This list, based on research done in recent years, is the forerunner of a more detailed March list which will be available at a later date. We trust it will be of interest. 2020 (Records have not been verified.)


Slow worm Flea beetle Common toad Tumbling flower beetle European pond terrapin Click beetle Smooth newt Fruitworm beetle Grass snake Soldier beetle Common frog Soldier beetle Cumberland slider terrapin Soldier beetle Great crested newt Violet ground beetle Thistle tortoise beetle Green tortoise beetle ANTS chafer flea beetle Yellow meadow ant Sap beetle Black garden ant Green dock beetle Red ant Dor beetle Longhorn beetle Whirligig beetle BEES Rove beetle Longhorn beetle Chocolate mining bee Lily leaf beetle Ashy mining bee Malachite beetle Tawny bee Soldier beetle Early mining bee Click beetle Mining bee Burying beetle Western honey bee Devil's coach horse beetle Garden bumblebee Marsh beetle bumblebee Swollen-thighed beetle Red-tailed bumblebee Cereal leaf beetle White-tailed bumblebee Black clock beetle Common carder bee Ground beetle Early bumblebee Black ground beetle Four-coloured cuckoo bee Cardinal beetle Buff-tailed bumblebee leaf beetle Vestal cuckoo bumblebee Common red soldier beetle Yellow-faced bee Artichoke beetle Patchwork leafcutter bee Red mason bee Sweat bee

1 BIRDS BIRDS (cont'd)

Goshawk House martin Sparrowhawk Great spotted woodpecker Sedge warbler Lesser spotted woodpecker Common sandpiper Little egret Long-tailed tit Yellowhammer Mandarin Reed bunting Skylark Robin Red-legged partridge Peregrine falcon Shoveller Kestrel Teal Pied flycatcher Mallard Chaffinch Garganey Brambling Gadwall Coot Greylag goose Snipe Pink-footed goose Moorhen Meadow pipit Jay Pintail Oystercatcher Swift Swallow Grey heron Hobby Kingfisher Herring gull Pochard Common gull Tufted duck Lesser black-backed gull Waxwing Great black-backed gull Canada goose Black-headed gull Common buzzard Grasshopper warbler Lesser redpoll Crossbill Linnet Goosander Goldfinch Red kite Greenfinch Pied wagtail Common redpoll Grey wagtail Siskin Spotted flycatcher Treecreeper Curlew Hawfinch Whimbrel Rock dove (feral pigeon) Ruddy duck Stock dove Osprey Woodpigeon Coal tit Raven Great tit Carrion crow Willow tit Rook Marsh tit Jackdaw House sparrow Cuckoo Grey partridge Blue tit Chiffchaff Honey buzzard Yellow-browed warbler Cormorant Willow warbler 2 BIRDS (cont'd)

Pheasant Mute swan Magpie Green woodpecker Great crested grebe Dunnock Ring-necked parakeet Bullfinch BUGS (cont'd) Water rail Goldcrest Bug of the Miridae family (several kinds) Sand martin Black-and-red froghopper Stonechat Large pine aphid Woodcock Froghopper (several kinds) Nuthatch Dock bug Collared dove Lesser water boatman Tawny owl Marsh damsel bug Starling Sloe bug Blackcap Ground bug (several kinds) Garden warbler Parent bug Whitethroat shieldbug Little grebe Potato leafhopper Shelduck Woundwort shieldbug Redshank Water bug (different kinds) Wren European chinchbug Song thrush Birch catkin bug Redwing Cicada (several kinds) Blackbird Meadow plant bug Fieldfare Common green capsid Mistle thrush European tarnished plant bug Barn owl Rose aphid Lapwing Common damsel bug Small flower bug or pirate bug Green shield bug BUGS Forest bug Lace bug Hawthorn shield bug Spiked shieldbug Ground bug Psyllid (several kinds) Bishop's mitre Ground bug (Lygaeidae - several) Leafhopper (several kinds) Lacehopper Plant hopper (several kinds) Bronze shieldbug Cicada Black kneed capsid Flower bug or minute pirate bug Potato capsid (several kinds) Black bean aphid Waterlouse Alder spittlebug 3 BUTTERFLIES DRAGONFLIES/DAMSELFLIES (cont'd)

Brimstone Black-tailed skimmer (dragonfly) Comma Large red damselfly Common blue Black darter (dragonfly) Essex skipper Common darter (dragonfly) Gatekeeper Green-veined white Holly blue FERNS/MOSSES/LIVERWORTS Large skipper Large white Wall-rue Meadow brown Harts-tongue (fern) Orange tip Lady fern Painted lady Broad buckler-fern Peacock Male fern Red admiral Field horsetail Ringlet Marsh horsetail Small copper Common nipplewort Small heath Gypsywort Small skipper Northern beech fern Small tortoiseshell Common bracken Small white Lungwort Speckled wood Water figwort White-letter hairstreak Common figwort Common ragwort Field woundwort CRANE FLIES Hedge woundwort Bog stitchwort Crane fly (several kinds) Lesser stitchwort Long-bodied crane fly Greater stitchwort Short-palped crane fly Spotted crane fly Phantom crane fly FISH Giant crane fly Marsh crane fly Bream European crane fly Common carp Pike Perch DRAGONFLIES/DAMSELFLIES Roach Tench Southern hawker (dragonfly) Brown hawker (dragonfly) Beautiful demoiselle Azure damselfly Common blue damselfly Blue-tailed damselfly 4 FLOWERS FLOWERS (cont'd)

Yarrow Foxglove Garden monkshood Teasel Ground elder Northern willowherb Bugle Great willowherb Common water plantain Broad-leaved willowherb Garlic mustard Marsh willowherb Ramsons (wild garlic) Hoary willowherb Horseradish Broad-leaved helleborine Scarlet pimpernel Hemp agrimony Cow parsley Lesser celandine Fool's-water-cress Meadowsweet Columbine Wild strawberry Lesser burdock Fritillary Mugwort Common fumitory Italian lords-and-ladies Common snowdrop Lords-and-ladies Common hemp-nettle Black horehound Cleavers (goosegrass) Daisy Lady's bedstraw White bryony Cut-leaved cranesbill Summer lilac Shining cranesbill Hedge bindweed Dove's-foot cranesbill Large bindweed Hedgerow cranesbill Shepherd's purse Herb-robert Wavy bittercress Water avens Hairy bittercress Wood avens (herb Bennet) Cuckoo flower (lady's smock) Ground ivy Common knapweed Common ivy Field mouse-ear Common hogweed Common mouse-ear Leafy hogweed Rosebay willowherb Common bluebell Enchanter's nightshade Spanish bluebell Creeping thistle Hyacinth Spear thistle Tutsan Traveller's joy (old man's beard) Imperforate St John's-wort Danish scurvygrass Perforate St John's-wort Pignut Cat's ear Field bindweed Himalayan balsam Lily of the valley Yellow iris Smooth hawksbeard Field scabious Crocus cruciata Crosswort Sowbread Yellow archangel Cyclamen corni White deadnettle Common spotted orchid Spotted dead-nettle Southern early marsh orchid Red dead-nettle 5 FLOWERS (cont'd 1)

Yellow vetchling Celery-leaved buttercup Meadow vetchling Japanese knotweed Common duckweed Yellow rattle Ivy leaved duckweed Blackcurrant Autumn hawkbit Flowering currant Lesser hawkbit Creeping yellow cress Oxeye daisy Dog rose Common toadflax Bramble Honeysuckle Raspberry Birdsfoot trefoil Common sorrell Greater birdsfoot trefoil Clustered dock Honesty Golden dock Yellow loosestrife Broad-leaved dock Musk mallow Wood dock Common mallow Skullcap Pineapple mayweed Groundsel Black medick Red campion White melilot White campion Water mint Hedge mustard Dogs mercury Indian hedge mustard Monkey flower Bittersweet Wood forget-me-not Prickly sowthistle Field forget-me-not Smooth sowthistle Water forget-me-not Common chickweed Creeping forget-me-not Black bryony Daffodil Feverfew Red bartsia Dandelion Wild marjoram Fringe cup Common poppy Upright hedge parsley Green alkanet Goat's beard Amphibious bistort Lesser trefoil Water pepper Red clover Butterbur White clover Fox and cubs Scentless mayweed Ribwort plantain Coltsfoot Broad-leaved plantain Stinging nettle Knotgrass Common valerian Silverweed Brooklime Creeping cinquefoil Germander speedwell Cowslip Slender speedwell Self heal Ivy-leaved speedwell Meadow buttercup Wood speedwell Bulbous buttercup Field speedwell Creeping buttercup Thyme-leaved speedwell 6 FLOWERS (cont'd 2) GALL WASPS/GALL FLIES/ LEAF MINERS/APHIDS Tufted vetch Hairy tare Walnut leaf gall mite Common vetch Sycamore leaf gall mite Bush vetch Holm leaf gall mite Smooth tare Field maple leaf gall mite Early dog violet Sycamore felt gall mite Common dog violet Alder leaf miner Artichoke gall wasp Oak marble gall wasp FUNGI Oak knopper gall wasp Alder leaf miner Oak barkspot Male fern gall fly Field mushroom Woundwort leaf miner Purple jellydisc leaf miner Jelly ear Ash leaf vein gall (fungus) Lemon disco fungus Nettle leaf gall midge Small stagshorn Dog rose leaf miner Blushing bracket Elder leaf gall mite King Alfred's cakes Alder vein gall mite Dog vomit slime mould Alder gall mite Earthstar fungus Blackthorn leaf gall mite Southern bracket leaf gall mite Chicken of the woods Lime gall mite Stump puffball Alder leaf miner Fairy ring champignon Beech leaf gall fly Ramsons Rust Willow gall midge Poplar rust fungus Goat willow gall midge Dog stinkhorn White poplar leaf miner Coral spot Apple leaf miner Wrinkled crust Mugwort aphid Oyster mushroom Oak oyster gall wasp Winter polypore Silk button gall wasp A fungus (gall-forming) Oak gall wasp Tar spot fungus Hazel leaf miner Scarlet elfcup fungus Dock leaf miner Hairy curtain crust Hawthorn leaf gall mite Redlead roundhead Hazel leaf miner Candlesnuff fungus (stagshorn) Alder leaf miner Himalayan balsam leaf miner Dogwood leaf miner Hogweed leaf miner Holly leaf gall fly Hogweed leaf miner Creeping buttercup leaf miner 7 GALL WASPS/GALL FLIES/ GRASSES/SEDGES (cont'd) LEAF MINERS/APHIDS (cont'd) Tall fescue Butterbur leaf miner Giant fescue Lime leaf edge gall mite Reedmace Leaf gall fungus (on umbellifers) Ash leaf gall psyllid GRASSHOPPERS/CRICKETS

GRASSES/SEDGES Oak bush-cricket Common green grasshoper Common bent Micro water cricket Meadow foxtail Sweet-vernal False oat HOVERFLIES False brome Soft brome Snouted duckfly Smooth brome Gossamer hoverfly Barren brome Buttercup cheilosia Hairy sedge Hogweed cheilosia Pendulous sedge Parsley cheilosia Remote sedge New buttercup cheilosia Bottle sedge Dimorphic bear hoverfly Crested dogstail Marmalade fly Hairy sedge Plain-faced dronefly Cocksfoot Furry dronefly Tufted hair grass Tapered dronefly Wavy hair grass Common dronefly Common couch Migrant hoverfly Meadow fescue Sap-run hoverfly Red fescue Marsh tiger hoverfly Small sweet grass Tiger hoverfly Floating sweet grass Large tiger hoverfly Reed sweet grass Blotch-winged hoverfly Yorkshire fog Chequered hoverfly Creeping soft grass Narcissus bulb fly Wall barley Greater bulb fly Jointed rush White-footed hoverfly Soft rush Common snout hoverfly Hard rush White clubbed hoverfly Perennial rye Long hoverfly Field woodrush Thick-legged hoverfly Reed canary grass Humming syrphus Timothy grass Glass-winged syrphus Annual meadow grass Great pied hoverfly Smooth meadow grass Superb ant-hill hoverfly Rough meadow grass 8 LADYBIRDS MAMMALS (cont'd)

Two-spot ladybird Brown long-eared bat Ten-spotted ladybird Daubenton's bat Adonis ladybird Whiskered bat ladybird Noctule bat Cream spot ladybird Common pipistrelle bat Kidney spot ladybird Soprano pipistrelle bat A type of inconspicuous ladybird Seven-spot ladybird Pine ladybird Orange ladybird MAYFLIES/CADDISFLIES/LACEWINGS Harlequin ladybird Fourteen-spot ladybird Mayfly x 3 kinds Twentytwo-spot ladybird Lacewing x 2 kinds Twentyfour-spot ladybird Caddisfly x 2 kinds Sixteen-spot ladybird

MOTHS LICHENS Magpie Oakmoss Spectacle Common greenshield Dark spectacle Rim lichen Maple button Chewing gum lichen Garden rose tortricid moth Shield lichen Poplar grey Rosette lichen Common orange lichen Knot grass moth Dark dagger Green longhorn MAMMALS Common yellow conch Scarce umber Wood mouse Dotted border Water vole Elbow stripe grass veneer Bank vole Straw grass veneer Short-tailed vole (field vole) Common grass veneer Comon shrew Brick Brown rat Brown spot Hedgehog Red line quaker Otter Beaded Badger Yellow line quaker Weasel Heart & club Rabbit Lunar underwing Grey squirrel Shuttle shaped dart Mole Green brindled crescent Fox Svensson's copper underwing 9 (cont'd 1) Inlaid grass veneer Scalloped oak Small magpie Chamomile shark Common roller Maiden's blush Twin spotted quaker Pea moth Common nettle-tap Elephant hawk moth Shoulder stripe Parsnip moth Streamer Burnished brass Grey chi Barred chestnut Clouded-bordered brindle Ingrailed clay Dark arches Small square spot Double lobed Figure of eight Dusky brocade Red-barred tortrix Rustic shoulder knot Pebble hook-tip Lilac beauty Brindled green Timothy tortrix Pale water veneer Orange underwing Common oak purple Variegated golden tortrix Common marbled carpet Garden tiger Small phoenix Golden argent Small engrailed Silver Y moth Buff footman Beautiful golden Y Dingy footman Peppered moth Common footman Sprawler Broken-barred carpet moth Minor shoulder-knot Plume moth Marbled beauty Bordered marble Common wave White-shouldered house moth Common white wave Canary-shoulderd thorn Mother Shipton September thorn Light emerald Dusky thorn Yellow shell August thorn Mottled rustic Triple-blotched bell Small china mark Small birch bell Red underwing Nut bud moth Common marble Light brown apple moth Red-green carpet Common carpet V-pug Autumnal moth Garden grass veneer November moth Chinese character Mottled umber Chocolate tip Dingy shell Clover case-bearer Burnet companion Dark thistle case-bearer Ground moss grey Green carpet Phoenix Feathered thorn Barred straw Purple bar Small dusty wave Grass moth Common swift 10 MOTHS (cont'd 2) Water carpet Poplar hawk moth Dun-bar Red piercer Wormwood pug White satin Currant pug Clouded silver Lime speck pug Clouded border Mottled pug Clouded silver Tawny speckled pug Flounced rustic Foxglove pug Blackneck Grey pug Hummingbird hawk moth Bordered pug Cabbage moth White spotted pug Common footman Common pug Dot moth Small angle shades Waved umber Marbled conch Lesser common rustic Yellow tail Common rustic Drinker Cloaked minor Garden dart Rosy minor White line dart Plain gold Poplar kitten Common mompha Sallow kitten Garden mompha Lappet Old lady or black underwing Shoulder striped wainscot Cocksfoot moth Brown line bright eye Double striped pug Smokey wainscot Buff arches Common wainscot Nutmeg Sandy longhorn Broad barred white Small barred longhorn Orange crest Lesser yellow underwing Common emerald Least yellow underwing Common swift Lesser broad-shouldered yellow underwing Orange swift Large yellow underwing Small fan foot Least black arches Fan foot Short cloaked moth Brown house moth Bulrush wainscot Uncertain Iron prominent Rosy rustic Summer rose bell Barred red Common lute string Snout Flame shoulder Great oak beauty Chimney sweeper Gold triangle Middle barred minor Rib and wave Tawny marbled minor Small fan-footed wave Marbled minor Single dotted wave Bright line brow eye Small scallop Early thorn Dwarf cream wave Lunar hornet moth 11 MOTHS (cont'd 3) White ermine Buff ermine Winter moth Water ermine Brimstone moth Alder signal Gem Plume Common quaker Bagworm moth Small quaker Figure of eighty Hebrew character Straw underwing Powdered quaker Grey pine carpet Clouded drab Feathered gothic Twin spotted quaker Peach blossom Swallow-tailed moth Barred sallow Small yellow underwing Blood vein Mother of pearl Leaf roller Dark spinach Pale eggar Willow beauty Orange swift Rivulet Tissue Small rivulet Cinnabar moth Sandy carpet Pale straw pearl Lesser swallow prominent Dusky lemon sallow Swallow prominent Sallow Dark umber Pink barred sallow Angle shades Flame carpet Small dotted buff Dark-barred twin spot carpet Ruby tiger Garden carpet Nut leaf blister Silver ground carpet Small alder midget Red twin spot carpet Scorched wing Dotted clay Barred umber Setaceous Hebrew character Mother of pearl Six-striped rustic Diamond-back moth Double square spot December moth Square spot rustic White plume moth Early grey Pale prominent Bird cherry ermine Coxcomb prominent Willow ermine Snout moth Wood smudge Mint moth Brown ash ermine Large wainscot Narrow-bordered 5 spot burnet Vestal hawk moth Straw dot Brown rustic Herald Large grey Small blood vein Shaded broadbar July belle 12 OCTOPODS/MISC FLIES (cont'd)

Water hoglouse Muscid fly Blunt-tailed snake millipede Cluster fly Common earwig Goat willow sawfly Freshwater shrimp Moth fly Common pond skater Common flesh fly Centipede Dung fly Brown centipede Fungus gnat Common shiny woodlouse Bee fly Mud hopper Common striped woodlouse Common rough woodlouse SLUGS/SNAILS White-legged snake millipede Springtail (several kinds) Copse snail Large black slug Garden slug FLIES Brown-lipped snail White-lipped banded snail Picture wing (several kinds) Dark-lipped banded snail Alder fly Netted slug Murky-legged black legionnaire Rounded snail Common orange legionnaire Wandering snail St Mark's fly Pond snail Bluebottle Kentish snail Non-biting midge Snail (several kinds) Buzzer midge Snipe fly Conopid fly SPIDERS/HARVESTMEN Feverfly Robber fly (several kinds) Common fox spider Sawfly (several kinds) Black-lace weaver Barkfly (several kinds European garden spider Alder sawfly Cucumber green Fly (several kinds) Money spider (several kinds) Notch-horned cleg Common sac spider House fly Sac spider Slender striped robber fly Crab spider (several kinds) Willow fly Harvestman (several kinds) Greenbottle Comb-footed spider Face fly Pirate spider Ensign fly Orb weaver Scorpion fly (several kinds) Mesh web spider Oak sawfly Harvestman Moth fly Money spider


Orb spider (several kinds) Longjawed orb weaver Wolf spider (several kinds) Nursery web spider


Tree wasp Digger wasp Parasitic wasp (several kinds) Field digger wasp Spider wasp Red wasp Common wasp


Seed shrimp Water flea Common backswimmer


Weevils (several kinds) Apple fruit weevil Pea leaf weevil


Earthworm (several kinds) True worm Redworm Freshwater leech Leech