUR THE COMMERCIAL LEADER TM TO âV. FEBRUARY It, 1W7

-V . - Sigma vs. Wheel-House, 12 a.m. w t f t « March 16—High School—Rocknea vs. Kearny Whip« Golden Bears In Sugar Bowl. LOOKING THEM OYER March 15—Rooaevelt Gym — West Overtime Game At Lyndhurst Ends va Wbul-Houae, 7:30 p. m.; West Ends vs. Phalanx, 8:30 LEADIRETTIS p. m. With The Observer The Golden Bears quintet dropped March 17—Roonevelt' Gym—Wheel- their seventh game of the aeason last Collegiates Down House va. Mariona, 7:30 p. m.; Friday night at the local gym when Wheel-H >use vs. Marions, 8:30 j they suffered a 28-20 set back at I c o m e u> you t W l M y , my fnends with happy Our recent discussiona t Cono Monaco and cuts dealt by a beiuuful mooon pcture zod a 4lort story ond Kearny win over Lyndhurst this ers vs. Phalanx, 7:30 p. m.; For­ the town's best m ile rs, caused quite a-fuss among the town's season and tlie first overtime game In a basketball game which re­ resters va. Wheel-House, 8:30 Jjrcjt merit. It u> mete luck that I am not reduced «a a state for Lyndhuwt in three years. p. m. sportsmen. Some even went so far as to write in to this column sembled a T i i t 8 battle, the Colie ol aJlapee. Yog %x a picture like "Winter**’ once >n two leading for more than three quar­ March 20—Roosevelt Gym—Phalanx and to tell it in no uncertain terms what they thought o( it. ters of the game, the Bears faltered g iM tF 6 ' f - «••»iy defeated the va. Rockrv**, 2 p. m. ; Phsianx or three year«. The only dw g compawWe f o i m tbit depart in the closing minutes and the •trohg St. John's Kanty of Passaic Also, one irate fan irtvited us to the State meet which is to by a 82-16 »core last Sunday after­ vs. Sugar Bowl, 3 p. m. m e r it's prejudiced estimate was “The ( ^ n e t ^ r y r N ym ph” , a bit Kearny aggregation tied the score. March 21 Rooeevelt Gym Rocknes be held at the Newark Armory on March 6th, to see Monaco At the closing whistle the score was noon at th, high school gym. Walt Rawe wit* eleven points and va Wost Ends. 11 a. m.: Beta al celluloid that escaped the attention of wost cinema addict*. 19 to 19. In the three minute over­ Sigm a va. W hrH -House, 12 v m. and Cary in action. ■ time, Gamber and Finklestein sank a Frank Rumple ton with ten digit* But when I tell you tha£ "W interiet'' is likely t o be th e were high soorera for the winning March 22- -Rooneveit Gym — West We decided to go them one better. We heard about the baaket apiece. Polhemua sank a bas­ Ends va. Comets, 7:30 p. m.; best thiiii you’ll see in many moor» I'm not 1 opluw a ket for the only Lyndhurst score in aggregation, but the aensational play Newark Sunday Call Track Meet which Was staged at the of the entire team featured t fee Manons va. Beta Sigma, 8:30 picture like that 111 go the whole clotti, froth at th« nxw * and the overtime. game. P m. Newark Armory last Saturday night. We also heard that Fayne of Kearny was high scorer neat tin cans on the comers. It was a haadsone njuuntjng, In the Drelim, Libby Iaindr.»y, a- Man h 22—High School Wheel Hour^ Monaco and Cary w*re going to compete. We lost no time of the evening with 11 point». Cough­ es. Rockne*. a series of magnificent characteniations, excellent pacf and lin tallied seven points and was high long with Midge Palko paced the Co-Eds to a 24-16 victory over the March 24—Roosevelt Gym—Marians in getting to the Armory. There we saw Cary and Monaco scorer for Lyndhurst. va. Comets. 7:30 p. m.; Marions above all artjculatenes» and intelligence. The box score. strong St. M mica's of New York. warming up for their event which was to follow shortly. Box score*: va Phalanx, 8:?0 p. m. The thing was written originally by Maxwell Andenon LY NOHUR8T* r . T. Merch 25—Roosevelt Gym — Forroat- But they weren’t running in the same event. Because of Lilley, t ...... 1 COLLEGIATES G. F. T. for the stage and has Burgess M eredith for the star. M r. lU e r i 8 Rum pleton, f 2 8 10 Beta Sigma, 7:30 p. m.; Polhemus, f ’...... 1 0 2 some technicality, Cary was running in a Class 4 Mile and E. Lilley, f ...... 1 2 4 edith is a slight ^hap, red headed and intelligent He has the Witkiewitz, c ... .2 • 4 » Ror kn*'»' 8 W P- m. Monaco was entered in a Class 2 Mile. Said classes were Whelan, g > .... Rowe, c 4 8 2] °ym - Wes! gift of stillness, a stillness saintlike and beautiful. The picture .2 0 4 E^s « Cubs, X p. m .; W.-s. Caughlin, g ...... 8 1 7 f J w l U y , g ...... 2 1 ft adopted according to the . size of the school's student body.' Schneider, g ...... 0 2 % Ends va. Phalanx, 3 p. m. makers know one thing above all others: they know the use -, KSLIN W A ROWE Cary attends St. Benedict's in Newark while Monaco studies T otals ...... 2 » of light. Maybe, the real geniuses of Hollywood are the men KEARNY G. V T. Total* ...... 9 14 5 at St. Mary's of Rutherford. ^ Re c r e a t i SoT d ? p t who control the lights and the cameras. In this picture the light Dowtde, f ...... 8 0 • ST. JO H N ’S G. For the past few weeks this column has been striving to, Fayne, f ...... A 1 11 men outdid themselves. Gam ber, « . . . .2 0 4 Chiamar, f . . 1 excite the rivalry between the two milers using divers and1 Sakaa, f .. W inter9et is given a'dark, bleak mounting: I don't think M cG eehan* .0 0 0 I Collegiates To Play sundry methods to accomplish this end. We thought the boys,: Finklestein, g 0 2 Noonan, c . , • y°u see the sun once. There are the heavy, oppressing arms A Sisco, g under stress of anger, would run a faster mile, whi$h is what Elmo, g .0 0 0 o Vaseo, g . 1 Paterson YMHA of a bridge and rain. There are gangsters, the toughest gang- Scheon, t , . . every sportsman in town would like to see. 11 2 23 . 1 «ers you’ve ever seen. Tl^pre are men who fear the solemn and Score by periods : But wha happened? Were the boys angry at each other? T o t a l s ...... 6 [complete fear that is nameless and dreadful. There are men Lyndhurst ...... 3 6 6 3 2—20 •TS i r <>,l'yi!rt* A c who pi.y, Not at all! When Cary was running his r*ce, Monaco std Referee—Marty Dolan. the LywAurst High School gym K earny ...... 4 4 4 6 28 every Sunday aJVrnoon for the ben who do not fear....and they are like a lift to the soul, they Referee—Thiea (Harrison). on the sidelines and cheered the tall Walter at every lap. Cary f5L*f P“ “ 1 Clinic faces the carry you beyond the wall* of the theatre, they take you to was out in front all the time. He won Jiis race and it was an­ hard part of their tough schedule Basketball Schedule » the next seven weeks with the some place cleaner and finer and brighter And tl*re is young nounced that l»s rime for the mile had broken al) previous re­ Two Teams Tied «snagaasaat getung hooking, with fcve, a simple, unvoiced, but apparent love that will kick your cords m any meet held by the Newark Sunday Call. He was ,n * «ecies, the >hins like ny mewling, melting p»ir of screenirt* have ever done. For Town League Colored bavoys of Paterson also for awarded a medal. In Town League engagement, tha Uncola There you have “W inters«'’. The beauty of the lines, The next event was another mile run. Monaco ran in Feb. 1—H irh School Gym—Rocknn Triangles of Paterson In tha “rub- the message of social justice, the powerful and profound power V*. Wheel-Houw. “ d * • Bergen County that one. He ran with an effortless, even stride, and was out in Team W. L. P e t of the Anderson theme I have left alone. You’ll find them Forreatera ...... Feb. 1—Rw- veil Gym—West End. a 2 1 1.000 This Sunday aftereon start« the front pf his field from start to finish. He broke the tape fully M arions ...... 1 0 1.000 vi. Sugar Bowl. y o u r s e lf. Feb. S— Roosevelt C>m M arion, v*. hard play for the local boys when a half lap ahead of his nearest rival. Cary, who had been Wheel-Houae .... . 2 1 As I »aw the picture ‘a pinch-faced young couple in rear Convrte ...... Comets. ** City YMHA is o,p.,».d 2 MX) at the local court. This Hebrew or- cheering Cono during the race, ran over and congratulated him West Knda , j f l Feb. 4—Roosevelt Ciym—Forrester» seats held a gasping baby over my ear. Nearby, a young man 1 vs. Cubs. gamaatlon comes to Lyndhurst high­ in sportsmanlike and even fraternal fashion. Cono also broke Sigrma Beta .... 1 .50» made noise» with his tongue and teeth that ordinarily would K,b a™’»<‘velt Gyuv—CotneU vs. ly recommended by “Pop” Russell, Cuba ...... 1 1 141 former Brave» manager, and Joe a record in his event and was awarded a medal. Sugar Bowl ___ . 1 2 Cubs, 2 p. m.; Whe»l-House v». have frosen my marrow cold. But in the presence of “W inter- .338 Beta Silrma Nu, 3 p. m. ° ( onnor loaal sport, »hop owner, All well and good. Both athletes are Palsy-Walsies. Your Alpha Chapter .. .. 0 1 ...KI who hsadlea quit., a lot < f ball games set those things were forgotten. It is a gripping, relentless Rockne Jayveen . 0 2 .000 Feb. 7 Rooaevelt Gym—Beta Sigms Observer is left holding the bag, but what about lowering; the . Nu vs. Comets, 11 a. ■*.: Wheel- in Jeraay City as a referee. thing: indestructable all die way through. Houso vs Sugar Bowl 12 a. ». Former Collage and Hudson Coun ■ f a • a * time in the mile? T he Prep School record is held by Vinnie . R E SU L T S t g amateur stars will glitter the M arions, 28—C o n v ts, 26 Feb. 8—High School Gym -Rocknen * Braun of St. Benedict's, who set the mark pf 4:29 at a State vs. Suear Bowl. Hudsonitas line-up, while the Lilley Forrester* over Cuba (forfeit) fcarhed lads writ aeasist of Kd Ulley, "ow fa; *** short story. I refer to Stephen Crane’s Meet held in the Newark Armory a couple of years ago. Cuba, 29—Comets, 28 Feb'„ l Roosevelt Gym-^Cqmets vs. Wlwd-Houas, 7:30 p. m.; Wsst former John MarshsH player and T ne Open Boat . I refer to it for an interesting reason.... Beta Chapter, 19—-Alpha Chapter, 10 rrank Rumpleton, leading _point-| Neither Cary's nor Monaco's time Saturday night came any­ Comets, 34— B -ta C hapter. 24 vs Forresters, 8:30 p. m. Feb. Ill—Rooaevelt Gym — Sugar maker at tha fcrwarfe: W«__ a reason interesting to me, at least. where near the record set by Braun. Wheel-House, 22—Sugar Bowl, 18 "Hswk" Bowe will do th„ center Sugar Bowl. 22 Roclne J. V.’a, 21 Bowl vs.-Comets, 7:30 p. m.; The story is included in January's Scribners, an iaue mark', There was no competition for the local boys. Neither was Manons vs. Cubs, *;*0 p. m. Schneider and Comets, 23—Wheel-House, 21 Boh Lilley will perform in the backl ing the fiftieth anniversary of the magazine. India Jed in the extended at any time. In the State Meet which will be held Forresters, 20—West Ends, 13 Feb. ll-Rws«velt G p-Forresters vs. Phalanx, 7:30 p. m.; For- contents are the best things the .magazine has published in half scon, Cary and Monaco will he in the same race. Both boys resters vs. Marians, 8:30 p. m. la a preliminary game, th- Col- Schedule for Coming Week lagiaU (Veds will m »t the Metro­ a c e n tu r y . are recognized as the best in the state. Cary has done the mile As Commercial Leader foe* to press Feb. 13 Roosevelt Gyn»—Phalanx vs. Rockne», 12.30 p. m.; Phalsnx vs. politan Insurance Girls of New York A ijong the other things re-published is Earnest Hemming- in 4:35 officially. Monaco has unofficially d p . m .; Sugar noon at the Kraft Alley. Mta. Charles i;.Hl,n ...... , «*«iu..... I wnn.,,1. a_ score - - ■ - ■ rrr,, f mr~1s& antagonists To threads. Stilt he «lumbered <*i, even Six Day Race Bnwt vw PHatIM, 8f8B. p, m. W - 84—Reosevek Gyne—Cometa vs. 17? and Mrs. Mary Zeck third with I»R. L. EVERETT ESTLER, JR. emitting a loud, contented snore. Cubs. 7:30 p. aa; Mariam ua. a score of 175. Other members pre- The services of nine of Europe’s ent weta: Mra. Louis Demsrest, Mrs veikrjnarvan outstanding bicycle riders have been Sugar Bowl. 3::» p. m 1>0G and CAT R F ftrfA U S T Just then the attendant stepped in to wait on us. W e took Feb. 23 Baauevelt Gym—Forresters Howard Bridgman. Mrs. Ix>uls Koeh­ •»•cured bv John M. Chapm an, m an ­ ler, Mrs Karl Diabold, Mrs. Edwin Office Hours 9 to 12 — 1 u» 5 - 6 to • the occasion to chide him on the vigilance his dog kept while ager for New York's sixty-sec»a4 in­ vs. Cuba, 7:30 p. m .: Forreatera tra Sugar Bowl. 3:30 p. m. Koch, Mrs. Frederick Schacht and he, the master was absent. "An avalanche »wouldn't wake him," ternational six-day hicycle race, Mr» Wealey Bealler 90 KEAKXY AYR. ARLINGTON PHONE KEARNY 2-SM4 which opens at Madison Square Gar- Feb 27—Ro.-a.Yoh Gym-~B«n Sig­ ma va. Phalanx, 2 p. m.; Bata we said. "What makes him so lazy1 He certainly is a poor 14en, Sunday night. F ebruary 28.. George Tnmioka. son of Mr. and ! The list includes: Learco (iuerrax. Sigma va Fanraaktea. 8 p. m. specimen of a watchdog." Fab. 28 Rooaevelt Oym—Beta Sig­ Mrs. C, M Tsarweka of 437 Stuy- — ami Alvaro Georgetti, of Italy; Roger weaaat Avenue has returned to “What's wrong with him? Absolutely nothing ,The dog is De N«f. Emile Iaoncke, Cor Wala and m a v». We«t F.nds. f l a. m.; Wheel-house vs. Sugar Bowl, 12 Maaaadnmaetta laatitute of Tech,in' darn good," he said. He'» sleeping now and that is all right i Alfred I>ebnurckir. of Belgium and ogy after .(lending a few day with FIRST ANNIVERSARY Jean Asrts, Henry Slant.« and Jean with me. Anyway, he doesn't go on duty for another hour." Pyneahura, o# Holland March 1 High School Oym—Roek e a a a Th«- on«' American star t* sign aaa va Maruum. to date is Normua Hill, the Califor­ March 1- RooaeraM Gym—Weei Ead SPECIALS! It is reported that Dante C< Jabella and Augie Bernard, nia »uaky end Amarua’s all around, vs. S u g a r B.»wl. 7:»0 p at.; chnApHn. Hore Americans are ex- Wheel House tra Cuba. 8:30 p. m oa former Lyndhurst High School football stars and letter men, perfrri to be «iffited before tha week M arch 3 Roosa wit Gym Sugar SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13th are attending Evening School at North Arlington It‘s strange is nut. Manager Chapman was in Bowl va. Comets. 7:30 p. m Marions va. Waet End», 8:30 BoKer-Borner that both boys, although graduating from Hirfi School arc now Europe for the past month beay en­ gaging the l>est foreign talent and p. r e .. Ualts . . doing the same scfvxil work over. All we were able to learn now that he ia hark will obtain the j March 4 Roo^ eit Gym—Rocknea LOUIES MARKET beat Amerkaa riders. ' va Oometa. 7:30 p. ra.; Forrest A ir C onditioning. . about the phenomenon was that the, arithmetic teacher at the preceding the atari of the ai>-day era va West End*. 8:90 u. m North Arlington school was prettier than a picture. race, all the leading amateur clubs March Rooaevelt Gym M i Sig­ Specialists in AH Types 504 Stuyvesont Ave. Lyndhurst from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and m a va. Hugwr VsaH. ff p. m .; ol Heating System» While at the school, buth boys seem to take a major hand New Terk will have team* represent - Phalanx va. Oomale. 8 p. ra. PHONE RUTH. 241470 EREE UEUVfcRY in the athletics of the institution. Dante is not only athletic ing tfceir organisation in a one hour March 7- Rooai'wlt Gvm — Phalanx team rare Among the. rtuhs etprcted v» W U 4 - H .iu e . | | » wi ; Beta supervisor of the 'Evening Schi*i15ut is also captain and center to Start duos are Bay View Wh«M-l Sigma va Cotorta, 12 a. m. of the .basketball team In his spare time, he books games for men, Unione Soortiva I tali ana. Cen­ March 8—Roosevelt Gym—M a^^i tury Road Club of 'America. Acme vs. Cubs. .;30 p. m.| West the team. Augie plays guard or forward on the team and is W heebeen. lx>ng Inland Wheelm< Enda vs W W Mlousr. 8:38 p.m. Fresh Homs also alternate captain. Friday night they travel (at their own Philadelphia Wheelmen and Alpine March 8—High School Rockne. va. Whaekmaa. expense) to Perth Amboy where they will play the Evening Thi- is s new feature of New March It- Rooren*it C.yai C mete Product ol General Motors Loins Pork . School of that-town. They have played Furt Lee High School! York fans It *aaU hetp built up I va. W ait Fr-.la, 7:30 p. M.; Mar some American aoss for fa ture aix ■! ioaa ea Formatera, ft *0 p. at the Galahads, and the Hi Y erf Rutherford, adding with em- day grinda. There are at lea«t live Marrh 11— Roeee^eh Ot b — S ueur KELLER Legs Lamb . But what happened! Were the boys angry at each other? huodred smateur rvciisi» in «he Met Bowl va. Ca^. 7:30 p. aa; Su ropolitan area an«i M anager Chapm an rar Bowl va. Formtaei, t:30 Uked the school Augie replied "That Arithmetic teacher ccr ftgurea he eaa diMMr son» new P- Engineering Co. FRESH tainly is nice." star* by giving the ahnen pares a 4 » VALLEY BROOK AVE. rhance to strut their stuff. March 13 .R o eaeeelt P h alam LYNDHt'RST. N. I. * a * p n».; P halana va. Chopped |eef lew all l*ut annihi latlng each «Cher. Suirar B e a 1. I p. a t « l u t)» . 2 -nomi Three time» buth nrnlrt—li ftH Hank Barber and out «if th«* ring end r-..,tinned their March I I - B«x>r->velt Q y f i r t i m 14 HOCH SEBVICC bout on the n hia head aari BUTTER 2**71* AMmtgb Hank Barber. Hart mouth W Jgw r rtrtgita* fluffiBM: Forsberq Tavern football ace. defrated Joe DuaeV 1« with bk»*l from a gmah hr received 7.» MDOF ROAD Lou» Beouty Solon the feature one fall ninety minute» on hi. he.,d Tha Mow knocked him WE WILL OIVE A HALE POUND OF bmit bout wr the Columbia Park fa*fcr“T*e rrf>rw f«w the to rm t to m STVVVFSANT AVt.. LVNOttt *ST A rena last Friday night, tfce real Garibaldi. < «.* ran* to and refuaed Every Friday and CHOICE SLICED BACON FREE thriller of the eveniag waa auawlted to quit. HkM«g«r Toot* Mnndt haa Ptooe RLtlwrlord 2-74IJ by the Gino Garibaldi. Joe hooked the for tomorrow night’* Mo»tt> All ol thir PERMANENTS UtiannteeJ which preceded It ■fperftjr Saturday Nisht To Every Customer Speeding $1.50 Wrestling in th* thirty miaaU- *emi wrestler will be s. krmwieOcaï. B i AlT> OPERATIONS lor • Months Only final bout. Gino GariheMI waa de­ H sus K SBipheT Im m I KmW Few ­ !Vfu«c— Dancing w e ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF clared the winnar over Joe Cox In er. In 1» minute. «1 seconds, mil S for Hi — $2. • $3. - $5. 24 minute and thirty seconds The flledae fmm Teaaa, Hipped Al Sparts iiR N TS boat was a ant ling rough houae in nine ntiniitea 47 se, n i. and Bake Good Eata from s ta rt to fUtlsfc w ith buth w rest- C*4dock drew with ivtr I'atrrwn. HAiRcinrs « • i s s '; ; 2 0 « Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ■ P THURSDAY FEBRUARY M: 1937 THB COMMERCIAL I t Al'tR r M T M T THREE MEALS A DAY Founder’s Day Is Mp 8IDNET SNOW Marked By PTA

*• " -r.M.w» Day- SÄ.« .” r,,iin u rc w«*H t o i ' -l.r Ì■!*■<■*•* F.». fctj »V KM* \ . u a r »• ;fwr n K . J TK* ' • * '7 V c7 r „ * , lnifeflÉÉiiì*44am ifaaa^a aetee, but ^ j Mk uoiai«»a a . •'swvet. . œ <+r -u i** »*•.,< annlve> *»ry ,„ randir h«M — “ - ■ her Butgana rnt#r*»i tW arar «a iug *w* Mr» Joka Kcifwrp. P w- A m u' f th r m any • - ¡cide of G erm any ta 1*11 ar»i ideet. Mr*. M q Fxk, couMjr coua aded Sortii*. Venitelo* poeitter ciler; Mr* H G A*» He ted Mim tte« «M» «4 U H II colorful and mtrr- ij AMIN tUJiM C\ IK I rat.rtf postal is*. k* am* stronger than m r Gm w E «tot* H«Hm ». pntwipal «f thr sch ei. _ » S su«'* virrw o up * - ' twvond to Serbia In a tr*at> Vr* presented » b»rtb fm i7> hi> » Hw >r M ET b M',. 1 U the lV.t6 o# -utwal de'ense agaiHkt Su «arta ami w»W not in roo»! faith desert K ^ B O ^ ^ K -t’~. S >»>j >* "t K-arvh in JR*! »*J!ÌwA.L ,N <5 a *C«» y »ir » r w j k * vain b r r >o S ull tkw king »e!eyed tfoujr IV* art.' of the t.ywdburwt i m k m Hmi nurttsweu*« t» u w < arrtn« for tía»«, and th.s fata HirV School played « pieno ami Uuw.i »* A^M«*iv« throne . k . . . . _ . . .. *n« »«4 (MMM< Cafstvv •< th. V • • t In 1»1« C onstantine faah'.y 4.» A f y r tfce « w t m . l ^ S * r . e f thr %tM« rrmeh *W»** M m U m ?*'n ’> ^ m svd Vetf-iaelos för the ecsnd •choH served lea. Those I« charge m-<-«»-w. ta * »» im ttme, desoreed the rahmet »-d prro beautiful work* of ceeded to rule ia defiant of Um ST¿ &ERww r n h . ’ a : anriaat Hrtlam stamps honorin« thr constitutor At o»ce the ■ . premier, Grrak patriots who fought a«.«' *t rallied h ta follower* aroon»i Kim, ta­ M bs Hostess S : 3 Sr* "T*“ * the Turks, and even a stamp with a ti r^d to Sakwika. and art up a "T I V / l u L W M V S w m T ^ S S. * • •* portrait of thr Enr^sh port. Lord provisi onal frov^m m rni < f Kia o » T To J O i Club •> >•* *"•■* •» v>* *'»*'*— Byron.^but the king* of Greece are Dunn« tKr follow in« >+•* pr n u m W * » LacUW lhinn 4M WiUaa ’ M ttk4t ertali* ir*rti .4 lai Sandwiches Belie Their Namesake; conspicuous by their abaeucr. waa broiMrfct to hoar u?*or tM k.nr «M . «tortala^ N-~ W.* "3Vtf £"“• Perhaps the Greeks, mindful of by thr aîllra. and dNwowa^d kà th eir form er ffreatnes<< as th e w orld's i'i«ratrymen ax a traitor. He aw »'■- Qualify As Epicurean Delights first democracy, resent thr fart that furred 'to fW JO SwÌIjwHmmL I- for the last hundred years their th-- mrantim»- th r G w 4 l ^ » W ^ a i t l The Earl of Sandwich was ruler* have brer foreigners, vir­ ir»vrmiaent had drclarrd »ar «a .nought to be a boorish fellow be- in a pint jar iq the order listed. tually imposed upon them by thr Ormans- «ad «rat 250.00« M to .-suae he munched hunks of bread Fasten top on jar tightly and shake other power» b£ Europr. At any th r front. and meat on horseback instead of vigorously for two minutes. The rate, rot until thr appearance of It sr«nted as if tha thron* of the .hiiing afoot. Subsequently epicures m ixture Will blend perfectly. 1/ thr stamp pictured above b. ..t-dly Oiuvk»l‘unr* was loat la tka a far- Monday to frowned aa the man sixed sandwich thicker consistency te desired, place honoring former King Conetantme. fvar. but this w»s noi tha «•» a« a erode method of hasty eating; the jar in the refrigerator to chill who died in exile in 1WS, has any Tha nrw post-war fîrrrk pnm m aii Thursday ■ recently the eandwich has been before serving. (This mayonnaise Greek postage stamp bum* the Like provrd corrupt and iaaffk*r-.\ Va»i endowed with artistry may also be made by stirring in­ arU » tha only man wha had A* merged proudly in the social reg­ gredients tn a bowl.) Just before ompbt«1 confidrma of thr paepb ister of delicacies. serving, blend ia the grated Amer­ was away at thr Paria frarr coa Help yourself parties are thr ican cheese. M akes 1^4 cupa. *Vrrno* and out of to urh a • >v ••naFtest aa wall aa the MACK MAYONNAISE to dispense hospitality, 2 3 cup sweetened condaaaad milk platter of assorted % cup vinegar or lemon luice to have the fteaat and m a n up-to- who hsd denounced Cenrtanime as •neats or bacon and alked tomatoes. *a cup salad oil or melted butter date army in the world, and the a traitor. ov«rwheimii«ty »ted far Then let each guest cut and spread 1 egg yolk young Crown Pr»r.ee of t»reece at­ his restoration! *4 teaspoon salt I » I'It AM« I N I IMP M « JKMaKY his own. H ere are some tasty m ay- tended the Prussian Military Suff Unfortunatelv, however, this 9» Hwa*o r« a s) K*r* *i onnaises which will give son to Few grain« cayenne College and served in the fam<»u* tarred n.onarvh spemad «tvays de« your salad sandwiches and, magic­ V* teaspoon dry mustard Prussian Guards. Thia eariy training timed to do the wrong th.ric ÜW- ally, they are curdleproof, made with Place ingredients in raizing bowl. stood him in good stead during the i •■Vr’v hr allowed himself to be per* sweetened condensed milk. And they Brat with rotary egg beater until diaastrous Graeco-Turkish War of, ■uaded to continue a w ar of ran be made in five minutes kitchen mixture thicken«. 189H and later dur ing the Balks i eiate agreaa.on that Gr«e*w was than duty. ROQUEFORT CHEESE War» of 191? 11. where he so dis­ ■ CHEESE DRESSING DRESSING tinguished himself aa a general that I their own soil and inspired U j aa l* cup vinegar V» pound roquefort cheese the Eaii*er appointed him honorary almost fanatical patriot lam. the Turin GOOD SBRVICX iS ICNOU'N ftT ITS WDIUC ^ CUP >.* iiti -,!! Field Marshal in thr German Army. proved i^rincibSe. The t.rrk Army 2 tablespoons chili sauce Only a year after receiving this -3 cup sweetened condensed milk S tablespoons mayonnaise RATHER THAN ST ITS WORDS 1 *•** yolk (unbeaten) honor, the World War broke out, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce and Cortstartine. now king of Greece, 4 teaspoon salt Mash cheese until creamy and tine'j afcart-liv.d governassi dia- Few grains cayenre was fared with the dilemma of w m .hot b> * raraluliMM rt combine with remaining ingredients. choosing sides. Hu personal sym­ 1 tea-poon dry mustard V Th and iM.tir over marital Slid W v u foKX ’* aW pathies weie naturally with Ger­ ’« cup grated American cheese quartered lettuce or a citrus fruit 4Hal* for tha aacond tima. \ hraton Place ingredienta (except cheeee) many He was of German blood man, ha «ant a(al» Iute .«ila aat him »elf and had married a Hohon,- 4m4 la lui} a ).(r lata. aollem princes* Moreover, his early education had impressed him with February . . The Month of Holidays the immense superiority of the Prus- Hr. R. W. Caldwell To Sien mlitary system and he waa Although February is the ahort- ing. The combination of cherriea. thoroughly convinced that Germany Talk At Reed Church *4 mono* ia the year it contains black walnuts and that small dash would win thr war. And aa, ta the J. L . B U R K the irreetest number of holidays. of cinnamon do the trick to per­ face of a growing pro-Allied tea Dr. R W. ('aidwall, af fk.laM - First, we observe Lincoln's birth­ fection. timent among his people, Constan­ akia. Pa »il! paak al Ua Kaad Bumste^d s FUNCHAL (u tr e r o * day on February Stad—then ta tfce CHERRY WALNUT PI* tine obst'rately refused to mohihae \1- nx.T rtl P ia.b y * ar‘an O a ta fc a t II Worm Syrup delight of every child comes an old 2 cups pitted red cherries (or one. the Greek army. A, M an SaaOr, r*kn«'T UA. »Aitk p ... fsvorite — St. Valentine's Day on No. 2 can) I>r. CaldwaH. wto ara* liiia iji aa February 14. Last, but not least, 1V* cups sugar King Constantine poaaiiad not itairad in mM onarr a » l I, KrvM. 9M KWOSLAND AVE. i m PAUBADE AVE. n thin m onth of holidays, we obaerve 1 Vi cup« cherry juice only a forceful and independent char­ I» now financial aacratary »f Ika acter. but alao a great deal of per Board of Kor^t^n M , . r ta* S m L m S i the memory of George Washington, I tablespoon plain gelatin t ‘Hlla.1 llaaaKalal la a. A n _ l i ‘ SB.. <11 the fath er o f our countiy. I t ia Ik rup cold waiat sons! charm, and it is uuile likely :nteresting to know that the ob­ % cup broken not meats (black that he a ,t h * way If servance of WaahingtoVs birthday walnuts preferred) it had not been for another man in one o f the few which was nut Dash of cinnamon who was aa even more powerful delayed until after his drath Wash­ % pint whipping cream, whipped personality in Greek politics thaa the W ington was a guest at many ban Soak the gelatin in the cold king himaelf. .Thia was the great Ave quets and gathering» in honor of his water. Heat the sugar and cherry Cretan statesmen and orator. Elea- see* l-rthday givea by hie fellow citiaer.a juice and cinnamon to the boiling therioa Veniaaloe, who had devoted lya. Nearly half the m h» late yuan. point, stir to make sure sugar is The gracious and laviah hoapi- dissolved. Add the soaked gelatin: tality . haractoriaed in the life of to the hot juice and allow to set The E im c t ul Compounding Prftcriptioa* I, the late seventeen hundreds ia of­ in a cold place until a s11. there’s no chance for the Juke tand ten or flftaan aaJa- run out as it eo often does in ■ he best of well3 ordrn Aero* pie bak- Studebaker is I’hone Ruth. 2-2682 We Call and Deliver l/nctecas .spcm q/iJ Farmer Same Day Dry Cleaning Service / / ( Cü/wntt/ c s/t/ sM trtim » l/uoss, ii.r..u,i, ^ O s f am4 PARK CLEANING COMPANY la able la |H< ralra i a > n M Thomas Safar. Prop. Imrmm (mr rtehae, Save —‘ft Naariy half î s N<; SENS ATI« > N A1 1 Y hi i'aiisi •I ike milk dollar jmtm la the In ali Ijal 219 Stuyvesant Ave. Lyndhurst or ns saving:. 1 aaar. ik t. .M H ia lrd la »2M.mMI.OtMl. TVa

m « * « m ta m a s n a muL« m u i B M * For Balanced Flavor, Say "Make Mine Ruppert’s!” & 2 J l i . « • M» O SM S and you’ll be sure of get­ S . s s r ting "America’s Favorite” *wmmm. 9m w—m (3 ) 0 O — *■*• IIMVTRrn fMWT J iU t U J 1

■ • irwSfr- n « . *aa- r «aaasara “ 3 3 M s m a n a «

D . Mossi Motor Car C«. SHEFFIELD FAIRS FAMOUS FOR FLAVO« ÉMM1 Smm Y_«a r - Park A Valley Brook Ave«^ Lyndhurst „ . -___, u , esosi « THesroftu t mn* Howe Ava, Pa n ale, N. si. Tal PAeeuk 1-1 MB PAOE WC THE COMMERCIAL LEADER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1*37

y ® ] i.

made by letter-carriera. All mail will { Red Cross flood ¿elisi fund. The Jasa Liaieua, Virginia iu . l>e dispatched during the day. Colise- I total thua collect«! amounMC to Classified Hebrew Officers tion from ths street letter-boxes witl f fl 12.60. 'Hie motor csrpsr Men as- Joseph Graf Passes jiST'-ir lie made beginning at 3:30 p.m. sisted in the padrfnR of clothing Perishable and special delivery mail to be sent to the flosd arsa, Away .t Hi. A drertU om ent lMt«lled Friday will i.e delivered aa usual W. .-MHO« lu n u i Um Insertion oí uy »d-1 fiv lv p u lrr ßnM hprir I« Mildred MottoU’g Joseph Graf, 26, of 292 Lyndhurst \ nrti.em.nt 11 in thesetbaae column«rollimi» unleaeanlaaa Mm«u n i iaia paid I ,V e S ltr *xOKlOVrg la Engirenumt Told Avenus. Lyndhurat, died st his home A contribution of the l^ahe < for in advance. RaU-s for ciaaatftod advertising Mrs.&loLehtils recently. He waa a son of Mr. and and its employees of $150 to the arc as follow«: on« insertion $.60, two con sec u Installed as President Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mot tola of Mr*. flood snffeiers awelled the total 486 Elm street, Kearny, announced Nicho I aa Graf of the same ad- live insertion« f.76, these coneecutive ineertiona In Ceremony l and w»s employed by his fa- the Lyndhurst Red Croas. A cam pJHI; lour consecutive insertions $14)0. Lim it feed Cross Hostess the engagement of thmr daughter, paign far money h m gone forv , Mildred to Rocro De Andre*, ao* si th e r in the mHk business. He leaves «— live lin*a, avengt sis word« to a lino. Sylvester Goldberg, township law­ also hie wife. Mr«. Jennie Graf. steadily in the township. Members of the Lyndhurst Red Mr. and Mrs. Angelo DsAndra* of* Richard Wagner, caahier of the yer, Friday night was installed as 743 Second Avenue, Lyndhurst, ** *1 president o f the Lvndhurst HArew Crop« Motor Corps were guests at a Lyndhurst Branch of the Ruth.-.' PAINTING, DtCO RATING and FOR RKNT—Large furnished «unny diah luncheon Friday at psrty st their home l*st Wednesday ford Nutional Bank, is receiving co I*APfeRHANGING room for business couple; light Asteociaiion for his w.*cond teim. night. No date has been eet for the Judg« Berthold Vorsanger of En­ me of their captain, Mra. Jalo Mix Slobey H u tributions. Fleets scraped and reRniehed.i Era * cookkw. Heat and light supplied. W. ;l>ehti, Riverside Avcaue. wedding One hundred-A/ty g*««ts ■at Hsndaraim. US For eat A venae. Near Kailroad sution. 251 Orien­ glewood was ths installing officer. He were preasat. m ade a abort talk outlining the m*jd Those present were Mrs. Frank Ljndhurat. Phone Ruth. 2-4620. tal place, Lyndhurst. Lyndhurst guests were; Mr. and ll-1 2 -tí for fraternity spirit in a community. StSimle, Mrs. Arthur V. Turner, Mrs. Guests At Home Correction FOR RENT—Lower Floor - 4 Other officers Installed vie* George Khippee. Mrs. Harrv Schaef­ Mrs. Angelo De Andrea. Bdw*rd, Miss Benrtce Slobey of 462 Roose- , , . . . PAINTER AND DECORATOR- room» and bath, newly re- F*>atdent, Sam uel M ansbach; secre fer, Mrs. Otto Greenwald, Mra. John Joseph, tad Phyllis DeAndrs*, Mr. jolt avenue entertained at her home In week s Jniue there was .>■ gh, Mrs. James Tsit, Mia« *nd Mrs. Frsnk Rapiaardi and f*mily, ale*' R E FIN ISH IN G O P FU R N I­ daoer td sd ...... <20. tary, Louis Lerine, financial secre- Friday Bightnight for msmhsra of the | •r~ r m i h* .fJ5rndhurrt ?«PP*F Mai Petry, Mr*. Kate Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polito gpd fam­ TURE. Old Furniture brought LOWER FLOOR—6 rooms and tary, Samuel Brody; treasurer. Dr. Co Y rÇM. A Va batins party- was k et’a advertisement which Mat. Nat Kaplan; trustee for 3 yearn, rs. Charioa Lobmayer of Lynd­ ily of Lyndhurst. held w ñ h red______andtrhite decorations. Birds Eye Whole Kernel Cut Com Hark to ita origin*! color. J. P. bath, coal supplied ...... 932. hurat ami M»sa Edna Forde of HOME—6 rooms and bath, gar­ Hsrry Grossman; sergeant at a raw, A large Vaisatins cake adorned the at 13c a box, which should hs\. Groenendyke. Phone Ruth. 2-1W6R Samuel Feldman. ' . . RuMierford. « Ladies Aid Socisty of the West­ c sn tsr o f th s tahls. been 23c a box. age; entirety redecorated $30. Memt>era of thia JtSoup and aev- CALL OLSEN for any iteration«, Many Other Attractive Rentals Mrs. Otto Greenwaid waa in­ minster Presbyterian Churdw will Gueets ware: Missss Lillian Brad-1 ------stalled as preeidenl of the Woman’s eral other interestsiT women a^siat- hold a silver tea at the church hall ley, E leanor Sadiock, G eorgette Car-1 Mr. and Mrs. E ugene RicaseU« «f building nr lepatrs. Best repuUtion. PETERS ed hi the collection of money at 218 Stuyveesnt Ave. Lyndhurat Auxiliary. Other 'fflcers placed were February 18. Mrs. Nils Hanaen and lotzl, Catherine MeKenaie, Elisabeth | 426 Milbum Avenue left Tue*da\ Old established builder in Lynd- the RiU Theatre laat week for the Mrs. Charle* Kirachner *re in ch*rge. hurst A. O lsrn. 134 Livingston Vice president, Mrs. Samuel Feld Macllravey, Catherine Sharp, Leah I for Florida to spend several week» Ave.. Lyndhurat. Phone Ruth. 2- FOR RENT—4 rooms and bath; ail m an; r e c o r d in g secretary, Mrs. Flor­ ence Stalloff; financial secretary. eis& j. Jmprovementa. Hot water and «team heat. -Rent reasonable. 211 Moun­ M/a. Samuel Brody; treasurer, Mra. CARPKNTKH .ml HLlLDfc*—Porch tain Way, Lyndhurat. 6 minutea 10 Walter GafTen; trustee for 3 years enclosure-. stoini windows, altera Kings.and Station. Ruth. 2-3236 W Mrs. David Goldberg; trustee for 2 tioRa. All kinda of repairing and 1-26-4 years, Mrs. Harry Schaeffer; trus­ BILL SAYS rarages. Stephen J. SugaiSugalski, 722 tee for 1 yaar, Mrs. Bertha Ehrtich. HC'S OFF Ten Eyck Are., Lyndhurat.I t . FOR RENT—Small room; newly de­ 2-4-4ti-p corated; in private family, 2321 HIS FEED. I**rk Avenue, Lyndhurat. Phone SEVEN DAYS WIYH- PETS p b i TALK ~ Ruth. 2-2698-R. M4-4U-P Joseph P.'Maher BOSTONS. COTKBRS, SPITZ, FOX. ■ ad Cross Breed Puppies $2. flip FOR RENT—4 room house, improve­ ment«. $20.00 month — 6 loom Appointed New OUT FOOD MAKES Tropical and Gold Fish Fall line houM>, im provem ents, $26. month. ol ••age», bird, fiah and dog «up Call Ruth. 2-1031 o r call at 266 E/ONE WEAK " plies. Special b gal. f.sh aquar fl Ridg«- Road, Lyndhurat. Recreation Head Lot ua lake care of your pets while you enjoy your vacation Free de­ FOR RENT—Furnished or unfur- In response t" the untiring efforta livery GEARY’S PET SHOP 4.TS nished room, suitable for 2 pedple; on the part of Commiasioner James j Broad Su, Newark. Near D. L- 4 also 2 car garage. 249 Fern Ave., A. Breslin to establish a sy tem of Lyndhurat. Ruth. 2-2461W "SMILE AND HUSTLE" w Sta» j r ^ recreation the W. P. A. Recreation ______1-W-4U-P Division has appointed Joseph P. PLUMBING and HEATIN«i—Repdir FOR RKNT—Two fumiahed rooms, Maher to the poeition of Superviaor work a apeeialt v No job too large of Recreation. one large front room ard one rear During the l*st summer a svstem or'toe amall J. LEHMANN. «22 room. Can be used for li^ht house* Pnrh WaT Lyndhurat, Phone keeping. Business people only. 321 of playgrounds wa* established, but Rtf*. I41MW Forest Av«., Lyndhurst. since then, recreation has alowed up [I l t t S t i - p due to the lack of facilities. With j | Specials Thursday, Feb. 11th to Wednesday, Feb. 17th Inclusive » v Mr. Mahcr’a appointment, however, FOR SALK -Slirhtly complete ' F(>R RCNT—» n o n a n u tin e n * there ia being planned through the Mroom »uite; like new; in e»cel- K,nl W2. ,nd |1s 0„ , „ j , | M. eo-operative efforts of Commissioner k»t condition Very rw«on.ble. , lrtf M m ),. Apply Samuel Click. Rreslin, a more wide-spread field HEAT D E P A R T M E N T 2? 6 if«11 m n Ridge Kod. -Lyndhurst, - "N. J. of recreational activities for both S3! Chase avenue. Lyndhurat. — . ._T.^ young srd old. Mr. Maher is a graduate o f the FOR REN T I Lyndhui>t High School and more re­ Thursday - Friday . Satardoy THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY cently was graduated from Trenton CREAMY FRE8H H O I'S EH PIANO TUNING — On my list era Teachers College where he was a 6 reema. beth, gsrage ----- *60 many fine Steinway Instruments. four letter athlete. € m o m s , hath. 2 c a r g a r a g e $46 Brbuilding ssH repairing. J. E. \ * y , |m i lk FED FOWL . . . Country Rod Butter .... lb 35* • room s, beth. 2 c a r garage •40. “The Plane DoctorN. Bellerllic t- GUARANTEED 6 ream «, b a th ...... $36. 3063. Lny*| Dance Orchestra. FLOORS ll-26-4tl-c Ethel Uebow Is Prime Rib Roast . . . Selected Eggs ...... dox 29c 6 roams, bath, garage $-»6 K> 25c W M . c u t . . ~- 6 rooms, hath, garage w VMBRRLI.AS REPAIRED \s rW done by factory experts lim­ t rooms, bath ...... Bride Sat. Of HOW MANY PACKAGES OF POULDS SPAGHETTI. 6 roam s, b ath , heat ...... $32*it w» brellas called for and delivered. Pflme Chuck Roost . . lb m NOODLES ar MACARONI IN OUR WINDOW Also attractive Rutfcerfnrd rentals Charges reasonable., prompt ser­ A. R HORF.NHF.N vice. PVnne or write M. J. Grinnan Spring Legs of Lamb . lb 234 EMPIRE I'MRRKLLA SERVICE GUESS? Realtors la« Priae—One Enamehd Cooler Set 231 fcu»»*MRl A*o. 1 «ndtiursi ’H <'**•*•■» St. Newark Miss Ethel Liebow, daughter of Country Sausage Links ft 2f< Phone Market 2-MIS 2nd Priae—6 packages Foulds N nod leu PH O N E R l'T H . 2 2017 Mr*. Ada Liebow of 440 Hasri street, 3rd Prias—3 packages Fould» Noodles liecame the bride of Michale J. Grin­ FOR RENT—4 room» and Hie hath IX)ST—by Lvndhurst school boy, pair Own Sausage Meat . . ft 2ff sise IS ether prizes nan of Newark, at a pretty cere­ Contea« End» February 17th hot weter. heat supplied, electric , * tTnfcH« mony Saturday afternoon at 6 Fpesh Bockwurst...... lb 29c refrigenatwr. also garage, all rooms Ijon No. 7*96 by Dr. rrankljn clock at the Sacred Heart Rom A Special Feature < . 3 pkgs 22c tight. $40 00 s month. Call mom-, »n«idc case. Phone Ruth. 2- Catholic Church here. Rev. Thomaa Lamb for S te w ...... 2 lbs 25* i^S. Ruth. 2-3*4». ^ ?.. . J McDermott, pastor the church, SUNSHINE performed the ceremony. The bride | as IT rv*«„ a a Charles and Cornelius of Lyndhurst Veal for S te w ...... lb 15a IvlrS. rora lnC8 At and n daughter Mm. Anna Emedes wa* given in m a r r ia g e by hei uncle ; Seda Crackers . . 3 boxes 10* W a l t e r H> insou NKKTI.KH ar SHKFKIKLI)*M A»e of 83 Saturday N Y Mrs. Charlotts Wolford, «ister a i y uM W Yoi> T*II!|> tar. h e h t c «ih n "k h h f.k k i n t o w n II the bride, waa matron of honor and i T -______yK HA™ IT______J Mr*. Margaret Ford. el*htv three ¡ Joseph Bren don was best man. Evaporated Milk . . . 3 £ 19* of 44» Riverside Avenue, Lyndhurst. ST. MATTHEW’S LCNCHEON Bridesmaid« were. Ruth Vivers and «•'ed Saturday a t the St. M ary'a Hoa- ; Violet Johnson and Thomas Holford Guldens Mustard bet 10* oitsi ■# dhoeh da* I* aa aeeidesA* A Itmchr \*,n i„ • • <-.i st st and (ierald Hosklnaon were ushers. ALL AROUND CRACRERS In whleh he suffered a broken hin Matthew’s Lutheran Church on Patricia Davia ar.d Janet Lobsa were when She fell • V ' :<-n A Vitrh Ih u rv U v K*->> lHth. st J2 ’Ml ...... flower »irla. CRAX pkg 14* -,k. ia M - ■ »»*♦... v. !... * n I ; >, Vf,. I. A .. f{t*^i| vril C U ks* ( M 11,1 ii.>* ill) Mrs. Helen ilyati. orga^iat of th c.| NORWKX.IAN tgrr In Hnh*han. '36 cents. < hurch, played the weddibg march and Mr*. P*rd ia surx-ived by two sons » « Mrs. Ida St. John of Clifton sang. \ LENTEN DINNER FOR FOI R ALL FOR Imported Sardines . The bride looked pretty is a gown | POLAND of white satin and a long tulle veil. Red Perch FiHet . . . lb M A She carried a prayer »»00k and g a r- Imported Sordines . ii denian aid lilliea of the valley. Yeung Berries . ... box n Q i* IV The maid of honor wore a yellow i 1 satin crepe gown with halo to match i Choc. Pecan Cakes . and carried an old faahioned bouquet f ^ o c o lli ...... box . y of hlua sweet pea«. The brideamaida Choc. Graham Cakes (H URCH ES 1 wore turquoise hhie satin11 crepe gow-s | ¿oms ...... T’pkg 35« T r u m m ' p with halo hats and carriedried bouquetshot ■ Sandwich Cookies . . I of yellow daffodils. ._ P o jss eoaaaJ i wat e w 6 1 The flower girls wore old faahion«Hl '■ Oysters pkg IS* ■ »w e ^s«lCI wO* I OT# METHODIST EPISCOPAL WB* MEMORIAL UNITED I ‘ gown« of Wue crepe and carried old *1 CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I faahiored bouquets S callops...... pkg SSc String B eans...... I- "ili-» mg a jeeddiagotrip Mr. an d ffl Garner fHay^oaent and Taotloe Avw. Miuyvas^nt Avenue «ear *. Jle> I Mrs. Irinnen will reaiule nt 440 H ate) il Asparagus Yips ...... pkg 35* R*v D«»oald E. W illiam s. P a ste r Rev. Jsm ss ri 1 Jttsli. D. D.. atreet, Lyndhurat Early June Peas . . . P%r»onar . *07 Teatine Avenue. Cauliflower...... pkg 21* HWRKTF.NKIi w INOWKETKNEII Pheae RuthaaM S-lftitJ «:46 AM. Sunday School, i l . On A.M. Morning Wneaaip. Grape Juice ..... 1 H KI sT1AN ~ariilM ârRB A M M Ï 7:0# P.M. Young People« Christian Post Office Closed Cut Green Beans...... pkg 19* ROOM — KRKK to (be PsblW Union w \Q |r9TilllT ^V eH To II Bytvaa St Ratberferd. N. J 1.00 I'M Intermediate ieuag Cut Wax B*ans...... pkg 19* A stW iari »in' Approv'd Lltoftiar* Lincoln’s Birthday Pineapple Juice ... an CHURCH OF OUR FATMEP j T he Lyndhurat Poet OR ire «rill be Raspberries...... pkg 23c CHRIS'!«an m IENCB rloeed on Lincoln s Birthday, Friday, Snappy Dag Faad .... . 2cans9* May be Reed. Rerr«««4 av Pevchtaatf UNITARIAN February 12, IW7. The lobby of the BBlueberries ipw frnfi •...... pkg 25* f i r s t cm R e n op o f f ic e WiU be o p e n fr o m 7:00 a.m. to C -é-a-raiaffrs o r r i ■ r chhibt stw n ir f Itw the traasacUon of JTI UW RCfTICS Yanks* Dag Faad . 3 cans 28* ______la Rather fard W J REV. HUBERT A WRIGHT lousiness and for the convenienc*-of Pg O rient W ar. R utberfetd I l«ox-holders. Morning W arsbtp 11 A.M. The moming deliveries will be Pure Grape Jam * far 15* Ìs«*-> o*«r. s ••SOUL** will be the subject of Uie WINES AND LIQUORS OUR FAVORITE TI» «Vea «'horre of Ciiria Mes 1 4*sson-Mermen in all Churchee of. Real Estate - Insurance MONOGRAM STRAIGHT RYE pi 69c tu« m «Mmi Mim Chi4str Scientist, on Sunday, Febru-1 S a k tv M moI al * ! • A M Phone Rllthcrlrwit I-TS1« OU> MCLOOV STRAIGHT (2 Ve«s Old) « Me •sndpg servirà- al t i • m awi «e M . Text la: •Tn.ly m, 411 L*k* *” "“»• Lvn.1hur.t N I OU) MCLOOV BLEND m Me Wu«as K«rarnl |dow.. n.)lKe. s»'r. Hr. h mg u me WUl mil t ... n I . I SaMlars as* - ORV WINES O .^ o $ l^0 fraai t «a ta f ae «'sa* Among the ritatione which com­ (O L I >6 MANHATTAN — BRONX - MARTINI prise the L«a«un - le rm es J a the foi* ‘“ •.JÎIÏP* °ï. »'assureWH. o y s t e r s c l a m s , .v i.r iu ain g from th e « ib is: M1 wUl bless OLD FASHIONED COCKTAS. 4-5 yumrt *1.7» HKRRIKC. FUSTAN HAIMXXK SMOKFP F u rr the Loid at all timss: his peniae f k v 'e r S I MA I I HI w v [ shall continually be in my ateuth. . . .. — .. . • ra t day LUTHERAN CHURCH The Urd re.ieem.th the «.„I .f T.WeU THl R»_ MM, »AT. ONLY ______| hi. Mrv.itU: .rid none of them tHat' No m Deopt Hr.d.rh. H * THIN !tklN Jl ICY NKMItsWKKT SATURDAY ONLY S . . C m r . MolWe. SM T«.«. M. rfi.ll I* dc.l.y * 2 S * M,r " ! 1 . MONDAY ONLY CrnAm. N. J. (IJjIm. 14 I. t»> Oranges dag 19* ’ rftey Ut m O An. Iiu Tr.»er, ft 1 .Tha Uw.n-S.nn.» .la. trelud..! r \uroRN i \ End Cuts Pork , T M m i f Ua, .¡5» TstUVMK »OUM Tram Oil Plumbing - Heating Fresh Chopped UK .nd 10:M » m e. The theme, ''rt.;;.,, Seienr. te.thook, “8clr.»re! Tinning - H i. (W o . a C w n .f TTiorn." i anil Health with Kay I. the Scrip C h o p s lb 19* Beef...... b 15* W«k**ay. Fe). IJ, *•*« (» L . ;» » ’ « T S r« M Kddy “Soul! te. herein. The .VKon. 'By the , mt'nhe m w rn with which to A. Mitchell & Son ,Cl«aa I Itiruka My Pride" mankind, ami h.pplneu would - ~3 aibi -y-T*------— *•*' mei* reodtly attained ard would' 242 LAKE AVE. • S’*“ THOMAS' EFI5COPAL I he more seeui«- in o sr keeping.. if LVNDHURST. N. I. LYNDHURST SUPPLY MARKET I CHURCH auupat ia fteui ILghn en>»yms«U - aloaa can astiafy the crsvings of RUth. 2-43M immortal man. We eanask cirrum- For Prootp* a efficient Service FDFF r>n IVPDV PHOME SUrMiBioeo ^»*rra| and Styreaaat Avea . atribe happmeaa within the limits of ‘VìfoifiniìS*! f i O o . HOAD * HUUIE FREE DELIVERY FH,°"E?UTr‘/:?6014'iD 44SI Pranklla G. Faber, restor I prraoetal aeaae The eeegss confer ae A f to c y For »>■«»t . — .— « irirp ■ n n a e j a f o r L esjo y meat** (p .. fli). \ t _ E te ctro iu n H I Ì T'W i a ins Ave K n á 2 14053